Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, April 09, 1878, Image 8
evini* \v«»in:j^\vm» lias a r on liVr life with « 4 oiin*l she Vo >lil lie |iri , p!i i , il t*»r i*. I*y nti- turn’s kiinlly < file eiiov if too*!, smii lii*lit ami exercise were <1 id v allowed SOUTHERN BANNER -.“aMiL 1 •Jt HI L,l I |ati<l L u a e'!imi eonuress for throe as a promiae it member of nnl means eonmitlee, a save you much misery and suffering, it will also enable you to defy the dan gers ot-Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarr- their their up t<» They If shut up nights, in ot ducks will be saved ; the time they will stop will sometimes lay in nests pr for them in their roosting house, bn do not build nests of their own until k jjiej- ottecV, It women gav< O MMitgbiiJBBfiaKf 4-'.^ best gowns they would ••onie standard of their work to be nearly as strong as men, a turner and more suple stren th, true; but the difference should be *tbe-'imnb«»f e is.'-/Whai not fat on tliei r , which ought t' be slender, graoeful and as full of nerve urser. Perhaps in fitnl- dness of figure and clearness of complexion they find strength, and st um .SliCAvweftGiV jpndytavtrjfur wieii ' south seceded be was. one of lh- e.»inmis.sijyier^ ap^ionite treat, with the authorities^Tt^WaV ingtnii He was also a member of yeare ft t ne .*oaf derarf eomr^i. I For y hejiffs Ic/Ji ^ead«|- in/Georgia, is, indeed, rare "that his 'decisions are reversed hy the supreme Court. This attests the excellence ot his judg ment. AbnVtTtTie moindmiia^'^i^Ti^tWfff nomination twice. *Wc south ' o them-now demand it. .Without der ogation t&l arty -of those suggested we recommend Judge Crawford for nearly done laying and ready to ?it, j who shall ^iy tlyt. those things do not which id about tlie last of May. Ta- * lie together. .Sunshine and dir ripen king tlic-ir eg; their laying, plucked in wiiii to sit should not lie will not prolong r, and those, that are until a week filter hatching, £as their long four week’s sitting leaves them week. After that they should he picked M often^nsltheir feathers ripen, whieh can bejLpld by picking a tew from the breast*: if there is no colored fluid in the end of the feather, it is ripe. The little gray duckg ripen their fgalhei s once ip four weeks; if not picked soon after this they begin tqi shed tben%juid pin feathers tape their pla ces, \Vhen separating them is very te dious.* Larger breuds/of duckling do not ripen their feathers so quickly. The diicklingHVjcan be kept near the house better if hatched under liens, as ducks and turkeys a|5s alike about keeping their little ones as far away as possible until the hawks and other animals catch them, when the old ones will c^me horn.* as tame ns lictflb Ducklings should be fed raw. Indian meal polish, salted a little, once or twice a week. A dish containing a few quarts of water ami re-filled when - do -tor, them as well -as a creek, but it should be fixed so that they can get out of the water .easily or they will drown. Do not confine them, and they help themselves to sand and insects. and freshen the cheeks of women as do fruit and Imp m [From Dahlonef* Signal.] It is wi'h i peculiar piide lluS>wc notice advancements Hnd develop ments within any portion <$f the State. Georgia, and all tliat'peAains to hVr prosperity has an interest in ^lie breast of every t rnq aqd loyal citizen within her bordeitk Her sons love long experience ip congipss, intimate aeqfrtiuitancc wth : public men, and those Iniglit, genial, social qualities which add so much to the ’influence of a national representative. Ollier notable men are suggested, but just now we want experienced men, and Judge Crawford lias that, and in ad dition, is the per of any in intellect ual culture and mental superiority. Coluutbus Enquirer Next Town, ahead where they loan a dollar and chalk it down till to little ones from Cholera Infantum. Buy a $1.0J bottle from your druggist ujiuy, is Co, Athens, Ga, or a sample bottle at 15 cts, and ATHENS GUANO AGENCY, COTTON OPTION 15C. 1000 TOIfcTS ,V to Buy a 81.Uo bo r^MiOTlui its. 2L MMBBC T1IE ATHENS MARKETS. CORRECTED BY TI1E MERCHANTS EXCHANGE. -AND- • FACTOBTf GOODS. , | ft V fe Ya Sbirling - Ha 6% , . . , , Sheeting TJ.j the nomination,;bucapse-^ic has^verjr .pEjyisross, <—r~ fitness, eapadfv? power iiNutmalJ^ ov a -FOII- t'orn, j>r bu. Peas, “ —... Meal, 44 4 •***■». Wheat Oats Bacon, Sides,- — • V shoulders-... hams,- " Lard,...—- -... Irish, Potatoes-.... Sweet “ — ■'gtH —• Cuickens - Turkeys Butter -.. 