Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, May 14, 1878, Image 6

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.ii n v MAtnn . SOUTHERN BANNER: MAT 14. 1878. Humorous. . — v’tllislli. Soon the blui bird will be twittering •* 1 Upon the budding treo; goon the small boy will be fooling <1 1: V t‘ I With the festive bumblebee. goon the cowslip aud the daisy *. iks, 1 ’Itid the clover will appear; t>; . 8oou the moonlight eerenauer Will be walking on his ear. 1* • 1 - S. Boon the maiden and her lov -r • y •• Will ’Ub nosos o’er the gate; Mi And lor flies lire lodger skirmish i> thn iw.U nmtu Lin nlate. .tilt.' Old joke, Imt timely : Don’t cueuniWr*. They’il W up. Tlte smarmst iiu»*» van >ot lock from a bald he id. ptrk >«»- iii'inopie »«<•,• • ;«*nmlvrj'om* mote «• • vr vily in the i * i"! <—i«-g d t wvnty <• ; nv. by the oucient • •• "e lt<*iu:ui fin er* l»v i «• Latins, the •h*» S.v 'ion. the Svlavvs e ui i: i • hroin d novit* **••'■* P ■! •« o.Mia ; twice bv iiian-; • v l*y the Kyzatt- ;l*: - times l*y the * and i: r v mill's by the Turks, i a* taken Ini' six: by AleihiadeB, Hoinuii enij*.' i»r» Si'iitimus, StV"f.ia and C"i. tantine. the Doge |) .it.Ini" and. t.^i -nt Baldwin, the E • er«.r Mi. h e ' Paleologns and VIai-oiiime<l II. !«• •»72. mi'ler Constant ini? II., it a Ih-sifiid lor -eteii years by the Ar •)>- The ma !«• i»ie surrniindiiin e .1111:1} a deseri, uprooting trims, I. vei-ino; vdlajtes and habitations, ■ mi ••onvertine the nourishing en- \iioiis into a wasie. Teen came the t uwiders in 1204. The devastation e<>111 mil 1 I'd l.y ti e Fre 'eh and V.-nes 1 i:«n cha njiious oi 1 he eioss exvet «U-d ••ven 1 hat of iln* Arabs. They b .l ie d h riehe 1 - ml i: ruest qmr- iei 11 «>.«•, ty, ai.d inflicted sneii a « <>i. 11 tI1.1i ii never lecttvired its 1 m.r tv 1 all ii ami |n«i-|x-rily. They, on ale it tin- Cat'M-dial of St. Sophia, i.ioke ini” the ii.niba of the Byzan- lire vni|ieior*, * ragged out ti ei skeletons, and sc.altered their bones 1 the street.. They tired the public libraries, ridi.-nled the Greek religion bv recking iheir horses with the vestments of the clergy, and their A man of ordinary abilities aske<l n< ad with the poutilical tiaras, fora license to preach. “ i grant Were it not .or the im-otnparahie yon jM-rmissii ti,” said his Bishop. Ii> auiy ami advantage* of is situu- ‘•but nature refuses t. 1.011, Constant iuople could never have I n«<-n again iis ashes and *ur- “ Pa, is Pennsylvania the father of! viveil s mu i.rriul- calamities. all the Stat'-s “ Certainly not, my j »•« - child, why do you ask that question?” i Hiding’s paying’s. «• Because I see all the papcis call it Pa.” ozR^usnD o^eistxxtg- About the poorest company a in ■ can get into i* t<» ge. beside fiimse. . He who reels and staggers 1110*1 in the journey of life take* the straight est cut to the devil. Novelties are in some respects tb most remarkahl.* of animal*; then' tales coine out of uteir heads. | The poet ask* who can teU th value of a am le. NVe stiouhl say thai probably the hart.-mler could. Mr. R ry has absconded Iron Montreal because lie was fearfully in debt, and no one will let Rory owe more. Tlte aerophone «an call a boy louder than any mother, but can’i for him after lie dodges into the gate as a mother can. REESE & LANE Are now prepared to show the finest selection of 2XEV7 GOODS, at the lowest prices, ever offered in this city- W e mean just exactly what we say. We have all the latest novelties in Spring Dress Goods, from 5 cts per yd. up. Black Alpaccas. good stuff, at 18 cts and up. Black Gros Grain Silk, at 90 cts. and up, and everything else in Ladies Dress Goods at hard times CASH prices. 