Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, June 18, 1878, Image 6
6 SOUTHERN BANNER: JUNE 18, 1S7S Ben Hill on the Situation. ]Clncinnatti Commercial Special.] Washington, June 6.—Senator Hill, of Georgia, in conversation with the Commercial correspondent tc-day, said that he believes that the inves tigation now in progress w'.U not lead to anything alarming. He does not believe that it is possible to con nect Hayes with any ot ihe alleged frauds. His confidence in him is still unshaken. A- to the charge that the Southern members content plated unseating Hayes, it is utterly and wickedly' false, llayes is legally the President, and will be sustained A Smart Jewess. Adolphus Fiirmelon was a smart young man»’ It was his firm con viction that with the opposite ser he was irresistible. One evening Fitz- melon was at the opera, and in an adjoining box he espied a beautiful young lady without a male attendant. Ho nodded to his companions and remarked that he must make a con quest. So into the adjoining box he made his way and unceremoniously seated himself l»y the young lady’s side. She looked up in surprise. Adolphus smiled sweetly’ and begged pardon ; he must have been mistaken, bv every Southern man during his ! he had thought he recognized in her term. All talk about revolution is an acquaintance. She informed him The only way to [ lie was mistaken. pure gammon oust Hayes is by impeachment - To bring articles of impeachment would require the clearest proof that he had guilty knowledge of the frauds, that the frauds, in fact, elected him, and that he rewarded the offenders after he became President, with full knowledge of their guilt. No such proof has been yet adduced, and the Senator believes it will not be. In regard to the cry of revolution, it is a matter of fact that more repub licans in the two branches of Congress would Le glad to see llayes ousted, no matter how, than Democrats. As to the wild proposition that when the Senate becomes Democratic the two houses should refuse to recognize Hayes, he does not believe there are to exceed twelve Democrats in both branches who would favor this. As for Senator Matthews in his unfortunate predicament, lie has the esteem, respect and sympathy of every Senator. They do not believe him guilty of intentional wrong. The trouble will he to maka the country understand Matthews EVER ONWARD. Our Flag is thrown to the breeze—Our MOTTo is before the People. We proudly take our stand as the “Champions of Low Prices. ) * ■ OT7K. SPLEITOID LEAS3BS. 50 Pieces Fine Mourning Dress Goods. 50 Pieces Fine Grenadines. 100 Pieces Fine Colored Dress Goods. 250 Bicces Fine "White Lawns, Wite French Nainsook, White Organdies Swiss Piques, Jaconet, "While and Colored Tarlatan, and many other nice goods suitable for C O M ME N CEMEX T D II E S S E S. Competition with our prices is a matter impossible. Our Aged wasjn New Yourk at the recent peremptory sale. COME AND SEE THEM! 300 Chromoa. 10 dozen Passe Partouts, in good variety. 10 dozen Picture Mats the most beautiful ever brought to Athens. Panel Pictures. Illuminated Mottoes. Photographs of Statuary, etc. Just received and for sale cheap at may7-tf. $1 Burke’s Book Store. “ Still,” ventured Adolphus, “ I hope I do not intrude.” The lady made no reply, but turned her attention to the stage where a scene was transpiring in which she was p inuch interested. At length Adolphus addressed her again. Turn ing quickly, she raid: “ You annoy me, sir,’’ and her bright eyes flashed. “Bless me!*’ cried Adolphus,! drawing back with mock terror, *• don’t eat me.” The lady smiled a sweet, beaming smile as she replied : “Be not alarmed, sir; I ant a Jewess and my religion forbids me to eat pork!’’ Unfortunately for Adolphus his friends heard the rejoinder, and he is not likely soon to hear the last of his passage with the beautiful Jewess. —Manchester (Eng.) Times. 11.000 Packages Were Slaug 3 i: i We got a lot of most beautiful goods. LADIES AND GENTS. H ANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES AND GENTS. HOSIERY, LINEN HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS, &c., &c. Our buyer MR. CHRISTOPHER GRAY is always in the market, he has the benefit of unlimited Capital and 30 years experience. Remember, our goods were bought for Cash and will be sold on the same terms. We stick to the programme inaugurated in the “Calico War, and Uxidersoll the Market 20 Per Ceat. James M. Gray & Co. lINTo. 