Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, May 14, 1878, Image 2

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SOUTHERN BINNER: MAT 14, 1878. MElIDItl.YL ADDRESS OF W. I>uvl% Ksq. DELIVERED AT COLLEUKCIIAPKI, APRIL 2>>TII, 1878. Ladiesaf the Memorial Association— Ladies and Gentlemen: Tin* SmUt is, today, rcjdoituf in titu coinnfiiiorati jii o> her illus. riotts dead She is smilinj, and at the same time she drops a flower and a tear on the grave* ot a thousand cemeteries. The hones and ashes ot her gallant sons lie scattered thiou<>h out the Stales; and we, the people of this proud city and vicinity •" et again to visit the tomhs of our kindred and friends, lint it is not in tit ir memory only that, we have assembled. \V • honor ‘"their scat tered dust wherever it may rest.’’ We care not whence they came, Dear is ti.e.r lifeless clay, W,Rllier, or known to fame Tueir cause country still the s:enc, Taey ,e i ar. t tvuro the grey. Von have entrusted to me a dutv not easily performed. 1 could inn aspire to add to the glory which httvers to-day over a fallen Confed eracy, nor shall I afeinpt to find n • w laurels lor the heroes that sleep beside her in the same grave. Full of hott us, their spirits have ap proached the routines of glory beyond the 'tars. We can only claim the memories of their h-roie deeds. These we arc here to cherish ; these we are here to itel’end. and these we are here to honor; Inti, how can we add new honor to such men ? \Y hat speaker, what living orator, can more than do justice to such men? can more than meet the expectations of such an audience? An atidieftee—your bos om- swelling with patriotic devoticn. I see before mu eloquence flashing' from every countenance. Feelings mingled with grief and joy, in qttiek succession are passing over us and iilling every som with emotions that stifle the utterance. We cannot speak them. We cannot define them. And though Omnipotence has given to nut few the tongue of an orator, yet, thank Heaven, mi such an occa sion we are all endowed with His passion and patriot but. What soul is not elated ; what imagination is not excited when the images of the Con federate <!• ad rise tip ttefore us ? Who f ‘ */< ! . • »\ m % can lie si) unpatriotic, who can he so iintauiilul ami lieaeherou- as not yet to honor the great truths tor waich they perished ? nc 111.lie .'iiniul- of w r- faiv* ast.t y •w.wui find that nmtdiion, O.l io y, and t in' love of glory atv lint iiniivipi di e. m >me powers hat impel and g«»vk-mmeiu* in war fm I nisurr<'ctio:i. ij«»r are they any l.'-o-eih* motives that luWe peistiadmi IW my great heroes to.bfavelv -trug- g!(* to bear tin* paint from the field oi" earuage F- >r examples,'see m, fin* s owy ete>- . t tne' Alps a proud w inn*r siuilin.. hack upon Csirtmige Oil the ine side, ami on the other, t" iking below, he sees finely Itn y b*m» .dug in beauty, l ien in art and iii latm e and imiiiona! in arms and cfi 'ptenee. On! what immortali y, it h eou'd lint waiv - his sceptre ..yer t • o proud laii i! See andt her, once t • rid -of Fraiie-and ihe terror f K ’ pf, •• ho-e oti ns e. mined h’ " HI distant il-> . liter to live 0it»> he--Says tie nnseTahte eaptivi v. ATii<r!«..r. by Vrh,,.,. •« sena. - A" re *w i\e |, >.y ®* .«! sword an %■ olir^I a as til ed. by wTiTtfi** Roe. lion the edlliee of rt*i't'.-:if go\*’«*ii :md-'fi v. |ed with r e-.ftati m\^' wfi . ‘wl.ea *i ; *d e.mqaetvth-'Vtie-^.n| . 