Newspaper Page Text
Jnn. 1. To cash on handle,444 44
“ To cash rec.- ived
from taxes 1874
1875 and 1876.. 960 20
“ To cash received
from taxes of
1877 8,568 15
“ By cash r fund-
e'dto University
Bank 1,000 00
“ By cash paid in
terest 1877 and
“ By cas’> paid lor
By cash on hand
Council Chamber, )
Athens, Jan. 2d., 1878. k
12 o’clock, m. )
The last meeting of the old Council was held
t*iir evening, present His Honor, Mayor Tal-
mudge and Aldermen Hampton, Kemp, Hodg-
»on and Burke. The minutes of the lust two
meetings were read and confirmed. |
Application of George I.uoas for appointment i
to scholarship in State College was granted, i
Petition of J. 11. Brittjjin ctal asking the Conn- j
oil to place a lamp post near residence of Mrs. j
Baker was referred to the new Council. ’ I
Alderman Kemp made a verbal report statiug I Jan. 1. Toeatdiouhatul$l,5S2 15
That he hud conic red with Mr. E. K. Lumpkin 1 “ Tn ■’**>' ">e,.ivo,l
in regard to the sutvey of the City J.imits made
by him, and that Mr. Lumpkin had agreed to
inn the line again and correct any errors that
may have been made.
The monthly reports of the Treasurer, Chief
uf Police, Lirnpligliter and Clerk of Market were
icad and receiv 'd.
The annual reports of the Treasurer and
i "oief of Police wen* read, received mid ordered
spread ou the minutes.
The following bills wore ordered tb bc paid
• 'i: approval of proper committee: Athens Gas
Light Company $62.50 and 1.20, Henry Hill
430, J.»H. Carlton (1.15, Athens . Georgian
889.75. ’ J j
The Gutta Pcrcha «ft Rubber Manufacturing j
< ’ouipany |2S0, Athens Foundry & Machine j
’.Volks $5.86,1L Chappel $36. j
By Alderman Hodgson : Resolved, That the |
thanks of the Council be and they arc hereby j
tendered to the Tre surer, Chief of Police, aud j
< Tty Attorney for the efficient uianuRr in which j
they have di-eharged their duties during the |
oast year, mi.I lo the Treasurer add Chief of!
Police for the vety ela'oorut j and satisfactory )
reports this day made of the Treasury and Po- : t
lie? Department during the past year—adopted, j
By Alderman Burke: Resolved, That our j
thanks are due and they are hereby tendered I
to ills Honor C. G. Talmadgc li>f the aije and
cl'ioieut niauwtr in which he ha* presided over
the deliberations^tbis.body, adopted.
Mayor Tai omdgo delivered a sljirt address to
the old Connell, and then administered tlier
oath of Otfice to the Mayor c'ect, J. II. Rucker,
alter which lie' announced the old - Council ad
journed tine <IU.
\V. A. Gillei.axh, Clerk.
$15,978 88
To cash received
from taxes 1874,
1975 and 1876.. 241 56
To cash received
from taxes of
1977 2,149 78
By e sh refund
ed to University
By cash paid
linox Institute.
By cash paid in
terest 1877, ’78.
By cash paid for
By cash on hand
9 600 09
2,000 09
8,173 83
$15,978 88
Amount of tax
assessed ou
street intrusions
Amount of street
Total amount of
tax assessed..
894 00
$20,151 87
250 00
124 15
2,528 00
300 00
762 34
$3,964 49 $3,964 49
Demands due
the city, due
from taxes for
1872 to 18$7 in
clusive, for gen
eral expense..$1,766 99
Due from^taxes
for 1672 to 1877
inclusive, to
pay interest or.
railroad bonds. 1,379 94
Due from tuxes
for 1872tol877
inclusive to pay
interest ou col
lege bonds 348 95
T till amount..$8,515 89
DEBT 1877.
The debt of the City, January 1st, 1877, was !
'us follows:
$ev bond* Ape ef'69,
: toTaWjffcJfcfi
8e. bond6, ii*iie of *78,
to railroad 98,000 00
8c. bonds, issue of *73,
to college 24,809 99
Total bonded debt..
