Newspaper Page Text
$out|cnt 56 aimer.
II. H. O -A- K. X, 1* O N,
editor and imiuioA j
Tuesday, October 22,1878.
Fob Congress 9th District.
Hon. Joel Abbott Billups*
Speer on Finances.
To Our Subscribers.
WWe have labored hard to give oar
^"subscribers a good paper. Hon 1
Bcf'dreds are in arrears lor subscrip-
*®“tion. We have fully determined
SSTto adopt the CASH SYSTEM
9S“for subscription, as that is the on-
•9*ly phin publishers can adopt with-
B®*out loss. As cur earnings are all
<9*in the hands of our patrons, in
*9*roins ranging from #2.00 upward,
(9*1 failure to collect them wQl be
J&’financial suicide. Therefore, we
En.ory Spevi attacks CoL Bitlu]>s
Mt . vigorously upon hie- financial
record, accusing him of being * bank
rupt, ot'-screening Me property firom
the payment of hie just debts, etc.
Emory tkea’draw* the oontrsst be*
tween CoL Billups and bimaalf pay
ing, that be owes no debts of any
bonaeqnpnce, pays taxee on about
#8,000 %ertb of property in bis own
name, that he can pay all of his debts,
that lua; credit is as good as any
in Athens, and that be can
borrow money at one of the Banks in
Athens at any tins*-on bis own name
and without security, eta Well,
Emory makes ont Col. Billups in a
rather bad fix, financially, and yet be
terms him a bloated aristocrat. JEte
then shows his own financial condi
tion to be rather better than most
men’s, and at the same time classes
himself as' a “ wool hat boy.” •- To
ns, and doubtless to many, these will
seem strange inconsistencies. Bnt to
take Emory’s own statement, certain
ly Col. Billape is the most needy
man, and should be sent to Congress,
that he might bo aided thereby in
the support of hie wife and children,
while it would simply be crael for the
The Independents make much boast
that their movement is supported and
sustained bv the wor1
country. WeUj in
aadwith^fi _
baa been visited upon our country by
the war and subsequent coriupt and
oppressive rule..of Radicalism, well
tfoaaf Af-o^tr^.r beiougi^ d^c^landa, swollen
werkmg-men s class; - But we suppose
S9*trust our patrons will not allow
iSTus to appeal to them in rain. 1 voters of the 9th district to interrupt
HS“Next week every subscriber who Kraor >’» most prosperous and well-to-
B@“is in arrears will find a statement 1 do condition by sending bitn to Con-
»arof bis account attached to the
margin of his paper. When
g^ysu receive the statement we-want
BSTyeu to conclude that we expect
li#~and must have the money.
ed“Th"»e who tail to respond to this
f9*nppeal or pay attention to the
B&'etuiemeni which will be sent out
tt^next week w-ll, after the 15th of
fsfl^Octoher, have their names erased
•■F'lrom nur lunik-ami their accounts
a&.]>l&cc4l in ihe hands «>i a collec
SSk.tor Money inaj l>e .-out by Keg-
WSuirtertd Lutt-r, l’u»i Office Money
oi t.- Cum-ncy, at «>ur risk
il. II. (.’AIU.TGN,
Li. of i'roj.'i • Southern Uanxul’
The woman who rejoice in salad
and ice cream, hot rakes and warm pie;
e Student who eats hastily and sits
down at. once tp active mental labor ;
.: IF
The Business Man who bolts bis food
in eager haste and hurries to his
V oluine 63.
Thi- is tic first issue of volume 63
tin Southern Banner. W»
v * auk t.-e public lor the patronage
which has enabled us, as successor to
several illustrious predecessoi s, to
place the Banner so high on thehd
tier of time. We propose in the fu
ture, as iu the past, to publish a paper
which shall represent popular Demo
cratic government and be always true
in letter and text to the motto of the
gross. Just to thigk I Emory can
'boiTQ.w money on hi* own name, at
a Bank, -without seoority. Why,
there is, perhaps, not another man in
all these-pans that can do that.
Who but Emory is of such financial
strength and reliability as to indnee ai^
Bank to violate its accustomed rule
and loan bira money without securi
ty, when it is exacted of all other
men, even our best? Col. Billups
could not do this, even alter he is
elected t„ Con iress. It will lie most
gratifying news to some people in
! Athens to l am that Emory’s finances
are in sue!- a not- «Mi»ditii*ii,«pec.ially
the !•■ siu-ss house he now owet over
two thousand dollars. We are al
ay- ylstd to make our coluiwus the
medium of ” rod news and glad-tid ings
to 'our readers.
