Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, May 14, 1878, Image 7

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7 2u£ ' SOUTH KttN istsfcls, <3 :-xv' a. i.i., Tec re is vcinule jV i . <■• ,;ii A lonely si* I <)!' eurift. Wee i is i<> mv s. l more ib-ar? T..un world!* «l' j:v I,*,, m.ii... 'Tis not Lint,wealth Inis spr>iil i.i.c ailltment o’er the mcio, For there no c'Iiimiu re.«i> it- ... u.l, Nor Wccp.lig marble Isncvii. Nor is ii that I ever apeut One smiling liioiiieht there— Ha tan** insle ai who..o’er 1 went, Was nil I bad to enure. I'm sorrow to it e.iarms i g.vcn, W.iiea jov could ..e’er ini|.nr ; No s|H.t i tne ■! mo oi Ilea'on Is hcM so near my iie..n. tbith r lioiv oft is mem’ry borne, On strongall’eclio.i’s wave, Feiwert u re my t mu r.its a mil roam. Around my mot urV grave. Senator Morrissey Deoil. quietly luttivnuxo ms ust with- •Uf I* IN <nt STRUGGLE. | New t ork Sun. | SARATOGA, ,M;V 1 —8 it.It'll' Mi- - ri-si'y ilti-il tit. 7;hll ibis I'Vi-nittg Et.IV tills tintfliiii r la- nWi'»e ft-iiin siiiitnl sift* . ;tj)|i:tri'itl ly m u-li i\ ~ }tvs'ii-! Ilf si• 11• o.u tin itfitiaifK liif I».111aii:ts :ltnl sitt* on: lift-iff t;tk in.; :t,tig niftii <it i-ftn-Kfis, In- !>r«»tl», anl l»tltcruill!-'. ilis tiftvfs \\v e firm II • r.iisi* 1 ti.u ulnss .• iiis lij.s wi It Ins Ifh li.tifl. Hi- o..ii timifil lo itti|ii-oVL- lltiif.igotil tlit* morning, ttittl his Irkml-i lieo tiitf very ho|iL*:itl, :ts he ti lt imieli eitsi- r. He was ftuiseiotls ot ail [ui'seil almiit hint. Hud, though tillable to speak, t-o m lit tit i it-tiled by signs very iva»ln\. lie continued to ini rove during the iil't'Tiiooii. Ilis Ui'liu-ys acted and he hreathe l easily. A limit 4 oYloi-i he put Oil his glmsest and lead a newspaper, hut he did tint' neeln l*. ha»-e any hopes otliia recovery, lie was visited by Sistois of Charity in the lorenuon, atul (teemed glad t<- see them. Observing the crucifix hanging t'roni the belt of otic ot them he rcuehed out and look it in hi' h md, ami would not relinquish hi* bold until M.s Morrissey brought £ hers to him. lie was asked : “ Ar you ready t*» go?” and he uodden in reply “ Yes.’’ •* Will you he glad to go and be with Johnny?” wastl e next inquiry, and again lie noddeo “ Yes.” lie seemed to he at peace wit a tin- world. halt’past 4 he began to sin) rapid y. hr (•rant, was sent .or at.ti anivtil halt' past o. H it tnained with Mr. Morrissey only a few ini nites went, away s tying: *• I in.v • nev.-r see i a mao sink s> l'aj>idl\ ;i- i.e lias doin' in tne Iasi | . llo.l.s ” fne dviug Senator's iiiuuds again hope, and lelegra.ns were sent t" aon-lit iVie..d' iie could ro. live ti -1. It moi-iililg'. He i-Xjn lie..‘-lit gre.ll 'litiiailiy in • bi'-nUllllg, am. sank very rapidly. |“ Ai Li o'clock Fuller Jolt i M -M> n- oniy arrived and went directly to Ins besid-. lie prayed iefvanlly l’oi the «lyin/ man, who seemed to feel emuioricd. Mrs. Janies Rotnke oi Ne.v York arrived by the G 1-2 train, ami went itn uedi^tely to iiis bedside. Mr. Morrissey occupied a large squ ire room facinir the East, with a passage way leading from the north west corner to a large sitting room, with a bath room opening from the passage way betweeirthc two rooms. Tim 8oi ator sat bolstered tip iu/t eliaii fitciug the window of the east room, wliiou wts lowered from the top. The blinds were opened. At his feet John Lawrence stood faulting him. C. L. Wiggins was,, on the right also fanning trim.