Newspaper Page Text
GENERAL DIRECTORY. Application for Charter.
.i. u i„ e Superior Court-Geo. D. Rice.
Solicitor General—A. L-
.! uoi»c County Court—'V. B. Uiomus.
Solicitor Comity Court—I*. " • rhonins
< iriliimrv—Asm M. Jackiou.
rierk < ourt—John 1 Huggins.
Sheriff-—J. A. Browning.
Treasurer—S. C. Reese.
Tax Collector— F. B. Lucas.
Tax Receiver—David K. Sims.
, : .m„,-r- W. F. Hood.
.t. II Rucker.
St ate of Georoia, 1 To the Honorable the
j County of Clarke. > Superior Court of
. ) Clarke County.
‘ The petition of Jonrt A. Hvunjlctt, John E.
j Talvaiior, James H. Hcooins, I. M. Kensey,
j G. Jacobs. M. Myers, Wu, Kino. Jr., Howell
t Conn, L. H. Ciiarbonmfr, nnd others respect-
! fully slioweth that they do--ire a Charter, incor-
j pointing them and their successor*, m> a body
! politic atul corporate utid.-r the name and style
J of the
j Athens Mutual Loan Association
j with j lower to rue and be sued, to liave nnd use
a eunv.oon real, should they so desire, to.hold
i such reai estate or other property us may be
j conveyed, or mortgaged, or pledged to said As-
■ roeialion and to adopt such a Constitution and
j By-Laws, and innenduieotathereof, us they may
| deem ndvisub'e and proper to carry out the ob-
Kose, W. T. Moon and H. A. Shirley.
^tre<‘t - • Icnry IXiII
I'itv \*tornev..T. W. Buekei'.
1 Ir'rk Con, oil—W. GillelunU.
lui.i Master—I. C. Orr.
clerk—las. Kuodcr.
Aniens Guards—J. U. Rucker, Captain.
University Cadets, Co. A—S. 1. E ,ll| e, t opt.
I'niversitv Cadets, Co. B-C. L. Floyd, Copt.
Blurs v>U AV. \. 1’iodger. < apt.
1-i. Clmreb, Rev W. II. Hotter,
I’usto", Services ll a. in. and b p. tn., Sunday.
Sabbath school, 9 1-2, »• ««-, Sunday
Cray er
Meeting. 5 p. ni. M ednesday. T .
Oconee street Methodist Church, Rev. T. A.
Iluu.moiid. Castor. Service* 11 n. in., nnd7 1--
p in., Sunday. Sabbath school S 1*2 ft tn.,
sund'iv. Crn’yer meeting,
Presh-teriitu Chniuh, Rev. t
t,, r . s..'rv : e-». tl a. til., and 4 p. 1
Sabbath school,-7 1-2, a. V'.. 5 m «>
Uieeiing, - p. in., Tuesday, and 4 p.
1-2 ft
I-:* p. in., Thnts.
\V. Lane, I’lis-
fnnd by moutldy subscriptions or savings of the
members thereof, to aid them in their business,
or in procuring such real estate and improving
the same as they may diem proper.
Second—They desire to regulate and pre
scribe by their Cy-Laws, who may be main
of said Association.
TnlM»— Each stockholder is to pay in par
funds, one dollar each mouth on oaoh share of
stock lie or she > olds, into the treasury of said
Association, so long ;is said Association con-
1 iinnes, at such limy and place as the By«Lows
I may designate. Wheneaeh stockholder shall
| have received the sum of two pnudred dollars,'
or property of. that value, qr an advance or loan
• of t ■»<> hundred dollars for share lie or She
. teiids :ir-pre-i ribed iu section If. of this charter,
j then toe AsSoc alitin is to and close.
! fi e By-l-nw* may require e«elit stockholder to
i :ake an adv nee or loan for the full .-.mount of
| his or her stock, and prescribe the rule# In re
j speet thereto.
I0LRT11 —Should any stockholder liiil to pay
I His or her dues or premiums ot insurance, a*
{ often as the same slmli he payable as aforesaid,
he or she shall forfeit and pay the addition;
j sum of ten cents for each dollar thus unpaid,
! including i,Merest, tines and premiums of iu-
* surancc, the Same to be charged with the month,
ly dues.