8 ,«t *J 'ii hud wV|fc IfWf'jT sihy child U»e Inch* vvns-iid jftb're m hiiui.iii g.^e to «’ .o!* Ins tmrs.i.ig 4,ii b - Cm. it be,e,tn h .’e, t hat Mien ft.Olives evei fir .1 Hie-spiftls sleeping warriors? iN..! They .ou^„. f> r liberty. They ...t p.sti.e. For justice! What eoitnt be giami. ft *u«l eo mi he higher ! O.llnun.her. ,. f Si.rroutnle.t • i\ moiisau.i-,. ni, tf .| a t; «- World, With ih ? Hi. s .inn ■ te;> * ft . * 3. • th no iliv-tr eue.I. hev ng that our leseiiv.f •’llftfi.t had he.n ir.tni 1*d "ti ( 'Oii, and the Cot. ... tuliog of-our t*., mi.j Mi-pl i i.s u t *b*U*Ht*U—o4H»|Wfi,f eler..a. h.dp ..if'vot m^|> Moeiay } «>«*• lirave Confederates! Spartans of j The South will lie again. An -rie.i! Again we meet to garland | will no longer he voic fi iIn ir graves! Again we assemble in powers and resources wili he tins Cl.apel under the shade and classic walls of the University to re-a t , i t, for awhile, their ashes, *o see t eir noble faces, and to hear once more from ntheir eloquent lips the motives which prompted them to leave ns, and the great truths which led them to secession, and for which they s criticed their lives upon the alter of liberty. And we are here t<* honor them not only as the dead— not only as dead heroes, but as dead rebels “ t o the banner round which trey rallied and swore, Forever shonld wave onr Sout'iorn laud o’er. “ We’il furl round their dust, fir they would be proud, Ha guardian folds should make' hem ashroud. For our brave .non, % ns .hey au. k thereto rest. Flung over their country’s fair bleeding breast, A iraiu iu of glory which never can fade, ’.Neal'n oblivion's waters shall u.-ver be laid* ^ ca, |ie;iee to the dead, Lie's ware hire is i'U't, And the on-my, death, iias been conqnere i at last; Though the palui of the victor on earth was uugiven Tin- .land of t ie Savior bestowed it in Heaven.” What better evidence, what higher testimony of the patriotism and braver, of our fallen Confederates could 1 ask than that of living wit nesses ? Not only living, but pres ent! Veterans in a “cause thongh fi.s', yet just.’’ Why have you gathered around me here? Brave men! Heaven lias blessed you and prolonged your lives that you may not only partici pate in this memorial, but that von may sit here, and by your eloquent silence transmit to'posterity the true history of those who fought wiili and perished beside yon in thedftritggle for Constitutional liberty: From m\ lips you have heard nothing n^w, and my feeble voice is’tmable to thrill you with emotions other than those which animated your spirits on am* hundred battle tfi-lds. You have fought with the brave, and you *have fought, w hen the brave were falling around you as they raised the last cheering shout in behalt of freedom’s. Faithful wit nesses. Wc honor t> e nurtiv.-- and praise the tender conipaasfiui tbr the dead that prompted von to ass hie on tins ro-tr. in Ami w . it your spirits shall livfc with your e.uurades in eternity, and vottr ashes sleep i i yonder cemetery, in ty Un-re In- otln rs left to’ defend your memories Fount en years sine.* v.-n er sun r«.s and set in t lil.-rual b o-..|, T e evil |i:i.ssjuiis ol tlie gr at civil suit., SO !: i f :is many of the mi • a:, n l.r.iv. are i-iuu-crti&l on ei her sbl , mov siee). in n .iivion, yet t ,.