Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, September 24, 1878, Image 4

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    —>' -
Liver Regulator,
- * ■ -*•■ -
p > .^x-AKr’S
Celebrated American
Hepatine Comp. Catb
Tutt9?iii,ivu S pia; t ;; 1,lls .
Worm Candy arid Wrmif„„
Sarsaparilia, Buehu ‘ 8 ' ! -
Tiitts and Hambleton’s Hair T)
Aniline prepared for Use •'' c '
Long’s German Cologne.
Long’s Cologne.
Lead, Oil, Glass and Varnish
Morphine, Opium, Chemical,
Hair Brushes and Combs.
Broad St., Near Lower MarketAUGUSTA, GEORGIA.
Monuments, Tombstones & Marble Work
hand, ready for lettei i»g and delivery.
skc is and lead-
;’.h occ-f.icn i! nushes,
r.lx-i on one or both
s b_coi;,o dull : the
iin azure semicircle
lower eve-lid; the
jwclls. and sometimes
i swelling of the upper lip;
,i h ui ich.-, with humming
ol the ears: an unusual
saiiva ; slimy or furred
,;h very fool, particntally variable,
-om,sous, with a gnawing
of tiie -teinach, at others,
. ; ilaetaig juiius in the
:.»si6nai nausea and vom
it pains thrtuighout the
owels irrega'lar, at times
Is slimy, not unfreqnent-
!i Moot!; belly swollen
trine turbid: respiration-
occasior.aHy difriapt. and aeconiaa-
Bird by Uiccou;; : >: cough sometimes
dry and ConviiU v •; tmeasy md dis
turbed sleep, with , .-*»i the
teeth; tempev \ar:.tb.out ^;
irritable, *ic-
Whenever.the above symptoms
are fount! m e.\isi,
Di;. c. ;t!e;.A.'iif;l yehmieugs
will certainly etfect a cure,
in any form; it is an inpoccnt picjtt-
rat ion. not capable of aoing theslightest
injury to the most tender l,if ant.
The genuine I)u. McLaxk' s Ver
mifuge bears the signatures <»f C.
Me Lave and 1*ko:.. on the
wrapper. —-O:—
DU. C. 2So3JL:J2‘J
'PHE caant.a i
1 cn-co'
or a cir-'im'i
cheeks: the eye
pupils dilate;
runs along the
nose is irritated, s
or throbbing
secretion of
tongue; bre:
in the mormn;
entirely gone
stomach: occ,
iting; violent
abdomen; bo
A large selection always on
" Petfumery, Toilet. Soap
And everything in the I>,
Line, at lowest prices at
C. W. LONG & Co.’s
Drug Store,
Athens, t; ;i
Foundry Aim Machine Works,
Augusta, Georgia.
Engines, Smith’s Superior Hand Cotton Presses
For Hand, Ilorse or Water Power,
Cano Mills, Evaporators and Kettles,
Cheap and Strong, with or witbont pans and irattit*.
IDviutr bought all of Mr. George Cooper’s complete stock of Pattern . etc., wc arc better pre-
i-ari-.i than ever to furnish lion mid Bra-a Castings of all descriptions < i. short nolice and cheap-
ills old patrons eau be necoinniodated with duplicates and repairs by feeing us know what they
BwBft-ft tflE No. 12 N. Eighth St
VnSkJuhLmSm St. Louis
WSo hu hid an-strr eiKrieiKe In tl.- trermJl
troubles of boih nude >ud female tt,s n »nvX,-■ P*
in the West. Xives th. mult* of hi, lo4V /^
practice In hit Mr. c.w „ertJust puUUV-L
gsuM sfiSitrss ssas- s 1 *■ S
In 9r. H*U» new vor<i i* in no 'vur of quertJonah!-Vb
»ct*T, Out 111 •omelhins thst r sty Up whw.lrt y.nam.
Yoalb. the victim of early indi*cn-tion; the
perfectly healthy maybe, but with H-nniire rijror «n th#- .
of bib, and (hi Mo nut, In m~ i jijp.i hijn T
from the many Ilia her aex la heftf § I ff n a J
to.”—6t. Louia Journal. K f fi v a L5 Q
rOrrUB PPfCRK -0) cii. each 4.° J tit* a *
both tn one volume, *1 j in cloth
CUWMcU-catra. 8cr.mte;wsl, o- J IS 9^5 ■>»
-mitit i< x tu.rms w*v iof.sjovun.
