Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1878-1879, November 25, 1879, Image 4

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^ta“newk Tiik Latest Sayings and Doings in Georgia. Sdlicy comity is perfectly solvei.t. a White county treasury has no mon- Gibson is having its church paint* B'l. Eight inmates in the Gainesville jail. Prof. M. L. Parker will teach at Harmony Grove again next year, as* sisied by Miss Colter Park. Cholera among the hogs in Jackson county. Griffin can’t get cars to ship her cotton. Mrs. B. S. Irvin, of Washington, is very ill. CoL Siltnan, of Jackson county, ex* hibils a potato .twenty-four, inches long. 'Ho* is that for potato? Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Jackson county, is suffering from a wound in the leg received during the war. Messrs. Salinklu and Neal, two young men of Harmony Grove, are at tho Medieal College in Augusta. The last grand jury of White coui.* ty fixed the pay of jurors aud bailiffs for the next y ear at a dollar a day. Rev. W. S. Bean lias been en to_eupply the pulpit of the Reid morial Church iu Summerville, near Augusta. But 4 iuiu .te.' in Spalding county Jail. ‘ Lawrenceviile • laims a fine mineral spring. Royston has 6 dry goods stores and 2 bar room* Tho Hartwell Debating Club lias been organized. John S Jones, of Schley county, lias become insane. Waynesboro is to have three enter, tainmen'.s this week. On October 30th, Union County treasury had $83.60. ’ Miss Dora Russell, of Kentucky, is visiting Washington. The A'bany papers say that the Fair there was a success. *C-Mr Sain Iloge, of Macon, is very ill with typhoid fever. inperarice tide is rising in At* A Mormon elder lectured in Atlan ta Iasi‘Monday night. A temi lantn. Let her roll. The com-lionse and jail in Union cjunly need repairing. Dr. L. G. Brantley has moved from Conyersjto Social Circle. The Ordinary of White coun giants no retail licenses. The monument to Col. Flowem, in Troup county, cost $1,300. The Upson Enterprise lias a sweet potato weighing 114 pounds. J Mr. Lewis O’Brien’s lam was burned recently|:iear Barnett. The d welling of Dr. L. B. Hatcher, at Telfair, was burned ncc-ntly. The late Senator Speer was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta. J. H. Nichols, W. A. Reaves and David White have been selected com missioners on turnpike roads in White county. Mi. A. S. Moigan will be Princi pal of the Warronton Male and Fe male Academy next year. John P. Hubert has been elected Collector and Curran Battle cominis* sioner for Warren county. Charley -McGregor, of Wairenton, is called the “Iron Wheel” of temper ance, in Warren county. The per diem of Upson county ju rors and bailiffs in 1880 will he $1.50. Applo Va'ley is huff- ing up. 25, 1879 On the 12 h Sumter co., to vannah. i-allthadEt ' ALSO and S&EF.AXjiSSfcS In Savannah, 13th, C. W. Lufbur, row to Mamie L. Gleason. In Crawford co., Doc Campbell, of Upton co., to Miss Lee Parham. In Talbot co., Geo. Brown, .of Up son, to Miss Hancock. Mr Charley Jackson, of Gwinnett, is critically ill with pneumonia. In Atlanta, 12th, Dr. Frauk Ntw- man to Lula Sheek; lltli, B. F. Bar- rick to Luia Adi ms. Rev. L. W, Stepluca, of Eibert county', will move to Rovs’on. Mr. John Chapman, of Bowman, is preparing to move to Hartwell. A fine horse was recently stolen from Mr. Qu’lliau, of Bcllton. The colored people of Talbot coun ty have just had a creditable Fair. William Harrison, of Franklin county, will merchandise in Royston. New buildings arc going up in Bowman ; the Baptist church is one. A Columbus man pawned his teeth tor money to pay his way into the cir cus. Dr. J. K. Baroum, of Stewart county, l as just had a line hoy horn The track ot the Columbus and Rome raiload extends mure than two miles beyond Hamilton. W. S. McHenry lias bought the dwelling lately occupied by Mr. Pat Burney in Madison, and will move in to it. to him. Mr. Geo. C. Grogan thinks of hav ing a residence tor himself and family OF ALL DliSLillPTIONS OF FURITURK. In Acworlb, dlli, John Collins to Lou Sorrells; 12th, M. P. Harwell of Oxford, to Mrs. Julia Andrews. In_Atlanta, M. E. Edwards to Mrs. Lucy E. Holliman. Near Atlanta, Win. A. Groeu to Miss Thompson. In Warrenton. 