Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, January 01, 1878, Image 2

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SOUTHERN BANNER: JANUARY aBM ^M%nt 'gmmer. W. F. COMBS, Tornw ot Subscription. - Editor. ^ 0I rights of the States entitles V>NE COPV, One Year. ^NE COPY, Six Months ~ ONE COPY, Three Months... .... $2 OO .... 1 OO 30 LEO A L ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ttmtion for Letter# of G uard ianih i p 8*' 00 Utation for I letters of Administration ........... 4 00 V null cation lor Letters of Dismission Admin* taint tor - d uo Appli’tion for Lettersol Dismission Guardian 5 26 Vpplication for Leave to 8ell Lands — “ 00 Sotk Rno rtalei States s oo M4tray Notices, 30 days... ■vmmrsales, poraquare... Sheriff Morteajo ft. fa sales per square l ax Collector’s Sales, per square- • ••- "-•• » 00 foreclosure Mortgage, per square, each time. 1 00 Site motion Notices (in advance)..... - 2 -» tule NUi’s.per square, each time. ••• » 50 W" The above legal rates corrected by Ordinary *f rjoj-kc <cuunty. Hates or AdvortislnB* Advertise tteiiU will “be inserted at ONE DOL- i.\ R per square lor the first insertion, and FIFTY •ENTS per square for each continuance, for any time under one month. For longger periods »lib eral deduction will be made. A square equal to Notices Yn local column, less than a square, 20- • sous Hoc. A Solid South, in Our Education al. Industrial and Pdlitical Interests. United we StanifrrDivided we Fa his Southern policy, so far as it has displayed a returning sense of obedi ence to the Constitution and a respect Complimentary. f Augusta, who had from Washington the South conservative >V iuc gpopular approval, has avowed restore radicalism in iding the now urn the Southei ucing Southern. men abandon their party and seek to obtain place and power by the aid of radical influences and radical votes a it his insidious attempt to restore Radical rule at the South can only be *so defeated-as we said-at the outset of this article, by a cordial, union of all those who love Constitutional liberty and desire its perpetuation. And this cordial union can only be made effec- live by strict party organization, and implicit obedience to party discipline. Let us all resolve, on this, the first day of the year 1878, to renew our party allegiance aud vow that no prompting of ambition, no selfish con- sideration, no sense of disappointment shall cause any of us to swerve one hair’s breadth front the path of duty, or desert, for one moment, the ranks of the party to whose patriotism, wis dom and courage oar present liberty is due. wrote a letter recently to bis friend Y. which w r as . Harris, ~ ndersville 'Herald. Por « Pages.^Owing to the bob' days we only issue^four pagrft this week. Next week we will issue our regular quarto.form. , if .,. 44 The Southern Banner.” \\\. l,.. ve ildermiced t o change the of ihi« paper from the Geor ■ ill AN t** the SSkll’i IliiKN BANNfcK, tilt ui.der which it was known and The fol- •nds whom he met fees the following omrpredecessor, ildn. II. H.Carlton: .> • v “ I met nviav friends iu Washing ton, and made some new • aeqaain- •ta» ces, some of whom I would like to t ell. yon .al >out, if IJiad the time. I’U do so when you, .coiue up t$> see ^ite. I will mwilioii ode, at. the risk of being tedious, lie is a. suo-irelatv of your father’s old friend, and iny former client, John,II Newton,Who, as you know, started poor atvFenu’s Bridge years ago, and by honest in dustry aud great tact, rose rapidly to wealth and influence. I-allude to Dr. H. H. Carlton, the talented and accomplished editor of the Athens Georgian, and for several years pasta leading representative in the Georgia legislature from the county of Clarke. I have r rely m«*t with a more genial, intelligent and interesting man. I had often heard of him hefbre, but Policeman George A. Williams, ot Augusta, when woke to go on duty