Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, July 02, 1813, Image 1

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r,. v.) 4.T‘ Georgia : published iv ALU XANDER M I L ON N E LL. From Y ‘Lexington Reporter. A remark lus h-i frequently re iterated bv -?ay \ freei a? the peo ple of the it- >••, whu h, we Vink, the r *-;eG h ( better kc a a te. It fi, f. the , very ftrahge, thti rr*(, ft :•?} and b"; fo iT'Och fetl •g A. ; ght o! Gamcn smang i>e bark *ru- *rd is# little fct fi (he inhabitants of New- EcgUnd Hates, r-’*w t ports are TiOft frequeered b> rk-mg men. # Now, to us., there 5 * z a.rg grange in this circurof-- ‘ ■*, i tie Ken tuckian: fer exsn 1 are of a warm bisected nature : f ney hole every thing 1$ rorght without liberty ; they never fit down to calculate whether they v?;il make more or >fs money by fullering their fellow rit•/><*!* to be 9 sgged into captivi . t ! r n,, eh lor them to know fi. . 1 ate thus dragged away, **d n*t rhe wrong*doci pci fills in lu h h jaiticc. With the people of the * v ft, pe*final liberty s th r point of b <■*". But in New Eng's c, it would ft ear, that g.ll the ties, lean cities Lt Mr, individual freed< rj, and even the rghf of vpinica may be cerppo . nckd for provided .dol lars enough *rc’ breug *t into the upr- fi e h ale. Wk kn v,- (hat thele remarks do oor apply to ait the New* England ?i v; but they apply to a lufßcienr. number to it a tip the whole v*?\h ;- e vhtr£hen we have dtir* -( fim. They arc the Scotchmen “i the United State*---ffionry is tf sir crily ebjed. it ii fo chi;-able wi.fii them tnat it blights n.d i>Bhs all their moral faculties \ it* was the great traitor of -<hei icvo, v . ?oo ? Bciiedift Arnold, •* New E; g;i*d tr. Who are now v; iupplitrs af the enemy in the 5 Well indks a#;d Nova-Semi* ? The New* England ers.*—, and parucola ly the B.ftoni srs. Who, at this moment Hand j <2 •er-d ‘“very ftiui o,’ - ,'i * thit is dear to tn heart of t:.. a ri ? r :C\s New Eiglurvders. If amid ft the general wane et proper kniibility a few noble fouls have appeared. a few thoiiunr; ye®men i;svf sßailed to fora* cur armies, ilicy are i ; ke a gleam of i:gar in a datk night. It Will be die province ofkiilsry co diferiminate and make honorable mention of tMra. if thefe.oh!."’• t.N:’ Ihouid, on accoue.-of their i.ankn .sand truth •ffircd—Nt it tc rr mb*:red that t are o'-i - ?•- e :ia*tio r i for the:v- c• 0: o> cr 1 r ;:> 11y wh ■ h are inctfL ‘ly wu iced agenfl; -he ripu auCt,, th -*iU ent in- ol the w-fhern peepie, by the milicrr •. nti of the eafl. Yt ! we of th> wcfl feel, and we glory in fn* the futtcrirgs ef the gal lant fsilor i and may the lun of Hfavers never fet upon the iword *{ a Kentuckian in its fesbbard till ht is redtenred fiotn the peril of imprcffntem. Woe be to the ad liiniflratio. hat abandons the fail >r*f ‘ ightr- 1 F’ cm Frt MFgs. Vte 2.5 authcrifed to Hate, by an of gen, Harrif?n's flufT, that ’[i. paragraph which appeared in GEORGIA EXPRESS. ** IVIIJY SHALL BOist 70 Afll) PSSO, AKO KBOWL3Oa SHALL SK J.*CRSA3SA.* , the late ChTlicothc F e io"'ianj re latively to the anlv/er which was given by the general to the of his furu*- icr by gen, Proctur, is r*ct corredl. The anlwei* tK tu* attributed to the general, was made by a foldisr of our army, who betni up*n the bank of the river with lorne other , a Bnidh fe]d ; -cr called to them and obfrrved, tha:. they “h ->d better haf>g?ut the whu: fl-ig; ssd furrendi’r.