21T WHITE GOODS We can suit the most particular buryer that comes to mar ket, as our good* are ali fresh from market this spring. We closed out everything of the kind last winter and have a new stock from beginning to end. \Ve can say the same thing about every department in our stocks. Our Shoes are new. Our Hats are fresh. Actions ? are prett. Cassiuieres are elegant. Cottonades are good i and everything pleasingly low. Linen Handkerchiefs, oUc doz. Coats Thread, 5 cts. Ladies’ Hose, ode per doz. Hats, 60c. etc., etc. Ladies’ Fans, 2 cts. each. Parasols, 10c. each, and every department boasts oi just such lu'v figures, we want is simply a call and we will surely please you. Respectfully, &c., 11ELSE &LAAE. april 30-tt. Athens, Ga. A1 1 W. eii u imui measures out glory | Ibr himself In* alau* heeps the hall lii'sliti. O •! age li::z iis privileges—one iz tc.v iiiul laull with everything. \ phiio ’" money iz like his braiucs, very onenzy. Marrying for her iiiunny is very nimih like selling a r<i«trap ami bait iiiti it with yore li 'gcr. liravity iz m> more evidence ol wisdnui than a paper aoiLr iz of a shu I. l'he hardest thing that any man kail <lo iz lew tall down on the ice A Yankee humorist was giving an j when it iz wet and git up and praze account of hi* experience as an liutei- J to,. Lord. keeper. “Did yon clear aiiyumu I a’ weak wmsiiiushun kan “ Is this tho Adam* House ?” asked a stranger of a Bo.-toiiiati. “YYs,” Was the reply, “ it’s Adam’s house till you get to the roof—then it’* eaves.” Tiie Cincinnati Enquirer's essay on man is in one canto, as follows: Man’* • vapor Full of woes ; Start* a paper, Up he goes. -NETSJSjr Merchant Tailors Establishment. M. E. Young, {Late with Luca* A Ware,] IS now opening an elegant stock of Imported Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings, which he will make up to order as low as can he bought in any market. He will also keep Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Sus penders, and all such articles as are wanted. Special attention paid lo cutting, and work guaranteed. Call ami examine my stock on Br«iul street, next door to |)r; C.'W. Long’s drug store. TO THhTpUBLIC. VV e take pleasure in recommending Mr. Young as a reliable man and tiist-class Tailor and every respect. »!’* " ' 'C'*«WAS & wm by it ?” a*ked a listener. I cleared a six-nil fence getting away from tin- sheriff,” was tho answer. Dumpy* my fader says dat dar am B man in Jersey go thin ilial when <!•• fch.-riff van arter him dat lie craw h-d into his rifle and watched hi* adver sary through de touch-hole. Look here Ginger, that won’t do. A subscriber wrote to a journal to r ake *ume inquiries about the next World's lair, whereupon the wicked editor replied that lie was under tlu* iinpre-sion that tlm 'next world wouldn’t have any fair.— Breakfast Table. t , An engineer in Liverpool when Leaders of [ Leaders of going on board his steamer was ac- 100 syllables. weak cnnsiiiusliun kan he sti eng'honed, but a weak set o nraiuc* cant . A man with a few hraitie* iz like a doi'g with one flea on him, dread ml o|le..ZV. F one iz chim ing a greased pole lew win a pii-s of ten dollrs, ami -piling a *!ia of ciotlie* wo. ill fifteen. A k ckuig cow never let* drive mi til jcl-siz i lie pale iz full, and seldom mi**' - * ti e mark. Ii Ujisi So with Minn men's blunder*. Abo .t on * half tiie pity in tins world iz not,.tin.-n suit ui'sorrow, hut Leaders ol sati-faeshun that it ain’t our hors that haZ hiz leg broke. Gixe a smart child a pack of cards and a spoll'm book, ami he will learn i<«v p!a a good game of hi lo jack, long before he kan spell a word «v «o»t#d by a son of Erin’* We, “ Got a'l your hands engaged «ir?’’ “Well, ■o. What can you do r” “ Sure an’ I can either trim or foire ’’ “ Have you been at sea before.