Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, April 16, 1878, Image 1
1 JRST Pack.—New Adrtitipenipnis, Iuipor Information lor Mexican VcUimas ondf Widows. Second pAOE,«-Noten from the State Caji Miscellaneous Advertisements. Third Paok.—Geological Surrey of U Miscellaneous and Legal Advertisement: 1'ourth Pack.—Editorial and Phi Kapi>a Notes. Fifth Pack.—Meal Department. Council Pro ceedings, Ac. Sixth Pauk.—A Tramp who belonged to the Fraternity, Gas from Water. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Skvbntii Page.—Geo: cd. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Eighth PaGR.—Agricultural Department. Com men-ial Market lte|K>rt. Miscellaneous Ad vertisements. orge Washington Interview- s Ad - CITY MERCHANTS AND OTHER BUSINESS MEN WHO WANT CASH.—READ. A IX who have tried the experiment have obtained ready money by advertiaing in the /4»n A spicy newspaper, sparkling with witai l:eeps up with the times ia everything. It is the pa per for everybody. Printed in the neatest manner. Has a good circulation, and is thoroughly read by lust the people to whom you want to sell. Examine »ts columns and see “Ads.** of some of your leading houses. They are regular advertisers. Ask them and be convinced that it pays. Rates low. liberal. Paper free to advertisers. Henson & McGill, Publishers, Hartwel S1MMOKTS Liver Regulato Hepatine Comp. Cathartic Pills Tutts Pill, Poi;us Plasters. "Worm Candy and Verinifi Sarsaparilla, Buchu. Tutts and Ilainbletou’s Hair I Aniline prepared for use. Long’s Gernlau’Cologne. Long’s Cologuc. Lead, Oil,-fikss Morphine, Opium, llaiv Brushes and Combs *"5 Perfumer, eve|y t ki | j^ i Line, at lowest prices a e. W.'LONG»& Ijfo.’f I Drug Store, A J2T0H DIRECTORY. THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS CALLED To THE FOLLOWING CONDENSED DIRECTORY OF THE LEADING BUSINESS HOUSETOP ATHENS, * ~e.r 3 wrxeM DRY GOODS AS0 (.'lUM'KHlKS. TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO. Wholesale Grocers AND PROVISION DEALERS, College Avenue. HOUSE, BETTS & CO., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS in GROCERIES and WHISKIES, :| Broad Strcat. MILLINERY. x Suss maria McCarthy, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, College Avenue. DRY GoYl^DROCEmSA^DGENEKAL Merchandise, College Avenue. 1MY GOODS. • REESE & LANE, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, etc., etc., BROAD STREET. U 1 HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, ETC. J. H. HUGGINS, WRoleaale and Retail GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, No. 7, Broad Street. , T. FLEMING & SON, Hardware, DEL'PREE BLOCK. •=*«SSRS?*‘- -re t PREMIUM GALLERY, Broad Street. M. G. <fc J. COHEN, Wholesale and Retail t DEALERS in CLOTHING * DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Broad Street. J. F. O’KELLY, Photographer OVER REESE & LANE’S. M. E YOUNG, MERCHANT TAILOR,CrttisKJiSPECIAKQY Oue door below Lqpgl* PTIM fjtlT. Prcmd dt M1KCKI.LANk.OIS. JOHN JONES, Bestaurant, Blaok O- X.- BB3TJSS At Hemphill's Old JsTand. All kind* of Black Smith and Wood Wor done promptly and cheap for cash. Hors shoeing a apcculty. aprillS.lm. v&xtostia: Watchmaker ad GROCERIES AND PllODlCE. F. B. LUCAS, Produce Broker NO. 1, BROAD STREET. ’SCRBJO Passed Peasioa • Act—Beat trim itkcr. S.Ulers to theRML-F.SIWtcnC U*~*an Parties Interest e* too} ivaUWHik ■drcaeritg^rLIcas. n ^ N| Hon. the Chr&nicte <f 'Constitutionalist for publication tlie recently poshed Pension Xct, with instructions for persons wio wish to avail themselves of its provisions Pension Act of March 9, 1878— • War of 1812. Be it Enacted by the Senate and Home qjt Kept esentatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the Secre tary of the Interior be, and lie is hereby, Authorized and directed to placd on die pension rolls the names of* the surviving officers and enlisted and drafted men, without regard to color, "ifnndihg militia and volun teers, of the military and naval servied : <SF* the United States who served for fourteen days in the war Vrilh Creaf' Britain of 1812, or who were^n any engagement and were honortfolyglischarged, and the surviv ing widows of such officers and en listed and drafted men. Sec. 2. That this act