Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, July 02, 1878, Image 7
SOUTHERN BANNER. JULY 2, 1878 [For the Keokee Courier.] Bafoxa- by rrnai. dxrrwoo d. lovely Before the full of waxen petals—the flower. Before the barren fields all yellow—the harvest hour, Before the little grave all sunken—the beauti. fnl child, Before the scorching aun of Summer—the spring-time mild. Before the close of dusky evening*—the rosy sky, Before the touch of Death’s cold fingers—the soul-lit eye, Before the flight of the drooping songster—the thrilling seng, Before the fall of night’s dark shadows—the twilight long, Before the fulling leaves of Autumn—the bright green trees, Be loro the blighting frost that grieves us—the tiuted Isas, Before the mossy nest forsaken—the twittering birds, Before the cruel wolf o’ertakes them—the peaceful herds. Before the man, oold, cruel-hearted—the inno' cent boy, Before life’s burden gets too heavy—a little joy. Before the troubled, careworn woman—a fair young bride, Before the storm sweeps o’er its bosom—the peaceful tide. Before tho parting on earth forever—the sweet farew*U| Before tho sound of the fulling sod—the tolling bell, Before the struggle, a moment’s rest—’tis not too long to wait— Before the dawn of the heated day—Heaven’s wide open gate. made in a french percolator, in the proportion of two heaping table' spoonfuls of the roasted ground ber ry to a half pint or medium-sized tea cup of boiling hot water, is the best I and is the largest and best’assorted in the South. “| J"-A.S. -A.. &c CO., AUGUST A_, GKO OlA- Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods is now complete, and safest stimulant, taken on an empty without sugar or cream, and repeated every half hour until the stimulant effect is observed Where the uer It should be Our Mourning department contains everything from the lowest stomach and | price, to the finest goods imported. Our Black, Colored and Fancy Silk Stock, is universally acknow- edged to be the finest in the market, a glance at its contents will convince the most sceptical vom depression Is very .rest, throe. I .,.4" the ' at Sf‘ Novelties in Colored Dress Goods-" Chenille Jar- q may given j Bonnets, &., desigus and effects in Neckware, to he found nowhere else. The handsomest Scarf Laces and Embroideries ever offered to the creates dispepsia it will not do to use j people of Georgia or Carolina. it except at the time of the attack. Everything pretty and desirable in Parasols, and in Fancy Goods Extract of beef taken as a warm or generally. quinine may every two hours until nine grains have been taken. When the coffee cold beverage, and seasoned with celery salt, is one of the best stimu lants to ward off the attack. A splendid Stock of Linens of every description, Towels, Napkins, Dorlies, &c., &c., Embroidered Piano Covers. . A full line ot Cassiraeres, Cottonades, Homespuns, and everything .vo w | nee j e( j by Country Stores and Planters, any p ysicians a '° e *P res f c The only complete Stock of Ladies Underware South of Mason their approbation of the following | an(J Dison > 8 line> Ladies and Misses Suits in great variety—Boys Suits (from 3 to 8 PIANOS DELIVERED -irL- ATHBUrS, G-A.., tonic carminative : Sulphate of iron five grains, peppermint water eleven I years-) draelims, extract of ginger one draclim ; take one tablcspoonful of this mixture, well shaken, night and | astonish even buyers themselves, morning. The iron tones up the A full line of Infants Wear, Cloaks Dresses &c. Everything will be sold at the lowest price—in fact so low as to THE GREAT ESTEY ORGAN, Orders filled promptly and carefully. a|>ril2.3tu. JAMES A. GRAY & CO. The [Now York Sun] Diseased Passion for Ardent Spirits. system, the peppermint strengthens the stomach, and the extract of ginger (it must not be a tincture made with alcohol, but a simple, very strong ginger tea,) is sufficiently I stimulant to settle the disordered nerves for the time. The ginger must be omitted as soon as possible. At the height of the attack, a few I . ,. -l.ll danger, mil me |iroies3luiiiu worm is au lull U1 Aiuuiguuuaueaa mm a^ousm, mm Huyiuiug jiui ue- i drops Of aqua ammonia, or uarlsnoru, fore the public as a safe anil reliable Remedy for certain diseases is scoffed at and pronounced worth- , , - - . , c , c I less and a humbug. 1 say try it before you condemn it, as I will give you the names of every herb, may be added to eacil tcaspoontul Ot I Jtc., that it is composed of, which you can examine at your leisure: , , . — ■ . • I YitellusOvi, Amydalus, Mel. Pinus Palustris, Andromeda, Arborea, Arctium I.eppa, Inula Hele- tllC above mixture. J his tonic, like I Ilium, Marrubiuui Vulgare, Antennaria MargarUaceum, Durchwachsbener Wasserdost, Cephalanthus ,, ,, • , ii i . i.„„ p Occidental^, Symphytum Officinale. all Others, Should betaken IOl IlOll Jt is prepare! at uiy office, No. M I’cachtrce St., Atlanta, (ia., where it can be had in any quantity. , .