**• "D’ye ye think I came over from Ireland in a tan?” A boy got his grandfather’s gun and loaded it, but was afraid to fire. He, however, liked the f un of loading, and so put in another charge, hut was still afraid to fire. He kept on charging, but without firing, until be got six loads ia the old piece, His grandmother, learning his tiro- idity, discharged it. Thtresult war tremendous, throwing thcold Iady!ou jie.r back.- She promptly struggled to regain her feet, but tiie boy cried out: *Vif*ttUk%rand^l Tliefre are five more charges to go off y et l»’ ():f Low I^x^ig-es. WE OFFER THIS WEEK MANY BARGAINS IN Prints, Domestics, Dress Good'*, Fans, 'Low Price* I I Low Prices. Lenders of; I Parasols, Scarfs and Bows, I" L#ea ” er ® Low Pricvy. r , j RUFFLINGS, WOOL FRINGES, • Leaders of; f^uw Price*. Leaders Leaders of; •'CLAIR' DE LUSE Hi GLASS FRINGES, Leaders of Leaders of Leaders of .Leaders of Young man, when you hyve to sarch Webster’s dickshkmary tew find words bjg enuff tour convey yure meaning you can make yure mind up that yu don’t mean much. Fools and drunken men olwus make this mistake, the one thinks they are sensible, and the other thinks they, are sober. DR* 3JWPIa*,tOUBVtLtftKy, wfiTIWi B^rwwty MffUl Leaden of Leaden of Leaden of Leaden ot AND ALL SKASONARI.K KOVE1 TIES Foil I.AL1F.V . MISSES AND CHILDREN. Alio Immense Lot* of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, The C icapcst Ciusimere to th® Finest French Wonted Suit* at FABULOUSLY LOW PRICES- GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, comprising *11 the Novelties it) Ties, Stark, Hosiery, Underwear, >da*ume! e v« d Cuff*, *nd J* NEW VOBK C1TF ’ H»ta, Collate and C CelebiWed “ I “CROWN ’’ Uoiaundfed __ ^Sired at «l each for qua!** , for No. S.. Having the Sole Agency for these Celebrated Shirtoln :ry large line of our Justly Lauudrcd, and our BluMhthelatter being aalityBo. I, and 75c Leaden JjroMTJBrjRitsr eitoMem. IN CARPETS, MATTINGS, I0IL CLOTHS AND BRUSSELS RUGS, LACE CURTAINS AND SHADES, e also offer special inducements this week, and would kind ask an carb exumiuution of pur IMiiENSE STOCK, being cbnvin*se<l that any one in search of f.'ivv Price-. L<iw Prices .4 u'tiv Pries. Low Price*. Low Prices f<ow Prices. Lou Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Law Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Pricos. Low Prices. Law Prices. Low Prices GOOD BARGAINS, CAN FIND THEM AT A PRIVATE COUKSnOR S&SRS3RK2BSB GEORGIA STOVE ATHENS, GEORGIA. Great Eeducuon in I rices! Having made urr nveiuentH lo purchase tho •‘Lakeside’’and ‘S-aside l ibraries” nt a re duced price, uir-f further notice my pric -s trill be' For three 10 cents copies, . . 25 • “ “ so •* 5-. c ; Buyers will do w II before purchasing any thing in tnv fin- in »■ , u< * BURKE’S BOOK STORE, College Avenue, Niwto. House Block spril23-6m., XTo'ice. 1000 BUSHELS OHIO FLINT CORN 1000 Bl SHE! S S T. CHACLE8 CORN. p t) CARS Keboihid Canton SYRUP. april 23-3ni. F. B. LUCAS. Scrap Book Pictures. A iireat variety of new and beautiful Pie- tur-.-s tor Scrup Book* and Pottery Becoration* ju*t received and 'o.- rale at ’ BURKE’S K(»OK ST"RK, College Avenue. Newtoji Houke Block, i april23-6m. ij’amily Bibles. A good line ot Family Bih-cs, at low t rices ; alwa»» on iiand and for Meat BURKE’S Bin >K STORK, College Avenue, Newtot House Bkck. i »]>iil236in. Notice \ | The interest on the bonds of llie Norftieae- ; tern Railrend Company of G< o gin due Mi v 1st ; will he i ail at the Mec anies National liank i of New • ork, or a; the National Bank of j Atlieu-, Ga. R. L. Ml MISS I Treasurer N- Ml east Railroad, j Atliuila Constitution and Chronicle and Co> - ; stituliounlist. will please copy "-,(1 send b II to ; Undersigned. T. XaTwiNKLER^ ’ First Class Watchmaker a*d Jewfier, \ T SNEEDS SHOE STORE, BROAD