Attention Democratie Exec
utive Committee of Clarke
You are hereby earnestly requested
to meet at the Law office of A S.
Erwin, (over Childs’, Nickerson A
Co’*. Store) promptly at li o’clock,
Monday the 18th of October.
Lot there be a full attendance ss busi
ness of importance will be transacted.
S. C. Dobbs, Chairman.
Something for Democrats to
Look Alter.
We understand the colored voters
around about here havo been told
that if Col. Billups is elected to Con
gress he would enforce the fence brif.
This, of course, is done to-detade sad
deceive the ignorant colored tnan»
and is the work of designing fwnr#
Let all Democrats throughout this
section look after these matters' 4hd
take it upon themselves to inform the
colored |i«-ople that Col. Billups nor
Mr. S|«er can do anything of this
kind in Congress. Tbnt Goi
has nothing « lap ver to d>> with the
“ii-nce law’’ or with their “education
a interest,” um they have been falsely
told. - 1 '
Such miserable devices as- thi
should i-xcit ;■ the indignation of <
ery decent, re«.p. clabl- air! tntelli
gent person in the land, and where
the poor, igi'.orant colored man has
been thu- imentionally deluded and
deceived it should be the duty ot all
to set him right, and turn him, if pos
sible, ngait st those who would.. thus
t ke advnntagu of their ignoiknc<
merely for their {icrsonal promotion.
Who Support* Speer.
In the lower part of the District
the great mass of Mr. Speer’s follow
ers, arc negroes. They are.- negroes
who voted for Bullock, and who
were tools iu the hands of those trhp
plundered our State. In *
Mr. Speer the negroes have
nothing—lor they have ody-taken
their candidate from the Democrat**
ranks, put him on their own platform
and will veto for him according to
Radical principle# oad Badical in>
atrucrions. Mr. Speer may claim to
be a Democrat, mad he may be at
heart, but he is opposing the Dwno-
AU'xander Stephens has given
more encourugenisnt to the Indepen
dent movement in the South, the
purpose of which is to destroy the
power of the Democratic party and
remit the next House of Represents,
lives to the control of the Republi
cans, than any man in America. Bat
neither the advice nor example of
Stephens should have any weight
with any Democrat, and we believe
it has not with any Democrat ontside
of the District which seems to be his
own personal property. He was the
bottle" hoider of Grant when Grant
was trampling Louisians under his
foot; mere furiously than the Radi
cal Representatives themselves, he
stood side by side with Eugene Hale
In opposition to the most pronounced
Democratic party measure before the
last Hoiga. He is now supporting
on Independent candidate for Con
gress against a regular nominee of
the Democratic party, and be is not
only the typical Independent candi-
date of J$|0 South, because the De
mocracy of hia District fell down be-
fore him, besoaght him to take j os-
■ahsion of tiwnt, body and -soul, and
£ his oriR «itk"tlMai, tiie Augusta
Chronicled Constitutionalist being
the only paper of importance in tbs
whole of Georgia that had the pluck
to denounce bis arrogance and ex-
the hypocrisy of his claims to a
Democratic nomination.—New Or.
leans Democrat
Gen. Gordon is doing splendid ser
vice on the stamp tor the cause of
organised Democracy. He has al
ready inade two speeches in tiie
Seventh (the onTy District where the
Independent movement seems at oll
formidable) and will thoroughly can
vass the whole district. He will also
speak in the first and filth districts,
where Indt-pc-wU-ntn are running
against the Democratic nominees.
Geii. Gordon has been fighting the
battles of the Democracy ever tince
1867. He knows at what a cost rad
icalism «as finally routed in the state
and he resolutely opposes a move
ment-which, if successful, will bring
that corrupt political organization
back into power. Gen. Goldonis
doing his duty and. doing it nobly.—
Augusta Chronicle.
the Independents have special refer
once to the mechanical and manofac
taring classes of the country. Well
it is a downright insult to this indus
trious, honest, worthy, and country
sustaining class of people to accuse
them of being united with any politi
cal faction or ofishoot, which proposes,
through the aid of ignorant negroes
and designing white Radicals to dis-
oigaaize and defeat the Democratic
party, the only hope of the country,
both for the present and the future.