Tuesday morning last, found that he was paralyzed, thies. He has citizens will only do their duty an| have give the proper aid. 1 hey ,ave 1 * nachure of testimonials ana re commendations from' the best citizens Judge Jackson watched the ope ing of the crack in the Capitaf^Buii-l^ ing in A tlatRii for one day, ;uid'U*JC|Jp taiiVcd it to be one-fourtli of an inch. This was too severe for the old gent’s nerves, and lie ordered a removal — ppii w|» «»* tH | office Schedule Northeaslan Oa aad after -Worth. Hlrj John J ■ Evans; blacksmith with t\vo br«3pp>S G ^ and William, the latter being pnnt- Wise; “It is now proposed to - convert -tTie Old Capital at MilledgevllTe liiU* a Military School ami make it a byiimft of the' State University.— Evening News. 1 he State Univer-ity has grounds and buildings snffreiont for instruction in all arts and sciences. No need for making professorships one hundred miles apart. didn’t understand why old Clarke 1 he present Publisher of this paper ^ returning him by increased ina -‘.Aim • Te.sjn'red lor many years, iiwin ; are our reasons: Never at any previous period in rile history of our country was a „ri.-i » d uncompromising adherent*-* le.t«*r and spirit of the Cotisti* ■intiott Oiorc necessary than at present }Jn» preservation of the liberties of •;V Stales. Never was the ini{»or- -in.n o * close and cordial union of _,!! | h«>s L * who love those liberties and desire their pe. pet nation, more rasni- £ s: than now. Nearly twenty years ago thtough- oai the Southern States, the old dis- cicc ivc differences which had long - xisie.l between the two great politi- ,..jl • arties—Whig and Democratic— wcrl* laid aside by common consent i„ view of the common danger which ihun threatened their section. Both, equally patriotic, equally true to the i- deral system, equally opposed to ihe aggressive spirit of centralization, equally resolute, at any hazard, to ,1 -feiaii what they believed to be the right, enrolled themselves under the - Southern Banner ” to maintain the Constitution and the sovereignty ot -lie States. Daring the twelve disastrous years that succeeded the surrender at Ap- potisatox—ter more disastrous than the four years of war—Southern pa- iri ts—Whigs and Democrats no longer —struggled bravely and reso lutely, side by side, to stay the tor rent ot evil which the radical party promises that all the energy and pow er he possesses, or can command, shall be devoted to maintain the ascendency of the Democratic party as insepara bly connected with the preservation of the liberties.:.of Georgia and of the — entire South. t.„ With these convictions ami purpose*, and with an honest desire to main tain and, it possible, extend the in-, flueuce which its late honored - Propri etor gave this paper, not only in this District but throughout the Southern States, we determined to give it a mure comprehensive title, and in making our change, selected the old name so fa miliar to most of our subscribers—that which the paper bore in days gone by. The old issues of those by-gone days are forever buried. We have no wislr to resurrect them. We only desire to strengthen and unite Iu one party the honest patriotism which animated alike the £W higs and Democrats in former days, and to aid and support that union in its efforts to raaintaiu the Constitution and the equality of the States. jorities each year, until I got acquain ted with him ; then, I understood it ’ Mora Strong Evidence—Can r Dpnbt? Prof, and Mrs. Looney left Hart well on last Thursday for Texas. They carried one of their steadiest, best boys with them as an assistant teacher. Lonnie Eherhart. W e wish our boy and His former teachers all the succes they, deserve —and that is a great deal. Change of Sched Ule Nov. 12 or*, have recently boon ries ot a court decision whied gives EVENING traik' them the benefit of a fortune be queathed by Mrs. Esther Goldsmith touher iu»iUti