-n- a.,. | win* ar»- still crying •nit r n i! ro-u*i! rin-v are Vet trying to dUlmuor us* Tn. y would yet disgrace its. lim ii- .sympathy we lbrjve tlu ; 4» all aifd only hope that Heaven may be as compassionate. There were brave an t patriotic men . .t either side. who sms vive bait- met, rcmiii.-d and now five in It ir.iiony and ‘ntiioti. They It ino- th • d.-ad of both side*, h.r as t ,e» were brave enough to figiu tor tnei. Inme-t e nvictioiis, they are men eiuitign to concede that ott.eis were >ciuated by the same motives. Yet, it tluwe arc those*"who ate stdi dts satt-Ii d. we van only tell them t at XaA'Jir XTOT1CSS. 4. oped and in ited in int.-re-t"wljj. t he ! West, rite reins of governiRent sli it 1 1 change hands. Ti en we will urine j the epitaplt of our lead. Tuc , fellow-citizen's we will write t. •• epitaph of our kindred aild trteods that now sleei> in yonder Necrop Ii-. A monument is already erected to their memories. Noble worn n, devoted mothers and lovely ntai- «its, the motives that prompted von to raise this column will ever biTeuiul.t- ted bv the fair daughters of Athens and Georgia; and the s,,;iit ami love that consecrated it will oontimi ■ to rekindle in the (marts of sVc ed it! : generations. This monument will never moldcr. Tito mctiiurns o, those it stands to coin.lie.II..rate wit. never perish, but wotitiu'ie lo grow brighter as ages fade niv.ty >Tm tr names will live on, immortal a*'" tlu.-ir own eternal spirits. “ Fort he. aml eotemnor.iry gralitu io have at tend these sublime spir.ts to their eternal abode; ami the prayers ul posterity will ascend in glowing re membrance of llleir illustrious deeds, fhe laurels that now droop a-sgimy shadow their tombs with monu mental glory wit! be cultivated by the tears of ages; and embalmed in the heart of an admiring world, the temple erected to their memory will be more glorious titan the, and eternal as their own imperi-hablt virtues.” 9. DORTCU, ITOHNEY AT l.AW, «'arii6dvi]le, Ga. How to 1*laco the Bed—IIoy. to Sleep upon It. Bat on Reichetihuch, who has de voted many years of deep study to the art of bed inakiug, maintains that y*»u must rot always lie on your bed ns it is made, under penalty ol abridging your life by a great num ber of years. It, says the B iron, a mere magnet exercises an iuihfence on sensitive persons, the earth’s magnetism must certainly make itself tell on the nervous lit** o! -tnaii. lienee he insists on. the salutary effects on the inhabitaqu^j^- the Northern hemispheref’lyiiH^i^^tiei^ In-ds to the North, an I tho eof the S nilherti with their heads to the South. F<>r travelets with .short mem >ries we may pul the ritle in general terms. In whatever hemis phere you m.iy be. always deep will, voir fe-t to the eqaalor, and lei yotb' b.i |y !i<* “true a* a needle to the pole.” In giving this rule the 1> iron l.a-simply told n fio.vtolive i a i ul.-e l ,etr-.; 'or the poi r ititve- li**ii o the body is. it app'-ar.-, of he iti.ini-i imp .italic* for toe i>i'(ip r <• rcidalfi'it f the I, an I webav. 15 iron Releherbae.i’s ailthor'Iv for staling that til toy disturbance- in the h iiuan organism have In—o eared hv feiVbr|Wiht i^rht* . oWpas-f from’that it It il oeettpied bet-ire. fir'l s.udi a- h ive hitherto been ii. tlie habit of shepittg with lit-ir heads where tin ir feet ought to he take to heart tl.e example of the late Dr. F.seh* werter, of .Magdeburg, who recently died :r the age of loO years, andl al lays attributed his long life to his taithf. 