Newspaper Page Text
i\b i >i iiit* l*m*d
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■* ‘JKKUJKnKLt ‘^HRAHH* #}|gl
~ • ~v.tilv: v “ r-*■'••<;■>« v'il.t'j fto* flfcrft th«i; u )C ;i im.-it ’•uH nocf* «m .Hr* tn>v ;«e!.»fl|
a.. 1 A ..., i" !»> : - t vo,. Jib ttwyfi i* ihw u?>ti.tb~! j ,, .»iiin|< •»?«»* <4 nu»qo ^»’<h.»>.>1o • ••.Inmi.mtJ l? h». -.utl” ; ff i;-.v
mi rrvr,
i.v: . -h
<!( — i'u» (•’:■:'■! "* y , ij.K
4-y.«u;V fmiu
: ■" 1 t
■i*i lifti
iiimllij; n»»od*f;fn , i;il'#r j
:K s|*|Ull OK \ WOM iN I < IJ.MMYV sllK WAS
J m’HWKUKO LOM-*«<»- - : v
Social attention paid to criminal practice.
For reference apply to Ex-Gov. T. H.AVatta
and Hon. David Lioptoji. .Montgomery, Ala. ovur resvOtfiie Athens, Gv-
Toeoa City, Ga.
Will pructjeviulali the comities of the West
ern Circuit, Hurt nod Madison of the Northern
Circuit. Will ^ire apeaial «ttuiii<pi to nil claim*
entrusted to his care. oct8h-1875 ly.
I>. C. Harrow, Jr.
A» > - -
Pope Harro
ttlflorovcr Taliaupttc, HodasoivYfe Co.
holding w a removed front beds, a
hiokiittr <«^g!a4X was run Bhetf rfftii
pi ..mi the -fh iff ‘ ate|is" trrfi
actually mov.'dfmm their placid ItilW
two reel ■ At nmnhdrTidie4he ityFWt
[fVciin the^Reidintr ^ngVl jnjaiifi s:i:<! it did not
I*> a^m-al-looking, t wo-story brick j M anl harm come to nny one’. *A
house, situated on Minor street, In-- j ru-alive of the driver, who witnessed
Iotv Lotirel, a spiritualistic circle was t j, e murd* r. litm in Birdsboro. Go
IteUi on Sunday evening;. A gentle- j t„ |,j|„ * tell bint to go to Hamburg
man w ho was present, ’litis deserilics
ii : A bom tiirtyhelievcin visited
the place. We jien-uaded Mrs. Eliot ,
of Ash street. a medium, to accoiu-
• AiiAiWtntiBWi^
j,|vd-* !..) AiW'h • brttas > >»dj'to ,vui«f'- hi’fnG i ■ 1'i
jil'JtPviti^I&iido j UNlVERSITf Ofi etOllGi* UBfiARY .il-t
r?™ ™ e,, Tir' 1 J, H i J ,u ai ^ - v,:hlto ^ * ,J
r *J.'Ml ‘full Jlll'l'* v> •••! . •• »
old EEMBSr'ybK'i’Sei:'^
•:>ii• * U T r- slJHI 'n-?v lt.Jim M hov oji
Wl iji iijjIi mMoi i i' i> V.if 1 ‘ ijg
pany ns. hue very soon was in a punishment has fully atoned for all
clairvoyant state, and through her, - f - r • —^ -• — 1
the company present were told a most
mvsterious st«*rv of ;t murder that
had ha|>penetl In this city many years
am» The spirit was that of a dead
woman who said she had heen mur
dered. Her soul wa* in jholl, ami i* j
still there. .Wtien in the flesh, ahe *
was tile lowest ol the low, she Said, j
She spent a.cojisiderahlo portion of j
her life on a eaml boat, and was j
filially murdeicd by two ruffians.
