Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, June 16, 1813, Image 1

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* Yi. V.) ATHENS, GiQKWAi publishii> *v ALEXANDER M'DONNBi.L, PROPOSE fA A#/ fnhljhing a iW.f Paper in the i own of IVar renter*. Gea t to be emit led the i’ARMEK'o FRIEND. *ticaf'd if Religion, Liberty & Lav?* ENCOURAGED by numerous tbh< stations, the advantages inci dent to rhe local fituation ©f War rfiiKc.n, aot among the leafc of which art its growing improvement and hr number ct mails [fix] which arrive weekly, confequeotly the fa cility of circulation, the underfign c© refpe&fuHf e'fFer the rolfowtrg propofols c© the patronage cf their kiiov-rrizens. TLedtfign of the h r.o render trie Farmer’s Friend hv ufetui and intcil gent as Cit'f w.p*ciry and exertions will pt if:.ocv-rmt, The publication wdi t i& arrangrd as tc> make a bandiome volume at the end of the year, accompanied by art in dex gratis, and convey to tbefub fcn&ers North *tvi Weft of War reoton the nfvs brought by the Northern [ft'ge'j mail — and to thofe of the Tali sod South wha e ver important irtell-genre may be received from our Sbnr.h-Wel.tern frontier, via Mdledg*'% and thus completely pc flkfs ail tne advanta ges than could be derived from tak ing both the AuguiU &c Miileage ride papers. As to the political -chara&ef of the Farmer’s Friend fomc may be anxious t© be informed. fne lead ing political tenets of the ie.nior edi tor arc well known.—But events have tranlpireti e mbracing the vital inrerefts or the country fi ice he re nted from the management of the Gcorg/a A gtr i ir may rot, there fore* be improper to ftate explicit ly the of conduct intended t© be purfued under the o r eFnt eftfo* Mlmient. ;hf editors p. ide them feiye-< on betr*© Derater.atjc Repub lican Feder&ftfis. They ar* De mocrats—-beoaufe t.h*y th nk the people ought to be; the ioveretgn power in tiie ftat-e. Republican— becaufe thev wrfh that power to be exercifcd by representatives freely and fairly cnoftn. Frder.ftifts—be came they defile the union of thcle flares to be more dur? !e than brais or rhe Py/amids of Egypt. They wifh to be underftood, they ar-. no friends to a mabaciacy——the r maxim is i( Hail [acred p dif by freedom reared, Hail /acred tree Lai ivbcu by laws re - Jirai>ed.‘ * Th- editors approve the leading meafures or uic J*ffcrfo and Mad ifon admmiftrations; and conceive the preieac war though they deplore its neceffity, to be juft and neccfla* rv, and are determined, as far as in their power lies, to inculcate a fpi rit of union among the people, that the individual energies of the nation may be called forth in fupportof our violated rights and national in dependence. DENNIS L. RYAN. PATRICK L. ROBINSON. CONDITIONS. i. The Farmer’s Friend will be publifhed weekly on a Iheet of the fatas fizt of the Augufta G LuRGIA h. XPRESS. 41 MAN r SHrALfc HOW TO AttD FXQ, A*D fcWOWLaOQB 2KAL& £ IN C JtBA J2JS.” Chronicle, and delivered to town fubferibers ac their places of a b:de. The papers of country fubferibers will be forwarded by fuch conveyance as may be di rected i or remain in office until called for. The papers of diftant fubferibers will be forwarded by mad, and every attention will be paid to render their tranTmiflion fpitdy and regular. 2. The annual Jubfcription will be three dollars—~to be paid half yearly—one dollar tod fifty cents on the receipt of the fi-ft paper— the balance ar. the expiration of fix months j or a note for four dollars, on the receipt of the ft; ft paper, payable at the fed of the year. No fubfeription will be re eived for a Ids term than jr-ar, 3. AdvertiFme.its will be iaferted at the cuftomaty rates. The money rouft accompany adver tife (Rents unlefs from public offi cers, or feme prfon in town will become refponfible. fcjp The/rft number of the FAR MER'S FRIEND will appear as foon as there are fubferibers fajficisnt to warrant the undertaking. Subfchptions are received by moft or the ?oft Mafters in the ft ate. Thofe printers difpofcci to encourage rhe eftabhihment are re queued to give the foregoing a few ioferdess. Natchez, Mav. 16. A letter from which the following in - tsrcflmg txirafi is teksn, vdas fe ed ved here on fVedrufday lafl'dt ten o'clock at night, by ex profs from dJatchideches . Nai-Ch; laches, May 3. I.sft even'eg arrived Mr Robets dirtdi from St. Antonio, bearer of the gkrous r.e r s uat St. Antonio is ia pcftT fficn of the Americans On tne l?ft day of March a general battle r/a fought which decided the fait of the province. The two ar mies advanced within piftol ihoe, arid formed a handfome order—be ing about 1200 ftrong fit for duty or each fide. The aftloa latled a bout. an hour before the enemy gave way. Their cannon was taken a mounti>g to fix brafs pieces with all their ammunition at the point of the bayonet. Generals Salcedo and Harrarg commanded in prfti# asd foi gbe bravely, with many ci ther Spaniftr cfficers ; but were for ced to retreat rot being able t© ftand the fuperior fk ll and rortitucie of the Americans. The lofs in killed and fuch as have died of thor wounds Race the z&fo r, is upwards of oas hundred men. fhe Engage ment took place 8 miles from St. Antonio tt which place rhey ft?d, clofely purfued, and were obliged to fufrender prifonefs of war on ac ift cay of April. Too much prt:f cannot be given to col, Kemper, Major R fti Perry and all Che Ame rican officers, who fought like he roes. Dr. Forfyth diftingUilhed himfeif in the battle and could hard ly be prevailed upon to drefs a woaod while the adtion lifted.