Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, December 03, 1878, Image 2

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1. Wi **•—t" ■yi >■ ■»0.P<HM8*»- B AM.Ji.SJt4 n e *f BB B H- K. O .A. K. I* T O JST,; E D IT O K AND nornilTOB. I Tuesday, December 3, 18T8. t. ‘I*.. Hampton Worse. Suspension. ■v Some malicious .and designing ’scoundrel and liar has originated and , circulated the report in the city ot •Atlanta that the Southern Banner I to «» once, stating that had suspended. Well, we have no 8 P° cial car had ,,cen or<lered frora A SPECIAL TRAIN CARRIES-DB. CAMP BELL TO COLUMBIA. A dispatch received thb morning from. Columbia shows that Governor Hcmptih rausi l>o worse. It was fiooi. Dr; ®. Watt Taylor, who was surgeon on Gov. Hampton’s staff during the Mar, and requested Dr. | H. F. Campbell, of Augusta, to come doubt but that some persons would Jbeglad that such was the ease. But . for the benefit of the public and the <special benefit of the author of this lie, we would s ate, that the only ^chance of our suspension is by n repo, • and we are not calculating much on , that style of performance at this writing, such being particularly and espoi ially reserved lor this malicious liar ami which right and privilege we have no., dcubt he will enjoy to the • fullest and most ignominious extent. . F,J5.-rN\eJmyt} jvason* vy..supjioee .that.this report eiumia’.ed, liom.ihe aecret agent of Bradstreet & Co., * Yankee tfoimiiei-tfnl R-p.irteis in 'JSM Yoiji, City, wljic|{^eret|seoun- dreU and villians are doing more harm throughout the country than ever did John Murrell’s Clan. It should be the purpose cl every good and honest u an in the country to seek out and hold to the strictest account these miserable assassins of private and business cliai acter. Such at least shall be our unceasing aim now, henceforth and forever. The World's Greatest Show and 10 till] ^ ^nd (^*j)atest on Earth. r Athene,'Thursday, OF THE DRY GOODS TRADE OF - . g OF EAST GEORGIA. O | ■ t The undersigned bus just returned from the Eastern Markets with a “1 the agent of the C. C. & A. 11. R. at Augusta. The ear was provided by "Mr. Van Buren, and Dr. Campbel left the city at 1:30 o’clock. , It is to be hoped that the great man is net seriously worse, and iba* under the skill of a physician so ex perienced and distingaished as Dr. Campbell ho will be restored to health and to the country which now needs his wisdom and his set vices—Angus* in Keening Xacs, (Saturday.) ECOWAS /f < JAMES M, SHAT & CO. Complete and Varied Stock of Goods The Champions of Low Prices for Athens. Gen. Gordon’s Speech. Wo tliis week present our readers with the grand speech of Senator John B. Gordon, made in the city of All ant a just after hia re-election to the United States Senate. The almost unanimous return of General Gordon to the Senate l»y the Legislature was a most deserved compliment, to this noble, chivalrous and sagaeiim-* Statesman, than whom, Georgia can boast no abler, wiser, purer, or grander son. When we causidei the lacs, that Senator Gordon duiing the recent Congressional cam paigns in Georgia, was the earnest and faithful champion ot the organ ized Democracy, and that dispite the success of the Independents in some of the districts of the State, he was re-elected without opposition, we may safely take it as a most favorable indication for the cause of the Dcmoc racy in our tnture political campaigns. General Gordon in his speech has clearly defined the lint s, and in a most patriotic and Statesmanlike manner indicated the true policy of the Democracy, and now with trim as our lender and with the rallying cry so grandly and so ably sounded ; let the Democratic party gather new strength and greater confidence that in 1380, we may i ot only visit a just rebuke to independent ism, tint suc ceed in wresting the got eminent from the hands of its despoilers and re manding it back into the bunds of the Constitutional and Constitution regarding party of the couiiiry. The detects in onr new Constitu tion arc now being tuily developed pud expeuenced by the