Tlmti in (juicily nutter the miseries
Vi-Milling front Dy*|H.'|Min. If you are
• list ivsseil -villi Mend ache. Ncrvous-
ticss. Now Sjiirits. Wakeiidness, Pal.
(•nation of the Heart, Costiveness,
Live < 0111(1!.lint, ii.-iniii ilieStomach,
JJ:nl Taste in tin* Mouth, Heartburn,
el a , seek liii.t. comfortin'! relief that
at a ax n e**im s lioui usin*; Parker’s
tiingerTonic, ami ton will be aston
ished at your renewed capacity to
■ i joy life when freed lio n pain mid
saft’erin*;. 1’io'tct als*i your little
*>iu> irom tdmli-ia lniantuiu. ami
xoiirself and family from siidoin ai-,
sac.-sof eoiie, ctainjui, tlysiniery •*>
c .ii-.-r.i moti-ns, by kot'i.m,:' ’this
sup- lb corrective ami al-
w-.xii at i.imd. Huy a 81 b-»ili*- Irotn
your dnif'oj.t, B T. Ibuml.y .t C*>,
or a sanijile l«.ttle at 15 cents, ami
test its merit*.
W"U5h(*«>iit(.$7. Rrv.
X 92.80. On r 1 '*) latest N
M U WlsU’-.I 7ix*.tiUpplyCo
Dclow we give tlie names of Persons who are Using our Celebrated COOK STOVI58
ami Ink"* great pleasure in referiug to any of them as to the mei its of our
Garden Seed!
Indian Compound Cough Mixture
for ilie core of Consumption and nil diseases of the Lungs and Throat, I say that nothing surpasses it j
fur Co ds and Coughs, and cau be taken from old pge down to the cradle with impuUty, and without
Hanger. But tbo professional world 1st so full of Aiuldguousness and Egotism, that my thing put be-
f.»r« the public as a safe aud reliable Remedy tbr certain diseases is scolftd at snd. pionounccd worth*
loMsatid a humbug. I say try it before you condemn it, as I will give you the nara* lot every herb,
Ac., that It is composed of, wbicu you eon examine at your Joisure:
Yiicllus Ovl, Aiuvdalua, Mel, Plnus Palustris, Andromeda, Arborca, An lfum Leppa, Inula Iiele-
uium, Alsrrubium Yulgare, Antennaria Margaritaceum, Durchwachshencr Wasserdost, Cephflautbus
OeiidentaUs, Symphytum Ulficluale.
11 is prepared at my office, No. »C Peachtree St., Atlanta, Oa., where it cau be had in any quantity.
If any oue uslug It will say that It has done them no good, return the bottle and get your money re
turned , *
Li/e and Money Saved by fbe use of the Southern Remedy !
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Cutting
Teeth of Children!
. a .r:--.w*y. -’for
l-u . i.i.‘ but in
in*l i#l ai! il.Hous
an ! Sick Head-
*. cliuradlcr, they
are not r: ;om
all the iiL th;
affections of t.
Coir-plaints, I
ache, or disc.-,
stand without
Edward Mack (Col)
Mrs Carilheiu
,Tas H Rose
P J Shore
Mrs A Grant
P E Triple
Jno Stummer
J E Thurmond
J H Dorsey
.1 E 'i u’.tnadgo
Mrs Dorsey
H Moses
I Jno Allgood
! Mrs E H Lester
Dr Sales
E D Cain
J M Bell
Asa Thornton
.Jas P Powell
A E Massey
R C Waters
J SFlceman
J A Mcdliu
R A Culp
W A Couley
Jane Allen
Joseph Landrum
W II Roberts
A II Hodgson
Lucinda Carithers
Win Adams
Thus Hughes
Wash Moon (col)
J II Brttaiu
M J Morris
A L> Brmnhy
J F Wilson
J A Nicholas
.1 no E be ill art
Dr .Joseph Turner
L II Bnruett,
isiuuu Pitta ru
'i IwtnasTiireldkeld
•lohu Moore
P X Parker
Jno Sayr
Willis Williford
A Hamilton
Jno Wilson
Mrs Seay
Wm Bailey
T J Bishop
J II Movers
Mrs Mary .Hall
Jim \l utter
J F Mattheiv.s
Juo 11 Smith
R G Daniel
Sarah Culbreth
Juo II Matthews
Mrs Margaret Kittle
Mr Jno Xevitt
Lloyd Benton
Willis Kittle
W A Dale
J H Carlton
Sxvep Tsty lor •
W Y Combs i
J J Wood
Joe lSraii 1 terry i
S A White
Jim McGinty
Mrs Murthti Butler
W K Nations
J S Sorrells
Ben Goodroxv
W A Weatherly
x S O X CO U X T Y.
