Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, July 09, 1878, Image 1

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(.•otmtorsk'iied bv the l*n-*id«*nt.
Ninth —The \4i«3'S.of-;tltV ! A**-ci
to b- a t'ri-MiifUt. £h-t .-rtturv .mU'rmm
*.mie iwtmi to fitl both o •'<►*,) m l "fix
tors. unJ the fn-Matnt *h»!l Ik, «■
member of tbo Board, 'the officers
appoint a Solicitor.
Association. Tile
NO. 39
ATHENS, GEORGIA,* JULY. 9, , 1878.
VOL. 62.
'irst Pagk.—Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Second Pgak.—The Fatal Wager. Miscellaneous
Third P.vof..—Wilkes Booth's Statement. So
cialism in America. Hems. Miscellaneous
Advci ttsements.
Fourth Paok.—Editorial.
KtrTil Paok.—l/ Sews an l Local Advertises
sixth Paok.—Liberia Heard from. Negro
Mortality. Items. Miscellaneous Advertise-
-Seventh Paok.—Poetry. The lust Hymn.
Southern Mines. Miscellaneous Advertise- t
men Is.
SlGHTlt Paok.—Poetry. Miscellaneous Adver- |
Low Prices, Quick Sales.
40 to 00 Per Cent. Discount,
Solicitor General — A. 1-. Mitchell. County Court—W. B. Thomas,
Solicitor County Court—L. W. Thomas.
Ordinary—Asa M. Jaekson.
Ctork Court—John 1 Hnirgiu*.
Sheriff-—J. A. Hmwnimr.
Treasurer—s. C. Kee.-c.
Tux Collector—E. B. Lucas.
Tax Receiver—David E. Sims.
1,'orouer—\Y. F. Hood.
CITY OK athkxs
M i\or—J. II Rucker.
t'oiiiicilmeti—1st Ward, llod^soit A l’ulmer;
•_,j Will,!, l.iteas and Carlton : Srd Ward, Kemp
; ,ud Burke; 4th Wuril, Talmielj'euud Ilunipton.
Chief of Police—11. Cobb Davis.
Policemen—B. Kulp, J. O’Farrell, B. O. W.
Rose, W. T. Moon and 11. A. Shirley.
Stree t Commissioner—Henry Hill.
City Attomdy. .T. \V. Rucker.
Clerk Coin oil—W. A. Gilleland.
. -s 4‘uST OFFICE.
POst llnstcr—J. 0. Orr.
Clerk—Jas. Rhodes.
From Catalogue Prices of tlie following celelira-
ted makers :
Cli ckerinR, Malhitsliek, Kuabe, SUeitwsy, Hal-
let and Davit McPhail A ' o., Simpson A Co.,
ltalnes Bro., iti! 11tirrs. a Co.
Parlor and Church Organ!
Mason lltmlin, rieoubci A IVl ton, Prescott
Organ Co., ('Ir tish & Warren. Attracting Purch
asers from the Mountains to flic Sea Testimonials
from oartim rrh« have correa|Mintle<l with several
of the latyeht Piano ami Organ «Wialen* t established
the fact that prices are lower in Augusta than
eoase to be n member of said Association itnd if
a sale cannot be affected in tbe manner specified
then such stock shall be forfeited an I toe said
deliuqu lit stockholder r.-ecrive riot'.iiuj;.
Sixth—Should auy stockholder not havins
received an advance wish to withdraw from the
Associution lie or she may be allowed to do so
by givini; thirty days notice, on such terms as
the By-Laws may prescribe. Transfers of stock
tiny "be trade at any time, by consent of
Directors, in the presence of the Treasurer, but
no transfer shall be valid until all arrearages on
the allures shall have been fully paid and the
person or nersons to whom the transfer is to be
made shall have njjreed to, and sinned the Con
stitution and Bv-Laws of acid Association, such
transfers must be made nt least thirty days be
fore an election to cut,tie the bolder titer,ot to
a vote.
Seventh—The local representation of u de
ceased member, who has received no advance,
may continue ltis or 1 er relatin'* to the Asso*ia-
tion, or nitty he settled with on the same terms,
its are prescribed for a withdrawing member,
should any member die. having received tm
advance, the heirs or legal representative may
return the balance due, according to the By-
Laws of said Association, or cont.nne to pay
the interest and monthly au,s. until the Asso
ciation is closed.