present, the .;first Legislature a-scmblcd since its adoption. The trouble arises from -the fact Ihnt the-Constitwiimn! Con vention was not content to confine itself to the framing of an organic law for the State, but combined therewith an unjustifiable amount of legislation with the hope ot controll ing and giving certain direction to the tnture legislation of our Slate. This \vb regarded as unsafe and un- warrantabieat the time ami so staled. The Legislature now in ses-ion is greatly embarrassed slid retarded in its work bv this evil and the people generally are fast realizing these de fects, which can only be remedied by speedy and material alterations and amendments to the new Constitution. This .although an unfortuuat'', is yet an iinpoitaut work, and the General Assembly should at once, wisely and most carefully move to its accomplish ment Don't ask us who imported tlie goods, but look st our groaning counters and see wonderful price.—the prices that atrike terror to the heart of the old lashioncd, lor price houses. for rouraeWea the loug time and high These Are the Goods that tetl the Tate! Our l ©eu? S1g.©S5 CSoo&e X 2.500 Lupin ct Turner’s Black .Alpacas. 3.500 Yards Mourning aud Black Alpacas. . 5,000 Yards English Warp Cashmere, Parisian Crape Cloth, Australian » Crepes, Henrietta', Btmrretes, Brilliantines, «fce., &v. To suit all. With Twenty Years Experience in Business, under standing fully where to buy, dealing chiefly with the SnEaa’ais.p’fc’arcr© & through, their Ag@s.eie©„ I feel warranted in saying that 1 can compete with any house in this or any other city in the State. My stock consists in part of ’ STAPLE DRY GOODS and SiUss, Silks, f rdi Silks, Silks. Tne investigation of tbo conduct of Governor Colquitt in his endorsement of tlie. bonds of the Northeastern Railroad will prove the charges al leged against him but a malicious and mendacious effort on the part of some to injure the fair fame of Geor gia, and will rebound with such crushing effect upon the heads ot its perpetrators as doubtless to cause them to exclaim, Oh! that we had thoroughly considered the conse quences before we inaugurated so wbked and so dangerous a project. Sanger’s Enlarged British ANI) THE GROTESQUE MARDI-GRAS CARNIVAL One stupendon* find undivided coflooii Nation of nearly all thai is grand, great and dov*1 in the Acrob .tic, Equestrian, Curiuua anti Zooiv>ucal ©rid. ROYAL TALLY-HO COACH representation Royal Pleasure Hfe'in the Mother Country, and it in strong contrast with our once familiar means of stage coach travel. TEN WORLD-FAMOUS LADY RIDERS, Led by the most Expert I'rinctpal Esquestrienno and only Female 4 Horae Rider in the Wotid, HJT11© SSlise DOoKrlll 12 Superb Male Equestrians, headed by the undisputed bareback King of the Arana, *. FRANCESCO BROWN; NOTE.—Any claim made to Championship by any other artists than these two Great Riders is monstrously absurd and deserves the public's ■ SO Tons os »condemnation. S&opk&Eht S'lesb. The Northeastern Railroad. ’t It remain* for the Democracy of Georgia to determine w hether it will permit the growth and strength of the Independent movement, and thu 1 sc the Presidency in 1880, or whether reforming its ranks it will seek to gather new strong’ li aud ]lower, that in the next Presidential contest the country may be saved from a longer continuance of Repub lican misrule and unconstitutional domination. Why is it that the management of the Northeastern Railroad is not now ranking^efforts for the extension of tbo road to ltubuu Gap ? A better tune will never oiler for the cxtcii> eion and completion of this enterprise. It is true Abe present forty miles of tko ( road is doing a good and pay ing business, but it must be apparent to all, that the road in its present in complete condition cannot continue to be a profitable enterprise to I he •tockloldeis. Then let the Directors ] stir up i i tins ail important matter,i either this or turn ive : management ! Tiie Independents fought the Democracy because it sought to maintain its organization. The truth is, the Independents succeeded by reason of their thorough and com pute organization, while the Democ racy failed for want of organization gild rleterniini'd and united action. ■Tiie Republicans of {be North are wild with enthusiasm, and boisterous with loud-mouthed exultations over the success* of the independents in the 7lh and 5HI» Congressional Dis tricts of Georgia. