Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, October 15, 1878, Image 4
Curing Bacon. Theie are a few families in Virgin ia who do not understand this art quite well, though many fail to get good hams. As a general rule, there is too much smoking. This is more necessary in the large meat, as it serves to dry the meat off, and the creosote engendered by the smoking process is antiseptic and preservative. The Western meat (and the Virgin-, ia meat when smoked too mnch) re tains this smoked disagreeable taste. In England and France smoking is not used at all, and this is an evidence it is smoked too much here, or more than ncaessary. The Hanover coun ty hains are famously good, and tho best of them I ever saw were smoked only four times. An important mat ter is that the animal heat should be out liefore salting, and this may be accomplished in the same day if the hogs are killed by daybreak and the weather is tolerably cold. In noevent permit the pork to freeze. Wc have frequently seen hogs kill ed \ cry early and salted in the same day; and this is our practise, nnlc*s 8 ; t to weather is warm. Many modes h ive been adopted for curing hams, and after repeated trials we think there is none 1 otter than the follow- ing: For twelve moderate size hams, take twelve pounds of salt, or one pound saltpetre, and enough mo lasses to rub them together, produ cing the appearance of damp brown sugar. Rub this in well, lay the hams separate on boards with the skin side down. Repeat the applica tion every week for four weeks. Tlwn fang up, and smoke on damp •lays with hickory chips, if procura ble; not to l.c smoked more than four or five times. Towards last of February inclose tho hams in canvass, pointed, or, what answers as well in our experience, large paper hags, se curing well around the hock This keeps out. skippers and other insects. Immediately before doing tl is, rub some black pepper on the meat side. If this plan is accurately followed, we will insure first-rate hams.—Dr. T. Pollard, Jiichmond, Fa. THE GENUINE 1 '» * DR. C. Met AWE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. •it ‘ T HE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with bumming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particulaily in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a-gnawing sensation of the stomhch, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times .costive; stools slimy, not unfrequent- ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with arindiiv: of the teeth; temper variable, butgerier; liy irritable, &c. Whenever the above syinp ~ms are found to exist, DR. C. IfcLANE'S-VERMIFUGE will certainly effected cure. Ituot SOUTHERN BANNER: OCTOBER 15, 1878. AMOM THE BREAKERS Thtf are Going to Dash tho Old Ship of High Prioe* to Pieces THE TS.EG-TJXxA.TOItS ire in the Grand “ Cash System » Smiled at the Yore of the Slorrn, and secure in a safe Harbor N obly Wen, astonish the City with THEIR TREMENDOUS Every department is full to overflowing, and Athens has in the Store of BLACKSMITHIN OCR NEW BRICK SHOP JAMES M, GHAT & GO. The bast assorted Stock of Dry Goods in Goorgia, We have Black Alpooas, Black all Wool ~ ' irs. Black Australian Crapes, Black Silk Warp IT DOE3 SOT CONTAINTMKRCI’PV in any form ; It is an innocent pvrp i-' ration, not capable cfdomgt!:.