Eighth— No stockholder is to hold in his otr
her own right more than thirty shares, not in
voting at tin electien or altering the Constitu
tion or By-Laws vepresi nt more than fifty, and
cuelt stoekboder for t acit and every abate of
stock held by him or her, eith r in bis own
right or •* trusteo or proxy, shall be
Ty present at any
ion to one vote
■‘.y# '*4r
Athens Blues, (col.)—W. A. Pledger, Cupt.
1st. Clmrch, Rev W. 11. Potter,
Castor. Services ll a. m. and 8 ]>. in., Sunday.
Sabbath school, :» 1-2, a. in., Sunday. Prayer
Meeting, ft p. ut. Wednesday.
Oconee street Methodist Uliun-h, Rev. T. A.
Hammond, Pastor. Services 11 a. lit., und7 1-2
p in.. Sunday. Subbath school •'! 1-2 n. in ,
Sunday. Prayer meeting, 7 1-2 p. in., 't'hurs-
lTesbyterian Church, Rev. C. W. Lane, Pus-
tor. Services. 1! a. in., and 4 p. nt.. Sunday.
Sabbath •chool, 7 1-2, n. in., Mii day. Prayer
meeting, 8 p. in., Tuesday, ami 4 p. in. Tlnirs-
■ lav.
Baptist Clinrelt, Rev. C. D. Campbell, Par-
tor. Services, 11, a. m., and 8, p. tu., Sniidu'.
Sunday school, U, u. to., Sunday. Prayer mee -
iug Wednesduv nftcrncon and Thursday night.
Protestant Episcopal, Emanuel Clinrelt, Rev.
M. liiglis. Rector. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m . Sunday. Prayer meeting, ft p. nt., V* ednes-
.lay. Sabbath seliool, 9 a. in. Sunday.
:-t. Mary’s Episcopal, no Pastor. Services
every Sabbath morning and evening.
Primitive Baptist. Rev. David Patman, IV-
;..r. Serviees gd Saturday and Subbath in each
Congregation Children of Israel, G. Jacobs,
Roman Catholic Church. Father Ohara, Priest
Colored Methodist, Kev. L. Tiiomoa, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath, morning and even'ng.
Colored Baptist, Rev. Floyd Hill Pastor. Ser
vices everv Sabbath morning and evening.
fund*'then rolling or fixed iu- the Bv-Lawi,
produuio the same monthly paymeut ofinterest
_. .os which said stockholder had been pre
paying on liia or her advance (in no ease
l than the uet amount nctnally received
or her) together witli all other pay-
money and expenses due to the Associa-
ly such stockholder; and in ease the
oon-ists of an absolute conveyance of
or tnO-tgage with power to Veil, the
hitv sell said property in tile same
i to udvertisemeut, and time and place
i Sheriffs are authorized to sell pro-
nertyTnder general execution, und prior to the
fornilffKqaidutiou of the amount eluitaed to be
due. v
'intlttKCNTit -The Board of Directors to be
empowered to give the consent of the Associa
tion ‘B the sale of nrojierty mortgaged or
pledge'l to it and to the substitution of other
property in lieu of that mortgaged or pledged
on tefras to be fixed by the By-Laws. The
Director* to have authority to make such settle
mentjf Jehts ductlie Association as the H v-
1 aws niay prescribe, and in caso of donbttul
seouri^-, such comproniise settlements ns they
nt best.
tenth—Titles to land vested in said
ttoi in the course of its business, may
ied by u quit claim deed, executed
itary and Treasurer,
i——Whenever the accumulation of
sufficient to pay off and settle every
ed share of stock at the sum of
two dmndrqd dollars by deducting the rate ot
tninuqjiui premium that may nt tlic tim . exist
irectors are imj'owereJ to make such
n and declare the Association deter-
id dose-1, provided that the premium
er be less than 40 per cent without the
of every stockholder.
Sixteenth —The capital stock of the Associ
ation to be three hundred shares with the
privilege to ktvreuse it to one thousand shares.
