Newspaper Page Text
mature in this endorsement, because I To what
I had not seen the platform. I an-'
swer no, and that is the way the
question ought to be answered ; and
it i* because I love liberty more than
money; because I love freedom from
political despotism more than I do
dollars; because I desiie deliverance
from Radical tyranny more than I
love all the dollars ever coined or all
the greenbacks ever printed, [An
I believe that liberty, that deliver
ance. that freedom has largely come,
platform, let us ft the colored
vote in'* both the upper and lower
comities, and then see now the in*
jusdcc and inequality stands. But it
must lie borne in mind that this vote
hits n< right whatever t o l>o counted in
an estimate of the Democratic vote, to
determine the rep esenl.afon in a dem-
oc auo nominating convention. There
are in the lower eouudts 4,346 ool-
oied voters which added to the
8,674 white voters makes a total,
white and colored of 13,020 voters.
counties 757
David Gann,
Tile Toccna Herald of the- J4th
inst. has the following:
“ From reliable and influential men
we learn that Speer will carry Hall
county by a handsome majority. We
find that the negro Radical E. Bel
cher, colored, who is stumping the
District for Billups, instead of "mak
ing votes tor that gentleman, is add
ing strength to the Independents by
his harrangiie. The free and Inde
pendent white voters do not like the
idea ol being dictated to by a negro.
Radical and former slave. In speak*
ing oi this reminds us ofn little mor
dent that occurred here the uitHiung
alter the speaking bv Billups and
Speer. During the speaking adrunk
en negro, (a__ stranger in these parts)
might nave been seen perambulating
Tcksday, Septembep. 24, 1878.
For Congress 9th Dktsict.
At Wholesale and Retail, at the
There are in the upper
colored voters which added to the
11,121 wbito voters makes a total
w hite and colored of 11,878 voters, a
difference in the total of 1,142 voters
in favor of the lower counties. Now
as there are 66 delegates in the Con*
vent'on, this would change the ratio,
in estimating the white and colored
poll together, to one delegate to
every 378 voters. This then, even
with the addition of the large negro
poll in the lower counties, would en
title them to 34£ delegates, and the
upper counties to 31 £ delegates. This
would only be a difference of 8 dele
gates, which is by no means sufficient
injustice or inequality, to jusfLv
breaking up the Democratio party.
Besides it is altogether contrary to
all Democratic usage to allow the
colored vote in a Democratic esti
Mr Speer may base his estimate on the
If bo, make your homes comfortable bv visiting the Athens Farniture C
some of the
Hon, Joel Abbott Billups,
road St., Athens, 6a
' To Our Subscribers.
•firWo have labored bard to give our
J9*subscriben a good faper.. Hun*
l^dreds are in arrears for subscrip-
#©“tion. We have fully determined
*9~lo adopt the CASH SYSTEM
J9*for subscription, as that is the on-
*®“ly plan publishers can adopt with-
JW“out loss. As our earnings are all
i9*in the hands of our patrons, in
J0*auma ranging from 12.00 upward,
89*a failure to collect them will be
•©“financial suicide. Therefore, we
letruat our patrons will sot allow
19*08 to appeal to them in vain.'
WNext week every subscriber who
Mrie in arrears will find a statement
19*of his account attached to the
19*tnargin of his paper. When
Ifiryoa receive the statement we want
l9*you to eoaolnde that we expect
te?'and must have the money.
19*Thoae who fail to respond to this
89*appeal or pay attenUon to the
JShrtatemeut which will be sent but
*®*next week will, after the 15th of
J9*October, have their names erased
JflPfiom our books and their accounts
SQL.placed in the hands of a collec-
a^tor Money may be sent by Reg-
SQuUtered Letter, Post Office. Money
NQuOrder, or in Currency, at our risk
H. H. Carlton,
Ed & Prop’r “Southern Banner.”
arc receiviii
! public th*t he has
ivc stocks of goods
Just srritfj
® VCT offered
I Painted Chamber Suits, Parlor Suit.'
ktreau*, Wash Stands, Oairs, Marble
, <&c t , and in fact everything kept in km
hoots. Shoes. Mats, Mill
mey Goods, Notions, etc.
All purchased direct tYon> the Manufjecturers mid bou"h
to get the very lowest whole-ule prices. I defy competit
Give mo a call and be convinced
idity, quantity and prioi
thens, Ga*
A Large Assortment. We guarantee to give on o»i* goods
me -Kaciical party is sure to be
defeated. If it Is, an d the other
succeeds, it can only be by the stout
est arid strongest efforts that all of us
can make. It requires the union of
all true Democrats to sectiro success.