-- - «=* At 7 his friends were summoned, ami tltev gathered around him. The II n. Isaiah Puller, W. H. McCaf frey, Miss Nellie P»rry, Mis. Dr, Perry, Mrs. W. II. McCaffrey and their son Johnny, Samuel Corey, Mrs. S iiiti:, M,*s Addie Smith, and tlirce attend ai: s. Mrs. Morrissey stood h il ling his left hand. Her mother sto-I at her left, and the father in prayer near tho head. The others were grouped about. No sound was heard except the labored breathing ol the dying man and tho voice of the priest. Occasionally a gjeat sob beld tlie crucifix in bss.rjjjii^, Ids breath became spt-iin.die un • • ||:ibiirij(j| to iiil Iiis limits, lun, ji, i 'IH*d at jit-t 7 12 vitl.. | having speken a w.*id sin’ee Moiida ■ when he gasped the .me w.. I “Mother.” His t rolled ..\er ■ the ielt si-le, mid Father J.,|,n, wh ns bending over him, said, •* i|„ ,. gone ’’ Mrs. Morrissey cried “ What !" and fell upon his neck, we ping She would not he comforted, hu moaned : “ O i, I ant left all :tl..n«— all alone!’’ \\ hen irieuds tried to remove h>- she stood a , and, r.iisi <g her ban I above her head, cried: “ H-* na- gone to be with Johnny, and lull in. all alone.” The remains are to he taken Troy on Friday, to he buried hesid. i lie b..dy of Iiis son. Considering the riiviiuis'ance*, ti. influences, and the a-Loud ,linns mu! which Jo'in Morrisvy was horn, wa l-i-ared, aud lived; and eoii'ideri ig u»w I.e came out, he must cerlainlv be pi'Oluumced one ot the most l'< - narkable characters of this genera- 1 ion. First, a prize lighter, and tin- t prolessioiial g.-tniojvr, he was n peatedly a n.emher ot Cmigrcs-, an. at th ■ last fclceli-ui in New Yoik le was eho-eu tin-the set I timet »e a member of the“Siate Senate. BANNER. MAY 14 m' 1878. ~ MARCH 1878. W| fin|c ivceitrt.*d, am> are now^ Hoots, 8hocs ck of For liusliamls. Don’t think wli. n tut have won .-. .vile tluit you have wmi a slave. Don’t tlitnk that vo <r ife has h- feeling than your sweetheart. II .vl ittonshh oyou i>simply changeo not her nature. •% Don’t iluiiK that you can dispens .yith ill jhe Jit i le civil'lies of Hie t< wards her vou marry. She appreci- tes these iiu.e.s quite an much a other women. Dmi’t he gruff and ruff at honn. ilad you been jhat soit of a fellow beiori* uiarriagejthe prohahililies ar vou would lie sowing on your ow. buttons still. Don’t make your wile think she i >m incumbrance on you by givin grudgingly What she needs giv .-heel fully, as if it were a ideas ire t. I « '-lie w ill feel lictler, aud will yti. Don't meddle vvith affairs of t! < mice iii.del- her charge. Yen ha\ mi re right to lv* pok ng vonr no-. o:*> the Kitchen than she Inis lo mil. •no v-oiir nhiee nt hll'dness jmd gi» di:ec!ioiis lo your omployi es. ilon’t ii id ft 11l wiii'i ,n-r extrnvs- giinee in rihho >s, etc., until you hav- -’ nt down on cigars, tobacco, vvlii-kv etc. e i) ieave vo*ir wif.- at home mir••<* ’h'- <-’'.il b-e'i on the score «-i economy, while you holt at night !■ see the sitovv or spend a dollar o billiards. Don’t holt your supper and hum oil to spend your evenings loungin; around away from your wife. Hefori marriage you couldn’t spend evenings enough with her. Don’t prowl in the loafing resorts until midnight, wasting your time ii culpable idleness, leaving your wit. bursl ar. list from one ot those gathered ound. SpEUfi At 7:20 the Senator became t un- oonseious and his sight iaile^^JIe neglect and her disappointment. Don’t think the ^odjan you prom ised to “ love, cherish and protect” becomes your servant as her part ol th# dWtHWt. 4 "« O #f> 4. ft aM Don’t think that board and clothes does for you. Don’t expect a wife to love and honor ymi if you prove a bruit un- woftliy of love and hotfftl®®®^^* Don’t Caress your wife in public and snarl and growl at her in private. This proves you b6th a hypocrite and a dog. . . , Don’t wonder that your wife is not as cheerful as she used to be, when she labors from early morn till late at night to pander to tho comfort and caprice of a seltlUh pig who has not soul enough to appreciate her. • Don’t, if your wife has faults, be constantly reminding her of them, while you have never a word of commendation for her virtues. r^terffc, nfTaggp and nef gtqpi es atul Trunks, * " 'FUA'OB. Orders promptly filled, and all goods with our brand warranted. 