shall not ap- fly to all) person who is receiving a pension at* the rate of $8 per month tit more, tor to any"person receiving a pehsiorfe -j" less .that $8 per month, 1 -fMqp- 15 iH. i W. A. BUSHS. BELL & BURNS, , DEALERS iu GENERAL MERCHANTD1SE No. 2, Refugee Block, Thomas St, Athens, Ga. T. Id- First Class IT SNEEDS SHOE STORE, URCfAI) Athens, Ga., will be pleased to haver e.tizens of Athens and surrounding country -ive him a call. AH work in his line, suel m pairing, cleaning watulic--, etc., done promptly a id cheap. All work tvarranted lor 12 months. ‘ ;ivcbill,u>>uU - LUirV y rill6 - 1,n ~ The Image of her Mother. A. NOVEL. B7 RTTTS rLT3^TIO| In the Savannah YYxkju.y News of Saturday, ■j.itb April, will be commenced a new serial le above title, written bv a ladv ol ini&ti IfiditJuM he Wberlt News tue REAVES & NICHOLSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Broad and Thomas S’rocts. ROOTS AND SHOES. SNEAD & CO., Retail Dealers in LADIES & GENTLEMENS BOOTSASIIOgS Broad Street. JOWN W. NICHOLSON & CO.,'. • Wholesale and Retail i.J. *11 AND STATIONER, an«|c, Col^rgY -Avwrao. * g. itausSb; ; - Manufacture and Dealer in SEGARS,'PIPES AND TOBACCO, AGENT For OcoucecUce Tobacco, College Avenue. •»- T‘ ° * ‘ l'^EWTON HOUSE, A. D. CLINARD, PROPRIETOR, Board $2, per day. DEAL KALVAR1NSKY <$: L1EBLER, < l Wlgilesale 'nntl Retail , t *R5 IN SEGARS AND' TOBACCO, College Avenue. BAR AMI HILLIAKINU J. M. ALLEN, WHISKEY, WINES .AND CIGAR§. ALSO IiiUiardSa’.ocn. M trf~ J. H. D. BEUSSE, Retail Liquor Dealer, ALSO BILLIARD SALOON, Jackson Street. Ht+-W * ARTHUR EVANS, JVVWiMjLKp. AND JEWlLER, •jrtfop. JB. TCTnnli Lyn^on’isDrug Store, Deupree Block. vB7 AVfi Jfc&tY #TAl Thomas Street. and decided as .thotfgfi rinride under thlsriet; a!! life’s no# in foi4ehi rigfiWIto the manher of 'payftig pen sions, and in teferentie to the punfrii- ment of frauds, shah be applicable to alt claims under the provisions of this act. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, author ized and directed to restore to the pension rolls the names of all persons now surviving heretofore pensioned on account of service in the war of 1812 against Great, Britain, or for service in any of the Indiau wars, and whose names were stricken from the rolls in puisuance of the act en titled “ An act authorizing the Secre tary of the Interior to strike from the pension rolls the names of such per sons as have taken up arms against the Government or who' have in any manner ^encouraged' the rebellion, 1 ’ approved February 4, 1862; and tlie joint resolution entitled “Joint reso lution prohibiting payment by any officer of the Government to any person not known to have been op posed to the rebellion and in favor of its suppresgion, 1 * approved March 2, 1867, and section 4716 of the Revised Statutes of the Uuited States, shall not apply to the persons provided for by this act: Provided, That no money shall be paid to any one on of serVi&i fti^hewat ttf 1812, filed tthder Yffe kfoAdtSorta of prevlhos etV- actmenli, aiYd de wjhpplication will be consolidated Witb lbe old clailnjMd t*Wn T for traiver hereinbefore Mentioned. 2. Tlie attorneys In 1 the claims heretofore^filed will be recognized to prosecute said claims under the act March, 9, 1878, provided they call up and prosecute the case within six months after the passage of said act. A new attorney will not he recog nized to prosecute any such claim unless, after having-filed a power of attorney therein, he shall be called upon to furnish further testimony to establish the claim. An attorney’s fee of ten dollars only will he allowed for prosecuting claims under the act of March 9, 1898. • ^ 3, New applications must be made before a C-uu t of record, ok before some officer thereof having custody of its seal, as in other cases, except where by reason* of ftifirmity of a^e the claimant is unable to travel, in which case the declaration may be made before any officer authorized' to administer oaths for general purpos es. The infirmity must be sworn to by the claimant and certified to by the officer before whom tlie declara tion is made. Applications for resto ration to the rolls under the provisions of March 9,1878, will he made in the usual from for