Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, August 13, 1878, Image 1

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XV - c ‘ W(/''/if u/fc/v NO. 44 ATHENS, GEORGIA, AUGUST 13, 1878. ' •:• : “'u • ft La* ’ : f - v UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY VOL. 62. GENERAL DIRECTORY, j Keep it'Before tile People!) Southern Banner ”■'1 JOE CLARKE COUNTY. Jud^c Superior Court— Geo. D. Rice. Solicitor General—A. L. Mitchell. .1 n< "o Conntv Court—W. It. Thomas. Solicit >r Comity Court—I.. Thomas. Orditi in—Asa M. Jacitsoii. Cicrk Court—John 1 Huggins. Sheriff— J. A. Browning. Treasurer—S. C. Reese. Tax Collector— F. B. l.tieus. Tux Receiver— David hi. Sims. Coroner—W. F. Hood. CITY OF ATHENS Mayor—.1. II. Bucher. Uonncilmen—1st Ward, Hodgson <fc Palmer; ■jd Ward, Lucas and Carlton; 3rd Ward, Kemp and Burke; 4th Ward, Talmadge and Hampton. Chief of Police—It. Cobb Davis. Policemen--B. Kulp, J. O’Farroll, B. O. W. B.wc, \V. T. Moon and II. A. Shirley. Street Commissioner—Henry llill. City Attorney..T. W. Bucher. C.e’rh Con; cil—W. A G land. i 11:? i ur FICE. POst Master—J. C. Orr. Clerk—Jas. Kuodes. THE PLACE TO BUY DRY GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Great Excitement, E V E It Y B O D y O N TIIE LOOKOUT FOR MILITARY. Alliens Guards—J. H. Rucker, Captain. University Cadets, Co. A—S. T. lame, Capt. University Cadets, Co. B—C. L. Floyd, Capt. Athens Blues, (eol.)—W. A. Pledger. < apt. RELIGIOUS. 1st. Church, Rev W. II. Potter, i Pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Sunday. Sabhatli scion!, « 1-2, a. m., Sunday. Prater Meet ii m. Wednesday* , Oconee street Methodist Church, Rev. T. A'l Hammond, Pastor. Services 11 a. in., and7 1-2 p in., Sunday. Sabbath school 3 1-2 as ^ k«. «s?xS- b: sffiEi - THE WILDEST ENTHUSTA.M, Still Continues to Pervade the People, And :KTo> ‘\7SJ r oic* BUT NOW IS THE GRAND CLIMAX, WAIT FOR IT LOOK FOR IT. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT! University of Georgia. di US,; ANNUAL SESSION ‘ Ao I'S'ias Artfttic Skill, Attractive Beauty, Low Prices and QaicK Work, Combined with a Guarantee to g'ntevVerteet satisfset'on, or no pat. Wo Jsre prepared to do ell Ekiuds of JOB WORK, such as BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, < WEDDING CARDS, ii DANCE CARDS, POSTAL CARDS. show tickets. ELECTION TICKETS, BALI. TICKETS, DODGERS, WEDDING INVITATIONS PARTY INVITATIONS, SOCIETY SUMMONS,} • 4> Sabhatli school i! 1-2 p. Sunday. Prayer meeting, 7 1-2 p. ni., Tliui's- day. Presbyterian Churoh, Rev. C. W. Lane, Pas tor. Services. 11 n. m., and 4 p. in., Sunday, sabbath school, 7 1-2. a. in., Snndiiy. Prayer moving, s p. in., Tuesday, and 4 p. m. Thurs day. Baptist Church, KeV.C. 1). Campbell, Pas tor. Services, II, a. in., and b, p. m„ Sunda-. Sunday school, 9, a. in.. Sunde r, prayer ineo - iug Wednasdav aftefneisn and Thunwlajr night Protestant Episcopal. Kmnnncl Church, Rev. M. inglis, Rector. Services, 17 a. in. and 8 p. ni . Sunday. Prayer meeting, 5 p. in., W ednes- day. Sr.l>lmt!i school, a. in. Sunday. r>t. Mary’s Kpisco; a’, no Pastor. Seiv'oes even Sahhath mornhm ei.d evening. Primitive Baptist. Rev. David Patman, Pus- tor. Set vices 2d Saturday and Sabhatli i l each month. Congregation Children of Israel, O. Jacobs, Header. Roman Catholic Church. Father Ohara, Priest Colored Methodist, Rev. L. Thomas, Paster. Services every Sabhatli, morning and evening, j Colored Baptist, Rev. Floyd Hill Pastor. Sev- i v joes f\“- v Sabbath morning and evening. i FIKEMANIC. Chief Fire Department, II. Bclissc. 