Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, June 18, 1878, Image 5
\ SOUTHERN BANNER: JUNE 18, 1878. Gflicia! Count} anil City Printer, i VculabluHU’iul Fruit, Wc are indebted to our triend, U. . ~ 1 ~ = — 1 ~ [ T. Me Ginnis, oF Harmony Grove, For Organ for Oconee and Madison Counties, some * 1,u fi»vst onions «e have seen this year. Also to Mr. Jesse Daniel for some of tbe finest plums of the season. The beauty about tbe plums was they had no cliolie in them. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. I-* 1 *” Advertisements mvtU alw<ty* be handed >a " >t later than 3 o’clock on .Saturday, if in tended to appear on Tuesday. Torchorn lace at Jas. Gray & Co’s. How can I have a clear and bril liant complexion ? Simply by using Dr. Hull’s Hlood Mixture and ob serving the rules of health. A r.c»v lot of while and black illu sion at Jas M. Gruv & Co. i tSturloks Hteam Cooker, For 1 .V*. A Winn. '" ’ * j j Meats, Vejtetablnsi I*u.a- j |„ l |, c grand|review of tljo State | (Unas, ItW-o, &e. troqps in Savannah recently^ \»j his j Excellency, Jfe,»H.Cor w fe»c Fence and Itoud Painters. For two weeks past Messrs. Chas. Smith «fc Co. road and fence painters have been daubing tbe walls and planks on the sides of tbe roads lead ing into the city. They aie clever gentlemen, unders* and their business, tind we are clad to know they receiv ed considerable encouragement from our merchants. We are pleased to hear of the ap- j Death or w. d, r XT»reiicei*i, pointment of Mr. N. L, Collins as i A dispatch was received in this postmaster of Baskcobell, Jackson i city on yesterday from Madison, We have tested tho abo> e mens I tioned “cooker’* and tind it cvfei-JP thing claimed for it by the inventor. ! To the housekeeper it is a prime ne cessity' and tbe husband can not find J a more acceptable gilt to his wife than one of those valuable stove at- J tachments. The losv price ($5,00 and upwards) places the same within the reach of every household. Madison, Ga., June 0, 1878. Mu. Laiud—Sir: I have beeu using for the month past, your Sterick Steam Cooker, and am very much pleased with it. Answers all the purposes for which it is intended and has given complete satisfaction. Respectfully*, J. E. Godfrey. county Ga. place. A good man in the right Look at P. C. Gray & Co. Cotton at Jas. M. As spirituous liquors will injure men, so opium or morphia will haim- foily affect the baby. Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup is the remedy for the baby. It is free from opium. Price 25 cents. Tbe best 10-4 sheeting in Athens lor 25 cts at Jas. M. Gray & Co. New Loan Association. Persons having taken stock or de siring to do so, will meet at L. & H. Cobb’s office, 44 o’clock next Satur day evening, 22d inst, for the purpose of adopting a charter. Linen, jeans, cottonades and cassi- meres at Jas. M. Gray <fc Co. B*of K. We heard an uninterested gentle man who was stopping at the Newton House, remark yesterday that the Belle of Kentucky was tho most pop ular brand of Flour sold in Atlauta. F. B. Lucas Esq., is agent for this Flour in Athens. * Morgan county, staling that the above mentioned citizen of Athens had died of Typhoid Fever, and that his remains had been forwarded to Mars Hill tor interment. Mr Thiel- keld was weil.known in onrcommnnily as a young gentleman of irreproach able character, and his death is greats ly lamented. 3 Base Hull Cliallunse. Capt. R. II. Lampkin gives a chal lenge to the Augusta Nine to play the Pop an Go Club of Dark Corner, Clarke Comity. His proposal is as follows: If ilu> Augusta boys comes to Athens he wiM put $200 against $150 on the Pop an Go Club. If in Augusta Slot) to $200. Thu match to take place latter part of July. Arrangements can be made with Mr. Lampkin in Augusta. A handsome line oi corsets at Jas. M. G. Gray & Co. Farmers of Clarke county don’t forget the meeting at Fair Grounds Thursday, June 27lh. Ladies and gents’ Balbriggan Hosiery at the New Store. MUs Gertrude Johnson. The entree before the public of this talented Southern lady gives promise of a grand acquisition to the thea trical stage. Possesed of superb talent combined with rare culture, and beauty, she can not fail to attract and captivate audiences wherever she may appear. Crepe Lesc Gray & Co. Ilucheny at Jas. M. Our Spring. Wc respectfully call tho attention of onr City Council to tho condition of our Ferro-Lilhic Spring, near