13th, babe of R. T. Heath. In Savannah, receutly, Jno. F. O’Byrne >ged 52. 8 [In Tuoiuaston, 9th, Mrs. Elvira E. » SOIiOMON & At the Albany Fair the ladies united in running a “Church restaurant” and cleared about $300.00, making about $00.00 for each church. Geo. K. Looper Fas bought the McLeioy residence in Gaiucsvillc. Miss Fannie Seaman*, of Conyers, will visit Southwest Georgia soon. Mr. S.JL. Keeling, of iCainesville, will soon visit his parents in Texas. In (irceuosbnrn the price ot a re tail liquor license is $10,000 a year. Ther- were 7,260 hales of rotten recoiled in Savannah the 14th inst Sam Hill is said to be sufTeiiup with pneumonia in the Atlanta jail. The prisoners in White county jail aven’t beds iior’ce vering enough. I at Dr. R. L. King has taken charge of the A mold House in Washington. Mr. C P. Atkinson, of Madison, is convalescing alter a recent illnes- Miss Nora Wiggington, cf JefTer soil, is recovering from a recent ill ness. Several month-’ salaries are du the public school teachers in Savan nah. Z j. The people of Washington arc not a chtiseh-going people—says the Gu~ zettc. Miss Dixie Clayton is the'name o' a pretty young lady of Calhoun county. | The Jefferson court-house is rapid ly npproacWng completion. It has * tin roof. Rev called field. L R L Jennings has been to TlorcL church near Mav- Mi*-, T Vi II Lsu'a an! Rena Evao ei ro eo uir-v, :• e i.riousl are talking of a railnad Iron W'yneshoro to the Savannah rive 2 mil. s. f Mr. J. S. McCrosky, of Toccoa, is getting over his recent derange ment. The Madison Baptist church con tributes about $200Jannually for mis 81008. i appe int- Au- M. W. Hutchins has been od conductor on the Macon gusta road. • Mr. 11. L P. Alninnd, of Conyers, thinks of having a Clement attach ment soon. Joe Morgan, of DcKall- county,had several .1 his fingers lacerated in a gin recently. Rev. Hugh Carmichael lias leet re-.-alli-l to ihe Baptist church a Whilesville. Judge Pottle decided in favor of the Board in the Fountain camp ground case. It will go to the Su preme court. James P Swain, of Warrenton, came near killing his little baby by mistakenly giving it laudanum for soothing syrup. Dr. L. G. Hardman will soon -have a fin-: new dwelling house completed in Harmony Grove. Ii w II be occu pied next year by Mr. T. E. Key. 1L B. Adair, 31. D. Hudson and Ratliff Palm, ur were ordain.d dea cons iu the Gainesville Baptist church recent y. .Mr. Randolph Aura, of Quitman county, exhibited ah. ut 28 varieties ol domestic wine at the Albany Fair. built-in Elhcrtpn 31 r T W Ayers, of Carncsvillc, has been looking at Lawrenceville witli an eye to settling there. Fifteen bales of cotton with on. mule is what Capt T J Davis ofTal hot county will make. A negro woman in Talbot county has had six children in two years— three pairs of twins. 3Ir Benjamin PowcR, of Meri wetln r, an old man of 82, canglit i. 74 pound turtle in Red O.