1st Assistatn, W. II. Jones; 2d Assistant,.!. K. Tidmsdge. Hop - No. 1, E. J. Christy, Captain. Hook and Ladder, C. G .* Talmadge, Captain. RcIVt (cob! Edward Johnson, Captain. FRATERNAL. Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 22, R Chappie, W. M, • 1. M. Kenney, Seeretury. Meets every second Friday night inemhinonth. Athens R.'A. Chapter, No. R. M. ii. I*. ; 1. .M. Kenuey, Secretary. .Meets every -ceotiu Thursday night in each month. J. o. o. F. Williams Lodge, No. 15, C. W. I).,vis, N. G. Me-e.s every Moinhiv evening, Odd F.-llo v’s Enesmpinent, Oliver Lodge, No. i7. Jo in B G .rdiirr, C. !’.; K. J. Christy, 'scribe. Golden Rule Lodge, No. 211, Knights n{ Honor, M J. Morris, D ; L. Sehevenel, R. Meets every 2-1 and till 'Wednesday night. 1. o. <;. T.—Win. King, W. C.; J. K. Mc Curdy, Secretary. Meets every Tuesday night. $ 3 0,0 0 0! Unprecedented Sale of Fine Goods and Slaughter of Prices. Room for the Pointers and Carpenters. We must have ii and everything must go. Our Entire Stock of Fine Dress Goods. Black Silks, Mourning Goods, Summer Muslins, Alpacas, Cassimeres, l.hieii Damask. Towels, Napkins, Dovlies, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. Laces, Ruehings, Sliilts, Lleuehiiigs, Sea Island .Sldniug, Factory Goods, Ac.. ,Ce. In all Twenty Thousand Dollars Worth at an Enor mous Reduction. Respectfully Submitted by the Jleyulators of the North East Gearyia Dn; Goods Market. : , . . j<’ James M. Gray 1STo. -3=, GaraiSEH'to Kkv. P. II. Mell, D. I>., LI- D., Chttoce’- lor and Prof, of Metaphysics and Ethics. Willi a vs Rutherford, A. M., Prof, of Mathematic*. Wji. Henry Waddell, A. M., Prot. of An cient Languages. L. II. CharboaNier, A. M., Prof, of Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and Engineering. C. P. \Villcox, A. M., Prof, of Slodern Languages. II. C. White, C. and M. L, Prof. ofChemistv ai.el Gcclogy. E. W. Speer, D. D., Prof, of Belles Letters and English Literature. W. M. Browne, A. M., Prof, of Agriculture, History aud Political Science. Samcel Barnett, Jr„ A. M., Adjunct, Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The next session will commence oil the 2d of October, 1878. Three hundred free scholarships are offered. Board and lodging at $12 a month. For catalogues and further particulars apply to WM. HENRY WADDELL, Secretary ot the Faculty, aiir.HUm. Athens, Gn. 1 '_*I 1.L HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, TAGS. DRAFTS, . notes, * ENVELOPES. circulars, W INVOICES, RECEIPTS, SOCIETY CERTIFICATES, P08TERS, AMOUNT SALES, PAMPHLETS. -’CATALOGUES V IIROGRAM.M FS. 'DATELINES, v handbills, 4SADG ES, TAGS,- &C.,&C. ATLANTA MEDICAL COLLEGE ATLAHTA, GA. The Twenty-first Animal Course of Lectures will commence Oct. 15t!i, 1878, and close March 4th, 1879. ’ Faculty—J. G. Westmoreland, W. F. Wes - uiorclaud. W. A. Love, V. H. Taliaferro, Jno. Tliad. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. II. Logan, J. T. Hanks; Demonstrator, C. vY. Nutting. Send tor Announcement, giving full infoinml tion. JNO. THAI). JOHNSON, M.D., Dean. aDk.13.lm. IF The woman who rejoice in salad and icc cream, hot cakes and warm pie; '■'ll- ii/. /...IF UK,/; The Student'who eats hastily and sits down at once to active mental labor; IF The Business Man who bolts his food in eager haste and hurries to bis counting-room IF The Hard Drinker could look at tire delicate glands, swollen and festereS with disease, that cause the troubling brain; IF The Lawyer, the minister, the mer chant, and all who lead sedentary lives and aie subject to Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Constipation and Headache; IF These only knew what Morrell's He- petinefor the Liver will do for their relief, and how quickly it cures—there would be much less suffering titan r<t present The great T.iver Medicines for mlf by Di. f' W. Long, & (_o.. Pre-o.nltH'i an flegant hair dn Pottery Pictures! The largest and handsomest assortment of PICTURES FOR POTTERY DECORATION, ever brought to Athens, AT PANIC PRICES, for sale, at bottom CiNS WITH OP. Vifl — ,D u N HAN*, SffSiSs® <sm FimiD/jimxjf&mE i/ft. nug.G.fim. TO SUIT THE TIMES, an.! resr>ee!fhllv solie’t n share of public pat ron;,—. 11. ii. CARLTON. Ed. & Prop’r. "SoiTnERN Banxf*.” Horsss. THE Undersigned ha* hist arrived with aline l->t ot Harness Horses. Can he foaml at Gunn <V Reaves’ Stable. mav 0 tf. W. S. HOjjMAN. Uni-u-eraity of Georgia, c O 2VIM E33STO EJ Isfi. BSaST'T. Atiiex’s, July 1', 1878. Avocht id—Annual Meeting of Trustees. Avocst 4ll«—Commencement Sermon by Rev. James O. Branch. Arot sT 5th, A. M.—S'nliomore Exhibition. Aliiisr 5th, P. M.—Address before Societies, by Gen. Al,'liens Baker. Avoter 5th (Night)—Champion Debate. Atocst fith, A. M.—Junior Exhibition. Avocst 6tli, P. M.—Address before Alumni hv Joseph Gannh!, Esc,. ’ ArorsT 7!h—Coinnicnc'iuent Dav. WM L. MITCHELL,' Sec. of IVnird of Trustee*. July !6th.3t. -A. BOOK For Kvcry Ifoibe Dwner. TWor— isr vil Sy stc m Of Taming and Training Horses Public School Notice! In view of some mi-cinder*' mding in reganl to the liinjlatioii ot the lin e r the examine tion and licensing of Toae’ic: - .md the itm- acquent fai nro of some Tetc..r's to procure license, it has lieen onlerrd by •-ic Board of E-lnealiou ol Clarke County, that the tune be extended to tlie IStli ol* August, ibj nresent year. All applicants can, in the ineantirne, or on that day, be oxauiined by tin Undersigned. It must be distinctly uuderato:>l hnoever, that in futu' , e, the limitation, a* p-ji.Vshtd will be adhered to. II. R. BERNARD, County School C. mminsioner. jolj.SO.8'. Professor J. W. JONES, OF BUTLER COUNTY OlIlO. Worth $100 to any Horse Owner, Pita 25c. FOR SALE AT BURKE’S BOOK-STORE, Sent by mail for the same price CONTENTS—A Knot to save Cutting Rope: Tit Cent Bridle; Precaution; Learn him to lead or follow ; Mow to Conquer Him; Howto Shoe him with ease; How to break him of kicking in harness; llowio hreak nini of kicking in stablt; How to break him of nulling buck on bridle; Howto Lreuk him of jumping fences; What make* a lialker; How to break a lialkcr; llowto break a t.witcber in harness; How to make him back a load; How to break a sliver at object*; How to break a lolicr; How to break a vicious hor*e ; Ilow to cuic a weak or moon eye. ExfoemoN of Jockey Tricks. Ilow to make him appear glan lered; How to make him up,war foundered; How to make him stand by his food and not eat; Ilow to make him app-'ar stifled. RECEIPTS FOB LISEASE OF T11E HORSE Spasmodic colic; Flatulent colic; Bot»; Scratches; Grease heels Founder; Bone spavin; filing bone; Splint; Palpitation ot the heart; Broken wind or heaves; Saddle galls; Inflamalicn of the maw and Hide bound. • J OB WOKK OFJALL l fiBCRIIV lion 1‘ibi'Jy clone at lb* office. GRAND ATTRACTION! The. subscriber having e utinuously added to Ins already COMPLlvl’E