Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, January 01, 1878, Image 4
SOUTHERN BANNER: JANUARY l, 1878. fiS.HA-T -R A-R.<^^TJsTa Jk 1,, :: (FOR-THE V — . ■■ CHRISTMAS ®DLIBi^lT^ OtfFEhiiff Stick of YOUTH'S andMEN'S SUITS, of Hammerslaugh’s Make, TO Be Sold At Cost ! Best Quality of Fashionable Stiff Hats at $2-25, Worth $3.50! English, Trench and American Cassimeres, A Splendid Stock of these Goodswat Extremely LOW Figures I 1 A LARGE LOT OF " Gents’ Ties, Bows and Scarfs, Ladies 9 Silk Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, r romEW momxmm^r r All at Greatly Reduced Price3. Splendid Lot of Cloaks low. ralmadgs. Hodgson & 0a j ^ HAVS STRUCK LARGE ARRIVALS DAILY OP i j. AND ALL KINDS OF t WE OFFER THE ABOVEJMaGNIFICENT Ammoniated Super-Phosphate To the Planter* of Georgi i, aud have no hesitation in rjcomnert 1 ug it to the fullest extent. We shall endeavor to ineot all legitimate c >m petition, and fell assured that all who usej fcour articles will be highly [.leased with the results. We ulso offer our.; 66 Eutaw Acid-Phosphate 99 rirsj 1 stit ' 500^Pieces Best €dlicn Just Received,.15 Yard^ ilick and Colored All Wool Cashmeres.;!:"-., ( - * -'Afkd.'X'li'ARGELINEOF " i _,,„v MimMi ,tH>Y lit* ■'* ...i-.i'Ni’■ »■ *• Wo 'Whiuli vre Relieve Is equal to any in the market. ‘‘ CU’j.'TON jOjPOTION GIVEN IP DESIRED.” j^tj-'nll on our ftgrents tor Term- and Prices*. ' 3D It IEHS S 1 jti*.non ‘t:ru • • • s r-*i. i ' - ' * . . », At J Lower Prices 1 than Ever- Offered in this Market L t ^*1 r r ,»*t Se>A lsUtXLd; at 0, tp IP Cotlt^ chine at 9 to lOCojate, V ; • IhctpryShirti0g8a»il8heethigs,Cliecka, Jao«kgft»j «.l -» i* -til vn:>«-!<%!? ,u. tv-,vl; -i.ow—<-I [t j . ■ 1;k II, Iff* D !•!!» Mlm -M-U .A. t!• , },_ i-r.- .v. i 1 -1 »* ( M|^H aw *«-«+-M-4»-+»‘Wa4-3 »■>»■ n I >i **-<■* «»«■ jV* h :n |M 4H«' LEADER*«F*UWr ■f /-vliail SS.UA . •*>***» V* tit «<!!• '>*> 4»»H HH I. I e i •lt» ttlJj -»ttKl fipni.*' atri *rii vd bn»bn*1 »H iJf»»fo*MOST E?£?rEN l ^6 §^CR* .^Ffv‘ ^ s,: DON’T FAIL*Ti),|G^:BEFORE;mCHASlNa, * « « . .hvt •« *. * \ Notiocithatblktwaiig flgurto which wo enumerate on a portion pf qnr PALL-fiOPDS; <j ; -as 800 AU’Wo« ...M. 4 & J, Cptpjfk’:;* a ’ ..,300 Orrereoat^ fcora. $-4 Mi-- I u 5vV r ' t&igi. : vi «V'i' _ j.; ..,.'h’.;+ sued r Mn*Jly., .V Rnienaia assortme it ot Bf»v - and ChudFni Stnto suil Ov^rcoa^ •Wt* M)pi_ •tnwiffn .tL«* . t iL * •*W*»» ti5trp6PT \Ve give the .iJyunt Sgtt ^,, . ALL. 33E5Grj.UViE3.LIW- OOODS Vnh ISv'e’llictefore' reduced tjiilju*4iMed Shiitk,' Ftllisheil ijomnlete! Groceries and Provisions, We“control the product of the Finest Mills in ihe South. CHOICE, KENNES AW, MARIETTA &EXTKi Every Sack Warranted to give Satisfaction Bagging 1 and Ties a Specialty. Special Arrangements made for Supplying Grangers and Gin uers in Large Lots Cheaper than Anybody. , 4 . f . , fvl l * • m Jeans, Yarns, Unsey^ Kerseys, Shirting, Sheet ing, Chfei6k&, and factory prices. AND GET THE HIGHEST MARKET PHKE.IN CAS1 ‘ .. , 1 .7,^,1 *<R|t-/fVTSJH 11 * .»».