of- kin. Plieii’ ■right"to said estate h»*^» il \ tl,e courts for ten years past, hut t-v have g Veit Leave Athens,J.;.J,. Arri ve at Lula Arrive at Atlanta....... trr l—ib Aimnwiw atm their dues. lift 1 Ex-Gov. R. R. Bullock spent last Friday night in Athens, the guest ot Cdpt.. Wil iams of the Express Com pany. He has gone see if th&J want to try him will not. ■ ■ ■ : ’ to Atlanta to Thev the ns Aff^re at Lnla.. Arrive at Atlanta. Leave Atlanta via A. L. It. R*"‘ train Leave P|l Arrive at Athena.. Both trains connect at * (rains on Air-T/tne Rnllrouu aoim. lit 1 West. n jeo-tf Wa Mr. A.-' New Tears' Greeting. The old year is dead. Its deeds are numbered with the past. Many and varied have been the events thereof, and as we enter npon the new, (1878,) nothing save memory and the pictures drawn therefrom are left as guides for the future. Prophecy, reiterated by those who have come after Spoke of the,rise and fall of govemmei.ts—false teachers find the ftailtv of human nature. Are we not realizing the truth of all that was said by them f Nation goes to war with nation. Some build upon the ruins of others. We have cor rupt rulers and false teachers. Fun damentul principles which constitute organic life are swept away anti tiine- W,\R.-eik, om; >»f the PropriftMrs ,»f t&» Macon Telegraph, and well and favorably.known n trti* section, holds afriimportant Gohgrcs- .-ional appouitnieiit iif Washiiigton, and is thoroughly conversant with what is going on at the political hub. In a letter to his paper dated D- cent- her I3bb*JL877, under the^yili ing, “ How theyAake it,’’ he mi the fldlow'ing allusion to a fusion of the Ridicala and Independents, ft is but a reiteration of the itleaa ad- vmtceiphy-fhw paper ever since the Independent movement began: “ I-noticsI that many Radical pa pers are publishing an item to the effect- that, in nearly every instance where “ independent” candidates ran for the Legislature in Georgia, they beat the regular Democratic nomi nees. Where they get their informa tion is not stated, though I hear some such statement was niadu by the Atlanta Constitution. The Rad ical papers aforesaid profess to set*, had let loose over their desolated doling supplement them with rites try. Notwithstanding the fearful odds against which they contend, notwithstanding the humiliation, spoliation and lawless usurpation, which they had to softer—by union, unswerving adherence to the Consti tution, and. uncompromising refusal to surrender the right of the States U j control their own domestic affairs, ihe Soul hern States are to-day free, ruled by governments of their own choice, and subject to laws of, their own makiug. To what, under-the providence of God, do we owe our (.‘mancipation from the despotism which Radicalism sought to fasten on -inTo the union of our people; to the organized opposition to the Radical party utider what ever girse it presented itself. Our success has not, by any meaus, .'(•moved the danger. Their defeat has not, by any means, induced the Radical party to abandon iu the fu ture, all •eendenev efforts to re-establish its as- The defeat of Grant and rite present growing power of conserva tive Democracy may havo scotched, ut they nave not killed, the Radical still alive and full of Mr. Ilayes, although to suit the times ami themselves. Still, i ho world moves oh. Tue sea sons come and go; we have nun and sunshine, seed time and harvest. Thus it will be until the end of time. But what of our destiny ? Are we advancing in Christianity and the material deuces; We think history as well as observation proves that we are. There is scarcely a country on the earth where church spires do not point heavenward and altars of wor ship to a spiritual God have not been erected and martyrs to religious opinions are exceptions. So hi the political world, power is no longer Tested in a siugle head, but has been delegated to the many, ami Gov. Colquitt, Jby