.1 II Farmer J A Siwnions
Willis Kiigore Jr M T T Brooks
W S Edwards E Segars
(i 11 Wood Win Davis
J (i Durham J H Khudi-s
J J) Baugh Rev C C . ary
BE Nixon Tuos S Johnson
E C David A C Bar well
Waru 'o Wilson W Mize
Thus O R Lanier J R Coker
G F Hardrgree J J Lane
L <J Weld. J B Hieks
J L Harris J orison Jackson
J T White G M 3Iiller
L F Milhcan \V Carrington
San* Ray S L Green
Edward J Lankford J F Cone
C C Bowden C G Oiivtr
C Morris
B G Webb
L W Stephens
Juo Threldkekl
Green Bailey
Mrs Mary Garrison
E W Porter
' W H Lester
Charles Morris
H O Johnson
AV A England
J W Burroughs
J Q Allison,
Larkin Smith,
J L Burch
J E Arnold
W L Wood
Milton U Saye
John II McDot-mtm
Charles llradsliaw
David Waters
Miss Mary Smith
Dock Giles
Henry Lovin
J M Simms
No better c.ithartic efln be u-*cd prepar
atory to, or after taking tjuinin*.
As a simple purgative they arc un-
Tiie genuine are never sugar coated.
Each box has a red wax seal on the
lid, with the impression Dk. McLane’s
Liver Pills.
Each wrapper bears the signatures of
C. McLane anu Fleming Ukos.
Insist upon having the genuine Dr.
C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by
Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the
market being full of imitations of the
name McLane, spelled differently hut
same pronunciation.
’he fourth, lot October lest. Our
V : s. we can change a fifty ridlai
bill if yon want n butt*} or Globe
y. vswc.K GucviU Svsa’r, the yreaifsl
Il.aigh and lung reniedy in Ihc world;
or if yon want t*> try ir Erst and ,-re il
viittt die Hon. Alex. H. Stepcus, Ex-
t'lnv. ^initf, Ex-Gov. Brown tnd
11**1). Robert Toombs of Georgia, tayi
iilsntt it is !rtl% you can get a Srnto't
Boult* f«r ten cents at Dr. C. W.
I.ono, »fc Co, Drug Store, Atlitijs Ga,
that relieves an ordinary cold. Tht
Gr.onK Flower Cough tivitui* never
had an equal for Coughs, Colds and
Lung A flection s. It positively
cures Cousumptim when all othei
boasted remedies fail. Sample Bottks
teo i-ints. Regular size, fifty doses.
That indulgence in frulta and vege
tables causes deposils in the niilk
which induce Colic or Cholera Infan-
it:m in their nursing little ones. To
Anti no mistake. Examine the following certificates, which are enough to satisfy any reasonable man,
woman, or child, taut it is not an Imposition pal mod off on tho paople. To prove it, get a bottle, ai d
me as directed on the i«ntUe, aud you will b* satisfied that it is all that is claimed for it. Jt is j ir
pared purely from vegetables a aedicioal property.
Atlanta, July 1st, 1874.
f»H. BHJOEKeJ— Dea*‘*Sir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in my family, I have found It the
m**st pleasant jpedicloo for children to take, aud the most satisfactory to cure I liave ever met. I have
used it u#7»v for Moveral y*:irs, and never allow myself to be without some of it ou hand, aud its jmme«
<liate use saves all trouble and danger. I have always felt if you had no other laim to the public con-
htlcstce than this specific, it alone should give it to you, and both, fault* nd fortune added, if you
would only sufficiently a tvertlse it to let the world know its healing ponv> .md benefits.
Respecifiillv, U. O. LOCSRANK.
The above is from the Ex-Chief Justice Sup*erne Court of Georgia.