« .« Wif *> ; ; kr . . 4 ,J >yE HAVE. JUST BUIL r B . .ti <W •»4iid haVe-tibdFhNfetiFaotiifictrfltr^HiftiyHing .Sp^MFfflRt 'Avfcursct .•jsidt add To I O '.A. .iM To »hf»hT f 5 ** ^ i„.i omuupe -3P»Osw«iate3y < ho moat aatiafecto^ POWDEBmVWrfW ^ ’ t»A A a 5 -kxVtf TTr?idf)idfn ft um Deo. 11—4t HTJ R It Ar JBC X Q^a' sifSP SAS %nd NUTS. AMBLES, <- fVnttir 1 Afllaitit i ORANGES AN1) eOCO.VNUTS. , , AlCARtOAD OF CU0ICE NORTHERN APPLES ! FltE'-MNOF' PtAlN AS 1XIFANCV CADDIES 1 . .. 4,opo J l i?AC/<s',bF'Fjy^:Wor'^s /' " ^ i;»iIr»T tin' FihCgo Almonds, English Walnuts, Pecans, Braziles & Filberts 250 BOXES NEW LAUER RASINS ! ' if) to ’WIW.IHtl 1 1 tl ' i . u , s - ,.', , .. .. .. At more’s Celebrated Mince Meat .and English L'lum Pudding. Cranberries, Fruit Butters, &c., &c. . » 5 EVERYTHING NICE, AND LOTS OFIT.. ^ ' TaLMADGE, HODGSON & CO. o9 Sin - 1 * *» *’****» i POPULAR CLO^NG EMI’OIHUAJ >nn<)AD ST*RBET, 1 : ' ‘ Opposite College ! Atlifeq>, Qetirgial‘ CHEAP DRY GOODS ! i-S I FOR SALE BY II CHRISTOPHER CRAY | CO A AMONG MEBOHA^fTS, there are none more reliable than this well-known, staunch old J3L firm. We are now better prepared than ever before to meet the wanfa of our patrons. ’ We prepay freight oh all orders amounting'to $10.00, and wc take pleasure in forwarding sam ples of our Goods to aigt address. WE ARE^OFFERING,* THIS SEASON, $10,000 Worth Dress Goods from 5 Cents Up. 10,000 “ Jeansfand Cassimeres from 10c. 1 15,000 “ Linens, Damasks, and Housekeep Goods of every description. $75,000 Worth Cheapest Dry Goods ever offered in Georgia. •O. GRAY <Sc CO. X»eel—"nv V Atlanta, Georgia. ; ' n '»: «♦»? /I'i i *. // jl Ir r »i *♦ ' « ^ r '‘ 4t » 4 < T&q proprietor of >tho MAliKAM HOUSE takes this methccUol iufonuiug tbo traveling pnhlib, that notwithstanding thb gieat Euro pean war,•!»» hotel wiUicoirti*Wto.^twt»iij.with itg-tMiwlhospital^ ties*'and Tfirst-clnss riccotnirfodations, such its^hoflatltFs'himself has ^iteh great ’popularity and success to his house,'and general satisfac tion td those wUb We honored him by becoming his guests’. Soard reasonable' ancl accommodations first-class. ’ r ' ' • ” <?eha B. ‘©weag, 3s*se;g;g£Q'fcQg,,. t i ' r * i: *i "« «; REIVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. Iroaa. GottoTX Ties—^a33.pcrtaaa.t Speoial ITotiee. ' TRADE SIARK-HcCOMU. '. i, ! ^3N/EB3S.IG^.ISr COTTON TIES CODMC^^JM^ST " ; ‘ -LIMITED. ‘ 3R. W. <& CO. Ceaeral. A.g©aits ■ • 47 CARONDELET STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Tles-The Rest and Cheapest. For _{salp Here and by Merchants Generally. 