4, Granite Row, ma>7.3in. A l'ttle girl in the church at Ash land Vn., has been one of a band of workers to raise money to complete 3xr:Erw Merchant Tailors Establishment. M. E. Young, [Late with Lucas A Ware,] IS now opening an elegant stock of Imported Cloths, Cassitnerea the church building. She had earned i and Suitings, which he will make up to order as low as can be bought ,ns by her own work a considerable sum j in any market. He will also keep Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, for a child, when a friend heard her j Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Sus- express a great desire to own a ca-j penders, and all such articles as arc wanted. Special attention paid nary bird. It was suggested to her j cutting, and work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock on that she could easily purchase onej Broad s,f leet, next door to Dr. 0. W. Long's drug store, fiom her own nurse. “Oh!’’ she! a thing for] TO THE PUBLIC. m .selfwhile I have that church fon ! We take pleasure in recommending Mr. Young as a reliable man mv shoulders.” j and fust-class Tailor and'Cutter, in every respect. :ip2 aVCTCAS & WAH.r. those who do know him. As the case stands now, he thinks Matthews isti e most hurt man that the investi gation has touched. • Senat M - Hill thinks that before the affair is over, the Southern members I ro .,ij et ] « j c . a „i, , ri , t will give the country another exam- 1 Vile of their wisdom, moderation and patriotism. Aid and comfort for j ^ t ^ ■ revolution, and Mexir.T.iz itioii will! The Louisville Conrier-Jhnnal says never he had from tin* South. “ We j the owners of Day /Star and Himyar, cannot tell what a few Northern j the two great Western three-years JJEORGIA—Clakkk County.— Whereas, Kurus K. Reaves applies to me for letters ot Guardianship of the property in Georgia, of John W Martin, and Thomas 1\ Martin, of the State of Texas, Miners of W. Martin ot said Stat-' of Texas, said Miners Hv- in", caeli under fourteen years of age. these are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause at my, cn or i before tin: second Monday in June uext, tvhv 1 said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at otliee, this 4lh I day of May 1878. ! ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. 1 inayG-SOJ. BUGGIES, BU G CUES BUGGIES BUGGIES, W® R, BEAY1R8) Athens, Georgia, Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sulkys, Top or no top Buggies and Spring Wagons All kinds ot vehicles repaired at short notice painting and trimming done in the best and latest styles. Work put up to order and war ranted to give satisfaction. Black Smithing Done in the best manner, harness made nnd re paired at short notice. I use the best material that can be had, and have skilled workman who know their business. Having an experience of eleven vears I feci confident of giving satisfac tion. Give me atrial and I am satisfied you will be pleased as I do the cheapest work in the city. Shop opposite J. Z. COOPER’S LIVERY STABLE. W. R. BEAVERS. jun296m. Great Reduction in Prices! Having made arrangements to purchase the “Lakeside” and “Seaside Libraries” at a re duced price, unt l further notice my prices will be: For three 10 cents copies, . . 25c. “ “ 20 “ “ 50c. Buyers will do well before purchasing any thing in my line to call at BURKE’S BOOK STORE, College Avenue, Newtoi House Block april23-flm. Scrap Book Pictures. A great variety of new and- beautiful Pic tures tor Scrap Books and Pottery Decorations, just received and lor sale at BURKE’S BOOK STORK, College Avenue. Newton House Block. ai>rilg3-0m. Family Bibles. A good line of Family Bibles, at low (•rices, always on hand nnd for sale at BURKE'S BOOK STORK, College Avenue, Newton House Block. npril23-Cni. FOR SALE OR RENT. A DWELLING WITH EIGHT GOOD rooms, fire place In each of the rooms, good double brick kitchen, stable enrriage nnd out houses. Locution on Hancock