-a If anv one using it will sav that it has done them no good, return the bottle and get your money re- niore than ten consecutive days or Uirne(J TO THE AFFLICTED! IN CALLING THE PUBLIC ATTENTION TO THE Indian Compound Cough Mixture For the cure of Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat, I say that nothing surpasses it for Colds and Coughs, and can l>e taken from old age down to the cradle with impunity, and without From numbers of sufferers through tlie passion for spirituous drink, we receive letters like the following: “ Sib—I used to drink bard, searce ever to druukenness. but constantly to something approaching it. I am trying all a man can to stop. But once a week or so the terrible gnaw ing, yearning, goading desire for drink attacks me, and I dare not re sist it. Is there no substitute, no ex pedient, that will tide me over such attacks? I am told that your paper has at different times given recipes for such cases. If so, will you not, in the name of God and humanity, republish them or give their date ? Don’t say, ‘Go to a physician, for I have done it. They don’t know, they don’t care, they don’t help. Aiul don’t tell me to take valerian lor it, for I have tried that, and it is ten times worse than whiskey. “My busiuess requires my constant attention; my family require every dollar my business can bo made to yield. I cannot stop and be treated for days and weeks in some sanitari um. I want some help to aid my own will and power and strength to over come this periodical call and demand of my system for stimulants. “1 do not give my address. If you desire it confidentially, I will. Try to help a sorely tried man, who wants to help himself. E. V. M.’ This writer, like many others, has made a mistake. We have not at any time given a receipt which is an ef fectual substitute for the alcoholic stimulant. There are certain tonic and carminative remedies which may be used to aid in the work of self cure, but this must bo effected prin cipally by the exercise of the suffer er’s will in abstaining tatally from all strong liquors, wines and beer. We do not believe that any physician can furnish a prescription which will cure a man of tho desire for strong drink. Some physicians prescribe broken doses of tartar emetic in the favorite liquor of the dipsomaniac patient to create disgust, but they admit that the disgust is only temporary. Still a heroic man will resort to this tern porary disgust, provided he finds it necessary in tho commencement of his self treatment. All drinking men say that the im-> perative and uncontrollable thirst for drink is always preceded by nervous depression and a sense of uneasiness, particularly at the pit of the stomach and frequently extending to the hy pogastric region. At that stage some support must be given to the sys tern. The hot air bath, when possi hie, or a simple warm bath, is recoin mended at this stage. Strong coffee two weeks at a time ; if fullness of the head is produced by the iron in a few days, stop until it subsides. Nor Life and Money Saved by the use of the Southern Remedy ! IT P* tr* CD P P* CD J3* CD O P. EOR IT WILD CUBE . . „ , ,, _ ... i I will undersell any house in the United Stales, should this tonic be resorted to again, RySClltcry, Diarrhoea, CliOlcra Morbus, and Cutting | test this, which is to address unless there is a recurrence of the first Teeth of Children! symptoms, In the meantime, the use of to bacco, in every form, must be avoid ed. The late Dr. Chapman is author ity for the assertion that delirium tremens, with all its essential features, . • - , _ . i * 1 most pleasant medicine for children to take, and tha most satisfactory to cure itiaveevi IS sometimes cause* by tne use oi I , lse d ft BO vr for several years, and never allow myself to be without some of It on hand, , • , 1 dials use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt if you had no other claim to And no mistake. Examine the following certificates, which are enough to satisfy any reasonable man, . woman, or child, that it is not an imposition pal med off on tha people. To prove it, get a bottle, and use as directed on the bottle, and you will be satisfied that it .is all that is claimed for it. It is pre- | pared purely from vegetables a medicinal property. TESTIMONIALS. Atlanta, July 1st, 1874. DR. BIGGERS—Dear Sir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in my family, I have found it the ever met. I have ad, and its inline- T._ ...... i„ 1 diate use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt ir you had no other claim to the public con- AtS use certainly injures I gdence than this specific, it alone should give it to you, and both, fame and fortune added, If you would only sufficiently advertise it to let the world know hstUugTtowei and benefits. Respectfully, O.O. LOCHRANE. The above is from the Ex-Chief Justice Supreme Court of Georgia. EUREKA I EUREKA! (I have found it. My wife and two children were down with Bloody found no relief. My baby, 7 months old induced to try Dr. Diggers’ Southern oing well. I tried it on myself for the C. C. DAVIS, Atlanta, Ga. T "~*Dr. ED SMITH. There is but one way to Ck. P. GUILFORD, 52 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ca. IgrThe only Exclusived Dealer in Pianos and Organs in the South. feb5-tf. tobacco. the digestion and the nervous