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: BY ALFRED II. COLQUITT, COVEJtNor. OK SAID STATE. Whereas, upon examination of the returns made agreeably to law ot the eh ction held on over to. some corporation tlist will I TaesUnv, the 5th tby of November, Instant,** . 1 I nine member* n> represent tin* state in the give speedy conqile’.ioil to tllO road, ] House el' Representatives of tile Congress of vp. . . ■■ , , .. „ I tbo United States lor two years from anj alter illC 111.ergs. Ot At leilS and o( all | tlvi third day ot Hare 1 ' 1:0X1, it apiH-arathat tbe Northinsl < Jeorgi t denuml* much it ti.e hate's o.l this : lollowlng person* received a of the the Ba ird of I mentlodd* in bonnection with hi* name, to-wit: ... , , ' ] * Jn tho Jfintt CougrcSMouai Di.-irkt JohnC Uireeuns, aad >vliui» wo spook in nw j Nicimli*. censorious sgtriv, yet our duty to ij.o S K ^*'"1 Co ^doual Di.triet-Wiliiam l»ul»lio ;i?* :t j'ourn:;!?* 1 , requires that thi> nuttier sho«iU rifuciv^ some »»o lice tit fuir liamN. A ii, :n is -ro'.v- iug .«»•« !»ros)UT;n.r i ;J u,s K \ny iuu r- lioLopoliuna: aiSd making 5 K’ar Loads of Liviuc Elephants—morcjbn aroownad VytU thcr shows combined in America. 5 Elephants in Pv ** ~ *’* ’ ctlicr shows combined in America. 5 Elephants in Pyramid, Military Drill, playing Eloquant Music, Dauciog Walt* nnd Quadrille, Standing on Ilind Lcfnjuul Jfead, eta., etc. SO Ague Leaders inspired by the Austnthta AtiUUe, “ - Double Somersault of S4 tfl feet or —, - - . . manage oat with his tr iinvd homo *• idligton,” end :hc celebrated ^tud of 7 rurko^ervian Horses. THE SWIMMING QUEEN tix minutes underwater. SEVEN GO 1-D-COVERED CHARIOTS ot stup.ndoas sizi aud marvelous beau tv. $ V).000 cam Lapland Deer amt Z.-brs Te.mi* iu Harness. ESAU. tl»o HAIRY w witli long glossy Hair, from hettuio foot. LH»NKSrlan l T11H1.K NURS NG These infant Lio is were born in Gilmore’s Garden Inst M re'-., and are aoamiable shat tlie lotiiea and ohildren handle them. DEN of SIX TAWNY i’ANTEK-S, from the dungles of Mexico. GROUP OF FIVE ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS; expert, Alfred Sthl. Positively three times as many only i* Trtined and perfoimed by the EiwlL.. are owned .by any other abow, and the LAIR OF EIGHT ly i*crfonuing Wild Leasts of their kind in America. GRAVE-ROBBING HYENAS -sin'ie 'tiwr biL iii>>ig ul l 11e- promt Ibity uiiie-> uf this r><a«l, and needs only us uouqiicii'.ii to its final lenui- uu8 iw fouteiuplated by i he cli.u ter, in order to nuke our ciiy one ot the most iiupurtant eotuniuruial puims in the Slate. Then l.-t the good work Im at once commenced and pushed forward until through the North eastern Railroad we shall have ob tained that important Western uon- uoctioil wliieii we have so long do- aired Amt needed. An Important Inquiry. A* lh° Northeastern Railroad is au Athens and Northeast Georgia enterprise inaugurated and built by the people of this town and section fully is it Alien that tiie pj-iuliitg for Ahts ro*f is*.principally»*eiitto ibe W*5 uf Attamail TU»: is A 'question S^ik$' hi IrAAwting so.d6 wbd -fiayo of th© w>ad‘ to: give-it 1 fcWfeMeratiorf. s'siaorailsaj i " » laeri ci' Tim Afghan wan still progresses. Tbotiritl^h Ibrce^^so'flff%ave gain decided advantigeg over the in iue Third C«>ngre*>ional Di»:ric:—Phillip la the F’.nrtli i'ougrtfa-sioual District-—Henry lVoons. i iu tiie Filth Con^rc^aioual District—-N. J. il:iiumo:.o. Ill t-o >i.\lh C’ougref-donul District II. U.wuut. -- v-*#^^-*** •». ! jn ’.lu* SfVt*nt!i CjM^rcsNioiihl District— WiUiam 11 Fthon. lu mu Eighth Con^rubaional District—Al«x- :uit.U r H. biCDheii>>. In the Ninth v.ongie.