ST., Athens. Ga., will be pleased to have the fit zens ot Atueiis and snrruunding countrv le ive him u <»H. AH woik in fis line, suc’i as rep iring, cleaning walclie , etc., done promptly 1 nd cheap. All work warranted for 12 mouths. him a call. aprilt6.1m. FOR SALK OR RENT. A DWELLING WITH EIGHT GOOD rooms, lire place in each of the rooms, g-)od dniible brick kitchen, stable carriage and out houses. Locution on Hancock avenue, near Lucy Cobb institute: J li. HUGGINS, xF,-tf No. 7 Broad street. For Sale. A s'-cond-haud \\ heeler A Wilson Sewing j Machine; has been but little used ami is in per fect order. For side cheap for cash. Apple at 1 kCgStwi TH'S OkFU'E 187 7. and Tinware The Quarterly Reviews and Bla-clrisrood's Llogazi-ae The Leonard Scott Publishing Co,. 41 It till LAV ST.. NEW YORK. Continue their authorized Reprint* of tho FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. Kdikbvkgu Review (Whig) London Quarteriv ’.e^-ew iConservative). West.I isteu Review vLiberal), Bnrneii Quakteeiy li»v», w (Evangelical), and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZhK. The Brdish Quarterlies give to the reader well-digvstcd information upon tiie great event* in contei'H'orant-ons history, and contain master- n criticisin'- on all that is fresh and valuable in literature, us well os a summary of thetriuinphe o. and art. T!-e wars likeh ro j all Europ- will form topics for discussion, that ‘ will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be onnd. Blao.kwood’a Magazine is thnious for stories, essays, and sketches of tiie highe*t literary incri, T13HMH (Inoludlnic I»o8taece)t PaTai.le Sibictly i* Advance. For any one Review W For any two Reviews 7 00 ••’or any three Reviews lo o0 For all four It views I- For Blackwood’* Magazine 4 04 For Buck wood utiu one Review ~ b# For Blackwo< d and two l.'evi ws " "0 For Blackwood and three ltetiews K* v-3 F«-r Iilncfcwno.l and the four Reviews 18 •J'* DEPOT. ATHENS, GEORGIA. W. -909SS, i a* v.i .• •■ -. i ■ i. >»* :8TJPERlNTESDisxi ‘ (Jens 3m CHARLES P. STUBBS, (SticcCAfior *o Groover, Stubbi* & Co..) COTTON FACTOR —AND— Genera! Commission Merchant, AGENT FOR THE Quitman Factory Yarns, 04 BAY STREET, Savannah 9 Gieorgia. ;iog, Ties, Rope and other auppliesfrr- niahei)'. Also, liberal ca»h gdvanwa made ■» con*ignmenta for sale or shipment to uverptvj or Northern i>orta. 1 , . Mr. A. A. WInh, Caahier and Corr^rondjnat of the late firm of Groover, Stubbs St Co., hi* au interest in 'he business *ug21-tt. DETROIT FREE PRESS. T HE FREE PRESS ia one o» the very f> W Northern paper® having any conaydrrable c irculation in the South, or widen desire# and K bliehes Southern correspondence. TIrcrc «■ rdly • locality in the South wtere tnia paper is not taken, and where it has not securer! warm friends, for the interest it has taken in Southern affai’s. It has tdvooeted all tiers- urea looking to the development of new indus tries, tiie establishment < f permanent petce and fr endship, and the elretion to office ot representative men whose administrations mu * bo prolific of peace and harmony. During the present y«nr The has* rpsae will publish articles ftom the j>en» of var oas state Governors ! n the South, letters_mni cen ters of business, and communications from those in position to know tha need* ofthtir state and can suggest charge*. It further desires to hear fbom planters, fruit growers, stock raisers, miners, andmanofcctu- rcr*. Its communications will interest thous- uds in tho North whd'a^restU* for * change •f .- hiding place, and must kg eti.-benefit to the Art departraents in the Erih ,pBi«a will he 'uaintailied ind made, fill I ot interest to ail eaders, and it hopes'*td' fistke* many nvw riend*. Address Detroit Fbee Prssa Fo.. Detroit, Jtticb.