Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, June 18, 1878, Image 3
/ SOUTHERN BANNER: JUNE 18, ISIS. “ BILL ARP.” Wliat He thinks of Binding The Sheaves. AN INDEPENDENT LICK—HOW THEY GET DROPPED —GEN. BLACK’S AD*. VICE—STANDING FOREVER— SNAKES’ EGGS. Written for tlie Constitution. Mr. Editor:—The harvest over. Croat expertnlioos have not heen realized. Farmin’ is a good deal like lishin’. Every time ton start oat yon rail just see yourself eat ekin’ em ; Inn, alter tryin’ every iiolo in the creek yon go home sorrowfully, with a fisherman’s hick. But we are not complainin’ by no means, for we’ vc got wheat emtf for biskit every day and light-bread on Sunday, and a few bushels to spare for them angels that’s to cum alo»<j unawates sum of these days. We finished enttin’ the oat crop this inornin’, and what with them and the clover already housed, the cattle are safe for an- other year. I imagine they look sassy and thankful; but as for inc, Mr. Editure, lam a used up indi vidual. Durin’ harvest I have had to be a binder, and if you don’t know what that is, ask Harris. The ends of these fingers which are now in scribin’ this cpistel are in a bad fix. Skaritide and stuck up with bull nettles and briars, they arc as sore as a school boy’s bile. There was sum variation to my business, such as catch in, young rabbits, and fin- din’ partridge uests, and pickin’ dewberries; but the romance wore oft'the first day, and by the end of the next my wife says I was as bum ble a man as an y woman could dew re. Its a mity puny thing to write about and make up on.Is and ponies. The golden grain, the manly reapers, the strut tin’ sheaves, the song of the harvesters, and party Miss Until coqucttin' around the fields of old niau Bo:iz, and “how jokin’ did they drive their team afield,” is all so sweet an*’ nice to a man up a tree with an limbic!, luit. it the n poms had to tie what halfa day in a June sun, their sentimentality would henceforth seek another snbjck. 1 tii< d swingin’ the cradle a w’ni <, bu; somehow or sonieho exactly get the lick kind of a cradle I’ve been used Jo, and I’m too old a dog to learn new tricks now. The swing of the rea per’s cradle is a very peculiar motion —very regular in its irregularity, and goes !<>r the weeds and bushes and briars and the wheat—all the same. Somehow or other it reminds me of an independent candidate a side wipin’ around to get otlis in a 1 wist Hide way. Well, I like iude-, ami that’s why I like iar- inin’—no’iodv to look to for a livin’ but Providenei*. I like to see a man independent ir opinion and in action, too, and if lie succeeds, it shows that there is gum in him—but it won’t do to run that skednle too long or too fur, in polities or religion. Bonapait and Beecher tride it, and if they couldn’t keep it up, nobody can’t, Everybody has got to fall into line some time. For a while all sorts of people will pax an indepen dent on the back and say “ go it my larkey, bully for you,” but before long they’ll begin to think over whjt a good, fat thing he’s got, then human nature, which yon know is as mean as the devil, will crop out, and the next time they’ll drop him so easy lie won’t know it. On the whole way is the old way. It may be, J however, that Providence does ran* up a man as an instrument to reform society, but the instrument is very likely to think he is doin it all on his own hook, and he'll keep on reformiu till the milletiiuin if the people will let him. I think it would be well enough for him to report progress sometime, and inabv the good Lord would let his servant depart in peace, j But you let a feller git a taste of | Washington and it does look onpos- sible to even get him away from I there. “ J will stand for realcction.’