The spirit of t lie dead woman spoke j
in a leirtbly. realistic manner. The
ni _ d ; .> . %J f e «r»hi
rytt ytil*af se ,»}oi lfanb
txspwwmim, «f»
-«!; t'eto m;-i
Atlanta tionxiftatlcn.] ’(
lyniomirlg, Mr, A.;K.
it9i r JUi&foSKj Mr Howell
Henry-Caelum an PopA
Arton*; called >at the
Govehtuirs offiee ihrthe ;mrpost>%>f
ot thfe'NortlteasteYR road:’ ■ .* •’
cTbei (SitwfiMtr arihouncsd ’That lie
had finished' Signing tlie houdv'and
was read) T to deliver them C'StitfrAA
taries Wirren and Avery Were railed
in tO ’fi^R tdiouds, and clip the
coufion^^ir dates alrmlv ; }iii»’i*ill
[Special Dispatch to the C-ncmatti Uawue.1 'fl'is W.rfjMsmsumed alnnit I WO WhrK
: ffle* hdiid*. Tlu*' foHrtivhi-e 1 ‘ mornrn^ frith ' rod
nl le^si' r tn 9 ^lii
and tell — to come dotrii artf
remove my |n>ur old hones. He need
»• t ted who my murderers were. I
don’t want them punished! 5
the wrong!’ *these and many'other
sentences were hissed out by the
spirit of the w oman, and ire left the
scene, not to forget it in a hurry, I
ceil assure von.**
Eternal Punishment.
i ■ , I: .j : • . 1 -if ton: A • • «
cdf^l the opinions of the Speaker of
ttlif ’ lifiiuse anti Chairman tw fbe
Judiciary Committee,}‘to P.iltmi, to
$*t rtie opipion of ex-nei^nt Tram-
iVielf. oi* file Senate! Tfteqe- opinions,
ui.d others of cqu*l importance, be
procnrell and Ta^d before the Gov*
But' the ^queerest tiling .was his
discovery of art error in the bill iirniei
which the road was chartered. It
appeals ihat the Supreme Court has
decided a«*ainst the payment of these
bmids on the ground that in the cap*
Ifec W t|e act chartering tli. ro.ui,
lid mention 'was made of Statu : id,
and the law is, that everything in an
attorney Ajr Mi.w,
Cleveland,. O., January 18.—Last
? T ! , . , . ' evening the Rev. Joseph Cook chdiv*
* i voice came harsh, and . t times, was i ..... . 1 _ -n i
1 - . . ,, ,.,, . r , ered his famous lectrne, Docs Death
! piercing and lull ot AnUerin ss, li „ . .<.. . . . . _ . •.(!’;»’
i | ., .... * „ - • i End All ?' before 4,000 people, in the
I'ronijit Tittcut'.GU j£sven to uU Uuttiiivs*!* ttiul SUUl l Oui'C* L VV ;IH UIMI
llic - 1- *;.i-clt«lly *oliciterl. j.cll-Iv f | „„ vyi] irit w ,- e .. ke .l ;m d ruined j ° ,,4 T "“f 1 i^rnacle T«.‘H
' -.’Tj-'n *— v i . i a-.i t , liionnng ne lelt lor litu.sville, where
fiAM ai‘ {Ifnu’ni PApn i me. nVi I fi*ii iov\vi <iiiu • . . ., , . r
1jA*3A!v v. ->««. I ioh ell ivOBB. ; f , . . ! lie speaks this evening before bis «le-
: lower, and at las:, I was bo\o d the ' , ,,
i, . ... . * . .iparture. Your cor respondeat inter
i boundary ut he lie or redumptKiti. lj . ... , . a . j * , .