7h view of the conataatly Incrtashig popularity and demand for the iyi a rr-r. * the universally recpgnnied tovoritoAiVofplanteis, Cotton PreSsmen and Shin^^/r IU?0W T ,F^' the American Cotton Tie Co., limited, solo proprietors and^manufturiunia of Lm^?, ttou Senerally; unequaled fiwsllitlea, have.-in aAditiot to their large stock now ^fhanffremracnfl r^in “. nndin8 titles, sufficient to meet the largest demand for Cotton Ties, to cover tho entire^'rnr/inL 1 " cre ? sed quan- qnd now, Utrough their Agents generally, offer the popular and iw^reteibie aSikow per bundle, lfcss per cent, discount for cash, in buudles complete l£in<r iri« W • r ‘ E at 82 50 M '» i n*.'ir*^' """ ■ ^ .j • ! -tk’ pnivjui Jmu«.-U ln«war»(. 9 Tho most satisfactory POWDEK everkoTtr tii it^^^ll n^ ^ i J .ir-,-n.-£iTur- 1 in.i, ]1 r- LnSSfeWSlSariBRaM iivrlTtit ('"“M • ' - , &i vltnisi iM fc-HjavjftiUt •>*! ».• " ■ RygrtwBHw;*- t »t< fi li t? • Z\‘tu1 .tjutil.i/. u. .m'idUM Al •<rii /{"i. Jii 4 ! i-.iiul r*\V. I nil it*. voifT .Intifaiviti -»a lliw k»is ti* !-ft efil iuuc h-ier la»ii M<3r s pr n . 0 ??- • ;-«• ; : KiCiAll Y -JRAJUfi ^t/IsV>A IHifl v M r/HAXS ANDiFURNisfflGi GOODS, and will sell tlicin‘Cheaper than the safne grade of goods can be*sold liy any ’house in the Stete. , best manner and a perfect A tKaaranteed to all who wilMavor roe with their patronage, Panicu* tention given to making Large Men’s ( lothift.' and satisftitioh given; '• 1 - Also SHIRTS aud DRAM ERS made to order for Men and Roys. I have made great in Man ufacturing Shirts, aud can get them up at short notice. Open back and front. !»irf . ■ K.-'-e. J03RRAST, NcvIS 228' Broad Street, Angusta, 0» GOME AND ’SEE J MwjWm f Mw®&&'J§w§smmw* A cmopTete stdck'of foods'’ 1 ahd Grricerie& •: ,t.<« i. • Tobacco arid Cigars/ Fifty Boxes A ssorted Grades. Saddlery aaad Haraaiess. ; ACOMPLETE STOCK OF CHEA^SADDLES, BUGG^Y, HACK AND EXPRKS • A good stock of SHOES AND LEATHER. TABLE & POCKET CUb-i Av large and Vltned assortment. 4 .. 1 j une7-trI-wAw6m. X • TTJItE I ''** r - f » • ^ . 'V . • . 4 A splendid new stock Chamber Suits • / From Twentjtfi# to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING F.OOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Prices as cheats any Fust-class House in th* South. E« ^E1T3DHIQ^ ^ 8Q -r 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suits $25 .to $60. Send orders or leiters A mqp\ ry . ■AS® .°WJkMW 9 OF A;LL GRADES, EOR TA^ C«6 GBNAMEJiTAL PUBPOSffi. " ?f ;■; ■ -• ' LAMPS. GI Hnn?T aS c a ? < J Ti T rt ’ of all / z ® 3 a »d prices, frdm 35 ceuts to $10 each. A nice House a Safety Lamp?, bought since the decline in prices.; - -Also, a good stock of L always ou hand. Iverosinc 110, Fire Test. Lubricating Oil fos Gins, Mills', Sewing Machines^ Tu ® ntP - -. .liovcei. . ; I will St* 3 *'*?*£*$ for Agwenltuiai and Building purposes I chnllenwo r^v° a ^ e 6 V* clc ?*6°dds at lowest prices for cash, or excb: brooks,of oct30-2m. send ijsj youk Subscription for the Geor^ Por y -7;^^