Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1811-1813, August 13, 1813, Image 3

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*1 of . tk -<*. and ut ; ‘■ -r ->:t icentrating on e skeir , v tits Chefapeake.— e jsc rut tag :n its Uji papers ti roverau tat Etlief that Cumin a"’) - 4S keen ‘.a lured. Bonaparte t\- oh ‘t in ( diu-tm kited the Rujfian r LT P:-* titans ?.•# auota'r gsjiera* engage sm-i f”i r \ui dfs frifa ia/# 12,0v?’ t ‘—■■>§•>' —■■>§•> AltUs almofi double A gene - ; a, if are i. it be treated of at Prague in put many, where deputies from ail ibe ffatis arc to a (I'M ole. It is /aid it,*.’ ■ :>. inhabitants if Savannah are +u ■> *-. mr f 71 sonfeowvit of an **- pit ,/ :.a * prom tee enemy —>zcsny *, r*msviMg/ram town with mj% L the valuables* A ref art is in . * H unan t ’ rj ike iritifh ltd isoe • ; i Vi * idle attempt upon Fort *(. .) j, bet a not endued. The ml l, n a* f train called out far the de ft nt a’ New-London. Mi Li. luouu. tit, AuguH I t. INDIAN. NH.WS. it t hope js*f b.rri favored with ta ‘hined. lie format u *,./rent which a will be f n the Indians are full t.A r ryirg on nftiinf task at her a d&- ‘? xAhs and k urgent/ warfare As / v ‘b par.ties- have new nxfured near ■t: :r vs-ba ; .e Jhefigth) a dec five bat \ / nr. a ready f aught , may be ex l-A.d-is take place in a few days.— U-t rhndiy Indians are at prefsni t:- ff having been recently, •tinsa by tkafe who hverb neutral ; it? t Is weir nttnfun we under Hand ta sf. ftvely an Monday next unlefs in the mean time by thtdir opponent** Mat .withflan ding the fli ps . numbers of the peace-party he re it of an engagement is ext Arne/ tif.ii, the waring Indians hang v.< U ./applied with arms and am mu > tien while the at hen are greatly de ficient in hath. Should the Prophet:, and their adherents prevail, which is by pv impf ihulle, an attack up on v.i will doubtlefi be mads immedi ately* ft is muk to be regretted, iUr cure,, that our f reparation \ for defence move an v-itb/ucb a daw. and Ur firing face* being m imument danger oj invajiun, meafures cowmen - fit au with the public jfafety fhouid be a,U i ‘id without delay. Nr. one knows *< As* * day or an haul may bring forth Report oi the B-g Warrior to Col. H v kint, dated MNfFoiE'a nine o'zhjuL at’ night, 4'.k Augo^l. 45 After.} our meeting this Jay we recci ;tslj~am Hardy Read's wife, who is a-red woman yrom K\neweulies (A ’’-aigftjrom the,: awn, the following naito# i—Sve Jaw two white tsfcalps i they were brought there ■ertly before fise left the town. Pi t M'lfkun went to Pen fatal a to ob \ ‘un ammunition $ as be fa/ftd James ■ nrmil's baufe he took bis wife prifo >>r to Ptwfaco al At the fame time cere was a white man at Cornell's’ >tufe. and his party beat ■•'Hi aimed to death ; alfo a negro of lortteli’Sy and went on their journey Pinfacold. On their return they •re met by James Cornells, David to and a [mull body of white people here th• old leaf aw path turns tff > P'nfacola ; an engagement took •i ue i there wire five Indians and negro of M'fpueins party ,and and a g r *ai many wounded.— Mr. Cornell's company were two ■ j? tnt it ‘led and fever atwounded*. -;/ ‘> -did three hours. M { - tdri v kept tit ground-, his . n 3 '.^/ r 4‘g, tool ef Cor *.rf\ ..’it rrtainedi it isfuf '.n mes C*’veils and Pate v V • i; 1 -nen f. fate's ■yv fatiptd the two white “:nzbl them to Koue*ca:*es, t.r . R-*.t VI pS * r>-r j’.V’i syls H -u ; M ca tf SJ - c{!f4i.ii'<d ti i,’ “’ i'.a^.S v r wide i i>t <cLCytd j* } ‘'men the Spaiiiards. It is ftt* t .cr t tf fa. for you to come on to fur tc-;t:'ia*-'ce- in three or four days—if it is v* y 200 men, and let the reft of ibe a my follow at as faft as they cck Ibis is the day appointed by the war party to- make an at rack on us hire : IPe are d'l under arms and expt-cl every moment to be attacked “ i’/f* Troops-we underfi'and willb rhreted ‘o. the frontier .t; jam, as pt: - mle j but when they will have the” ■ is uncertain, the plan of operations tee ing not yet finally determined on.