-sHgl,!;< injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLamk's Vjti: mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. —:Q:— Ousimeres, Blsck Brilliantinea, Black Mohairs, Henriettas. . Buying as we do for Houses in Augusta snd Ssvarnsh, as well as in Atbens,it is no wonder our prices are unapproachable. In white goods snd housekeeping goods we have an immense stock Linens, Damasks, Crsshe Towels, Doyle*, Napkins, Swisses, Lawns, Handkerchiefs, Bleached Shirtings, Shearings, o., &c. . „ , , , Not by Favor, but by Merit Alone do we intend to maintain our unrivalled reputation. Look at onr splendid lines of Hosiery, La-lies and Geuliemens.Stocrings and Socks from the cheapest American to the finest German, British snd Balbrigan makes. breast tnbitio: Gold is a good thing, but give ns genius and ambition, and then an energy that never tires a mind that i ever wanderes. Bran s instead of cheek. LOOK AT OUR STARTLING PRICES I0R Comer Clayton And Jackson Sts. First-Class Horse-Sliaeing. [AJSpecialty, by the best Shoer in Georgia. Gimsmithing. Inns, Pistols, locks, eto., repaired at shoi notiee and satisfaction given. STF.EL WORKING. MARBLEilWORKS, CHARLES F. S Broad Sti t Near Lower Market; AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Axes, Mill Picks, Hoes, etc., of the finest temper. Work warrantcd.3 PLANTATION WORK. Plows, Wagons, Carriages, etc., repaired in the ' sr and at 1 best manner and at short notice. Sole patentee of Bassett’s plow stock. Jolla Basss-b-fc. mnreh20-ly. Lsi'-ics and Gcnriemcns Under Shirts, Gentlemens Dress Shirts. Laundried and Unlaundricd, Shawls, Blankets Flannels, Csssimeres snd an immense Stock of Motions and Fancy Goods. Our course can’t be -topped. Clear the track, for a revolution in the prices of with force irresistible Opposition is swept away like a Boat in a Storm, and our prices come t’ the people. DR. C. MoLANE'S THERE IS A BETTER WAT TOEN.IOT LIFE, Than in quietly suffer the miseries resulting from Dyspepsia. If you are distressed with Headache, Nervous ness, Now Spirits, Wakefulness, Pal pitation of the Heart, Costivenoss, Live Complaint, pain in the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Heartburn, etr., seek that comforting relief that al.vavs conics from using ParkerV (ringer Tonic, and you will be aston ished at your renewed capacity to enjoy life when freed from pain and suffering. Protect also your little ones from Cholera Infantum, and yourself and family from sudden at- lacksof colic, cramps, dysintery or cholera morbus, by keeping tbis superb corrective and invigorant al ways at hand. Buy a SI bottle from your druggist, R T. Brumby & Co., or a sample bottle at 15 cents, and test its merits. Hood Digestion.—“ Give us this duv nur daily bread” and good medi cine to digest it, is both reverent and human. The human stomach and liver are fruitful sources of life’s comforts ; or disordered and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve and through every artery. The man «*r woman with good digestion see lieauty ns they walk, and overcome obstacles they meet in the routine of life, where the dispeptic sees only gloom and stumbles and growls at even imaginary objects. The world still needs two or three new kinds of medicine lielore death can be perfectly abolished ; but that many lives have been prolonged, and many sufferers from Liver disease, Dispepsia and Headache, have been cured by Mor rell's llepatine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache ia twenty minutes, and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful discovery made in medical science. Those afflicted with Biliousness and Liver Complaint should use Merrell’s Hepatinc. It can he had at Dr. C. \Y. Long &. Co., LIVER PILLS are not recommended a. a Itav.'y “for all the ills that fiesh is heir t.!." l>tit in affections of the liver, ami in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick 1 lead- ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. - AGUE AND