Newspaper Page Text
- Advertising A Job Work
, * t# Ys«ticc* is cen ^ p* r “saV*# fo r
* P«j
~ CoK ™ Tn Alexander, of Mom-
ninst be
donifi» vor i" g, ‘n
rA *5 work S be paid fc* irpofr
ion^ckete, owb upon delivery.
. Relating toNewspapff ^b^p-
Uons and Arrearages.
:ificd d “«¥g the Christ
a or
Lrioiiica'" heU i responsible until they
V Settled tliair bills and ordered them dis-
»» C a.
MWBMPH- .. .ofAtlanta,
passed a few pleasant days in Athens
urn holidays. a
oM Of ksw Yhrt,
spent a pleasant Christinas anion*; his
Athenian * friends
—Leonard and
\vith the ** old-fblks-at-hoinc.”
A. A. McDuffie, of Augusta, was
iHvJJ ’ J —«oimnie!l
•pent a pi
Hlops Phinizy of
hiistiuai tiirkev
’• Sn J*^^aro h con«ider *t wising to
S^SsaifS-Si ,
fa£tiff5SEai tKmmmtjr:
riodicals trpi« tUB ™
responsible until they I r. . .....
the former
ble ,y tu , ^urta have decided that “refusing
L-J iwriodieals from the offlefc, or removing
MeS them uncalled forte prime tacia
;V. ioc of intentional fraud. ,
ra n. person who reoeiVWW newspaper. »nd
"teV uscof it whether he J«* ordered it or
?, k U held in la»' t0 be a s° bscr,ber - .
f’ If subscribers pay in •dyance, they are
F‘V uivc notice to the publither, at the
fee heirUme; if they doVot wish to con-
r, tiikiujr it; otherwise the publisher is
fcr «d fo send it on; and tlie subscribers
li he responsible until an express notice, with
Wat of all arrearages, is Sent to the
biisher.. ifiTOtlO 1.4 J U
Sil l t »!'.»■
local department.
I'lTicrs are two stolen duties advtA*
Ld in our colunym. M the ad
Ertiaetneitff ***
*""TlTTfr II I ■!!■!— ftSijStencMM
Dr Hal Billups and Win. Henry
Hull, Esq , occupied orchestra chairs
at the RndcJiffje matinee* ^
—• J. H. liuckef, Esq., the newly
elected Mayor, will be installed
—J. H; Dn>4q\i wa4 t^ trey nos re
of many bright eyes last Thursday
—John E. Talmadge, the brun tte
of the fourtli ward, will he known
hencefprih as alderman.
-.When haiii .picks
up his banjo, the gray-haired all take
a front seat ' if *
Milling Ohfii
n win
—-Dr.. E, S/ Billups, the versatile,
or Oconee county, was in the city
Swiflf&g tf &mit
i*ave .a .Chutitm4S tree the 2jia ot
i *mk
;o aiiuoiuice, has recovered from his
reeeht illness. He iras on ill :- streets
last Thursday,
N»'Ho Came ltlrtln B Into
Christmas i„ Athens, so far as fun
is concerned would have been dull
had it not been for the Fantastic* on
Christmas day, wliieli had heen in-
aug#ated some lime previously l,v
some of , the mirth-loving. Their
entre into Broad street was heralded
by an inebriated darkey, rushing up
the street crying—“ Dar dey cum—
de Ku-Klux ; I seed iim afoie.”
The procession lUrncl the cornet-
at tire lower end of* Broad street
headed by their Captain :J M l hi^two
assistants. The Captain was a lean
individual, about ihree eufiits long,
arranged b> fed . calico- lights, and his
head decorated with iiorn*, and from
the manner in which lie rode his
gallant black, he convinced his spec
tators that those were the only u„
honisJie hail had that day. lli. s as
sistants wore duplicate eostumes .of
their leader, except in color—thei
being him—and they had each
“ tail to nuhirl J
hollowing'tlie leaders came the pro-
cession prop*-r, two and two, hi red.
ye low and black. The troupe com
prised a bant thirty horsemen besides
vehicles-these latter engrossed
According to published announce
ment. the ceremonial rites of the
Lodge of' Sorrow were celebrated at
Deiipree-Hall' on Thursday-evening
last in the presence of a large audi
ence' 1 The hall was propery fesfowHed
with mourning goods in memory of
their ileparted-hrethren.
