Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, September 23, 1879, Image 1

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to the Tided he makes this demandjn writing by Und^'or hk counsel befi re plea fifed, and filing a plea, shall itself without nxra, Be ted to he a waiver of his right to demand an indictment. Ia esse the defendant *ould demand an jmfiotmtnt as above directed, the Judge shall require ot him good bond and security to anpepr and answer to snch kdietasmt Iffcand, at aneh time and place, and before such tri bunal, as the and indictment may bp tried. If no such bond and|*ecurity is given then such Jodge shaD com-, mit to jail for tefe keeping the person eo accused, and demanding said in- dictmcntuntii the proper Grand jury and the ‘Qnlc khaS 7 transmit to the Superior Court *K the papers in the ease, as reqrered by the general law of the fkafe|umm| . commitment. Sac. 46. All Jaws, and pane of laws in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed.' singular, the Sheriff or their deputies of this State and. may be levied oo any property of the defendants to be found in this State. Sec. 24th. In ease of the absence of the said City Judge, from any cause at any term of said Court, it shall be the dutv of the Clerk or the Sheriff of said Court to «d joarn the Court to snch day as the mid Judge may in writing direct. Sec. 25th. The said City Court is empowered to compel the production of books, papers, and writings in the same manner, and under the tame rules, and regulations as are pro vided by law for the production of the same in the Superior Courts. Sec. 26th. The Jodge ot said City ed the garnishee shall reside in the County or Clarice, M ’when the gar nishee shall reside in any other County in this Stated the seme law shall be also appGeabfe-toaaid City Coart with this proviso, that the paper shall be returnable to the Superior Court of the County of the garnishee’s residence, and all subsequent proceed ings be lad therein. Sec. 15th. 8tiro facias to nab parties in any cansefls the said City Coart, shall be had as in the Superior Tip* FOB THE AFPOnSTJfEST OF X Judge »to Solicitor thereof. Sffl 1st-' Be it enacted by the Gen- al AieraWyofthe State of Georgia, id it is heiebj^enpcted by the au- Athens with jurisdiction iole County of CUrke con- Superior 'UoOrt, to Tqreof all cirii cases of ' nature, above the jorisdic- Jdkitts'onheltee, and ing one thousand dollars ip rolved exclusive ot interest, tbv over the ‘current try and. vrhutsoe lion £ not fB amtfj rior Court jury list conform to said revi book containing tlie Gable to serve as jui Court as above : dire< xdusive jurisdiction, and 'jurisdiction to try and offerees below the grade milted in the County of vreP’*' - ^ ■ ^ There shall be a Jodge of felonV cqmj Clarke. of saidfeR^ 1 point Affiy til the advice arn it 'of t£* Sraate, handled and fifty. Each supervisor shall designate to the Superintendent of the Census suitable persons, and with the consent of said Superintendent employ snch persons as enumerators within his district (one tor each subdivision) re siding therein, who shall select solely with reference to then fitness and withoot reference to their political or party affiliations, according to the ap portionment approved by the Superin tendent of the Ceiuua. Each Super visor shall, upon the completion of hk duties to the satisfaction of the Secretary, receive the sunt of 4500 in full compensation for the services rendered and expenses inoued by him,except aa^allowsm* for derk nuy. ■ —v " a Athens, Ga. Frenklia Boms BuiUixg Broad J*r£o * th* Ccnrt H<xre- AU parties ■ *“ U r- r-. m§ - -ST -J.. :5% : . J -r .. -> ii ft mu & x .. 08 Lama« Cobb. a ii. conn, irteasEW tv tiv Athens, Ga, CMSce la Dooprc* Dcildinj; It. LCMI’KIJ'. rvisxe v 1 ' ithimev at La E! NO. 47 ATHENS. GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 23, 1879 05oe orer Cfeffds, Ylcterscfll A Co. Athens, Georgia, —M».-t)ce in the interior Coart. of .thy k-^feirra Circcit. Collections s speclalu. ^oSUics-i: ’ 3 ’’ j.i i EU.OWIS- Cox, Hiu A laoxnor. f. J. BALDWIN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS lii ffiOEIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, &C., ALSO AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED i,tone Mountain Com Whiskey, Corner Broad and Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga. G. C- 7>.cmaq, [ttorney AT LAW. \VAlK1N>V11.LE, GA. IrftCE IS OCET-HOCSE, OPPOSITE limiLan'e O**. Personal attention to mil i eutra-tcA U> hi* < atre - *P*~tt o Korrw attorneys kt : l,.»