Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, May 13, 1879, Image 1

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. riJLBeinjwrto«l m OJfE DOC Srstiiujeriioo. iim lurawii ——pt Jbr:»n j U*w » ®H *•*"**-• ’rctiitofs «»to Dvlttara uni i of uauii. mo., f/mr i i*rai**utr. 10 if Soda®.» 'i*Y* On last m on day moaning, I w'a» soSering with severe- Rheumatic pains between my shoulders, when one application ot Magic Cure relieved me immediately. ami I have bad no retenaof the pains since. A. IX CIi2fifi». Froprietnr Newton tfonse. Jan. 4th. 1S79. boa of his duck arrives. Aunt Ham z^Ttr star. law- “Didn't you know it?" said the | voice behind Ralph, “ he and Miss ; Moseby were engaged when ciiii- ! ‘Iren.'’ j A keen sharp pain, like a knife ' went through his heart, made him ! grow pale, and he staggvred out into ! toe hnL He had believe L so truly | in her. and she was a hi artless co quette! Engaged to this man from a I child, and giving him no intimation : of it, nay, luring him on to love her j only in order to- wound him to the T quick at last! He hurried out of the ’ house and from that time, as Miss Moseby hail noticed, he had nut been i the some.. Lilian had. seen him but I anee since. He kept out of her way. He was “very much engaged in his studies," lie said to her coldly, when she met h m on the stairs one evinng, and ask oil him when he woe coming into hear her sing again. “ It shall be‘■Waiting,’’’ she said, with a tender smile and reapprnachful look. “ I would, prefer to hear ■Beware,’" he answered, going steadily up the! steps. 1 The course was running very roqgii | : ®d violent The two aiuits began to j ; ted that unless they took part at last, | Boggs was as peaceable a man as 1 ever lived. fite was sober, honest and respec ted He had never pounded his Sever took an interest in a dog Had never been known to- pawn somebody else’s watch. And never had attem pled to steal a snw-milL Boggs’ character was beyond res protch. He was a shining light in socie- Lutua Cobb. Howell Cobb. gal ’bout twenty, gwine to marry dat ole cripple op: nigger ? I spec Iff Unde Tony never thought that the new hymn book he was distributing to his congregation,would ever impair his usefulness as their pastor. About the dosing of the morning service be said: “Bredreu and wsterin. dese are de new iiime books, and I wants yer all to leant to dag wid the spirit and wi l de under* tun din’, and when yer gits to wra-nlin wid some of dese new feaiiun tun s, and is about to be ober* cum, jest follow sister Hanoer, she’tl tote ’em thmugii (gvef. Her smoove vuis is always heard away down on i the home stretch when de other nags is jest coming round de bend wid deir ; racket When I culls for de tnoun- ers ilese here himes’ll fotch ’em if yon engineers deni kerrect oil de skeduie. I takes de noon refreshments at sister Haimer's and is to convarse wid Liza- beth on de outlook, ob her feelings, and l dismiss die meeiin 7 to de evenin’ service when de caudles am lit. Aunt Hannah pushed ahead toward home, to make up the chicken pie. lumber. Hobenbamtaiitl Jtouiby in April and Oc tober Ball, third ilumiav in Xarcit and deptem- •I—skacn, third Monday in Febraarv and AiUfttet. Oeonac, durtli Mnuuav in Jisnwxv and JK Seiran, tonrtii Monday in April and Oc tober. Walton, thin! M.>ndav in Kebraary and. Anenac. Whim. Mijnilav alter the tburth Mondav in April and. October. • 'lln» in Denpiee Braiding, ffebid-iSTS-ly l»e Barrow. attorneys a r law. •iBue over T Urnadc*. Hudjpon A Co. Tony—ole slack breeches Tony, Jae a Calkin to yon- Ton’s been a preachm about John de Bapris and John de Biuiyan and de Nigger De : mus dot was born agjtr, and a pray in 'for de Lord to take sister Hannah home to glory, and a. shouting yer ale Tennessee Jack baas, and its gittm | my time to preach, and I takes my tex ’Hark from ye loom.’ Tony, ami T tell von afore die tex is ended char'll be weepin and swasbin ob teeth, and rattlin ob de bones and groanin and scratchin when dat ole buggy trace starts to popin and the skillits a turn- in wrong sideouthr da across yer head and tie earthquakes and fhitln stare areadansin atom yer viahuu and de wash tub of consecrated ly are a splash in ober yer soul and de earth is a buckiv. under you like a young mule and yer day ob grace is gittm dark— How Paduri, Kvllog—, Xuccr. A r.m. Aad Ouunberiain the Snath betrayed. She *rid: ** Ami why in mnrderers rnrab. 3uw deep* dear Cocie Hugebouw !’* I saw the broken Freedman’* bank, duataq imtiriminb iil«got neii; Aiui smw with many a hlankity-bimuk. Why hadn’t i gone sooth rnyaeif i made you 40 to ^ail P* Mid -*he. You mould have staid at home *rith mo.’’ dear,'’ I said—but nothing more, Kuraienchi^ round with watering mouth, I saw how men might steal jpuaro With perfect safety —train eke south. M Whv -luiTou go to jail I*’ said aim; *" my l waa an *». von are I” k ucnrsix. Jlttarntry >tt Lttur. OlBoe »vor Child*. Siekerann A Co. AtAerui+ Georgia* ’ i! ;»rv.*?ii«c 'n the ^iimtnor Court* of {the rhem Circuit. 7-wf* floilfckiduua a speeiaitr. 1 Ixtvin!^ ase«t Dr. Gillagei^a Magic | Cure while siuferin<r t’roiu a severe nervuuH Ke:uiaciu\ and bauin^ found j pertetOly t"tficsciou» (curing me 1 within three minutes) t I take pleasure ! in reeoBimen«iin!i it to anv who may ( be shnilarlv affllcteil. ’ C- D. CAMPBELL, attorney at law. w.vtiuxsvtlle, sa !k COCBT-HOCSE. OPPOSTTH ‘ *r liTim 'ri ‘''flee. P-ir^onal iHtfcntion muil rtumi-t»rti tu 'iia i!ar». JxTTLu^^hTJK —TO— 1H1A STT OX’JTX^iaa l CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On Mi«i alter Sunday December ‘Hb, Doable Daily Trains will run on this road aa follows, ipiing East: MIOHM HAIL A2D P.VflaEMOEX HUCT. Arrive at Lula.... ... 5.3* r ■ Pa>tor Baptist Church, Ath»»us, Ga. J:m. Ioti» t lj*79: Da. GoiXAGEa r I was suffering witli •mvere Neuralgic pains in my shoulders ami hips, and had yunr Magic Cure applied just between my shoulders; relief was almost iustataneeus, and l have not felt a twinge ot it since. I; is wonder! 111! A “Magic Cure/ indeed ! Tours, trulv, T.‘ A. SALE. Jan. 28th. 1879. Prepared, hv HENRT GALLAGER. CotLEuE Avenue, Athens, G:i. j and set her bouse in order for the j noon refreshments, j On her way, witli hymn book in j hand, she came across some bail beys ! playing marbles in the'road. One of | them said, “Why, Aunt ELinaer!— What are y a etr that book fot? “ It is my opinion tbat it is nothing under the son, but a little mi*ouder- wan ding that will be ail ri h ed n he course of a few weeks ; we nad best not interfere—yet a while at least," says Miss Merideth, as she [Jlied her ueedle in and out of the table cover ixbeut, Gu Orflce !u »iti ?raiiRiin FI«***> ITTWt. At Uilt »’‘Mirt Hi rtwtrrnj I'nmirittl W.trrnnfN, Bitil.iiritf 3rn««i !hj. A. I jmrrit» ntt /et .iiem »: '•Hinrv -^llTchsir d»cH-I^74-tf Esau saw, den you’ll hnow dat mt is art w clout tie tigger ob speech and dat when you -abstract de nigger from de forty acres ob land and de mule, he’s got no time l ft to see who’s settiu on de log nor who is to thin out de new ground corn, den you’ll want to ’seard yer new doetrin hirae book ami he horn agin before Blow Gahril gits de dirt-dabber nest out ob de horn. T >ny, you hear me ? Tau olescatterin talkia aigge- ^ i bar’s a shoarnuff hell, and lae gwine to see iiat my darter Lizabeth don’t traiiel dat downard direction wui you.— Here’s yer hime book, it ain’t to come inside ob my house, I ’scards i:.” Arrive at Lula. You can’t read ?” Aunt Hannah re: lied r “Dis is de new hime book j jes read, dis ritin un de fust Ieif, 5Ln s Joe, please sab.’