• Of course he will, but it does seem tome that if I- had held a rotaten office right straight along for forty years I would hunt the shade of Lib-, erty Ilall and quit. Why, sur, there’s forty men in that district been pa tiently waitin’ twenty years for bis chance, and lie’s now proposin’ to outlive’em all and himself too Spose he does want to die in harness, what’s that to Bc’ry Houck ? There’s sum other gentlemen worthy and well qualified who would take the gear kindly, and work in’etn, too. But if I had a horse that wore out his bret chin a boldin’ back up bill, and Undent pulled nary pound in seventeen years, he wouldcut die in my harness, shoie. lie mout hunt another w.tgin. I’ve no idee of to- dying a man who toadys everbody and evorthing I don’t like, from Gen. Grant down to a patent medi cine and there’s a heap of folks my way of tbinkin’. Every time I think about it I hear myself exclaimin, “ Time’s out—Next.” Yours, Bill Arp. P. S.—I want to know how to git shot of moles. The castor been grows all around here and don’t seem to do any good. Cant you put somethin’ io \ our faviitin’ column about it? B. A. N. B.—Ax Harris whether snakes lays egos or lias their voniig’uus jesso. B. A. DIRECTORY. —gSGSgasgSDse— T H E Scientific American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. The lltei •polar Scientific Paper in the World. Only $8.20 ft Year, Including Postage. Weekly. 52 Numbers a Year. 4.000 Book Pages. The Scientific American is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in tlie most beautiful style, profusely ; illustrated- with splendid engravings, represent ing the newest Inventions and the most recent ^ Advances in the Arts and Sciences; including ML ATTENTION 0L THE PUBLIC IS CALLED TO ] MecIJjujies and Engineering, Steam Knginecf- TIIE FOLLOWING CONDENSED DIRECTORY OF THE LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES OF ATHENS, GEORGIA. WHY (iOUUS AM* 111.0. KlUKS. TALMADGE,'^HODGSON & CO. Wholesale Grocers AND PROVISION DEALERS, College Avenue.J HOUSE, BETTS & CO., 51 Wholesale and Retail DEALERS in GROCERIES and WHISKIES, Broad Street. LAMPKIN & PITTMAN, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND GENERAL Merchandise, College Avenne. BUY GOODS. • REESE A LANE, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, etc., etc., BROAD STREET. M. G. & J. COHEN, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS in CLOTHINGS * DRY GOODS, BAits and Shoes, Broad Street.? M. E YOUNG, MERCHANT TAILOR,Cutting nSPEGTALTY One door below Long’s Drug Store, Broad St. GROCERIES AM* PRODUCE. F. B. LUCAS, Produce Broker NO. 1, BROAD STREET. MILI.INERY. miss maria McCarthy, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, College Avenue. IIAUItWAUE AM) CROCKERY, E|(' ’ J. H. HUGGINS, * Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWaKE, No. 7, Broad Street. T FLEMING & SON, . Hardware. DEUPREE BLOCK. PHOTOGRAPHS^ ~ DAVIS’ PREMIUM GALLERY, Broad Street. J. F. O’KELLY, » Photographer OVER REESE & LANE’S. BISCEU.AXkOIV. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer to the UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. | College Avenue, Newton House Block. A. A. BULL. W. A. BIT.'JO. BELL & BURNS, DEALERS in GENERAL MERC1IANTD1SE No. 2, Refugee Block, Thomas St, Athens, Ga. JOHN JONES, Bestaurant, MEALS A*}! ALL HOURS, JACKSON ST. w. Fleming" BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Corner Broad Street and College Avenue. "g. HAUSER, Manufacture and Dealer in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, I SEGARS, PIPES AND TOBACCO AGENT Corner Broad and Thomas S-rocta. For Oooncechee Tobaeeo, C-.llege Avenue. ROOTS A M) SHOES. SNEAD & CO., Retail Dealers in LADIES <fc GENTLEMENS BOOTS A SHOES \ Broad Street. j ing, Risk..ay, Minins, Civil, Gas and Hvdrnulic Engiuee'ing, Mill Work, Iron. Steel and Meta! Work: Chemistry and Chemical Processes: Electricity, Light, Heat, Sound: Technology, Photography, Printin', New Machinery, New Processes, New Recipes, Improvements per taining to textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, tiie Home, Ile.'