— Capt. Luckc.t was a Caefar in fight —ail did their duty—Mijor Rof* fought about 15 minutes with a Spam lb Colonel, after they had dif charged their piltols, they fought with chcii fwords—Rofc killed him and Scattered all before him, where ver he i#de. T here were only five Aouiicans and two Spaniards kill ed, of the Patriots ; fern fevrral wounded. They have taken a large quantity of armc and ammur.ition, clothing and military ftores, an ac quifition much wanted. Now, mv dear friends, could a veil be drawn over what iw yet un told, I fed happy but cruel to relate, After Dun Salcedo, Har rara and twelve ©fhm, prifontrs for j davs, le'ir rhe n as was reported to La Sahia, fur ink keeping, under a guard 0/ 75 meo, and 8 miles from St. Antonio, cut ail their throats by an order from Bcrnando , unknown to any of the Americans wno fent the next day to have th?m buried. I Ihudder at the horrid aifaftination f yet glory in the v>(ftory. This af fair opens a door for General Tale do who feeds his refpedt to you from Naeogdoche* j berg tn his way to join ti e army. Richmond, fure 26 DESTRUCTION of H/tMPIQN. We have juft received the dif tneffing intelligence that Hampton is in aftes, aau that the brave Cor bin, with a part if nut the ■Syhek of ihtr imall patriotic band lincer als comnpund,’ have fealto their devutioft to ihtir country, by dying ar and ‘.ir pofts Our Hamp tcu coirefpendcnr, cur brother, was among them, laid to be killed or tskin. We hope he has done his duty. Thu is 00 time for puvate grief. Let him who has ftciiigs ietl fur his coumry. The tneeny rag yefterday at Hampton, ro-day may be *t Rich mond. As happefted when the Bri cifts furprtfed us here during the re volutionary war, the next expreis may fay to u The Briiifh I ght horfe are dole behind me—they will foon be here”—and they were 10. Thofe who had means to f --cape, Vaw from Shockoe, their pur fuera on Cliurch Hill. Let ut pre pare to meet them there, or where ver they dare to meet u*. That we ffiall Icon have to meet them iome where is evident. To exptift the werft, and inftant jy to prepare for it, is wifdom—an •ppcfitc courle, folly—infatuation—• mad nets. The folicwing letter was brought by ttorch to the Executive, this morning at oat o’clock s SIR, Scott has this moiiDfnt ar rived from York. He informs me that an exprefsßad arrived there a fer.ut one o’clock to-day with the dreadful aad melancholy nev.s of the capture of EJampton. T his re press was fent by Col. Howard to a i efficcr of the 15th regiment, or dering him to repair 10 the Half way-Hcule, between Hampton and York, as Hamptox had been taken peflVffi#n of by the enemy. 1 fbail order my legiment out immtd’ate ly the greater portion to rendezvous at Wiliiartilb jrg, the balance at FRIDAY, JULY it, 3*13. York. Inhaft-?, fcc. Wm. WALKER, Com 6itb Regt. V. Af. H s Exc. Gov. Barbour. In addition to the above, it is da ted by the exprtfs, wha is appa rently a man of worth and credit, that the attack on Hampton was made by water yefterday (Friday) at four o’clock, A. M. that by his rockets the enemy fired the town before he effected his landing, and that the a£Lon lafted four hours be fore the milids retreated. Major Carbaia and Adjutant Anderfon ar faid to be among the flxin. The enemy ha 4 iome cavalry. FI or folk, June 28. About day break the enemy was difeovered with their barges pulling t j fliore about two and an half miles above Crany Jfland—abouc 400 ef faced their landing without any ap portion or lois, there being no force tc oppofe them, and being out of reach of the artillery on Crany Ifl and—but another detachment whic h pulled dirc&iy for Crany IflanJ met With a ci ; lTf!rent reception. The batteries were manned with the troops Rationed on the Jfland, and a detachment of Fa men commanded by the officers of the Confteliaeion, who opened a heavy fire that com pclFd the enemy to retreat with great lefs. Three barges were funk —one was taken with r 8 men on beard, belonging to a foreign regi ment. Our cfficers, foldiers, Fa men and maritas exhibited the ut moft coolhefs and entbufiafm. The number of troops including marines for landing, are faid to be about 3000 —thole already landed frema jooo to 1200. This we give ts report. — Ledger, Millcdgeville, June 7. We have picafure in Fating that Grn. Wiikinfon fofely arrived in place, yefterday evening, on his way to the Head-Quartets of the N. Army. It will be recoJF&ed that fears were entertained for his fafety, owing to the hoftile difpofition maniftiled by the warringTndians in the Creek Nation, thro* which he patted ; but we underftand hit pattage was entirely uninterrupted. Tumult and commotion rage in the nation —;he difaftefted Indians ’nave the afctodarcy, and the adherents of the Big Warrior are clofoiy be- Ft. The property of A. Ccrneis, v/s underftand has been deftroyed and his family taken prifonere.— * Coi. Hawkins is exptOctd here to aiorrow-~has culpable fupinenefs or fordid intertft induced him to prr jm craftinste * redo fit ion for aftjft ance ? Had a timely rtquefr for aid beeo folicired, trarroftity would have been reftored to tke nattoa Jong ere this—and thufe s/ha have enforced our Jaw*,’ and ;he l/.jr* of juftice, would not no xhave rj dread the impendingdcf.'udtion which ap pears to hove/ over the7,l. Some fpeedy and efficient msufiores muft now be adopted to ftop the dcftruc tive career of t;.e warring party, or the frontier Fttiements of Georgia will add another lift to the catalogue of lavage mattacre and dcfofocio^ (No. 258.