---. T&e Governor Jet out the day before ye ft er day to fix on a place of rendez vous and make other preparatory ar rangements fir the contemplated ex peditioK again fl tbs Indians, Geo. jour, PROPOSALS For PuhhJung in Athens, A NEWS. PAPER, To bs Entitled the ATHENS GAZETTE, fft MANY SHALL PUN TO AND i'S-O AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BX iN€R2AS£D.’\ THE Editor of the GEORGIA EXPRESS being about to difeon* tiriue that p<*prr, and the fituation this village, from its being the. S. At of the Univerfitv of this State, u ■ .'At and from feveral ether propitioo* c rcurr.ilancesj affording to the edi tor of a newlpaper, more advants ges than anv other fp>£ above Au gufta it it the in tenenn of the Suibferifecrs, if they intec with iijr, to ptiblifo a paper in this place, under the above title, immediately after the expiration, of the Exprcfa. They therefore take the I.berry :o cfF-r the following propelals to the cox fide ration of a laudably incjuih live ar,d generous public, and btg leave to folicit its patronage. The ATHENS GAZETTE fnall be printed ©a a gcod type, & fhall be about the fizc of the Mil ledgevilie papers. It (ball be wcil execu'ed, and (hall be made a en tertaining and ufeful as the taknta *’d oppurtunuiEs of the Editors wil iii&w. The utmwft atleiijtirij Ih'lii be paid to the Ipeedy tranf mtilton cr papers to the Subfcribcr; l ; by the proper inodes of conveyance. No pains fhall be fpared to feled: the news from the Northern and Southern papers v/Mch arrive at this place, and by this means to p fiefs our readers as early as pof~ iiblc c? the very inttrefting intelli gence which at this eventful period, is to be obtained from every part of tfcie Union. Besides giving fuMciently leng thy and ccmprehenfive details of the iateft news, and other intcreftirg aaicles of a political nature, it is the intention of the Editors to de vote two or three columns ©f their paper to the p^rpoles of diifufittg bcientiic, Moral, and Relig-©u le ftruftion. And in order that this part of tneir paper may combine the utefui with the agreeable, the’r br fl endeavors fha'i be ufed to lilt ft from Autr.c.s, and Mo dern, as veil as from the original metier wAch may come to their hano, lath pieces as fhall appear worthy of he* public eye. And to chts r-gard they flatter thtrafelves Ah .: ’ * ;.* uircy? no ait :e >\.j ----f-00, the literary ttlehrs of g’'. icflecu ;n this place, and its vi k\m'j\ as well as in ot>.er parts of tte S.ate, whole aid they refpeft tuliy ibiicit. JOHN HODGE. ALEX'*. M'DONNELL. CONDITIONS J. ‘I hl ATHENS GAZETTE \c)l ac pubhibed weekly on a .t jc.A as i*-ge as the Aw g Chiunick, with n good It Ur. l ux Annual SubfcrHption wiij THRU DDHAKS tw .be paid ha I )cam is advaii i, Uiz, one .v dollar and Hny. rttLs upon the jji- livrry.c,. ila fs;ft nnitbei, m- d yhe baii-tice ;* the tail or • mt)i>ths. So!>'crit-rs !iy ■ c t>>* of; this State miift pay the. toDl irrpt OM np a the delivery of l •-.*• ‘ll 1 ilUtUbf f-. 3. A vvo o ;:a 1,. ovdl be iafert cd at the cuftr.vaarv rates. fflij 3 Letters add’■•(fid to the Edi tors tup/i h fbfi j.JT *4* U>* i-.'itereot anti Editor* of in this Sta * • ic pefUuiiy rtq-jetted to r Cc < e Sti >iv.nptipas for tae aftnve. Fxaj i.n .College., Rdelved, l hat Lot t. H. Nc.lltr and nn is hereby afipolnted agent arid iuo? rintendstut or the tract of hud on which Franklin C&lirge is ft tri ed, t© prevent the deftrottion or tii; Timber, Fire V\ ‘f and, aid in jures to the Springs, or uiy other ztU htch ißij l: daT.Jicrfa! to the fit:} Lad ; t# afcsrtaT and. guard ajaintt tfcfbaffes aad tinli cenCd rrtci'oachnttnts o the fame; and that the Lid agent ‘ rutiadiaieiy Ci laiiJ-utHcatt to the attorney of this s card., any *&s dsng the fatd •iar.iu ctiit isUy require a legal r*- t. 1 <]y Refolvd, That the L’d Doft. H. Ne Her fH#llhavra rrafunable ccm grenUuOh for ns Li vices as fuch agent, See. And it is further reltlvcd, That no perfoii flbalr Dc coniiccred as la cer