At 8 o'clock precisely the band en
tered the hall playing a slow march,
and was followed by the mem tiers of
the Lodge, whose officers took their-
appropriate places while the ^embers
filed. to thj?ir
Tneopening cere-
m iiy was conducted by Grand Mas
ter, • DA ■ Wm: King, Jr., affer which
Clarko County Water Powers
We have received for publication
from C. A. I.ocke; Engineer Physical
Survey of Georgia ..a very interesting
report of the approximate measure
ment of Clarke County Water Pow
ers, including rivers ;jp» :
Mil t
reeks, and
Nickerson, Lumpkin and others. The
exhibit is iudiVf # floe‘^ne, audi if
generally distributed would doubtless
lahsts. W»- snail print a lar<
edition of
report and those who desire anv of
tlfepb extrasend iii
tlieh- orderi hv'Thfirsuay eveiiing.
Neiv Years’ ©nila; •
We leam that all the carriages
a< chant—“ Remember, tjiy Vreator,” I fry,u t,le -stabler in the e^’
AViis" bpsiiiif’idK- rpnrlora,I I,a* \Fo,ct*a have been charteied to* the purpose
of making New Year-’ calls td aay.
. Corruption in our National affairs
has the same effect on the Govern
ment that a severe cough or cold has
upon the human system. Political
reform in the former and Dr. Bull's
Cbtigh Syrup in the latter case will
JarreiVa Mill Pond place, and a
qufiiUgir ot fn^HW^-fnmy'l 00^ tf-5^0
SlwHi'nlr^ in tlie angl: 1 o val 1 ey,
lowi-r__^)art o^^ELibfir { j^|} co inty,
blained on the most
Athens, Ga.,
£ Op C.fp Jfrjett, TTrBjgvlKT^ tion,
on Air-Line Railroad.
favorable terms 1^
was^beaotifulK- renders 1 by Messrs
Childs, W. II. Jonfes, k E. Jones and
II. II. Hale, assisted by Mrs. Dr.
Wm. -Iving, who performed on the
niclodiau. iFollowdpg the fchant was
au address, by the Master, Dr. Win.
King. After this address ihe choir
,n * sung the beautiful song—“ Asleep in
Jesus. 4 * This song was followed by an
JtK^tt&kve uSMfuiBfl^ -feelchaplain,
John Calvin Johnson. Then fol
lowed another song “ Hark to the
Solemn 4 Bell,” at which time the bell
w:*s tolled, the lights turned down
Tito following parody oh the bwimtiful poem
A GitsTLE Hint.—In our style of
climate, with its sudden changes of
often i *
is it«l
intermingled in a single day—it
wonder! fhat oor child fen, friends
entitled “The Night after chrUtinaa,”^nd, and rehttives.are so frequently' taki
trorii Ins'Dy neglected "colds, half % t
[Being anxious to let tie change in
L name of our p*pe» «* with the
iv» year, we had to improvise a head-
We have ordered an electfntyped
idiug ft modern desigu and hope it
1 *$^*?*!£*T\
Homeward a»iind. officer and is ottr lint choice for chief
[The many friends of Mr. A. C of the force.
xlgson will be glad to learn that at- —Lieut. Culp should be his own
««St WlpfeMBr. in che
tin homeward bound, having ar-
fed in Boston Sunday last, on board
.- rendering tiie j sitene veiy siiprtasive.
mrnM • faww iiiti iffwiiuii i ^Awirwm
I ho lllll tuilloi. Lla A _ - .r w. . W m
The lion tame
were especially ai
Gn»t was^|^rtu|i
respectable, and * l ejN»r»ed himsei?
if he coiK’dervd ti»*' -b.,ie
i^tiged %jije > tW|HR-ikl gratiticaii.m.