restoration and execu ted as provided in such cases. Lar The Best Xu* JriaL * It is a complete newspaper, and contains tlie latest Telegraphic and SUto News, Markets, etc., an Agricultural and Military Department. It adapted for geueruLsirenktiou.throughout i ha South. ’' V i Hr iN’lfirUF Subscription, one year S2.00. Six mcutlis ■..... v.. .A. • • 1 -00. Specimen copies sent free. M. MARKS, Peoples’ Exchange, YsbisKths.qpd LUiyoRs, College Avenue. JL @UC -UN -£ rnllE BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR Tift X purpose of rcoeivlng Tax Returns for the year 18?8? L Tux-Payers' will come for- and save lefaulters. on the ,vard and make thoir returus promptly t me the trouble of returning them I win attend at the following places, days mentioned, vix: Salem District, nt Heater’s Store, Apnl L5th Kith and May 14th*' ' 1 - ' Scull Shoals District, at Cochran’s Store, April 18th, 19th and May 16th. Wild Cut District, at W. T. Elder’s, April •_>Sd, 24th and *LjyMtd*- r ^ ^ Farmington _ Dfetrkt, A iElifNwkJoft, April 25th, SCtli and . High Snoals Distnot, Jones’ More, April 29th and May 24th. Dark Corner District, at Jackson’s, May 1st Ul BmmsombTDiitrict, at Wall’*#Urt>, May 8d, IH*ric*,:tt Diwenpert’e, May St ;’ w»!*bj found at Waikinayille onj^very Saturday during the time of Receiving R#«P8, and from the 1st until the 29th ot June, at which time I wiU ■*»r op9-8m ' if: Jfoct»v«< Tax Ifoturpi 1st, ourll^ft^J IpfelNG exhibit-tha finest and extensive Stock of MEN’S, .arncj^ -r .. CLOTHING, ew lines of Goods. 100 CHEVIOT SUITS at flO. (1 from $10, $12 50, $14 and $15. Knfflisb and Freneh D;' as been purchased under the present decline of ir numerous patrons. We enumerate prices of s OOlT<CASSIMERE BUSINESS 12 50 and $15. SOO BLUE In onr Dress Suit Department, we are prepared to show genuine g from tre 50 up. Worsted suits‘‘in endless t-elay Stock, of H ' * ** urnl sliln g ZmS in the State. We still continue te offer our spe- GfOOOU cialty, UNLANDRIED SHIRTS, a» $50c., next glMe'TSc., extra fine $l.' '9ats*and taps in all the latest styles.*- TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, etc., etc. Extending our thanks to our patrons for their generous patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, when we shall endeavor to offer^bem inducementftwliich will surpassall oUflbnner el$nfo N. B. In addition toour regular Clothing Departmi New York Custom Tailors to make suits to order upon short notice.. 25 per cent, from the regular prices charged by taik>s> I : . J i ■ op9-3m Broad street, opposite CoT pension now received (if le6s than $8 per month) and $8 per month. Pen sions nndeT this act shall be at the rate of $8 per month, except as here in provided, -and shall be paid to the persons entitled thereto, from and after the passage of this act, for and during their natural lives: Provided, That tlie pensions to widows provid ed for in this act shall cease when they shall marry again. Sec. 3. That before the name of any person shall be placed upo’n the pension rolls under this act, proof shall be made, under such - rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Pensions, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, shall pre scribe, that the applicant is entitled to a pension under 1 this act, and any per#ftA wife shall falsely, take any oath required to he taken under th4 provisions'of thiB act shall b6 guilty of perjury ; and the Secretary of tbd Interior shall canie to be Btricken from the mile the-name >ef any person when it shall appear, by proof satis? factory to him, that euch name waB put on said rolls by. ontltrough-felSe «C fraudulent repfeseptations, tiqt by mistake ais 4ro the'right of buoh pei’son tena pension aaicr this add. i Tbe loai or hick ofe a certificate of dnahaego shall not deprive the applicant of the benefit of thiB act,'but other proof of the service performed and of an hon orable discharge, if satisfactory, shall be inetBodsittekiBt; aediwbea those is bo recorded eyidenoe of sucli ser vice and such discharge, the applicant may establish the same by other satis factory testimony j Provided, That when any person has been granted a land-warrant, under any actof Con- gsawar ifnr.snd mrnmmnmtsnLammm during