N. E. R. R. Depot. Let the grounds be placed in first class condition with a handsome shed as a protection from from sunshine and rain. Wc ask this in behalf of the large number of visitors to the same during the sum mer months. Personal. We had a pleasant call, on Satur day last, from R. M. Mitchell, Esq., the popular, intelligent, and hand some traveling agent of tho Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist. He is the worthy representative of one of the best dailey papers in the Southern country. Mr- M. possesses naturally, a contented disposition, but just now he is troubled about what disposition the Democracy should make of Mr. Stephens. We also acknowledge a pleasant call from our friends, Wilson, Fargo, and Cashin, of the Dramatic Troupe, of Augusta. Glad to see you, gents. Call again—call early and often and stay all night. Notlee. In pursuance of a call from Hon. John Iiockcnhull, Chairman Demo cratic Executive Committee, for the Niuth Congressional District, the Democracy of Madison county are requested to meet at the Court House, in Danielsville, on the first Tuesday in July, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Democratic Convention to be held at Gainesville, on the first of August next, to nomi nate a candidate to represent the 9th District in the 4Glh Congvess. As it will be a meeting of great importance it is hoped that the Democracy will lay all other business aside and turn out cn masse promptly on that day. Julius A. Green, Ch’r’. Dem. Ex. Com. Madison Co. Holla Ityan i Entertained our citizens, at Deuproe j Ilall, on Monday and Tuosday eve nings last, with his wonderful per sonations of Southern and Northern character. He is now the successful rival of Sol Smith Russell, “Lingard,’’ etc., and as he is yet in his infancy as a showman, he has a brilliant future before him. His personation of the “Texas Cow Boy,’’ the “ New York News boy,’’ the “ Darkic Preacher,” the “ Ilippochondriac ” are a tew of his leading specialties. Uolla was assisted by his father, Prof. Ryan. We hope to see “ The Ryans” again in Athens at no distant day. The Grand Excursion. All arrangements have been made for the Masonic Excursion to Toccoa Falls on the 24tli, and it promises to be the finest affair of the kind ever given from Athens, the object not be ing to make money, but to have a grand good time aud allow all to vis* it the celebrated Falls. Preparations have been made for a grand Barbecue which will be free to all who accompany the excursion Burns’Silver Coinet Band will en liven the occasion with their sweet music. Mr. Edwards Superintendent of theN.E. R.R. has kindly consented to allow persons an extension of 5 days upon their tickets by paying $1.00 additional^ him before leaving the depot. Do not lose this golden opportunity to visit Toccoa. were pleased to see our friend and former townsman, Capt. A. A. Winn, occupying a prominent position on his Excellency’s staff. Capt. W.—is one of the vetrans of the “lost cause,’’having left this city in April 1861, with the Athens Guards, who, formed a part of that famous and gallant command, the Third Georgia. His brother, Capt. W. A. Winn, who commanded the Mell Volunteers of Cobbs, Ga, Legion was killed late in the war and he (Capt, A. A. W.) was elected from the 3rd Georgia to succeed him, which command he served with until captured with his whole brigade at Sailors Creek three days before General Lee surrendered. Since his residence in the Forest City, he has been untiring in his elYorts to carry the trade of this section to Savannah, aud we are pleased to say has generally been successful!. We are always proud of our Athens “boys” particularly those who show so much pluck and energy. Tlie Makhum House. P. Thanks to General E Alexander. The thanks of onr community are due the President of the Georgia Railroad, lor the inauguration of a system of excursion t ickets from Au gusta to Athens. Our city is an ex cellent summer resort, and the citi zens of Augusta will ever be cordially welcomed to our midst. Whenever “ The Young Folks’’of Augusta wish a charming “Hop 1 the Young “ Bloods” of Athens will furnish one on very short notice for their special benefit. A new lot of Jackonet edgings and insertion to arrive at Jas. M. Gray Co’s., on Wednesday. Beautiful swiss and organdies at Jas. M. Gray & Co’s. Patent Co’s. laces at Jas. 31. Gray & Lucy Cobb Institute