„ Tihuad**, Hodgson & | i. 1LFB. Sc CTrwalnr. Sb'w* Store next «loor to Kceae «fc Br »,I street, AtheuJ, Georgia, All i wtmaicd 12 woflth*. IpLi-t;. lUHA X lirLine Railway. engsr Department- tTLANTA -TSUI-' O! lA.STAi;a.I<r CITI-Bisi ! jil.VNOE OF SCHEDULE. Lai i:j»Jam.VL wilt.itu, m* r, i,l x- tollov*, iTHUfT Eiuit: A L*ia.... KM a x 6.43 a m W M V A* . L SIGHT HHRim mW. : ! r83i r x 6.24 p x vmvud. |». Lila 7-Y1 a x 3.52 a x GOING EAST. OCAL rRXXHUT THAIS. LEAD and OZLS, DRUGS •And $i8e$ieiae«>> G ARDEN SEED ' . r — A S D — GRAgS SI 35 B Stock of Seed all Fresh. For any of al>ovc or anything in the Drug Line call on. E. C. LONG & CO. WHOLESALE AXI> KETjJL DEUGGISTS sept. 1 LI J. Ar;iius5,*Gxoi;oij. f NEW STORE) IN ATHENS, LYNCH’S HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, At the Store formerly occupied by Zfcr. 2*. 14- S 2IZTH, Broad Street, Athens, Ga, raay.i7.tL Act Sstablishing City Court . . ANAUT. * To establish a Citt Court nr the County of Clarke, axd to fro- .iiw oii.ii liuiu u. uuilc ii., the term of ‘our yean, and all vacancies in the office of Judge shall Ire 6 led by ap- poiutmeut by tlie Gove, nor for the balance of the unexpi. ed term, but -hould a vacancy occnr when the Sen ate 9hall not be in session,?the Govern or shall appoint to fill said vacancy and submit said appointment to the Senate, wheu it shall next thereafter convene TI»e Judge of said City C©«rt shall redlvtft Mlaty <&f f- thdffAnd dol- .^....'..1*50 fcw ! 10.5 A M I ■> H. At A-.UnUi tx aU fj 'vvtV.vfc,:. Con-rectinr »t AarTotte Emt. Thron^h Tickets on sale . Scree City, "Greenville and ail points Ecst and West. 'ilEACHE. General Manager. lOl'T' i.V, Gen. Pa.-s.dt Tieket Aj-'t Chang, of Schedule. ift»r U.Hulav June ii 1573, Uamaon ts itAdMad will rnn as (fellows. ■ cxcert Sunday. - 1*1 |M=s U»5 P. M. I Ula i.30 P. H. lAtaata ,..1040 I*. M. t*aa S40 P. M. 7.4S P. M. l-tiaens 10.00 P. hi, os this additional traia will fee 1 AOil A. M. . ‘ «.« A- AI. I Atlanta .......11.30 X. M. ...... -t-On A M. .* S-W A. M. Atha. 11.05 A. M. amneet at Ltela with trains each Unc Railmad. Pusentn soiou ciwe^at LalaatSjq^JL wipj | « Air Line Rail real acuoy taking . M . SataHay train eottnert with the ' wra tain. iwaehinK Washington to Hrcaklaat and J?cw York at d.-e tie unprecedented time of 1C. mfentes hetweea Athens and eager, from Georgia iUilroad »tiw n> take the evening train and «> the spring, of Korth Georgia to J. 11. EDWASDS, Superintendent. SCHOOL BOOKS! AK eif the Seftooi Looks in net at the Lucy Cobb Institute, Ai tfa&ae Sosnowsld? Rea Scbol. Various Schls'. 1 ; i i City, LOWEST TTGUB.ES, Thomas’ B^ck. Blue or Violet Ink—the b«st In the WorU3-»iatjB cents per bottle. For barjaias in ererytUinf, call at BURKE’S BOOK-STORE. i Rail Hoad Company tuoiST-aOmes, . F», ua, dal; lith, 1579; a ' det Smday, July lith Trains will nvea: Ath-m as foilews: l -- s S ;»4* a w T dla. 9.«a.m IMF’Iw 10.48 a "it ??• ax 11^1 A X 1 ™at 11.45 ax -1 rx i Ua I X ASS r x 1 ».# AX at.* 7AW xx ..- ttsa»x 1.10 r x .... IMix ...."L5d ,x . tH» x ’'**• .-a.-'..i4.47»x l*-J,sie-pttoapS from Waal? t are daily exee^tfindme. r. Gtn^ Pass., Ajrt. t. B. Brumby’s Sshal for Boys, (Brick Boildiag hitherto’ known A Eberhart'a Store.) ss PRINCE AVEXCE, - -* i A-^ESS, GA. Rnoportra Joru 6,1B7Q. Bates of Tuition 'per Scholastic month; tl, $2, $3, #4, $.% $5, aconrdinc to aga, grade Ac. Prof. W. H. W ADDEI.L wrote: *-1 do not hesitate to recommend Dr. BRUMBY as the most successful Teather among th«« who have, daring my Prothsaorahip of twantv years dura tion, prepared atndenta for the 'University of Georgia.' For farther information applv for circular, or confer with, A. B. BRUMBY. A. M. D Ira per annum, which . shall nut lie inereaseti nor diminished during his costtmunce in office, except to apply lo a subsequent term, and sliail be paid monthly out of tlie Treasury ot the County of Clarke, out ofnny tun J# not otherwise specifically appropriated by some geutral law ; anil it shall be the duty ot tha- Ordinary of c la: ke County, or other proper'officer of said County to make provision annually in levying taxes for this purpose. The said City Judge shall receive no other compensation tb)n the sala ry herein provided- Sec 3rd. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Judge of said City Court shall take and subscribe the oath required of all civil officers, and in addition thereto, the following fi* 4*1 wwo^t wift - daxnister _ twlSee without iwpeer* j persons, and do equal rights to the poor, and the rich, and that I will feithfully anil impcrtially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me as Judge of the City Court of the County of Clarke of this State according to the :st of my ability and understanding, and agreeable to tlie laws and consti tution of this State, and the Constitu tion of the United States, so help me God No person shall be appointed J adge of said Court rulcssat the time of ms appointment, he shall have attained the age of twenty-five years, and been resident of said State and County four years, and shall be a lawyer, and have'practic 1 law, or presided as Judge of some Superior, City or Coun ty Court for four years next proceed ing his appointment- ■ Sec. 4th. These shall be a Solicitor of sajd City Court>wte> shall be ap pointed fcjr the Governor by and with the advice, andlEonBenlof the Senate, entitled to the same fees, as ana, .al lowed tham by law in the Superior Court, and shall discharge the safne duties, and be subject to the same' ob ligations and penalties. Sec. 6th. All persons liable to serve as grand and petit jurors in the Supe rior Court of said Countv, shall be liable to serve cs petit jurors in the City Court, and It sbail be the duty of the Clerk of the said City Court to copy into a be provided at the public expense, the lists of all names of persons liable to serve cs grand and petit jurors in the said Superior Coart, to be taken from the lists of said Su perior Court nuder the supervision of the Judge of said City Court, and to make a new list as often as said Supe- s are revised to ision. which said list of persons so serve os jurors in said City as above directed, shall be als arranged, and shall be office of the Clerk of City Court, a, . . v The said CPrfc shall also wake out tickets, equal in number to the num bers of names on said lists, and write upon each tbename of one of said person*, and deposit the same in a box, to be provided at the public ex pense ami numbered 1—until there shall be a,ticket in said box bearing the name of each person on said list. Sec. 7th. Daring the session of said City Court at each term, in open Court the Judge shall draw from sail box number 1 twenty-four names of persons to serve s jurors at the next term of said City Court, and shall cause tlie Clerk to record said names so drawn, and tbea deposit the tick ets in another box to be provided at the public expense and numbered and of fi pPFFEE! It you v»n* a c-ro at *0-1, kwh Savnred rarl Pnts Rio Com* from MOORE; JENKINS A CO’S., (New York) rioas-bed Azica. Will certainly pttsse yrvo. It cannot be ex celled. Ask roar grocer for it. jioffilSs. ’ COMPANY, £,TSE2TS, GEORGIA. YOUNta U a. HA UR 13, Preaidant (STEVENS TB0X.4S, SorreUry. «m lwl>, April I, 1877, - • S7S4.U7 H Resident Directors. . ry».. dirv K. Jauxuox, SapC fatisoAE WisTua cibccit. F*S- Exvrr, at * >v — of Aiken*, $*sv- ¥ a p***** writ** 1 IxtoBd Mcocat in April Mxsday in Much isd&sp- ^•1 Mask* .'in April rndDe- iMonisy in iurdi VmdS^teni. ‘-■M ir. -Fsbrurj h nh M °n<l»v in Junmrr ihd urJ ‘ 5,0,1 V* ia April aadOfe- Mopifa, - m YeWasry sad * ! ^’ r *V® -ixotli Msnday ia Vorxs L. G. Harsh, rax* H. NKWTOT, Dm. Smi Ecu, itET F. tiXAUTO, Cos. Rossxs Tkoxas. HrtS-wly P r Y ^Pictures! I" - ia>ortment of ' h * r 1’ , JRY DECftBAYIOS, I” “'" 'fV*-, Athe^-i • •T PANI<miCB8, I W- Rkirsl BCW)g!sTnqT jfpa - ■ fii'i. Lfc For Sale I s'Mid Stems Tkoxas Euu L. N'swtot. Firoisaso Fxtxtzr. D*. B. V. Sxrrx, Job* W. Kicmouox, CHARLES F. STUBBS; giwf sir to Groover, Stnbbe Jt Cov,) COTTON FACTOR •t- —AND— General Commission Merchant, AGENT FOB THE Quitman Factory Yams, 94 BAY STREEP, Savannah, Cieo; B^einsr, Him, Imxla nMM. Also, hbtm emh m tnwil.wwiri'W for nle or (UpaMM to Liverpool or Northern port*. * Mr. A. A. wisx, Cashier and Correspondent of the late firm <4 Groover, Sinbba A Co„ haa n interaatia the bnaueas. Ujar, FIB HD SUE m GANT * ItlX^ VNuENltJUVs WOld)* *»nd rt their old J^aod, rear Frank lin House bnildimr, Thooraa street. Keep al- s oo hand rood Tornoau, sad oarerol dri- —j. JStaek we3 eared &r whax coWxdhJ U ear care. Stock m bawl tor aala at iH naata. i. 1 0. C. MBGfcS advice, at shall bo}, fojri^wtra; the saoae m id biiiffit/ for th« term T.icse boxes shall be so constructed as i*> be kept under one seal and lock -hall be ii-pt seali-d. :unl shall not be opened by any person except the Judge of the said City Court, or the Judge oi the Superior*Court when admniirteretf by a justice bf t&e shall be filled r- as is herein . pro scribed torffillingjAcanpea intte" office of th^Mge oQgjilT Court. It shall be dmy ot skid Soliritor to represent jthe UtaAeirf Georgia in all cases » arid CHy Court in which the State, hiuilt be a party^ and in the Su preme CDnrt upon wnts of error from said City Court. Hdtflall for his