** , The American Gen. Hull ha* hc-r arrived 1 un:ii he comes,, you may fare your'elves the trouble td dik ing for a /trrrender *’ The convr fation which took pla> e be.we?,n Gen. flfriilen and M >j. Chambers, of the lkitiflh army, who was lent by Gen. Id rod: or to chrr.anu a lor render, was as nearly as can he re col Id f J, as to 11 ows : y May Chambers — : Gen. Prc dor has dir. fted to demand the iur render of this puH. He wfhs <0 Ip&re the r ffi fion of bl'-od, Gsn. Hcrri/iti— The demand, un de# preit nt cm uibft&n'.es, ‘* a m“ft xtrac*fdii.ary one. A g • / ou ter d?d ru;t fend; ir> * rum rears to furreiu tr on h;s fi ft arrival, 1 had fuppokd that he bylieved ftv de termined ‘O do my c uty. IBs [ kot aicfTage iadie.*rvt an opiniur of it;t that 1 -i® at z lob t ? account for, M*j. Clambrs Gen. P ■'-Trr cc.t.ii j ever tmfk of fsy’ug my thi 1 g tv v. €, u...d’ your f< Ir. - ; fir, I’hi .chaufitr <f g* r. Hartilor<j as an ffice;, is, well known. Guu;al Prcllnrk force s verv re’o>, and the jr. k with him s larger b .oy of lisdijins rhar> have v tr fcc'ois been errborotc. Gen. Viarrifib—\ T !<a\-t j very correct idea of gen; Pn Ctoi’s forcr—it i* not luch as to create the lead apprehei.fron for the; rdiiit of the cetueH, whatever he may be pleated hereafter to g ve to ir. Affure tbt: general, however, that he will never have this p ft fur rendered to him upon any terms. Should it fad into his hands, it wBl be in a manner calculated to do him moie honer, and to give hi;n la gcr claims upon tf t gratit >lc of his g iven meat, than xny capitula tion could pcssibly d-'. Liberty Haff, y?.OM THE 7ACIFIC OCEAN. Ir# a St. Louis paper of he S.h u!t. ve find the following; paragraph which is highly gratifying vn> us, 3rd no dc.ubt will be to thole who, like us, look to th? devebpement of the rcfcurces of our o'*n country with much more of ic f ercH than they do the refult cf the wars which cenvuife Europe to its centre. We anticipate much information k amufement freon t u e narrative which h premifed. — i*< s-, Intel . f( Arrived kur. a tew days ago from the mouth of Columbia river, Mr. Robert Steuart, r#ne of the partners cf th* ? mCI fic Fur Compa ny, accompanied by Meifrs. R. Crooks, jos. Miller and Robert M c Cldlan, l ith three hunters. We icarn that Mr. S r eimt is bound co Ncw-Y.jrk with dclpatches. Next week ou c'.-j’ r s will be prefented y 4 an ar-'ount oi -heir journey from the the Pacific Octan co tnin place, a lfnrt narrative, w’liich will evince f< the wot#; that a joarney to the \ Gftern Sea will not be confidercd (within a icw years) of much great- e 4 * imnorcance than a trip to N*w York.** FROM OGDKNSBURG. EsstrnSt ef a letter ftem OgZ£njku.rg % dated May 28, 1813. ef We have had an uaplcafant or currence take p'icr here, and one which excited a confidefable ilaim. Three cays 3go a number of men ct ferud fi cm rrelcoit, and palled through the country. Colonel P eribn who commands at this rime a . Prefect!, fent over afl ig—the officer r<s ordered to lay, uulcfs tor men were, given up the vilkge HcuSd be burnt. I Hated to the officer the impropriety of luch de mat and, aad the reafons whr I CO uld not undertake fi;- urjuflifiable a thing and concluded by laying, I much preferred feeing my houlein flames than comply. The fl>g returned, two days h?v;’ elajifeci, and J. hive hcaff.i netkirg further from the col, Our village is yet Handing. Tou may eafiiy conceive the anxiety fuch z threat would produce upon the ta’nds cf the villagera—a few r- moved their property, others got iradV to go them ft Ives. I howev er have in £ meafurr qtiiete i their -o i-di. and ! hope the thiog will h'-’w over. 1: is very humiliating t> be. it# loch a ficuation, nrienaced ’ the cjiemy with coi.flnjgration, and no prouctioß roa ®u; own go verimcnt. <{ Seventeen fh'ps have arrived from Cork with 4 to 6000 troops— a part cf them prlTed Prcfcott yef terdav, the refidue are laid to be coining cn in detachments—2 or 300 fsHars hive gene up, and more on the war. Kt N. JG.