---iot.ui Diutrict—Emory Sjvwr. I, therefore, i**ue thin, my procluitiotion, hereby deelarinx the albru-*aid Ilona. Johu C. Nieboilri, W iiiiuin K. Smith, Phillip Cook, Henry t'cmoiM, N. J. Hnmmoiui, James H. Hloiint, William H. Felton, Alexander U. Stephens and Emory Speer duly elected in sold dinricta, reapeetivaly, to rupreoeut this State, in tho Congress cf the United Slates for the term of two years from and after the third d.jr ot March next, m.J tho said person* are hereby notified to siziiity each his so leptaucc of Mid olHce within thirty days from Ihe data hereof, Liven utidenny bum uud tiie Great beat of th. State, at ihe Capital In Atlanta, thia Twenty- third day of Xofcinber, in the year of onr Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sev the dred and third. ALFRED II. COLQUITT, Governor. By tho Governor: X. C. Barnett, £ec-et»ry<f State. Request the Savannah News, Albany News, Sumter Repub icon, Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Macon Telegraph, Cartorsville Express, Chroa- veoty*Eight, and of the independenee of e United States of America the one hnn- icte aud Conrlitniiomdisi, and Athena i to publish one time. fJEOUGIA OCONEE COUNTY, " —W. F. M. Veal lias applied for cxemptk* of personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I wilt pua upon th. mum at n aMosk o. m. on th. Zith flay of Daeamber lSTt, office. JAMES B. LYLE, Ordinary. st. da: -x i. ■fJEORGIA OCONEE COUNTY. JW-iNoticc—Wbtr**, Naicy Eldwexecntrtl Ifi^%3&ita%e2se htherefjrb 80 persons ecnccmed 'art hetnbyi rnS dccj.ldd. JAMES B- LYLE, Ordinal* Manipulated in opsu den in the -tracts ildringthe Pare lilt. No other Hyenas were aver educated ill thia oonntnr, and no other livin'- nan, than Montano, hue sufficient courage aud tact to perform them. WOMAN : fit HAIR FIVE FEET LONG, with the moat GIGANTIC WILD BEAST SHOW Ever congregated under acre-* of water-proof pavilion*, and tlio Finest Act < f Spring Board Leapo { Bftrit Feats of Tumbling; the most elegantly dressed people, and the LARGEST COMPANY OF CIRCUS PERFORMERS Ever seen in any one t ttablisbraent ou earth. IO Great Clowns, Among whom arc JOHN PA'ITEBSON, the Irl*h Wit and Voealiit, -rom County Clar*, and the three unapproachable French Kenuebel Brothers, A challenge cf $5t\000 ia offered that no o* her ahow can produoe auy one of the above features, and that the London alone has them. Any other company advertising a Mordi Gras Carnival not only a«nnot produce it, but stole tho idea bodilv from the London. As a fitting contribution to the pleasure of all lovers of Grand Spectacles, the London offers the GORGEOUS FREE STREET PROCESSION. , »00Vtt*ou and 100 Which ocean dstly between 9 and 10 A. XL, introducing over 300 people, IflliptttUn Ponies. The magnideent Tableaux Cars, AIH-alor. Whale an riUiant Costumes and Gold-Mounted llai til* tmusiug Mechanical Automata, 1000 eidlea MliputUn Fooiea. Ttaa magnificent tableaux Gars, Aitl-alor, vvuaie and Xairy Chariots, Brilliant Costumes and Gold-Moonted Qarmna, tiie ever popular March Gras Carnival, 000 Eh-*, Kimiers and waving Plume*, and an ■ ■ ' ' * of» Black Grc b«r:»i|i Silk. Btnck ai*J C'vlorcil Trimming Silk*.* * ' 5,008 Colored 3DHESS GOODS, at from 5c jier yard up. 200 Pieces Lawns, Caiuln i' S, Percales, Foulards, <fcc. 100 Pieces Fine Colored D.ess Goods. ‘ ’ . Qipafes, Oioaksi, QX.P.aks» The orders have been issued. Tbe irrevocable dictum is spokeu, and regardless of tbe wounds v. e inflict, regardless of everything but the inter* OSt of our customers, we invite ti e public to share in the grand success of oar investments. ' SCO Ladies, Misses and C’liildien’s OlosJss, prices truly wonderful. 100 Bales Factory Homespuns, on special terms, away below the old prices. 3-4, 7-8, 4 4, Sliiriinsi, Sheeting and Drill, the best brands in Osnaburgs. Denims, Si rip« s, Cheeks, Plaids and Ginghams. 150 Cases Bleacin-d Snirtiuas, all die famous brands, Wamsutta, Now York Mills, L msdale, Fruit of the Loom, <fcc. • 700 Pieces Kentucky Joans, in all prices, flora 8c per yard up to the finest made. A word to the wise is sv flleieir. Our prices ha- e never been equalled in this market. Where you see the biegest crowd, there are the lowest prices. Useless to resist tbe inevitable. Our Tremendous Frices LSus'b Drautr. 