FEVER, No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name StcLane,spelled differently but same pronunciation. James K. Gray & Co. Dr G. TL*. aHoCLEfsKEY, Having resumed the practice of Medicine, offers his professional services to the public, both City and Country. Office at the New Drug Store ot H. Gallager, under Newton House, Athens, Georgia. ?cpt.3.3m. Notice I ALL persons having claims against Mary Wells deceased are notified to present the same in man ner and time prescribed by law for payment, end all persons owing deceased will make payment to me, ber executor, immediately. sepMO.Cw. R. L. BLOOMFIELD. Ex’r. 3L. O C H R E Y’S PREMIUM DYE WORKS!! T .c Largest mid only Complete South of N«W York. Ho. 45 East Hunter Street, Atlanta, Ca. (Go- JAMES LOC1IKEY, Proprietor of the old-established and reliable Steam Dve Works, No. 45 East Hunter Street, Atlanta, Ga., respectfully announce* to his customers and friends gener ally that he is now prepared, with the addition ot new machinery and increased facilities, to ex* ecute all kinds of work in I114 lino in the very b?st style and with the utmost promptness. IN virw of present reduced values r.ud the stringency of the t imes, he baa concluded, while doing all work in the most perfect and approved manner, to put down the prices of cleaning and dyeing all classes ol goods. PRICE-LIST: GENTLEMEN. Southern Mutual Insurance COMPAN "ST, ATHENS, GEORGIA. YOUNG L. a. HARRIS, President STEVEN'S THOMAS, Secretary. Gross Assets, April 1, 1SJJ, - • $JS4,5St- 82 Resident Directors. Yoi-so L. G. Harris, John H. Nxwtos, Dr. Henry Hull, Alois P. Hearing, Col. Robert Thomas. niv28-wly Stevens Thomas Eliza L. Newton, Ferdinand Phinizt Dn. R. If. Smith, John W. Nicholson, CXSNTXLAX. SOTS3* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Mrs. W. M. THOMAS, Prop* This Hotel, so' well known to the citizens ot Clarke and adjoining counties, is located in the centre of the business portion of Augusts, son- venient to Poet Office, Telegraph Office and Depot, and offers inducements to tbs public uneqnalcd bv any other Hotel in the City. deo*-*f. XMPOHTA2TT REDUCTION 5 CHARLOTTE , A_ir-Line. CONDENSED TIMES CARD- AlTJjA.’N’TA —TO- icyvs'i'iuxiisr aiTUEus i VIA RICHMOND. Leave ATLANTA 4-00 r m Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 p m Arrive at Danville 1.16 p u Arrive at KjcWoml 8.23 p ii Arrive at Washington. JL). C., Via. R., F. A P. K. p- 1.10 A M Arrive at Hnkhnoro.. } 8.15 a ii Arrive at Philadelphia 6.40 a m Arrive at New York 9.45 a u Arrive at Boston 8.30 p ix Leave Atlanta 4.00 r m Arrive at Charlotte 6.15 a u (VIA. VIRGINIA MIDLAND ROUTE.) Arrive at Danville p u Arrive at Lvnchburg 4.00 r u Arrive at Washington City 1.30 a m Arrive at Baltimore ......3.15 ▲ si Arrive at Philadelphia...............6.40 a m Airivo at New York 9.45 a if Arrive at Boston 8.30 p si Passenger Trains on this road going fast or** rive at Lula, 5.25, P M Leave Lnla, 5 26, P M Going West, arrive at Lula, 9.25, A. M. Lchyo Lula, 9.26, A. M. Ijocal Freight and Accommodation Train, going East, arrives at Lnla, 12.20., P. M. Leave Lnla. 12.35, P. M. Going West, arrive at Lula, 11.55, P. M. Leave Lula, 12.20, P. M. Through Freight Train, going Last, arrive at Lnla. 2.0O, P. M. Leave Lula, 2.20, P. M. Through Freight Train, going Weat, arrive at Lnla, 7.3d. Leave Lula. 7.40. Trains Nos, 1 and 2 make connections with N\ K. R. R. Through Tickets on sale at Union Passenger IVi’-t. Baggage Checked Through. G. J. FOR HACK EL General Manager. HOUSTON, Gen. Pasa.A Ticket Atfit PRICES of STOVES Cleaning Coats, from. Cleaning Pants Cleaning Vests .... Dyeing Coats, from . Dyeing Pants Dyeing Vests .... ,... .