-.k Creek. Tlie Southron says Thomas Kinney has brought the finest hale of cottoi to Gainesville this season. ickinson, over 70. At Norwood, Mrs. Brit Reese. In Hamilton, Janies A. Lewis, of Columbus, to Willie Hood. On the 16th, John Sage, assistant engineer on the Air Liue road, to Sus die P. Jones ot Sonth Carolina* In Hancock co., 10th, H. G, Twil- U-y to Mrs. Mary Ann Bedside; 16tli, cf. B. Thigpen o Willie S. Rey nolds, 3\ e are nun |ii epai ed to do all kinds of work in our line, SUCH AS 9 Manufacturing, AND ^ J ^■dunitubb! Of all kinds. We keep constantly on hand all kinds of 1£0'0'UDIN'G3, ORSSSSD PLaOHItTG Aim CE3XJXTGB5 E-peeial attention given to DRESSING and matqhjiin g All work e.itruste.l to us will receive prompt’atte-iti ni. O u - charges ^ ar Reasonable and Suited to the Times. WHOLESALE Gu^us a call, at old stand of Lowrance <fc Madden, in rear of the Stor Ol J. ri. nuggiuj p ril 1,1-yenr. 11. W SAYE & SON’S. Deaths. Mr J L M Estis, formerly of the Rankin House, Columbus, Las leased the Choice Hotel iu Rome. Susan Chapman, a good old negro woman of Griffin, dic-1 there recent ly- Dr. Provan, a Boston gemleinaii wintering in Allmiiv, received a kick from a horse the 15th inst., that broke two of his ribs. Messrs Jackson and Henry Paris, ol’Reynolds, have been indicted by the grand jury of Pulaski county on the charge of setting lire to Ifawkins- ville. Rev. J. O. A. Clark lectured in Washington at ihs Melhodist church Sunday night, the 16th, on “Wesley anel Metht.di-m >’ It is thought that the cotton crop •f Wilkes county will bii.ig from a hundred thousand to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars moie this year itian last. Stella* ille will have a mass meeting aud barbecue on the 21st inst., in the nt rest of the proposed Augusta and Stellavilie railroad. Capt. Arnold, late of the Arnold House, Washington, is now co-pro prietor with Mr. Murphy of the Globe II»t. 1, Augusta. Ti e Bibb eoimly gr■ n d jury -an laws for liming . on:, y officer.* t.» •Hi. t udmiiii-iruti. ii in t-.uituv .-{fair .ml to keip tlieu I oik- in miter con dition. . The grand jury of Union county recommend the appointment of V. M. Waldroop, C. N. Davis, and J. V. Lance as commissioners on turnpike roads. L On thcJ25th of October Haber sham county owed S3,789,18,i and had on hand i 196.15. The tax as sessed fo> this year is $3,723.72. R P. Hilvev of Augusta lias leased t'.e Hound Mountain furnace at Rome, for three years. Miss Lou W.Ilium* of Crswh r.l ville, is conval|pci-g after a long and serious, ill tic-3. Mr. R.dicrl D. Sims, formerly o. West Poiu’. a now iu business ii: Lonisvlle, Ivy. Tlu rc h is uet been a circus in L Grange in six or seven year*. Fort unate I,-.Grange. 31 r. I Ir-Htli declines to take el arge of the F.ankliu Institute in Carm-s ville next year. Mr. Uuwc will build another steam bakery in Savannah on the site of the ne lately hu:ned. Thouiaston ha- h d a successful do «atV on l’ avt y torni-e funds to refurnish thl > parsonage. xnAtogh money has been raised to -pay off the debt of the Gainesville Bapti-t church. The Eagle says J. M. Whitmire ha* brought the I cst bale of cotton to Gainesville this st-asou, A. Mr. Killian, an oM man, suici ded bv hanging himself to n limb in Gilmer county Rev. Mr. Wynn, of Bowdon, has been called to Long Cane Baptist church for next year. A brillinnt reception wna given Mr. A brilliant reception was given Mr. and Mrs. Claud Estes at Gainesville the evening of the 13th. The Forest Neves says the people R. A. Rev. H of bis circuit want Seale again next year, Miss Kiltie Walton, of Madison, is dangerously ill iu Augusta, where she had gone to attend school. Willie ai. Karris of Grecncsboro will apply for admission to the North Georgia Conference at Augusta. Two negroes in Dougherty county quarreled about the cotton rows they were to pick anil wo M nd up by a fight in which one was so badly cut that be will die. Thoma* Chiv»-rs lias lice i 1. oand over to the Troup Superior Court to answer the charge of attempted black ra 1 of 31 T Walker, a wc-n'thy and respected citizen of Wc-t Foi \ Lest Spring the childr- n of the U"i ii Point 1’aplist. Sunday School planted a quantity of goolieVs to be sold this wjntir for mi.