proclamation, declares the new Constitutiion in force; Atlanta to lie the Capital, and the Homestead of 1 s 77 to be in force from and after the 5th of December, 1877. Hence all discusftons'tehitive to either question can now be very gracefully suspend^, , ; ' ~v_ ■ | Married, on the 20th iiwt., at the reshhwe of the bride’* father, by Rev Bcnj. Thorton. Mr.' Uobt. A. Brown and Miss S.T‘N. Brown: All of this Cfphgty. I ? On’The 23d inst, at the residence of the bride’s father; by* Rev. B. Thorn ton, Mr. H. Feaatcr and Miss Jane Hilly. . -r* —' j- VvMnMaw . Messrs. Bailie .A Bro., ot' Augusta, aitlud by otln-rs who fiatl suffcrvU at his hands, employed a. celebrated detective to fin-l,oui the whereabouts of one Miller.- Vx-InHurance Agent in this resnlt. tin* crack in the ice tliat fore:«-lls its speedy and inevita ble breaking up. I have heard a great deal just such talk this winter from the Radicals,; and * they are .building high hopes of the future o : it. “ Once let tlur S nttfc say they cease to be solid and our opportunity will come for destroying, the Demo cratic party, and building up .ours down there. Our policy is not to run distinctively opposition, but to encourage splits and dLocations, and when these bear their leritiinalc fruit then will be our opportunity;’’ This is what I often hear. Does it teach no lesson, carry no warning to the people of Georgia and the South f" A, W. U. The tblhtwhig from ilie August a Evening Netcs: As the Govermtr is constantly: receiving applications for commission* as Notaries pulpie, we will state that the new Gtrnstilu- tion, now iu force, places the ajjqioint- ment id* Notaries in the hands of the all we know of the guillotine is from history. . We of this day are heirs of sacred and blessed inheritances, ainl if we would retain them and build upon them we must work with head, heart All have a mission in Hie with the New and hand, to perform. .-nnk»*. Ii is wemm; as ever. Thou Year let us bo up and-doing. Reader, accept our greeiin happy new year to all. untold the flag of. Lite Banner, and knowing the feebleness of a single arm shall invoke the aid of the many that we may uphold it. A We again Southern Circnit Judges, who are to- act on the recommendation of the grand , jury in each e< mnty. Applicat ions to the Governor are, therefore, useless. The handsome silver testimonial presented" by the citizens of South Soiith CaroHiia to Gen. J. B. Gordon, in recognition of his services in belmlf of that- State in hec duykest hour, was forwarded Saturday' night hj* Mr, James AH-m, and readied its destina tion Monday, just in time to serve as a'Cliristmas gift for tKc gd nnt Georgian. Santa Claus brought many presents on Christmas day to the only diihl of Mr. arid Mrs. G. V. De Graff, of Augusta, bit at the time at which they were expected to be delivered, the little spirit hail departed ami tin body’ was cold in death. aud celebrai >1 singer who used to reside in Augusta, and who was a defaulter for slims variously estimated at from ten to fifteen thousand dollars. Said detectives, after a t edious search, found Mr. Miller iu New Brunswick. He is now in custody and will suffer the penalty of his crimes. Miss Mary White, a middle-aged lady (daughter of Jessie White, de ceased), died on the 22d inst., from the effects of frost-hitten feet, which occurred fo ir. years ago. Some two years since, her feet were amputated but foiled to relieve her. She suffered much, but was a patient Christian, and doubtless to-day is basking in the beautiful Light of that glorious clime where wintry frost and chilly wiuds are not known.. * i .Rev, W. A. FarrislufTfamily have arrived iu town. Mr. F. has made a most favorable impression upon all who have made his acquaintance. Rev. L. I*. Stephens, the Baptist minister, on account of sickness in bis family, dij not attend on Sunday, but Rev. II. M. Barton filled the appointment. With two such representatives, one df fire and the other of water, looks like they. ; might manage to purify some of those-who have so long gone astrav. Th ^ For Rent.