avenue, near Lucy Cobh Institute. J. II. HUGGINS, o6-tf No. 7 Brood street. For Sale. A second-hand Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine; has been but little used and is in per fect order. For sr Ic cheap for cash. Apply at acg29-tf THIS OFFICE 1877. The Quarterly Reviews Democrats and sore headed Republi cans might try to do, but they will get no comfort from the Southern Representatives.” The Jetties Not a Success. Washington Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial. A gentleman in this city lias a let ter from an old sea Captain in New Orleans, in reference to the failure of the jetties, from- which I make a few extracts. I am assured that the Captain knows what he is talking about. The letter is dated May 25: “ .Jiin Lyons, bar pilot of the City of Bristol, told me, when site went out drawing twenty-three teet and two inches, that there was a bar in side the jetties with only twenty feet ot water cn it, and that he drove her up with full speed. She stuck. From her mainmast forward there was twenty-four feet; from her mainmast aft there was only twenty feet. They worked on her without any good results. After being on there thirty six hours, the quicksand cut out from her, and she literally drifted to sea from one side to the other. Not having steam, they had no control of her, and did not kuow what time •he actually commenced moving. The Agia Sofia drew eighteen feet and six inches. The could not keep her in the channel. Succeeded after backing off, and came in on the third attempt. , She leaves this week, and will not draw' less than twenty-two feet. The Persian is now in the jetties out of the channel, drawing twenty, one feet and six inches. Do not know when she will get up. The channel is very narrow, con tinually shifting, owing to the nature of the soil (quicksand), and the vari ous eddy currents. Evidence multiplies here against the success of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi, but there is r> pow - cvful effort to keep the real facts from the public. old; have thrown down the gaunlet to Messrs. 1*. and G. Lord lard, the owners of Spnrjan and Duke of Magenta, for a dash of a mile and a half at Louisville, July 5, entrance £500, the Jockey Club to add £2,500, and SI,000 <>r $2,000 aside, as the owners may elect. The race between Ten Broeck and California mare, Mollie McCarthy, will take place at Louisville, July 4. We learn from the Thomasvilie Time* that on Thursday evening about sundown, while some negro laborers on Mr. Win. J. Hoard’s plantation, six miles from town, were hauling in a load of oats, they were struck by lightning. Two of the negroes, Jake Taylor and Bryant Heard, were instantly killed, as were the yoke of • xen next to the wheels. The yoke of oxen in front, and also a negro, escaped. The wagon and load of oats were consumed, the lightning having set them on fire. «• Cohen -LEADERS- ()f Low Pirio-es. •• Now, they said to her, “ yon can go in and see him; but remember that he is very sick with heart dis ease, and don’t say a word that will trouble him.’’ Then she walked in, sat down on the edge of a chair, and remarked cheerfully, and shook her head. “ Ali—ah!—me!—sad, ain’t it ? Thought I’d just run in, ’cause they’said there waz no known how soon you might drop off!’ Greece. — Tl e University at Ath ens has seventy-t wo professors whose salaries are paid by the State, and 1,500 students. A student’s only expense is for subsistence. Men from the other great Universities of Eu rope go there lostrdy modern Greek. The great work of this University, it is said, is to restore classical Greek. The Elberton Air-Line railway (Toccoa, on the A. & C., to Elberton) has contracted with Cant. W. A. Potts to have the line ready for hi. siness by the 10th ot September. Leaders of Leaders of Leaders ol Leaders ot ! WE OFFEH TS2SS WES MANY BARGAINS IN Low Prices. | Prints, Domestics, Dress Good?,Fans,: 1 ' 0 " r,ices - Low Prices. Low Prices. Parasols, Scarfs and Bows, BUFFLINGS, WOOL FRINGES, AND ALL SEASONABLE NOVELTIES FCH LADIES’ MISSES AND CHILDREN. , , , Also Immense Lots of oil “ Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Leaders of LeadersoiCLAIR BE LIE AID GLASS'!!! GES ! Leaders ol Leaders of i j Leaders of Leaders Leaders ofi Tlie Cheapest Cusshnere to the Finest French Worsted Suits at Leader, of! FABULOUSLY 0W PRICES- Leaders ol GENTS ’ FUBSlsIUN(i GOODS, comprising all the Novelties in Leader. .rTies, Scarfs, Hosiery, Underwear, Leaders of Leaders of Leaders of Leaden of Leaders of Leaden of Leaden of Leaden of BEAL GOOD BARGAINS, CANS FIND THEMiAT.B® S, SUREST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Hats, Collais and Cuff*, autl an nsuul a very large lino of our justly Celebrated “ NEW YORK CITY ” Lan.idred, and our “CROWN ” Unlauudred Shirts, the latter being offered at $1 each for quality No. 1, and 75c. for No. 2. Having the Sole Agency for these Celebrated Shirts in woMFffM&stF mamra IS CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND BRUSSELS RUGS, ' lace curtains and shades, We also offer special inducements this week, mid would kindly EVask an early examination of onr IMMENSE oiUOK, being convimxsl that any one in search ot Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. Low Prices. FOB. SALE. A very desirable property in the heart of the City of Athens, consisting ot a lot on Thomas street, 60 feet front by too feet in depth, with a fire-proof TWO STORY BRICK] HOUSE on it, 23 feetjfront, by 54 depth, with an ENGINE ; ROOM j. nnd a Water Tank, supplied with spring water hv a pipe. The property is admirably adapt cl to any light manufacturing purposes’; a'so tin- a Dyeing or Soap making establishment. Its convenient location ami water supply furnish the best for k •. ^PUBLIC BATHS u. Ihe city. For itinker particulars apply to W. C. KEMP, or April ZUrd-tt. W. L. JONES. Blackwood's Magazixie The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK. Continue their authorized Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. 7*31 Edinburgh Review (Whig) London Quarterly Review (Conservative;, Westminister Review (Liberal), British Quarterly Revifw (Evangelical), AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. The British Quarterlies gi^p to the rendei well-digested information upon the great event, in contemporaneous history, und contain master ly criticisms on nil thgfofy fresh and valuable in literature, as well ns a summary of tin triumphs ot science nnd art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe will form topics for discussion, that will be treated with a thoroughness and nbilit* nowhere else to. be found. Blackwood's Magazine is famous for stories, essays, amt sketches of the highest literary tnern. TEHM8 (Inctludlny: Postage!: Payable Strictly in Advance. WOOL CABLING. r pII!'. undersigned is notv prcpaied to receive X custom Wool for cardii.;*, ami solicits the patronage of wool growers, batishtclioii guar- unified. Price 10 cents per pound. moy-28-Sm For nnv one Review . .. -?4 00 For any two Reviews ... 7 Or* For any three Reviews . .10 00 For uti f<*ir Reviews ...12 cc For i h.ei.HiHii’.’a Magazine ... 4 0 F«»r !k c-;v.<-n:l jinti one Review ... 7 (lit For black a • t! and two llevi ws . ..10 0--- Foi IE;.,- • and 1 hree Ue.thews.... ...13 (• i’oi and the four Reviews.. ....15 Ol 10 cents tier pound. a^.!£i£;lf. T. FOWLER. Southern Mutual Insurance .. ... ATHENS, GEORGIA. YOUNG L. G. HARRIS, President .STEVENS THOMAS, Secretary. Gross Assets, April 1, 1S77, • • $7S4,«.'Jf «2 Resident Directors. Yorjfr. L. t>. Harris, John II. Newton, Ur. Henry Hull, Aldik P. Hearing, Col. Kobert(Tkom as. tii’’2S-wly Stevens Thomas Eliza L. Newton, Ferdinand I'uiNizr 1 tit. It. M. Smith, John W. Nicholson, O.EOKOI A—Cla kick ' ” Wheieas, Redden T. I’itti County— ittard, administra tor of John Kirkpatrick, dec’d.. applies to me tor leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, to-wit: A house and lot in Athens containing about 4 acres, less the Widow’s dower to he rar out. Those are therefore to cite and notify ali per sons concerned to show cause at my office on or before the first Monday in July next why said le ive should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this 24th may 1378. ASA M. JACKSON, may 28-4w. Ordinav. CHARLES P. STTJBBS, (Successor to Groover, Stubbs ,fc Co.,) CGT-TQIS FACTOR —AND— General Commission