$1 00 to $1 25 Dresses, from 75 I Shawls .... 5b . Skirts .... ....1 00 to l 2 00 | Ties .... 1 00 to 1 25 Kid Gloves, .. ... .... $1 00 to $2 00 25 to 1 50 75 to 1 25 ...: 10c each or 3 for 25c 15c per pair, or 2 for 25c Oct 8th,3m. James Lochrey? Atlanta SteumgDye Work*, No 45 East Hunter Street. David Gann. Jas. H. Reaves. The Athens Furniture Company, 1STO. 12, BROAD STREET, Athens, - - Georgia. m YOU WAIT TO BE HAPPY, If so, nuke your homes comfortable bY visiting the Athens Furniture Company, and purchasing some of the Tli It they ore reeeiving daily, Tlieir stockjisjlurge, consisting of Walnut and Painted Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, all Styles, Bed steads, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cairs, Marble and Wood Top Tables, t£c., and in fact everything kept in our line. Also Pictures Satisfactory reference from hundreds echo art. now using them in Athens and the surrounding country. J. C. WILKINS, SSas iuat received a large *tock of those celebrated Cooking Stoves which have heretofore given so Georgia Rail Road Company rCF.KIXTXNDlUCT'S Omfl, > Avgusta, G*., 8*pt. 88th, 1878. ) Commencing • Sunday, Sept. 15tb, 1878 Trmns will leave and arnva at Ath-ns as fol lows: Leave ATHENS..... 7.30 a m Leave W intend lie. 8.00 a u Leave Lexington 8.85 a K Leave Antioch ,.os a m Iaiivo Maxi-vs 9.20 a m Lcrvo WoodviUe. »A«am Arrive Union Voitil .-.7 10.00 am Arrive Atlanta 2.15 pm. Arrive Mnceu...-rma -8.00»» Arrive AngnslR...^.^. ;.54«r u Leave An,-u«a .7.05 ah Leave Macon... 4A0 ah Leave Atlanta 9.30 ah LeaveDhloa Point 1.60 ih Arrive Woodvllle 9.10 p m Arrive Mexeye.. M0y Arrive Antioch i.M3* Arrive Lexincton p u Arrive Wlntervllle. 3.55 p m Arrive Athene .4.05 p h mine ron daily, exoept to end from Macon vrhloh ere drily exoept Snndeys. E. B. Souir, Gen., Fas., Agt, 18. K. JORgaoN, Snpt, The Gate City, The Iron King, The Cricket, The Star, The Best, The Palmetto,* And many other verfetlee of Cooking end Heating Store*, having purchased thin M»lon a 4enor •lock of them Sloven, owing to inability enj&et K r to keep supplied on account of tho doenad determined to sell them at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES,"HH I will coovinoo every one of that fact who will favor me with a roll. Tho beet Tin WareeomUntly on bend it Wholesale and Retail. - . j •T. C. WILKINS, •ept.10.4m. R road.S tree t, Athens, Georgia a. s MAXffXTH’ACT'QKXlH OT AND DSJO.SM » College Avenue, A/hens, Get. _ I am Agent for the ooiebrated ‘ m pSSl^.SbdSir' to^B^detr*Cb^riw m Tobacco. Come end examine my stock. A share eff patronage solicited. G. HAU8EB. and Frames, A Large Asaoitmcnt. "We guarantee to give on our goods ^ 4 Xj o w prices As can be had in the State. IVe intend to frilly sustain onr rej ntation of selling the Cheapest Goods in JXouth-East 6a* ALL RINDS BURIAL CASES CONSTANTLY ON HAND 8tpt.24.3m. 1 JAY O. GAILEY, Agent. NEW FDMITUKE STORE S5 Wh.itohaU 92 Broad Sts. The Clie.apest—The Cleanest—The Newest and Latest ITURE in the City Painted Bedroom Suits, 9 pieces ooo rwtnq*; Walnut Bedroom Suits, 8 pieces „ Walnut Bedroom Suits, 10 pieces 30fo40 Walnut I* nil Marble Suits, 10 pieces . fiOtofi'i Walnut 4a4 Marble Suits, 10 pieces ’ "* ’Wniit. Elegant Dressing Case Suit, 10 pieces Parlor Suits, 7 pieces Marble Tables, 5 pieces Mattresaes, Cliatre, Tables, &c., at corresponding prices, for ■' v l-.-AA For Cash and Cash Only. «>0to200 40tol50 1800 Competition defied—Satisfaction guaranteed—-Goods promptly delivered-—No Charge for Packing or Shipping. Remember the piece, JOHN D. STOCKER. 