Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, March 19, 1878, Image 7

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SOUTHlirtX MANNER. MARCH 19, 1878 An Alleged Plot Ag,, Indian Lai v » i . /(shed an ar- j ^ ot Joncf sines \ve r . , tide Iron, the Chu/T Advocat *' a j in the Cherokee A. R- HOBEHTSOST, Dealers Monuments A nd tomb stones, cradle toombs, Marble and Granite Box Toombs. A Great Reduction in Prices. Specimens of Work always on hand and for sale. Prices and designs furnished on application at the Mnrble Yard, adjoining Reaves & Nich olson’s cotton warehouse, Athens, Ga. jnnc20-tf. iXPECTORANT Is tin- most Kcnlal balsam ever used by sufferer* H orn pulmonary diseases. ft l* composed of licrbsil products, wblcb havcaiipeclttr effect on fhethroat pnu lungs; detaches from tboalreells all Irritating matter; causes It to be ex pectorated, and at once checks the In- lianimat ion which produces the conch. A Single dose relieves the most distress- *njr paroxysm, soothe* nerrousness, and e.iahle* the sufferer to enjoy (inlet rest at night. Itelnir a pleasant cordial. It tones the weak stomach, and Is specialty recommended for children. newspaper •'iibli Nation ri»o/ lli,, i5 against what the Ch rok/ 9 regard as a fraudulent sclie 1 ® tpc^eat them out of a portion 0 r the lands ceded to them by Con* ^ress, aud suggested that the subject was one that demanded legislative interference. We called the atten tion of Mr. Stephens and the Georgia delegation in Congress to the matter, ami expressed the hope that they would exert their influence for the protection of our old fellow neigh bors, the Cherokee*, from the designs of 1 he land grabbers. A Washington dispatch says: Mr. Voorhees has been endeavor ing to secure the adoption by the Senate of a resolution which, it is believed, will result in some rich de velopinents. The resolution directs | HadAslhmaThirtyYears the Judiciary Committee to ascertain whether or not the railroad conipa-! nies referred to by the acts of the Thirty-ninth Congress, approved respectively July 25, 20 and 27, 1806, have issued bonds ot any kind predicated on the conditional land grants of the lands of the Indians of the Indian Territory, claimed by the companies under said acts. If it is learned that bonds have been issued, the resolution directs the committee to ascertain in whose pos session the bonds are and for what purpose. The acts referred to above are entitled respectively “ An act granting lands to the State ofKansas to aid in ihe construction of the Kan sas and Neosho Valiev Railroad and What. others say about Tutt\s Expectorant. Raltimork, February 3. 1S75. “I have had Asthma thirty years ami never found a medicine that hail mi. h a ham v «-ilcct ’ W. F. HOGAN, Charles St. A Child’s^ Idea of Merit New On leans, November n, i>;h. “Tutt’s Kxpvcjorant is ;t familiar name in my My wife thinks it the be-t merii< ine in the world, and the children ray it is 4 nicer than molasses oandv.* ’’ NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydrat St. Six, and all Croupy. I am tlie mother of six children; allorth JJ them hove been croupy, AY ill.out TullV. Expectorant, 1 ‘to l think they could have survive! some oi the attack*. It is a mother’* blessing.” MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor s Advice. “ In my practice, I advise all la - t«- k^- Trtl*< Kx|Hti'*r n.f, iu hu... « • • u > f;i . coughs citMip, diphtheria, etc.* T. «>. ELLIS, M.D., l a ir!c, N. J. Solti tty filt druggists, frier .+ l Oif. Office SA Murray street, JV* tr I m its extension to Red river.’’ “ An act granting lands to build a south ern branch of the Union Pacific l.ailway from Fort liiley, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” and “ an act granting land to aid in the construc tion of a railroad and telegraph line lrom the Stales of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacific coast.’’ Mr. Dorsey has offered and amendment to Mr. Voorhees’ resolution directing the committee to ascertain what amount of money has been expended bv the Indian tribes of tlie Indian Territory in support of delegates in Washington during the past five years and in opposing t! c organiza tion of a civi? government over the Territory, and whether any ot such money has been taken from the school funds of any of the tribes. The amendment further directs the committee to ascertain whether a civil form of government cannot be organized over the Indian Territory, and whether land held in common by tribes cannot be divided in sever- j ally among the Indians without con firming the conditional grants of land to the railroad companies. For sev eral years past certain Senators and Representatives have manifested an unusual desire to organize a territori al government in the Indian Terri tory. The most intelligent of the Indians residing in the Territory also de-ire the establishment of a terri torial form of government over them. This mutual desire, it is believed, springs from two sources. The Indians, before a civil government is organized, wish the special condi tional land grants made by the Thirty-ninth Congress to be repealed, .