STOCK, the latest and mo*t desirable goods in his hue at Hard Time lash Prices, lie offers the whole stock at grea’ly Reduced Pxices For Cash and many articles r.t New York Cost, with a view to a-change ill busine ss. My stock con sists of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated IVare; Spectacles iu* variety, (inns Pistols and Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Canes and otln r goods 'usually kept in a tirstclas- j Jewelry Store, ! Spectacles, Pebble, Electro Galvunic, Magazine and Blue Tented, Bifosle, Shooting and Eye ! Glasses, a good assortment, all tor about one j half of Pedlars Price-, tor same good*. Pcb- l hies and all other best Leases neatly set to oM • frames. RH3PAIRIN Gr All kinds promptly done at Lowest Prices. Call and -ee for tourselves at College Avenue, opposite Post t itiice. w. A. TALMADGE. ang.6.3t Alliemarle Female Institute, Charlottevillo, Virginia. t2 0 for Bjanl and Literary Tuili .n for Niue moutli*, beginning October 1st. Music, Drawing and Paiutiug extra. For Catalogue* address R. II. RAWLINGS, M. A.. Prest. Application For Charter. State of Georgia, 1 To the JlonoraUe Supe- County of Clacke. > perior Court of tuitl )• Court!;/. Ti<e petition of James S. Hamilton, Joii.; W. Nsvrw, A. K. Childs, II. C. White, Stevexs Thomas, L. H. Chau ioxieic, Y. L. G. Harm*, F. K. Horosoyt, J. II. Rucker and C. G. Talmadge, respectfully ahoweth that, hey .Hid such other i nr so ns as mav be as sociated with them, desire to be incorporated and made a bodv politic under mid by the name or The Alliens Ice Manufacturing Com pany, the object of their association being the manufacture and sale ot ice.; that they propose to carry oil the businesa of manufacturing icc and selling the same both by wholesale nua re tail under the eor|>oiate name aforesaid, that they have two thousand dollars of capital to be employed by them actually paid in; that their place of doing business is in said State and county near the city of Athens ; and that they desire to be incorporated for twenty years with a capital stock of fifteen thousand* dollars for the objects and purposes aforesaid, with no liability upon the part of uny it.dividual stock holder for the debts of the corporation beyond tho amount of the unpaid subscription of said stockholder to thccap.tal stock. Wherefore 'vour petitioners pray that the persons aforesaid aud such others as may here after be associated with them and their suc cessors may be incorporated tor and during a term of twenty year*, with the privilege of le- nowal at the expiration of that time for the ob jects and purposes above set forth and in tho manner therein set forth, under the corporate name a* above stated ; that by and in said cor porate name they may have the fight to sue and bo sned ; to buy and hold such real estate and other property us they may deem necessary to carry out the objects and purposes of their charter; to make such Bv-lawa aud Reg ulations and have such officers ns they may deem necessary not in conflict with tho laws of this State ; to have and use u common seal, and the same at will to alter; and to make any and all lawful contracts necessary for carrying on their business ; and vour petitioners wifi evpr pray, &c. / W. S. MORRIS, Petitioner’s Attorney. A true cxtraetjfroin tho Minnies of Clarke Sni>erior Court._ This 5th day of July, 1878. As an 'Tenant hair dres>;nji stand* Parker’s Hair l>al*:t:ti. «le.