Newspaper Page Text
'Washington Inter
Athens, Georgia,
Manufacturer of an£
Carriages, Buggi^
I "«gwiwp
Top or no top Buggies and
Alt kinds "of vehicles repair*
painting and trimming done in the best and
latest styles. Work put ud to order nnd war
ranted to give satisfaction.
Done in the best manner, hkuu^
paired at short notice. I use the best material
that can be had, and have skilled workman who
know their business. Having an experience of
eleven years I feel confident of giving satisfac
tion. Give me atrial and I am satisfied you will
be pleased os I do the cheapest work in the city.
Shop opposite
i.k. coop:
A spiritual reporter at a private
seance recently held an interview with
what purported to be the spirit of
George Washington, with the follow*
fato^Wq-“.You mat be my
MPfH ©omi§# «HMfj
finding so ttmcli corruption in pofind
and business.”
W ashington.—“ N onsense! Y ou
are no worse than we were.” ‘ 1
I.—“ Why, I tbuught yours was
the time of-old-fashionc impurity and
hopeBtf-;!|l 0 r *j A % h
' W.—■** OlJhmiiohea fiddlestricSsf
Was not Arnold a traitor? Didn’t
the Continental lobbyists from the
start try to supplant mo with Gener
al Artemus Ward? Weren’t one-
fifth of the ’. Ya^tyee* cowboys and
skinners, rot&ing friend and foe?
Didn’t deacons everywhere trade in
slaves, black and white? Didn’t
people drive sharp bargains then ?”
I.—“ But history— 1
W.-“ Bolhcr #«ir. r .t|Qrib 15H1CK SHOP
histories are made to hide facts, or to
give them a false coloring. They’ve
made me ont a saint and a demi-god.
I was neither. Only a -mau with al-.
together too much dignity for com
fort.” i ' i ■
I.—“ But yon were found praying
once at Valley'Forge, and—/
W.—“Well, lots of men will pray
when things look dark and desperate.
Don’t you H&o8eot fieXtvjt swore at
Light-Horse Lee a few months after
I.—“ But isn’t it better that we
keep up your reputation^ as a very
good and proper man, and all that,
just for an example to our youth?’’
W.—“ Where’s the sence of exam
ples’ that never existed
minds hie
says he wants'
Sunday-School books. He says be
We have received, aod are now opemfg, a large and new stock of
Orders promptly filled,.
s. ir.
nls with oqr brand warranted.
No. 2 Hayne street, cor. Church street. , j -a
Charleston, S,C.
never exited iThat re^
lhaMr t$& JticMncoff J v
ants to be taken butrof -tne
Corner Clayton And Jackson Sts.
FirsbClas* t Uns^-SIweiiig.
A Specialty, by the best Slioer in Georgia.
at abort
Jim, M—adB—in
KU. ,
best manner ana at short notice,
~r~:— 1 rlhr
was no semi-saint, and that it is a fact
that the stories' he ti> tfell iflg
_ . ***. *!•->• / V'i ■«•> * %>-jKi> • JpJ *\j
frontier barrooms, when on the Illi-
nois circuit, would disperse a conven
tion of Sunday Schools.’’ ,
I.—“ But ydu’i^lk^onf
■ - ■<*; mm**m****m9mmmiiu
for republican simplicity preserved ?’
W.— u Hold there 1 I Jever v»
one of yonr so called rejltiblicanff, t
didn’t mix freely with the people. I
was aristocratic and exclusive in my
tastes, like my people before me;
drove my carriage and six ; hunted
with the gentry; had a family pew
with the arms over it; would have
one to-day wtre l to live that life
over again. I didn’t compose the
document about the equality of all
men cither.’’
I.—“ But, General, you must own
to some great qualities. Yonr refu
sal to take advantages of your influ
ence with the army at the close of
the war, and to make yourself a
W.—“All that’s gratuitous as
sumption of a lot of Fourth-of-July
lawyers, who got up adulatory ora
tions about me to pave their own
way to Congress. There was uever
the least show for me to seize the
reins of power. It was just the last
thing then that the States and people
would stand.”
I.—“ Now, did you ever tell a
lie?” ' * ' ‘ '
W.—“ Of course I did, you idiot!
—and paid for bavi
too—while we * fit
tioi ~ ~ £ military ncces-
T> R T"ir s v
•it to be i
leek* ‘
M tbj
„ lostd .