I * , 1 , , 1 viewer! bun briefly in regard to his
I was employed on a c*» al boat. One . ... ., . k
I 1 J ! views on “ hell. J He said:
!*"*• *» rr,*i«.»»«i»nv ™..iy«, , 1K ak
»«***.' " l “, bo » t " :,s ,, " <l uf> upon tl.i. suite. Wi well
tokte, Ak,.x,« J. Com. |*V“euuugli up Id wiiut Mild«»
L larwiW A 1 ; '!/, ! l.Hd«v. Two tHeo-rlMW* Die wm«i> ^ ■‘jjmimiHNtti
^ routin'*wewCTnelttio^d^ieAsinptk^ tne^oT wpp|ta We knew kh’At Canon
£ at ii. conn,
Athens, Ca
in )>cDpnn.- ltuihiing,
iVl>::y-l8»ly .. ,
Alkx S. Kit*is,.
■ Jit•fAy--tmr. v •• ’.
; accompany them up the street, and I
■ went. YVe proceeded :;s far as a
clump of willows, where they ertu-liy j
i inurdered me. They wrapped my
j body in an old piece of canvas, threw
t tne in a gulch and covered me up.
| My body decayed and my soul was
damned and sent to perdition. I am
Athens, Ga •' '' : 'C' -
Office on Corner of BionA and Thomas sMr-'-’j.
- over Chlkls, N i-k*T. o;i A Co.
j[ M. COCHHAN, ’ >
... I
Gainesville, Ga. j
Real Estate un>l G'-neral Joint! Agent fyrfhc j
o irolmsc and sale of and still there, and mV bones mouldering
I .unis in Hall, and the other count tee af North- I ‘
* -t tieurgin. Mineral ores tested mid titles to ; at the Very llireshlliild ol tilts house,
prop-rtr incestignted. Siieciid attention given ! ,, , _ . _ • , , ,.
lot.ic purchase and sale of eitv property. ; Mv UtHldct was \U IlcsSod by the
may - —Sin .1. X. 1)0Rskfi. Attorney, i driver of the boat who followed ns
CltYG. MoCURRY, ; His presence was discovered, and the
Atrfcorxiojr svfc Law, • j murderers threatened t<» kill him if he
Hartwell, Georgia, ever whispered a word of t he luirri-
Will practice in the Superior Courts of North- j , . . ... , r i. . . .1 • 1
gia and Supreme Court at Atlanta. ■ oh* iMLnlt. He kept t leu told Se
The clinked "bmipoiis Were* tied
1 hrowii '^rto tlih stove and htrriieif,
tlldt fhe^hiigW^ never ftgsnn arise to
tifl’ilfelil Mhe cfippels. ‘‘Tire receipt
tor 520 b 'inis of 9500 each w as then
wi-iV.eilj&^nBd and llAitded to the
'■= * ;i
wtt at Vertt.BE done with the bonds
ln*an j^if&tview with Mr. Childs,
the preqbljMit, ave learned that ev» ty
dolltfr dtfille bonds rcuiaining in the
hands ou tlie dii\*ctors was already
spoken Hn'V'in Athens and will be
biidy -as if jM^rtJib ,viff: fhe> ‘ftmdjr Wht
bottom, wiili wiiat miJtiiRlIiWe a flour
bag im*M> helnmlTt. ?«« a-
ttv«*s- knew* what this meant. As
soon :t8.lh4'canoes got, two
of the most acilre young incii man*
ag»l daggers so to 1 diadde tha
mouater (for it'- was a gigantic devil
fiahji that the octopus with its victim
was ’bnmght to* the surface. Tim
foregoing tacts have been couimuii>
ctueti to our informant bj an in tel lb
gent and respectable halMn-eed wo.
man from Meichoseii who saw the
body of the drowned girl with some
ol the preliensites of tiieinolusk still
adhering to it. She cCmiparcd the
head of the octo| u*1n size to that oJ
1 fift y poniid flour sack, fyl!; and
act 1 Ol leeiied in the caption, is die* I *»ud Hint the teii 4 ..cls were twelve ill
gill- Dr. Carlton; tlie other day, de* tminbe:-. o*' 'Ufferent * sizes, and the
termineil to fook into the matter. He largest atn .i. the circui.ifereiice of a
weeks since.