* Joseph reads:-“Dis book am pre sented to my lovin’ sister Banner by- parson Tony Skc'tes, de minister ’’ “Dat sours party, but you orter jes heir some o > de hiines in dat book Dar’s “when I read my titles clear,’ and ‘Cross over Jordan,’ and away down to ’Hark from de tooms.’ new malum hirncs hi GOING WEST. sisitr aoi. ass [•i-sENUca nun. Arrive at Lula 9.‘ Leave aj fn-Iaw’s jaw bone with aa iron, boot- jack. A That he had on one occasion, given a whole wagea load of watermelons to on orphan iiaylnm. I 5L That he had served a term in tile State Prison for hoise steal ing. fe That he had set fire to his next door neighbor’s barn, merely be cause he refused to lend him a hoe. 7. That because he found a button off his shirty he tied his wife to the bed post and mashed in three of her riba with a stove poker. 8. That his chief Sunday amuse ments were coek-figiumg and card playing 9 That he sold his vote every year regularly to the highest bidder/ 19. That he wasn’t fit for the place, anyhow. These charges, although without the slightest foundation, were rigor ously believed by a majority ot the voter* of Boggsviile. And Boggs’ political goo-e was cooked. His chance* for Being eleeted were not worth three cents m the dollar. When Boggs passed along the street bin neighbors looked at him with suspicions and crossed oyer an the other side. Boggs was a miseraiile being. The day of the town meeting came on at Lust, and Boggs’ opponent scooped in die ennstabieship by atwo- thrrdLs vote The anti Boggs party swept in their candidate on the tidal wave of popu larity, and poor Boggs was left perched high upon die spike-mounted picket fence of despair. Boggs will never ran for office again, not even for President. He says it is too great a strain on the character. If he out retain the esteem of his neighbors by grabbing along in the obi way he- intends to do it, and leave afficcrijeeking to people of cast-iron reputation. •Boggs- is just naming to his ’.V J. 1:0 B 3. orErrviu ,t <'.ibb. VITOUSKT \r LAW, needle in and out of the table she was embroidering in crewel*. “But he looks so woefully de pressed my heart aches for him, and as for LiilLin, site mopes when he isn’t by, and when he is, she is'entirely too gay and high spirited to be natural, by fir. I don’t see how the matte* is to l>e ‘righted’ if one or the other of diem <iun’t apoioglte or explain. Athene, <r* mur' v trmipieti jv A. S. Er.Min, Hurt of ''hihb*, ^ickemiu A Co. 3m. m:ir. 11 J>m. .11^8 P u nrnocan fbxxght tkaim. .rrive XL Lai* 3.38 p w «ve 3.50 p m *H)CM WEST. local pnsianT and Ai-cuioionATmir thaxtt. jGUTTEKING, ROOFING, Dere’s lots- ob dor, ’cause our culler is getrin eilicu- ted, but dey sticks to de good ole • ioctrine, je* a new way ob wearin de garment; like as I go and buy a bolt of eaiieer and make my tires* de ole fiashun wav, deu my darter Lizabeth cuts off her share :uid makes hern wid de shoo fiy awl de dollar vai din and de suatcii back, ain’t it ail de same calieer ? Mars Joe j es read for ray edifying a few ob dose Uitnca, please saic’* J*>e winks at the other boys ami reads: “t aavt FLum Sale. And MIK acw L felami. Aad i*uu iaw die A»vr it. Aiui L "tt\r .wilts foi\r Sstau.'’ “That’s a very queer hymn, Aunt Hmnah," said Joe. “Dere’s a mighty heap ob saws ruixetl up in dat tune and I is afeered de hesaws :uid de seesaws will ii iw or <iat tun«e to pieces. But Its got de right doctrine in dar; it hide* to Esau oo de mount a viewing de prom ise land wid de eyes ob taith. Our preacher is a migacy plus high lame brudder - t iie Looks through de spee- ticies ob iiiith clean ober de tnihles and trials ob dis life to do uther shore. - , and. Miss Moseby’» voice, as well a* hauds, tremlde, as she “slipped one .uni took up two" of the stiches on the dead purse she was croi heting: i>»ui’M*!l«r*4 imi Solicitor'* in Eauity, i, Ptilui*ki County, <rn Spiet*jal oaa iin .ittrintioii xi v "n to xnv t»u*ineP»» «>u- aniU. Ii*:mii»*r>i rjn?rp<F iii 'itii** rtuanii up. anil win! lands Imik- will ouv ami -mil laniu*. par r HMirwNuitmtn ore. Will pnctioi in ail im.oN o*»ntin\font to other the M. >t 3. ■ ho .itiautu* iit .uni S. R. (t»hhI re^ yi%■•*»! when lifmriHt. The conversation wan held in a cozy little sitting-room of a large parlor in a fashionable boardin’ Tin- CoppfrWork, «fec> wiSTxiiiaiia 4 HiaaaEi, house and the speakers, Miss Merideth and Miss Moseby, were maiden aunts of the Lvav».. 