-o that with the accession of lights aud privileges Under a new government they will not lose the most valuable land in their domain. Certain mem hers of Congress, it is said, wish to get a bill to organize a territorial government in the Territory through Congress without first repealing the Land Grant act. Mr. Voorhees fa vors a civil government for the Ter ritory, but lie is also deteminod to prevent a big land steal from being . consummated. Information 1 as been given that bonds have been issued by the Mis-ouri, Kansas and Texas, and St. Louis and San Francisco Compa nies based on securing the conditional land grants referred to and that some of these bonds have been disposed oi in Europe. Others of these bonds have, it is said, been placed to influ ence the present Congress as an in ducement to secure the passage of a bill to establish a territorial govern ment in the Indian Territory. ' ' ’ >i luiii .’OS., Vi--’-. AND A THOUSAND Sold by drnyyints. ?■» cent* « Murray Sir rt, Xcw lor. OJ Gin m di» sisrr-^..: H1G4 TES i from Tin: /' • //;- •A ORE *»T INV Das bw»» unfit* !*t i-.c. .1 _»rhlch ro-lnn— vontluul l |That ? J producing » llair I)'** natur* to »• rf.—’io •. « ’ now rcjolc”.* <<*$1.00. New York* Std.% ••;/ . MARCH 1878. We have received, and are now opening, a large and new stock of Boots, Shoes and Trunks, FOR. SPRING* TRADE. Orders promptly tilled, and all goods with our brand warranted. CO., PIANOS DELIVERED 3D. 3T. FS.KMHTG <& WHOLESALE DEALER IN -i2\r- BOOTS, SHOES!TRUNKS, D. F. FLEMING. JAMES M. WILSON mtlil2-3m No. 2 Hayne street, cor. Church street. Charleston, S.C. PRICE LIST OF THE Cheapest Furniture House in Georgia. IF. ZE3I- SNOOK, No. 15i Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Dressing Case Suits, 10 pieces, only §75 00 Full Marble Bureau Suits, (Walnut) 58 00 4 or \ Marble *• *• 38 00 All Walnut Suits “ “ 30 00 Parlor Suits, 7 pieces §45, $50, $60 00 Solid Black Walnut Wardrobe, ornamented top...... $15 60 Walnut Panel Bedsteads 8 00 Extension TaHe 1.1 0 Walnut Bun mis $11; j or \ Marble $15 00 Full Marble Bureau, onlv 20 00 Marble Hat Racks, only 12 50 Fancy Folding Chairs (handsome) $3 50 cf.cli .Maple Cane Seat Chairs $6 00 set Mnp'.e Cane Seat Niusc Rocker $2 00 each Maple Cane Seat Full Ann R cker 3 50 each Wall Brace Arm Chairs 0 00 set Cotton and Straw Mattresses $3 00; motion and Shuck 4 00 Wardrobes, Sideboards, Marble Table Ettegenes, Fancy Rockers, besides an endless variety of all -rad* s of Furniture. Rente nber that I sun the ORIGINATOR t»! LOW PRICES in Furniture, and heliev in short profits. All inquiries chee-fn'l' -n<D*t .Med, SEND AND BUY. 50 Bedroom Sc s, c », W.i.out Bureau.*mi'v $20. p. k. sirooxz, feb2-2m. No. 15, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. 44 Tutt’s Pill* arc worth thrir w**icht in gold.' 4 REV. I. R. SIMPSON, LouisvitU, Ky. “Tati’s Pills ar«"TTpn* Kcssirg of the nineteenth ccniurv.** REV. F. R. OSGOOD, Hew York. •*I have nscil TutCTPii!* for for- — if i : liver. They aro superior la n: y i.;* . .. .• lor biliary disorders ever ln:ah•. ,, I. P. CARR, Attorney at Law. A*.*-y: 4 i, i‘*. 44 1 have i:s. (l TattS, P.hs fi vl \ i . i: • I ; - lly. Tlit’V ;\re ’uu-qiuU :1 f- : c 1 1 iousness.”—F. R.WiLSON, Gcor^cto A-n, ;t an. 4 I have US'*d *rt5T*i^!le*ar'r- av: ’i rr t l r fitr-W.W.MANN, Egitcr Mobile Re? 1 4 Wc soil fifty Dovi - I i t < Pi !- t'x t t *11 h-rs/’—SAVRE & CO., Cartersville, Ga. • 4 Tit:V* Pi::* have v t<* 1 t .1 l> i - t-d • • l *.-5r iMTil-*. T ! '*'v v-nk ! ' • v. .»r. 4 ’ V*. i. BARRON, Sumr. St., LjsIo.i DAVIS. SAPP A BRIDY* _ __ Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. ATHEISTS, G-A.., THE GREAT ESTEY ORGAN, C/3 O ca -rn-m £ pf C/3 &0 -S c/a r t-* Cl> p p< C/3 TO »—■ S2. I will undersell any house in the United State? test this, which is to address There is hut one way to G. I*. (a iLFOBO, 52 Wh.iteb.all St?3st, Atlanta, Ga. ®Sf”The onlv Exclusivod Dealer in Pianos and Organa in tlie South feb5-tf. Southern Mutual Insurance COMPANY, ATHEHS, GEORGIA. YOUNG L. G. HAHR1S, President STHVKNS <1 OlltS, Scrntarv. tiros* Jsscls, A|»il 1. 1S77. • • $7S4..Vi.‘ oi Resident Directors. L. C. Harris John II. Nkwto.n, 1>r. IIknry llei.i., Aliiin F. Dkakino, roi.. ItnnKRT Thomas. mvii-wly THE WHITE SEWING Wc have just completed extensive uirarpcmcnts for fiirni.