Merchant. AGENT; FOR TIIE Quitman Factory Yams, 94 BAY STREET, Savannah, G eorgia. Bagging, Tics, Rope and other supplies fur nished. Also, liberal cash advances made oe. consignments for sale or shipment to Liverpoo. or Northern ports. Mr. A. A. WInn, Cashier nnd Correspondent of the iuto. firm of Groover, Stubbs A Co., has an interest iu 1 lie busmoss. ai g21-tf. G eorgia, olarke county, -whereas, James E. Murray, applies to me for letters of administration de'bonm non on the estate of Wilhilminor Floyd, late of Clarke, now of Oconee county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, why said letters should not he issued. Given under my hand, at office, iu Athens, this 4th day of May, 1878. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. raay21-S0d. •, fJEORGIA-CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Edward K. Hodgson, applies to me for letters of administration de twin non on the estate of Edward R. Hodgson, Sr., late of said countv deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause, at my office, on or be fore the first Monday in July next, why said ■etters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Athens, this 16th of May, 1878. ASA M. JACKON, may21-30J. Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKECOUNTY. wJf \v nereus, John Gerdine»s to me for etters of guardianship of Hunter Gelding, of .said county, orphan of Thomas Golding, de ceased under fourteen years of age. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, <o show cause at my office, on or before the first Monday in July uext, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Athens, this 20th day of May, 1678. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. J may21-30d. DETROIT FREE PRESS. T HE FREE PRESS is one of the v.;rv fen Northern papers having any considerable circulation in the South, or which tie.-ires an publishes Southern correspondence. There i* a locality in the South tvx.cre this paper is not taken, and where it has not secure', warm friends, for the interest it has token it. Southern affai’s. It has advocated ah meas ures looking to the development of new indus tries, the establishment < f permanent pence and friendship, and the election to .ffice oi representative men whose administrations mu t be prolific of peace and harmony. During the present year The Frkk Press will publish articles from the pens of various State Governors in the South, letters from cen ters of business, nnd communication:, fron those in position to know the needs of tliei' Stutc ana can suggest beneficinl changes. It further desires to hear from planters, fruit growers, stock-raisers, miners, and manufactu rers. Its communications will interest thorn ands in the North who are restless for a change of abiding place, and must he of benefit to tr-» South. AH departments in the FTtEB Press will 1* maintained nnd made ful. of interest to ai- readers, and it hopes to make many new friends. Address Di.tro.t Free I’ks.s Co., Detro’t, M.cb. DR. RICE, 31M Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., J OB WORK OF ALL DESCRI1 tion tieath done at this office. abuse la youth, sexual ~excessMln maturer years, oi causes, atd producing aoma o f the following effects: Ni ness. Seminal Emissions, Dimness of Sight, Defective cry. Physical Decay, Pimple* on Face, Aversion to Society of Females, Confarioa of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power,*** re dcring marriage Improper or unhappy, w» thoroughly and permanently cured. RVIPWtT.Tfi pmUWtiy cured and c:- jely eradicated'from theftatenu GON* ORRHEAf Gleet, Stricture, lilea and pri* rate diseases quickly curodL Parictts treated by rial l or ex press. Consultation tree and invited* charges rtasuubl* and correspondence strictly confidential* A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 209 pates, sent to any address, i S O) cents. Should be read by Dice hours CromO A* U* to ? P, 5*s. securely staled, for thirty by all* Address as abort '.II. Sundays. GS. C. Tlioraas, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WATKINSVILLK, GA. O FFICE IN 'COURT-HOCSE, OPPCS1T1 Ordiaarv’s Office. Personal i.tteutioi: to a* ladness entrusted to his cure. ap$-tt