IN WAX litriKT OK Tilt Tltlt.VntEl! OF THE CITY
To the Honorable Mayor an 1 Council of the
City of Athens:
Gentlemen—I respectfully submit tho follow
ing report, showing the aggregate revenue to
the City during the year 1877, and the disburse
ments of the same by tlie City Authorities;
r.lso, a statement showing tho outstanding
debt, etc.:
Town currency m cir
culation $ 207 oO
Due on open accounts
to police, et ul 1,809 09
Interest due on bridge
bonds 98 O')
Interest due on rail
road bonds 3,780 00
Interest due ou college
bonds 952 09
1,000 shares N. E.
Railroad stock..
City Hall
firemens' Hall....
priug lot
Mules, cart, street
tools, etc
Iron safe, Office
desk, etc
Demands due
Cash on hand for
general purposes
Cash - on hand to
pay interest on
Total assets $112,621 92
The following statement shows the net re
ceipts and disbursements for geueral purposes
for the year 1877 inclusively, ineluding the
amount yet to be collected and paid on this
year’s cxj<cnses:
To cash received
from auction li-
I cense $
To cash received
from druggist li-
1 oense
To cash received
irotn itinerant li
To cash received
from fines
| To cash received
; from liquor and
| iager beer license
I To cash received
) from market fee-
| To cash received
from show license
j To cash received
I from misoejlane-
j ous sources
| To cash received
from billiard li
To cash received
from dray license . 355.00.
cash «»**#*
cannot well
one year,
half of
It will
$2,806,00 <41
College, hay
* The Bot
daring the
ing the ImI'
n from the foregoing report th«t
issued to the Railroads and
retired during the present
id currency debt amounted
1878 to $188,664, it is now
a redaction of the debt, dor
rs of $10,609.
Respectfully submitted,
. A. Gillelaxd, Treasurer.
of Cblot Davis.
H. Colib Davis, Chief of Police
eni, for the year 1877:
Mayor and Council of the city
respectfully submit the follow -
the number of arrests, amount
matters connected, with the
year 1877—
: - ...217
wales- — 86
males ..—.113
femalee...— 3
-v 45
lty or plead guilty -155
1,115 89
$125,250 Oil
6,837 09
$132,087 00
To cash on hand.$
To cash received
from green gro-
317 46
ocr's license...
'J’o cash received
from auction li-
12 59
To cash received
from dni££fot
25 0 >
To cash received
from itinerant
10 •>>
To cash received
39 00
fro n fines
To cash received
from liquor and
lager beer li
737 93
cense ■
To cash received
from market
1,850 00
To cisli received
from show li-
303 21
To cash received
from miseella-
130 09
necnis source.-..
cash rec ived
from bidii Td U-
77 no
To cash received
250 09
front dray li-
To cash received
in. u tax-s 1974,
1975 and 1976..
■ Toea-li ice -ived
>73 44
from taxes ol
7,-itVJ OS
Total debt
j Of the above debt, tlie following amounts
general ■ have been paid during the present year:
j Town currency re- .
deemed $ 102 00
Paid on open uccouuts
I to police, et nl 1,800 00
j All interest due on
bonds 4,830 Oil
| Three college bonds
redeemed 300 00
J Four railroad b aids
! redeemed 2,000 00
Total $9,052 00
nr.BT 1678.
The debt of the City, January 1st, ls73, is as
iroui taxes.of i7T r ^*,46$ 08
To amount yet due
from tuxes of 1977
By cash paid ou ac
count of printing
By cash paid on
street account.
By cash paid on ac
count ol'ji:mper-.
By cash paid inter
est ou bridge
| By cash paid on
; miscellaneous ac-
j count.
i By cash paid on ae-
"connt of fire de
By cash paid on
account of gas.
By cash pSdd on
"account of public
By cash j mid olli-
cers’ salaries.
By cash paid on
jiolice accouut.
Amounts due on
open aeeonuts to
police, et al.
hie to liquor. —135
posed -.$86 ) 60
tail paid Treasurer.706 28
er to street -157 32—865 60
7as. collected aud
— 2,135 60
364 85
1.286 08
.96 05
1.932 65
170 arrests have been made for violation of 354th
section of Ordinances.