-«'i-vedly popular tor llie lmatnil’nl br.ii prvv tltiees, and its lti < :i!t)i!t !, tT*-.f •.-inj; and liealint;’ prupiM-iii"*. toiM<uHSy cing at llie roots, it promotes a luxu riant growth of young Intir, and un failingly restores ’gray or hi' ft! ir.tir to its original yontlifui utilot;, givitig t soft, rich and lustrous -sjipemancc <>♦ gretit beauty. It is *»! Mt^.y cooling to tliese.ilj’; t-l i.n «'* it it* 'D-mdrutT, cures it'jliitig arid lHitti'-v*. :uut falling of the hair. It is p-i :<•<: i.y l!armTc-8,>MNqu ai'A-lv pfr'.'uiued. i.< » er aoihi tf* kkto-yafc gBmsr.tbo ,.h:’i and pleases every! ,1 - ’’ **•* * T ~' Kh ~ - REMOV A.Ie I have removed my office to the comer of Mr. S. M. Herrington’* premise*, "ipnsite the Cdr- fedemte Monument. Messages me can he written on the elate at the door, or left at my residence, obliquely scram the street. aBg.8-18J8.lm. W. A. CARLTON, SI. D. BETHEL CLASSICAL and MILITARY Academy uenr Waukexto.v Va. !‘ieparvs fur Colle-e, University o' Busince*. _ Ri-eommcmled for Loccition, Ilei-.'.tli, Moiality, Scholar-ship and Discipline. Term*—Board *ml tuition jier half eeesioti g45. For Catalogue address M«j. A. G.Smith, Sup’t, Both a! Academy P. O., Fauquier Lunuty, Va. nug.Alm. Good Digestion.—•* Give us this day our daily bread’* amt good medi cine to digest it, is boih reverent and human. The human stomach and liver me fruitful sources of life’s comforts ; or disordered and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve and through every artery. The man or woman with yood digestion see beauty as they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet iu the routine of life, where the disj>eptic see- only gloom and stumbles mid growls at even imaginary objects The world still needs two or three new kinds of medicine before death eau be peril ctlv abolished ; hut that many lives have been prolonged,' and many sufferers front Liver disease, I)i“pepsia and Headache, have been cured by Mor rell's Hepatine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there is po question hut what it is the most wonderful discovety made in medical scienca. Those atKicted with Biliousness and Liver Complaint should pse Merrell’s Heputine. It can he had at ‘ Dr. C. \V. Long & Co., * -cv— Liver Is Ivluie. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it con trols the life, health ami happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion ot food, the movements of the h art and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all inmicdi- t. ini* 5tli day or July, 1878. JOHN I. HUGGINS, C. S. C. lyl.v’ its many excellent and attractive qualities. Buy a bottle from your drug-.:>L, Dr. lv. T. Bruin y »fc Co., .tod urn it? merit 8. - - 9 9 9 Halloo, John! Halloo yomveii! Well say, pu n I Say wlmt, Henry! Say! Where did you get a T i those e<«x!a you’ve got packed in t hut wac< n ! Why, 1 got them in Alliens, of eonr.-c. But who did you buy them from ! Weil, now, that's fanny, I declare I t'.onjrir. cvctybody knew that Iln,»iriim : r'tore w,i>- riss. ptuco to buy the l.e-t iroods at the Sowo-S pritts. Why a l’cliov.' j *-t ■: t awe;. ' >’l there ’till li<* i;els hi* w;l >nii plump full of goods, they soli them cheap, and then tiny arc just the cleverest follows to trade v. itii that I ever did sic. Iionry, you must stop in there the ilex’ timo you go to Athens. It’s right on Broad. Street, under the Banker Office. You will find every thing bo cheap, and such clever folks to wuit-cn yon that you will never go to any