Fi Tit -Should any stockholder, not having
j received an advance, m-gicet lo jiay his or her
monthly dues or fine* for three mouths, he or
rlml! receive from the Treasurer the amount
Sabbath school, 9
Mali’s Episcopa
,-vcrv Saiiba’.h niurning and evening.
Primitive Baptist. Rev. David Pane
i,,r. Services 2d Saturday mid ran mat
monthly meeting of the Association, to the
livi s | highest bidder, and .liter deduct ng from the
; proceeds of such sal all fines and arrearages
l’as- I with Mich delinquent stockholders proportionate
vaeli ! part of oil losses and expenses as "idoreaaid,
shall pay over the balance, if anv, to such de-
f Israel G. Jacobs. 1 liiuinviit stockholder, who shall thenceforth
1 - ) cease to he a member ot said Association and if
Either < iliaia, Piivst a sa'c- e.uinot be utfcetol in tbe manner specified
I Tuo'iisa Vaster. 1 then such sleek shall he forfeited and the said
<>• r v 1 vc« vi" r v Said nit 11. moniing and evening, j nt stockholder r.eocjvc nothing.
. Rev. Vlovd Hill Pastor. S. r- ; Mxrn-M;o:i!d auy stockholder not having
01 ‘ni >■•1. ; i. •— 1 r.!,-eiveii a i advance wt*a to withdraw from the
i ’ongreiMt
Koiiiau 1 iTiiohv l him li
Colored Methodist. Kev.
snhhatl, morning nnd ■
1 iiief Fire Department, II. Beuss *. .
1 -t Assistant, W.U. Jones; 2d Assutuni, J.
E. Tulmadge.
H"|i- No. 1, K J.Cbrurtv. Captain.
llook and Ladder, O.G. Talmadge, Captain.
Ke!ict 1 col. 1 Edward Johnson, < upturn.
Mr. \e.m«n Lodge, No. 22, U Chappie. W.
M. ; 1. M. Kenney, Secretary. Meets every
j Friday night in each month.
Uhcna 11.‘A. Chapter, No. !. li. M. Smith,
It. P.; 1. M. Kenney, Secretary. Meets every
- .-end Thursday night in each month.
1. II. tl. F. Williams Lodge, No. 15, C, \V.
I l.ivis, N. (i. Meet* every Moudav evening,
•] Kelio.v’s Encsinpiaeiit, Oliver l.e.,lge, I
So. i7. John H Ganlncr, t\ Ik; K. J. Chri-ty, |
•r may he settled with on the same terms,
prescribed for a withdrawing ungidier,
Golden Kulc Lodge. No. 211, Knights ot
Honor. M J. Morris, J>.: I.. Mchevcnel, 11.
Meets every 2d and 4th VV'ediiesdav night.
L t>. G. ’T.—'Win. King, W. C.; J. K. Mc-
1 utily. tSecretaiy. Meets every Tuesday night.
iHinil'UY. MoCiniRY,
A.'b'feoraoy cct i«a.'w r
Hav.twkll, Georgia.
Will practice in tlie Superior Conit< of North-
»a.*t Geuigia and Sunreine 1’ourt at Atlanta.
Aug s. l-7‘ ; «»’
T. u
"UlTcx^3 raegiaviator Se <7ewalor,
V Miehaol’storc, next door to Reaves a- Nich’s, Broal street, Athens, Georgia. All
.v,,rk warranted 12 months,
sept 12-tt.
Association be or slm may be allowed to do so
by giving thirty days notice, on snch tenns as
the By-Laws may prescribe. Transfers of stock
n ay be trade at any time, hv consent of
Directors, in tile presence of the Treasurer, hut
no transfer shall lie valid until all arrearages on
the shares shall have keen ful-.y paid and the
person or uersons to whom the transfer is to be
made shall have agreed to, and signed the Con
stitution and Ity-L iws of said Association, such
transfers must be made at least thirty days be
fore an election to eut.tie the holder thercot to
a rote.