85 Whitehall end *2 Broad Strs. between Hunter & Mitchell Sts. * ATLANTA, GA BUILDERS OF Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Harness AND Vehicles of all Kinds ! lilB..rrT-r. - ». M » : ». A- wH*.y°T k P°?? ?. n .^ hort y 0 *'”- Th ' B ***Material U«dand None bat FiratClaee Workmen SjClflus,Jotted,.S«*T, Pra, Ac., «Cpf at one time. ">»de with lively men when more then three j-ba ere wanted Otf- Repairing a PRICES LOWER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE ■ IN THE STATE. Cdi on or address, BURPEE A BRO. j ob - WORK OF ALL DEscRu Opposite Gann & RcavcsStable, Spring St., Athens, Ga u tion.neatly done s|U|is office. * TIE BEST IN THE WORLD! NEARLY ALL BAKING POWDERS ARE ADULTERATED. The wily manufacturers of these spurious compounds claim that adulteration is necessary to the preservation of tho product. Don’t you believe a word ot this. On the contrary, the good qualities of any Baking Powder ore Lessened and the injurious elements increased just in pro portion to the adulteration. CCA EAJLM 18 ABSOLUTELY PURE uCH rUMIvl and has double the strength ___ _ _ . .... . strength Of any other yeast or baking powder. It pos- of the bad qualities of any of these attempt to produce good bread by the use of yeast, soda, saleratus, or the common baking powders and bread preparations. If too much of any of these articles is used, the bread has a sour or rank, bitter taste, or is heavy and soggy, unpalatable, and indigestible. With the use of Sea Foam these difilcullies are obviated, for even with second quality flour better cook ery can be made than the best of flour will make tvith any of the otlier atuilri. ECONOMY is another point worthy of con sideration in these hard times, when almost every one lias a struggle to make both ends meet. The economy of Sea Foam ta really wonderful. One can of It U th ‘ ‘ - - - GENERALLY, MADE TO ORDER. ... ’fv 1 Ajju v A large selection always on hand, ready for lettering and delivery, may (Succeeaor to Groover, Sfp COTTON -AND- General Commission' Merchant, AGENT FOR TRE ; QmtmanTactory Yarns, 94 BAY STREET, ' Savannah,,eorgia. g, Tie*. Rope and other aappUea for. Abo, liberri eakh advance, mode on lent* for arie or ahipmeut to Liverpool there ports. ! - A. AVWfrn*,'Ca»HeT and Coneirondent >e late firm ol Groover, Stubbs & Co., has PENDLETON 4c BEOS. Augusta, CfSorgieu PLANTATION Engines, Smith’s Superior Hand Cotton Presses WROUGHT IRON SCREW PRESSES For Hand, Horso oriyoter Power, Cano Mills, Bvaporatcrs and Settles, Cheap and Strong, with or without pans and frame*. Having bought all of Hr. Gems* Cooper’* corrp] gmed than ever to fnrnieh Iron and Bre*e Castii '•old patrons can be aoeoHiraodatad wttbdi want. stock of Patterns, etc., we are better pre- all description* on *hort notice and <’ ’ repair* by letting ua : know -wnal may21.1y481 'the interest in the busincte. aug.81.tfr ^ s s: loose Cotton, Lyrill pay the highest Bale Prices fo^ all Loose Cotton brought to the .Aj thens Factory, R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent. a*ri.r — A. B. BRUMBY’S, HOOL FOR B0¥S, f V nnetkmdf HU1 Si. and Prince Avenue. dbeasea ef .the Lu| from old ac* 0,11 of TO TH® AFFLICTED! IN CALLING THE PUBLIC ATTENTION TO THE Indian OompqnrLd Congh Mixture ingt and Throat, I mr that uythlncaui fn to the cradfe with impualty, and ossar*"* 1 t your leisure: drbiueda. Arborca. Arrtitim Laddb. Innlt TTala. 