—A fine new brick store room, nicely furnished, suitable for either dry good or groceries. Apply to John H. Newton, No. 6. Lister Block Bad Weather Notice-—There is no day too cloudy or dark but whai you can get the best pictures made at Davis’ Premium Gallery. “Patch #o?k Palacer NOTICE. Augusta, Ga., May | st> j^j Or. after . Monday, May | 8 ,.j the Passenger train* on tL- (W Railroad will run as follows, vi^* Day pAuassoBit Train wur Leave Athens at.... Arrive at Augusta at Arrive at Atlanta at.... Leave Augusta at....... Leave Atlanta at. Arrive at Athens at Nsanr pAsasxtisn Thus. Leave Athens at Arrive at Augusta at.; Arrive at Atlanta ut .... Leave Augusta at Leave Atlant? at Arrive ut Atmans at.... Passengers firotn Atlanta, SXt, 8*1.1 tMIti ‘•fcJ Athena, (J ingtou, or any point on tha Geoivu, and Rranohea, by taking the lty p] Train, will mdw close comjeetiou i wit:) Train »or Mill edge vilie sail Sleeping Cara on Nigh; Passuntrtr “ 8. K. Joh.v«An t i a;<ril9-tl SSI7RT W- QRADT’3 Iuist a’ld beat olFort. (-JUSTHUMAN,” SURPASSED.) Benefit Phi-Kappa Society. DEUPREE HALL ! Friday Jan. 4th, 7:30 P. M. ADMISSION SO CENtS. Tickets for sals at BURKE * FLEMING’S. No.extra.cliargy-iwuH-wred 8aat^• HaR wIldXeaye ATLANTA-.- be made cointurtable, and. Muiuo mrnuhed for • he oocaaion. TO RENT. A good DWELLING HOUSE, containing eight rooms, with kitchen aud garden, and lwp Arrive we New York. ATLANTA 8 CHAKLO*L<ine. CONDENSED WOL ATLAN I’A —T0- BJA-STahJELTsT OXTTia! senrsnt’a rooms. tpply to in! 8wtw. JOHN H. NEWT</N. Attention,. K of H. You an hereby requested to meet at the Golden Rule Lodge, Kuighte of Honor, on Wednesday (to-morrow) evening, the 2nd inst., for the purpose of srranging tor the meet ing and installation of officers ou tue Wednesday evening following. ^ WM. KllNG, Dictator. MULE STOLEN. From the plantation of the undersigned in Oconee county, on the niitht of the 24th, one mule, about six years old, black mare , 151-2 hands high, with no espiNaal marks aavq those caused by saddle, and a. scar on left hip caused by a kick. She was also branded. Sup posed to have been taken by the escaped con victs front Scull Shoals Factory. A reword of $20 will be paid for the recovery of the mule. THOMAS N. FULTON, WatbinavMle, Ga. STOLEN. Oo Monday night, the 24th of Decembsr, -jlt.t idance of the underaigned, in Ogle- froni the re»ii thorpe county, a dark buy bonus mule, in itood working order, about 7 years old', with no wi cial marks except a little scar on right hffij auklo, caused by aaoe on left foot atrikinir it and hair on shoulder eud aides being rubbed off by ha rues.-. >V -ts taken in the directionof Athens. Any infer,nation leading to recovery of mn!e or mule and thief, willlte libemlly ?ew«rd"d; Address, J. j. j. ERBBHART. 1 >iut Piter, Oglethorpe Co., Go. Cflrbrifetl limn.. Flora T«m- |>l«V«lttnJ tioar Piiilailelphia, last urdiiy, ngeri 82 years. When 4 years ohl. she was sold for 813, as willful Horses aad Mules. . l i e . re by foe 5th of January, with two car lauds of horses, and romain for the season at Gann A Reaves’ stable. dec25-tf. W. S. HOLMAN. XTotica -to Soadboldara. tpilE INTEREST on Clarke county Bonds, doe decll—lm 8. C. REESE, Treas. VIA RICHMOND. Arrive 4t : OCMUlfU.. ...Alli Arrive at Danville Ult Arrive at ILtchmcnd 8dln Arrive at 1). Via. K„ «timifb... .*; .*.’!!! *!'f,\ Atriw at Philadelphia. . XI Arrive ic New York ZA&t Arrive atBootoo.. ;.UH Leave AtlontA. id i Arrive oft C^rlot*».. . . . 41Si (VIA. vwseax KtUIUOsti com.) Arrive at Danville.. I.iIm Arrive at Lynchburg...»...AAlii Arrive at Washington City.., Util Arrive at Baltimore .Lit u Arrive at Philadelphia.... 6-40; Arrive at Nvw York. .W*u Arrive at Joston. ^S*H| Through Tickets on sale at Usl ;r. Depot. 