Seventh—The legal representation of a de
ceased member, who has received no advance,
may continue his or her retailor to the Associa
tion, or may he
as arc
should any member die, having received an
1 advance, the heirs or legal representative may
j return the balance due, according to tho By-
Laws of said Association, or com nne to pay
the interest nnd monthly ou i.util :.he Asso-
] ciation is closed.
| Eionni—No stockholder is U* huld in his or
1 her own right more that: thirty si-.nres, nor in
voting at no i.ifcetieii or a ttriug the Coiwtitu-
ticil or By-Lav,- epr'sent 11.ore than fitly, and
each stoeklioder for each ami every-siiaie of
stock held by him or her. cl; 11 r in* his own
right .r as trustee or proxy, slial! t.v entitled
when personally pre-cut nt any of tiie uieetii gs
of the Assrs-tation to one veto in a 1 elections,
j citlie,' for otf:ie» o' other purposes. Each
i stockholder shall rumtu evnineate of the
I number of sliar s bel-t by lum or her ou paying
j the first month's dins; said certificate to he
' signed by the Secretary and Treasurer and
i countersigned bvlhe President.
the share so drawn shall he cvinpelted to take
an advance on the share thus drawn at. she then
fixed miniranin rate, bet he shall bo permitted
to procure another stockholder to take the
amount so assigned to him If the available
funds be not taken by the stockholder whose
share Is thus drawn, then another share shall
be drawn and the same process be rep nted,
until all tbe funds are disposed of, and the
share or shares thue. drawn by a stockholder,
shall be held for him or her, less his or her
monthly dace, and interest, until he or she offer
satisfactoiy secarity. >
Eleventh—From all advances taken by any
stockholder is to be deducted the premium
offered by him or her, or fixed bv the Associa
tion, snch stockholder to secure tho A sociation
for such advance by hypothecation of one sharo
or stock for each advance of two hundred dol
lar*, and by bond or mortgage,.or other satis
factory security, upon real or personal proper-
, to be judged by the Board ot Directors, and
ie policy 01 insurance on the property pledged,
to be renewed annually at hit. ot her expense.
The board ore eiupowed. a herever they deem
it necessary, to demand additional security than
that originally accepted. When snch addition
al security is required the stoekholder shall
receive a written notice from the Secretary and
Treasurer specifying the t iuie wheu such ad
ditional security roost be given, and such stock
holder refusing or tailing to give the addili nal
security demanded to incur u pecitmory pen- l;v,
to be imposed by the Board of Directors
Whenever practicable the title to the projierty
otfered jw security shall be voted in the A-so-
ciution, tho conveyance to be made to the
Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, er.d
his successors in office, asUostve tor the «.me
and lie is hereby anthorixed as said Trustee b
execute a bund tor titles to the borrower, con
form., ble to the conditions of the loan. When
thnsjotuied, in cise of failure Li off r sufficient
seiuttty fur nr. advance mm meittu, the
month* iliterest to be charged to snel. stock
holder, and Lis or her right to S;SLI advance to'
cease. A stia-klipider taking an pi:vanoc, to
lkiv the Socretarv slid Trci surcr in addition to
ins or her monthly dues 'for shares, one dollar
phr month fur each share ou which such ad-
vaitce is The borrower shall pay all costs
and charges that may accrue iu perfecting the
security offered for an ndvacec or advances, ex
cept the solicitors fees.
Twklvth—So s oekholder to be entitled to
an advance who is in arrears io the Associ. t;on,
and no real estate taken as security for nu ad
vance outside of tbe comity of Clarke. Stionld
a stockholder having received au advance,
iieglee: to pay miy or ali of ids or her dues to
toe Association for three- -eo; aeentive months,,
then the Dire'itoTS may compel naymfent of
principal and interest by iu&tituMtg pjoered-
ings according to .-aw wnen such proceedings
are necessary or proper, an i when -uch pro
ceedings arc snsoctideil or d.sniissed by such
■in- s iifarrcarapcs being paid it-., the solicitors
fees a ,ii court.uenrred tn, are to be
paid as part of such dues. When any sale
shall take place of any property mortgaged,
conveyed or pledged to the Association, and the
same, together with the stock transferred as
collateral security, may be sold uuder a potter
of sale, if so provided iu the deed or mortgage,
the Directors to retain so much oftiie purchase
money as would, at the rate of premium of the
faro’s then selling or fixed iu the By-Laws,
produce the same moiithlv payment of interest
as tils* which said stockholder liad -been|>rcf
viotisly paying on his or her ad vanev-fin uncase
to be the net amount act nail v received
by him or her. together with all othtr .*>-
incuts, money and ex^wii.-es due to the Assoeia- 1
lion by sucii stockholder; and iu case the
seeur.ty cou-ists of nil absolute conveyance of
pr«l>erty, or mo-tgage with power to *c}j, the
Directors mav sell said property in the same
manner, as to advertisement, and time aud place
of sale, as Sheriffs are authorized to sell pro
perty under general execution, mid prior to the
tormal liquidation of the amount claimed to be
due. ■** « »-
TniRTEEN-rn -The Bo..:d of Directors to be
mpuwered to give the. consent of the Assoeia-
Low Prices, Quick Sales.