which his name stricken from the rolls. Sec. 6. That the surviving widow of any pensioner of the war of 1812, where the name of said pension was strickenjrom the pension rolls in pur suance of the act entitled “ An act authorizing the Secretary of the In terior to strike from the pension rolls the names of such persons as have taken up arms against the Govern ment or who have in any mauner en couraged the rebels,” approved Feb ruary 4, 1862, and where, under the existing provisions of law, said pensioner died without liis naihe being restored to the roll slialk be entitled to' make claim for a pension hs such widow after the passage of thisqct: 'Provided, That no shell arrpavages sliqllhe paid for any period prior to the tirtife of removal of the disability of the pensioner, as provi dec? in section five: And provided further, That tinder this act any widow of a revolutionary soldier who served for fourteen days or was my engagement shall he placed ,he pensmn rolls of the United es f and l ftceTvc r a pension at the rate of 8$ per month. -Mv • lsstRV<rtto ^ !J V. 1f ^ny application M pension on account^ of service, in tlie war of T81^ heretofore , ma&e under the act of Congress approved Febrtiary 14,1871 granting pension” 1 '*"* '**• sections 4738, 4' Statutes, now pending or which stands 'rejected, will fie treated % time.Hr • * remained *nt, Vrafiave ma"3e arrangemeomWiia^nr , IM&wuch grant ie evidence of his < ( ego i . . .SEND IN Subscription for. the Banner For 18^8. Ao-rk "£ : ,*umu Mat'i m*f in tlie shall be prima"'facie service and honorable discharge, so as to entitle him, if living, or h|s widow, if he be dead, to a pension under this act; but such evidence shall not he conclusive,. nlay he rebutted 4ly evidence that such land warrant wa»improperly granted. That all applications 'for are entitled to pension nhdot that act of March 9, 1878: First. Hon orably discharged soldiers of the war. of 1812 who served fourteen days and less than sixty days. Second. Hon orable discharged soldicrs'of said war who served less than fourteen days, but were in an engagment with the enemy. Third. Widows, without regard to the date of their marriage ;u.d who have not remarried, of hon orably discharged soldiers of said war described in clauses oue and two, and the widows of such soldiers as served sixty days who were married subse quent to February 17,1815. Fourth. Widows of revolutionary soldiers whi served fourteen days or. were in any engagement in tlie war oPthif' Rs^xft lution. 5. Blank forms for declara* lions will he furnished to clavnebtts upon application. 6. The fojlowrfijif form may be used for the waiver°re- quired by section 1 of these regula tions v '■ The undersigned*——, a’^sK dent of —^’county, State of- respectfoliy represfend'^haSt— -ii" tHe ^denticai—^ ■’ ■ whb filed under the amenJatory act ap proved March 9, 1878, upon the claimant filing with the CommiSsioner waive'd. of Pensions a 6ta(ement, signed "by fc him in the presence of two attestiug witnesses, waiving his or her claim under priori enactments jind request ing that the claim may be adjusted under the act of March 9, 1878, In such cases new applications will not V • -j be required. If a new application shall' he filed under the act of Marctt 9, 187^ by a icimon madb applicatifiri'for if bn count bfiserv^ce ib the war of 1812: Which applicafion wa& filed oh‘ of about the— L -day of—-—^187, knd is numbered «- a - The CommisaioiY- er 'Of Pensions* rs reSpebifuTIy request ted to adjust said claim Under the provisiohs* of* fiHe ; *act of ©dngfesS amending the laufagrabtirig pensions to the ribldiers and ShHdrs of Uife AtaV of 1812 find theiV widows,* approfbd Mafch 9,1^73. Claiifis'Yoi'pensionl udder previous enactments is* hereby ♦ ‘ it -i : • 1 Signatsfre of Claimant. 1,1 We, the undersigned witnesses,- do hereby certify that we are residents 6f and of , and are aged res pectively -years and -years, and ftrat wo -were present and Saw thb said sign name to tbe abdve stat-fe- ment, and we know— : —to the persbd •^-represents—-to be. *' : *;"'*. * person who hfis had an ajiplicf already on life* for "pension on account * "T9*’ tig; h;« .!* i! I.H4' n ttignavunsfe of Witkwas^;.« * J'KunrM /tsv *Ji M %+Uu