Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, October 01, 1878, Image 3
SOUTHERN BANNER: res HOTEL, wall, (mi bhoad nnirr,) ATHKN8, - - - GEORGIA. BY CAPT. It II. LAMPKIN. Rates i>» Boakd : Per Day $1.25 Per Week 5.00 Single Meet 85 Rrztznnint Connected, Famished with Fish, Oysters, and Everything the Market Affords. Mi tu at all Horns. TURF EXCHANGE, WALL, (SCAB SBOAD STREET,) ATHENS GEORGIA. 1 sin now receiving the Largest and Best As sorted Stock of Liquors ever brought to the City, both for the W HOLESAI.E AND RETAIL TRADE. 'hose desiring to purchase are invited to call. CAPT. R. H. LAMPKIN. CTatioxial Surgical Institute. One of the staff of this o'd and notable Institute will visit ATHENS, GEORGIA, OCTOBER ®d, 1S78- stopping at the Newton House. The object of this viAb to give the afflicted an opportunity for er.amin-.tion st or uenr their hemes, thus saving hopeless esses the expense of a trip to Atlanta. A enrcfnl examination wi'l bemads, and patient* cun learn if their cases are eiirsuie or can be uenelited, and whether it will be necessary for them to visit the Inrtitntc. In such oases us can be cored, or treatment hegun at home, arrangements can lie nude with oar visiting Surgeon, and treatmeet co nmenced at once. Exam-nation free. Caacs ot Deformities and Chronic Diseases will be examined—snch as Club Feet, Diseases of the Hip, Spine and Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Fistula, Catarrh, Female and private d'seasea, and diseases of the Eye, Ear, &e. {ST Come early, an the .VMt is limited to the time stated. For circulate and' lul 1 partioulan address. ^ , ^i NATUlXAt So, No Middle Man. Fully realising the commercial advantages- Rosh Ilorshonnh. THE HEBREW NEW TEAK. Saturday being the first day of the Jewish month of Tishri, the Israelites of this city celebrated their New Year in accordance with the Biblical injunction cf celebrating New Year on the first day of the seventh month, which is Tishri. The question is often asked why the Hebrews celebrate New Year on the seventh month iustead ot the first, the month ot Nissan. According to Jewish chronology, the world tvffs created in the month of Tishri and the month of Nissan was the first mouth of their redemp lion from Egypt; hence, Nissan com mences their chronology, dating from their redemption, and Tishri is their New Year, from the creation of the world. The celebration of this as well as all holidays of the Israelites is always engaged in with much solemnity and reverence, and business with them is entirely suspended. The exercises alluded to began on Friday and closed on Sunday, in Mycr’s Hall, on College Avenue, the Synagogue being too small to accommodate the congregation. The services were coudacted by Mr. G. Jacobs. Col. UvLgsiXLEJ- Has recently returned from the North and brought from Baltimore, New York, Trenton and Boston, thousands of articles useful, beautiful and orna- meneal. He has one of the largest During the celebration of'thquJiHf most varied stocks of goods jn the , New Year, th^d “ to suBeMn that the prosperous city of Athens lias over the whole of North-east Georgia, and with special regard for the fact shat all .Leading Merchant! are uo-fci lg for only a snail commission, J. H. HUGGINS leaves «o “Middle MaoV* profits between his custom** 1 * and*l» ; mself, but has knocked out thi “Middle Man” and taken in the “King Leaders” by purchasing h ; s immense stock of Fa*l and Winter Goods' direct from the Manu- fsclnrcis in Da Umo<e, Pit;«bnrg, New Yotk, Trenton and Boston. Having visited these Munnfactories io person, not- selected tho best goods for eve*y brunch of his business, ho now deties competition in offering to the people of No-, th-east Georgia a stock ol goods uncqnalcd in variety, unexcelled in qralHyland unusual* Iv low in prices. His stock of Domestic and staple dry goods ia M and Complete. He has the beat stock of harness, saddles, whips and saidJcs in tno c ? ty, bargains for every body can