40to(W J*erCi*nt. Discount,
Froui CkraVgu* Frice'-ot theliillowhig eLlebra-
ted makers: V
Cb ckeringnMathushek, Knatte, Svieuway, Hal-
let and r.-*nK McPhail .t Co., Simpson * Co.,
Haines Bin,. Billings a Co.
Parlor, and Church Organ !
Mason A lluialiu, 1'leuiils.t tt Peltou, Prescott
Organ Co., 'lough A Warren. Attracting Purch
asers from the Mountains to the ijea Testimonials
from parties who have corresponded with several
of the largest Piano and Organ dealers, established
the faet that price* are lower in Augusta than
TTn.i-u-ersi-ty of Georgia,
GO^JvtEjjsroEiJvrsiisr'x’. .
F- ~“ f Athens, July 15,1878.
! Acoust 2d—Annual Meeting of Trustees.
1 Apocst 4th—Commencement Sermon by Rev.
! James O. Branch.
J Atjoyst 5th, A. M.—Sophomore Exhibition,
j Acoust 5th, P. M.—Address before Societies,
{ by Gen. Alphcns Baker.
■ Acoust 6th (Night)—Champion Bebnte.
I August 6th, A. M.—Junior Exhibition.
Acoust 6th, P. M.—Address* before Alumni,
f by Joseph Gnnalil, Eeq. ,
i August 7th—Commencement Dav.
8cc. of Board of Trustee*.
Koberx B.ufob;>. Wilbck F. Kilsxt.
IRaiford 8s Kelssy,
Attorneys at Law,
And Counsellor’s and Solicitor’s in Equity,
Cochran, Pulaski County, Ga Special and im
mediate uttcutien given to any business con
cerning lands. Intruders promptly ejected
from, and titles cleared up, and wild lands look
ed after generally, will buy aud sell lands, pav
taxes for nonresidents etc. Will practice in afl
the counties contingent to either the M. & xi.
B.E. ortho Atlantic & and R. R. Good re
ference given when desired.
. july
Clayton streets, referred to Commit
tee Oil Public Property to investi
gate a tnl report Lack to Comic?!.
Pr J. C. Orr and A. S. Maude-
ville, asking Council to lower and
extend culvert crossing the street in
rear of Jot of L. C. Matthews, nnd
allow them lo move their front feneet.
out on a line with other fences on
the same street, referred to Stive
Committee to investigate ami rej or;
back to Coun e’d.
Of W. A. Bums, for quart liquor
license, to be used at the stove ht
now occupies on Thomas street
Granted on his complying With tin-
law in regard thereto.
Cajit. R. Nickerson appealed In
fo re the Council and stated that
Hope Fire Company No. 1, owed ;>
balance of about $82.79 on a uou
given .by ’Item for balance of i nt
i chase tn ». c\ of Steamer. lie stated
[For tiia Southern Banner^ - tl,e "« u ’ V ' : S 'lit.-, and
*» to tinned in purcha^in? from O. O,
I*ow Price# Quick 8»lcs. it, the hi otto oi* the
Mu'U House «»f the South. *r!»ich is Competing
Su«- eswfa h with V*trk jiti Kobtoti
Uoo<!#»eiit t».v Kx>n*>i anywhere In the £H>uth,
C <i. I)., on receipt ot mlvauce l- xpress Charges
one way,* with privilege «»f examination vriven if
so requested.
Tuning and Repairing.
Pianos, Church, Pipe and lteed Orgau.*, and all
kinds of Musical Instruments Timed and Itepsircd
}if Mr. IU.TAYIAJK, the only authorized Tuner
for tho Augusta Music House. may 21.6m
Frefefejr Idtfelv Satrala. Xt-u.cls:-r-
One morn, a fairy Queen espied within a '.sicof
Tbe valleys pride—a Lily; and assembling all
her powers.
