Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, June 23, 1813, Image 1

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toL.'-y.) ilHk'i ~ georcia: public:'j*s y AkKXANDEft M'DONNELL. TU f. C t'N P >Ai )!C;: Atk CN ft* /• NEY BLAND &'C. t .1 i A.- ; ’ O-rrHaondtencc. 1 Xerfe’k* Jkhe 25, 1.813. ; wa*- b’ <fUs - or during the e • p, <rf i >"‘i’ X the boars with Hie cr •’* {r'ga-t* on >he 20i;h info. : •■■ •- si; t •;• •?> and the feme was i.-ful ah A fabfirne beyond ie fcnpfton. The frig.?*’? **s for fomt tim- liienc'S. rro fir ed a gun to Ve’Vs&rd. 2* a foguai of nferefs, but -h td * w-.s ebb, and b*■ fliuning her cab'** and <dbnpoi"g Hewn, ;he other frigaresfafdhd by 5 > ’ f b: j -’■l. h f pa, gbp at • i t yr rr bVfM-’gbt Up t.Q , by HkH <ilc?n fir? * •;,,t liv •I, (- - a*; f ars Wre m rr'Hamrd a: ,t’g> uoq.:, by. Americans !•..•:• h&. iafc{v rv4-- pp boatr,. No>.u: bd;>"'yr’- Av,j ‘-It IT r..* brave tar-; the ia good prd -r to their or Tor! anrbftirpp, with the. kfsof ftn*- m: ?•.it?fteTs, it appears that dV- ? “jf.v-n leCTnbout -one hun dred >?d fifty, men* killed fe wound ed. - r | ‘j-e raptain fell the fecono Jfi/fi I'hws has proved beyond a d'-'ibt the the go: 1 coat fv f...u", and h?s eIJ ngt and the ep : r*l - .f. a: v he.i; tiheu rate pppo * fr rr.,- C • tL .Jr-, the atta* k on Oa >o. C, T n. as nrfeie at an ‘-arly* C< w - - >i,t m ..he - o’ ‘>c or ak on the sW K-rcuiux ;fct j; I htd igffyi irloraed my^o ? ‘i'lt-src for the pur poln’ oT phic ‘f oi v and to cisp imotirare *"ith “a£ciwfcy, v which •.‘erhd t a*i the of-j/cl v?as ‘tf private" 1 public ~ At the ro-utf;nt ar/ivaj <an the beach, tbt ha’ to tk p ni)uo?f of fifty or fivitro *n fob view before ‘he iH r ;-d, rhe lTi ips l -iyk gof Ne w port Ne -v? ; hkan and cr.n'dcTs going in all dh r the 24. p-.unden froai the dl h.d* tb.en piay o g efi the - a few mnti es r'joierr ct* wss hta ; d ; a barge was ;dcii rp7*.d ; the boars haired j a land t- v ‘ ■ rhir obce cculd *ot tn bk/~ and they went h g ‘ up, and 1 ncAl an the main. X nev ihes r;■ arched down in the rear of rh# ’ ?fl ip.-S svithm about three-hundred tvh;ci of-kr j r,o:hi;g but a narrow -fh r;Af wa>er, abau: i ‘e deep, di vtd* and the aiTi lißff • ‘••••i'u -;ur troops. Xii’dtr co'-!T *d buflus and a fmall heude t! ;t s K’.'de lib and corrt* rtien"cd >hrov*’rt rot ktis; which ire ~o n.biecfsF b invention; they do net carry in their fl ght as IT' 1 sen terror as once attuched to the ri ?r;r—:he cannon from our troop* produced ci their opponeats diJFe r nt krliags; the fecond fhot car red away the greater part of the haufe, ad ab*ut one o’clock the enf*y retreated in great confufion ta their iioata. At three o’clock they returned again and landed, tear the lame place; the refuit of this fkirmilh was mere glorious than the firft; barge deftroyed anc an eligiut r > between fifty a'd fixty fret i g ad mi r a Cue kburn’s She received a fhot under the quarter, which went through {i £QRGIA EX-PR ESS. “MATY JHi LI. BUM TO ARS> PS.O, A!*J K-NOWLG£ SMALL B 5 ”K CRSA33B.” the ftern fhu s anu have kii'- fd or won icud is* dicers; the b rat filled, and was abandoned by her .-few'. A a ck’gaat-laced cloak, cocked egiuiettcs, &c. w'ere found in her, and hopes are enter that Ccckburu, alian fuouie burn < , -.s he is called here) ai r ’l-d In her. The troops were rou'ed Ir great confufion, arsd took re their boits, ki ting various itn p!em?ots of war, camp, kettles, calves, fheep, bogs, Ire. which they, h2d ftolep, and had been p? pared for caokerg. It is the opinion of al] our troops, who Joiicited to porft?? thrir, that the whole which could not ha”* reached their boats, would have b en taker; ; tsut from prudential m X-they were je ftralned.