Where then is he that will get up
distensions among themselves about
issqes that scarcely ono in teu under
stand much about, and hazard oth
ers of a thousand-fold greater value.
[Applause and laughter.] Whenev-
I have been inquired of about thi
financial question I generally replied,
M I want to ask y ou one or two ques
tions on this subject before giving my
opinion,” and they arc questions
We intend to filly sustain oar ro* utrtioa of
cheapest €§®ei>s tN Ga*
sept 24.3m. JAY O. GAILEY, Agent.
The undersigned cal’s the attention yf hjfcflSNkid* land 0»c ''public generally t» the 11....
has Just returned ,rom marks* and-baa op liandfa well Selected otock of goods, bangl* if “
rteme 2laa»*w Prices
which wll. - ualiluiiim not to bo undersold by any one. Stock consists of
Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Crockery Glassware
Wood and Willow.. Ware, Saddles, Bridles, Whips ’
Umbrellas, Trunks, &c., &c. ' •
I will keep qd hand also a large lot of
last presidential election, but this
Would not bea fair estimate os it will
be remembered that onr up country,.
pie, damage the candidacy' of the
nominee ot the Democratic party
God save the country from such
schemes f ud devices in our political
contests. ^; / \ .......
“ l am an old servant of the Bill
ups family; still live 011 the old plan
tation ; have never left it sitfcelmy
freedom, and never expect to as long
as I am permitted to live there. Col.
Joel Billups and myself were raised
together, find there is no man I think
more of He has always been my
friend, both before freedom and since,
I went to Toccoa on Matt Davis’, ex
cursion from Athens an avowed Bill'
ups man. I never shouted once for
Speer. I was a little' out df the "way
and got left by«the train that eve
ning. I saw Col. Billups the qext
morning and told him I had spent all
ray money, and would have to walk
home. Col. Billups, after lecturing
me a little, paid my way to Lula*
My excursion ticket was good fiom
there to Athena This is all there is
about it-*’
Jeff has the reputation with all who
know him of being one of the most
quiet, inoffensive, colored men in all
this sectic n of country. He is am in
dustrious, bard-u orking man, and, his
Toccoa trip was thri first time he ev
er lelt home in his life.
Will the Toccoa Herald, both in
justice to Col. Billnps and Jeff, give,
the above publication in its columns?
Emory Speer says, his Indeneii'
dent movement is for the purpose
of reform. Hon. B. H. Hill says
the way to reform all irregularities
or evils which may exist in the partv
fe to do so within the party. Well,
Mr. Hill Is right and patriotic in'his
views, while Emory’s only true res son
for his political departure is for. .the
gratification of his ambition.
was at that lime filled with refugees
from the yellow fever in the lower
portion of the State, and who were
privileged to vote any where in the
State. The above estimate is taken
from the last report of the Comptrol
ler General, which is accurately true,
and we think successfully and un
questionably explodes Mr. Speer's
Independent platform.
Which shall bonfires e^>ss. Also havehand -ihe PUBE S'OUNTAIN CORN WHISKfy hi
these will be ««ld as cheap or even, cheaper th&ncon I be bcaiht elniiwhPwF t m . A
alt to call and Bee Inc, as lam confident Lean suit in quality nnd Don't Jb^et "lb'-p!i*r' tS
■' 'Ay - 1 • *
Store betweenHampton & Pitner, Crane’s old Stand,
S$ ^ v Tliomas Street
Goods Exchanged for Goimtrjr produce.
Hoping that ail may give me a ca.”, T remain youh, trily
sept.17.nm. , . £ .. ' BURNS, Athens, Ga.
The Republican party eighteen
years ago came into power and pos
sesion ot the Government. As the
Mr. Speer’a Platform Explo
ded. if'*!.
Mr. 8peer prolesses to ju-titV Id-
.11 lep- ndunt c:tudid»oy, up.<u an im-
aginary iijueiioe and inequmlty in tin
b»>,N of jvprvfewUitMft in otiniiv,
irict nominating content ions, making
tliia indeed the principal plonk la nis
iudependont platform. He boldly
assett$ “that the twenty-eight votes,
(which should be thirty votes) of the
ooonUea below or South of the Air
Line Btulroad represents ten thous
and voters, while the thirty-six rotes
of the counties abo ve or North of the
Atr Line Railroad only represents
five thousand voters.”
Well, we have referred to the
Comptroller Generals Report* submit
ted to the General Assembly Jannaiy
1st, 1878, and from whioh wo here
with submit the following figures
Total white poll, 19,795. Total
colored poll, 5,103.
v. w * n * >01A.