3,000 Yards all wool FlanneUat ail prices. 5,000 Yards Cotton Flannels, from 7c. up. Au immense Stock Opera Flannels in all colors. 1,200 Yards Fine Waterproofs atnl Cloakings. BX-A2T2SETS, BLANKETS, BXJSJffXIETS I Houses will fail, tl eir slock goes to the Auction room and is sacrificed to the mighty CASH. The result is before you. 250 pairs all Wool Blankets, 50 per cent, below their market value. 375 Dozen Dailies, Gents, .Misses and Childien’s Under Shirts and , , Vests, from 25e. up. Sosiaryv Hosiery, Hosiery I Immense assortment of Ladies, Gents and Misses White, Brown, Fancy and Colored Hosiery. 3,000 Pair 3 Button Kid Gb vos. ■ $,500 Pair 2 Button Kid Gloves in White, Black, Coloied and Opera. "T<r*W© $OSTOW T Shoe- Houses bursting,and Bo-.t-, Sn.ies and Hats going for f)0e. on the dollar. We received Ten Tiiou-mid I> dlars worth. Don’t mis- them. Get your.share while they last. They <-an’t be duplicated. In linens we have somo biaati al Novelties. Napkins, Doylies, Towels and Damask. Prices are regular crushers. For the present we have said enough, but always look for the papers. Read our advertisements. There is money in them. Wo won’t be silent long. Energy commands success. Next week we will talk again. AU APOLOGY. From the Regulators of Law Prices; In many instances it is impossible for us to wait ou our immense tiade, but we shali always endeavor to have everyone aerved as promptly as possible, as it is a pleasing office to us to be polite, attentive and accommodating to everybody, and can say that all the gentlemen in our employ are ni-n of strict integrity, experience iu the Dry Good* Business, and familiar with the duties and obligations of their vocation. V C0TFEE, SUGAR, FAMILY GROCERIES, Leather, Boots, Shces, Hats by the Case cr otherwise, Jeans Cloth Beady Made Clotfeamg, Bagging and Ties. Kerosene 0/1 by the Barrel/ and Retail, Nails, by ihe Keg, Corn Meal, Oats and FI cur. i . >u , , - v S3?* Special attention given to the Whosale trade and satisfaction guaranteed. Besides I have just completed my New Fire Proof Warehouse, Running from the rear of my store to Clayton Street, cotton weighed on Clayton Street. TW*Cotton Bought and Stored upon as Good Terms es any other house in the City.jFi As my motto will be CASH, all sales will be made for small profits believing this to be the sure road to success. Give me a call and see. sept.17.3m* S. C. DOBBS. New York Store. SOLOMON 4 JOSEPH, 14, Broad Street, Athens, Ga., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL >> e are n->w receiviug t SECOND ill have on exhibition by November let., onr fall stock v>t Dry Ov'Ous*. Clothing, Loot*, Shoc8,lJata, Notions, &c. t at ?12 Tit ItCBS T//AT 1) ITT C OMTUUTIOjV. Our Eastern Buv , rcqxrrts hoi'vy }‘, at #mch reduction of previo us at tiie head of oilier leading hon.*>es. > figures, that it places OtJR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, -I!v ;ir Mr. J<‘ ifni to fort i - receiving d iiiy additions to tho heavy Htock now » »hc market, in order to make room lor tiie Mrm- partmeut are as liberal aa ;nny house tomerchout# polit ness an<1 attention. Among t Factories ol Lynn, and Brockton o4.d4i«» James M* Gray & Co. SupcriDtendeti perst ou hand, which we arc u-uun motli Stock Arriviotr. Ou: to good jvlerence Mr. Selpmoti !»• stiil m the management of onr Retail Departmcut 11 ' kn'.’vn for their p-.-lit ness and attention. Afoaun tho new invoice a receive >, we nay uient-iou : 1 * .TOO Cases Bouts mil Sb.ics (V m the of Ptiiladcipliii. 100 Cases lints t- u, Yot-kcrs. 1.000 Pieces Jeans (ruin Norwich and Concord. 50 Cases ITims, em'maeiue :.Ii styles m.,1 colors. ~0 Cases Blenchiiu.' irom Full River 10 Cases Stripis from Oxa-ajiha Mills. 