.lth, Medical Progress, Social Science, Nat ural History, Geology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by emi nent writers in all departmeuts of Science, will bo found in tiie Scientific American; the whole presented in popular language, free from technical terms, illustrated with engraviugs, and so arranged as to interest and inform all classes of readers, old and young. The Scien tific American is promotive of knowledge and progress in every community where it circu lates. It should have a place in every Family, Reading Room, Library, College or School. Terms, $3.20 per yearf $1.60 half year, which includes pre-payment of postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Postal or der to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 87 Park Row, New York. I) ,4 TE'TVT'TC! In connection with r AlUllMo. SCIENTIFIC AMER ICAN, Messrs. Munn & Co. arc Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions ard Sketches examined, and advice free. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Public atten tion is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained. Dy writing to the undersigned. "Address lor the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, Cor. F & 7th St6., Washington, D. C. m’eh 19th, ’78tf. Garden Seed! "W JE5 GRASS SEED. We have now the largest stock of Seed in this part of the State, all of which are Fresh, re’ a single package of old Seed in our stock. We have also a large stock of STEEL HAIR BRUSHES, The fourth let since October last. -Our DRUGS, Paints, Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, We can offer at low prices. C. W. LONG & Co., sepll-ly Athens, ^ ,J . $50 3Re-Dsrard- W 1LL BE PAID FOR THE APPREHEN- sion and delivery of Luther Thomas, col- ered. Said freedtnau is about 18 years old, five feet, eight or ten inches high, weighs 165 O' 175 pounds, is heavy set, black, rather pleasant spoken, and professes to be a great wrestler. Ho is guilty of a felony and fled to escape ar rest. JAME* M. SMITH, ap9-tf Winterville, Oglethorpe Co. 2TOTZC23. 4 LL persons indebted to William Murray, jCX deceased, late of Oconee county, Georgia, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment, anil those holding claims against (fie said deceased are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned properly attested within the time prescribed by luw. james r may 28, 1^78, 5t, . E. MURRAY, Adm’r. the aujsr. REAVES & NICHOLSON, NEWTON HOUSE, A. D. CLINARD, PROPRIETOR, Board $2, per day. ;„Tln. !><•: !i: Ivui iticati j Congress met in 1 Tlmrsilav, atnl the j air itentiatti's ate Turkey, il se way. Christian its one o lives. The feeling capitals i- very l)«q el-e, 1 couldn’t | The University of Virginia has at L wasent the ! pro so tit fill'd students. now on their e ins, has sent a her tepresenta- l the European '.W ■ t peace. JDWN W. NICHOLSON & CO., Wholesale and Retail SHOE AN1) HAT DEALERS Deupres ISuilding. KALVARINSKY & LIEIJLER, j Wholesale and Retail dealers in sugars and tobacco, College Avenue. ** IT oway, Spicy. Reliable- 7 ’ 1 Tiie AUanta_Constitution. Under its new tnanagemcn , 'Thk Atlanta Constitution has won for itselt 'lie title of ilie leading journal of the south. Its enterprise, dnriug the recent election excitement, in send ing correspondents to different portions of the country, and its series of special telegrams from Washington while the electoral commission was engaged in consumating the fraud that placed radicalism once more in power in our national 1877. 'NEW YORK. 1877. The different editions of Tick Sun during the next year je the same as during the yeat that has jn.