The tat couple nTtbe buggy were
for his com panmn was Very commen
dable. ^qTh^lanlittfiy young hian
roan of warv kearsage from which
|;ce he telegraped his family in
LViifj. Mr. II. is an officer in the
jditcranean Squadron, If.
5V morrow ti
■unuil will be installed. Tliev are
[good men awl the interests ofTlio
lay or
officer, and in retiring, has the
ect and well wishes of the entire
sight Jtlacc.
—The Christmas tree at L. W.
Stenhens’ -wAs very pretty, aii«l the
presenti thereon were very ha:ids.»me.
^sbury, a charm-
nimU fifnHi Iftiig i ntimii|t| uiijiquid
ities with her
-Mrs. Dr. Calhoun, of Atlanta,
nm Miss Lula Phinizy, pa-wed the
■S.l • - "VI "*|fj K l
ncrocrarmaA *5^1*
rrie.ul' Mbs Ada Huge
the j sulky id,up
'adroitfteSs' in managiug his steed
in such a maimer as t«» will tbrth the
lscriptiiin of the different ims-
tumes wonhl be simply iui|M>.vib)e—-
they consisted <f every color, ami
shade, ami each one was decked in the
fnost becoming «njs» nine his ingen uv y
could devise—their dinguses were
excellent, being so effectual to con
fuse ttteir most intimate friends and
monies at
racing the
ilowers on
fitlVn-ul p-.irdons of the bier, which
b ire iptates ol ii,e Itdlowing de
.wiitton .acarbr forty $eara ago by Rev.^Sr.
Moore was composed and furnished ns for pub
lication by Miss Mary Ella Noble, a young
lady ot onr city who i* just in her 18th year.
Who will deny tb*t,*»he rare poetical
ul *05iiBOl\. lO 3 0
Twas tiie night “after ” Christmas, when all
through the hoasH^JFTQ.T YftXi
Not a creature was Stirling, not even
The scrap^thar W:Ve*rtoitt-rvl
As to
members : \V. C.
O. McCuriiy, F. \V. Adams,
Wharton,. ltev. J. g, - potter, W.
Griffith, Albun
Colbert, J
iffith, Albun Bailey, J. D. Fjierson,
W Ci^fUpciJev. H.CpInder-
son. Then, * 4 .\y aujhing Wait?*
ing*’ was splendidly rendered by the
mvinhers of the cht^ir. This sopg
followed by a
'LI 1
the snow,
Old Santa had gone t<* his home o*i
Ho vn
To reach his far home o’er the dawn of the
4*y- r _ >
13kb w4r mw tbe ddy noW de-
And makes -t&e* the tPffteW tlp fesieSn^tl'
has whyAhMsaiid mwsIh^l * Suriouri*.U»n,
H«‘WH1 Hot leave us Degnected, forlorn.
When el! earthly pte^dUTslw foltt ih- f» past.
® and friends m this city.
—B. A. Stovall, Esq.', of Augusta,
was in the city during the week. We
—Charlie Asluiry, of White c unty,
and Harvey Huggins, of this city,
succeeded ill getting away with tlie
Christinas turkey.
—Col. Loften, formerly of Elbert
county, but now a rising lawyer of
Macon, Ga., was' in the city Thursday
last. ' ' ‘
—R. H. LV»ptin, Esq., of tiiis
city, has opened a bar and billiard
use, Jack-
square, fast Friday | of HubtersThtrn county, werohvthe
"V fitief* and rejects 1 c j,y Christmas week, aud’yijoyed
Lthens Sttfl Advanolng
le have another evidem-e of
sperity in Athens, and hew enter
ics are continually springing up.
are to have a cotton compress
si's. Rucker, Thomas and Hull
xtitnte the compress company-
have already' purchased tluur
^biuery and hope to have it in
slim, hy the first of February.