1 oi.-ei vauceo. the polo to pole p si».ioii of sleeping. Toe most un it althy position, w e are told, is when lie '»«ly lies due Cast and west. S.ime ••tiservers aa-ii.e us that sleep amount to dn4 that ed l»r »« Sun‘Splits. * br i e whose memories we are Imn-• ^ 8 ' v ««,»^pMird ami j)Prni'jtts4’e'^s tHmun IWwMi|illh<nij>iMiat 8H».spoto ne>er iii- di-turbed, neither cim tVn-y -noiv iaiuiMC^ tunkiit'Kv -olirtpa bs .otiored by the how Is .of de praved and unseijiptilotts men. “ fi •“ "n rinhaline l an sai itrd Dt*nr iia tbe blootlv )»rav . Ne hr.))" .as too* stras l.rre .’,,,11 tro:( 1, f ie lifib igc of tin i<- or ,vc. N"!- p'm I ilmir l<-rv he forgot, IV i r'i i o tier ce .r'i k -s, • Ur iionor points t. e , ullnw^r) s of, W.iere Tntor prondo a c-e| s. ' "ii liinvhfo minstr.-is’ voiceless time In'lont'd.-fs son s'at! ted are •oli people have St'.-n Tbent and everybody has read ab on • tieln. It is ti'cll known that t e surface of the son is not that iiiii unit of light that it • as oi •• v RupjHised to be,' but I .s ia gul s, dark eltasuts, up Jr sfii-ig s’r ana <•. Il lining gases, [ :fd I nt" liuetiees. sometimes j Ihii.HOo . ii - • igh. But these t s.fixing fl* •sate Hot uniform ; the J sea o? sola tir<-, like our own oceans, . * ••mai.ytt vanqitWtc t <«« Ijm flown, t-son., times quiet. Tiie spots, are varistil"^*.- ! • ow many and enors pj E.TUUA8IIEB, attohney at law, Wutkiusville, Gn. (iffice iu former Ordir.arj ’s OtScc. juuSo-lSiti-lj- p Or. THOMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special attention paid to criminal practice. For apply to Kx-Viov. T. II. Watts aid ilon. David f lopion, Montgomery, Ain. odica over l*o-t Athens, Gn. lcl>a-167o-. f JOHN W*. OWEN, imiltNhV AT LAW. Tocoa. City, Ga. Will practice in all tlie counties of the West ern Cireiii'., Hart and Madison of the Northern Jircu'it. Will give special attonion to all claims entrusted to his care. oct2<MS75Ty. I’llPli UaUIOW. 0. C. Bakkovv, Jit jjiimnv ltl'os., ATTORNEYS at law, Olfiee over Taiuiadge, Hodgson & Co. i-a.l-ly i i 1J. HILj IY, u. ATTORNEY at law. At'uei s, Ga. Garden Seed! AND GRASS SEED. We have now tiie largest stock ot Seed ip this part of tiie State, all of which aro Fresh, ot u sin Ie package of old Seed iu our stock. We have also u large stock of STEEL II AIK BRUSHES. The fourth lot since October last. Our 1>RUU£, Paints, Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, We can otL-v at low prices. (\ IV. LONG & to., sopH-ly Athens. R'-. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, ADGUSTA, G-uA.. The Leading Hotel of the City. Noted for its cleunlines:., and tlie cxcelleuer of its table. RATI” >•_> 1*ER DAY. Prompt attention giv • o saute respectfully i-o i to a!) business ami ■ited. janll-ly Lamah Conn. IIowell Cobb. k * II. CO 15It, ATTOlt.NKYS IT I.IW, Athens, Ga yaffice in Dcupree Building, l,li'J2-lS7G-1> The Proprietor solicits from the citizens ol Athens a continuance of that patronage they have heretofore giien him. B. F. BROWN, octlfi Itn. Proprietor Ai.ex S. Erwin. pH WIN a cou; Andrew J. Cobb. At I'UiiM-AS AT LAW. Athens, (la >fficc on Corner ol Bioad and Thomas street*, over Child-, Niekersou & ty*. feb‘22-1876-ly ^SUUUUY . MoCDBBY, attorney svb X.A.W. Hartwell, Georgia, Will practice in tiie Superior Courts of North east Gcotgia and Supreme Court at Atlanta. Aug 8. 