Com- menooment The commencement exercises of this most far-famed institution and the pride of our city, began on last Sunday by a soul stirring sermon from Georgia’s foremost and most beloved educator and divine, Rev. A. A. Lipscomb D. D. L. L. D. 3Ionday morning the Fresh recita tions and Sophomore readings were listened to by an interested and ad miring audience. Monday evening the ever entertaining and interesting juveniles gave their exhibition that enlivened and rejuvenated the most antiquated. To-day at 104 A. M. the Juniors read original compositions. At 84 r. v. Prof. Schirmarker and his music class give a grand concert. On Wednesday will be the usually interesting exercises commencing at 10J A. M. Wednesday evening at 84 the Alumnte Reception. &i0“M. G. & J. Cohen low prices. leaders of 3Iessrs. Scovilte, Selden *fc Co have bought out from Mrs. Owens her interest in this popular Hotel, at Atlanta, and leased it for a term of years. The new firm is best kuowu to the traveling public as the success ful proprietors, for the last four years, of the three fine Hotels known as the Arlington and the Norvell, of Lynch burg, Va., and the Arlington, of Danville, Va., which houses they still run. It is the intention oi Messrs. Scoville, Selden & Co. to keep the Markham up to the high standard and the popular prestige given to it by Col. J. E. Owens. The same genial policy w*ill be pursued. Mr. W. D. Wiley and 3Ir. H. L. Porter will continue with the Hotel. This new Hotel has all the modern appliances for both comfort and fash ion, including a handsome elevator. With ample capital aud thorough experience in Hotel management, the new firm will spare no effort to make this new, beautiful and fashionable Hotel tbe leading Hotel in the Sontb. Dentil ut Dr. Crawford W. This distinguished Physician and most highly esteemed citizen of Athens, died on Sunday morning last, of paralysis of the brain, at the re sidence of Dr. H. II. Carlton, whilst in the discharge oi* his professional duties.* ; *»*<*■•#****’* His iuiiumcrablu virtues both as a physician am) a citizen are too well known to all of our people in Athens and the surrounding country to need any euiogittm from our feeble pen. His name and fame however, is not confiued to this community, nor to our state—his wonderful contribu tion to science and tbe great boon to suffering humanity throughout the civilised world, iH^his application of Anaesthesia (by means of Sulphuric Ether) in surgical operations will ever accord him a prominent placo in the great teinpleof the world’s benefac tors. Dr. Long was born in Danielsville, Madison eounty, Nov. 1st, 1815,was a graduate of the University of Georgia, and of the Mediqpl Depart ment of tho University of Pennsyl vania. The 3Iethodist Church with pride ever claimed him as one of its most faithful and devoted members, His great merit as a Physician and Surgeon was only equaled by his re markable modesty and gentleness— which were ever manifest. Iu all the relations cf life, aud in all the traits of character which ennoble and dignify humanity, his life was but an illustra tion of its highest type, that of the Christian gentleman. Augusta Amatuer Club in Athens. The suggestion of the Southern Banner of two weeks ago that this troupe visit Athens was received with favor, and on Wednesday of last week a telegram was received announcing their intention to come. Conse- quently, on Saturday at the hour for the arrival of the Georgia railroad train our populace were on the alert, watching with eager expectancy for the arrival of the troupe, and ready to make them at once comfortable and pleasant. All the available hacks aud omnibusscs oi the city were brought into requisition and at the proper hour were in readiness at the depot to bring our welcome guests to the city. In addition to the troupe, with Miss Johnson, of Char leston, as the principal star, who was j ably supported by Messrs. Wilson, I ter Blairsdell, Dunn, Bryan, Winkler, [ have one), Kelly and others, we noticed, as visi- Also beautiful Lamp Mats, tors the irrepressible Prof. G. O. Robinson accompanied by his good lady and W. N. RIerceur,Esq., of the firm of Benson «fc Merccuer Cotton Factors, quartered at the Clinavd House and 3Iessrs. J. J. Gardiner, A. A. Sibley, Mr. A. H. Vonderleitb, formerly o fAthen9, and Mr. H. Slappy. Having brushed the dust of the road from their persons, the remaiuder of the evening was devo ted to sight-seeing, and we are glad to note that astonishment took pos session of the entire party at the mag nitude of our city in point of beauty, business, etc. After tea a large and fashionable audience assembled at Denpree Hall to witness the performance which bad beeu advertised to take place. tmai ygauacayrex as •J. IX. IIUGGIN8 Still Ahead !