6^d«lS‘.:sfmphSrt™ dSctoriSr™ r,urehw “ h,hen . er WaM.rdo.tTkphal.nthu. It I. prepared atm/ office, No. 36 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.. where it can be had in anr auaotitr. tir*ni 0n * a ’ lBt “ Wl “ " y U “ t l^h“ don« them nojpod!V«t*rfi ?oSr Life and Money Saved by the use of the Southern Remedy I • EOR IT 1VILD CURE Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Cutting TAAthOf ChildPAn! Rjules of Tuition Reduced, For the core of for Cold, and Cough,, rid can lb*' danger. But the pttofcaatanal wo . fore th. public a* a safe and reliable Remedy for leu aud a humbug. I aay try It briWoyoabondi thing surpasaet it illy, aod without anything puthe- piononnccd .worth- ta* »of cterj 1 h«rb r And no mistake. Examin woman, or child, that it I use aa directed on t pored purely from i Teeth of Childrep! tanimprefu gh toaatiity any retaosablezuu, To prove It, get a bottle, and • • - for it. It ia pr. k that ia claimed TESTIMONIALS. Besses none of tho bad qualities of any of t preparations, but is an entirely new invention, and contains no i*\gredient or element which can produce an injurious effect. On the con trary, it lias in itself a tendency to austain life and strengthen the human system* BREAD Is one of the most import* ant articles of food, and one that euters into the daily consumption of all classes of people—the poor as well os tho rich. No thing Is a more potent cause of indi gestion and dyspepsia than heavy, sodden bread. A prominent dealer in patent medicines assures us that the sale of a single dyspepsia cure EXCEEDS S750,000 per year; and every physician in the land will testify to the general prevalence of this distress ing disease. Light, well-raised bread, biscuit, and cakes digest readily, and conduce to good health. Good health makes labor of all kinds easier, and PROLONGS LIFE. SEA FO A M MSSPiMg?- ranted to make better, lighter, sweeter, healthier, more nutritious, and more readily di gested bread, biscuit, cakes, puddings, etc., thait can be made In any other way* Again, four varies in quality, a fact which worth three of any other baking compound. rt A Efl h M SA.YESTIME and MONEY OCA rUMlfS It saves time because very tittle kneading is required, and no delay Is ne cessary for the dough to ruise; but it can be baked in a hot. quick oven as soon as mixed. «j*IT SAVES MONEY, because in threo months’use of it the saving In milk, eggs, and other Ingredients trill more than pay its cost) and then it will make 40 POUNDS MORE BREAD from a barrel of flour than can otherwise be made. SEA FOAM IS UNIVEBSALLY COMMENDED. In proof of this statement read the following: BREAD ALWAYS GOOD. Sea Foamgivesgreat satisfaction. It makes elegant bread, biscuit, cake, eta, and tho bread is always good- — J. Wilsox ST*ATTON, Ketcburgk, JV. T. UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. We have tried the Sea Foam in our families and szuon^r» number of friends, and are pleased to ssy that it rives universal satisfaction. -Hatbxut, OXLLKSrze. k Emmons. Binghamton, JV. r. ALL LIKE IT. W# have tried Sea Foam ourselves and among friends, and alt like it.—JOHNSON h KIEL,Totedc,0. WILL USE NO OTHER. . Sea Foam is a superior article, and greatly pre ferred to yeast powders. Those who have tried it once wilt use no other. —K. Banes, New Orleans. CHAMPION OF AaIIKUICA. The writer [11.1 having tried It, pronounces it the champion yeast powder of America.—Brown- ing k Middleton, Washington, J>. c. MOST EXCELLENT SATISFACTION. Please scud us fifty crimes Sea Foam. It is giving most excellent satisfaction. — Damakin & Co.. Portsmouth, Ohio. THE OTHER KINDS DON’T SELL. We are now selling none but your Sea Foam. We have other kinds, but find that the Sea Foam takes well. — A. DotlE. .Savannah, Ga. Atlanta, J uly lit, 1874. DR. BIGOERS—Dear 8ir: In the use of your Southern Remedy in my fkmlly. I have found it the most pleasant medicine for children to take, and the most satisfactory to cure I have ever met. I have used It now for several veers, ami