be found in his lurge s*oc*t of hats and shoes. Family a*»d fancy gioccries, are among h»s ape- ciafs. Ho keeps a large stock of wooden, willow, and tinware. His well selected stock of fire and common I rale and poexet cutlery tabic and teaspoons, brit*»n»a and silverware, exceeds anything of the kind ever offered in this market. While in Northern and Eastern markets ho mado such large ourcluvsea of crockery, glasse ware. Lamps and Oil on such terms ns to cna- blo him eo sell iweso goods at wholesale and retail cheaper than any other house in tho State. Ac is determined to sell these goods low than they can be bought in this section »nd not lobe nmie-soluion anyihiag in liisline. Remember the place. J. H. Hivrgins is at his old stand, No. f, Broad Slice 1 , Athens, G. S»mtt|cni fanner. Tuesday, October 24, 1878. Official County and City Printer. Organ for Oconee and Madison Counties. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. tar Advertisement* must tiltciya ba handed in not later than S o’clock on Saturday, • If' hi tended to appear on Tuesday. To Our Hulwcrlbow. We have waited long ami patiently for you to come forward and settle your accounts for subscription. We have hail each account made out ami attached to the paper, with postage and interest, where the accounts have been running longer than two years. If there is any mistake in the statement bring forward your receipts and they will be rectified. Our Agent, Mr. W. B. Pruit, will be at Harmony Grove on Saturday, Oct. 5th, 1878, and at Banks Court, Franklin Court and Habersham Court. You will please call on him and make settlements as he is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription. Tlie llmincr lor tlio Cum- palBii. The Banner will be sent to any ad dress from this date nntil Christmas for 50 cents in advance. Candidates. —Persons desiring to announce their names as candidates for office at tho election in January next, can have the announcement published until the day of the election for $5,00 in advance. Bring in your names. Ten cents Column. Tot- the purpose of accommodating sc who desire to advertise special- i, and for tho purpose ot ding nor local columns of adver- snients, sve propose establishing a 8* Cents Column” in which ail •ciallits can he advertised. Ad- rtisements under this heading will >cede our local news items and will charged at the rate of 10 cents for •ry eight words. Parties having dallies to advertise will please ir this in mind. daring the two days their charitable hands were continually open aud the sum of $110 was collected for the yel low fever 6uficrers, which amount has been turned over to tho proper au thorities for distribution The next great festival of this church called Yoin Kippur, or Day ot Atonement, will commence next Sunday evening at sundown and con tinue 24 hours, during which time all inales and females above thirteen years of age abstain from eating and drinking. The doors of the Syna gogue on these occasions are always open to those who wish to attend. not forget their 1 , amj-deftes co hg humanity, bnf'l See his announcement under the heads * *'” ihg of “No Middle Man.” llurpeo «Sfc Bro. Tiiese enterprising yonng men give notice to our readers that they are prepared to execute with dispatch all work in their line entrusted to them. We have seen several buggies and wagons of their make; and should pronounce them an excellent article. They are prepared to fill all orders with which they may he favored from the finest buggy to the com monest farm wagon. Repairing of old carriages and buggies, neatly and cheaply done. Call on them and give them a trial and we have no doubt you will find them tillable young men to deal with and from whom you will in every instance ob tain value received for every purchase made or work entrusted to them.— The Messrs. Burpee begin business oue year ago last May without capi tal and their business now amounts to thousands of dollars in a year.