—The attention of all my friends and the public generally, just a word. I have now oil hand one of the handsomest and most cony- plete stock of goods ever offered to the people; complete because most anything that you want can be found at the Store of Jas. H. Huggins, Crockery, Glassware, and Lamps by the wholesale. Table and Pocket Cutlery at prices to suit the buyer. An Elegant Eiuht Blade Pearl Handle Pocket Knife for One Dollar. Come and see it. Wooden and Tinware of all kinds cheap. Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Molasses &e. All other Groceries at bottom figures. Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Leather. • The celebrated Long Woo'.en Dus- (every housekeeper ought to Miss Gertrude Johnson of Char leston, S. C. supported by tho best Ameteur talent of Augusta, present ed upon the stage of Deupree Hall, the beautiful and highly educational drama of Sheridan Knowles, entitled “ The Wife.” Fifty Boxes Schultz’s Soip. The best Soap and the largest Bars made for the money. Give it a trial and be convinced. All who want a No. 1 Sewing Ma chine Oil call on me. Special induce ments to wholesale buyers. The Best Lubricating and Tanners Oil always on band. The best Kerosene Oil 20 cts. a gal lon. Bottom, figures guaranteed to those wishing it by the barrel. Lime for Building and Agricultura purposes. Special figures on large quantities. Highest market price paid for all kinds produce. AH my friends are invited to call and see me. Jas. H. Huggins, No. 7, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. BgyNew prints every week at 31. G. & J. Cohen’s. J Huraka. | Dear 3Ir. Weber: New York, Nov. 15, 1873. The fame which the Too much cannot be said in favor ( Weber Piano has amongst European i artists led me to expect much, but of 31iss Johnson’s acting and her ren dition of “ 3Iariana” was simply su perb ; we predict for her a brilliant career upon the stage. Mr. Dunne as “ St. Pierre,” 3Ir. Wilson as “ Leonard’’ Mr. Blairsdell as “ Ferrardo’’ were splendid. The rest of the troupe did themselves much credit. The costumes were magnificent, entirely the most elegant ever shown here. The full City Orchestra led by Prof. Wurm furnished music for the occasion. your instruments surpass that expec tation. Such a pure, sympathetic, musical quality of tone, so much in accord with the voice, I did not hope for. Your cases are most elegant, and the touch pleasant and agreeable. I am not paying you too high a com* pliment when I rank you as the fore most manufacturer of the day. IlmaDe Murska. GENERAL DIRECTORY. A Singular Freak. One of the pride of Judia, china berry tress in the yard of the 3iethodist Parsonage is like all its kind at this season, covered with berries, just in a good state for use in those delectable instruments “pop guns.” But the lowest limb seems to have been asleep, and dreaming still of winter—for it is now covered with the flowers pecu liar to the tree. It is two mouths at- least, since the trees were iu bloom, and this little branch looks very oddly. Now and Then.—It is only now and then that such men as Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Ex-Gov. Smith and Ex-Gev. Brown of Ga., endorse a medicine for the throat and lungs, and when they ko it is pretty good evidence that the remedy must be good for the cure of coughs, colds and lung affec tions. They recommend the Globe Flower Cough Syrup, and their testimonials are to be seen round tho ten cent sample bottles of the Globe Flow**- Syrup, for sale by. Dr. C. W. Long & Co.. Athens, Ga Fruit jars at wholesale and retail by J J. II. Huggins. fi@“Best Middlesex blue flannel suits lower than ever at M. G. & J. Cohen’s. Fruit Jars! Fruit Jars! Masons «fc Gem at J. H. Huggins’. a novel feature Presents itself to those who use Parker’s Hair Balsam, in the discovery of its rare and remarkable merits. Many have written us expressing theii defight in the fact that it works like a charm. Its disinfectant properties in chemical combination rendering il healthful, cleansing