services receive the tolfowipg I fees as compensation, vix For every accusation drawn by.' him in a case in said-CtAy" Court, upon which the case is dispqaed of wtUmut indictment 45,00: For every bill of indictment or presentment sent down from the Superior Court and tried in arid City Court, or in which a plea of guilty is filed in tire City Court 45,0fc^ ; - Foe, every warrant m cases in City Court 50 cts- Far every proceeding to enforce a recognizance in said City Court (5,00. % For every amaant collected on such proceeding fivqper cent. FogOpwing a capias against each defanltingjnror SfectR For cpferinga s*Uk+ouqui 25 eta. For attending Judges chamber to take ififciftfiidxvit^F^uiy person in Fy^ftiecuti9)|efiny felony before tlie GSty. Jodge'nr Ohfasr judicial offi cer sitting as A committing court •4,00. V '' v . For every peace wshual tried and disposed of by said Cwf Court Judge *5.00. • > Vi " For {dam collection for State five per cciiL For litigated collections for State ten per ce^L.r, presidii'g ia his place f.*r the purpose of drawing juries in op-n Court ex cept in cases when from fii.iu-e to draw a jury in term time, or from other cause it may be necessary to draw a jury tor said City Court in vacation. If from any cause it should become nece-sary lo draw a jury for said'City Coart m vacation either the Judge «>t said City Court, or a Jodge of the Superior Courts, may at any time twenty days before the next term ol said City Court in the pre~*neo of it e Cleik and Sheriff ' t»f said City C or; proceed to draw j .ries in the m nner above prescribe-!. The Clerk shall keep said jury boxes and the Sheriff shall keep the key, and it shall be the doty of the Clerk of said Court within five days after the appointment of the Judge of said Court to prepare sa-d jury lists and boxes as herein before provided, and after said boxes are prepared the jury to serve at the first quarterly term of said Court shall be drawn as above provided for drawing juries in vaca tion. Sec. 8tb. The Clerk shall make oat a precept containing the names of tile persons drawn as above directed, and a summons tor each juror, and deliver the same to the sheriff fifteen days before the next term of said City Court, who shall serve each of said persons by banding him a summon* personally or leaving the same at his most notorious place of abode, at least ten days before the term of the said City Court at which he is required to attend. Sec. 9th. All laws in reference to the qualifications, relations, drawings, gammons, and impaneling jurors and of challenging, now ot force in this State or hereafter enacted by the Gen eral Assembly, regulating tfee sa ne in the Superior Courts, shall apply to an 1 be observed in said City ^Vi irt except where said general laws are inconsiits ent with the provisions of this act oa any amendments thereof hereafter made. Sec. 10th. From said panel of twentv-fbur jurors drawn and. sum- moned as above directed the Judge of said City Court shall cause to be made up two juries of twelve jurors each which shall be known and distin guished as juries cambers 1 and 2. and all cases and issues to be tried by jury at that term in sai-J City Court, civil or criminal, shall be tried by one of these or by a jury stricken from both as herein after provided. In case frits any causa saM panel sbHold be redaced below twentysfour, the Judge presiding in said City Court shall have power to fill it, by causing talesman to be summoned install* ter. Sec. Ilth. In criminal case the defendant shall be entitled to sevea peremptory challenges, and the State five, and in civil cases the plaintiff and defendant sbail be each entilled to six, and all laws ami rales both evil and criminal regulating the selection of juries in the Superior Charts shall apply to said City Court except where they are inconsistent with toe provi ions of this act and the amend ments hereafter made. Sec. 12th. In all matter* pertaining to pleading and practice tlie laws and throughout theStatepandf be served to bear and determine all civil- by any Sheriff thereof ; ^ ■* Sec. 16tU The general law of this State with ifegsrd to the eaMfilgl meat of suits tfi* the SapeHp^ Coerts. defenses ana ‘erttiifiah.