Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, February 19, 1878, Image 6

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t SOUTIIK N y • * «T <W TS?S. Depression in Trails fcAUeK!* OK MAIM* TIMES IN ESGI.ANI. — UK1IUKK T<* BRITISH M.NUFAC TUBES. London. February 6. At tin* animal niMing of tin* Manchester ( Chamber of Commerce, on Monday.! the President submitted tl>* results of critical exmnitvition cl ean es of the piesent depression of trade. He stated that over production, foreign competition ami ?egi-da:i'»U li'iiitinir the hours ot lain* , were rmeipnl cati-es. s He nr H that niore control ehouhl j-e exercised ov« r nudm- • ii- terprise in cotton inaimtiiciures, f<>» abnormal extensions promoted eotn- petition, which at last culminated a perodical visitation ofdepression. A p. foreign competition, he said that German v, Ansi via, Italy and H-’llaml had lessened the imports of woven g«u> Is, while Belgiu was so nearly equal that it had imported ho* It woven (roods and yarns into Great Brittain tor evera years. America has also gained yearly ujjgn us, her export- of «*»>ttou goods to this c«»un* trv having increased from 15,8ti0 pounds in 1870 to 451.876 pounds in 1876 Reg: irding the labor question, he s lid that when mill owners oh- tamed tin* passimjr ol an act limiting the lmurs of labor to 94 per day, th-*y did i< without having proper re gard to the advantage thereby ob tained by foreign competitors. The fact wu- incoiji* stihle that whatever superiority of inauutaeture or power ot production we might, have, il was to a considerable extent thrown away since an Etiiilish production of 94 hours had t<» complete with a day’s work of 11 or 12 hours abroad lower wages. He regretted to sa that he could see little or no ltniiie diate hopes of a revival <*t mule. Retribution Coming;. Promt unit ItfpublifiinH Who Huy Share the Fait of 4. Madison Well*. A Washington di-patch says it is stated definitely in Democratic circle? that John Sherman. Se«retary of the Treasury, and Mr Stoughton, Mini? ter to Russia, will shortly be indicted by the State Courts ot Lotii.iaua for complicity with Anderson, Wei s and others in what is called the ret urniug board conspiracy. A prominent l*on isiana Democrat, known to be in the confidence ot his paviy, announces that during the coming motif. boil the officials named will be called upon to answer such indictment. The i.t •• and Lumpkin •*o - T ■ ,^* : t| il proper runs s. Hahiin to t’ai mil couniy. !’:.<• u.*l' of aoid,'- •.« Dr. Little, is a out 820.000 .1 nio t i, and that i.osi y <l.s i!i* r\ and badly organ* ME. si ? v * . Capitalists from Boston, Pliilgdel- hia and Ohio are buying up lands, and intend to go to work it earnest to uct out goldf , .. . Dr. Little says he is confident he couht in a month locate one hiiudred mi es. at nliich, it oi»7- hundred sta ops. were put at ‘xyrt-k, jlhe piofits would i.e §500.00(1 a • month. In t ei winils, the one hundred mines ould fie made u» yield a half million in -old per mouth all or nearly all ot which would be cleai profit Tin* above is " ha; Dr. Little says of toe gold yielding products cif our St at •. He is hope ful and sanguine ot the future of the State, all that i> wanted is -apital to nut up proper machinery, and Georgia would be the gold State of tin* Union IMA Mis •a *i*»« »i*i i«*s> *4 ■ * ' ?a«*idi * j H* I **• .I.i •tv A. If .h -7 -iitM jfiii.r d-.'t athbus. — ^ 3 11*1 THE GREAT ESTTY ORGAN, Only a Woman. TIIK SCABS A HVsTtltlOIS IK MALE HAVE JUI1X SIIKKKUaM [Wasbif gton t*pec ; n to the New York Times. 