We regard this assertion of the lode
pendents as quite hard upon, indeed,
on insult to this sturdy . and most
worthy class of men, and we don’t be-
Here they are going to stand it
TaflKorth-KaaterD Railroad.
Tuft eighth Annual Convention ot
the Stockholders of this road was
held at the Company’s office in this
eity on Wednesday loot, 16th inst.
The President of the road, Mr. A.
K. Childs, called themeciing to or
der at II o’clock, A. M., and the
committee on proxies, composed- of
Howell Cobb, John Calvin Johnson
and R. L. Bloomfield, reported 1476
shares of stock represented.
The report of the President and
gave a most encoura
ging exhibit of the success of the
road. The net profits for the past
year were shown to be about $23,000
and tiie expenses of running the road
54 4 10 per cent , nearly 5 per cent,
less than any oilier roati in Georgia,
and probably less than any other in
tb h country. The Superintendent
paid a flattering tribute u> the em
ployees, making in his report tiie ex<
inordinary statement that there had
not been tiie slightest accident on the
road during the past year, nor, so far
as he knew, a wheel off the track.
The following Board of Director
Were re-elected, unanimously:
A. K. Childs, President.
F. Phinizy, J. W. Nicholson,
R. L. Mom., R. K. lieaves,
John White, K. Nickerson,
Howell Cobb, A. S. Erwin,
John H. Newton, H A. Lowrauce,
Henry Buessee, J. A. Huunicutt,
C. G. Talmadgc, T. A. Burke,
C. W. Hood, Win. S. Erwin,
W. B. J. Hardeman.
The following resolution was of
fered by Col. Wm. L. Mitchell, and
passed unanimously:
Jtesolvcd. That the President and
Directors at once open Books of Sub
scription for additional took, to ex
tend tbq rood to its terminus at or
near Rabun Gap.;,, and a* soon
practicable contracts be let for the
work of gradatioo, masonry, Ac., at
least «a for ns Clarkesville, iu the
county of Habersham..
At a subsequent meeting of the
Board of Directors, the following offi
cers were unanimously re-elected:
James M. Ed wards; Superintendent
Rufus L. Moss, Treasurer,
Thomas.A. Burke, Secretary.
The following, resolution was unan
imously passed by the Board:
Resolved. That ti e President ap
point a Committee to solicit subscrip
tions to stock to extend the road to
wards its Northern terminus, at or
near Rabun Gap; and that the Presi
dent .be authorized to adopt any plan
in his discretion most advisable to re
ceive immediate subscriptions, to be
paid in crosstics, land or money.
look at the
_ _ _ and festered
with disease, that cause the troubling
The Lawyer, the minister, the mer
chant, and nil who lead sedentary lives
and are subject io. Dyspepsia or Indi
gestion, Constipation and Headache;
Thesq only knew wbat H-rrell’s He-
petine for the Liver will do for their
relief, and how quickly it cure-—there
would be much less suffering than at
The great Liver Medicines for sale
by Dr. C. W. Long, & Co.,
Than to quietly suffer the .miseries
resulting from Dyspepsia. If you are
distressed with Headache, Nervous
ness, Now Spirits, WakelulneSs, Pal
pitntion of the Heart, Costive ness,
Live Complaint, pain in the Stoma A 7
Bad Taste in the Month, HeaRInire;
etc., seek that comforting relief that
always comes from using Parker’s
Ginger Tonic, and you will toll
ished at your renewed capacity to
enjoy life when freed from pain ami
suffering. Protect also your little
ones from Cholera lnfantnm. and
yourself and family from sudden at
tacks of colic, cramps, jdyaiutery or
cholera morbus, by keeping this
superb corrective and invigoraut al
ways at hand. Buv a $1 bottle from
your druggist, R T. Brumby Jfc Co ,
or a sample bottle at 15 rents, and
test its merits.
At Wholesale and Retail, at the
The undersigned has just returned from the Eastern Markets with a T) \ T) ^ A X "VT O fTI -T) TjV
Complete and Varied Stock of Goods ^ AJN ^ 1 UKili ’
To suit all. With Twenty Years Experience in Business, under- -A AX’ ISP W
standing fully where to buy, dealing chiefly with the ■**. *
Mkatilftoittfog# & ilurovtgli tlteisr INo. 2, Broad St., Athens, Ga.
The andenlnied Ukee pleasure in announcing to the tradine pnhliothat he haa jnat arrived
from New York, and haa opened with one of the moat attractive atecka of geode.aver offered
In the city, consisting of .