I learn that it will be located near
[Northeastern Depot; Success to
Fire Worsa.
the display of fire Works at tlie
|rt House
l»t, was very
»t credit on the young gentlemen
were instrumental in providing
| innocent amusement for the ben.-
lof the ladies and children. The
®u ascension was a decided sue*
land as it rose above the tree tops
[y eager eyes followed it as it
shed into space. Besides the
l‘on and fire works, pur two brass
were on the grounds, and
|e Cobbhaui fairly ring with masi c
[nnrth. The sport wa* entered into
•i with the best of feeling, and
P'1, so far as wo . could learn,
pout any accident.
Leaped Convlctx. ^
j 5 * convicts escaped from (vrant
Alexander at Scull Shoals factory
»e-4tKinst. At the time they
r , * lc i*~ escape they were ginning
:l, "l were guarded by only one
The party consists of two
d four black men.
f mmonicmsti** Olotliinix
| e aro ottering our entire slock of
[celebrated goods at cost. Come
u y before the stock becomes too
broken. M. G. & J. Coheu.
^ I*ucas & Ware’s for elegant
0 clothes at extreinely low
from Gen. Wm M. Brown, LWh*.
earnestly and eloquently ptrtrfye^^w
nwleworth -of each of the ileceaasu.
No one i« better fitted to euoli^ize the
character of the noble either living or
dead, than Gen. Browne and the j j
We can nee to
j tiie stocking:* are em
yjf> y »
Aud each little one'i* ' tacked tnaj
And now.
The emblem' of purity,
Methi 4ka of the Saviegr,
Like «4cH of there
deaths resulting/ directly from this
cause. A bottle of Boschee’a German
serious sick-
r’s bill, and perhaps
[>y the use of three or four doses.
I i/i
r»KWT#fr»-Hc«Frid so large. p neumouia> Severa Coughs, Croup or
XofiSEtJSJ jfeaMobas •afeita h^jt*
• !0 ,. vn j j.), suwfw^ sijnple wonderlui, as your
dniggist will tell you. German Byrup
wtfanjT village
anipie bottles for
trial, lOc; regular size, 7ft.
For- sale
iu 5e°?^ w ■■
emblem of purity, sweetnesn, and grace,
Oka of the Saviour,, who once was u child,
:« eich
acquaintances as to tlie indeiitity of
difqtllkjii^twijhnlr IhwLht
the tans dressed as a female—after
the most approved style—w»a »o un-
fort unafe as to be thrown from bis
horse ami- came in contact with a
inud hole in Cobhhani, which was
disfiguiing to his stri]H*d stockings,
to say the least ofit.
The gaudy street pageant was
quite a success and we trust that those
vujlttjffd in ii, were sufficiently en
couraged to usher iti the Christmas
cf^F&inthe same m-inner.
saloon at the NichoUs
sonville, Fla,
—Miller Luinpkiu and John Finch, mon,,,, e-
were t.-i
themselves finely,
—-Th** whole of the police force
should be retained, 'fbey are all
good officers amt Have discharged
their, duties during the-year faithfully
—When Billy Raddiffe was sing-
“•ItVittce to lie a Father,” the
“ Baron of East End,” was observed
to turn ids face to the wail and put
his handkerchief to his eyes.
—The handsome phiz of Win.
Mason, Esq, of Maeon. was observed
on our streets during tlie week. We
know th** old folks were glad to see
him, and we trust he had a pleasant
time during his st iy
Dr. Madison, < f Lexington, Va.
Professor in the Washington-Lee
University, and’who was Gen. Lee*:
family physician, is at the Newton
Hou-e, Ills room by severe
—Tlie most social gathering that
met during the holidays, was tlie
party that assembled in Mayor
Rucker’s room Christmas day. E
S. Billups, Sid Holland mid ; uncle
George Williams entertained their
Tiodge was very foi tttnate in its selcc-!
lion of an orator. X ^ ~T r ,X i\
The cerenumies were close*! by a
benediction from the Chaplain.
We are glad to state that a copy of
Gen. Brown’s admirable address has
heen solicited for publication, and that
he has consented to furnish it.
English suitings for the tailoring Jcn
p T1Th flf
shits which we are now having naiie
-pjfe* . b . . n d
men’s clothing, ov»T-co.;t-* »n i ail
gotnls that are going » t of sc«s u at
co»t and less ihnn co-t, crall ao*l get
pK.IH!«,J. -pX d.t-18 4;.