system, and predisposes to the taste for strong drink ed food and salt meats, all articles of food which provoke thirst, must also be avoided. The diet must be nutritious and simple. Fruits, and particularly apples, are recommended. The habi tual use of tea and coffee must be abandoned. Temptation in every form must be shunned. Dinner parties, balls, clubs, and all social gatherings where drinking is indulged in, must he es chewed. The mind, however, must be kept cheerful by all amusements hich will not lead to temptation, such ns theatres, lectures, l endings, and the society of such intimate friends as know the weakness of the sufferer, and will not oiler nor urye the social glass. Whatever may be the occupation of a man so tempted as E. V. M., he should find time for mental cultiva tion, not only by reading but by tudy of such an absorbing nature as to take the mind captive and pre vent tlie intellect from growing dull for want of exereisc. His general reading should be of a cheerful char acter. If a relapse occurs, neither the dipsomanias nor his friends should despair. We have had t,\\o cases come under our own observation of men who were hard drinkers and who, after several relapses, finally conquered, and are now in lucrative and pleasant business, each support ing a wife and a family of several children, and accumulating a lair share of this world’s good. TALLULAH INSTITUTE CLARKESVILLE, GEORGIA. rpHE next term will commence on tlie 82d I day of July, 1878. XEBHS, PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. 1st Class, $ 5.00 2d Class -8-00 3rd Class 12.00 There are roomn to rent at low rates to those wishing to form messes and board themselves For further particulars, address, T. B. PASSMORE, Pbincipal, Clabkesville, IIabebsbam Co., Ga. jun* 2, ’78, 3m, PLANTERS’ HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. NEW AERANOEMENT. Zlts Reduced to $3 per Day. HAYING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel- ng Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu ance ot that liberal support they have always given it. B. F. BROWN, [an23-5m FORMERLY OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. Street, Over Mandcville’s Jewelry Store. FOREST CITY ‘ Foundry km Machine Works, 170 Femvick Street, opposite Water Tower, Augusta, Georgia, | GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors, Manufacture Portable and Stationery Steam Engines, and Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting Pulleys, Gearing, Hangers, etc., Iron and Brass Castings, Plantation and Mill Work of any kind, Cone Mills and Kettles, Horse Powers, Graham’s Improved Solid Rim and other i styles of Gin Gear. Special attention given to Repairing and Over- ^pi) T’N’Ctt ”1 hauling Machinery. Promptness and good work guaranteed. Send I -LO I O. for Catalogue of Mill Gearing. Agents for the Celebrated Elipse Double’ Turbin Water Wheel, the Judson Governor, the Niagara Steam Pump and Nordike, Marmon & Co’s Plantation Mills. Send for Circular. GEO. R. LOMBARD <& CO., Proprietors. PENDLETON & BROS., Foundry and Machine Works, Augusta, Georgia. PLANTATION , Engines, Smith’s Superior Hand Cotton Presses] AND, WROUGHT O N SCREW PRESSES For Hand, Horse or Water Power, Cane Mills, Evaporators and Settles, Cheap and Strong, with or without pans and frames. Having bought all of Mr. George Cooper’s complete stock of Patterns, etc^ we are better pre pared than ever to furnish Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions on short notice and cheap* His old patrons can be accommodated with duplicates and repairs by letting ns know what they §PR NG 1878. ON and after April 1st, our SPRING OPENING will take place, when we will be prepared to exhibit the finest and most extensive Stock of MEN’S, YOUTH’S B0Y’’S and CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, ever before exhibited in this city. Our stock has becD purchased under the present decline of Goods, and the benefit thereof is tendered to our numerous patrons. We enumerate prices of a few lines of Goods. 100 GOOD CASSIMERE BUSINESS SUITS AT *9. 200 GENUINE CHEVIOT SUITS at $10, $12 50 and $15. _ 300 BLUE FLANNEL (Genuine Middlesex) - i- . - — d to show genuine suits in endless want. (j©nts ^urntsTiing Qoods, which for prices and quality cannot be excelled in the State. We still continue to offer our spe cialty, UNLANDRIEa) SHIRTS, at $50c.. next grade 75c., extra fine $1. Hats and caps in all the latest styles. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, etc., etc. Extending our thanks to our patrons for their generous patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of the same, when we shall endeavor to offer them inducements which will surpass ail our former efforts. Very Respectfully, CHARMia STJCSasr, The Clothier. N. B. In addition toonr regular Clothing Department, we have made arrangements with on' New York Custom Tailors ' to make suits to order upon short notice. Guaranteeing a saving of 25 per cent, from the regular prices charged by tutors. CBAS. STERN, ap9-Sm Broad street, opposite College Campus, Athens, Ga. SEND IN" YOUR Subscription for the Banner For 1078.