1 The account of the appearrnce ot i he rcuiarablc lady from New Orleans at the Treasury Departmet, and her call upon Secretary Sherman, is quite different as told at the department from (hat reported on her authority. The story as told at f e department is as follows: MtvSiienuan and his private secretary were sitting in ti e office, when the mo-senger brought in a note from a lady requesting to see ’he Secretary on a matter of great importance to herself, and hoped it would he no in. onvenience to him, «>r some words of similar meaning'. The Secretary receives hundreds ol similar requests from seekers lor ap pointments, and supposed this had the same purpose. It was sigued *• W. Perry.” The writer was ad mitted, ai d she took the chair on the Secre arx’s right, usually occupied by callers, and said she would like to I will undersell any house in the United Stales, test this, which is to address There is but one way to I*. GUILFORD, ■ju uudwvi on vii iiiuivinii;iii. ■ , • • • • •••• . . . .. . • , V , , have a private interview with him. statement, which is corroborated by t 1 many circumstances, is that Gc. Ogden, leader of Louisiana White League, has in his possession docu mentary and other evidence which will lie ample to procire such an indictment. He withholds this tes timony until after Anderson’s trial. There is no doubt of Anderson’s con viction, and, in view of the that An derson has threatened if he goes to jail Sherman will havo to go with him, it is argued that Ogden thinks Anderson will become a witness against r e Secretary, and there is no doubt that he and ethers in authority ia Louisiana would gladly give the former immunity, if, by doing so, he could secure the conviction of the latter. The documentary evidence impli cating Stoughton and Sherman in fraudulent practices while in New Orleans, which is supposed to be in possession of Ogden, is said io consist of a paper signed by them, or at least bearing their names, in which a man named Webber and one Anderson (not General Anderson of the re turning board) are assured of recog nition and reward in case they per form certain services in connection with the vote in their parishes. The Anderson mentioned, however, was a inan, now in Philadelphia, who was Supervisor of Elections in the bull dozed parish of West Feliciana, and a man named I>. A. Webber held the <same jKisilion in the bull-dozed par ish of East Feliciana. Acting in their official capacity they brought their returns to the reluming board at New Orleans, and as will be re membered they did not accompany those returns with protests as reqired by law. They claimed nevertheless, as was afterward conclusively proved to be the tiict, that the canipaien>in both Felicianos had been one of fraud, outrage, bloodshed and intimidation from the first, and they brought abuudant evidence to prove that.toe election was not a legal one. They refused, however, to make affidavit to this effect or to recommend in their official capacity the rejection of- the returns from the Felicia Mr. Sherman said she could say what she wished as confidentially at that moment as at any time, but she lookeu at the private secretary sitting opposite and persisted in a request to see Mr. Sherman alone. He repeated that this was impossible. In the meantime other people came in, and the lady retreated to a hack seat atid remained sente time till ti o room wv.s again clear of all persons but those mentioned before. She again endeavored to secure an appointment to talk with the Secretary to his house, but he declined positively a private interview, though she stated she was from Louisiana and Imd something important to say to him. She went away, and the Secretary has nut seen her since. Mr. Sherman exercises ordinary and necessary prudence in refusing private interviews with people he don’t know, and if W. Perry wanted to see him, except as all strangers do, in his public office, she should have secured an intro unction by some responsible person.; or, bet ter still, she should have sought the. interview in company with some per son known to the Secretary, ami in (52WIii1:eh.aU Street, Atlanta, Ga. l@“The only Exclusived Dealer in Pianos and Organs in the South. feb5-tf. Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer AISHD DOBBS’ CHEMICALS -.■jttt’ i O' -rjnirit .*,*: if r»i „ PFiftTIHIITT Augusta i land i ous STOCJC 9? „ , AND WAGONS, -OF THE sOLT) RELIABLE FIRM OF HODGSON BROS ’ • _ »r> ; <n *•>'-’ *-f* • vj, ’t. - ** MARKED DOWN. n PKTCSt.r x 1A1ZTT REDtrCIED. We J.\ nil |tu|.(i tie , I .*! sold with* lit eli-v. ( ■ i 1 i • • • k t<<L : TU OF liALTlulOKt. nud it matt and will to l'M(> SI A KI for m- UP£6 seilftfts, The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Known nil miti'i V\ AG« ->S » r» ti' it- > i (* .