100 Balts o. Shirting., She tiii : ;-. Checks aud Driliiucs irom our Home Factories a; Mauuliu-uin r-Prices. llK?? , il . ol,air »’ Delaiucs, Hrocadcs, Ac., at Now York Krioek. * AWo a full line of x>rutnby» celebrated Erogaua at.d >M.cea Notions tcouuuxcrouA to mention. $13,000 Worth of Clothing. ■ivc free of chart©. In orderimr ^anfples or lUVitiv tor Price. frfet&s ►U‘A. !c or Retail Department. Broad Street, next to University Bank, Athens, Georgia. . TH^ OUT AND BRING IT WITH YOU IT IS GOOD FOR 25<> ON ALL ORDERS. To tbe Gentlemen of the vicinity and City of Athens. M. E. Yoniie, Artist Tailrr has rctnnicd from murket with the Largest end most EloKent Stock ever brought to this City, comprising the finest Cloths aud Suitings, imported directly from England and France, »Inch he would most respectfully invite you to cull and examine. Gents fumisfiing a speci alty. his Collars Cuffs, Shirts, Scurfs, Drawers aud Woolen nuderware, all in latest styles and cannot he excelled which he will *ell at price* to suit tiie time*. CTJTTX2T ITT AT.T, ITS SPJtSTCHES. IMPORTERS A1TD WHOESAE i • DF.ViERk IN 8TJLVSJB ASTk» PASO! BR? QQOSS f I. ah’* ' ' ’ Hr* % Cldthing, Hats, Shoes, notions, etc., etc., Offer this Season a Large Assortment to the Jobbing Trade ON BEST TERMS AND AT LOWEST PRICES. 2To. Bw Broad Strost, Athens. Georgia. miles to wit- “ ‘ FULL M ^ J per forms ail it advertise*, and that its record >* brighter nnd dearer than that of any contemporary. No traveling establishment ever received such eulogistic Pres* notices and unstinted and hearty praise from the liberal and (air-minded public, ^jlgjwiihatanding the tmnendoa*ly ir.ctcaaed proportion* of tbi* Great Show, the prices will 60 Cent* for Adult* and 25 Cents for Children under Nino Years. Reserved Seats. 25 Cents Extra. Two Performances Daily, at 2 and 7:80 P. ill. Doors open one hour previous Washington, Wednesday, Deo., 11. Atlanta, Deo., J3tb, and ||th. deo.3.2t PLANTERS’ HOTEL:, ; " AUGUSTA, Ci EORG1A. ARB.ANOESMENT. Slates Beduoed to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking ot tbe Travel- : .v- . t l # • .. » 4 . S' \ • ng Public, especially my friends of.Carolina and Georgia, a contino ance of that liberal support they have always given it. h»|4*5*i OR. Samples Sent aud f*ri<v mention whcitier |«*r ») A $5.00 PREMIUM GIFT ! TABLEWARE for Every subscriber of this paper! Conristine oftmElegant Set of BoUd Silver Plated Spoonff, retail price MM and OR hleeant Solid HUVer Plated Uatter-SLuirc, retail price 9LOO, mokiag I most.valuable and useful Premium Gift to every subscriber. Amncements have been mode with the old establahedaAd reliable Douglas Silver. Plating: Company to supply every subscriber of this paper with this valuable Silver ‘ Tableware as a Premium Gift. Thia Elegant Set of SOLID SILVER PUTED SPOOKS 4KB BOHEMIPE ls^ the latest •* Rose* pattern. maVinff the most useful and beautiful Gift ever offered toJ subscribers. To secure tliis valuable Premium, you have merely to cut out the following i premium order, and send it to the Douglas Sliver Plating Comps;— HL« for redemption* together with amount necessary to pay actual coat ofpw . expressage, etc. Under our contract this Silverware Ifl to cost you — except the act ual cost of packing, postage or expressage, etc- which you ore required to i with the premium order, and the silverware is then DEMVEEED to •S'OTT psee. FSEMIUM ORDER «*crr OOT TPISOUDEE. AS TT 18 TTOKTH SSJKh^V DOUGLAS SILVER PLATING CO, S8 Randolph * treat, Chloago, III. the same, toshnw them to my friends and acquaintances in nrv netehSorhood. you wot receive a handsome set of solid Silver Placed Sfwoni and Butter-Knife by i —- a T. J. LESTER. WAT MAN LESTER. SEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, T_ J - . LESTER <Sc CO., I have recently returned from New York whore I purchased a stock of. goods for the firm of T. *L LESTER & CO., for N13TT C'AHll and think I ran offer inducement* to the trade, the stock constats of the following good*: « , Staple Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Liquors, Wines, Beers and Aels All of which I have been directed by the firm to sell,* * w ' csMisAr ^ont • .... - I will take pleasure in Waiting on all who will (aver me with a call. , ’• Dupree Building. Broad St > Athens, Ga- James D. Pittax-d.,