and healing are bearing fruit, and the beautiful hair it produces, with the clean, healthy scalp, entirely freed from Dandruff and fal ling hair, are achievements for which we have reason to "feel proud. A patron assures us that he has used twelve different Hair Preperations and that Parker’s Hair , Balsam surpasses them all. To hair that has become gray or faded, it restores that beauti ful natural color of youth, and produ ces a vigor and luxuriance that sur prises every one. Buy a bottle from your druggist, Dr. R. T. Brumby, and test its merits Handsome embroidered Swiss for commencement dresses, low in price but excellent in quality at 31. G~. & J. Cohen’s. Form toil llubcnstcln. Director of the Imperial Conserva tory, and the 3Iusical Society at Moscow. It gives mo great pleasure to give due praise to 3Iessieurs J. Estey <fc Co. for their really splendid Organs. The tone of these instruments is full, noble and charming, and has the advantage of pleasing and captivating the ear. To these artistic qualities must be added that they are of solid workman ship and of tho most elegant finish, and I doubt not their having an ex traordinary success in Russia. From the world-renowned Prima Donna Pauline Lucca. I have heard the beautiful Cottage Organs of 3Iessieurs J. Ester <fc Co , Of Brattleboro, and was astonished at the full, noble, and sweet tone of these instruments, which resembles so much the Pipe Organ, and which I have never found in any other American Organ or Harmonium. Pauline Lucca. Aix-la-Chapelle, Feb. 9, 1876. From Camille De Saint Saens, Com poser, Pianist and Grganist of 31a- deleine Church, Paris. I have played upon the Organs of Messres. Estey & Co. and been charmed with their quality of tone, which comes very near that of a Pipe Crgan, and the re sources it gives to the player. *©“M. G. & J. low prices. Cohen leaders of J6?*The best dollar shirt in the State at M. G. & J. Cohen’s. Every variety of jelly tumblers in any quantity, at J. H. Huggins. Headquarters for Fruit jars, and cheaper than ever, at J/H. Huggins.’ CLARKE COUNTY. Judge Superior Court—Geo. D. Rice. Solicitor General—A. L. Mitchell. Judge County Court—W. B. Thomas. Solicitor County Court—L. VV. Thomas. Ordinnry—Asa M. Jackson. Cierk Court—John I Huggins. Sheriff—J. A. Browning. , Treasurer—S. C. Reese. Tax Collector—F. B. Lucas. Tux Receiver—David E. Sims. Coroner—W. F. Hood. CITY OF ATHENS Mayor—J. II. Rucker. Conncilmen—1st Ward, Hodgson & Palmer ; 24 Ward, Lucas and Carlton; 3rd Ward, Kemp and Burke; 4th W T urd, Tahnadge and Hampton. Chief of Police—II. Cobb Davis. Policemen—B. Kulp, J. 0’Far.-cll, ? B. O. W. Rose, W. T. Moon aud H. A. Shirley. Street Commissioner—Henry Hill. City Attorney..T. W. Rucker. Clerk Council—W. A. Gillelnud. POST OFFICE. POst Master—J. C. Orr. Clerk—Jas. Rnodes. MILITARY. Athens Guards—J. H. Rucker, Captain. University Cadets, Co. A—S. T. Lane, Capt. University Cadets, Co. B—C. L. Flcyd, Capt. Athens B.ues, (col.)—W. A. Pledger, Capi. RELIGIOUS. 1st. Methooist Church, Rev* W. II. Potter, Pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Sunday. Sabbath school, 0 1-2, a. m., Sunday. Prayer Meeting, 5 p. m. Wednesday. Oconee street Methodist Church, Rev. T. A. Hammond, Pastor. Services lla. m., and 71-a m., Sunday. Sabbath school 3 1-2 p. m., unday. Prayer meeting, 7 1-2 p. m., Thurs day. Presbyterian Church, Rev. C. W. Lane, Pas tor. Services, 11 a. m., and 4 p. m., Sunday. Sabbath school, 7 1-2, a. m., Sunday. Prayer meeting, 8 p. m., Tuesday, and 4 p. in. Thurs- Baptist Church, Rev. C. D. Campbell, Pas tor. Services. 11, a. m., and 8, p. m., Sunday. Sunday school, 9, a. m., Sunday. Prayer meet ing'Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night. Protestant Episcopa 1 , Emanuel Church, rev. M. Inglis, Rector. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m , Sunday. Prayer meeting, 6 p. m., Wednes day. Sabbath school, 9 a.m. Sunday. St. Mary’s Episcopal, no Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning and evening. Pumitive Baptist, Rev. David Patman, Pas tor. Services 2d Saturday and Sabbath in each month. Congregation Children of Israel, G. Jacobs, Reader. Roman Catholic Church. Father Ohara, Priest Colored Methodist, Kov. L. Thomas, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, morning and evening. Colored Baptist, Rev. Floyd Hill Pastor. Ser vices every Sabbath morning and evening.