* awf -their at tendance, interrogatories, -setts-off, claims to parties to rogatories or Under refc_ matters of a judicial nature jurisdiction of mid City Chirt-Mlnil be applicable to said City Cdqrf. Sec. 1.7th. The Judgeof said City Court shall have power to''cause tes timony to be taken and oaeide time ease and for the purpose of perpetua ting testimony wiibin his jurisdiction in all cases according to thd general laws of the State, and the Judge and al) other officer* of the skid (Sty Don't shaft have power respectively to ad minister all oaths peitainiiig to their respective offices as the Judge and other officers of the Superior Chart may in like cases do; and 4ai*l Judge shall also have power do attest deed*, and other papers and M-iiim-rter affi davits in all cases any wnere, hi ’ she State, in which by existing fciwi such papers may be attested and affidavits of this State, and tte Ju Ige of said Coart shall have all the i>o-ver» "and authority throughout hi* jurisdiction of Jodgi s of the Superior Courts ex cept* when by law exclusive power an-1 anthoii .y is vested id the Judges of the Superior Courts^ahA all few* relating to and gore-nine the'Judge* the the Superb*Courts, sfflL’f apply to tlie Judge of mid £itf XJoort', bo' far as the same maybe applicable except is herein provided. 1 ' ® ' 1 - * — - _ Sac. lSih. Ail actaand'-pfrfta of I jury. down from ^ the Superior Court, in which costs, or fine and coats are col lected oat of the defendant in the City Chart, that the cos A of the Solicitor General of the Western Circuit, and the Clerk and Sheriff of the Superior Court in snch case shall be first pmd oat of said costs in the case, but for their insolvent cost* the officers ot the said City Court above referred to sha’l have a lien upon the fines and forfeitures above-mentioned, raised in the City Court, 'superior to the Ben of the officers of the Superior Court for their insolvent costs. The officers of said City Court in office at ths time any money is brought in which is subject to insolvent costs ‘ shall be paid all their insolvent costa, before any predecessor in their res spective officies can c'airo anything oat of said amonnt thus brought in for insolvent costs due any such pred- terqJ at anytime- prior to the intro- ductiqn of any evidence upon the trial of the case. In the event of a new trial being granted in any esse, either by the Judge of said City Court or by the Supreme Court either party shall have the right to demand a jury, and have a trial by jury of said case npon the same term*, no matter whether a jury had been demanded npon the previous trial or trials or not. Sec, 27th. The Judge of said City Court .-bail have power to try all criminal cises within the jurisdiction of said City Court, and dispose of the same without a jury in all cases in wkr h the defendant ahall'not demand a jury to try his case, in such case the -defendant may demand and have a jury to try hia case, provided he shall do so in writing signed by himself or bis counsel before the introduction of any evidence in tbe case and such defendant shall have the same right in case new trials are granted, that is herein be oie allowed to parties in civil ca-es as to a jary trial, provided that when trial by jury is demanded in-either civil or criminal cases at the quarterly terms of said Court, such demand snail be entered before the jury’K.f that term is discharged, olh- erw»4 the parties shall he befit t* have waived the right to trial before a Sctrafreadr «• hereafter jfeWfed”np*!i die subject of attach in ent or garnish ment or legislating as to any matter whatever in the Superior Courts of this State shall apply to said City Court as if named wjth the Snperiot Courts in said acts so far as the na ture of said City Court will admit. The Judge of mid City Court, or any justice of >be Peace or Notary Public or other officer authorized by law to do so, may issue attachments and gar nishments returnable to tlie said City Court, under the same laws govern ing attachments or garnishments re turnable to the Superior Courts of this State. Sec. 19th. Said Court shall be a Court of record and shall have a seal and the minutes, records, orders, and other books and files that are requir ed by law and rules to be kept for the Superior Comte of this State shall be kept in and for eaid City Court, and in the same manner and aQ.JftW* ap plicable to the datiefl of the Clerk and Sheriff >a said Superior Codrts 'shall apply to them in mid City Court ex cept where they conflict with the provisions of this act. * The sime methods of procedure as govern in the Superior Courts shall be followed in said City Court in every respect unleas inconsistent wjth the nature of said Court, . ' Sec. 20th. All claims tb realty lev ied by virtue of any execution issued from said City Court, shall be'return ed to the Superior Court of the Coun ty where the land lies, and shall be put in, tried and determined as other claim cases returned to said Superior Court. Sec. 21*L There shall be