oarer allow myself to be without some of it on hand, and itsinum “SfTl? 3 ^“WerauddksgSr. r have alwaya felt If you had ho other riaim^tbsauMle^Si tidetice than this specific. It alone should give it to you, snd both, fame snd fortune added, if yc would only sufficiently advertise it to let the world know its healing power and benefits. . Respectfully, O. O. LOCHRAHE. The above ia from the Ex-Chief Justice Supxeme Court of Georgia. EUREKA! EUREKA 1 (I have found it. My wife'and two children were down with Blood., * a® two doctors, as good as any in the cltv, and found no reliet. My baby, 7 mouths old rneif being induced to tty Dr. Bigger*’ Southern _I tried It on . myself for the tlanta, Ga. riux. vv e naa two doctors, as good as any In the < while teething, was expected to die for two weeks. Remedy, the relief of each was marvelous, and are same disease, and it proved u success. [olngwelL feb. 26.8m. For sale in Athens by C. *\ DAVIS. Atlanta, Dr. EI) SMITH. Mju. GEARING k sm mmnm/a&price list. A.TJEHGlSrS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORK ATSEJ1TS, GCEORIGIN., M to’ CCA CflAM COOKING RECIPES. wCATUAm With every cun of 8ca Foam is presented a sheet containing full directions for its use, and twenty-seven new recipes of great value to every good housekeepCT.foffffidffJ m uch other useful information. All that wc ask for Hca Foam Is that you give it a fair trial. No one having once used it will ever use any other preparation in the lino of baking powders. Ask your grocer for it,and If he will not supply it send for circular and price-list to (WllMSA 176 Duane St, New York. rjLARKE SHERIFF JSALE.— Will bo sold before the Courthouse door in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, on the first Tr.esday in November next within the lejral hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: one lot of land, situated lying and being in county of Clarke and State of Georgia, about three uules tVom Athens, on the Clarksville roa'*, and running from said mid to the Oconee river, the North Eastern R* R. rnnuiu? through it, and having a small house and good well -an it. Consisting ot abont seven acres of forresL of abont five of pine timb-r, about twenty acres __ river bottom, and tbir.y-two acres of g<*od av erage upland; containing in all sixty-lbnr acres, b^r survey of E. K.|Lutnnkin. Bounded on the North bv M. 1. Kendrick, on the East by the road and by Joe Comer aud o ln rs, on South bv Joe Comi-r and by the river, and on the West by the River and by M. I. Kendrick. Also at tb< same time and place one bay more, one yoke of oxen and ox wagon, and a one- horse wagou aud harness, the one-fourth inter est in sixteen acres of cotton in the Add, and one toffrth interest in six thousand pounds cf seed cotton, and one-fourth intciC't in eight acres of corn in the field, all levied uoou ns the property of the defendant. M. 1. K ndrick, by virtue of a fl. fa. from Clarke Superior Court August term 1878. William Cal..well «*s. Im manuel T. Kendrick. All sold to satisfy said fi fa., and said property pointed out h\ : defen- dent, M. T. Kendrick. See Sheriff for plat of property. This, October 5th, 1878. oct. 8-td. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. rjLAUKE SHERIFF SALE — Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, within the lejral hours of sa'e the following property to- wit: All that tract or parcel of laud situate ly ing aud being in the aty of Athens end county or Clarke, State of Georgia, known as the South-east comer, No. 6, Meriwether survey, and the place whereon JohnQ A Norris resid ed at the time of his death, containing one half acre, more or foes, fronting oil Nowtou street, Tunning North to a line separating it from Mud- toon Davis’ lot; hounded on the South by the property or M- G. Lumpkin; East by Charlie Foster’s, on the Weat by Newton street. Said levy being nude for tbe pnrehasn money er the above described lot and for tbe purpose or ma- Ww tbit levy. Dbed baa been nudebv A. A. Bell to Courtney W. Beal, filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Sup rior Court ol Clarke County, Ga^ before tbo levy was made for the balance of purchase money of tbe abore described lot all aa the property of the defen dant, A. A. Boll, ts Courtney W. Beal, all to be Bold to satisfy the above stated fl la. Sep tember 88th 1878. J. A. BBOWN1NG. ■ oct. 8-td. Sheriff. The Colt Reversible Cotton andHay .Screw. ALSO MANUFACTURE j Turbine Y^ster ed Power and Lever Cotton and 8orew Presses, Portable 8term Engi $4, $5 a Scholastic month. ept, a PBivAie cotmsxxoa SMrvietr. LC@riweth.i3r <ft Few, BLACKSMITH’S TWO SHOPS FOR 1877. One at the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVES,; Tbe othor on tbe road to the upper bridge and opposite Mr. JOHN Z. COOPER’S, Livery Stable. We have firat class workmen SOXtSS SSOSZXTQ of every description. Plating and Concave Shoes Manntactnred to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CAB BI ACES, And aB rinds of V Machine* snd. la Implement* repaired on abort notice. gypi ■MBi: Notice! All persons having demands r gainst Pr. CrewforA W. Longdaeaued are hereby notified J lent the same for t “ ime for payment,' in the mann.r ibed by law, and those indebted Dr.M.W.CASE’S Liver Remedy BLOOD fUBIFIER Tonic and Cordial. .bat i» prepared of Dr. M. W. Case, iron: hU which In an extensive ty-aeven year* lie hn- found 'disordered li .of or cases of< BILIOUS. It Ada directly upon the liver. r> i'.r!—: it when diseased to its nonpal oonditiou; aim In —— the activity of-this great eland every 10X the system 1* benefited. In B'.ooit. it has no equal as a purifier. It im- , [gestlon, and oaolsts nature to eliminate sU Impure tie* from the system; and while it la medicine In the market, it is also — Whit. !« (a „ While it t* more effectual than Is mild and can In the t docs nut Hnuin uwj .. weaken the the^ system constipated, os do For may 28, 1878-fim. and Price Lists ot any of the above articles, Addrere, SI. STZQ3&&SU3QN, Ag% • , ’ATHENS, GA fortha ^ Wheels, Colts Cele- Engines, Separator*, Iron THE G-HEAT @ 7 R ^ At Macon, Ga., from October 28th to November 2d. I Each Day, for Premiums Coming fiver $2508. The best arranged. Track in the South. OB and ui<at beautiful Fair Grounds, and the best Mile „ -ms for every departm-nt of Husbandry, Mannf “ .Machinery and Work, of Art. Send for Catalogue of complete list or Pretuinms, Ki Kegulstions, which will be mailed, postage paid, on application to tbt Secretory. po-p jsrr-sr ■^KRmx^ccxxnsXS. ^ud^TSWredor 'tbrongVth* Societles or Clubs) shall furnish the largest and finest dis- - - - MW ^ results of Home Industries, (exoept Stock, which lich are •300 00 ' l'|| THOMAS HAND: MALCOLM JOr M. b. HA' v Jr., Free. ada* a sure euro tot met a dni, It pre- ’ev^rT Diphtheria jScJLrlet Weir Never. . , Fewer, Cholera, and Small-Pox. your t own1S~ DOOMB AaiiSiLim. And save your doctor bill*. Only 25 cts.a bottle.. It is the most effective and valuable medicine, ever offered to tbe American people- AS foal: os lt> merits become known, its use becomes* It ho* proved an fnestim »b!o blessing Ua ads who have used it, bringing back and stretmth. to those—b' were seemingly h'sdoor. Preparedattbe Laboratory of the Homo Xedlclne Co., Philadelphia, To. Prioe per Bottle, 85e. ZUiA large tUs, 75*. SSlMJKl *1