7.011 a * Close oouneetiou at Atlanta, tor ail points West, ami at Charlotte r'or all paints East. G. J. FOREACEE. iTeiieni Manacor. HOCSTOff.‘fen, fa-*.A Ticket A-rt uetn iotiKing up frjni her wools enrt- ouslv into her friend’s face “Yes, I—were it not foe my pride —I, to-day, might be a happy wife, aye, more, mother too; fertile Hurry Rich, tiiat handsome officer, who was onr guest the night of ch - party, would have been my son!” and Mis* ■ Mosehy’s eyes tilled. ‘ Your son 1 whit do yon mean ?” j and Miss Merideth drops her crewels i in her motion of surprisa “Why, l was engaged to l*e married | to Lieutenant Rich’s father when I j was a very young girl ; we too hwf a | little misunderstanding,.which a word | might have rightud ; we too were i both too promt to speak it—and lie I heard the story first on the ras- tnmi. writes a correspondent, from Beoriev O’Huy, in a lecture on Irish wit rad humor, but I never thought . of repeating it in print unt! ’assured by an Irish lawyer of onr city, weil qualified to speak with authority, tiiat I might depend upon the narrative as literally true. He could himself vouch for the eccentricities ot Lord Norhury, and at times—some said when a little more wine hail been ta ken before dinner than was usual—he carrie i the eh: irscte ristie Jti > exhibi tions ~ ’ ~ ” 1 ! cal. I own iiosk,'’ ouii m» he found at ths old *tnnd I of D. M. Kenney & Ca., on Clayton atnset, I whero tiiey are prepared to do all manner of | Tin, Capper and Sheet / ren Work ■ hi the very best style, and at moderate -rices j Kiev ore Jsn nrnpared to do all kind* ot’GL’X j SiCITHItIG vail neatness and dispatch. j Gutteriixj A Roaring a Sptviitib/. Call on*l see them, and ipve them a triaL •hoe Store next door to Reese A id street. Athens, Georgia. All toil Li months. Ralph Merideth hail met and fallen desperately in love witli Lillian Mose by that winter, while dwelling under the same roof He was a student at- Ceniiing lectures at one of the colleges in the city, preparato y tu taking his degree, and not withstanding he had conjugated the verb in more than one language, many times before, he now for the first time understood what it ineint when he said: “Te am,.." He was reserved, diffident, gentle sort of a fellow, unused to girls, and their coquetries, and Lilian Moaeby. whu was born a flirt although a really true hearted girl, not only charmed, but puzzled him as well, with the ever varying shades of character she assumed at times. I il bail had scores of admirers before, aad her twenty ANN REAVES, PROPRIETORS. :i fbuml ;it iliuir «»ld -Hauti, na»r Frauk- <>u>« builii'm/, TIu»rr u» -*trRi:L Ke«p a1- m huml 4thhI Timitmti* wui <a.*inl .iri- si«Hrk we!! iiarmi for when m?*ted to ire. stuck on hand tor *ai* jr til ’ime*. -\niKN«, Ga.. March 17ti», IA7V.—I am re- ini red bv law to collect the following specific -axe*. . Billiard Tables 12.5.JO each. Dealers in Beer and VV aiskey T will ijtmie c.Tecutioue ;ufain»t all narriee who fail to pay the above tax bv April .5tli lbTO. iuut.IS o’. F. B LCOAd, T. 0. 