four reg ular quarterly terms of said City Coart in each year, which shall be held on the second Mondays in January, April, July and October, in the Court House of Clarke County in Athens Georgia, for the transaction of civil and criminal business, and juries shall be drawn foe each of these terms as herein before directed. The Judgeof said City Chart shall in bis discretion hold his Court at the same place at any other time for the transaction of criminal business, which does not require a jury as speedily as posable consistent with the interest of the State and the accused, and may also if neoeansyhold adjourned terms ot the regular quarterly terms, for which adjourred terms he (bay either draw new juries or reqbire the 'same to setTs as in bfedfsereticM' dwy seem 11 For every case argued in Supreme CeurtflVXk The lees of said Soliritor for ser- d iu the Supreme Const shall lie paid by the State on tbe war rant of the Governor in all cases; vaheu the mid Solicitor shall present the certificat e ofthe Clerk of the So* preme Court ae to services, and of the Clerk of said City Court to the fact that tbe defendant was acquitted, or ^Tu^to^pay^eco^torsko wrote Court reverse* judgment ot ^ '<) miss governing the Superior Courts, Supreme the City .Court. I Vbv Clark and Sharif and their deputies of the Superior and Court, and- for U~»-4i0 Ca,Brm4 d«a» a •; where not inconsistent with the ex press provision of this Act, shall apply to, and govern the said City Court pleadkg and practice in every partic ular so far as the same may be appli- Sec. 13th- In all declaration the ait <HvU oi CrsSkahtt * to the annex: bearing deputy, which shall bear doSeftt least twenty days before ; tfcMerm ot.tfe) Court to which it is returnable, and l* bear test In ' said OX' ~ jffcjhrili term in the % the fcluk ot'saiffCU, *s fo the Superior Court, he ffirected to the Sheriff of hrr ' dep- in said CHy Court shall be Appearance and pteuling shall bo a utyofsaid CTty Cpurt/anil alt; an! * if. u «; 11 U a: . i jU oijqt* . .».*. k’A jHJirrrvI ,T J life. 38ih. Tbe Judge of tbe rior Court and the Judge of said City Court , u iy preside in the Court of ea-b oilier in said County in cases where the Judge of either Court is disqualifie 1 tt preside from any CAll<i^ a Sec 29-.ii. In any civil case in said Ci.y Court in which said CHy Jodge shall be from any cause disqualified the parties may ag ee either them selves or by counsel upon some attor ney to preside in that case in his place an'l said City Judge shall have an or der to that effect placed ^upon the minutes of said City Cout. Sec. 30th. The Judge of the Supe rior Court may send down from the Superior Court of Clarke Coanty all presentments and bills of indictments for offenies below h felony to the said City Court for trial. The order or orders so transmit ting such cases from tbe arid Superi or Court to. said City Court fix trial shad be entered upon the minutes of both of said Courts. Sec. 31st. It shall be the doty of all the justices ot tbe Peace and No. taries Public of this State (to bind over all persons charged with offenses committed within tbe Unfits of Clarke County over which the said City Court has jurisdiction to appear be fore said City Court to answer for said offenses. Sec. 32nd Defendant in criminal coses when the prosecution originates is said City Court, or when such de fendants are bound over to arid JCity Court by any justice of the Peace or Notary Public, shall be tried on writ- tea accusation setting forth plainly the offense charged founded oa affida vit containing the name of the accus er, and signed by the solicitor of arid City Court. Tbe proceedings after accusation shall conform to the rules governing in the Superier Court, except there shall be no jury trial unless demand ed, as herein before provided, by the accused. In all cases tried upon ac cusation^ the offense shall be therein charged with the same particularity both as to matters of form and sub stance, as is required by tbe laws and rules of criminal pleading to be ob served in bills of indictment in the Super! or *courta. Sec- 33 ad. A writ of error shall He direct fnm the arid City Chart to tbe Supreme Chart of this 'State npon a bill of exception filed nnder the rulesand regulations as govern; and controll the issuing of arms of and filing of bilk of exceptions in the Superior Courts of this Sec. 34th. AD laws regulating the enforcement of the jadgmenta of tbe rior Courts whether cxrO or crim- >hall apply |bo arid City Court, and exeewtiona snail issue ana be lev ied and sales be had under the rales and laws regulating same in the Superior Court. Sec. 35th. Tbe Judge of mid C*i> Chart shall have the same power to enforce liis orders, to preserve order, parish for contempt and to enforce all hirjjtidgtteota as is vested by br io the Judges of the Superior of this State. Sec: 36th. All moneys arising from ry fines, fines imposed for violation cfprnri law#, and other fines, and col lected from forfeited SEc. 37th. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of said City Court to send up to the Superior Court, at each term thereof a statement of the amount oa the insolvent costs due to the offiesrf of the Superior Court and uncollected upon,cases transmitted from the Su perior Court to said City Court for trial which have been finally disposed of In said City Court, which amount shal be first paid, from any balance jof fines and forfeitures in said City Churt, that may at any time remain after full payment of tbe ved costs ot the officers of said City Court as herein before provided ; and should any balance remain of such fines and forfeitures after full paymeut in the order provided of all insolvent casts doe both the officers of said City Coart, and tlie officers of the Superi or Court, such balance shall be paid into the Treasury of the County of Clarke; provide* 1 that nothing herein contained as to the payment of snch insolvent costs due the officer* of the Superior Court shall prohibit the payment of same from any fines and forteiture in the Superior Court, whenever the costs in any cose trans# nfitted from the Superior to the City Court are paid in the latter court it shall be the duty of the Clerk thereof to retain and pay over to the officers of the Superior Coart their ers s in that case. Sec. 38th. In any case where it may be necessary to attach the Clerk of add Court, it shall be lawful for tbe Judge of said Court to call in the ser- vices of the Clerk of the City Council of Athens; and the Chief of Police cf «ty off Athens shall be competent to enforce any attachment, by said Judge, against the Sheriff of said City Court. And tbe Sheriff and Clerk of said City Court may sne and be sued in said Court, but when the Clerk may be defendant in any action, the process shall be signed by the Jndge, and arid Clerk shall be required to copy the petition and aunex the process there*, to, and the Clerk shall also be re quired to make out final process in any case in which be may lie interest ed as in other cases, which shall be signed by the Judge and executed in other cases; and in all cases before said Court, in which the Sheriff there of shall be plaintiff or defendant, the process shall be directed to the Chief of Police, and all and Policemen of the city of may be served by any and subsequent proceedings shall be as in other cases, the said Chief or other policemen taking the place of the Sheriff. Sec 39th. In all cases in this the same powers and rights of as to waivers in pleading or procedure, or other matters pertaining to the same shall be allowed and upheld in the Superior Courts are allowed the laws and rules governing of dm Jj , be issued Sec. 22-ad. In ali civil cases in said City Court where the d-images or the amount claimed in action excontractu exclusive of interest do not exceed two hundred dollars and iu all actions upon a tort when damages laid do cot exceed that amount and in all other cases when the amount involved ia the suit in value of property sued for or otherwise does not exceed that amount the second term after te dec laration is filed shall be the regular trial term of the case, hut ia ali other civil cases, the third term after the declaration is filed shall be the regular trial term, but in all ca-es where a continuance is granted it shall be net longer than the next regular quarterly terra. --.u , V ■ Sxc.'23rd. Adjudgments obtained j in said City Court shall be a lien upon all property of the defendants through- out the State, arid all executions smB arid City Court shall be subject to the Of payment of the fees, ot the Solicitor, C.etk, Sheriff and other officers of and" said CHv Court provided that in every case of pre sentment, or bill of indictment sent Mich the. .•Jolt' f»l . (Office Ot ’ ' ^Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 15, 18TO. IhenSy^frtitritatffie foregoing thirty-five page* contain a correct copy of thft original Act.on file in this office. u*,,. I: ,* ri /.