Idr paroxysm, soothes nervousness,
and enable, the sufferer to enjoy quiet
rest at night. Heine a pleasant cordial,
it tone, the weak stomach, and Is
specially recommended for children.
What others say about
Tuft’s Expectorant,
,** I have ha
found a met!
AI.TIMORY, February 1S7?
A«lilm:ijfhir*y year*, noil never
me that a liupitv effect ’*
W. F. HOGAN, Charles St.
them told,
think of our
a« Aslitma ifh
lirtne that lwi«l
W. F. i
A Child’s Idea of Merit.
New Oklkans, NovtmWr it, iS'Jb. i
“Tutt’s ExjxJEtnragt is a familiar name in riy 1
house. My wifethinKS it the best medicine in the
world, and the children say it it ‘nicer than
molasses candv.’ *•
NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydms St.
“Six, and ail. Croupy.”
•• l am t he mother of six children; all orthem
have been itomjiv, Without Tutt’s Kspcctorant,
1 don't think they could have survived some oi
the attacks. It is a mother's Messing:.'’
MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, Ky.
A Doctor s Advice.
** In my practice, I advise all to keep
Tolt’a Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, !oi
coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc.’ 1
T. •. ELLIS, M.D., Fswark, N. J.
Sold by altdruggietf. I'five S ! OU. Office
SB M>irray«tr*et, .” “ -
, AYir l t>r/<.
I.—“ What do you
sge, anyway J”!
\y.—“li’s in i impioveuie!
1776. ’ Moie of bad and g<iod
ged to light. Lord! you’d be as
tonished |id you realize the general l
ignorance of one hundred years ago.
Doctors prescribed nothing but calo
mel, and frequent blood-letting.
Every disease and accb
and nobody ouC Che rich
get oue hundred miles from home.
You’re an improvement, bad as you
are. Good-night t I must be of, as
I’m fighting no4r for the independence
of Venus.”
11 THE TREE IS fiOWt 87 ITS FfifiiT. 1
f* TutusPHis '’yjnfrt n¥i '7inrT'tri*
“Tutt’s Pills treTspcul hlvssing of the
nineteenth ernturv.’*
» REV. F. B. OSGOOD. N.w York.
•• I have used TuTtr^ntls for torpor of V' r
flNvf. - IHt'I 111 «U[MHW" lit NUI| lUlWMIWNa
biliary tiisordersevermadf.”
I. P. CARR. JUtnr—il Urn /^(gsti, Ci.
“I have u:
ily. They am
*T have ui
/ •J We selll
f Tutt’s -Tilli litrf opl;
tdblish their merit.. Th<.
W. H. RAHRON f »«
•• There is no me.ficinc
r-ire of b<nr*s a
Cheapest Furniture Bouse in Georgia.
adBi*-* stJ O O
No. l&itariettaO .. .Atlanta, Geor^a.
Dressing Case Suits, 10 pieces,^only....^-; .JL 875 00
Full Marble Bureau Suits, (Walnut) 58 00
i or J Marble “ “ 38 00
All Walnut Suits “ “ 30 00
Parlor Suits, 7 pieces $45, $50, $60 00
Solid Black Walnut Wardrobe, ornamented top..* $15 60
Walnut Panel Bedsteads 8 00
Extension Table 1.1 0
Walnut Bureaus $11; | or J Marble .: i $15 00
Full Marble Bureau, 011I3' ^ 20 00
Marble Hat Racks, only *12 50
Eancy Folding Chairs (handsome) $3 50
Maple Cane Seat Chairs ...$6 00 set
Maple Cane Seat Nurse Rocker $2 00 each
Maple Cane Seat Full Arm Rocker '. 3 50 each
Wall Brace Arm Chairs 9 00 set
Cotton and Straw Mattresses $3 00 ; Cotton and Shuck 4 00
Wardrobes, Sideboards, Marble Table Ettegenes, Fancy Ilo.-kers, besides
an endless variety of all grades of Furniture. Renie.nber that I am the
ORIGINATOR ot LOW PRICES in Furniture, and believe in short profits.
All inquiries cheerfully atidswered. SEND AND BUY.
50 Bedroom Sets, 9 pieces; Walnut Bureau,
feb2-2m. No. 15, Marietta Street, Atlanta^fla.
I will undersell any house in the United States,
test this, which is to address
There is but one way tdk-
: Murray Street, Kew l’orfc.