EUUEfCA! EUREKA! (I have found it. My wife and twochUdreu were down with Bloody
Flux. We had twodoettirs, as good as any in the* city, and found no reii#*. My baby, 7 months *>id
while teething, was expected to die for two weeks, when being induced t*. try f»r. Diggers* Southern
Henieiiy, the relief of each was marvelous, and treat present doing well, i tried it on myself for the
same disease, and it proved a success. r. r. DAVIS, Atlanta, Ua.
fvu.26.8m. For ^ ln *‘ heMby Dr. } D SMITH.
37 Court Race, LOUISVILLE, KY.
YOUNG L. G. HAHR’.S, President
STEVENS T IOatS, Scrsetary.
lirtt» Assets Apiil 1« 1H77, • • C-
Hesident Directors.
E C David
W S Weatherly
Sainnsl Smith
G W Martin
Terrc-cia Marlin
XV D Harrison
Jn*> A V* liable
R ii Patterson
A J Thornton
A J Williams
S L G Beddii-gfield
Z T Butler
Gvo G‘ Hln
Henry Mcrk
Jtio.i Wallace
J HLott
A D Wilbanks
Jno Edunr
ET -M**r: an
Thos Har.k gree
J C Simms
L C Fou ler
J P Venable
J B Rice
G G Arnold
J W Glenn
Win BL> k
E A MdDonahl
J L Venable
W T Harbei
Marion L’a ithers
J M Wall
L T Bush
A E Brooks
CW Hood
M M Pittman
J W Hardy-Jr
Randal t rail (t o!)
W P Rav
T II Nil Jack
R C Roberts
A L Baroe
J C Daniel
J E Hajjjpird
John Harris
D D Baugh
II C White
W 0 On-
STuvitss Thomas
Eliza L. Newton,
BKKOl.NAtlll Pit;mlr
l)K. K. M. SMITH,
John W. Nicholsom,
Yorxr* L. G. Harris,
John* II. Newtos,
Dr. Henry Hull,
Col. Robert Thomas.
null her should uso Parker’s Ginger
Toui%*. it strengthens and coriects
her turn nervous condition, and its
gecri eiTects are imparled tl-wmgh
the milk to the child, making it
cheerful, free from pain, aud disposed
to i (freshing sleep. Many ladies suL
fi ring from iimetional disorders and
Nervousness, will lie si rprised at the
eomfort this slrengthcuirg tonic
.-tfiords, as by its use they find relief
from pain, and in notional regularly
restored. Buy a $1 bottle from yo u
druggist R. T. Brnmby, or a sample
bouse at 15 cents, and test -it
merits. c&Few,
COO Chroma*.
lo dozen Pa sc Partonts, in gr.od variety.
lo dozen Pietniv Mata the inodt bcjctifr.l
r brought to Athens.
Panei" Pktnrc-a.
lUiuninntcJ Mottoes.
PUoiograjiliM ot Slatuarv, etc.
Jn^l retoivcJ and for anVi cheap at
»;7 tf. lluikc’s Rook Store.
One at the old stand in front ot
Messrs. GANN & REAVES,
The other ou the road to tho upper bridge and
Livery Stable. We have first class workmen
of every description.
Plating and Concave Siioes
Manufactured to order.
And all kinds of F Machines and In
elements repaired on short notice.
Thus S Miller
Jn*> Griffin
E C Bowden
W J I Rtjvier
Mrs W. M. THOMAS, Prop’r
Tills Hotel, so well known to the citizens ot
ClarUe and ndiohnng counties, is located in the
centre oi’ the business portion of Augusta, con
venient to Poet Office, Telegraph Office and
Depot, ami offers inducements to the public
nnequnlcd bv any other Hotel in the City,
Win Mead era
Mrs E E Ledbetter
B K .Mason
J 11 Giuitit 11s
W T Cochran
W r N Weldon
J.,s Williau-.s
nb H Crutvford
Y R A X Iv L 1 X
L*r M F McWhorter
ighs F A Weaver
on W S Parson
D.ini*-1 Moses Duncan
' J M Moulder
' LB Burrass
A J llil'er
i Mary Vaughn
M A 1)1 SO
iluu Orp'ua Uvil
* Jad J Moore,
v’ U Andrews,
M V McWhorter,
\\ r J L Iv E S COUNTY.