FtvasTEE'Tn—Amendments to this-charter
to be lnade in conformity to'the laws of the
•State governing chatters, mi l bv a majority of
stock, properly represented Viler having been
pxescrjud -.for. .action on* month previously.
petitioners state that three hundred dol-
r the cap ; t;il to he employed in couduc-
„ lie operations of said Association' have
been actually paid-in, und.thqt tjie Association
desires to transact business in the city of
^howg; iirsiabl county land *>t:ite,tliey desire
iRtlipohrporuted for the tern: of fifteen years,
IHIUTM if peiitiS'in'-rs pray that nu’drder
by Hie Court incorpomtisg them us
injerms of the low.
hill H. Co LB, tjolieitursy
i«k»I«' -t! n- if. ?.
Oconkk County, July 2, 1878.
Mr. Editor:—For sometimo I
have been very ilesirotis of seeing I lie
eolmnns in your estimable paper
which you so generously offered our
people, full of items, but for 9»iue
cause, your correspondent for this
county has either had nothing to
write, or else concluded that he had
served out his time; and for this
reason you will please pardon the
writer in presuming to ask for the
privilege heretofore granted lo
ethers, namely to write you a series
of articles for publication. And in
the titrL place, I wili call your read
ers .mention to the meeting of the
citiz -i.s of tliis eouuutv, which con
vened here to-day to elect delegates
to the Gainesville Convention. A
more harmonious meeting I never
witnessed ; there Wits but one di she
manifested on tin* pail of . the citizeps
present, and .thqt was to use every
honorable effort to keep the Demo
cratic party thoroughly organised
$r.0 to SK.O Mvtil in purt-liasing from O. O.
P ijulok L 1 h«* tuoMi* »l»e
Mui>it House ol’ th«* S«it«ti». « lnti i* i. oiii}k ting
Sufecsslu'ly with New York aiul IListon
Goods Feiit t»y KjcjireNT anywhere in the South,
C. O. Ii. t on reeeipt of ailvanue • X|»r«*ss Charges
oneway, with privilege of examination given if
bo requested.
Tuning and Kkiwiring.
Chief Fire Department, 11. Bciish".
1st Asaiatuut, W. 11. Jones; 2d Assistant, J.
K. Tnlmmlge.
Hope No. 1, E. J. Christy. Captain.
llook and Ladder, C. G.'Tnlmailge, Captain.
Relict (col.) Edward Johnson, Captain.
Mt. Vernon loodge, No. 29, R Chappie, W.
M. ; 1. M. Kenney, Secretary. Meets every
second Friday night in each month.
Athens R. A. Chapter, No. 1, R. J|. Smith,
11. I’.: 1. M. Kenney, Secretary. Me-i 8 every'
second Thursday night in each' month.
I. O. O. F. Williams Lodge, No. 1ft, C. W.
Davis, N. ti. Meets every Mondar evening,
Odd Fellow’s Kncsinpinent, ()!ir r Lodge,
No. 17, John B Gardner, C. 1’. ; E. J. Christy,
Golden Rule Lodge, No. *11, Knights ol
Honor, M J. Morris, D.; L. Schtvenel, R.
Meets every 2d and 4th Wednesday iihHit.
I. O. G. T.—Win. King, W. C.; J. E. Mc-
< u*Jy, Secretary. Meets every Tuesday night.
Pianos, Church, Pipe ami Reed Organs, and all
kinds of Musical Instruments Taaisl and itc|a(irtd
*», Mr. r . H.VAVMHt, the only aulliorized Tuner
fm Hie Augusta Music House. may 21 dm
Application for Charter.
i-TATh OF tiT.Oltni.V, f Tu the ifvilOroUe the
CotNTV ok Ci.aukr. - Superior Court of
I Viurke County. '
The petition of John A. Hcknioctt, Joiix E.