* A captain, lieutenant and’ federal men,.have bceu found buri ed in an orchard. The filled, wound'd t pr’l<iners, and dclmers, it is i uppokd, emeu*f ly nearly two Hunrlrei. It is a glorious vi<slory ?n'-ffr£f 3 it hr.a ptoven the difpo- Tcon of their men to defert, and it hr* proved to ’ our men, that with any thf g like equal numbers, they are cen*m of vk.fhry. las wiifi f,me troops at -he time, and never faw fo much nax'eiy in every fa e, t, and fi’ppH.'a;ion to be allowed to jh their brother foidiers at the The p r ifq,ntrs k?, th.u Cos Vmrn had • fire p-Jitmus carh Hired, one ’ undred fr ’ the frigate and one hundred fur tic town, neTides three days p’illagfff, ?rd other iadueeimeprs • -hi-'h I Will not -name ! . W’ .4 an rxecrahie wre t ch 1 M > and ■ übts xift if hi fbould be taken, *but he wili ku burnt. Nothing, noc even afscial_ authority, I think ccr.Cd fave hi-s’ (rvm the indig.nafion of cur enrag ed populace. W hat di /grace 10 the Britifli d?Uoq, if the e X their critaes has not precluded the pofilbility of adding another fta,in ! the conduct of our troops at York be contrafied vdicn ail private property, and furely the Prince Regent wiii blulh for hi* *mnions, ard difrard them from his fervice. To hgkt with fa h morfters in honofabie warfare, is no: dcii.g jufiicjtc* our lefves. To fiidrten the wsr cud .?*r* the rffuficr, of blood, let Congrcfs pak fuch a ! as w* (! think) once recommended by Mrf-fj.ies. Let all public *pd private enemy’s vef- Td:, brought i/i by their crews, be ad]udged lawful prize, and the pro ceeds divided arrfbeg them. Let five thcafand copies of this law be diftributed am >*% American priva teers, and they will toon be circu lated arrorg the emrsy. It fuch a law wa? new h force, no doubt ex ifls, from accouots, but the fhips in H-mptoi Roaos would focn wear Amer’ an colors. Let them alfo pa! another law, to prohibit the exportation of provifions. Few if any but feigners *nd are conceroef? in tnis trad'-, and there is rcafon to believe that when the Ihips (ur.d^ r pretence cf going ; to Lib n or Cadiz) get to lea that they are ordered by the Rntifh to v v #■; ; v . .$£ • and fIF-*ren f ifiand* in the Wdl Indies. iW’vfi a plea of tl is fcr, the fhip* by rc r l."*u\£ u tSs a prtteji vsould Lt* cot'.filtered as exonerated. PAR riCU LARS IROM HAMPTON - . # *** mt * om * Detail #/ tbs gttsck *h Htmpltn, ok the marnini of the *25 tb injt. as tmmunicuted by Majar CrutcbjieU) in 4 irttbr of that date : -“ At little after five o’clock, the enemy commenced a fire of round and rocket foots from their tenders and barges in the river and creek eppofoe to Hampton, and very fhortly after ward* by nine hundred treopj in cur rrar. Thrir attack fro the .water direction, which was krpt iip incefoinfly, \*as repelled by our batterki under the c Tiinaad of cape. B. W. Pryor, in wonhy of veirran treops. Upon tk atta> k (rasa the land fi if, I proceeded wich (he infaotry com panics r* she road, in order mrfi tlf.dlualSy to ccumteraifi the defigns of the enemy in that quarter, but had not gained the ddired point of drftinatioo before the m.ufkets of the toe afouled our troops from a fkirt of woods, near whtxe the Ri fLmen, under Capt. R. Servant, had bests placed, and who for ionic confiderable timr, vvith much cool nds, and w doubt excellent eff. (51, k"-pr t h •* in check.. F:.wiSi ur ! v se of ‘natch in column, through a fidd where ire 4' r o attacked- I im mediately fotrucdf a litre aud xjv an ced by quick, tune towards the wovjs, where the invaders had forme:. We had nr proceeded f r it; this l ee before die enemy 0- pened a heavy and continivd fire of g Ape aud pchfr fo-nt upo i us.