2ogg.;ge Cltecked TbreegK G. JTFOBEACEE, Geurau. Mnujc W J. HOUSTON, Ger.Pasa. A ilckHifi The Gitiiipsvlile Ea^le. tfas the Largest Clrralutioa ia Snrthwd Usd .lad lit Real by aver 1,00# Neal It is the bust advertising mu,Uu,» of «>P* l»cr in existen<«, f«»r seven large cottiilw,** equal to any other paper in ten other worth u Joes the county advertising for Banka. Towns, White, Union and lja«o6«®; tics, the city of Gainesville, and the irtaw revenue department for the d : vision oflbttd district. Now •» the FvuacatM.—Tli* Cco#- tutional Cdtivemioit will assemble on Vfwws- day, 11th day of July next, and it 5 the lew- Eaoie to watch the jjroeeedin(>» tion of the post its readers. It will contain a vwliij*’ ter from an able correspondent, who vil* 1 only give the procewlings of the Cottvenitoji® a condensed form, but the current new*« Capitol, in the moet attractive and intrreswf style. • •!— It is Vai.vable as a Family and. household interes's arc esr ially P fl ' v .'®r for in its columns, white the education w™.'" morals of the country receive, and will ow'’?' to receive, the moat careful consideration «’ editorial management. Mining, tnechaBK*^ will on no llW0 ."“’. neglected, and the mercantile and Wi* 1 ! forests will also lie paAtehlarly stteivW f Tax.News Depaitoikst will Re fevpt §P tbo iiighwrt standard of country J° urn ?f!; and neither entery-ise nor esjieo** ** spat ad to make the Eaot.k one of the very weekly nowsnano» in all the land ** - the Eaui> will sib*’ 3 Tv P- ati\l unsnrvicoaltlt*. Tlmn a mi $850 1881, am Nnxt *!i<> (iroutvht $8,000. she for In the w « emfiseatej Uy Fdientl Gqveniuiout, because of her owner’s secession svm|» ttliies, aiul her Hot!ing days were ended. j 1 he following item3*lrom the Christ mas edition of the Hartwell Sun. At a meeting of the Board of Trus tees of the Hartwell High School, it was tinanimmisly agreed to offer the School to Col. W. A Scott, of Ala bama, and his sister, Mrs. S. E. Ca- pem. They have l>oth had much ex perience as educators. Mrs. Capers has been in charge, of different female institutions for the last 20 years. We are afraid i he School will not bo as large the first session as could he d sired, but such teachers Could baft} p a good school on a fl it r.,ck, if the THE SOUTHERN KIITIIIL IMR) aOMj? -A.IT'S'', ATHEITS, GEORGIA.. YOUNG L. o. HAHR1S. Presidant STEVKXs THOJIIS, swretor,. projirensivc theory of,a “Solid drive xtraight ahead for the complete rwS institution*, a return fo ei ’ ,,sllf !Lna methods, utid tkr.qlectj mi if a repos** 1 ,Demo<rucy in 1880. avuasB'rtu's vni'.x; UroM fMcts. Agvtl I, |SJ7. ResidantDirectora. One jtiar..-.,' Six jp Th rec months ’ Vor V Remit by Postal Order. Registered ' tlimuirh Agents, at onr rwfe. va Address, CAREY W. STYI/3. ,Sdit«*c awl Proprietor Gsin«* vi! l f,w Yovso L. G. Habbio Joh.v If. Nkwto.v, ’ Dr. Hksrv Hull, p - DKABtao, Coi,. Robert Thom as. tuv22-wly Stkvkns Thomas, bMZA I,. :S’KWTf>N, Smith, John W. XtCHOLSOM, Tile National Bank of Athens m. . Athens, Ga., Doc. 31 1877. Bank° wiFuake^pfa^at of this Tuesday, the 8th dav T ,r 1Ji * nk,n 8. House, on the hours often and^tn^ 1 January, is,8, between janl-lt of Di- JAMKS WHITE, Cashier. fn wool cardinS >>av XtffUlir3,3 ?y TvIISS C. JTAJVIEIS a select as^trtroen* 01 Will ojien PATT3SA^ On 2llh mud 2*.U Octofor, Slillin'l Oarder^iiearifan^’jnyp' 1 ^ new! - V ' l P ^ to card Wool iii'iv ° U> ’ hs iln " prepared " ill furnish oil eu- V,,fV pen ? r ’ nail,lcr - He PPnpd. Wool W nl 1,1 c . ent d p And all the novelties it. New Turk and Ladies Neckwear. LATEST STYLE BUtfTLES Boat B.-rliu Z -a’t *r at t5e tc! Perforated CurJ board, Crochet Neeih^ .j Special attention given to orders- *- and bo convinced, nt _ - » rrtS. Ocutt-Sm'^sgss At!i?ns, Gc0c i. ool ZS&sh? * Tl!T«SMir i l any wher«- For Sale. i^HIil-'.unid Wheeler A ine; lia< bten bur little iised a.ui 1 '■ jy it rdet^y For selc ("heap ass 1