T.m.wai uk, Ja»k9 11. Hvuoins, 1. M. Kinney,
G. Jacobs. M. Mtibs, Wji. Kino, Ji:., IIoweu.
Cobb, L. 11. Ctt.\\Niri:, and others respect
fully showetli that they oe-ire a Charter, i.icor-
poratiiig them and tlieir successors, as a ls>dy
J.olitic ami enrporate tiinl.-r tlie name and style
of the
Athens Mutual Loan Association
with power Ci site und be sued, to have and use
a common seal, should they so desire, to hold
such real estate orotl.e* property us may lie
conveyed, or mortgaged, or pledge*! to said As-
sociatiori and to adopt s-jeh a Constitution and
By-Laws, and imiemliiieiits thereof, as they may
deem advisab.e and proper to carry out the ob
jects of their Association; the nature and ob
ject of which Association, und the particular
business they to carry on, being as
Fikst—The object is the ace Initiation of a
fund by umutll; subscription), or savings of the
members thereof, to aid tliem in tlieir business,
or in procuring suco r.-..l estate an.i improving
the same as they may d cm j.roper.
Second—'They des're to regulate :md pre
scribe by tlie.r i y-Laws, who may be members
of said Association.
Third—Each stockholder is to pay iu pair
funds, one dollar-each mouth on!i*st.ure of
Tuf*OI t ft/irtf* rfftbc AssbefatTonVlfal
put up at each regular uieetii.g ol the stock
holders und be .-old to tlie highest bidder or
bid.: re a o >_ t cm, proviih .1 i r same l»e n«t
sold below tue lute of premium to be fixed by
the By-Laws, as the nrctinnm rate at which thy
funds may be sold. The By-Laws to prescribe
the utiniuinm rate i f preniirtni tu be upp'fcable
to each pi riod of six months, during the exis
tence of the Assoel it ion, provided it be liotless
than 4o percent at atiy time. .Should thereat
any time, he no kid 6 r the ntoney as high as
tlie minimum rate prescribed, tlio Seqretury
and Treasurer shall prepare und deposjt, in a
rccepluble to be provided for that pur|«*se ;
tickets numbered so us to represent each share
of stock not borrowed on, und the t ers -ii to
whom tlie said share la-long*, null the President
hall draw t: ereirom a ticket and tl e owner of
or tlie noble aspirants wbo desire io
leave tlieir (arms and!l in royal
maitsi'iiis in the great Atlanta.
Now Mr. Editor, lam st;rethat ho
•me can condemn the Iiidepemlenls
of Oconee for snpportinj; their ca-di-
date when he is both able and wil in>^
to do for them those things which
can he accomplished by no one els.'.
But whilst some few have held up
before tliem “ fat places” iimiicdiate-
ly a "ter the 46th Conjrress eon vet • s,
yet the majority of us, I mean farm
ers, are satisfied that if we would be
happy, and independent, in the true
sense of the word, we must make
our t-alling profitable, and it docs
seem that the farmers of Oconee
are determined lo prove themselves
second to no other comity as agri-
; nil:mists, for I have never seen
j better c ojw, for the time of the year
j than i- 1 n seen in our co iiify.
Our prince of farmers, whom Dr.
Ed. Newton nominated I'm; Governor
on neci.u- t of his success in rais'ng
“ hog and hominy,” Mr Lindsey \V
Downs h.i^ e\'l-n-ive crops i.booth
corn and cotion, that would do vtedit
to firiiicts jti a. ini rc fertile section
of eotiniry ; and our friends \V, W.
Price atul H, G. Hardigj'ee, are said
and thereby keep, the hpnmxd “ Old j l»e~t cm ion 1, the county,
Ninth » from taking the first st. p,j tvUld| is to'.be .proiu
Application For Charts?.
State or Georgia,
County of Ceawxk.
To the 7/biiontWe Supe-
perior Court of tool
The petition of Jakes S. Hamilton, John
W. Nevitt, A. K. Childs, U. U. White,
Stevens Thomas L. H. Charsonier, Y. L. G.