KCroake £ S oHriaii
J T Boatwright Mrs A E Mathews
tV A Short G tV Burden
c O U K T Y
Kl;;u feutfecn J ATUoznton
L J A thin a W M iJeunin-'
A Ugte.^.y JT McCarty
: r l' T COUN T Y.
M 1. Kil'T<e.*t5 G M Adonis
Mid W W l*u:! a ^ AM Dalton?
» <J O U X t Y,
C II Mull!* J 1, liurriK
11 11 ik-Gaho £ G Ware
' JasK lgore J S Smith
M II Sheppard E L Adam*
0 0 U X T Y.
K K itcn.iett Franklin Atanay
1. B IkutiUj vWkd-W Ucaa-' -
Good Digestion.—“ Give us this
day our daily breud” and gimd medi
cine to digest it, ia both revere and
human. The human atomath and
liver nut fruitful sources of life’s
comfoiis ; or disordered and diseased,
they tiugle misery along every nerve
un*i through every artery. The man
<>r woman with good digestion see
lienuty as they walk, and overcome
ohstnc’cH they meet in the routine of
lift-, where the dispeptic sees only
gloom and stumbles mid growls at
even imaginary objects. The world
Mill needs two or tiiree new kinds of
medicine before death can be perfectly
abolished; but that many lives have
Ixx'ii jirolonged, and many sufferers
from 'Liver disease, Dispepsiit and
Jlej-derbe, have been cured by Mt.r-
iell’s llepstis-.c, is no longer a "doubt.
U cures Headache in twenty minutes,
and there is no question but what it is
the roost wondertul discoveiv made in
r.tcdieal Those afflicted with
Biliou-iit-fS iiud I.iver Complaint
should use Merrefl’s Hepatine.
It can ho hud at
Dr. C. \V. Long &. Co.,
J R Chambers
L C Haul brooks
C J Carr
J R Wood
J M Ariel
J A Chandler
D \V Garrison
Isaac fill**. 1 laud
Juo T \Vli : te
Ti <*s F Anderson
A W Brown
M. G Chastiue
Issue. D Chiiudler
A li McKie
Weldon Weldon
W C Chatham
James Jones
J W Chustine
C u U X T Y.
Mrs M A Thomas
if C Billings
C O U X T Y.
Win W Freeman
G F Wilder
L K BUrrough
J P i'attern
Matthew McDaniel
J H Spear
Dr Sewell
Z D Stephens
0 o IT X T V.
*1 t* G ii J F Davi i
Hattie Nelms Wm tvi luims
riarali S Hart J H White
J B Morton W L AlexunJe
KY Smith. , JPHall
J R Chambers
J S Chambers
Hugh Adkins
ANUFACTURE Iron and Brass Casting*, Mill and Gin Gearing, Mining and Mill Machini-.rv.
. Steam Engines Saw Mills, Bill Arp and Athenian Horse Powers, Excelsior Threshers, Im-
ived Southern Fan Mills, Cane Mills and Evaporators, Cotton Presses, Shafting, Pulleys,
Hough * Orr
Elias Rowurk
This Is to gite notice that the firm of While,
Elder A Co., ct.nsitMlrK ol D. >1. White, W. J. A
T. A. Elder, was dissolved on tho 2d of Inst,
The banineps will |.<- continued by W. J.AT. A.
EldtT, who have assumed and will |»ay t he Indebt
edness of the old firm.
ncpt.iG.lm. D. M, WHITE
F A Weaver
Mrs Carson
L II Vaughn
t-f 1, Carson
G L Bag weil
P G McEnlirc
J L Fai rer
O J Miller
Dr. ft!. W« CASE’S
Liver Remedy
W D Porter field
T J Burro r^h
J T Carethen
J P GholetOn
J F Wlilto
Uto W Crawford
Henry David
H C Groves
K K Bollock
S W Colbert
Geo Kbcrhart Jr
XI P Bussell
A Tabor
Vi U White
K E i uriaou
Tonic and Coraioi.