BUN. w
. a. THoats coi xti.
Christmas Hcrvloes at Kniifn-
uel Church.
The inclciiunicy of ;l«* weather ami
muddy streets, kept many tr«>m at-
tending the services on Christinas
The Chancel and walls
but not profusely
decorated wilii evergreen-, approprir
ate to the season. The beautiful
service ap}HiitUjed fi»r the *Iay Wv-te
rca*i by Prof. Wilcox.
The Christmas tree celebration for
the Sunday School chrihlreii ic».»k
[ihtce at fester’s Hall, over the store
pf Messr*. Talmadge, H<Ml<*son & Co.
«n ‘fri*iiy jfternmin. The scfibtai-s
and teacliera met in the Church at
** P»t'Bl».!W»Wk I*ala**«.”
This inumiiticcnt h-.-nire written
and deliy«*red with so much success
hy Mr. IL W. Grady, notice of which
is “ivt'n^in oar eolun* is s:iid to be
the fim-si litiwary ]>r«iuc W»f tiie
kind wk.b'h i* or foi» l*uen scuted
to a Southern audience. I wa home
picture ,i.|tgeni*»iisl.y. and graphically
drawn. int* is|H*rM*d 'wii ii mirth and
jollity, while the thoughts always
eii.-iicTing a h ippy home are aMndtil
to in the iiwwi eloquent language by
tlie accomplished h*cturer. We lmpe
he itt'iy hate a full ho tte
Hope PtrdCompany.
Quite a numlier of cases were called
and continued. Tho>e disposed of as
far as. this cuurt is concerned were
State vs. Thomas Ridling, assault and
hatterv. Thomas got beyond the
jurisdiction **f the Courttby leaving
State. State vs. WVscon Hudgins,
innlicious misehief, killing a n^horneii
spottwi yearling. Demandeil indict
ment Iiy Grand Jury* State v?. Tay
lor Pridgeon, assault and Imttery
Demanded indictment. State vs.
Moses Braden, larceny from the house,
guilty. State vs. M. J. Morris, com
; ruon cheat aud swindler. Nol. Pi
This : *j»It*odid *-oui;ri y i* iiio)iiiiie j
of the cj^;, and jT.oir henutifnl en- j
ffn- u H well GobVi,”: is
is in the
k. «>r ii.
The annual election for officers to
as ; govern Golden Rule Ltxlge, Knights
>f Honor, No. 2, came ofl at their
years tvyo million fpur hundi
Sinttll hot ties of this
we?e distributed free
D^uggistct {it this edi
attiicteti with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia
and k-thcr diseases ot the Throat and
Lungs, giving the American people
undeniable proof that:German Syrup
wifi cure theth. | The^ k%lilt liru/bLeu
that Druggists in every town and
village tit the '-United States are re-
c.unmqHling it to ^thejr, sustqmcrs.
Go fo ydiir / Druggist, and ask wrhat
they kupw about it. Sample Bottles
10 cents. Regular size 75' cents.
Thro*- doses will, relieve any case.
For sale by R. T Brumby a Co
(li nts' splendid stiff fashionable
Hats at $*2 25, worth fid 50. Come
and sue for yourself. M, G. & J.
IntudHom'* :) :»>* iln-r*
S iUtf*. AM «mr ?*nyp“«y it ddcra feel i Hall «>n Wednesday night last with
jiiofc securi* thanbclbr*-. aud now the lthe fid lacing result:
people wVcid -r how they ’Ot ahrng
4 o’clock—after a short service con- !-withum'Vl J it mav not be geiierallv
ducted by Prof Wilcox, a procession i
was formed ami proceeded l.» the
Hall, where they found the tree
brilliantly illuminated and loaded
down with presents, coi-sisiitig of
candies, apples, oranges, books, &C./
known that tlnr«* is v«t S“tnything
due «»n the engine.’ Such is flu* ease,
however,’ and we take the liberty of
saying I Hat w ilc* in.iny have 1 wen
liberal, there ave vet indivMuats ami
• * •
‘corjMir.-ui«ms whose interests in the
■iiy ' depmnd 5 h«-y should be as
<fcc. for each scholar,. Alter, singing
the inevitable ** gather ?n«uul the j lifo-ral as those win* have already
Ch'istoias Tree ** Maj. T A. Burk , | given thc-if iiiean*-towanfajfljte'liqnida
Su|K?rinU*ndaiit oft be »Sund;»y School, j tion oi'tln*'dcbt. Thc^foTlowinu cot: -! eai ‘^ 1 uionth.