- The view of the enemy's troops which! isuvrtook, rendered it ne ccfTary u our p<ac cj farm again in columns and endeavor to gam the wood, now* within <sne or two hua d;ed yards. In endeavor!ngto ob ta n Inch a pefitien, our troops were nereiiarily, for a fhert time, ex po Jed to the fire of the enemy.”— *M ]or Crutchfield then tmntioas in very high terms, the conduct of Cvpt. Shields and hi* company 3 and concludes ‘iy obferving that the enerßy, purfuing the reft of our troops with rapidity nd fuccefs, a retreat took place. This difpatch was written at the Half Way Houle =—from whence our army proceeded to York. Maj. Cor ban was wound ed in the artu and leg, at the head of his column— Capt. Pryo% tor whofe fafety Crutchfield cx prefod great apprehenfions, efrer handiirg the enemy mo ft feverely at the batteries, fpiked their own ennoop, fwsm acrols the creek and retreating in the rear of the enemy, arrived in our camp with the moft of hi* brave men. A fircumflance is Hated, which developes the murder; us and bar barous difpofiuion of the enemy.— A-.Mr. Kilby, near Hampton wa* dying in his hauls in the arms cf his wife, when the Britiffi troops approached, and one cf their, co Tv pulled out his ptlloi, foot poor X :1- y and the bail iodgrtl in the hip f FRIDAY. JULY 23, 1813. h s wife. t( Esreft no quarter,*’ fa’.d an officer t# his friend in Rich mond. ATTACK ON OSWEGO. Extratl fa letter to a gentlemen in elated Sackett s Harbor , June 21. • This day an exprefs arrived from Qfwego with information, that yes terday morning rhe enemy’s fquaeh ton appeared off that place, and previous to his leaving, which was at 5 o’cleek in the afternoon, the/ made three attempts to land, but on dilcovering our force they each rime returned to the fquadren.— Wnen the exprefs left,, the fquad roi mandevring cfFthe har bor, and it was generally believed that they would make another at tempt. On Monday iaft joo in fantry, under command of JVJ.'jor Carr, left this place and arrived at Ofwego on Wedncfdsy ; the ex press lavs that there were abcut too militia at that place and ail in fine fpiriiio” % Geneva, June 23. On Thurfday lait the British fi :et on Ontario made its appear ance off Pultneyville, caufiag the inhabitants much alarm ; and from whence, without flopping, thee fhrped their courfe towards Sodus, where w&s florcd about 1500 bar rt !s of provifioaa, for the fafety of which fears were entertained. CoL Swift’s regiment was ordered, on duty. They affemtied with alae rity and removed from the village about I*oo bb!s. U. S. prope.ty j the fleet not appearing, the alarm fubfiied and tht regiment wax dif miffrd. The ref-due of the pro perty belonging to individuals was not removed, they being under no> fvai & for its fafety, On Sarurday evening the /kec made its appearance and anchored about 3 miles off the'village; it confided of Several large veficls and a number of imall ones. About 9 o’clock ‘hey landed a number of men, who carried off the provif cos that rtflftained in Aore, and wantonly burnt and deffjoytd feve ral of the brff houses and il ires in the village, st: and eznbarked abaut 6 o’clock next morning, when the fleet got under way. On their landing they were met by. abcut 30 of the inhabitants, who iked a vol ley, which is fa id to hare killed 5 cf the enemy ; h was returned by three times their number, killing one, mortally wounding two, and n.ghtly one. Capt. Rees’s com pany of artillery marched fro* this village about 4 o’clock Sunday morning, and cols. Colt's ..and Smith’s regiments. 12 •*cl*ck,Mon day morning. Col. Swift’s regi mnt aifo returned. Many or our citizens* withaut di&tii&fo.i of or party, volunteered in ti:s cauit, sed they lin'd the rosd between this aid Sodus, a diftsnee of thirty n* i 1 r 5. The s f*rcc confided of ther new fh o the Royal G.:org#, Earl Y >ira, Prince Regent, Si * cat fehr, wiu haul! and v ders. (No. 259.