0. C. simpiy riiiieui<tia» :in«i aonmfinu- But to the story : On a certain occasion Lord Norbm-y was holding criminal court in Long- fiinfe on the docket of w Inch much business fold been forced by a series of labor and rent riots, during the progress of which many lives hail j been sacrificed’ On the occasion re- fcrre’l to, :uid on the second day of die sessions, six men were arraigned in a Lump for riot, arson and murder. I They had attacked the dwelling of a wealthy land-o wner at night; had set fire to it, and hail shot down fcveral ■ ot the inmates who !md tried tu pre vent the incendiary act Tile trad waa brief* The act* committed hail been done openly, and the prisoners at the bar ware connected with them as ekeifiactors beyond dispute: El tiler his lordships forgot, ar else he labored under the impression that he hail but five prisoners before him, . and, in bis rendering of judgment, he ' called only five name* and sentenced only five mew, entirely overlooking Mr. Martin O’Rourke, who crouched away in a corner of the pen. Wheth er the sheriff was equally oblivions, or whether he thought the judge had purposely omitted one of the culprits, we can not sny; he opened the iron .spiked door and led the prisoners Lo»v« Aoi-iote. L-*ve Maco* Leave MiiletUfeville Leave Atlanta—- L*ftve Union Point Arrive WiMnlvillc. Arriv# Maxevft Arrive Antioch....... Arrive Lc.tln^ron Arrive Winiervillc Arrive Athena rraina rtm daily, except which ore daily except sni Georgia Clarke County. TO THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID CoUNTY.-Tlm Detttam el M. btanloy, W. L. Mitchell, 5V. W. Lainpkia, L. H. ChairtumxBar A, L. Hull, E.L. Newton and A. A^LipMeotnb rih*pectriilly ^noweth that yonr petitioners are U>e Tmateee <>f tlie Allietm Femaie A«auiemy ought and by virtue of a charter grouted by the iTt-uerai Aiweinbiv ot' »id State and approved Dec. I'Jth tSktl. Y<»nr petitioners pmv that an onier may be paoeeti by mid Court amemiim: tlie wt d Charter m aa la confor upon your pet.tionen* onii their sucaeaeota aa Trustee^ the oower to oae the propertr of said incorporation for the pnrpoac ' of a Male School, or a Mixed School, or a i Female School, in their jndtfytneut and die- i cretion they may deem best. 'Tour petitioners further show that they do noL<lt»ire to al cr. 1 amend or change the -*uid < T hartcr in any o»h«r manner or to- any other purpose or purpo-ce ' thau the object eii above. *ud t hey res»petX> tuilv direct the attentiua of the court to the -•*««! Act contained in the public Acts if the State of iveorya, auii ymirpeti iouers, as m duty bound will ever prav etc. GEORliE D. THOMAS, Putitioue's Attorney. “Aught is an mag hr, Five is a ih'ure, M Itipiy the winta man Substuct uxe negro.’’ “Huw do yuu like that one, Auniy ?” “I lister think Jat wuau't a relig ious hime, when f heeral it sung at de zamminatiou ob de free school. I’d rather hrudder Tony had. a left dat one out. Got no n-e for multiply in’ and acbstractiu’ in de pulpit. Lets iry a tew inore ob ’em, dare’s boon tw he some real good uues in dar.’’ Joseph turns over a new leaf aud reads: ’ The bsagara >lia Cm niggers had. Forty aares ouii a mule, Suuugii n> make— “Slop, Mars Joe, right tliar; I don’t want to hall polities mixed up wid my religion dat way. Why, folks will think we ain’t no better’n Yankees I don’t see wiiat Tony let dat git in de Iiime hook for, he hadn’t orter done it. Move ober towards de middle ob de book, 1 spec it gits better.’’ Joe obeys and reads : ‘•Nigger in the wooih*. Sitting on a lo^ t Finger oil ttw trigger,, Eye oil a. hug. “It pears to dot’s gittm was and 1 wus. What business old Teey got j saying dat 'i He's nothing bat » nig-1 ger himself What he means basin his culler dat way 1 You reckon he hides to inv sou frinn shootin at do I pocket'wood aud killin de hog S* Joe thought it possible the par.*on alludeil to Sam’s ease: -•Sam’s case? isam’sease? Like dar wasn’t any Tony ease; yea. akiif dozen ob ’em. Dat ole Tony nigger is iie biggest rogue in dese parts. — D.dn’t be bring bock, de yaller pu lit I sold to de store- yisl «day. axbre day dis Koruing, and got me to cook her tor his breakfoa, and now matin’ small oli my folks, afore dinner?