3D. 3T. FLEMC^C & CO., WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES ? TRIMS, No. 2 Ilavne street, cor. Church street. Cliarlcstoii, S.C. D. F. FLEMING. JAME.1 M. WILS'iJT. racltl2-3ia iT^LS. JL.. &c CO., AUbUSTA, OHORCIA. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods is now complete, and is the largest and best assorted in the South. nr Mounting department contains everything from the lowest price, to the finest gomls imported. Our Hltu-k, Colored and Fancy Silk Stock, is universally acknow- ■ dged to be the finest in the market, a glance at its contents will ■otivince the mos’ sceptical All the latest Novelties in Colored Pre-s Goods—“ Chenille Jar diniere. Ive ille Cypres. Heige, Sylpliide, Hornby. Victoria Suitings Itoimets, tJc., designs and effects in Neckware, to be found nowhere lse. The handsomest Scarf Laces and Embroideries ever offered to the j people of Georgia or Caioliua. \ Everything pretty and desirable in Parasols, and in Fancy Goods generally'. A splendid Stock of Linens of every description, Towels, Napkins, Dorlies, &c., &e., i mhroidered Piano Covers. A full line ot Cassimeres, Cottonades, Homespuns, and everythin" needed bv Country Stores and Planters. The only complete Stock of Ladies Undenvarc South of Mason and Dison’s line. Ladies and Misses Suits in great variety—Hoys Suits (from 3 to 8 years-) A full line of Infants Wear. Cloaks Dresses &v. Everything will be sold at the lowest price—in fact so to 'stonish even buyers themselves. - Orders tilled promptly and carefully. ggiijj. • JAMFN A. GRAY & Ctt.„ PIANOS DEL!Vfrtytil) ^ ..-v' * ir- —In.— ^TSIEIsrS, C3-A.., $170. TrrKfiRK AT ESTBY 11EHAN, Ve have jin-t completed extensive nirangcinfliib lLr lumVlinp tl.e Finn with all styles of best Team Engines, Threshers, Seqaraiors, Fan Hills, Reapers aid Mower. 'uniiiiir l'lo'.vs, Plow Stocks, Sweep-, Scooters, Shovel.,Sincle and Double Tree?, Steel Tapered- bnudled lloes, Garden, Field mid Tl'fcc Seeds. Fertilizers the L. and R. Pnrx’h: Ainmoniutcd and Acid Phosphate?, -.te Seeds mailed free, at f,0 Cents per Dozen'!'up- M A Si St W. .1012 A so \ 4k < < K. N ‘" s ' ,,e *’ fel'.20aiu. ‘ *> ATLANTA, t.A. 1 *» TO THE AFFLICTED! * ♦ IN CALLING THE I'UtiLH' A ITENTI’ N TO THE 1 n«1 ian CompoiDnl c 'a n cr n \I ix tur e or t lie oerr of Con-mnplion and all diseases of the I.ungs anl Thr* a-, I say that nothine surpa'ses it "i- *"o ds and I'onglia. ami can he taken frail old ape 'Ultra Wtiir cradle w th impunity, and withovt anger. Hut llie pr. fcssional world is so full of Amid ruousni ss and Erotism, that anything put b.- :".>re the public as a safe and reliable It for cerndn disc .se- is sMtlVd at and pronounced worth- e-sand a humbug. I say try it before you condemn it as 1 will d^re you the names of every herb, tc._, that it is composed of, wide you can examine at your leisure: Vi'ellus uvi, 4mydalus, Mel. IMnus Paluslris. \ndrouie la. Arl-Te■, Aret’um I.eppa, Inula Hole- 'iuni. MaiTiitiiifiu Vulgare, Antennaria Msrgarilaceum, Durchwaclis'.iener Wasserdost, <cphalanthus •c' identads, Sympliytum OBi.'iuale. i It is prepared at my oilice, No. SC Peachtree St., Atlanta, ' a., where it can be had in any quantity, f any one using it will say that it has done them no pood, return the bottle and get your money re turned Life and Money Saved by the use of the Southern Remedy ! • EoU IT WILD CURE Dysentery, Diarrlioea, Cholera and Cutting Teeth ot Children! \nd no mistake. Examine the following certificate?, which are enough to a itistr any reasonable man. wonmn|or child, that it is not an imjmsii on palmc l off on the .cop fu pr IV** it, get a bottle, a* d* •fseiaidirceteq ot» the hotile, ajid you will b.