-t passed. The daity edition will oi week days be a slieet of four pages, and or Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or 56 brouci columns; while the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimension- and chutacter that are already familiar to our friends. Tub Sun will continue to be the strenuous advocate of laform and ictreocnment, and ct the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, arc integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, am fraud in the administration of public affairs. J: will contend for the government of the pconlt by the people and for the people, as opposed l> government by frauds i:. the ballot-box mid ii the counting of votes, enforced bv militar : _.v .1 i. . .... . .. i. .* upply jts render-! AXI* KIM.IUIDS. J. M. ALLEN, : At Exchange Saloon. Jackson Street," * WHISKEY, WINES AND CIGARS ALSO 'i ITiarJ Saloon. ARTHUR EVANS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWi/LKE, at Dr. E. Smith Lyndon's Drug Store, y Deuproc Block. councils, are evidences conspicuous enough to j violence. It will eiide.-w, f J?, rovo 110 expense will be spared to make ; —body now not far from a million of souls- Ihk (. (institution not oil'.; a leader in the dis- I with the mosttiitefnl, ecu plete, mid trust wort uv j cuss .on of ma.iers ot jmtuie coneer.'i, but a accounts of eurretit even's, and will emplov hr I leader the dissemination ot the latest aud tins purpose a numerous end carefully sel.-cto i most reliable news. • he--- is no belter tiin- staff of i-.-rxirtcrs avid cc rc.-pm.dents, ' tliau now to subscribe - -' ■ - 1 —- A Fresh aatl tig mins . Albeit, there lias been a ■/ asi settlement of one of the most difficult and "dangerous pro blems of modern fedcntl polities, the discussions spring tlierefreai and the resells likely to ensue The Sonthe rn Ea er JOB PRINTING OFPXCE, Artistic Skill, Attract v<- Beauty, Low Prices and liuieu Work, ConiVrocd with a Guarantee to give Peril et satisfuct on, or no pay.? We arc prepared to do all kinds of JOB WORK, such as BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. DANCE CARDS, POST A I. CARDS. show tickets. BALL TICKETS, DODGERS, WEDDING INVITATIONS PARTY INVITATIONS, . SOCIETY SUMMONS, J. II. D. BKUSSE, Retail Liquor Dealer, 1*ALSO BILLIARD SALOON, Jackson Street. ' GANN A- REAVES, SALE AND L VERY STABLE, Thomas Street. K. M. MARKS, {Peoples’ Exchange, BEER, WINES, WHISKIES and LIQUORS, College Avenue. RUCKER & HULL, COTTON AND PROVISION BROKERS, Office 21, Thomas St., Warehouse Comer Clayton and Thomas Stieets. «0I,I) AND SILVER WARE. W. A.TALMADGE, -Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, COLLEGE AVENUE, Sole agent for Moses’ Electro Galvanic Spec tacles and Lazarus «fc Morises perfected Sjieeta- cles and Eye-Glasses. A. K. CHILDS & CO., Dealers in STOVES TINWARE*HOUSE FURNISHING Goods, Corner Broad and Thomas Streets. J. R. CRAWFOLD, On Duniclsville road, 1 1-2 miles .from Athens, dealer in general merchandise. Best furnished wagon yard in the Stute. P. LEWIS, Dealer in ELECTION TICKETS, | Family Groceries, also Fruits, Nuts, Canned wat. 11< w t.'uv i Goods. Confectioneries, &c., Broad Street, - - ATHENS, GA. . Eire Insurance. EIRE INSURANCE, S. J. MAYS, Agent, FOR FRANKLIN PHILADELPHIA, Lynchburg Virgima, ^UNDERWRITERS N’£W YORK. Carriage Hater. BURPEE & BRO.,” Builders ot CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C., Spring street, Alliens, Ga. | BILLHEADS, NOTE HEADS, | H. II. CARLTON, Editor and Proprietor of the SOUTHERN BANNER, No. 7, Granite Row, Athens, Ga. More reading matter than any paper in N E Gn. 1878. Spring & Summer. 1878. (Attention, Grain Growers. the aspirin man had better go along smoothly with his party or his church or his copartners, as the case may be. General Black says he to me, says he, “ Bill, as you arc goin to iarmin i lot ine give you si piece of advice: Don’t go ofF on netv lines, but watch your nabors and do puny much as they do.’’ Well, lie didn’t mean that if the nabors went bar noted in the summer time and slept i:i a shirt and washed their feet in a skillet, and their darters worked in the field and dipped snuff, we must do so too—by no means. But he meant to say that the kind of farmin’ that is sustained by the majority of farmers was mity nt t to lie the best. Jesso with gittm oitis—the best LETTER HEADS, TAGS. DRAFTS, NOTES, ENVELOPES. CIRCULARS, INVOICES, RECEIPTS, SOCIETY CERTIFICATES, POSTERS, ACCOUNT SALES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES. PP.OGRAMM ES. DATELINES, hand Bills, BADGES, TAGS, AC., &C. HT PRICES TO SUIT THE TINES, and respectfully solicit a share of public pat ronage. II. II. CARLTON Ed. & Prop’r. “Southxrk Banner.” n> Kmm47 •> tv* 1M ColWN Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. Itam&ctured bj th« _ Bub&m &1« Cw C?., Dttlum, V. Q, It error fell* to care Hm»rrk$!4a er Pile*, vkn a care M poaalble. Price Lift! and boas flde ie«Um>alilo bik! Iforpblno htblftrirfd, "Original* eoi»»i , coiBtc CUBli >«:.d »»uuja f.*r book oa ttplem t > W 11 Squire, '' oruiaci-a. Qbajvb Opmesg* Miss M. McCartney Bega to inform her many fr'.euda and -ustoniers that on TUESDAY, MAY 7TB, she will exhibit ihe grandest aud most elegant line of • PrencJi Pattern Bonnets, Hats, and Artificial Flowers Ever ufle-red in this city. The present season having brought forth particularly handsome styles of oil goods in the Millinery line, this opening will be a gland combination of , STOLE, ELEGANCE AND BEAUTY. Particular attentiou will be called to some of the fiucst productions of the celebrated Paris ian Milliners, Mesdutnea Verot and Desclouze, never before ottered in this market. In con nection with the above, will also be shown an elegant line of . TIES, RUCBlNGS,_P.IEEONi,.ETO., and in fact all uovelties which I at present of fer to the world of fashion. Attention to the above is kindly asked, and a cull requested at NO. 5, COLLEGE AVENUE. May 6-tf. W^Ejeaa furnish on board Cars in Augusta. Georgia, ° ’ spring therelrom and tin- resuhs likely to ensue have lost nothing of tlu ir rhsorbing interest. In addition to this, U'e p- r ; ':2 of Georgia -,.r now cubed upon to settle The Convention question- , and in the discussion of this important subject (it) which The Coxsrrnrriojt will take a leading part) every Georgian is interested. If a conven tion is called its proceedings will find their earli-st mid fullest embodiment in the columns of The Constitution, and this fact alone will moke the paper indispensable to ever*-citizen of the state. To bo brief. The Atlanta Daily Constitution will endeavor, by al' the means that the pro gress of modern journalism has made possible and-neeessary to hold its place as a 1- ader of southern opinion und us a purveyor of the latest news. Its editorials will be thoughtful, timely and vigorous—calm and argumentative in thei'i methods and thoroughly southern and demo cratic iti their sentiments. Its news will b? fresh, reliable and carefully digested. It will be allert and enterprising, an l no expense will be spared to make it the medium or the latest and most important intelligent". The Weekly toast It ut Ian, Besides embodvin; (vcrytliing of interest in the daily, The IYkbkli* Constituticn will con tain a Department of Agriculture, which will be in charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well- known Secretary of Georgia State Agricultural Society. This department will be made a spe cialty, and will he thorough and complete. The farmer will find in it not only all the current in formation on the subject oY agriculture, but timely suggestions ana well-digested advice. Subscriptions should he sent in at once. Terms for the Dally s 1 month $1 00 3 mouth3 3 00 6 months ; 5 30 12 months 10 00 Terms for the Weekly : mouths $1 1 2 months 8 20 Money may be sent by postoftice money order I at our expense. * 1 Address : THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. ports from