— They are making extensive additions to their < stablishment and will soon be better than ever prepared to ac commodate their numerous custo mers. They deserve success. Oconee County Fair. We have received the Premium List of the Oconee County Fair, which will bogin October 14th and continue four days. The Association have spared neither labor nor money in making the grounds attractive and the buildings commodious and con venient, and an enjoyable time may be expected by all who attend. Their premium list is very comprehensive indeed, and rewards for industry and skill arc offered to husbandmen, house wives, lovers of fancy work, for the culinary department, scientists, artists, fine stock, etc., etc. All the piemi- urns will be paid in currency on the last day of the Fair. We trust our city and county will’take a lively inter est in making the Fair a grand suc cess. For premium lists or further particulars, address Dr. David R. Richardson, Secretary, Walkiusville, Ga. Died, On yesterday morning, after an illness, with croup, of but a few hours little Joliny Billuns Lrcas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lucas. The parents of this lovely little boy had no idea at Sunday noon that the Angel of Death was so near their honschould, but alas! he laid his ioy hand on little Johny before the Sab bath’s sun went do^vn f and on Mon day morning the brilliant spark of his life went out. Now his sweet voice is attoned to songs known only to the redeemed of earth, and angels rejoice that their happy band is strengthened by the presence ufso pure and innocent a spirit. Wounded In a Well. On Wednesday last Beverly Allen, colored, was cleaning the wdl of Mr W. O. Kemp, on Lumpkin street. Beverly had filled the bucket, which held about twelve gallons, with mud and water, and when it had been drawn nearly to the top the chain broke, and the bucket and its contents went whirling .to the bottom. The edge of the bucket struck Beverly on the head making a severe and fright ful looking, but not serious, wound, which was dressed by Dr. Smith Lyn don. The wounded man is doing very well. Local Blondlngs. A Handsomo Turnout. One of the handsomest buggies we have seen is the one recently manu factured at the Hodgson manufactory aud sold to Judge W. B. Thomas. The wood-work, ironing and trim ming, was all done at the Hodgson carriage works; and we have yet to see Northern work that would surpass this. Cigixa osid To’oacos. We call attention to the advertise ment of Mr. Hr.user, to be found in another column. Mr. H. is a maimed Confederate soldier, who, after the war, instead of asking aims of the people, went earnestly to work, and by econ omy and industry has built up a trade which does credit to himself and Athens. Call on him. Mcctlnir of Trustees. We call attention to the notice of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State University to be held in Athens Oct. 15th, when an election will be held for a Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Lit erature, to fill the vacancy caused by. the death ofProf Waddell. Dentil ot Mm. Alltoltell. Mrs. W. L Mitchell, wife ot Judge Mitchell, died at her residence, on Wednesday last. The funeral servi ces were held at the Presbyterian Church, and a large concourse of friends iollowed her remains to the ‘Punctuality is the House of Busi ness.” In families where Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is kept, there is never a case of abuses from school or busi ness on account of Coughs, Colds or Sore Throat. Medical men often puzzle them selves over the large sale that Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup employs. Its great popularity is due only to the excellent qualities possessed by this household medicine. 25 cents. X&axri-d. On Sunday morning last, by Rev. Lllison Stote, at his residence, Mr. W. T. Starks, of Athens, and Miss Rob erts, of Wilkes couDty. (For Ilia Southern Banner.) Private Speer, or Jackson Square. A CAMTAIOX 50X0 st .IX OLD CEB. AIR.