“g Bnb..„i in
JtefkBa....- 1008 Franklin .*5
Gwlnnot; 8il» Gwinnett.... *”"419
JackKW...........1642 Jaekson....
figs**-.* M^ia 0I1 ....r.;.:::^
Morgan 8*8 Moiyan 1414
So.X5 Fraufclin Itoiise Building, Atbons^ Gi
Wholesale and Retail Dcalem in
The undersigned lias just returned from the Eastern Markets with a
Iron, Steel, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails,
jEtL.gpp'lc iait-uL3?£ii Implements,
Lead-, Oils, Gla«s and Yarnisb, Haineas Leather, ’
Anvils, Beiiows, Vices, Hollow Wane, etc., Manaracln^ia’^jente forthc sale of ^
Ciderilil's, Syrup Mills and Rwpomto.s, Watt flows, Fqnnen Friend Tlow, Famps. Cireuki
Saws * ’
Also Agents lor
OGrAny article in our line not in stock, will be ordered ivhen de-
■■:rcd. With the lea d possible delay. Call and Examine our Stock
and Prices.
Complete and Varied Stock of Goods
To suit all. AY itb Twenty Y cars Experience in Business, under
standing fully where to buy, dealing chiefly with the
& t&sc-agk tXaeis* dee*
I feel warranted in saying that I can compete with any house in this,
or any other city in the State. My stock consists id part of *
Fellow-citizens: Let the Radical
party get the majority in both bosses
ofCongrss, with a Radical Presi-
dent, and in my judgment the weight
cf their little finger then will be
heavier than their loins were during
their former dominion. They would
1 delegate us back into provinces under
Leather, Boots, Shoes, Hats by the Case or otherwise, Jeans Cloth
S. Solomon
M. Joseph.
S. Marks, Special.
Cottoi Factors & Commission Merchmts,
Clayton St, Athens, Ga.
Advance* made on Cotton consigned in Store.
nency and prosperity of our Govern
ment, These, and all of these, have
been the ruinous products of Radical
rule and domination.
Through the sure and steady march
of the Democracy these evils have
been abated and are fast being reliev
ed and driven from our midst. We
are, however, not as yet altogether
relieved—altogether free. But if
only true to onrselve*, to our party,
and to our country, unril 1880, wo
shall then be relieved, redeemed, dis
enthralled, aad once ayain a free,
happy and most prosperous peoDle
Them, Democrats, in the. name of
your country, in the name of tlitifd,
triotism which lias ever been the
proud .boast and high characteristic
of our Southern country, and lor the
sake of your own future happiness
and well-to-do, we ask—are you will
ing to see the Democratic party dis-
' ire you
i move-
success, and
. J an.!: de-
font the Democracy—-the only hope
of t-'ie final restoration, relief and re-
deinptiori of tin; country? Wo can
not believe that you are; but do be
lieve that such wisdom and patriot
ism will guide your actions and £de-
liberaiions that on the 5th of next
November such thorough organiza
tion, such invincible solidity, and such
a glorious and, triumphant victory
will be the sure reward of the true,
organized Democracy as was never
before known and realized in the his
tory of the country.
Bagging and Ties, Kerosene OH by the Barrel I and Retail, Nails,
by the Keg, Corn, Meal, Cats and Fleur.
Special attention given to the Whosalc trade and satisfaction
Besides I have just completed my
rand Opening
..DOS HsH ;;*;.195
**PPWu... 818 Lumpkin .’...‘so
Rabun**,, WS..I10R*bnn ,,,.15
JSfW.****i*, ,471 Towns.. u
Hgjv- - ....876 Onion ...' .18
825 White......... .”.70
Tata! lijisi Total. TG
From the above figures it will be
seen that tliethirfy-six delegates from
the counties North of the Air Line
Railroad represents 11,121 (instead
of 6,000) voters, whioh U a majority
of 2.447 over and above the 8,674
(insiead of 10,000) v—t
by (he thirty (instead >t
Sale of House and Lot!