Harris, E. R. Hodgson, J. 11. Kicker and
C. G. Talmadqe, respectfully showeth that they
aud saeh other persons os tnay be as
sociated with them, desire to he incorporated
anil made n bodv politic unde# and by the
name or The Athens lee Manufacturing Corn-
puny, the object of their a-suciation being the
iiinnuti.i ttire mid sale otiee; tlint tliey propose
the share so drawn shall he compelled to take to busil1 ''^, °* liianufacturing ice
,.i...n«> .... «i... ,t,.,„ .1 .i..„. and selling the same both by wholesale and re-
tqwards P,a*]ii alisip. The people of
this umiL^ are fully artjsfiei] tlv> b
Independent, movement in this, and
\,£ ot^^^riicuis of ihi^• Si4Le, wil
rcBnit ip Radical -rule, and upngfe*
quently iu the oterti;rmv of the |»eacp,
and Imnnuny that pervades thro - , gh-
out our Banner State. No better
proof that the pe p!e of Oconee are
true to the principles ot the Demo
cratic party, which brought ns from
under ; the tyranical rule of Radicals
and carpet-baggers, can be given
than by simply calling att« ntion t >
the fact, that Dr. J. T. Hester, Ho t,
J. C. Wi sou and llenrv .Teimiiigs
stock he or she l.olds, into tlie treasury of said
Associution, so long us sni-.l Assoeiut'oti cou-
tinues, at such time and place ns the Bt-Lnws
tuay designate. When each stockholder shall
have received tlie sum of two hundred dollars,
or property of that value, or an advance or loan
an advance on tku share thus drawn at the then
fixcJ minimum rati , hut he shall be. pertuir
to procure attother stockholder lo take,
amount So aasiguod to him If tlfe nv*if
funds be not taken by (lie stockholder w
share is th«a drawn, then another share
be drawn and ttw- same t>roceaa be rep „ ,
until all the Hands are disnoaedoo^ utd the
share or shares thus drawn by astockl.o’der,
shall he held for him or her,' less his or her
monthly dues, and interest, until he or she offer
Kutisfactoiy security.
Eleventh—From nil advances taken by any
stockholder is to be deducted the premium
offered by him or her, or fixed by tbe Associa
tion, such stockholdertn secure the A sociation
for such n Ivunce by hypothecation of one share
of stock for each advance of two hundred dol
lars, aud by bond or mortgage, or other satis
factory security, upon rvid or personal proper
ty, to he judged by the Board ot Directors, mid
the policy ot insurance on the property pledged,
to lie renewed annually at his or her expense.
The board are ompowed. wherever they deem
it necessary, to demand additional security than
that or.ginully accepted. When such addition
al seeulity is required tlie stockholder shall
receive a written notice fioin the Secretary anil
Treasurer specifying the dine when such ad
ditional security must be given, and such stock
holder refusing nr failing to give the addita nal
security de n aided to iuvuru pecim-aty penalty,
to_ be ini [cased by the Board of Directors
Whenever practicable the title lo tl e pi
offered a* security shall be vested iu the
ciation, the conveyance to be made to the.
execute a bond for titles to the borrower,
forma blc to the conditions of the lotin, VV lieu
. . . . thus loaned, in case of failure to offer sttffieicnt
of tw o hundred dollars for each share lie or she security for at-, advance within due month, th§
holds as prescribed in section IS of this charter, ! months interest to be charged to such stock*
tail under the corporate name aforesaid, that
they have two thousand dollars of capital to he
employed by them actually paid in; that tlieir
place of doiug business is in said State and
county near the city of Athens; and that tliey
desire to be incorporated for twenty years
with u capital stock of fifteen dollars
for tlie objects und purposes aforesaid, with no
liubi ity upon* the part of any individual stock
holder for the debts of tlie corporation bevond
tlie amount of tlie unpaid subscription of said
stockholder to the cap til stock.
Wher?fore your petitioners pray that the
persons aforesaid and such others ns may here
after be associated with them and tlieir suc
cessors may be incorporated for mid during a
term of twenty years, with the privilege of ic-
newnl at the expiration of that time for the ob
jects and purposes above set forth aud iu the
manner therein set forth, under tlie corporate
name as above stated ; that by and in said cor
porate name they may have tie right to sue and
be sued ; to buy and hold sueli real estate and
other property as they may deem neeessary to
carry out the objects and purposes of their
charter; to make such By-laws and Reg
ulations and have snch officers as they may
deem necessary not iu conflict with tbe laws of
this State ; to have and use a common seal,
and thy same at will to alter; mid to make any
and all lawful contracts necessary for carrying
on their business ; and your petitioners will
ever prav, «fce.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
A true extract from the Minutes of Clarke
of ns tlicro ij^vjtrv fim- mil w-n crops
all over the, co tiuy—atidj I have
heard from those who plight to know
Huyte "‘lUp .nyiledmihie
quantity ot' ooyip.thifc .y«af ; wa»>.
last. Whi’e <|i -liking of corn I am !
reminded of what I saw the oilier
day while in Watkinsvilie, which
was eiyht perfect ctr.t of corn, within
out shack, every ear was perfed and
not joined t» each other, and ::hoii& .