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Millinery,
Ladies Cloaks. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc.
ised direct from the Mann&etnrera and bonght in each lerga quantities aa to rnshta me
to get the very loweat wholesale prioea. I defy competition in atyla, quality, quantity and prioea.
Give me a call and be convinced.
S. HARRIS, Athens, Ga-
I feel warranted in saying that I can compete with any house in this,
or any other city in the State. My stock consists in part of
Leather, Boots, Shoes, Hats by the Case or otherwise, Jeans Cloth
Beady Had.© <Blo
Bagging and Ties, Kerosene Oil by the Barrett and Retail, Nails,
by the Keg, Corn, Meal, Oats and Flour.
(fj? Special attention given to the Whosalc trade and satisfaction
Besides I have just completed my
New Fire Proof Warehouse,
Good Digestion.—“ Give us this
day our daily bread” and good medi
cine to digest it, is both reverent and
human. The human stomach and
liver are fruitful sources of life’s
comforts ; or disordered and diseased,
they tingle misery along every nerve
through every artery. The man
or woman with good digestion see
beauty as they walk, aud overcome
obstacles they meet in the routine of
life, where the dispeptic sees only
gloom and stumbles and growls at
even imaginary objects. The world
still needs two or three new kinds of
medicine before death can be perfectly
abolished; but that many lives have
been prolonged, and many sufferers
from Liver disease, Dispepsia and
Headache, have been cured by Mor
rell’s Hep-itine, is no longer a doubt.
It cures Ileadache ia twenty minutes,
and there is no question but what it is
the most u ondertul discoveiy made in
medical science. Those afflicted with
Biliousne-s and Liver Complaint
should use Morrell’s Hepatine.
It can bo had at
Dr. C. VV. Long & Co.,
Running from the rear of my store to Clayton Street, cotton weighed
* on Clayton Street.
X3F Cotton Bought and Stored upon as Good Terms as any other
house in the City.js^
As my motto will be CASH, all sales will be made for small profits,
believing this to be the sure road to success. Give me a call and
sept.17.3m* S. o- nOBBB.
Now ind Then.—It is only now
and then that such men os lion. Alex.
H. Sti pheus, Ex-Gov. Smith and
Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., endorse a
Oiediciiif for the throat and lung.-, and
when they ko it is pretty good evidence
that tbo remedy must be good for the
euro of coughs, colds and lu ig affec
tions. They recommend the Globe
Flowei; Cough Syrup, and their
testimonials are to be seen round the
ten cent sample bottles of the Globe
Flower Syrup, for sale by.
Dr. C. W. Long & Co,
Athens, Ga.
Monday and Tuesday,
The Great English Thipuhe,
A La Yokes Family
Under the M»nugcnic:it of
Xlai'ry Robinson.
‘ An entertainment to please the rno-t Fasti
dious. Brimming with Mirth Mid Brilliant
Operatic eeiectione, capturing at oneejthc.hearta
or the people who join in one unanimous credit,
the flneat performance of the scaaon.—.London
Timer (Eng.)
Reserved seats will be on sale at the Book
Store of WM. FLEMING.
The nndenigned call* the attention of his frienda end <he public generally to the fret that he
has just returned from market and has on head e well selected stock of gooda, bought et
RemarKalJly Low Prices,
which will enable him not to be undersold bj uny one. Stock consists of
Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Crockery Glassware,
Wood and Willow Ware, Saddles, Bridies, Whips,
Umbrellas, Trunks, &o., &c.
I will keep on hand also a large lot of
Which shall be first clsss. Also havo on hand the PURE MOUNTAIN CORN WHI3KEY. AU
these will be sold es cheap or even eheaper than can be bought elsewhere. I respectfully invite
ell to cell and see me, aa I am confident I can suit in quality and prices. Don't forget the place.
Store between Hampton & Pitner f Crane’s old Stand*
Thomas Street. . . :
Goods Xacoheuxged for Country Produoe.
Broad Street, next to University Bank,
^LtlAerLs, CS-eoratlo,.
To the Gentlemen of the vicinity end City
of Athens. M. E. Young, Artist Tatter has
just returned from murketwith the Largest
to cull aud examine. Gents furnishing a speci
alty, his Collars Cuf&, Shirts, Scarfr, Drawers
ana Woolen nnderware, all in latest styles and
cannot be excelled which he will sell at prices
to suit the times.