This Is not a potent mcrtlotcc, but is prepared
mder the direction of l>r. M. W. Cast, ham hu
hvorite prescription, which ln on extensive
practice or over twenty-seven years ho has tDi-nd
most effective In a!J ca*>cs of aisenJereu livtr or
impure blood. It is
It acts directly upon the live.-, lotrrirc it
when diseased to its normal condition-, and m
regulating the activity of this great cland'cvery
other organ of tile system is benciltel. In Elowl
Diseases It baa no equal us a puritier. It im
proves digestion, and assists nature to eliminate
all Impurities from' the system; and while it is
the cheapest medicine in the market, it is uko
superior to all known remedies. While it if
more effectual than Bluo Mass, it is mild and
perfectly safe, containing nothing that can in the
slightest degree injure the system. It does not
sicken or give pain; neither docs it weaken the
patient, nor leavo tho system constipated, as do
most other medicines.
J \V Sm; tjen
L T Calloway
Griffin Mathews
C li Armor
duo L A liver- on
Ira A Brown
G T Fort son
K A Hall
111 Thomtnn
H C Edmunds,
Thomas F Willis
J A Teas le v
Geo tv Hu m
\VT Moore
J J J**iies
W h Gaines
N6\v and Then.—It is only now
nnd then that such men i-s Hon. Alex,
li, B:< pliem*, Es Gov. Smith and
Ex-Guv. Brown of Ga., endorse a
lucriieino for ihe throat and lungs, and
v- l et) they ko it is pretty good evidence J
i hat the remedy mutt be good for the )
< ute of cough*, colds and lung affec* j
i on?. They recommend the Globe I
i lowcn Cough Syrup, and their I
i nimmiinl* ere lo be seen round the j
i- r. cent sample bottles of the Globe
J low**** Syrup, for sale by.
Dr. C. XV. Long & Co.
Athens, Ga
A 8 Adams
W H l*yron
Joseph Simms
J M 'Wages
] ukc Flanigan
G W|Ethndge
0 B Sorrell
S C Luviti
J G A iili.J .tv
Gro tV M Cullocb
Frank G itlcih
li I) Adai* r
M M Js.-ks
J G Cuijwr
Jomes Tin'll
.1 f Lsbooii
GeoS Suihh
Uenjuiniu MikiI'O
.1 J iJ*.:>ter
W L Johnson
Burton TrudweJi
J C Doretcr
J ii t...i .tilers
H A R T (
IV C Craft .
Reuueu M Campbell
Geo AV Wifccu _
it 1' Teas lev
W H Barker
Jno Morohead
Ol’U N E E
J tV Jackson
Z 1! Jehn uga
lieu nr Jackson
Frank Jj»vin
Henry W Cobb*
A O MoCnrry
Mrs Juckstiu
J W Tailor
liL WiliLims
J«* K V doe
* V liruwu
Mrs M A Duv:
J O dUi le -
FAOTURE Turb*me w25? WlieelV*Cel^
nd Screw Presses, roitabie Steam Engines, Separators, Iron
miw» Etc*
t Price Lists of any of the above articles, Address,
su 'arxesrassttsosr,
Ii F Frown
l>r a J Nu tUwit
iNJ 1m>wn
h M -ifi*a
Dozier a iirovvn
A E Brown
K M Johu.s ii
J W liolbrookti
C O U X T Y.
J W Miller
V M BnCier *
d W Dsnul
VV M B sc.*
T tV Sc,>-4
Sati'-fadory refcrenee from hundred*
who are note using them in Athens
and the surrounding country.
It V. Kim !*• uHalin Administratrix of
T 1 umes N. Ponllalne, Jr. deceased, petitionsiu
I- un-* of Ilia Uiv lo ho discharged from said
•dudnt-trai ion.
TIivm! era tliereP re to cite and admonish all
< mtwrnul t*< allow ceuae at my office, on or bo-
-i.r-i tliu Aral Muudav in October next against
1 r erauUng- 1 Midoiachaigc.
Given node u;y lured ait office this third day
Ji in-1878. j,YLE, Ordinary.
J i e 8i.8m.pd.