1876 tf James R. I.vle, . Alex. S. Erwin, Wutkiusville. Athcu-. J YLK & EKWIN, . A TTOHNLY'S A T LA W. Will practice in partnership iu tlie Superior Court of Oconee County, and attend promptly to all busiuesB intru-' .1 to their care,- jautt-Sm. |ACItHON r oav AH, attorneys at law, Athens, Ga. Office South Wot Corner of College Avenue and Clniton Street, also at the C"iirt House \l| parties desiring Criminal Warrants, .-an irei liem at any tint • by applying to the County Solicitor at ibis office. 'h-clC ls74-tf ^ Nr. COCIIBAN, ATTOriXTE'Sr ILT X-JkW, Gainesville, Ga. •Real K-tat. mi 1 G-ncral T.nn'd Agent foithe purchase and s-.dc ot Miner.' 1 and Farmin' Lauds in Hall, and t * <• other c-uid ins *>i Non t - u-t G'-orgia. Mineral ores tesiei'i mid titles to dropert- investigated. Special atlelil mi givci rot i • pitreiiase and side ot’ e t\ property, m-.ivj—i'.iii -I N. D(»t>EY. Alt-rnev. BtT.susrsGS r. '• 5s >7awaler. At SJicini'-l’.'tDiv. next duorto Reave* A Nieh- ol-on’s. Itra i I street, Athens, Georgia. All work warranted 12 moot be. scptl2-tf. \\(l s.tLK SI'ABLK. Carrlatresi,- ItiurglcH horses 'or hire. Terms reasonable. E M. WH1TF.1D AD, Washington. Wiikes county, Go. . v«.t Mariwetlxea: cfe !F©w, BLoIVCT^S'JVIIXTTTi’S TWO SHOPS FOR 1877. One ut the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & HEAVES, Thcyrther on the road to the npper bridge and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, Livery Stable. We have first class workmen • I * of every description, Platjtw ,^nd CefiCAVE Shoks . Manufactured to order. .. . WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And alf kinds of Machines and Jm plemenlR repaired on short notice, iantt-tf. SIMMONS , Liver Regulator. ’ Hepatitic* Comp. Cathartic Pills. Tutts Pill, Pnrtis Plaster.-. * r Worm Cjmcbf and V^nyfqg^, Sarsitparilla, Bttchti. Tutts and llanibleton's Hair Dve. fi iiiline prepared for use. Long's (iertitan Cologne. Long’s Cologne. Lead, Oil, Glass and Varnish. Morphine, Op.titu, Clietnnals. Hair brushes and Collins. ^ J’ellnntery, Toilet ryoaps. .! And everything in the Drug Line, al lowest prices at ,. C.^YY.-i.ONG Co.'s Drug More, Allietis, i ia. L1VEBY, FEED HKD Silt STABLE, w . iY.'blxcna, Goorgia- GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. _ ■ Tfill be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, Then is street. Keep al ways on hand good Turnouts and ca end dri vers. Stock well cured for when en' rusted to onr cure. Stock on hand for Rale a* nil • lines, declotf. T TiaAKMP f Boot and S3aoe-Ma3s©r r JOveb Jacop.b & Michael’s Store.) First class work turned out on short notioo, kt liberal prices. Give me a call and get geo* 1 material and fnfc work. marchl.l-tf ^ | ’Soiiiil! isurance» ATHENS, GEORGIA. THE NEW YUllK WEEKLY^ 11E11ALD ;j.UtKS (ilU'liON P.KNM.TT. I*r»i>rl« l: r .J The Best and Cheapest Newspaper Published. POSTAGE ONE ItOXiEiAXt PtR tear, 50 CP:NT8 FOR (> MONTH An Extra Copy to every Club of Ton. The N. Y. Daily Herald. Published every day ic thejyoai Postage Free. 610 pays fur one year, .Sundays included. $S pays f..r "ne yeai, withnut .Sundays. pays lor six aiuiiths, Miinlays included $4 pays for six mouths without .