8 ot 9 inches in length. This curiosity
was grown hv (1. 0. Thomas, of
Watkinsvilie, who has it, and will .
show i' to au\ '.lie w 1 o eannot be
lieve it witho i; seeing. I will try
were unanimously elected .lelegates ! gl> , tilc c , llio>itv :l ,„i „| low sl l0
you, it Mr. Tixmias will l»*t me have
to tiie nominating convention, and
that Col. B. E. Thrasher, It. M.
Jackson and G. C. Thomas, alter
The.-e delegates are tmti amended,
they go to Gainesville with no in
structions, other than to.uoiniraic a
good and true Democrat lo represent
us in on: next Congress. For whom
it : for I think it is a perfect wo tder,
nut should you not sec if hca-re, I
am informed that it will lie on exhi-
bilion d< ring our Agricultural Fair,
which will he op, n to the public
sometime about the middle of O io*
her next, and which promises to he
the lest fair that has been held in
the delegates elected wili cast the middle Ge*>t
vote of the county is not known, hut
I will venture to assert, that if they
go fer H. II. Carlton or Joel A.
;ta since l can tentet
her. The Fair Grounds w ill heeot.t
pleted by Messrs. J.mes Jk Poivd.’,
The track which is
about completed, and
a trotting mat eh on h.
Secretary aud Tri-asnttr of the A.iu'cintion, anC^
his successors in cfiive, as ttnsU c tor thaajafi Superior Court. This 5th day of Julv, 1878.
an.l lie is hereby authorized as *aid Trustee to JOHN I. HUOGINS, C. S. C.
Attsmoy a-fc Laxw,
Hartwell, Georgia,
Will practice in tbe Superior Courts of North
east (Scot gin and Supreme Court ut Atlanta.
Aug 8. 1878 tl'
T A. I Li ft.
Wntehmikw St Jewsl«r,
At Miehaei’store, next door to Reaves & Kich
olsou’s, Broad street, Athene, Georgia. All
work warranted 12 months.
i lion
THE Undersigned has inst arrived with a fine
iot ot Harness Horsts. Can be lounJ ut Gunn
A Reaves’ Stable.
may 6 tf. \V. s. HOLMAN.
then the Association is to determine and close.
The Bv-1jiw« may require each stockholder to
take an adv.-lice or luau for the full rtuouut of
his or her stock, and prescribe the rules in re
spect thereto.
Fourth—Should auy stockholder foil to psy
llia or her dues or premiums ot insurance, as
often as the same shall he payable us aforesaid,
lie or she shall forfeit aud pay the additional
sum of ten vents for each dollar thus unpaid,
including interest, fines and premiums of in
surance, the saute to be charged with the month
ly dues.
Fiitii—Should any stockholder, not having
received an K'jvatice, u.giect to pa his or her
monthly duett or fines for three months, he or
she shall receive trout the Tteusurer the amount
of dues actually paid, without intcieet thereon,
all flues and arrearages, with ltis ot Iter pro
portionate part of auy losses or expense* sus
tained, being first deducted, and then cease to
be a member of said Association, or tl • Direc
tors utny in tlieir discretion sell ti e stock of
such delinquent • ockliolder, at the succeeding
inouthly tneetin. of the Association, to tlie
highest bidder, aud after deduct ng from the
proceeds of such sul; *11 fines and arrearages
wit it such deli,.q.lent‘‘tvekho'dens proportionate
port of all losses and expenses us aforesaid,
shall pay over the balance, if nnv, to svteh de
liuqueut stockholder, who shall thenceforth
churgcd ,
holder, and his or her right to said advance ti
cease. A stockholder taking an advance, tl
pay the Secretary and Treasurer in addition
his or her monthly dues for shares, one dc
per month for each share on whieh such
vante is made. The borrower shall pay all cost
and charges that may accrue in perfecting th
security offered for au advance or advance*, ex
cept t tie solicitors fees.