other i toi . Do they ke<-p i'll kinds of goods, John ? Yes, everything you want. Coffee in sucks, packed up in stack*; . Sugar in barrels and hogsheads too. Great piles of flour run up like a tower, And lard to shorten it through and through Then you ought to try their meat. It’s the best in all this ‘'bea'/’— Hums, shoulders aud sides a* well. Tncn the good things they’ve t ot I utver would have thought, Such goods were brought here to n il. Meal, Mackerel aud Molasses, Syrup, rice aud looking glasses, The best in ti e world, no doubt. Grant’ and llorstforu’s Baking Powder, For which nothing speak* louder Than the pre tv light-bread it turns out. The best smoke anil chewing tobacco. And the very finest cracker Tlmt ever was baked in op n. Then the best tiling* to eat, Fruit, vegetables aud meat, That ever was scaled in a can. Fruit juts and jel y tumblers, The best among uli numbers. And everything else of the sort. Knives, lork* and butter paddles, atelv connected with the working of the Liver. It has been successfully ! Tkf W‘ tbr uu*, harness and saddle: . , J • Mill cheaper than ever were bought, proved that Green’s Aminat F'ower Boot*, leather, shoes »nd hats; is unequalled in enrintf all persons at-! Bucket*, brooms, tub* and m«t», KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE. Established 1845. Six miles ont of Frank fort, Ky. Most beautiful and healthful location, and superior methods of governin'lit and in struction. Circular* of inmnnatiun sent bv SUl”T ALLEN, Funudalc P. O., fiTv. Vanderbilt University. FOURTH SESSION o sens Sept, lat, 1878. and eloaea Jnnr 1st. 1*79! Fotoin DvPwrtntont, •M; Law, #100 ; Medicine, #*5; Thsolawy, r.5. Board and fudging par month, #18 to #S0. . Professors, 87; Instracton. 8; Atadanto last year, 405. For Gataloene* address L. C. GARLAND, Cluneallor, Nashville, Tonn.. THB AT Athens, Clark Co., Georgia. MADAME SOPHIE SO8NOW8KI and MISS CAROLINE SOSNOWSKI, Associate Prind- pala. With the asaUtanc* of an able eopae of teachers, thin institute will rrsnme it* sxerciaea September lfith, 1878. For Ciiealar and farther particular* refer to the above. aug.S.lm. • ’*• Sntnplu liottic- to i»y, 10 cents. Positively soi*i in all towns on the Western Coni intuit. 1'hrett doses will prove that it is just tvhat you want. ’ Staple dry goods hs ever or ;*ior . f-ri-i'kory. iuii‘[ * itivfl ..]| So yon '. i'cd in ver p: a* there For anything 1’vc mentioned iicrctofc.e. But wh'i are t'.mse clever folks You've b-'cti tolling me about ? vr jT. 1 ™ J , j Their tiatn * Pd much like to know* Now AND l I1EN. —It IS only now ‘ For next time I >o to Athens and then that such men ns Hon. Alex. I don't want m get out H. Stephens Ex-Gov. Smith and ! ’ iVli 1 dr ' ,v " rh f'" “* xht Ex-Gov. Brotyn of Ga., endorse a j Well, there’* J. H. Hoggin*, the “Fo*.’’ nic 'tcitie for the throat and lungs, and j Tin-|iropriet<;r,y<.ii know, when they ko it is pretty Rood evidence 1 (V', c’-erkTi. the atoA** that the remedy must lie gwid for the cure of cougha, colds and lutiR affec tions. They recommend the Globe Flower Couoh Strup, and their testimonials are to be seen round the ten cent sample butties of the Globe Hvrnp, for ?a!e by. t.iK.’C. W. Long A V■ -; Athens, Ga And Mister Harvey Huggins Kcci* t!i* ikeiks lr>-bo-»ure. An<f tho old I'lerk of course I thought yon ought to know- - lie's heen’thern so long. His name 5* Johnnie Mimic. — James M. Gray A Oo., latnn of North - a.trtn dry aurket.. »• resrt* EpMVi*