Sotd by druggist*. 2.5 rent* m Office
Cow Wanted.
CliU Cow, by W. H. GKIGSBY.
«p2-tf Athene, G*.
FROM THE pjciric jor/R.\UL.
We liavo just completed extensive arhnigements for Ibmifhinjrj the Farm v.rtti all Myles of best
Stem", i'u s, Threshers, Setjarators, Fen Mills, Reapers and Homer,
Turning Plows, Plow Stock., Sweeps, Scooters, Shovels, Single and Double Trees, Steel Tapered-
hnndled Hoes, Garden, Field and Tree Seeds.
L. and B.
Ammohiatcd and Acid Phosphates, Ac. Seeds mailed free, at 60 Cent., per Dozen Papers.
Mark W. JOHNSON & CO., -mbs:IT"’
Indian. Compound Cough. Mixture
For the curc of Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat, I say that nothing surpasses it
>jds sad Coughs, and can Nv taken from old age down to the cradle with impunity, and without
e prefeM*n*l world isV fifl pf Ambiguousness and Egotism, that anything put be
lt a KtWwRTelisIf MWAwdy faT'lertain diseases is scoffed at and pronounced worth-
ug.—StSyAiT it MiV^iMiikM it, as I will give you the names of every herb,
Ac., that it is composed of, which you can examine at your leisure:
VitellusOvi, AmytUTus, Mel. Pinus Palustris. Andromeda, Arberea, Arctium Leppa, InulaHele-
nium, Marrubtum. Vnlgare, Apteonsria Msrgaritsceunj, Durchiracbshecer Wasscrdoat, C<
Ocridentalis, Symphytum Officinale. I !
It is prepared at mjr office, No. 8S Peachtree 8L, Atlanta, Ga., where it can be-kad in any quantity.
<> • using it arm mqrthM it has done them no geed, return thebol "
been 'ft
:h reitore*
1 eminent ehemlj
irodnclng a Hair
■Store to perfection
iw rejoice. ’*
ow i
W,.v. 4
beauty to the tixlr.S
lots succeeded iuE
e which liullsmf
Mid bachelor* n«yj
FASHION AffiLK dffiBfiy I with .
chshecer Waswtrddst, Cephalanthus
since, No. 86 Peachtree sty Atlanta, Ga-i where it can be.kad in _ _
■ using Harm mytbat It has done them noised, return the bottle and get your moneyre-
tu Life and Money Saved by the uae of the Southern Remedy !
Dysentery, Diavritcea, Cholera Morbus, and Catting
Teeth ot Children! '
And no mistake. Examine t he following certificates, which are enough to satisfy say reasonable man,
woman, or chIM, that it it not an imposition palmed off e« the people. To prove it, get a bottle, and
use as directed on the bottle, and you will be satisfied that it is all that U claimed lor it. It is pre
pared purely from vegetables a medicinal property.
Atlanta. July 1st, 1874.
DR. RIGGERS—Dear Sir: la the nse of your Southern Remedy in my family, 1 have found it the
■lost pleasant medicine fur children to taka, and tha most satudretory to cure I nave over met. I have
tised It now for several years, and never allow myadf^to be WUhont aomeoHt on habd, and its Imme
diate use saves all trouble and danger. I Nave always felt if you had no other claim to the public con
fidence than alone should give it to you, and bath, foam and fortune added, if you
would only sufficiently advertise it to let the world know its healing powet and benefits. .
Respectfully, « • ftAMBBMft
The above is from the Ex-Chief Justice Supieme Court of Georgia. . . .. . .
EUREKA! EUREKA! (I have found it. Mywifolad twokPdren were down with Blood;
Flux. Wehad two doctors, as good as any in the 1 city, and fodnd no folie
while toothing, was expected to die for two weeks, when being induced to
Remedy, the relief of each was marvelous, and are at present doing Well. _I
so disease, and it proved a success.
For sole in A thou by
down with Bloixir, 7 month* old
r. ISiggera’ Southsra
■it on myself for the
a C. DA VIA Atlanta, Ga.B
M Entaw Acid-Fho spkate ”
Which wejbelievo is equal to any in the market. « COTTON OPTION GIVEN IF DESIRED.’ •
Call on eur Agents for Terms and Prices.
OEO W. WH44AMS & CO. f XnmrM**h
AGENT A ATHENS, - Charleston. SoaA. Carolina.
JOHN G P1TNER. d!8-4m