-satisfied tbatitisall that is cl tuied for it. It la nay- pared purely from vegetallesa medicinal prop. rty. . * * * tit ia o t/3 •»-e cS Shi da c! •wr-M C/1 I fC.y mt.V-i-fll qny li.'V in the,United Suites. fhm> is hut one Wnv test this, v>hich is to address . .i»f .11 11 one wa y S° t o+ti 7 ■ ©; p # 52 Wixitsliftll Str.3^, Atlanta, Ca. febft-tf * ° nl * V Exdu ” vt i Dl>a,er in Pi!, "'* s Org,,,,* j n ,j )e Sout |,. pC'aNYEHS 1 HOTEL-, A Ilf» LTSTa > • I * »I| /\ m 3NTE3*\^7 r ..iflk. _£L C3-!E33MlDE3I^rT. Spates Reduced to S3 per ]Oay. HAVING LEASED THIS WELI KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its by Kcduciiti* 1,bites, nnd asking of the Travel- 'ng Pnltlii, csjx einlh my lrit-tuls uf ( :u-(ilin:i mid (iciiigijt, n ctuitiiiu ance of tlint liberal suppot 1 they tmve :i]m : ,\s given it;. B. 3F*. BFlQWl^r,,,;’ < iiAiiuvroN. n:fu*riii?tY't*» *.'-j I prop« rty. TESTIMONIAIiSw* -r ;uf . Atlanta, July lit, 1874.' . it your southern IGunquy in mv family. I have Jound most pleasant medicine for children to takeSnnd <lie «!>«< iitilefcartomureJ hate fetbrfefe. 1 used it now for several years, and never allow myself to be without some of it on hand, anaita diate use saves all trouble and danger. " " * fidence than this specific, it al4te afipi would only sutfic eutlv advertise it to I - Respectfully, o. O. LOCHRANE. The above is from the Ex-Chief Justice Supietue Court of tJeorgl-i. EUREKA! EUREKA! (I h ive loan I it My wife ind tw. children were down with Bloody 1 Flux. We had two doctors, as «is>l as any in the ’city, and fount no relie . My baby, 7 months ol<t while tcetliing, was ex|H-cfed to dir for two weevs, when heiuA induced to trv Dr. Riggers’ Southern Remedy, the relief of each 0k* mjr*oloA->, and^nro,t present ttdjg wrtl, {Cried it on myself for the same disease, and it proved a saccesa. C. DA VIS, Atlanta, Ga fob.2a.tin. Dr. ED SMITH. d It tbd .. * j iStB ^ 4 nger. I |uvealwayafolt if jmn bal no other ialra to the public coe- “ ft w'oMtolSX' am■ m an aaillfomh!asbaXItrured. OPIUtfsss *•* «a r.^i! ’ ' - / • i * § PHIISra Y878. PRI3STG 1878- ‘ *» ON and after April 1st, our SPRING .OPENING wi)l take place, wtifcn we frill bq exhibit the finest anil most extensive Stock ef MEN’S, YOUTH’S BOY’S nnd Cl ' Cb©TOBSi€f;'“- ' e * fore exhibited in this city. 4 Our stock libs been purchased under tbe -present define jf aud the benefit thereof is tendAed to odr nttmeroit" patrons. We enumerafo prices ora few lines of Goods. 100 GOOD CA^SIMERK BUSINESS 3D ITS -fifiT §9. 200 GENlUNja OHBMHA SUITS at $10, $12 60 and $15.. S00 BLUE FLANNEL (Getin'mo Middlesex) fifirilfro7$12 50, $14 and $15. In onr Dres^Sidt Depnrtin'ent, we ‘areprepared to filfow genumo English nnd French DIAGONAL SUITS, ruupfcig from np^^Worsted «uit8 in ’endless variety. In addition to the above, wo nave a first-class Stock of Q-eaxts JT'-tum Le-SJ t V** *•» LgT (Joocis, Wo still continue Vo offer onrs *t!ieir generotts patronag" in the pas*, and soliejlirg a continuance of tbe same, when we shall eudeavor to offer them inducements which wiiasurpass all our former efforts. ** Very Refrcctfttlffr, * * » «’**»* * ngA’RT.F.S S' *T3a© Giothier. i N. B. In addition toonr rcgttlar Clothing Department, wo.have made nrrnngemjnta.with on^, Hew York Custom Tailors to make suits to order upon short notice*. Guanuitcein^aj*aving o* iff per cent, from the regular prices charged bvjl ap9-3m “ Brr ilors. . CH£S. . street, opjoslteiCoTTege Campttfi, Athens, Ga. .-f ,* •• J Dfc’u IA. 4 » ' V-'AiiJI - '.weX/isk «# . '■■>4 whMiiq Vj M4K<t# G--,'| ml t. m ?iit tifc *-* it! >.;# tuwvf