— Dere’s many a hog whose light is gone out ’cause old luuzy Tony was ’lowed to run in de same woods. Sim’s easel I’se gittm tired oh suetk hnnes, Lui*y Cobb Institute, Madame Sasnowski s Home Schaai. years counted twice his twenty-fonr, in point of experience with the oppo- sex. She (>a>l never had just your wunls just now. were yon engage<I to Lieutenant Rich’s father." “ Yes, why >lo von ask?" replied Miss Moseby, ooking surprised enough at the question “And your niece, Lilian, is site en gaged to the Lieutenant:" said an eager voice. “No, certainly not; Lilian is en gaged to nobody ; are you crazy ?” “No, but I have been, almost crazy and quite a tool, Mis. Moseby. Aiui- site such a lover before, however, and as a “rara avis” counts double in a estima tion of the “game she begs”—or the scalps she adds aa trophies tu her belt ! Traill, daily axept Sunday. ! Leave Adorn*......... ... ( Arrive at Laia............. I Arrive at,.... ' I Arrive at V- V. (Second Lhtv Loova T Leave Atlanta Leave Lula. . «.iW A. JL , *40 A. 5t .12.40 P. JC. .t' .OS P. M. .10.(10 P. 31. S.4S 4. 34. . ».3S A. 34. 12.15 P. 34. Pamenpent /ounr onri> Atlanta have time at Lula lor Breaktirot aud make okareaBaneetuia at Acante with all made. Uw eonsecrlon at nula to aud from ail Eaetem ‘ttlea. Alas to aud from Elbertun. J. 31. EDWARDS, Superintendent. 'ilock. Blue ur Viulet Ink—the beet in l—.u i .mute per bottle. For banpjoa in i;t, call .it ui’mru’u n<u\L' amnop The Death-rate ot Our country is getting to be tear- firily alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, without any reasonable cause, death resulting generally from .the most insignificant origin. At this season of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook die* dan* gers intending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set n». Thousands lose their fives in this wav every winter, while hail BotcAea’,* Garmon Syrttp been taken, a care would have result ed, and xtarge bill from a Doctor been, avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, BoaeAofa Garmon &yrtq> has proven itself to be the greatest discovery of its kind in met l cine. Every Druggist in this coun try will tell yon of its wonderful ef- feet. Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without x single failure known. Sold by Rl T. Brumby Jb Co. To PHEVB»TA2n> Cuss Coi'GH9 axd Colds—A reliable remedy Is necessary iu every household; It rad ically cures Omgba, Golds, Sore GEORGIA CLARSE COtTSTY.-Ctraue 0T»icx.'srp*aioRUi>uBr—[ eertiry riiattheulKiva i» x rrnu ami axart oupy or* a petltiuu died in chi» uifit* .jb April 14th HfTJ John l hcwins, ci«k. selves that a match after their maiden hearts were made, without any strong I efforts on tlieir parts. Ad went smoothly enough until the evening o ! the “Lady Washington’s Reception," sociably gotten up by the boarders in the house, to celebrate Washington’s birthday. To this party each, mem ber of the sociable was pri* fledged to invite a few friends. Among the strangers present, a certain lieuten ant Rich, gorgeous is his full <lrwre naval uniform, the guest of ML*» Moseby, was the observed of ail ob server*. He had just returned from a three years’ cruise, and was as pleaaed anil glad to see bis obi friends, Mis# Meshy and Mb* Lilian, zgain as were they di lighted and proud to OUMO l_ o: HAH Bis. Praaidenr -rr.vK't* ruos is. Sermarr- LARGE STOCK 0E forth. And tlieu it wjjj that tile clerk of die court, just aroused to a full sense of the error, leaped to ins feet and called his lurdshipfe Stk vxs.v TuaxiS gjiiv.v l~ Smrmm, FvsntSASir Pntwiar Dh. X X. s*mt, . Jon* W. Xicholjos, ■ Ml, II. S4WI4, I*. 0 a'ntVUVi.n. • U-at* P. UKA;(1 N.