JJi5 rs J* n J. to Jn Order ortho Court of Ordinary
County wlU b« sold before the Surt
House door ol said County I n the first Tuesday in
i"® 1 *; n “ t * d»ri»S Ike legal hours of ssIe^oiS
Running from the rear of my store to Clayton Street, cotton weighed
on Clayton Street. °
t-iPCotton Bought and Stored upon as Good Terms as any other
house in the Ctty.^y
As my motto will be CASH, all sales will be made for small profits,
believing this to bo the sure road to success. Give mo a call and
see. . ' ; • ..fl •
sept.17.3m' S. O. 330BBS.
voiers represented
RRVHVI twenty-eight)
delegates from ihe counties Soutli of
tlm Air Lino Railroad. Therearesixty
six delegates allowed in the nominate,'
in conventions, three fajFWery metn-
'■er in the lower branch u» ;he Gen-
oral Assembly. Now with 19,795
wliite polls in the district, iliis reji e-
""ntation in the convention Recording
t» Ihe popular vote, would be one
dei^ate to every 29a, (and n iiac-
l, *|" v “lor»)—say 300 voters. Tin n
this ratio would allow the 11,121
Voters of the upper counties, 37 (nnd
a fraction) delegate's in the conven-
tion, and the same ratio would allow
the 8,674 voters cf the lower comities
28 (and a traction) delegates in the
convention. It will bo remembered
that the District Executive Commit-
tec, which met in Gainesville last
June, allowed two additional dele
gates to the lower counties, (Jackson
and Gwinnett.) when according to
the popular vote it should have given
cne and a fraction) additional dele
gates to the upjicr counties and only
a fraction of a delegate to the lower
counties. Now Mr. Speer can’t say
that this is an injustice and inequa’ity
which justifies his platform, beoause
he has complained that the injustice
and inequality was in allowing the
upper counties with only 5,000 voters
86 delegates in the convention, and
the lqwer counties with 10,000 voters
only 28.delegates. He has specified
bis proposition, his platform tod
plainly to now shift position.
Now for the gratiSoation of the
poeitiou of some of the independents
ot informing the morohunts of North-
i that we will have our •
Junciionofllitl St. and r
Ralus of Tuition liciluccd,
$3, $4, $5 a Scholastic month,
willing to give such aid and <
agement to the Independent
ment as will insure its euor “
thiTeby surely disintegrate i
Dome democrats in our district
don’t seem to recognize the importance
or necessity for conventions, nomina
tions, or party organization, but rath
er incline to the opinion that these
party usages are calculated to put a
bad or indifferent man upon the poo
pie. Well, for arguments sake, ju«t
let us grant this for the time being,
and then let tbo people ask themselves
calmly and deliberately, if such was
the case with the'late Gainesville con
vention, or which is the best man
Billups or Speer. It occurs to us that
those men who feel bound to vote fo •
Speei are by ho means IuiJependen!,
and that the only wav to be truly
Independent (a 8 they feign would
profess) would be to vote for Billup.,
if he is the best man, even though ha
is the nominee of the Democratic imr-
teralTcrcfp/in Athens, con*
Or.DiN-A-.T'(| Oir,c?. ltd, of Sopt. wLr-
vohn .fc. Lowe bos applied for enemption of
ycrp.'yidty, pud I will ussg upon the r:\,m nt 10
lt C inv^i!Hi.T !n 0n of October neat
*--i’ rr 4t AAMES it. LYI.JC, OfilUiary. .
170 Fenwick Street, opposite Water Tower,
GEO. R. LOMBARD A CO., Proprietors,
Xtooso Cotton.
I will pay the highest Bale Prices
for all Loose Cotton brought to the
Mote.units who will call and examine our
cod tn.'it there js no necessity of going to At!;
l s Facto
nigh depopulated ihe cities ol
Mississippi Valley, is as yet m ib:
It there be any falling off in t e i
ber of new oases at this tin b
propably due rather to a wan of
turial to work upon, than to
abatement in the violence and lat
io the next Congress of of the epidemic. The sympath
" I shall not detain you long, my
friends. Be it worth much or be it
worth little, I give ny full, unquali
fied endorsers! at to the candidate
who has been nominated to reprc«e>t
this Dist rict i_ .' ~
the United States. You have one
worthy and well qualified. He has
won the palm; be is entitled to osar
U. Some of you may ask—aad it
maybe a ‘greenbeckor’ or n bmd
Our goods are all NEW and as we arc so
Our Goods Lower than any itouse
Cull and examine our Goods rind Price*
sr aim um* preaenbevi by lav for payrfiiu -A
1 persoua owing deceased will uako narmJi.s
her executor, immediately. n *to
Fine Horses
^ ®- HOLMaw ' '
. D Ay E J*JIT 0})£KE1> AT
o* 3 ’ Brond ’Street,
»t Ho. 8, Bread SUooi“ Atooni.
fore buying elsewhere.
• . • Giilolaml, Wood & Co’s., old stand
weiry, fill
fly roduc
and Ey,
It uylca;