*sioi.-iry ■noney, they e:i i them “missionary goobers.” Mr. G. W. Iluckaby, of Lee coun ty, has been a subscriber to the Sunt ter Kepi (’’.'can 20 years, and has •••• i 1 Hr it for .-vi ry year of the linn Long live Iluckaby, aud may his tribe increase. ■ On the 14th inst., the Eagle and Phenix mills . f Columbus sold over 500 b ,le« rescue p’aiils, and 7,500 pounds of b:il ! sewing thread. Sal-* amounting to $45,000 iu one day, o r only two products, The late freshet did much damage in the Blue Ridge enmities. The mill of Messrs. Wclhor:i, Butts ami Conley, niar B'aireville, was swept sway, and all the biidgis across the Hiwass-vC between Hiuursee villas, and Murphy, N. C. Major R. F. Lawton, a Macon banker, carefully locked his money in his safe Saturday night, an 1 on Mon day the lock refused to respond to hi* efforts to open the safe. So he has had to semi to New York lor an ex pert to coidc ami unlock it. An accident to the carriage in which so-ne lumbers of the Globe Comedy Opera Company were rid ing in Miilcdgcrille threw them all out of the vehicle and killed one of their number,—Mr. Aimes. In an affray at the rolling-mill in Atlanta thu 17th inst., between David A. R id and Dwight Harris ou one side, and-Frank aud El wood Shcetx, brothers, on the other, the 'skull of Elaood Sheets was mashed in rn the brain with an iron in the hands of Harris. Trepanning was resorted to and Sheets was living and resting easily twenty-four hours afterward. Harris has fled. He is a son of A. L. Harris. Reid was considers! ly bruised $i tho row. Itoystin is preparing to build a new academy, which i- to In- in charge of R. T. Tucker, next year. On circus day in Columhu.* the hunks there |m\ ,1 out over 61,60!) in b-.ii.iie 1,-r circus iii-ou-v. Iu Greenesboro,'9tb, a little girl of R~ W. Copelan, thu third child hu has lost within a few week*. ^In Greene co, 7th, F. 1\ Ham 11th, lloiaiin, son of J. B. Y. War ner. Iu.Sumter co , 6th, Talluhm Clarke, aged about 18. , In Preston, 13th, Dr. Jenkins. E.I“ Augusta, 14th, Anton Iverten. J. Boggus Iu Nititon co., 9th, T. ’Mis. L. Freewt. In Troup co., 7th, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Traylor, aged 80. In Floyd co , 9th, L. E. Beall. In Coweta co., 7th, 31 rs. Ida G. Willc->xoii, aged 24. '• in Met till ai il Tun Murphy had a M-iin.iiiagr ii: A - la l: the otle-r day. NobtiOy tiavi miie.a. Mr Dot:-ey, late <d the Fnyettcvi'.Ie bar, lias moved to Atla-ita to practice law in nartner>hip with Judge W right. To the 10th in-t., 382 h..d signed the pledge during the pre-s.-nt tem perance icvival in Atlanta. Bill Holt, the negro lately on trial or murder iu Bibb county, was found guiily of voluntary inanslangli- ter. Rev. T. A. Higdon has resigned the .storship of tho Sixth Baptist church pa: in Atlanta. In Warren co., lltli, Mrs. Drusilla O. Tison. In Warren - «>., Baikstbi!)-. Iu If 19. 8lh, B. F. Floyd, aged Near Dauburg, recently, 3Ii-s M. E. Sale, aged 15. Ill W;isi.toy ton, 10th, Mrs. .Martha F. Smilli, :i”« J 62. In Taliaferro eo., 9th, J. II. Flyn. aged about 76; ou the 7th, Ella U Harrison, ageil 15; ail-1 ou the 13tli Eddie L Jordan. In Rntkdnlc co., Mrs. NlcCollum. Win. Bryan, aged To the 18th cotton rei-i ipla this season iu Savannah, were 348.593 balw, against 318,230 Ibr last season. Miss Susie Edens, of Social Circle, ha* gone to the S. M. F. College ai Covington to complete tier educa tion. Mr. Bedford Robertson and 3Ir. Janies Blasineam -, old eiiizcim of Waiton county, a:-e thought to he hopeles Iv ill. John it Jen! i s o| G wiuueu comity - B.iv's iioiire that hi. wife 1 ipid |,f s bed !...:.rd asd ilnr le- will not he • e-l on-ib'a f-r ln-r eoiitraei.