8 CO 75 £3 a <J0 x-aa^NORTHEAST GEORGIA. and honor her because they e .A her j morrow, for a bottle of Murrell's mother. Born breathing in h sacked their me of kindred and ti ward her is natoi Jnsr soil, and v . •c air as they , , ■’8 milk, a lef-Ting j dients of this great liver medicine into aflccUotr to- j this country, is why our Druggists, Dr C. W. Long, & Co, Athens Ga, IIeapatine for the liver. The enor mous expense of importing the ingre- Esneciolly do we note with feelings ! sell but one. sample l?ottle . to the satin 6a i. 5a • a 10 9% a 10, S a 00 40a 50 a 10 10 « 15 50 10a 15 LEATHER. Tlie Cow Pea of pleasure" the rapid progress now being made by tb s once opulent city. In former years, Athens, commer cially, as well as a city noted for its qistitnucms of learning, was the ban lier city »f Northern Georgia. For want of transport yip facilities. of late years, ^sbe lias Befc'n unable to cope with some of lier sister cities more favorably, for a time, located, and for a season' forced to taken seat in the rear of some of the commercial cities cTUlP South. But since the opening of the N. E. jii la City, person for fen cents j but as there art fi tty-doses in the large -size bold cheap %(4«h r aU4£tll af fjvoTjag dose, for a medicine t hat has .never been known to fail in the cure of dys pepsia and all disease's of the liver, has never faileiLj0k the cure of live] complaint when taken as directed, nt matter of how long standing disease. It cures Chi.Is anojjFever, Cbnstipa* tion of the Bowels! Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Sample Bottles ten cents ; regulai size, fitly "Hoses, $1.00 Hemlock Leather 25 a 25 Uj>r. Leather :’,5 a 10 Uarn. “ 4'i u 48 CalfSkina S. r »5 OOa(ii) 00 KipSkius 24 OOa-U) 00 Dry Hides 8 OOalO 00 Green Hides 4 Oua 500 BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. Bagging pr yd , llalljj lies . [.cr I,ami!.. - 2 5u Rope, coiton — - 20a25 Rope, grass 1J»20 The aliove are rotail prices. Special rates to wholesale buyers. •i ROCERIES. Sugar, crushed “ .- A “ B. “ C- “ Demararu.. 3o8ee Kio - •} w HI 5 t ' THE PACIFIC GUANO COM I’AN V sell tlie largest amount sold in the State hy any Company. They have a capital of $1,000,000 Invested in the business, and can't atlord to lower standard, results. Abundant homo evidence us to TO OUT VI.M8IHFORT. Speedily and at little cost, end your thereby closelv Connecting her with D^peptic sufferings at ouoc by^bfi^^ 01 - New iork and other northern mar-1 ^keFs-Gingerf^ic, Tho who have lor yf^nwq sought relit from Headache, anal tallow pse, State aglish Dairy I lions, per su wr ice, per lb-... ickcrel. No. l.kits. No. 2, Kits. “ No. 3, Kits Sah, For Sack — Chewing tobacco....... Smoking - T .-. Snuff, Maccaboy.—— American Jfc .... AMMUNITION. Powder... per lb Shot 44 44 ............... — ..— Lead 44 44 Among the crops that should re* ceive jnorc attention from the South ern farmers is the Southern cow pea. It thrives on all soils and succeeds under greater neglect ^nd less culti vation than any crop grown in the South. There iaa large number of varieties, and though some others are considered belter for table use, thc- blaek is most popular for a field crop, having the property of keeping sound and good on the giound all winter! may be sown broadcast and plowed in, or in drills two and a half feet a party admitting of cultivation afier wheat and oats, to be plowed in again, when m bloom, for green ma- nuringj or allowed to ripen a crop, which, is usually gathered by hand, picking. And again, they make most excellent food for horses and cows, if cut ju?t as the first pods are formed, and fed green cured. The roots will then immediately send up another growth that can be turned uuder for the benefit for the next orop. Probably, howuv er, the most profitable use to which they can be turned is to feed down to hogs, caus ing them to lay- on flesh rapidly, though this will not be so firm and solid as corn-fed pork; but a week or two on coru before slaughtering rem* edies ti at defect. Cow peas are also valuable as a catch cr»p among corn, often* producing a fine return when dropped in at the time corn is laid by. JiTTSct they are a very important item on every Southern farm, and should be planted wherever there is vacant land even f s late as August 1st, and utilized in 6ome manner. If it is not desirable to make use of them in any of the above ways they are always in good demand in market at fair prices. Food and Sunshine. The want of proper food and sun shine is the cause of three-fourths of the nervous ailments cf women. Ovtr-work is not the cause. Work, and hard work, tco, is the lot ol Lets, her business in all its various branches, has steadily and rapidly been increasing: rnffl the endorse ment l»y tiheij iate of the N. E. R. R. bonds, gaveJt an* increased impetus and renewed vigor, which promises in the near future >to restore her to her former gigantic business projior- tions, enrolling her waine among t e great commercial (^tietdp the South. Geographically-- her legation declare her a commercial centre, and when a few more Railroads shall have point ing into her, and neademized toads branching out from her intersecting the mountains to the border of Ten nessee, she will be the pride not only of Athenians, but of Georgians. Tlie business men of Alliens arc shrewd and wise, with an eye