-titulars. $2 pay8for one year tor auy specifiedday o tn week. $1 pays for fix months for any specified day oi week. 1 pays for one month, Sundays included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Pally edition, iy. cents j or copy. Sunday edi tion 4 cents per ropy: Weekly edition 2 cents per copy, iddre-s AMI lOiitx iii.ttil.l*. ian23-li. Akead ©£ All OQMFETITIQH G- 0. ROBINSON. H as jsut returned fRom a visit ninongthe Principal PIANO and ORGAN factories in New York, B< foil and other citita- aving iirrutiged for tl c Largest and most com, plcte assortment ever offered South, nt prices ABSOLUTELY BEYOND. COMPETITION! Low P rices Quick Sales. ^ X ^ Musical Instruments OK EVERY VAi.lETY. f 'THE LATEST I’Uri.’CATluN-. Musiciil Mon liamlise. A d everytkiug j-i i*; ii.ii i toy. First ria>s Mussr Huiiml TUNING AND R EPA il« I ML ll/.MS, Ciltl C . I’ l'C i Ii" IU ' M, : I s, : M-kildsOf Mustal lii-UUii #5ii«i -Si. i.i p: i>e. by .Mr. C. IK i-.ri.Ui. Ha 1>. M s i..i.. . a. d i in- df this couuir.'. and is the mu l • 1 .rati liner for the AUGL’SJA^Ji fi'-lC lb k. G.,0. liDlilNSDN & t O. Vugn<*a. O AUGUST.', GI'i.RGIA. young Pr op’r STEVENS II ON AS, Serretary. (iross Assets, AprifT. 1S77, . . S78l,f<6«' «2 Reoident Directors. r.iesti.rit- Ifow they fell. **• Nr* N< - .* w ri ck, i or change, n.TwIntera’blight', “ WtirtimW* MMMleAMetfl u -ftssi 4Wh4 «mU «t4 n y — ‘Tfilfi f IlflTWlTM ff—ifnff sntfifitMfitta**! fb«|} moils lifftl , tut 1 :t .Aim few an«fiftinHl fife J4i;er # M .+1 .t^tL - oe m •Watcima^ef "and fe^ele^, (Singer Mnehitto Office, College Avonue), ' ATHENS, - GE©3RGIiS- I have opened at tlie above place, wlnre I will give strict attention to repairing end cleaning of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. A! 1 work done in first class stylo and at reasonable rates. Give me a call. april 23-6m. Y'ol’so L. «. Harris, Htkvexs Thomas, John II. Newton, Eliza I.. N. wton, I)r. IIrnry IIi’ll, Kkroinano Piiinizt A Lins P. Duarino, lut. R. M. smith, Col. ItnRBRTThomas. John IV. Nicholson, hi 22-wly, —-- -*■* qt'la" The Image of her Mother. -A. 3ST0^7*3H3Xu. In the Savannah Weekly News of Saturday, 20th April, will bo commenced a new serial story with the above, thlb, Written by a la8y of Savannah. Th^ WREKL£.NEWS n THE Largest and Best Weekly IN THE SOUTH. This Ilnte'. so well kite*. •• •• ^Jizens of ClaFkc nY.djiiijoiniu- sou t - ,-Mr ij■ in i io ceutre of til ■ bu-ifiess por- o Ann'a.coi- ver -ut to l’ost Office, •f leg (Mfu-c in d Depot, mid oil' rs indue ue t- t • \ ublic uneqinded bv any ether It.. t • t- (icc4 PRESCRIPTION FREE! Vor the s needy Cure of Seminal \\ eakuess. Lot Muiili nix land all disorders bronghi ou Oy .iinlia- cretion or excess. Any Unicsist ^hns the mcro- dlents. Address, I>r. IV. JAQl'ES A to., 130 IVeat Mlxlli Street, tlm-ianall, O. Tha ttmrty of |ko 191k (Way. Barham’s Infallible PILE CUBE. •MiJSiSSffi&SksA Itaowrftltoto oars H« v or niM. wkn a sots Is T'V&XXtiBE: •9 Jli fiWMt U »- ■"•* •• w-« It It is a complete newspaper, and contains the latest Telegraphic un.i .-tat Now-*,. Markets, etc., an Agricultural aud Military Depanmeli'.. It adapted for general circulation throughout the South. Subscription, one year $2.00 Six months ’. Snecuneu copies sent freo. Address J. II. ESTILL, april 16 Savannah, Un. Said i 1.00. j be ntifn: Mae i e are iuvi door to > IsTotiss. The Celebrated “BELLE OF KENTUCKY’ Floor for Sale, april 9lr-8m. feba-lv. til M-lowed’-. «' (* *- A'C' IIC. J. BANCKctT, A.enL ; Legal Blanks a- Lo# Prices ft.lucks!- l^nkLr." V^awa,.' : ^ .. | rit -1! i«a4<t (.dikMfi qniro,at i OEoAUJI fiSGlUE- ! u.^ fepybE. jmjiasus ,irwi .t»K j ,o ili utt Block.