11 arrests have been made for violation of 352d
section of Ordinances.
45 airests liave been made for
section nl Ordinances.
1 arrest lias been made for violating the 516th
section of Ordinances.
2 arrests have been made for violation of 3261b
section of Ordinances.
2 arrests have been made for violation of 312th
sectiou of Ordinances.
8 arrests bave been made far riolatlou of 331st
section ol Ordinances.
No arrests were made for violation of 313th sec
tion ul Ordinances.
No arrests were made for violation of 334th sec
tion of Ordinances.
2 arrests have been made for violation of 2S0tli
section of Ordinances.
own expense, to be used in the disoliarge of his
Mayor $800 per annum
City Attorney $850 per annum
Clerk of Council $900 per annum
Chief of Police $1000 per annum
Lieut, of Poliee $50 per month
Regular Police $50 per month
Street Commissioner $50 per mouth
Lamplighter, election defered. Clerk of Marc
ket, half the fees of the office. Magazine
Keeper, all the fees. Assessors of Real Estate,
$25 per annum. The Poliee Force to uniform
theu selves. 4 ‘ ( ' 1 ' * •
The various liquor and other license were
taken up and fixed as follows:
Retail Liquor License $100 per annum
Quart $200 per annum
Gallon. $50 per annum
B»twlt ‘ $25 per annum
lager Beer, $50 per annum
Billiard, per Table, $50 per annum
Dray license, one horse, $5 per annnm
Two’horse, ’ $15 per animat
Four horse, -. $20 per
Omnibus, $20 per. annum
Ail other license to remain the same a* last
year. - ri
On motion it was resolved that the potioe
force ol the city .shall consist of Chief of Poliee
and lieutenant of police and four regular police
men. ' • ; -
The Council then proceeded te fbe election of
officers to serve for the present year, with the
following result: .
Clerk of Council—5V. A. Gillelund
City Attorney—T. 5\\ Rttekcf.'
Chief Of Police—H. (!obb Davis. p ■,
Limit- of Police—B. If, Culp.
Regular Poliee—B. O. 5V. Rose, 5\\ T. Mxton,
1L L. Suhrley, James O’Parrel. "*'
Street Commissioner—Henry Hill.
1-amplighter—Election defored.
t.’lerk of Market—J. 55*. Brumby.
Chie: Engineer Fire Department—11. Bcusse.
First Assistant Fire De’ot.—5V. IL Jones.
{ Second Assistant Fire Do’pts—5V. A. Bane.
M t ,
«Mb!eT. '
s ai ! 1 arrest '*•* lcen for Violating the 356th
o,<4- section of Ordinances.
8e. bonds, issue of
1869, to bridge.$
Be. bonds, issue of
1973, to railroad.
8c. bonds, sstic of
1673, to college.
2,450 00
96,000 0 •
24,500 09
Total bonded debt. $122,950 09
Town currency in
circulation '? 195 09
Due on open ac
IiTcrest iluc on
bonds this day..
Interest title tiie
Unix civil v Bank
Du? T. G. Barrett
for lot
$122,959 00
7.j9 09
250 00
$3,927 00
Total debt.
•• By cash paid ou
account ofprint-
>'>g .•;•••
>• Bv cash paid on
street account..
*• By cash paid on
acoauut of pnu-
*• Bv ensii paid in
terest on cur-
•• By town curren
cy redeemed ami
cancelled ......
• • By cash paid in
terest on bridge
1 >onds
•• By cash paid on
account.... ...
i* By cash paid on
account of fire
•» By cash paid ou
account t>* gas..
« By cash paid on
account of pub-
lie property...
“ By cash paid offi
cers’ salaries...
“ By cash paid o
police Roeoui; .
»* By cash on Uix
3,129 24
$126,897 00
The luiioiint of property taxed by the City
Authorities the present year, is as follows:
Real estate $1,450,655 00
Vehicles mid live
40,713 0)
II usehold ami
kitchen furni
ture over $50 in
Stock intrude..
Gross receipts of
Insurance, Tel
egraph anil Ex
press Co’s
Total properly of
$13,853 19
Amount due T. G.
Barrett for lot.