'iwELiTR—No s ockliolder to be
a advance who ia iu arrears to the Assooi. tion,
am. no real estate takeu as security for ait ad-
v .nee outside of the countv of Clarke. Should
a stockholder having received an advance,
neglect to pay any oralkof hi* or her dues to’
tne Association for three coretciwive months,
then the Directors tnay compel payment of
principal and interest by instituting proceed-,
inga according to law whan snch proceeding*
are necessary or proper, an.l when *uch pro
ceedings are atupended or dismissed by such
dots or arrearages being paid np, the solicitors
fees and court costa incurred therein, are to be
paid as part of such due*, wlirti any sale
shall take plage of auy property mortgaged,
convey ed or pledged to the Association, and the
same, together with the stock transferred as
collateral security, may be sold under a power
of aale. if so provided in tha *'"*
the Directors to retaiu so much of thepurehj
money as would, a* the rate or premium of t!
by S*jit. 1-t,
Billups, tlint they wil! hear on their I ver .. ; s
return to the it* friends at home, “well ,i u>rt . w jj] j K .
done, good ar.d faithful servants.” L,, ou , x \ut 20th hist. The trotters fm
Now I would not hate tlie readers ot. pj,e oe-asimt l.elou^s, one io your e*-
the Banner to huliete that there |cemt*-1 fellow citizen Capt. Janus
are no supporters of Lite Independent
Excursion Tickets
Are now on aale at office of North Eastern
Railroad, to the following Summer Resorts:
Gainesville, Georgia aud Return.
Sulphur Springs, “ *• “
Mt.Ain, “ “
Toccom, “ “ “
Greenville, South Carolina and Return.
Spartanburg, “ “ *• ••
Tryon Mountain,North Uuroiiua aud Returu.
Flat Rock, <* “ “ “
Hendersonville, “ •* «* «
Asliville, *• *• “ •*
WarrnS, rings “ »« ** «
Sale of aucli tickets will continue until Oct-
1st., aud the returu limited through Oct. 81st.
One fare tickets to Atlanta and re-nm will _
also be sold every Saturday, cood to returu . D;»ttlot, as tluir benefactors; as a
through following MoLdav, with no extension 1
of return.
July », 1878, tf r
candidate in Oconeo, for I am sure
that “ Kuffy ’’ will use h : s entire
strengtli for him, and owing to some
“magnificent offices’’ which ilie
“Giant Independent ” has promised,
lie will also have some clamorous
supporters among the white men of
this county, und I reckon they are
excusable fm this, as it will lie so
very nice to have a 1 hit office” and
live in grand style in the Gate City,
and to have subordinates all over a
great “portion of the Stale, which
will look to the benificiaries of the
Independent Congressman of the 9th
A BLACK HOUND, with - white breast aud
neck and yellow legs. I will pay a muonab
reward "to any one who will leuve him
Reaves, Nichofiou & Co’s. More, or advise n
of his whereabout*.
matter of course, if the Independents
s icc ed iu electing their candidate to
Co giess there wili he no shadow of
a doubt, hut that lie will raise his
voice in tlie great national halls of
White, ihe other to Mr. Tunis
Powell ; both horses are swill, n 1
no doubt ihe race wiil he very inter
estin'/. Farmer.
I*. S. The members of Ihe Agri
cultural assiu-iaticn will have gran !
“ jolifivati mi ” and au ol.l kts iimt
picnic al the Academy S|»* i in
Waikiitsville, on Thur-luy, t ••• l^th
in.-t. F.
A Promise Or A. Charming
Tlie Ladies of the 1st Methodist
Chinch have in preparation, an enter
tainment. w hich we are assured wili
surpass any ordinary amateur per
formance. It will be beautiful, and
what is tar belter, most instructive.
The programme wil] be published iu
detail during this month. Deupree
Hall has been engaged for thi3 pur
ls reasonable legislation to snch a pitch that ltis pose, and the 1st Friday night in Au»
colleagues and opponents will net I gust has been selected for the exhibi-
dare to say ought 3gainst his appeal [ tion.