‘irjV E Given under my hand and official a. ■' * SI. CL BARNETT, i ,-i i Secretory ol State. The Census law. The following points ot jthe law will be of interest V» many ot our readers:. - c The Superintendent of Census shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and content ot the Senate, with ao annual salary of $5,000, The S»o-etary_of “the Inte rior may appoint a chief clerk, six clerks ofclas i four, ten derks of dasa three, fifteen clerks at dass taro, and toch number of clerk* of rises one and of copyists and computers, at salaries ot not less than $T00, nor more thyv $1,000 per annum, as may be necessary. The Secretary of the Interior shall, on or before March 1,1880, designate the number, whether one or more *.f supervisors, of .census to be appointed within each State or territory, who shall be retideuts of the State or ter*, ritory. Tbe supervisors shall be ap- hundred Each tiding with Sec. 40. All cases, civil or criminal now pending and undisposed oi in the Coanty Coart of Clarke Coanty shall be and are hereby transferred to said City Court, and the same shall Jbe placed npon the properjdoctets in said Court, and shall be tried and disposed of as other cases in said City Court. All final and other processes now in the bands of the Sh eriff, bailiff or oth er officer, which are made returnable to the Coanty Court, shall be, by them returned to this Court, instead of said County Court. The Judge and other officers of the City Court shall have power and au thority to bsue; and enforce in tbe name of said City Court any and all processes in any cases from the Coun ty Court necessary to the final dispo sition of the same, which from any cause have not been issued and en forced by tlie officers of the Coanty Coait; and all cases now pending, and not finally disposed of in the Coanty Coart within tbe jurisdietioB of Justice of the Peace, shall be trans ferred to the Justice Court*, having jurisdiction of the-same, who shall base the tame power to finally dispose of tbe same, that the Chanty Judge woald have had. Sec. 41. Tne Judge ot the City Court mav practice law in any of tlx Coarts of this State; or the United States, except the City Coart, and tbe Supreme Court, on writ* of error from the City Court. Sec. 42. All suite against joint obligors, joi-t promissors, co-part- nets, or joint tresspassers, in whld an; one or more reside in tbe Coanty of Clarke may be brought in this Coart when within its jurisdiction as above defined nnder the same rales and regulations governing sack in the Superior Courts, mutofis, mt- tandisas to copies, second originals, returns, and other matters connected with the salt. Sec. 43. The Judgeof the City Coart shall have power to grant a new trial in any case, rivil or criminal ’R his Court upon tbe same terms, and subject to the same laws am regulations in every respect govern ing tbe granting of new trials in tbe Superior Court, may be given in full compensation for all services; and no i^im fix mileage or traveling expetiN ses shall be allowed in such aubdhnw ions: Provided, that the subdivirions to which the above rate of compenj sation shall apply must be designated by the Saperentindent of Census at least one month in advice of the enu meration ; and no account of the tuna occupied in enumeration shall be re quired for tbe purpose of ascertaining and determining the compensation of enumerators in such subdivisions. For oil other subdivisions, rates of compensation shall be fixed in advance of the enumeration by tire Superinv teodent of Census, with toe approval of the Secretary of the Interior, ac cording to the difficulty of. tbe eon mention, having reference to the nature of the rigioo to be canvasaed, sod tbe density or sparseneas of aet- TlixsnT. or other considerations per- tinent thereto; bat tbe compensa tion allowed to any enumerator ia any ffistriet east of the ooe hundredth meridian shall not excead an average » of foot dollars per day often boon, actual field work each; and the com* peoaatkm allowed to any ennmera» c lor in any district west of the on* hundredth meridian shall not exceed six dollars per working day ot equal [he subdivision assigned to any enumerator shall not exceed four, thousand inhabitants, according to census of eighteen hundred and- seventy: Provided, that in tbe Terri tories and in the Sutcs admitted into the Union since eighteen hundred and seventy, the supervisors of census may appoint additional enu merators in cases where, in hia jodge - moot, the census cannot be properly taken in thirty days by reason of th» increase of the population or tbo physical features ot the said district. tt —«r! — Parsers Sxntooine Worm Lomw* ges are the best of all Worm Medi cines. Thousands bfonotherj, all otsr ‘.he fend give their cbil lren pAums Santonin* Worm, loseug- s. Try there at B. C. loro dr Co. mayfoly. ^ 'iT tanmss-foF are, ■