Appropria tions
made to assist in
building bridge,
due July 1, 167b
$13,518 14
$334 95
Cash on hand Ji.n.
1st, 1877, for gen
eral purposes. $ 317 43
Cush received from
all sources for gen
eral purposes. 13.623 16
| Cash on hand, Jan.
| 1st, to pay inter-
| est on railroad
booths 6,44 4 41
Cash receive’ from
taxes io pay inter
est on railroad
bonds. 9,529 41
Cash on band, Jan.
1st, to pay interest
on college Raids. 1.582 15
Cush received from
taxes. 2,382 21
By cash paid out for
general expenses.
By cash on hand
for general pur-
By cash paid out oj
I bond account.
! By cash on hand to
i credit of Wid ac
$250 00
319 82
16,002 15
3,936 22
2 arrests have beeu made for violation ot 290th
section ot Ordinances.
1 arrest has been made for violating tbe 340th
section of Ordinances.
1 arrest has lieeu made for violating the 345th
seetion of Ordinances.
1 arrest lias been made for violating tbe 249th
section of Ordinances.
In closing my report for the year, 1 desire to
tiear testimony to tlie efficiency of the police force
during tlie present year. Tlie force lias been dur
ing the year fully equipped in uniforms and arms,
and as now organized, arc more etlicieut aud bet
ter organized than ever before. Every member of
this force lias discharged his duty satisfactorily,
and lias shown a commendable real and prompt
ness in the discharge of every duty assigned him.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Poliee.
Council Ciiambei:, I
Athens, Ga., Jiiii. 2d., 1878. V
12 o’clock, si. ^
Immediately after the adjournment of the old
Council the new Council was called to order by
His Honor, Mayor Rucker, and tlie oath of
Office administered to the followingAldennen:
E. It. Hodgson, J. II. Carlton, W.C. Kemp and
J. O. Tiduuidge. Tlie new Council ■ then ad
journed to meet tins evening at 01 o’clock, p. tn.
W. A. Gilleland, Clerk.
\ Sec. & Tcea«.'¥1 re’Brigade—sTj^Sii^u** ’ >-
Assessors of Real Estate—J. II. Huggins, A.
L. Bearing, II. Beussc.
Ou motion of Alderman H aloson, the Mayor
lolatiou of 347th ! u PP°>»ted a committee of three On printing to be
i a standing Committee, and they were instructed
to receive bids for publishing the proceedings
of Council and for other works that may be re
quired by the city during the present year.
Committee—Hodgson, Carlton and Burke.
Ou thotiou of Alderman Hodgson the Mayor
was authorized and instructed to appoint a
standing committee of three, the Mayor to be
added as chairman, on railroad, whose duty it
shall be to look after the interest of the city in
the Northeast Railroad, and report to Council.
Tlte bond of the Clerk of Council was fixed
at $10,000.
The bond of the Chief of Police was fixed at
Account of J. U. Huggins for $14.15 was or
dered to be paid.
n*3r Hodgson’s Shop were referred to Mayor
with power to act.
Petition of II. K. Bernard, S C. Dobbs et r.i
asking Council to remove a large oak tree stand -
ing on the side walk fronting the Episcopal
Parsonage, referred to street Committee to in
vestigate and report back to Council.
A petition was read signed by Stephen Gainc-.,
Wesly Williams and Cain Jones, Trustees, ctu
representing a colored school taught in tbe A.
M. E. Church, asking tlie Council to appropri
ate to the school that they represent, an eqnr.i
pro rata share of tho school fund appropriate ’,
annually by tlte Council for the benefit of the
colored children of this city.
On motion of Alderman Lucas the petition
was referred to a committee of three to investi
gate and report back *o Council.
Committee—Lucas, Burke and Palmer.
On motion of Alderman Hodgson the actio.:
Ot Council at last meeting instructing the Mayer
to advertise for bids to light the city lamps,
during the present year was reconsidered.
By Alderman Burke : Resolved, That the
Office of Lamplighter be continued during the
present year.
Resolved furtlur, That it shall be the duly of
the Lamplighter to do duty tlie entire night,
cveiy night in the year, his paramount ditty
sliail be to light and extinguish his lump? at
the proper time every, night, and keep his
lamps clean and in good order, it shall then he
bis duty to do patrol duty during the remniit-
der ofthe nig:o u such part of theoityasthe
Connei through ike Chief of Pelioc may dirper..