—Captain /oilr, of the Hone Marine*. I'm priratp Speer, of Jackson Square, I crate my teeth and pall my hair— I’d gladly give my old bay mare, Could I prove I was in the enny. * CHona. Bnt I never raised any hay or com, And will not fight, as sure as yon’re horn, The war had b. oke and the Yanks had gone Before I got to tire army. My name is private Emory Speer, I tell yon tho reason I am here— When I was yonng I was easy to sc(a)erc, And wasn’t cat out for the army. When 1 heard the Yanks were running so, I axed my Fa if X wont go, And follow np the Re v ele—O ! As they marciied in ‘he rarks of the army, cnoxca. I got as for as Union Pint, And tmccked my rnkle out o’ jint; And swore by Heaven I wernt a gwine To follow after tho army. K ut Pat private Speer with trousers rent, i m tho wool hat I r-Je-pen-den: Whom the Rads adore became I went Agin the Democrat army. cuoisra. And when the day of election cornea, I’ll squeexo the vo'ere bands aud thumbs, And call them nice, sweet srgar plums, If they’ll mate me chief ot their annv Outtliifr Affray. On Friday night last Mr. Charlie chart, white, was seriously cut with tnife, in the hands of Jerry Brown, lored. The most dangerous wound in the left shoulder. Ho was also t in two places in the head. Jerry II board in the county jail until he n have a hearing for commitment or quital. Died. IVe regret to learn of the death, m a congestive chill, of Mr. Tlios. mug, who lived near Antcoch, lethorpe county. . Mr. Yonng was if and dumb, was C6 years of age, igbed about 220 pounds and had ,-nys been a perfect picture o f dth until attacked by the chills licit terminated his life. 'Ho was do of Mr- N. L. Young, the popu- salesman in the grocery storo of pt. H. Beusse. .V Farri. We the undersigned desire to ex press our sincere anil hearty thanks to the citizens of Athens for the assist ance so freely and cheerfully given Davis’ Cornet Bind, in preparing for its Concert, but especially to the fol lowing gentlemen, to whose kindness and generosity we are much indebted for the success of our entertainment: Messrs. Huggins, McGinty, Gann A Reaves and Capt. McGinty, also to the Southern Banner for printing, and Alfred Williams and Charlie Jones for arranging the stage. Madison Dayis. 1 .Torn McIntosh, '■Committee. G. H. Dayis, J Mr. Jos. N. Cosby, formerly of El bert, but more recently of Wilkes county, is with the popolar wholesale and retail house of Solomon* & Joseph, where he will be pleased to see hie friends. Foi I’m private Speer of Jrckson Square, I’d l’keto get an equal Uuc e, 9 f public pap with Potash Farr- o(\v)r I will desert f.-ojarmy. (Final nauaaa to be aw- by Speer and Jim Turnbull, while Smithy Clayton aits in tbe corner, smiles and tens alternately chasing each other o’er his face, crying—Victoiy 1 Emory, if we only had Mosey Madly with us, wuldu’t wo be happy. Why didn't yon think er him !) When into office X shall ride, Tbe mountain boys msy still tab, , ride In shooting wheat in the mountm. *• ’e, With their muskets used in tho afl»$. caoacs And ns 1 hid farewell to home, I’il say to Smithy ’fore I room: “Closer to my bosom come," Tor you've beer brave in the -rmy. —Hie Postmaster at Osceola com plains that the Banner is veiy irreg ular in its visits to that office. We mail it regularly once a week at this —C. K. Collins has just received some of the most handsome silver and plated ware we have ever seen. —For handsome castors call at the New Jewelry Store. —Capt. H. Beusse received the first new rice brought to market. It is as pretty as we have ever seen. —A gentleman from Augusta, wo learn, contemplates opening a Restau rant in Athens soon. —CoL Sam Alexander, of Mont gomery, Alabama, was on a visit last week to his relatives and friends in and near Athens. We were glad to see him looking so well. —Beautiful silver and plated batter dishes at tbe New Jewelry Store. —Mr. John O’Farrell has invented a plow that we think is obliged, on account of its