OHHiDS, HICmtSOH & 00.,
ito, ’•JY&.Cs'afV,''
So. 15 Franklin House Building, Athens, Ga.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia . • ,
iron, Steel, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails,
Asrioultrural Implements,
Leads, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather,
oktft. Buggy
@'7£t£»£*a SSt? GOOSS,
Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Notions* etc., etc.,
Offef this Season a Large Assortment to the Jobbing Trade
No. 5, Broad Street, Athens, Georgia.
Captain J. G. Yale, formerly a Re-
publican of *tbu Radical State of
Pennsylyanfo, says tho Republican
'pariy hm* robbed the people of this
ooubtryof milHone of dollars of their
idrculaling medium, aud broeght
erotic party and -furthen. the cauii W !-UrM my retortion and «d.
of Itadicalisra’’—so tong as bo m the
champion of the negro party and so
long as ho tries to array tbo negroes
against the Democratic party. If Mr.
Speer ever was a Democrat he haii
now abandoned the party, and in
seeking tb# aid of the Republican '
party acoording to tbeir own tormii,
bo becomes V> «U inteats sad purpos
es U Rspublioan. Tho'* 4 ' '
data who was in sympathy with the
Democratic party, if they knew it.—
,'V.^s? . . ; ''
■" ■
stars wad riugstere whose only ob
jects are to secure office for them-
interests of
(Jies of the
miration of Dr. Fslton re a man and
legislator,-I prefer the regular nomi
nee against, any Independent,
Our people owe their present happy
and precefaL political condition to
tho solidity and unisn ef tl leDcmo-
mfiCfmj, aud I-are for party ore
Sk4 nguret party aasrohy.
party Rover did combme on • oandi- Mn^reHuiThonitoD, tbelndre
pendent candidate from Atlanta, Iim
set a good example, and withdrawn
from Eke race for Congress.
Public Speuklntlttt Harmony
• Clisove.
As per appointment Dr. H. H.
Carlton went to Harmony Grove on
Thursday last for the purpose of ad
dressing the citizens on the political
issues of the daju CoL Billups, who
was en route tor Athens firom Bell-
ton on .Wednesday, hod been pre
vailed on to remain over, and as it
was thought necessary Sx him to per
sonally relate serious charges that
had been made against him, at the
requ-st of Dr. Carlton and thbeiti.
sens, Col. Billups occupied the time
allowed lorspeakin
He does himsslf justice on all oc
casions, but bis speech nt Harmony
Grove was os complete a vindication
of principles,and; personalities as it
has e> eF been , our pleasure to lmti-Q
to; and we dare say, that if the speech
could be repeated wherever the
charges have been made, his earnest,
eloquent and Christian defense of
himself aud. lhc.principles Jje. advo
cates would have tiie effect to annul
whatever evil nmy have respited from
Bagging and Ties.
Three Cents Per Pound
• : v AT
Ths Athens Factory.
an order of t he Court of Ordinary of C'.urke
CooMy, will basold before the court notnedoor
of ssidcouiity oo the first Tbesduy in Deiccm
of every man’s door-and stands to-
^ SSremaohins of political trick-
Strea k rin«terswl!L o„K-nb. the
bind him closer tp the hearts ot the
' On Fridsy night CoL Billups spoke
to a large audience from the veranda
of the Newton House, and although
the night was extremely cold the
crowd gave him the .best attention.
His speech, though not so prolonged,
was pretty much of the same charac
ter as the one delivered at Harrabny
Groya,t ’*• .
We have recently heard strange
reports about the re-organization vf
the Union League for the purpoye. .of
streagtheuingtho Inde’pendcpt move
ment, and that .there was a full, un- ;jg,'
derstanding between the leaders of
the party and the society. Let D* rn-
| oorats inquue Into the report.
£f d
plflOU ,, ,, , —Mwn >■
Also 1-3 undivided interest in • lot of laud trios
iu Athens and mid countv, containing shout
ecro, more or leas so l the Air end
Billiard Saloon thereon, on Jackson Street now
oocnpied by J. H. D. Bcutsc. All to be sold as
the property o*Ds*c S. Moon deoessed for the
b.nefltof ms heiis url creditor*. Ttrn t Cash.
oct.22.i8J —Printers Fee $10.
House dojii of Oconee coni ty ou tl.o dist
Tuesday in Deoember next, durii.j the legal
hours dent*; lot or psrcei of Lud lying in
•o*d.eocuvy of Ooouee, containing shout one
wilt be exhibited on day of isle. To be sold
*• °t MWalotpn Thompson de-
esased for the benefit of Lis legatees and crodi-
tors. Tsrrm cash.
oct.32A8dPrinters Foe 1* 30.