-. A little --ii of Asa L. Griffin of Ban! s county, had hi- ha id so badly mangled iu a sorghum mill as to malic amputation necessary. Augusta is moving for a new fac tory. It will be owned by the “Sib ley Manufacturing Company,” so called after 3Ir. Josiali Sibley, one of the leading men in the enterprise. A little son of 3Ir. Jack Williams, near Social Circle, broke his arm by a fell- It was set aud he was doim r well at last accounts. The Elbcrton Baud entertainment the 14th inst., netted about $170, and put the Band out of debt. Miss Fannie Clark was voted the most pop ular young lady. In Talbot county the night of th 15th a 3Ir Boswell, brother-in law of Henry Edwards, tva*-hot fmm the pubi c load by an nn ti .wu party and wounded he wilt n o<al>ly die. Mauriaoix In Lee eo, 1 Ot! 21. In Amu ton. In Milled lie. is, 11th, S. L. j Thorn ville, 15th, Jerome Tut- r..In Atlanta, lltli, Jimmie, son ol Judge J. R. Knott. In Jackson c.o., 15th, Cj W. Ixm; In Gwinnett co.,' 12th, iifuutson ot J. M. Mills. In Columbus, Win. Driidson In Sparta, infant child of Mr, Land. fn Atlanta, 12th, 31 ri. Abigail Clark. In Newton co., 16.h, L. A. Burk- han. In Foisyill, 17;h, cl. It hols rlie Ca Bibb co., lTtb.jThoniasj o', a-i d over 75. In Lumpkin 4th, Mrs. G. B. ley Jr. liclin Shin- Httr 1). C. HURLEY, Corner Clayton St., and College Avenue, Clothing, Notions, Hosiery, & Cl) BOOTS, SHOES AND.HATj The Most Reliable ar.d Cheapest Place in Athens'to have CAnjRXAGES, BT7GGXES, WAGOITS, Made and Repair< d. My HOHSE SHOSHTG & FL/ -UTiLTXOlT WOBZ Having had long ex* SPECIALTY. a!u tul of all compriUion in quality n* «i price. poriencc in Bih’.ops North, and Sonth and the liberal patronage the people have given me since I opened this place make me confident that I will please all who in future favors me with their patronage Use the Best Material employ the most Skillful Workmen and Guarantee the Lowest Prices. s ‘ D. C. HURLEY, Corner Clayton St. and ColLge Avenue, Opposite Talmadge, Hodgson &Co. CITY LOTS 25x&25 FEET SITUATED IN NORTH DENVER, Open House, Denver, CoL EVERT OTHER LOT ABSOLUTE LY FREE 1 14 Broad Oct.l,ly. Street, Athens, Gieorga LOWRANCE & BOONE, The Cheapest Furniture Hottl NORTHEAST .GEOEGlJ U. S. Mint, Denver, CoL estwarrantee deed without RESERVE. Denver now has k nonut;'tl 01 ' oftO^OJ. Great cities arc tlie outgrowth of great countries. Twenty years aao Denver mi I a *mall trailing post on tbs Iron tier, now it Is alarge city, wltn nnmeronaChurcliei HoteK$’ ll ''® lc rs, Slrcetmllroads, Go»-work«, Water-work*, Gold and ^ye?Smeltingaiid’Heflnt#f ^Works, with a Unttcd States Mint, and is the great BaUroad Centorof tho West. There -F? seven Unit-class Kallroads now running and connecting with all the Principal and ifiacli ltallroads from Maine to California. It is the Capital of Colorado, nataoallythe richl* »*a«« to tho Union, and located In about the geographical tenter of the United States./* & -> climate Is charming, with the best water and purest air - -- -- : n unexcelled for beauty and grandeur. It is surrounded ipjx-r, Iron, Lead, and Coni Mines and Agricultural Lands lh 1'gus.rtera for Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wy- NorHem Texas. The rich mineral and agricultural resources a Denver the largest and wealthiest city In the West. LOTS ARE CiVEIM AWAY. In the world, and tho sea, Ly the richest Gold, Silver, America. It is now tlie ' oming, Nevada, Arlxoua, of this vast country wiU WH ituati l in Welti County, State of Colorado, in immediate *y <r*.ia:g-3 Ijemg one dollar to pay the Notaiy Public fees for acknowledgina deed a:* 1 * **onveyancc- The Company does not give every lot away, hut each alternate one,aud does not e ;poet that every person who gets n lot in North Denvef — * :, 1, and they will induce their friends to follow. The in< a many Will come here, but a grout creased population will tloon xaal; each alternate lot, \vhie|:A!iey hoi.