Weldon Price
F M Hodgea
7 ha
bio b NJmuw
ICobcIt aMiittn
J 1* .Muv n«
J k* Tiit-miu*
G* o T KuOt-y
l»r BiV.j.w
DbvM * . . t.k
J W v v VV.h
jMUUf If Jw:kH>Il
Z II Daniel j no \\Doogb
e J«ckro*iT J V ckfrw
J M Linsev M ra M A J zn.-1'..rd
lioi.rv S Ai.alirain
STn-* Just recdvtrd a largo stock of thus# cvlchratoi]
Cotikisti* Sittvw which have iieretofbte Rlveu at*
ihlicit ru i *- r *-
i*T7, Y ' n,K '* J T M Haire
B A Huyw CVijHO
W f JobDMin G Vi Turin r
H J l>r K G Murra
W ». Bray J H No*!!
J S ClirUtiau K B Joocb
W B Colling Jus M Smith
DF Cumpbeil G W Muitox
T J Paul JJCMcMaha
Mr Cuiauct W T Witcher.
K F Di.urd L M Johnson
Ui» Dr VvilUngbam SrRob.n llarrU
J 1* McGuiic.
isfiictiun, each ouuof which is fhlly war-
your doctor bills. Only 25 cts. a bottle,
most offcctlve and valuable medicine
ted to the American people. As fast
silts become known, its uso becomes
J W Howard
\V II Edward*.
11 P fucker
T i. G.utt.
Amlnv-c tVhehar,
aior.-iiS lida..r*le
w - fxfoUaaoti
I. i*.vk’C*^.,iinj
J. V« J.'-k-uu
"Jlftri' fUngite
as its merits become known, its u-o become*
oniveraal fa every community. NofemilywSl
be without p after Having once tested its great
value. It has proved anTuestimablc blessing to
thousands, who have used it, brimring lack
health and strength to those who weresecmingly
it dealt * a door. Prepared at tho Laboratory of the
Home Mediclno Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Price per Bottle, 25o. Extra Large Sizo, 75o.
aa-For sale by Druggists, A GENTS
Gcncrastores.andAgeuts. WANTED
17 Otic 3 !
*1 I enema Laving demands rgainst Hr.
, f.»it \V Long deceeatd are hereby notified
ii miii lieanmv hr Moment, lu the manner
lime pmem'bed by law, nnd those indebted
; i*l tni. r-vd ere uqu*-»l*-d lo make inure
riaourut. Aur.WHiWTf.
ra.LCw. KDWAl; 1> l. LUNG. Adm’r.
h W tvMiii
i».*ti f.ciiwinld
T Turner
# 0a *» 1Vom October 28th to November 2d.
££9,000 ia Money Premiums I
Un iskteting Racing Programing Each Day, for Premiums Coming Over $2500.
^ w , mb.
U.Tulr™ “ n 4 or ^“ Of Art.- band for r.t.)r^L "ifH Hnsbandry, Monufacurea,
Regulations, which will be mailed, postage paid^n anpl^tiTn to thfseereU^. 11 *** ^
^ 1 »rc'sr prbmihms. " ^
furnish th. largest and Wt d „
SecondPrem-™ " d “ P™ du * d O f ,lo “ e Industries, (except Stock, which are
*nt.".td. °°
H. J. HA CHER, General Sim’f
North-east Qa; Stove & Tinware Depot,
A. K. CHILDS & CO., Proprietors,
A HrUxhtrnl Article tor Hie Toilet,
fine hair brushes,
T. Mb Km.hre. tVLatnra. Pomades, fatlttPetinfera
, % 4p*s|Mafi IU im
/(V, use :<e O i J , Vestal O i l.,
... * Mnincisand Wlrke, to tie found In the
H.w Dim Sioff und r the Nttloi House,
WW ’ »bi-ralh*‘
The Gale Oily. The Iron. King,
The Cricket, The Star, The
Host ', The Palmetto,
And mm, Sttiir vacictlreof r*K>tIr.gpi:d Healing
snivel*, haring |Min baaed ftk twae a l.nxi r
i*t*vk nf tl.r-e irh.-rm, o«lnn tolnal ihty on laet
Tear n* k,a*i> anwalMi <«i account *>f tliu driiiand
li:is *ln«mtue-l loaell *hem at tawtiXTiiKMELY
LtitV »*Mt ,».%■*«. J wR4 eoovim e every .....
of that fed Wh*. will Savor ino ellb a rail. The
!.(•«! Tin War.- *-oUflnuUy on haml at Wholeile
and It. t ... ^ c WIL1CINS)
in.lni. ttroad Street, Athens, Georeia
Big Bed Stove
>»jau*K( •uo|*tiiM