-liiii^. the Faun with nil rtj lesof best Steam Engines, Threshers, Separators, Fan Mills, Reapers and Mower, Turning Plows, Plow Stocks, Sweeps, Scooters, Shovel*, Single and Double Trees, Steel Tajnored- lmndicd Hoes, Garden, Field and Tree Seeds. Fertilizers the L. and R. Stkvkns Thomas, Kliz.% L. Newton, Fr.uniNann PniNi/.r Pi:. U. M. Smith, John W. Nicholson, Ainmoniated uud Acid Phosphates, ivo. Seeds mailed free, at f»0 Cents per Dozen Papers. MaBK AV. JOHNSON & CO., IXSigSiZZ*’ Said to bo the lightcst-runnim;, tlio most beautiful, che»ivest, best, and largest Sewing Machine in the world. Ladies and the pnbiie are invited to call and see, at the Otfice, next door to Win. McDowell’s, College Avenue. J. BANCROFT, Agent. fcb5-ly. TO THE AFFLICTED! IN CALLING Till: PUBLIC ATTENTION TO THE I n d i a n C o m p o n n d CJ o n li INI. ixiure For the cure of Consumption anti all diseases of tin* I.tings ami Threat, l sav that nothing surpasses it for Colds and Coughs, and can l*e taken from owl age down to the cradle with impunity, and witliort danger. But the professional world is so lull « f AiHldyuousncss and Egotism, tliat anything put be fore tin* public as a safe and reliable Remedy for certain diseases is scotl'ed at and pronounced worth less and a humbug. 1 say try it before you‘condemn it, as I will give you the names of every herb, Ac., that it is eomjdosed of, which you cau examine at your leisure : VitellusOvi, Amydalus, Mel. Pitius Palustris, Andromeda, Arborea, Arctium Leppa,^ Inula llele- niuiu, Marrubium Vulgare, Antennaria Marguritaceuui, Durchwachshener Wasserdost, Cephalanthus Occidentalis, 8ymphytuni Officinale. It is prepared at my office, No. .'kl Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga., where it can be had iu any quantity. If any one using it will say that it has done them no good, return the bottle and get your money re turned. Life and Money Saved by the use cf the Southern Remedy ! * EOR IT WILD CUBE Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Cutting Teeth of Children! PIANO AND ORGAN Si A Bates hold the Held and compete with the world. 1,000 Superb Instruments from Reliable Makers at Factory Rate*. Every man his own agent. Bottom prices to all. Ne%r Piano*. $135, $150, $170. Nor Organ*, $Ut. $07. Six years guarantee. Fifteen days trial. Maker’a name* on all Instruments. Square dealing, the honest truth, and best bargains in the U. S. From $50 to $100 actually saved iu buying from Ludden A Bates’ Wholesale Piano and Organ Depot, Sa vannah, Ga. feblMm. And no mistake. Examine the following certificates, which nrc enough to satisfy any reasonable man, woman, or child, that il i* not an imposition palmed off on the i.«ople. To prove it, get a bottle, and use as directed on the Lotile, and you will he satisfied that it is all that is claimed lorit. pared purely from vegetables a medicinal property. It is pre- TESTIMONIALS. Atlanta, July 1st, 1874. DR. BIGGEU8—Dear Sir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in tny family, I have found it tlic most pleasant medicine for children to take, and the most satisfactory to cure I have ever met. I have used it now for Severn! years, aud never allow toy seif to be without some of (J on hand, and Us imme diate use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt if you had no other claim to the public con fidence than this specific, it alone should give it to you, and both, fame and fortune added, if you would only sufficiently advertise it to let the world know its hesiing power and benefits. Respectfully, . O. O. LOCHBANE. The almve is from the Ex-Cliief Justice Supieme Court of Georgia. EUREKA! EUREKA! (I have found it. My wife and two children were down with Bloody Flux. We had two doctors, as good as any in the city, and found no relief. My baby, 7 months old while teething, was expected to die for two weeks, when being induced to try Dr. Riggers’ Southern Remedy, the relief of each was marvelous, and are at present doing well. I tried it on myself for the same disease, and it proved a success. C. C. DAVIS, Atlanta, Ga. feb.26.Sm. For “* e,n Athens by Dl*. ED SMITH. \ vfij;XA WE OF. EU THE ABOVE MAGNIFICENT Ammoniated Siiper-Pkosphate Mauters ot Geor-i i, mi l h ive no hesitation in recommendin'* it to the fullest extent, hall endeavor to men t :t!i /e 'iti.nate c >ir.petition, and fell assured that all who use our articles will be’hiVdy pleased with^thc results.“tVe also offer our Entaw AcM-PiiospIiat® ” Which wc believe is equal to imv iu the market. “ COTTON OPTION GIVEN IF DESIRED.” Call on eur A (tents tor Term* and Prices. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO., Proprietors, Charleston, South Carolina. AGENT A ATHENS, JOHN C- PITNER. dl8-4m 66