-irernti.., and nre otoond qui-Btion Iho Oei.t -< ri if t; i Country. 1’urtiiB wirliincr w y soft of . • :• " ’i v ;, iv io lock tLrongl: cur stock. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ZiEp&t&MJVG ./.w Job Wq®k A SPECIALTY. Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department* Special attention will be pixel, have been reduced luliy ont-louUl 111 AIK tUliK, the scale of prices in this branob Jxi* 1 < 'H Ji vcik i llcwnl in our sl op—all Fir»t-elase{ WOHK julyS-Sm AND AT ,BOTTOM TTnCTSr FOR ■ ' BB IW The undersigned has just liaB tn^mfactured to his own order a large and fresh supply of the well known Excellenza. Guano and Dobbs Chemicals for Composting which he offers to planters of Northeast (ieoritia and surrounding country, at the same price as last year Gold Mines in Georgia. The Atlanta Constitution, through its reporter,* has been having a talk with Dr. George Little, State Geolo gist, about Georgia as n gold yielding State. Dr. Little Bays that Georgia is a better gold Siatu-thnn California. There is more gold hero than there. The main centers of gold deposits These Fertilisers have, been inspected by authority of the State and found to Iks up to firmer stand ard and above. All person* desiring to purchase in Athens, wi 1 call ou the tiuciersigi cd at his store. They can also be obtained from the following agents. S. M. SIIANKLE, Harmony Grove, Ga! BOON & ALEXANDER,.. Maysville. Ga. McWIIORTER & YOUNG Antioch, Ga. P. II. BOWERS, Franklin Springs, Ga. W. A. ROYSTON “ “ Ga. M. M. JOHNSON, .if..... .Bowersville, Hart county, Ga. PLANTER ’ HOTEL, ATJCtUB I Ax ]NTE■\7V’ ^rL^Ft-A-lNrO-aESTVCtEITSr*! 1 . Hates B-edticed to S3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking of tbe Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a contiuu ancc of that liberal support they have always given it. JB. F 1 . BROWN, FORM Eh..Y OF CHARLESTON, I’KOrRIETOR. iau23-5m whom she could place confidence. For it is a strange errand a lady could come on to the Secretary of the Treasury that would not -perra’t the participation of any third pemm whatever. This affiiir has certainly a curious aild interesting aspect; and it will probably turn esiit that a iduep movement is arrangfil. tlie ‘ full 'de- velopment of which is intended to serve soiite sinister j per sona! purpose. f A. R. ELLIOTT, R. H. KENNEBKEW,. iaiitgm. . A . Grove, Elbert county, Ga. ^....Lexington, Ga. S. a. DOBBS, Athens, Of ccss v and MEDICINES for any CllHOKIC or lop* stauding cuse of slekners or afljtctlou of opy kind in nudes and females—also tor tbci. Opium and Morphine Habit drunkencM, nerve exhauefion, etc., on reoej , _ , , recep tion ot five dollars and a full statement bf. all tbe particulars of the cose, and will -guarantee satisfaction. •*••■ - •■ ^ J • 1ST Letters of inquiry xn-sst contain pottaj fofrepiy. ... , ‘ .... ‘ ^Jai>i*fa>. B ill heads and LWtSJV Heads^donc onJ«honotirtJee. GUANOI NO 6, Eaffte * O GUANO! SETTS l CO., ■ -■ ; > ‘4* i! i LEOAD STREET. ATHEKS, GEORGIA- »GENBKAJ* AGENTS FOR .1 .'tv- Carolina Fertilizer ^, , Amilioiliate^ Bone Phosphate W. T. RICHARDS & SON, * BOOKSELLERS ARB STATIONERS, ^"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALERo IN - ). i'STANDABD. AN® Eagle Compound Acid Phosphate. y The ab-.iTe FerliKiers nre offered to the Northeast CwirRla with fhe -afBiimnce that thwJr<x>mu»ortia value is •quni loiiiy in ‘Ibe luurtu t. '1 hou^mds of Farmers in Carolina, (ieorgia, H^S 1 ** ?- a a,e read y ihtir value, and ve have- no hesitancy Id recommending them to our meads aua customers. - -.Prices as Low as oilier Standard Fertilizers. jrm83ra. - HOUSE, BETTS & CO. --U' » <X» T-<| MICELLANEOUS BOOK«. » **« ■ - BLAKK BOOKS. , . „ , • ■ FOOLSCAP, LETTER. D ' , aFD NOTE PAPER. X' ikmi. •*-'qin«" . ) m . .fy u' i’ancy Pacer in Boxes, Fancy Goods, Etc,, 263 Broad Street. VJGUTTA, GA. ( . r. . „ _ /: ! x 21 •; , i*i il ^XTroqnet. Baae Balls and Pats, at;the l.owest Market£rieea. f(j OB WORK OF ALL DESCRIl J OB tf >RK OF AL tiu; n utlv 'loiu* )U!.:>x ■ IJ t inn neatly done at this office.