Washington, especially, will Vc lull, accurate, and fearless; unu it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred ( 1 those who thrive by plundering the Treasury < r by usui ping what the law do: s not give then while it will endeavor to merit tiie confidence to the public by defending the rights ef the people 1 against the encroachments of uiiju-iified powci ■ The price of the daily Sin will he 55 cents r ! month or $6.50 a year, post paid, or with tin I Sunday edition $7.70 a year. ' Tlie'SuNU.w e lilion alone, eight pages, $1.S0 a year, post paid. The WE3K1.V Sex, eight pages of 56 btoru columns, wiU be furnished during 1877 at te< rate of $1 a year, post paid. The benefit of this large reduction froui" the previous rate for tiie Weekly can be enjoyed b individual subscribers without the necessity c making up clubs. -At the same time, if any c‘ our friends choree to aid in extending our circu lation, we shall be grateful to them, iir.d every aueli per-on vho sends 11s ten or more sub scribers frotu one plate will he entitled to on- copy of the paper for himself without charge At one dollars year, postagr paid, the expense of paper and printing are barely repaid; and coi'siaeringthe size of the sheet mid ihequalit of its contents, we are confident tl c people wi’.i eonsiderTtiE Weekly Sun the cheapest news payer published in tiie world, and v. c. trust also one of t tie very best. Add 1 css. dccl9. THE SUN, New York City, IV. M 1*2 R. IL Vertical Bigelow Engine, mount- $64000 4 U ° ree Seperator 011 4 wheels for C Horse Fower Vertical Bigelow Engine, mounted, ana 6 Horse Sepcrator, for $810.00. 6 Horse Power Horizontal Bigelow Engine, mounted, and 6 IIo>se Seperator, for $670.00. ^Every part wmanted first-class. ^ KTAgent forGULLETT GINS. Send for Circulars. To th.©'ts OF ATHENS. I REPRESENT THE FOLL< WING CELK- bruted Flottridg Mills, and would be pleased to have pou esll ut my office and examine good* and prices; ATLANTIC MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. LEBANON MILLS, Nashville, Tcnu. RUSSELSVILLF. ELEVATOR MILLS, Russelsville, Ky. npril23-3m. F. B, LUCAS. May 6-4t. O. M. STONE &CO., Auutbta, Ga. HOUSES. XlIE Undersigned lias just arrived with a fine lot Harness Horses. Can be found at Gann & Beaves’ Stable. umy 6-tf. W. S. HOLMAN. Gkurah. <& Jones, Sale and Livery Stable, Mt. Airy & ClurksvIUo Ga, S3f"Hiick Line to Tululah Falls and Nar- coochte Valley. may 6-tf MARBLE! A. XL. rtOBERTSON, Dealers Monuments A ND TOMBSTONE. CRADLE TOOMBS, Marble and Granite Box Toombs. A Great Redaction in Prices. S;iecimen» of Work always on hand and for sale. Prices and designs furnished on application at the Marble Yard, adjoining Reaves <fc Nich olson’s cotton warehouse, Athens, Ga. june20-tf. The Image of her Mother. -A. 3STO-VE5X*. BY RUTH niTSTIO- In the Savannah Weekly New* of Saturday. 20th April, will be eonnncnced a new serial story with the above title, written by a lady Savannah. * BURKE’S BOOK STORE Has been removed across the street, Nearly Opposite tiie old Stand, In the Newton House Block, Three Doors from the Comer Whe.-e he will be glad to see all of his old friends and us many new ones us will call on him. Low prices aud fair treatment will be his rule, and lie only asks u trial to convince all that be means what he says. April 2, ’77-tf. Thk Weekly News i> thk Largest and Best Weekly IN THE SOUTH. It:i 11 complete newspaper, and contains the latest Telegraphic and Slat • News, Markets, etc., an Agricultural and Military Department. It adapted for gem-rut circulat’ou throughout - the South. Subscription, one year $2.ui* Six months 1.0ft Specimen copies rent free. Address J. H. r ST ILL, tprillO SavPimah, Ga. ITotico. The Celebrated “BELLE OF KENTUCKY” Flour for sale. april 28 8m. F. P. LUCAS. fOB WORK OF EVERY DE-J TglLT. HEADS AND JETTED eJ Bcriptiea done at this ofiicc ads ilttif on *l’o::oLrt ue