fed, to v/ip cr timber, or OLierwi'e to interfere with the land until a Certificate from the I reafu rer Has been obtained by them and pre fenced and accepted by the faid Neiil r. / iid ih%t no peifon (hall be showed t cut any timber for hcrris.fc ©r Dr rt Is without a Ipecial Tice nee . Refofjid, That “♦ prrtcr ft sli be perm!ft>u t© cut or carry <;way for the purpose *1 wood, r for any otlicr purpofe, aiy green tim *)*-* ©n tfuc faid craft of land. Extract from the Minutes , July ,3©. A. S. CLAYTON, Secretary. Athens, Frav&ljv Collige, Friday. ‘ Ay 30, ISI3. Refohtd , That r erv Student of this CeUfge ar/. of itc Grammar Schrii? /ha l writ- his name on the or He/ eu any lercr which he may kus bi mail from Athens. Refoixofl, That me Poft Mafter of this place be requdted not to ;cc. Hr ietter any Stu Gent uftkft fuch Student'* name be writ ten on the ouifi -It thereof. ExtraF from the Minutes. A. S. CL AT TON, Decretory, fft And ihoidd any letter or 3 tiers, ©f an itdecent or abufive *ature, whether anonymous cr with ‘icticieus fignature, ‘.vnich ir.ay be mppoted V* be written by any Stu dent of the College or Grammar School at Athens, *e hereafter re ceived by .any gt-Mlttmu -©> . >, Sure or eifewnere, ic is the request o; the Board of Truftees rhatitKh letter or letters be impnediaceiv feoe under cover to the Prt/ident of the Univerfity, that proptr meafures may be taken ro deteft: and ptinilh thole who may be guilty of luch ne farious coaduft. TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. Wifi be fold at the Court Houfe its JaekficH County on thefirfi TuAday tn February %es tf. the folinvirg trails of or as ntiirh lhe:*rfi as wtU fimisfy the tax due i.btrp+n and ccfii — Eleven hundred ?. and fifty ? -rrz *'■ Lftc’, •*.iah C yh,.cf' pT. - lof rhfc Q.d cr id'll t*, rhe b# •' *.n rnc yd quality, lolly j.ei ©eidorj, m the water* of ‘Valnyt and i'A.Fbetry fovjtsj id t oii v g .T-aen.ariuh Cox’* IsiiJ. hr ginning on p pi p- cw ier, i nnom*’ N. 45, W. re; h f t'n% to bit k Gale theme S, 45 W. to 7 eh. * to gum corner, thence 5. 45 E, 107 c!i;;ins t© hickory curler, the*'* to the beginning—the % * brcl .n default tr tfie reaic .1 .?#!, iSv-i, iti 1 *d ISI a—-UX tc 27 ©oliai* cent*. ALSO, . Forty.nine ami a Half ac tn. fif lard, btiftg paft of Apo on r#s, anr ed v© Zachariah Cex, a g Lunpkuix arid O’Nea! vn riie vTal nrn* fork—^-eft.mated aatd returned 3 acres m the Jecor.d quality low gewunds, The. bslunce of the fe©o<i quality of highland, l fo fays tl rte freeholders—n deColr for the year 1811—tax due 33 cents o milts. J OVcIM I LI f TLL, T. C. J. C. July 5, 1813 TO HE HIRED For three, fix, ninrr, r twelve month?, two negro carperufis ba ~ pabJe of laying of/ and exteuemg any rough worn. Enquire ®f tue Primer. 120 Ik)LEAKS REWARD. FLuNAWAY from the Subferi bci, living on Duck River, fifteen miles from the mouth, Humphreys county, Tennellee ftare, a Man named EPHRAIM, abm r. cfc *r 27 years old, complexion, heavy made, 5 fete for blmbea high, his ujptr fore-teeth cut, the middle fihger on the r*f>;ht har’d crooked at the ftrft icunjr, flit n*fr, his w©l cetnes daw© fquare a:r©ls his forehead, b; Id fV#ke’*, a.,d a good biackfrnith. I will give Twenty Do ; la.*3 for apprehesdirg -inh cnnfuijog Lid Negro in jaii i© I get hi again, or if brought to wne I will pay if! resfonabb < h^'ges. T apprehenfive Lid Nt-gro was pcrfusrded away by feme white perlon to fell in the Rate of Geor gia or B’gbee country ; J will give 100 Dollars for apprehending and convlifting ar.y perfon wha has Lid Negro, if he r Linns h-'m orrffers hioi for fale, fo the perlon can be convicted for the theft. ROBERT April 1 sth, I*l3'. N. B. if <a - N T -gro oMiiTd Be apprehended he may den- k 3 ti Ti ter’s name ard his own, hut (ft 2- bove deftripuon w-li v'[ IvV. l.e belongs to. if apr>r*he;<dc 1 I wiih. him to be fcurtly ~ far he will get awjy if JofiUi-. Aiy communication c j he r :..dr. to rn* by mail, direfted tn P ivn* cs - rough, Humphrey's c u \, ftatc A Tcnmflet.