•. lUiBKiir rii.ia,:- attention to die oinmisston. ’ TIiceb were six of them, your hon or. and you sentenced hut five: The man O’Rourke you did not condemn at aft.” Lord Norbury was aranaetl in a mo ment. He shuutetl for the qrieiv and the crier shouted for the sheriff; and when the Litter officer appeared he woe directed to bring Martin. O’Rourke buck into court and place him hi the prisoner’s box* And the thing waa done as ordered. The prisoner look ed sail ami dejected as he stepped again, into the box, for he knew tout jtMt Bfeceivetl * lance and -«iect stock ; and Summer Millmery from -Saw roapaetfhUv aak tny imaemucra to call DRUGS* d XAediciaxec: GARDEN SEED Will pay Fonr JfioatW trial Subscription tu The Gainesville Eagle. Tba livallaaf. apt caret. auEred-booe*. Qbuoutc hum. Rarspipa n Sqbsll The trwa «f the day. and toe <lt»irur» of the wicked world in which, we live, served up C. iu tlieir meat ATTRACT1YE SHAPE. Onr Editorial* are short, humorous, brooty and -O dre point walk into tlieir private parlor, as of old- She was sitting under the Mast Ladies suffering from Ner vousness, PaBifr 1 Pevknls and Debil ity, will. finiT tliere 5» rte waf in which tlieir health muv lie so effectually te- gaineii, rel'ef frinn pain obtained, ami tunctional regularity estabii-he<i, as in old. Che was sitting under the gas-, light making paper fio vers, lilies for toe Easter decorations. She rose quickly os Be came toward her. and in a timid tone, said r “ I am glad to see you—again— Mr. Merideth; auntie has gone to church, but I will entertain you se well as I can without her;, will yuu he seated *”■ Be still stood, looking down into her now pale face. - _ “I wanted to see- voir—aloue." he bejan. It-sualing. “l am going away —I rams to say gnad-by—E want— Lilian, I want to tad you in my thonghtz I Bxve been madly jealous and doubted yonr truth xul goodness, but—I love yoa” Hu came a step nearer. She del hot. speak, but lioit-awkwant school girl he remem- lien-d, he found a graceful, beautifol ami aeif-possesHed beile. it is not strange, therefore, that he should, sff nr the manner of sscu, take particu- he was not to be spared. -. _ — “My very good frieml," Jaid tiie judge bowing most politely to- the prisoner, “£ made a soil mistake re garding yourself* and T beg your par don from Che bottom of .my hear*. Yon should Bare beet sentenced with your companions, but, somehow, the ■luty slipped iny muni eutaely. You will excuse me I am me. The re quirements of the hnr aad the sen tenc* of the coort are tbot you, Mar- toe use of Parker-Ginger Tonic. The nursing mother, exhausted by the care oilier little one. finds her strength and nerves restored By its use, while the mother’- comfort thus secured, » imparted t&humsb the milk tu her babe, making the Srtfe one happy, eheerfril, free- from pent, ami disposed to refreshing sleep. Buy *$1.00 but your druggist R. Y , . ore w-siurei. ooi ur any or ;uV5ve or anytnuljSf m r ti» wuoi« ^ri> the Diug Line call on. Rlfk, BillT, RllCJ’, Rtfli“ll0 A5D STILL HTSATiyG. AiUir—i * THE lAfill, Giinwrifli. Gc IW UOLE3ALE AND RRI aII, DRUGGISTS* Rbqwtmx *fc TUb, Editors aud Pubiiau n*. u. 4 ,r ■ it - lize her ihe part ot’ the even-v in z himself. His name was soon I down upon her card for the watzz, ami when not drmcmg, ha was prorae- E. C. LONG St €0. tie from your drtnigtst R. T JtiirvvT or a sample Bottle at 15 eCe, and teat its merit*. As Etaatsr Peep abaxiot, de- signed to mert the public want for a jmh there kept in suiitarycDnfinemeaZ mud cm dey of exceutioo. whea yw«rj 1 wii be taken fbrtii to the gallows and banged by toe neck until you are -§—‘ And may the-Lord have mer cy on. your soidE Yuu will pardon me for this delay I It wa»n I omure you; but it is aE right now, yeas ritoui l be content." A strange road to (.-soteatment. itation for gUauoq for Lmam ■rn.kBi> <reuu«.— _ » .41Mrnnis**m Atfifo.