his usual happy manner, distributed ; trilunions * rf\e l»eeu nude t*Vdate-'
tlie gilts. r riien thed«*ar littleonesii I * Ludie ’ $157 (Hi
appearing to he perfectly satisli I
happy*, returned to their home*-.
M. J Morris, D.; W. P. Yarnev,
V. D.; J. M. Edwards, A. I> ; L.
Shevenell, Ketsirttr. ; CL II. Wynn,
F. It , T. A.* Btirke, V1 F- ^ *!e r
Chap. ; G. Jacobs GuanL ; L Morris,
Guide.; H. C. Bryant, ft.
There will lie a public installation
of these officers on the 2*1 Wednesilay
night ie this month.
Regular meetings as before, on
every 2d and 4th Wednesday night in
friends with son no of the
music wc ever listened to.
choicest occasion
' Year.
—Col- Pleasant
Chronicle and .Constitaliona/ist, en- j
joyed the Christmas turkey on Mil* j
ledge avenue. As wc did not get an j
opportunity} to see him, we take this
occasion to wish him a happv New
.»»•! »J - M . u-r 50 00
.Mtiuil Ins. Co. 200 00
— > . Ins. Agent... 50 00
Stovall, of tlie j j oim \V. Nicholson GO 0D
Reaves & Nicholson 20 00
Athens Foundry & Machine
Works 20 00
F. Phinizy 20 00
K, Niekerson, commissions. 136 50
J. A. Hinmiciut 20 00
John White..... 20 UC
l.ETTE R1^ 1ST.
The foll-jwing aitrert’se*! letter* remain in tiie '
post-office, and if nut called for l»e r ore the 26th of
January, trill he forwarded to the dead letter
office at Washington, 1>. C.;
Billuits, Ntiss Mollie Hrown, Miss Artuinter
Cos, T J Dowdry. Samuel
Daniel, CO Fleming, W W
llabax, Senate Harper, Albert R
Jackson, Z F King, Sirs A 1*
I.onnarry, Mrs Mattox, II B
Mathews, Fleming J Miller, Mis.* Eva M
Miller, Sliss Ever Cic-hanls, t; \V
Itaiden, 7. W It Keese : M R
Keese, M it Smitli, Samuel
Thomas, Samuel W
Tenons calling for any of the above letter.*, will
please say they arc advertised.
J. C. OUR, Postmaster.
No.u and Then.—It to only uow
and then that such men as Hon. Alex.
Hi Stephens, Ex*G<nji CSggi^^and
Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., endorse a
medicine for the throat and lungs, and
wheu they ko it is pretty good evidenoe
that tlie remedy must btrgooff for Rw
cure of coughs, colds arid lung affect
tions. They recommend the Globe
Flower Cough Syrup, and their
testimonials arc to be seen round the
ten cent sample bottles of the Globe
Flower Syrup, for sale by.
Dr. C. W. Long A Co. ,
Athens, Ga.
, y '
Largo lot Gents’ Ties, Scarfs and
Bows. Also, Gents’ Knit Undershirts
and Drawers^ at greatly reduced
prices.j-- M. G. & J. Cohen. |
Thrash’s Consumptiyf. Cure.—
Sure cure for consumption, bronchi
tis,coughs, croup, colds, and all lung
affections. Restcres lost voice, etc
Call at..Dr. Ed. Smith’s drug store
Dr. Iviug’s old stand, and get a tria
bottle for 50 cents Large size $1 5Q