— „ _ - For this reason the abovt^propositmn is made. The deeda are unconditional, not requiring any one to settle or improve, but with full power to transfer and deed to others. The limlf to any one person taking advantage of tills offer is live lots. This property is not hill* aide, mountain, or mvump, but is level, fertile, and has advantages for building, upon too numerous to mentIon? Full and satisfactory information, with indorsements ftom oar best citizens, will be furnished. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. T, W. C. (Uxsns, Count j Clerk nntl Recorder within and for said County and State, do hereby certify to tho above and forego:t;? to l* (rm>, cud title complete to tho land therein described according to ihe record* In ray ollce. I further certify there are no abstracts or transcripts of judgments, taxes or other leins standing against said loud. In testimony whereof I hare hereuuto aet my band aud affixed my official •eel this 2d day cf August, A. D. 1*79. Stole of Colorado,! ,^^ NDERS ' C1 “ k EMOrder- Count, of Weld.)**- INSTRUCTIONS. his Company will send by return moil, to any one sending within sixty days , (Into of tills paper their names, P. O. address, a from the Have just received a full line of Ghamtcr Suits,' Eedsleids. Mattresses, Cottage and F,o:h Chairs, Spring-Beds, &c. AVc arc the sole agents in Athens tor the National Wire Mattress Compan Call and examine onr Stocks The best Wire Mattress made, prices before purchasing. LO'tVRANCE & BOONE. 2 Doors Ea t ot S. G. Dubb>, Broad Street, Atticim, Cl BET* R. Jimv. VS^ Our Entire Machinery consisting oj a No. 1, IS Horse Engine One !ar f c 24 inch plainer, one targe iron 3 sided moulding mat-bine, tvo turning kb,l circle saw b^i.cites and saws, one Tennon Maciaue and Saw combined, one Sliapin or Imp Moulding Machine, one Small Pony Plainer, one Large Clamp and a lot of Hand Clninmtgpl with all the Sbaning and Belong all in good order. Address July.8.r m . LOWKANCE A BOOXE, A then., «>. County and State, plainly written in fult, a clear warrantee deed to a lot 25 feet front bjfjp feet deep in North Denver, Colorado, clear of all taxes. Schml, Dearer, Col. Applications for city lots must bo accompanied rwilli one dollnrforcachlotto pay cost of making land acknowledging deed, postage, eta The lots then can be sold aud transferred at your pleasure. Lot all improve this opportunity to secure a homo in Itho richest state in the world. Deeds sent to any part ot the U. S. and Canadas. Address all let ten to ■DENVER LAND COMPANY. HUS 413 LAWRENCE ST.. DENTKB, COE. o.eofihe In Jackson co , 17th, Dick Minish, from exposure in going to and irom' the circus at Athens. QEOR G1A, CLARKE COUNTY. —Ordinary’s Orticx, October 13,1875, Ordinary Sitting tor County, Tax Purposes Ac.—Ordered that the following levies be und are hereby made upon the State Tax, for the year 1879, for the following County purposes, __. - ' “■ * Go ~ County, und ncoesaary current expenses of tl to-wit: To bniJd or repair Court llonse or Jail, bridg es, or other public trar^oven ent*, bccording to contract, 15 per cult. T» p »y incur* redin supporting .ih«* |m.r, b i*cr veut. -To piy sheriffs, jailors and ot cr olhccre’ fees, that fc.ivV may be entitle t to, out of t!ic County by law, »nv!nding $100»\ for Mibry ofti e Judje ol the Citv Ci*urt. 18 jer cent. To p:*v a roueit all fees that may bo due t i*m Uy the comity lor holding It quest, (I) one-hulf o?*one per con: — To j* y tX|M iimss of the County f. r b.ii!ffs it Court, non-re.'ldcut witnesses in cr.'miiinl ciw, fuel, scr.