—General Sheiiffe is highly cenfurrd for his cor.duiH, and they publicly fay he is a traitor —that he had the cf defenct within his reach, &c. Governor Prevefl is nw uj —how ill this is I have not heard particularly—the fl*g t filter did not hffiiatc to fay hard things of the general—l pre fume from whet he did fay, SheafFc is arr^fted.” Ext raff fa letter received by a mer chant in New- Tork } from his cor refpendent at Bordeaux, dated the Htb April. “ It is laid to be in agitation at court to pais £ decree, whereby the produce of the United States fhall be no longer lubjc<fc to an cxpOi ra tion of counter valve - t that prices made by an American cruizrr, osnfift’.rg of colonial produce, may be ild in France on the fatre prin ciple ; and that, whor* the ariulfs are of Brit : fh they fhall not be fubjtit to be burnt, but may be exported to the United States. But it is exj&ed, tua; the American cru zer ihall acc'Anpany her prize into the French p„rt.“ FRIDAY, JULY a, ISI3. A VIVID PICTURE. Th following extrad uf a letter from a re/peltable and amiable < ffi ctr of ihe army, lately or now m doften, to one of his friends j pre ferts a iively but lamentable pic ture of the ftate of focitty in that town. Our readers will pert rive with aftonifunaeot, what we have frequently before beard, but until now have been inclined to Oifcre dic, of the efFcft of violent party fpirit. We are proud to fay, thst a very, very different ftafe ef thi: gs as yet exifts in this diftridf, nct withflanding tke efforts made by a few fadlion fls to and fturb the hzr mony of focial intercourfe. Nat, Intel. u As for myielf, I am molt un plcafantly fituated. Tie oppofi tion to the war is fuch, that every military man comes H for a large fliare of odium. I might as well think of walking on the water, as of getting into foriety here. In deed I have entirely g ven up the idea. A Rufli.m bear would be carelFd but an American offi e r is a being whom it would be criminal to be civil to. Here are one or two British ( fir era, prifonm *#f war, who pcfi'ively do not lock like gentlemen, th it are feen at r.ll timea walking with our ladies, and riding with ihe‘ gentlemen. Oh, New- England ! I am alhamed of you.— I nr: fucccffirs of the Briiifh elate, whtlft rhofe of our country deprrfs. f have heard the buruii g of Havre de Grace and Frenchiow* juft fi. and, and the dcfltru&icn of L’tucYo k caikd a “ d—rafcally proce dure !’* Ex trail of a letter from an officer be~ leng'ng to the privateer Yeung Teazer, to his friend in BoJJoh, dated Portland, (Maine) May 9* 1 he next day after we left New- York wc fell in with the Families 74, and outfailed her, From that time to the 22d of May we vve r e chafed feven times by different me a of war, and had upward! or four huadred flint thrown at us.: J,n the afteri)on of trn’ 2ad of Ma, captured the Jiaghfli fchr. Grey hound, from Nova Scotia bound to the Weft Indies, with filli and lum ber. The next day (May 23) we fell in with? ftiip, and on giving her a gun Hie run upEngUfli co lors and fir rd ? broad fide at u°.— we then run down tc* her and gave her about thirty well directed fhorr, when flic ftrw k, I was lent in the boat to boaid her, and was aftenifh ed to nad her a fYp of fix een guns (eighteen and nine pounders) with a litutenanf, a niidfhrpmaß, and thir teen men belonging to the Shannon frigate. She had been % French (xivateer and raken by Mu'ip.e Engiith fi rop of war, and is abcnc t e fize of the U. S. ftoop of w r Hornet. She was cre-pte? a I/ e quipr.ed with one hur*d n d tnufke. *•, piftols, cutlaftes, 6i-\ Th-y m.i c o txcule for ftiki 3 c o>, x pt thac wre give idem th *- e -ci#., and that they h*d w C vc-o e?rev mined to car#y th? m b, l>r-;r i. ■* We uaok xu; the* cr_.v, Luu (N*. 2^6.