utility, simplicity and strength, to be brought into general use. It is on exhibition at the store of Reaves, Nicholson & Co. —Our friend, Homer Nicholson, “ Tils NoflJy^p. trij !e can be roSncI at store of Reaves, Nicholson & Co. Y* —The merchant who wanted us to tell a $10 story fora $3 advertisement failed to make a trade with us. True, competition is lively, but our prices still range high. —The students of the University are beginning to return. We hope next week to note the preseuce of many new ones. —Silver and plated goods are 33 per cent, cheaper than ever before known at the New Jewelry Store. —The cotton compress is now in full blast. We learn that Messrs. Inman, Swann & Co., through their efficient Agent, Mr. Scott, has given orders for ten thousand bales to be compressed. Messrs. Rucker, Hull and Thomas have also established a dray line, and have the prettiest drays and best mules in the citv. OCTOBER - 1 1, 18 7 8. BUILDERS OF Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Harness AND Vehicles of all Kinds 1 ALL Work Done on Short Notice. The Beat Material Used and None bnt First Class Workman Employed—no Maliable or Cert Iron need—thus not endangering the lives of persona ruing Jour- vehicles. Special arrangement! made with livery men when more than three jobs are wanted Repairing a Specialty. PRICES LOWER THAN^A NY WHERE ELSE IN THE STA 7 E, ~cHi on or address, BURPEE & BRO. Opposite Gann & Reaves Stable, Spring St., Athens, Ga XMFOB.TSRS 42TB WHOLESALE dealers in 4HTD FAST©'? BS7 QQOSS, j, Hats, Shoes, notions* etc., etc., J.... ^8*'V ■ tv V differ this Season a Large Assortment to tbe Jobbing Trade Off BEST TERMS AND AT LOWEST PRICES. * No. 5. Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. aug.27.lf. FOREST CITY ; Foundry And Machine Works 170 Fenwick Street, opposite Water Tower, Augusta, • Georgia, t*EO. R. LOMBARD & CO., Proprietors Mannfccturo Portable and Stationery Steam Xnginis, and Boiieni, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting PnlleyB, figuring, Hunger-, etc., Iron and BrasaCastings, Plantation and Hill'Workerany kind, Cano Mills . and Kettles, Horse Powers, Gralism’s Improved Solid Rim and other • styles of Gin Gear.' Special attention given to Repairing end Over hauling Machinery. Promptness and good work guaranteed. . Send for Catalogue of Mill Gearing. Agents for the Celebrate.; Ehpso Double* Turbin Water Wheel, tl.'e JudsoiuGovenror,.-the Niagara Steam Pump and Nordike, Mormon & Co a 1 lantatlon Mills. Send for Circular. R 1 .qmBAKD & CO., Proprietor*. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! LOWRANCE & MADDEN, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS FUBNI TTJ UR. Si. Our goods are all NEW and as we are selling for Cash we guarantee Our G oods Lower than any Rouse inffortb-East Georgia Call and examine our Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere. ■ ' , LOWKANCE & MADDEN, GUleland, Wood & Co’a n old stand aept&fch. ATHENS, GEORGIA. Dr- G.T.; MoCLESKBY, Having resumed the practice Of Medietoe, offers bis professional services to the public, both City and Country. Office at the New Dreg Store ol H. GaiLAQ**, under Newton House- Athens, Georgia. sept.3.8m. -David Gann. Jas. H, Reaves. The Athens Furniture Company, NO. 13, BROAD STREET, Athens, - - - Georgia. B® YOU WAIT T® BE HAPPY, If so, tnako yonr homes comfortable bv visiting the Athens Furniture Comoany, and purchasing some of the — For everything good to eat and diink call at Capt. R. H. LampkinV, at the Exchange Hotel and Saloon. If he is absent Lieut. General O. C. Harbin will be there sure. —Much credit is due Madison Da vis, and his assistants, both male and female, for the interest manifested by them in relieving the yellow fever sufferers. At the concert given on last Tuesday night, although hut few hours public notice had been given, the net sura of $36.80 was realized. —We are glad to learn that a lively interest is being taken by ’.he colored pt-i pie