Resolved, forthwith, to give it life, that it n ig t
But Hire a thing of beauty nnd of joy o'emally.
Accordingly, with eagerness her wand she
’ quickly drew.
And touched its tiny head, low bowrd heneath
. .tUeearij^dew: ,
Behold! dear little Sara! 1 ., tbika o.vii charming
lovely self!
THE I'n iersigned 1
:•>: <>t llarocs.* Ilorso-
<V. Heave*' Stablo.
ui-tv 6 tf.
* in*t arrived with a fine
< ’.in be found at Gann
Now and Then.—It is only now
and then that such men ;« Hon. Alex.
H. Stephens, Ex-Go\ Smith nnd
Ex-Gov. Brown of < >. cudovsi i
medicine for the throat nod lungs, and
when they ko it is pretty good evidence
that the remedy must he a'x>d for the
cme of coughs, colds and Jung aflfec-
tious. 1'liey recomnicnd tiie Gx.ou«
FunvEt: Cough Syrup, and their
testimonials are. to be seen round ihe
tt ;u wt;t sample ixitsJes of the Globe
■■ Sviitp, fet :ale hy.
i(.’. \V. Long *fc Co.,
Athens, Ga
| Nistu.—Tnu oliit-4,-1* ot tne A.>»oi-!atK»ii are
I to h« a President. Secretary mid Treasurer, (tlic
j same person to fill boll, o uoes,) ami five dir c-
, tors, nnd the President sbai! Uc ex-oilicio a
! member of the Board. The officers aD to be
stockboldi rs, to be elected by members of the
Association annually, and vae mcies to be tilled
in t -.mli manner and*at such times as tbe I>_,-
! Laws ureseribe. The Board of Directors shall
I nj'p-fmt a Solicitor. .’be duties of id! the offi-
i few shall itv defil ed iu the By-Law* of the
I Association. Tbe B-iarit of Directors shall fix
the nompensation of >l c Seen tarv and Trt-as-
] nrer. nnd ul- o that o! the Solicitor and Direc
tors, to bo (add out cf the fund, of the Aosocia-
Tenth.—Each s'o.-kliolder, for each -bare of
stock, shall be entitled to purchase an advance
or ty« hundred dollars, and no more, under
such VeguMotis ns the By-Laws may prescribe.
The avsUitoc iro J- --f the Assoeiat'.e>n shall be
voter meetii ir of the stock-
lioldeiw iltld be .-'.id to iile higbuSt bidder or
bidder* among tbeio, j rovid >t i. e same be not
any below tiro n.te of preuduin to be fixed bv
tUe By-Laws, »* the prumiutn rate .it w hich the
funds maybe sold. The By-Law* to prescribe
the minimum rate > f premium to be nnp'kvib-'e
to each p. riod of s'-x months, during the exis-
iou, prov’.dei’ it be not :es*
:*y time. Should there at
I r the ilium v : .s Kgb is
prescribed, the Secretary
it 'd > - .-'*nr i •! t prepare and deposit, in a
rcc ptnble to lie irt.rldtd let i.-.-.-.t purpose;
tie ets inim's-n-d .-o as to repie.-tiil each share
ol took in.I borrowed on, and the * ers-m to
whom tbe s:.:d -bar- -b< longs, mid the President
tion to tiie side of property mortgaged or
pledged to it and to tue substitution of other
property in lieu of that mortgaged or pledged
on terms to be fixed by the By-Laws. 'The
Directors to have authority to make such settle
ment of debt* due the Association as tbe u \-
i aws may prescribe, and in case of doubtful
security, such compromise settlements as tlicv
m iv fie,-in best.
Fovkteexth —Titles to land vested in said
Association in the course of its business, may
be conveyed by ii quit claim deed, executed
by the Secretary' “>id Treasurer.
Fiftkesth——Whenever the accumulation of
hinds are sufficient to pay off and settle every I
uticanceUed share of a' oek at tl.c sum of
two hundred dollars bv deducting the rate of
minimum premium that may at tiie tim>. exist
the Directors are eiiqaiwared to inuke such
deduction and declare the Assoei»t ; on deter-
iulne.1 and closed, provided that tiie premium
siiall nevi r lie less than In per cent without the
consent of every stockliolder
SixtKENTH — Tiie capital stock of the Associ
ation to be three hundred shares with the
privilege to increase it to one thousand shares.