Low Prices, Quick Sales.
40 to 60 PerCeut. Discount,
From Catalogue Prices of tho following eclebra-
t%A makers 2
Ch ckertog, Msthushck, Knabe, Stleuway Hal-
let and Davis, MePhall A Co., Simpson A, Co.
Haines Pro., Billings A Co.
Parlor and Church Organ !
Mason A Hamlin, Ptsonbet A Felton, Prescott
Organ Co., Clough A Warren. Attracting Purch
asers from the Mountains to tbe Sea. Testimonials
from parties who have cones ponded with several
of tho largest Plano andOrgau dealers, established
the bet that prices ere lower In Augusta,)haa
Watch Maker and Jeweler
Athens! CAeoreria
i's Drug Store,
Having served a regularappreuticcsbip
in a
Watch Factory in Germany
I flatter myself that 1 understand tbe
business having been 25 yean aL
My Work is my Guarantee
Lower Than Any
IN -All p
Joseph A.
persons indebted to tin estate ot
please pnecu
ptaoo for payment.
* Attorney for
AM* WO 1. »
ALL who Kave
, sparkling With wit aid hoi
some of yomr leading
rertisers. Ask tl —
______ — — - —- it pay*. Rates low* m
dberal. Paper free to adYcrtiser*.
A-HcOd*, Publishers, Hartwell, Ga.
Jmt the people to whom you want
ra columns a-i s«e “Ads.” of son
houses. They ore regular advert!
es&MSsr 1 p “ cV “ ta * ^ u - Q>
Low Pricne Quick Salem is the motto of the
Music House of tho South, which Is CoutpeUsg
Successfully with New York and Boston
Gooda nut by Express anywhere in the South,
C.O.D., on reeelttt«f advance t sprees Charges
ona way, with privUege of examination given if
•o requested.
■ -.v-s- • .* y. ^ N 4 ; y i. ’
Tuning and Repauhno.
for the Augusta 1
Bttkia ru« Cut Ca., Dchaa, % 0*
— —
OstsaKatiaats t.lsMft
Hoping that ail may give me a call,II remainyours trul>.
W. A. BURNS, Athens, Ga.
s^Asr&Aits .efOtASdBS,
Cider MUM, Syrup Milti and Evaporaton, Watt Ptowa, Fanner* Friend Plew, Pumps, Cireular
• Saws I - .
Also Agents for v *
{j^Ang article in our line not in slock, will be ordered when de
sired, with the least possible delay. Cafl and Examine our Stock
and Prices.
S. Solomon.
M. Joseph.
New York Store.
• , i fv> -.’Ai ■ >8
Grand O pfiiif
.: A ■ MU-'ilU Mi djJi (ilk.
We hereby take this method of informing the merchants of North-
East Georgia that we will have oar
* -i
Grand Opening on the ‘16th inst.,
Of the Largest and Most Select Stock ever offered in Athens, con-,
- sisting of
rey (foods, CIMM«^M^| OW s, j0 j W& ,
Bought direct from the Manufacturers of Y6n4efc,''Sfarlboro; Brock
ton, Pill Biro, «W| •jh.gjj ^
Q3* Merchants who will call and examine our stock will be con
vinced that there is no necessity of jjgSrtRftffgV
Vnw Vnrt ** > • l < ^
New York.
(U* Prices given and Samples Sent Freq
Grand Opening for the
To the People of
is! beergi
door -fo Wro. McDowell's, Cnnhga jtvwnad.
kfrldsf' M ”, bin b e N *®* u *® »*tadunenta ot all
or eby j BANCROFT, AgeaL
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry! ‘
«3 mm
V ■ wYit* i .‘A .
N"o. 3. Broad Street* -Athens, Georgia,
Latarua auiT Morria and other brand, ofSpeoMmaa and Eye Ulsw at half tb. ir value. Call and
examine oar stock of Cameo data and Slug* af ths latttt styles; aim Ladles Opera and Guard-Chal na
the Services of Mr. C. K. COIelelNS, aa Exparleacod WatchmMtaw
and Jeweler wo are prepared to do all kind* of rejAlrlsg at Low Price,. batUfsctioa guaranteed. Cal >
and see at No. 8, fovaasiwet, Athena, Georgia. aopt.lliArp.