in the country to relieve the yel ow fever sufferers. —Business was never more brisk in Athens than at present. )ur business streets are literally blockaded with wagons. —The meetings at tire first Metho dist church continued through last week with increased interest. —At a meeting of the Prudential Committee, held last Friday, IB. D. W. Barrow was elected Professor of Mathematics, in the place of Mr. S. Barnett, resigned. —Mr. W. Holman, the Kentucky- Athenian, has returned from the west with a large drove of horses and mules. —Mr. J. C. Hardee, assisted by Mr. Richardson, will preside over the campus boarding house, heretofore so popular under the management of Mr. J. R. Crane. —The Athens Chronicle learns that a burglar attempted to force an en trance into the residence of Mrs. Kil patrick, on Lumpkin street. The vagrant laws should be more fully enforced. —Rev. J. W. Burke, of Macon, was in Athens last week. —Will not “Senes’’ again wield his pen in behalf of the extention of the North-eastern Railroad. — Bro. Ayers, of the CamesviUe Register was in the city last week. —According to Hebrew faith this is the beginning of the 5639th year since the creation of the world. Tint they arc receiving daily, Their atock|i*|iarge, consisting of Walnut and Painted Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, all Styles, Bed steads, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cairs, Marble and Wood Top Tables, <£c., and in fact everything kept in our line. Also Pictures and Frames, A Largo Assortment. We guarantee to give on our goods Xj O "W prices As can be had in the State. Wc intend to filly sustain onr reputation of selling the Cheapest Goods in Nobth-'East Ga* Notice X ALL persona having clalihs ugatast Mary Well* deceased are noUfied to preient tbe aame In man ner and time prescribed by law for payment, and all penous owing deceased will make payment to me. her executor, immediately. iept.10.6w. B. L. BLOOMFIELD, Ex’r. Fine Horses and Mules. The undersigned will arrive about the 20th inst. with a lot of good Horses and Mules. All in want can be supplied at reasonable figures by calling at Gann & Reaves Stable. n . Mflw sept.10.3t W. 8. HOLMAN. GOOD NEWS Souse Keepers. COOKING MADE EASY. STIHLRJELICISZS Patent Steam Cooker. Having secured tlic Agency of the Sterrick Steam Cooker, I am prepared to lurnish them nt Patentee's Prices. Several of these truly Ex* ccllent Cookers are now in use in Athens, and every one who has tried them speaks in the highest terms of their merit. Call and see them at J. C. WILKINS, Stove and House Furnishing Store. sept.21.2m. A KTJSrOTJKrCIDMIEiDjYtri For I’m prirato Speer of Jackson Square, In Wasbingtop I win not sprre A moment from placing Coffee where Ile’il rank very high -n the army. unosrxo cnosi-i. I’ll close my tong and will not dare To apeak of war, when I wernt there. Bat not rn effort will I spare To strengthen the Rtdical army. (In order (aside) that I may get to Congrees.) - Bro. J. H. Stone has removed his office to the corner of Lumpkin and Broad streets—in the same build* iug occupied by the Southern Culti vator. We direct especial attention to the advertisement in onr preferred locals of the Atlanta Surgical Institute. One of tho staff will be at the Newton House on the 3rd. FOB TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorised to announce J. H. DORSEY as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Clarke County at the ensuing election in January td. We are authorized to announce JOHN W. WIEB as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Clark, county at tne ensuing election in January At the solicitation of a nnraher of ftiend* I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector for Clarke County, at tho ensuing election in January next. DUKE HAMILTON. FOB TAX RECEIVER. XVc «rc authorized to announce tho name of DAVID E. SIMS as a candidate for Re-election to tho office of Receiver ol Tax Returns of Clarke County at the election in January next. 0 W« lCONEE SH ERIE’S SALE.