open to the interest of their b^iness and future prosperity 4 of their city. Al ready they are attracting tlie atten tion of merchants and producers throughout Northeast Georgia. They are competing with a vim for the trade of this section, and already success is crowning their efforts. Evideuces of this fact is plainly per ceptible from the increased number of heavily loaded produce wagons from the upjier counties going to her market. Our countrymen who go tfawcAprcssjfriEidiigpiffiy com pensated for having visited her and say that iu addition to a good market for produce df all Irihds, goods are to be had at bottom figures. -lho 9mmMn —>» vain Troni Headache, Nervbusnesl Low Spirits, Sleeplessness, Liver Dis orders, Costivcnes3, Acid Stomach, Heartburn Palpitation of the Heart Cramps, Distress in the Stomach, Coated longue, etc, have found a most comforting and complete cure in the use of this sterling invigorant. Keep it always at hand; and while it will J C U M I’> ERL AND SIJPE RPHOSPH ATE. HIGHEST ANALYSIS t ITS ftEPUTATtOS £ Sift BilSiEB IN THIS SECTION FROM THREE YEARS USE. iW- $c d it Xiast Season WANT IT AGAIN. Nails,^ pr Iks. Cotton Cards- Horse Shoes- 44 44 Nails Mule Shoes, por keg yOB WORK OF ALL DESCIUP* a atlv ‘lone nt «b ; s oifir.*> J”-A.S- -A.. G-TtJL.1T CO., ATJCjTJSTA.,' GEORGIA. Our Stock of Spring and Sommer Dry Goods is now complete, and is the largest and best assorted in the South. Cur Mourning department contains everything from the lowest price, to the finest goods imported. Our Black, Colored and Fancy Silk Stock, is universally ncknow- edged to be the finest in the market, a glance at its contents will joAvince the most scepticlir r #-ff-^rr • All the latest Novelties™ Colored Dress-Goods—“ Chenille Jar diniere, Iie?ille Cypres, Beige, Sylphide, Hornby, Victoria Suitings Bonnets, designs and effects in Neck ware, to lie found nowhere else. .. . ’ » i.»* t ! t i The handsomest Scarf Laces aud Embroideries ever offered to the people of Georgia or->Carolinn. Everything pretty and desirable in Parasols, and in Fancy Goods generally. A splendid Stock of Linens of every description, Towels, Napkins, Dorlies, &c., &c., Embroidered Piano Covers., A full line ot Cassiracres, Cottonades, Homespuns, and everything needed by Country Stores and Planters. The only complete Stock of Ladies Uudenvarc South of Mason and Dison’s line. Ladies and Missc3 Suits in great variety—Boys Suits (from 3 to 8 years-) A full line of Infants Wear, Cloaks Dresses &c. Everything will be sold at the lowest price—iu fact so low as to astoAish even buyers themselves. Orders filled promptly and carefully. »))ril2.3m. JAMES A. GUAY & 00. I In looking over the entire district we find only two men who possess experience. They are ;the present members, Hon. Henry '^ Harris and Judge Martin J, Crawford. ' Mr. Harris has made a fair, safe and reli able member, but we do not think his fondest admirer will claim for him mental ability of the highest order! Judge Crawford has more experience and ns a lawyer, congressman, com missioner and Judge, his superior cannot bo found in our state. lie stands among the first as a counsellor and jurist. In the proudest days of Mm Whann’s Rawbone Superphosphate. A first-class Fertilizer, which has been tried by many farmers last season, and given entire satisfaction. It is now offered at a low figure—-taking Middling Cotton at 15 cents per pound. Call and see the Analyses, and get terms at HENRYBEUS8E, AgenG febl9-lm. AtHeas, Ga. SEND IN YOUR Subscription for the Banner For 1878. And the undersigned has again secured the Agency for the :alo of the following justly celebrated brands of Fertilizers: BRADLEY’S PATENT, Bradley’s Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, Bradley’s Palmetto Acid They are confidently commended to the planters of tb*s and adjoining aunties is first cl** manures : the nave been used in UcojvU for the past ten years with increasing j rmlarit/ wt-li yew- Thoir analyses this year are higher than ever before, and the niillh n dollars w -ich tne Bnuiey Fertilizer Oomoany, have invested iu their business is a sufficient guarantee tba their present standard will be maintained. COTTON - OPTION 15 C15NTS. I respectfully refer to the following planters, who used them last seasob <son of whom have us*-l them for years) as to the merits of these Guano’s as reliable Fertilizers. At Athens, Ga.,—I. T. Austin, J. H. Brawuer R Chastain, Elba Collins, R. T. Durham, D. W. Elder, James Fulcher, W. W. Harrison, L. J. Johnson, Wesley Nance, Pleasant Moon, James O’Dillon, J. E. Randolph, M. W. Sikes, S. F. Woods, A. G. Turn- j. m. Willoughy. FOR PRICES AND TERMS APPLY TO. hlQOm ' J. R. GRANE, Agent, Alliens, Ga. er, Guano. Guano. WATSON AND CLARK'S SUPERPHOSPHATE. Guano. -AND- Arlington FOR SALE BY lampkin&pittman COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GA., Aisd. Dciim‘1* in General Merchandise and Fami Groceries.