SETENTi-KMii—Amendments to tiiis cliarter
to be made iti conformity to the laws of the
8tate governing chancre, and bv a majority of
stock, properly jr.-presented alter having been
presented jor action one month prv>vijusly.
tour petitioner s state that tiiree hundred dol
lars ot the cap-tal to be oil!played in conduc
ting the operation* of said Association have
been actually paid in, and that tlie Association
A tiny bud of promise, jnst i>ecping into 4sy,
A little ray of sunlight from Heaven on our
A true well-spring of pleasure nil bubbling o'er
with mirth—
A very Queen of babies—a eberub on the earth,
A princess." rightly named, who makes sub
jects of us all,
Exalted in thy sphere--'tho,’ ii st-rue, then art
Unconsciously revejiling thy many charms ;o
Tfcon mnkest u» admire, and love and ctirrtah
the Conqwtty hail tto menus ;it tli,
pre«c*tit titn-* to pay it, amJ nskino
that tiie G- illicit assist tin tit iu iht
payment of tit rote in sii-ti v ay
they tleenteil lu-sl.
On mot ion o* Alderman 7 i:• {>t. t .n'
the Treasurer v a instntet ed i • pny
the note and c)isir<*e it im to the
Company as an ailvmit-p payment on
the nntsmvl appropriatii ns made hy ,
the CotVltVsil t«t ilie Cotnjiniiy. *
zVId Tiitm TaJmaitife made a ver*
hal report in regard t,q ; t - T p..
--wo^fotFflis-Kauifer-Hookj^d-LaddetCi- --
CompatiV. He stated tlial it woaI«I
i.-usl .-ilu itt £12‘> to furnish '.lie Com
pany wit It a wagon, iiarness so the Company could arrange t <
ns - Initses to the Bubeock Mr.cliine,
lie recommended tliat the pnrcliasf
lie made.
On motion of Alderman Hampton
the report was received, adopted,
and the purchase ot the wagon,
harness etc. ordered, up m lit • colt-
Hit ton, that lit*.- wagon, liintcss it,
[ should revert to the City, if at any
May Heaven’s choicest blessings rest ever on thy
Thy life be always gladsome, and beauteous as
Those ills w’tb time oft brings, in thy future
have no pnrt,
The shafts of cruel fate never pie ce iby little
- heart.
pAthens, Ga., July loth 1S78.
Council Proceedings
Said to he the lightest-running, tbe most
beautiful, cheapest, best, and hugest Sewing
Machine in the world. Ladies and the public
are iuvited to call and see, at tbe Office, next
door to Wm. McDowell’s, College Avenue.
Sewing Machine Needles and attachment* ct all
kinds for sale j»v
Stsubs of Georgia.,
Atlanta, G*., July 10th, 1878.
To whom it may Coxckrn :—A List of Wild
Lands returned by Tax Receivers, ns in default
tor taxes for 1877, has been published in the
Atlanta Constitution once a week for four weeks.
i of the law.
L- it H. COBB, Solicitors.
Filed ill office,
Ji: v 4th 1878.
* J: >11N 1. HUGGINS. C.S C.
:< d
time the
carry <>ut
Cmnpany sinm'd tail I-
its agroeinent with t!i<
Co nmitt”e was
touce o! the A*-<i
than 4u >«-r c-cw i
any time, be no !•
tin’- inniimuin r«.
I'KOKGIA, Clarke County.—
\I Whereas, Sarah Ada Henderson, tx< tu
trix ot Mutlbew 11. Henderson, deceased, ap
plies for leave to sell )v.irt of ti.e Iti-nl batata of
said IWd , to wii: One House mid Tail iu
Athci s. iu said county, known as the 11 ilson
lot, containing 4 seres, more or le-s. There are
therefore to cite and uotilv all concerned 'to
show cause at my office on o before the fust
Mouday in S. j t,i,.b 0 r ns t wi y ,ui.i k-nve
sljo iiu Llt b*- griu.lcJ.