Farrar said. When through with my
Boston lectures in April, I shall prob
ably write something on that subject
more definite. I do not expect that
my views will change any, hut they
may lie expressed differently on
account of what people abroad have
‘ In my lecture on the permanence
of the moral character. I expressed
have sold inoVe than the amount on
hand if he had had them. On hi*-
way to Atlanta lie was approached
by a gentleman who wanted §7,000
of the bonds, and offered par for
them. All had already been spoken
for, bow’ever, by the citizens of Ath
ens. The whole amount received
was §260,000, which is §6.7)00 per
mile tor the whole length of the road.
This is just half as much as the peo-
wf-ni to i fur-Secret ary of State’s nffice
and found, I>y eohsulting the journa 1 ,
that, a great mistake had been r.iade.
The bill chartering the road origi
Hated in the House Nothin:; was
said in the caption concerning State
aid. When it went to .the Senate,
this danse was put in the caption. I
came ba> k to the House which con
curred in the amendment of the
Senate. In reporting the bill to the * 1ut Duke of Eud.nhurgh, who waa
Grant, at Malta.
j Tlirw? American I'rim* Uonnux sin* «♦ c, m ( a
I • Yyla,
[From the London World.'
Ex-Pre.*ide„t Giant has arrived in
due course trom Palermo at Malta
His arrival was quite lmexp.cied.
east G.*o»
A hit S. 1
Jawm R. I.vlk,
Alex. S. Krwis,
jeret, and to-day, he lives not far from
J Heading, ami his mind and soul aie
| in terrible avjonv and torfire He
I i* n sl less and cannot sleep. God
Will practice in partnership in the Superior j
‘in: of Ocuduu County, and attend promptly j ,| ;l
i i:l hi,.iuess intrusted to their core.
»|t \. iLi n,
tJU'a-fc *Hrawlcoi* Sc Jowolor, j
A: Mn haci’.-torc, n xtdoorto Ileiive* A Nieh-j Hell! me I' 1
nl-oifs. Broad street, Athens, Geoniia. All ‘ ’
Wur.c warranted la in »'ths.
1 pity bun! He wants to tell, but yet
not ii in fear of his life. Hi-
Conscience is upon the rack, anti vet
he is gmltles- and lilameless M\
Lillies mast lie n an,veil trout tlicit
resting pi ice or my sotn lutisi rot in
one enntinual torture Help me!
my present views. I believe that in > 1'!° along the road have already in*
j,> <u:mojkk,
*‘At. this,” said the gentlpinan.
we all heard a rattling noi-e, as il
pieces above
Toeoa City, Ga.
isli price paid for c-otton. Ajtent
f Kress. oeai)-tr75-tf
tlu; hon-e was falling t
! oar In-ads. Then appeared a black
shadow moving across the ruiiii,
looking like half a goat and ha fa
do,;. Ii shr eked, * Remove my I o ies.
1 <lig up my bonus! I am butted In re,
i and those mouldering bones must be
| carried away ’ And the horrible-
-- j looking object disappeared Men
^ Tr , A7 .^ r , 1 * ** El | trembled and women wept and fainted
’ away. I never eare to experience
such a ’lung again. Tln-re were a
few skeptics in the circle, and they
desired to depart at once. Several
church members ami -ccepted Chris
tians were perfect y staggered and
• - Wiimhip’* Gina and Kress.
attorney at law,
Gurncsville, Ga.
#11 A* 0 JOVE-S *«•
in mini* STitKiir, ai’cisia, ckorlia.
[ oti-Om
• or.lit iSU SALK STABLE.
Oa.*rla*eH, Bii« v lcsA Horses | confounded, and could Hot solve the
tun inr.-. Terms rcu«m»bl«. terrible my.-tecy. At another time,
E M. WHlTEIi: AD, | . .....* .