Resolved further, That the Lamplighter slmii
have the powers of a policeman in making
arrests &c., and shall bo tinder tho supervision
ofthe Chief of Police, and ahull Ik: subject to
the same regulations that govern the police,
force adopted.
The salary of the. Lampligliivr was fixed t,t
$600 per annum. : . -
The CoonoU then proceeded to elect a Lamp
light to serve daring the present yeuvr. Jphn
B. Burch having revived the majority of the
votes cast was declared'duly elected.
On motion of Altlerman Burke, the Commit
tee on Public Projierty wore uu’sitrcred to
ihruish I
<wy with ^S%tjring,the present year, i '
.not to oiceeidBbe’anionnt paid last-
Committee oajprintiug made a verbal report,
submitting prepositions from YV, F. Combs an. 1
E. J. Christy to do the city printing.
One of the bids not being very definite the-
Committee were on motion of Alderman burko
grunted further time, that they might solicit ,i
definite bid and specified amount of work.
The following Ordinance introduced by
Alderman Tuhnadge was adopted:
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of
the city of Athens aud it is hereby ordained by
the authority of the sumo that from aud after
the passage of this Ordinance no person or per
sons shall peddle, any fruits, goods, wares, or
merchandise, in the streets of the city without
first obtuiuing from the Clerk of Council n
license for which he shall pay for one year ton
Re it ordained further, that the Mayor shall
have power to grant lieenso free to such person
furnish the. ,
tr, at a prfeo
year. Tf.e
-j • ---t-vr ; ' .-'-s c-i 4 ’*- * S
YV. A. Gilleland, Clerk.
C'orxcit. Ciiaxbku, )
2N8, Ga., Jam 8tli, 1878, >
6* a o’clock, p. tu. )
or persons as in his judgment may, because ot
On motion ol Alderman Puhncr the Mayor physical disability, or other similar cause be
was instructed to advertise for bids to light the j unable to do other work for a living,
city lamps during the present year. | Ec it or Utiinetl further, that this ordinance
Council ndjourned to meet Tuesday evening j shall not apply to persons in the city or from
next at 6 1 o’clock. , the country who peddle or sell fruits or goods
j that are raised on their own premises.
Alderman Burke submitted an ordinance
amending see.295, which, under the rules was
laid over untill next meeting of Council, and ou
motion of Alderman Lucas was referred to n
Special Committee of three to consider: Com
mittee, Lucas, Burke and Hodgson.
The Mayor announced 'he following standing
Finance—Lucas, Palmer aud Hampton.
Poliee—Hodgson, Hampton and Talmadgc.
Streets—Carlton, Burke and Hodgson.}
Public Property—llurkc, Tuhnadge and
Health—Palmer, Carlton and Burke.
Ordinance—Kemp, Lucas and Carlton.
Market—Hampton, Kemp and Tuhnadge.
| Fire Department -Talmadgc, Hodgson an 1
i Palmer.
j Relief and Petition—Ideas, Burke and
i Kemp.
I Printing— Hodgson, Burke and t 'arlton.
j Railroad—Hampton, Tuhnadge and Hodgson,
i with the Muvor as Chairman.
85,- SO 00
247,420 99
18,252 On
$1,849,270 00
695 98
1,703 29
196 50
2,336 84
4,145 37
319 82
$13,940 04 $13,941 64
rRorr.BTT of colored.
Real e-tate $73,295 09
Vehicles and live
stock 2,362 0t)
Household and
kitchen furni
ture over $50
in value 890 fO
Stock in trace... 920 00
Total property of
Aggregate am’t
of taxable prop
77,467 00
$1,925,737 00
$33,879 01 $33,879 01
It will be see’n from the (statement showing
the net income aud disbursement of tbe present
year, exclusively, that when all is collected tiiid
settled up the income will be, $334.96 more
than the expenditures, last year tho income was
$150,90 more than the expenses. Notwith
standing the receipts were materially less * this
year as compairod with last, by the ;contraction
of tho city limits and exemption on Homestead
and kitchen furniture, the expenses have been
kept below tbe receipts. Tho total net expen
ses last year was $145,80, this year $18,-
518,00, showing that the general expenditures
are about$1,061,00 less this year than last.