—Will be sold 1 before the Conn Home door in the town of atUntrille, between the legal hoars of tale, on tho fint Tuesday in November next, the fol lowing property, to-wit: one hundred acre, of land, more or less, in laid County of Oconee, bounded by lands of It. C. Fulton. Millard Osborn, Polly Elder and others. Levied on at E. Marshall. Notice served on Tenant in poo- sen. ion. This Sept. 25th, 1878. oct.lA0d.pd. B. E. OVERBY, D.8heriff CTjABKECOTOTY-WW, U Jessie McF- Bancroft Adminis tratrix of George D. Bancroft deo’d., applies to me for leave to sell all the real estate, of said deceased to-wit; one boose and lot situate in Athena, In said eoonty ooratainisirflx abrea, sr^fta.TSs.-t.iwriss’s as? as*ys» Street, (not yet opened). These ore therefore to noth/ Ml concerned to show cause at my office on or before the first Monday in November next why said leave should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this 28th Sept. 1878. r oet: t.LJ8dI ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary, sept. 5 PS BURIAL CASES CONSTANTLY ON HAND JAY O. GAILEY, Agent. , Broad Street, next to University Rank, AtHens, Oeorgia. To the Gentlemen of the vicinity and City of Athena. M. E. Yonng,'Artist Tailor has jnat Cuffs, Shirts. Scarfs, Drawers and Woolen underware, all in latest styles and cannot be excelled which he will sell at prices to suit the times. OTJTTZXTG XXT AILL* ITS BRANCHES. sept.2t.3m. Tho undersigned has just returned from the Eastern Markets with a Complete and Varied Stock of Goods To suit all. With Twenty Years Experience in Business, under standing fully where to buy, dealing chiefly with the 35£asa.\i£ao , k'ttx©xs & ’k&so'ttgb. 'feixeir Aggoaoios, I feel warranted in say ing that I can compete with any house in this, jt ©r any other city in the State. My stock consists in part of STAPLE DRY GOODS and C0TFEE, SUGAR, FAFILY GROCERIES, Leather, Boots, Shoes, Hats by the Case or otherwise, Jeans Cloth Meady Maul© (ClotMmg, Bagging and Ties, Kerosene OH by the Barrel I and Retail, Nails, by the Keg, Corn, Meat, Oats and Flour. Special attention given to the Whosale trade and satisfaction guaranteed. P OSTPONED EXECUTORS SALE.—Pur suant to an order of the Court ot Ordinary of Clarke County, will bo sold before the Court House door of said county on the first Tuesday in November next, during the legal hours of sale the following property to*wit: one house and lot on the south side ot Broad Street, in Athens, Go., adjoining Joseph Emerick and others, said house being a fou? room framed house, and said lot, containing about onehalf acre, more or less. Also three lot* on the North side of said Broad Street, adjoining each other, contaimfi& one half acre, more or less each, with a cabin on each, all of said property being part of what is known as the Isaac Wilkereon property. All to be eold as the property of William Kittle deceased, for the payment of debts of the estate of said deceased Terms Cash. WILEY F. IIOOD, Ex’r. sept.24.2Sd. Printers fee $6.50. F. L. WINKLER, Watch Maker and Jeweler BROAD STREET, Athensr Georgia, ■ at Dr. Sill Union's Drag Store. Having served a regular apprenticeship in a Watch Factory in Germany I flatter myself that I understand (he business having been 25 years at My Work is my Guarantee AND Prices Lower Than Any Yhffi lUat**/ *r ike life Cwtary, Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. nmraiaEi at .n.i all fliaiiKinra hrancht on riV indlffi- tLe hn©«<ly 5ure of Seminal Weakness, l—-- Manhood and all disorders brought on fey India- cretion orexcMK. Any Dnig,i.t hajUi, 'rgn- dienu. Addre.., Dr. .V. JAQLK- .V «».. 130 West Mixta Street, Clzzetnnmll. 11- BLACK SMITHIN -AT— OUR NEW BRICK SHOP —AT THE— Comer Clayton. tad Jackson Sts. First-Class Horse-Shoang. A Specialty, by the best Shocr in Georgia. Ghmsmithing. Guob, Fir*tol», locks, etc., reptdrnl at short notice and satisfaction given. STF.EL WORKING. Axes, Mill Picks, nocs, etc., of the finest temper. Work warranted. PLANTATION WORK. Plow?, Wagons, Carriages, etc., repaired in the best manner and at short notice. Sole patantec ofBassctt’a plow stock. iTolua. Sasee-b-b. mnr eh 20-1 y. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Said to be the lightest-running, tbe molt beautiful, cheapest, beet, and largest Sewing Machine in the world. Ladies end thepnUio are invited-to call and see, at the Office, next door to Wm. McDowell's, College Avenne. Sewing Machine Needles and attachments ot all kinds for sale by J. BANCROFT, Agent. feb5-ly. AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE PIANOS & ORGANS. Low Prices, Quick Sales. 40 to GO Per Cent. Discount, From Catalogue Price* of the following celebra ted makers: Ch ckering, Mathushck, Knabc, Sticnway TI&l- let and Davis, McPhail & Co., Simpson A, Co. Ilaines Bro., Billings * Co. Georgia Rail Road Company Ottic* Gknehal Pauixoxx Agent. am^CTnRsxojsr hatks To meet the wishes of its patrons the Georgia Railroad will commence tho dale on August 1st of Bonnd Trip Ticket, to the following point.: Athens to Macon and return ,.88.75 Athens to Milledgeville and rctnrn 6,85 Athens to Washington and return 4.50 Athens to Atlanta and return 6.S0 Athens to Augusts and return 6.90 Tickets |will be good for a eon'-innons ride and valid 10 days from date of iasne. The timo limit will not be extended, nor will tho stop over privilege be granted on this doss of Ticket. As soon as the necessary Ticket can be pre pared, this arrangement will bo extended over the entire road and branches. The company reserves the right to abrogate this arrangement without notice. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Ag’t. ang.8.6t. Besides I have just completed ray New Fire Proof Warehouse, Running from the Year of my store to Clayton Street, cotton weighed v ' on Clayton Street. Cotton Bought and Stored upon as Good terms a‘s any other* house in the City.jsFi As my motto will be CASEf, all sales wfll be made for small, profits, believing this to bo the sure road to success. Give me a call and see. • ' • 1 sept.17.3m* S. O. DOBBS. ; rtECKGIA, OCONEE COUNTY.-Whereas, U M. Eliza Ponllaino Administratrix of Thoinaa N. Ponllainc, Jr. deceased, petitions in terms of the law to be discharged from said administration. These are therefore to cite and ^admonish all concerned to show cause at my office, on or be fore the first Monday in October next against tho granting of said discharge. Given under my hand at office this third day of June 1878. JAMES B. LYLE, Ordinary. Jnne.25.6m.pd. OPIUM t ill KorpMae hakiteared. sorgia Medical Department of University of Ga. The Forty-Seventh Session will begin the first MONDAY in October, 1878, and end the first of Parlor and Church Organ ! Mason & Hamlin, Ftaonbet & Pcllon, Prescott Organ Co., Clough A Warren. Attracting Purch aser! from tho Mountains to the Sea. Testimonials from parties who have corresponded with several of the Urgest Plano and Organ dealers, established the fset thst prices fire lower in Augusts than elsewhere. S'0 to $100 saved in purchasing from G. O. ROBINSON & CO. Low Prices Quick Seles, U the motto of the Music House of tlio South, which is Competing Successfully with New York end Boston. Goods cent by Expreu anywhere in the South, C. O. D. f on receipt of advance Express Charges one w»y, with privilege of examination given If •6 requested. . Tuning and Repairing. Pianoz, Church, Pipe and Racd kinds of Musical Instalments Tut hy Mr. C.H.TAYLOR, the only authorized fox the Angurta Uualo House. may 21.0m and all and Kejnii'cp fig v March, 1879. ' Faculty—LewIrD. Ford, Joteph A. Eve, L. A. Dugas,- Gee rue W. Bains, Henry; F. Campbell, DeSzuSshre Ford, Ed ward Qedd Inga, Bobt. G. Eve. Apply for circular to DeSAUSSURE FORD, (tug.20.1m. Dean, Auguata, Go. MOSS & THOMAS, Cotto.h Factors & Commission Merchants, Clay tori St., Athens, Ga. Advances made on Cotton consigned in