Given under roy liuiid ; tl fliec, this 5tli of :
July, 187S. (AfA M JACKSON. |
v r - lit - ;tr y- ; rjv
pcetfnJly reqaes
s:iid list, and make corrections, or pay the tax,
and save farther ebst or trouble.
V.rv Respectfully,
Comptroller Gercral.
further time in roganl i«. mlve t
pelitionetl lor by A. S. D rsi-y.
By Ahlerimm Luetts, liesolcc- /,
That a CeimmiUoe of thre- v y :
Mayor Rucker, Ablermau ilo<log,.,.
an-1 Ex Mayor C <7. T.iltn nl^c i.
appointed to act with any < otam t t .•
of citizens that may be apj>->, i
Council Chamber, » ) #rn»i»ai«-« for < s ii :tb!-‘ ie s -e;ftion o
Athens,Ga., July 8th, ’78, ' i the deletrates to ti c* Affiieultur;.
4 o’clock p. in. ^ | Convention. < >..u i<> asdniiihle in this
The regular monthly meeting of jThat the stun o!
Conmtil was iield tfiis evcninir*. i>ves« | one lumdred dollars bt* appropriated
ent His Honor Mayor Kuckt»r and j ami ]»laced in tiie hands of tbe Com-
Aldermen Hodgson, Kemp, Hamc-1 n, ’ ,lteo . to ,. be expended for the pm-
. „ r P , , , T I pose indicated in this resolution
ton, Carlton, Ialntadge and Lucas, i ,
, ’ ° _ i adopted by Aldennan Jlodgson.
lhe minutes of the last mommy- j Jictfolcatl, That upon the payment
were read and confirmed. ! to Trca-ut er of $10 by \V. H. Jones,
petitions ! * ,c ho granted a license until the firs .
ne r» a m . i day ot January next, to have suen
Lit 15. A. stovall, I rnstee. askiuir a : •. • i , , T ,, , ,,
. ... . ... ! exhibitions in Dcupree IJall aa shall
reduction of six bundled >to!lar* on | approved by the Mayor, adopteo.
the assessment of his Real Estate, j The monthly reports of the Tre:i--
He having complied with lhe law in ! mer, Chief ot Police, Lamjdiglite"
regard to filing objections ’ JllldCle [ k Ma,krt ' vm ‘ read a,i< ‘
meiits, the reduMum was m.ulc. On motion of Aldennan Hodgson
Harris, asking a red tic* ■ the Street Commissioner was in*
*v Julv a-r.i
By order or the Board of Trustees of tho
University of Georgia, ti.e Prudential Com
mittee i.t'rtby invite bi- * tor the High School
Building and Lands adjacent; with * view to
the purchase of a more Ursiruble location.
\YM. L. MITCHELL,Chairman.
Athens, July 16th.2t.
tion on assessment of poperty
longing to J. E. Pittman & Co
B ill liEADB ANj LLITLR ihcvymbrated.“BELLE oi- KENTUCKY
..-I,; . . . . l-iour tor sale.
tl.-aOs- ‘-L'i'C ou^aPonotirt ce ! upril 2fi fitii. F. 11. LUCAS.
l,o j structed not to pay over 65 cents p*.-v
y i day for hands to work on the streets
, . after lhe present wc «k.
objecuon to assessment having been J The following bil • were ordered
filed in lhe manner tir.d time pre-! be paid on nppi oval of the Mayor:
i> petiih-.n ! Athens Gas Ligl t Company $62.o0
—$62.6(1 $1.40. Childs, Nicker
son & C<>. $2l.ti5. Burpee Bros.
„ , $23.10. Southi rn Watchman $20.
He ii«n hnv- j ^ouiiMTii Rmnor £29.90. I{. Chapel
ing complied with the ordinance, the ] $G0. Robert s ^21.80. Gatin
scribed by ordinance,
was laid on the table.
Of Alfred "William*
dilution on : 8*ts-nieti\
the p
asking a re*
petition was laid on the table.
Of a numb.-r of citizens. :: *t ng
Council to locate and cnhsiruct a
cistern at junction of Tl.omaa ; : U( (
& Reaves 337.75. A h in- Foundry
and Machine \V- i l.s S-10.50. M. B.
McGiniy $235 J. C W‘)k;n* $8!.?)0»
Council adjout in ■!.
1 W. A. Gu.tKi. tmi. (”.evk