I respectfully call tbe uttenttou of the Coun
cil to the fact that $2,450 of Bridge Bonds
fall due -*on the 1st day of October, 1878.
These Bonds will have to be paid out of the
fund for geueral expenses, and as this amount
Council C iiavbef, )
Athens, Ga., Jan. 2d., 1878. >-
6 * o’clock, p. in. )
Council met tins evening pursuant to adjotirn-
ment, present llts Ilouor Mayor Rucker and
Aldermen Burke, Hampton, Kemp, Hodgson,
Carlton, Talmadgc autl Palmer.
The Mayor announced that the first thing in
order would be to fix the salaries of the various
officers of the city for the year 187S.
On motiou tbe Mayor appointed a committee
ot three on salaries. Committee, Hodgson,
Hampton aud Palmer.
The Committee retired, and after consulting,
made a verbal report stating that while the
Committee thought that tome of the salaries
ought to be increased They deemed it advisa
ble in view of the financial condition of the city
to make no change in any of the salari s, they
therefore recommended that all salaries remain
the same as last year.
The salaries were then fixed tlie same as last
year, except the salary of the Chief of Police,
which was increased te $1000 per annum. He
being required to keep and feed a hor.c at his
Council met this evening pursuant to ad
journment, present His Honor Mayor Rucker
and a full board of Aldermen.
Applications for liquor, lager beer and bil- !
liard license were made and granted ns follows. !
Upon tbe several applicants complying with j
the law in regard thereto:
J. J. Head & Co. retail liquor license, at j
present stand ou Foundry streel.
YY’i'ey F. Hood retail liquor license at present i
stand on River street.
YY'iley F. Hood retail liquor license at present i
stand on Jackson street.
R. H. I nunpkin retail liquor license at pres
ent stand on YY'all street.
J II. I). Bensse retai 1 liquor license at pres
ent stand on Jackson street.
J. M. Allen retail liquor liccnsi at present
stand now occupied by K. R. Saulter, on Jack-
son street.
House, Betts it Co., quart liquor license at
present stand on Broad street.
Tuhnadge Hodgson & Co. quart liquor license J ppopQJ y
at present stand on Clayton str.c*. i
K. M. Marks quart liquor license at present ,
stand oil College Avenue.
K. M. Marks lager ba?r license ut present
stand on College Avenue.
IL II. Lampkin btl'iard license at present
stand on YVoll street.
J. IL D. Bcusse billiard license at present
stand ou Jackscn street.
J. M. Allen billiard license at stand now oc
cupied by Saulter on Jackson street.
A communication was read from J. F. Wil
son, proposing to furnish tbe eity pauper cof-
fius at certain price.
On motion of Aide, man Lucas tbe matter of
contracting for pauper coffins the present year
was refered to the Mayor with power to act.
Petition of J. 11. Brittion et al asking Cotta-
Council adjourned, YY*. A. Ok t.KL.xNP,
Libel for Divorce, in
Clarke Superior Court,
August Term, 1977.
SoruiE YYThtlow,
Gn.BERT YYThtlow
It appearing to tlie Court by the rctarn of
tlie Sheriff, that the defendant, Gilbert Whitlow ,
does not reside in this county, and it flirther
appearing that ho does not reside in this State,
it is on motion ordered that said defendant
appear anti answer at the next term of this
Court, or that the ease be considered in defatt t.
anil the plaintiff be allowed to proceed.
It is further ordered that this notice be pub
lished in the Athens Georgian orco a mont •.
for fonr months, before the next term of Court.
Done in open Court.
Attorneys for Libellant.
Granted: GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
extract from the minute* of tlio Superior Court,
of Clar oConntv, at Au ust term, :877.
cil to place a lump post near residence of Mrs. . ,vT-Ki.imDfi>
Grogan, also up’ution of Alderman Ilodgsou j WORK Ol’ ALL D1' ' (. Rll
for lamp poet to be be placed on Oconee stree I ^ lion neatlv done at this office.