Washinjfton, Wiltcs o-.mnty, Ga. | *ltw spisit of the murdered woman
r l I s --.' 1 * j came like a cloud of cotton and roilwd
Athena, Ga.
Office South West Coruer of College Avenue
■n 1 Clayton Street, also ut the Court House.
j over the people, causing cold chills to
creep over them. Doors cracked,
windows rattled, croekt ry and disc.-*
tumbled, chairs were upset, fires
All p irtiec desiriug Criminal Warrants, ,-aii set I went out, lights were •-xu-guis ie
bunt u - . any time by applying to iheConuty! . ....
Solicitor at this office. dcciQ 1874-tf dogs growled, furi.l.te was broken.
the domain of moral laws there is a
point beyond which it is too late to
mend. In the physical law of gravi*
tation a ship mav careen trom side to
side, and thus train sailors to become
skillful and b**ld, hut al length it goes
too far and capsizes and sinks, and
hundreds of centuries will not remedy
it.* In organic law the same is true
A trie may be cut, and may heal
even stronger than before, hut if
cashed beyond the hea' t, it dies; ami
no one will expect that centuries of
stiff ring will hrinir it hick to life.
’*These two sets ot natural laws
point in the same ireetion. and teach
that there is such a thing as being too
late to mend. From analogy, then,
we ‘ must conclude that, under the
third set, or natural moral law. the
same thing holds true. The condition
of things is such that ;;u uuwillingne-a
to acce *t goodness may ri|ien into
eternal voluntary opposition to it.
Under the irreversible nanira] law,
there may exist in the universe eternal
•<in.* I would not teach the truth of
future punishment by saving that
man is punished forever and forevei,
for the sins of that hand’s breadth ot
duration we call time It the soul
does not re|»ent with contrition, the
nature of things-forbids its peace.
Biblical and natural trutn teaches that
a prolonged dissimilarity of feeling
with God may end in eternal sin. If
there is eternal sin, there will lie eter
nal punishment. Omniscience can
not make the man h ppy who lutes
wnat God loves, aud love* God
Rest vj
U»cco m A It -(.j
Iyalv ...i
*itpl-St U
'Sl\Y MM
W’l.lg I\
Of the §260,000 about §125,000
were turned over to Mr. Gooi^ow
torthe Atlanta rolling milk This is
in p yinent of the iron with which
tin* track was laid. Mr. G- odnow,
we understand, has re used to sel
•tny of his bonds at par. He a.-ks
10f, aud feels confident that lie wdi
get the price asked. The bonds
shouM certainly command a premium.
Iu reply loti question ! «s u> whether
the endowment ..f the bonds would
resit.t in h vi g the mad ]msh d
thtotigh to 1* thnn Gap, Mr. C'li Ids
“ It is the purpose of tin*'company
to ultimately i the road through.
YY f e cannot say how s um it will 1»-
done or in what m:n>ner. That it
w ill come uitbiiale'y I have no dotiln.
YVe have alrea*ly grseled it four « r
five miles beyond the A r Line.”
•‘Does the road pay as it no.\
stands ?”
“ Ye', sir. I suppose i is the only
road in the country that ever paid a
profit from the very first. It ha-
paid a piofit i very montli since il
ns smiled. The profits grow, amf
get in h- tier shape alt the time. I
is a welLmaiiaged ami prosja*rolls
road. Oi eouiue the i tidorsemcul ot
our bonds will -irciigtheu u* very
inileh; ml will tend to hasten the
completion ot ihi- roatl ”
YYTtlmnt uispaniguig the efforts «>
any oilier m o., or men, who have
been at work iu n.votr of the road,
w think il iai to -ay that to die lion.
Henry ca n-m, nunc perhaps tna>i
i. 1 '- otue, dues the Toad
printer, however, the Clerk of the
Hortse furnished him the original
ont oft he fciption. Ill his tnes*
sage approving the rot, Govm nor
Bnlloek used the exj»vssion, “and
for granting Stitte aid, aud other
YVe have authority for saying that
when this error was reported, a
Judge of -the Supreme Court re
marked that the knowledge of it
would have settled the ease iu favor
of the road long ago.
Dr. Carlton deserves the gratitude j Duke and
ami thituks of his constituients tor his I 1 be same
on board the S.dtan, al once put off
the Vamhilin apd welcomed the Gm*
crtil to the island. Forthwith Ut*
If i i,osc
fortunate men that can get a dinner
'<T a luncheon or an illumin-sted a«l-
dress for the hare trouble of knock*
mg at a city’s gate—went through
the usual round ot entertainment.
On the evening of the day of his
appearance; he was invited to dinner
on board the Sultan, and the follow-
ing day the General and Mrs. Grant
took luncheon at the palae - of the
Duchess of Edinburgh,
evening saw the enter*
work in this matter.
Athens is feeling splendid over the
good news. Mr. Moss says: “It
reminds me of what I saw when I
was in Atlanta a day or two after the
Capital question was settled. Every
man ! met had a smile on ids luce
and joy in his eyes. It’s that way in
Athens now.”
A big torchlight procession is or-
d red tor n.-xt Friday night. The
prising guest and suite at dinner with
the Governor, after which event
they, of course, adjourned to tlu
opera. Mom* fresh glories awaited
them. Curiously enough, the three
most sueeesstul <d‘ the prime domn-
wlio have made their dentil this sen*
s.m in Malta are all of American
nai’oiialily. The trio, accordingly,
forming themselves into a depula-
li n, had wa ted on the gallant ex-
President and piayed his attendance
tow n will go i tu a decided jubilation. [ at the Te.atro R ale tint t venim.
Several sj» eclies will be made The
Governor was especially invited to lie
present, but w as forced to decline.
Seized by a Devil Fish
[From the Victoria Colonist.]
E rly last August a party of Cape
Flattery <*r <.akaw Indians, return*
mg front a visit to their friends, (the
tjongtsh of Vi- tona), encamped the
first afternoon out on the heauti til
Bay of Metfchosen, V. I. 'Hie weath
er l»eiiig very fine, mo>t of the parly
went bathing and among the number
a maiden ot perhaps eighteen sum
mers, who had accompanied her
grumhaliicr on the trip. D. siring
seclusion, she went loimd a point
away tioiu the other batiiers, and,
being known as a bold swimmer, is
supposed to have taken a header into
d ep water. However taken, i
proved to have been a plunge iiuo
the arms <n death, for when the
swimmers leassemblnd around t»e
cam, fii e tlie girl was miss. d, and,
not witnstauding a diliigent >ea;cn
that evening, could not be found
In honor,then, of this condescension,
at the .-nd of the first act of Lucia di
L uium i’inoot.” one of the Yankee
artis es— tin- 8i"nort’*a Giulia Valda
—appeared on the stage accompanied
by a mutely chorus of Maltese, and
gave in teifder, yet strapping tones,
the ’* Star Spangled Banner,” which
is limit rstoi d to be the national hymn
of tne United States. The lions*
cheeredj and encored vociferously,
evidently iu compliment to the vis
itor; but against such blandishments
that great man opj>osed a step-,
immovable front. It has heen ar
gued, with sotn • show of reason, that
a slight acknowledgment of the «nm-
plimeiit otTthe part of the warrior
would perhaps not have been alto
gether out of p| ee. But not a mus
cle twitched. Neither to tin* bland
coquetry of the dark-browetl Valda
nor to tin* applauding audience id
he vouehsde the tu* si distant bo v.
His face slnomled iu stolidity am: is
beard, iht* General sat through the
atom, patient, eitdming, adij-os*-;
and when t ,;a m\ hue 1 n**wr of A *
t tee
i. b
it. WY.S
•r id*.
j ” Tii*
M it
:(» ,