«»•♦*’ hire, stuti'Hmry uu<l the like, *»* percent. To pay jnrors. 10 j»er ecu . T«> P*> mUrwi on \V uti* of the ( -ouuty, ^2 per «*»t.— To p y outer Liwful ehurges u^utust ;l.t Lotin- t v, jttul any leffal indebtedness of the i suuty, tine or to hroomo •'uu (l'lrinjr this * ear, V 1 'A-i)i)4fi|i • „ i dm?, .J jK-f cent. I • l> j These several lev it g, mr£rcy?.tinjj iP P er cent, on iVe State T«x, or 3-V vent* on i; |h one [„ f.j.t ... hnndwtl dollars worth of proiH-rty. maJifjf the -1-5 ..U* ,, I ) U S | l-tli, Mat Wolfsol!. ; State and County le’ic.% for this yc;«i, Ot rirmnltun, to Sarah Stem. 70oents per hundred dollare worth o- pifr,’*«riy In Marseille, recoatlv, Juwjph Rvd to Julia VV'n lac*-. la l’olk ca ,'7th, II. V Fannie Lo-au. In ialbotton, 5th, E. F. Holmes to Belle Campbell. In Covington, Gtii, A. E. McDou atd to Hulda Easterliu-, - . and bciiiff 10 cento lc*s on iliahu:<- red ti State and County.TnY of toft r. > - * l. ASA M. JACKSON, O diijary. A true copv from the minute?. ASA M JACKSO>, Ordjtarv. oct.21.’70.30d. In Atlanta, lltli, W. B. B trko o Annie U. B. Wilson, Mark ii. Gui->- smitli tu Gus«ie M. Wiliiam*, J. C. Brown to Jennie B. Fuller. In Wyniit-ni, near C<4 a minis, 13tli; H. W. Dozier to Maggie Walker. In Atlanta, 12th, W. O. Whitehead to Ella Aldredgc. In Calhoun cl, recently - , A. J. Au 1 of Chat taiuoga to Julia Jennaics, J, F. Lark to Stella E. liodre t. AJUARDIANS ^ALE.— ^ -tu an or-lcr of the Court of Ordiwiry ot .aid county will bu .old before the CourtHouse doorot Cmrko Cvuulyou ll.e lirs-. Tuwdoy of Novo nb»r, daring tin: legal hours of rtlebue honso aud I jt, situulo in tbo city of Atlttm* in uid county, bounded on the *Wo.t by Tbad Boyd (-ol’d) on tbo North by Haueoek aVcuqc, on the South by Charles ltull (ebl’d) on tlie East by Carnal: containing oue third of sh acre more or less. To be so'd as tiio pnuerly o"f Emrat aud Latlior Freeman, orphans ot Samuel Frccnuiu (col’d) deceased tor tlie boa. fit of said orphans £ept. 17ili IsT». Terms Ca*> JtAWKINS TAYLOK, GnarJia sejt.23.2Sd. In Amcrious, 9th, John Irvin tf Albany to Gertrude Green. At Dahloncgn, 12th, L. B. Ramsaur to Mattie Lewis. J. D. In Bartow cm, recently, II. Ramsaur to Fannie Shepherd. At White Plain*, reccnliy Grant to Lizziu Williams. In Milledgerdle, •-13th. T. I.. Me- Comb to Lula O. Callaway, and F. J. Fle niater, of Griffin, to Ida C. Calla way. J In Conyers, 12th, L. M. Landrum, of Oglethorpe co., to Rebecca Mo* ley. In Sumter co.,5ih, W. 8. Moore to Mollic Markelt. Thoa. In Bnena Vista. 2d inst., Harrell to Addie Perry of Webster county. C LARKE SHERIFF SALE—Will he sold before the C-onrt House door in the city of Athens, Clarke ecitntv, Geo gia. with n tlie le gai hours of sale, o-i the first Tuesday in No vember netit, the following nronertv. to-wit • ,1,100 Hi,mnnig property, to-wit: Two sores oftetid, Mtiuitc ami bciu^ in the city cue. on the we»t cud of lot wltcreou dofaudaut, b. la. llirmtrj and family, now lives.[ Line ' ro:n Friuce Avenus street across to of Alheu.*, Ol.ntkc oountv. Ga., on 1'riiitffi Av^- cue. — *• J 1,1 - * N running C. Chandler s la, Ati levied upon to 'Satisty one Stull and oounty tax fl. ft, and one atv tak JUla. F. B. Lneas, Tax Collector, VS.K. u Barnard, for wife and oMlJren fir 1S78 " , J. a. brown; * oct.7.79. SOda. SING, Sb GEORGIA Clarkk C’ouvfv.— y’ Whmaa, James LBiggere admii.itn.tor lbs Mapr Bjggers •nJ'ddn.inistrJm- d e botftiooa with the will annexed of Nath ‘ gera deceased applies to me for leate to the real estate of saU des^ased. Those are therefore to cite and cotifr all concerned to show esu-e at my office on 4r ho. fore the 4th Monday In October next why said leave should not be printed. Given wider my hand at office, this 234 8ep- j:in.l4.1y. “—aa»»agiMofts»laimsreskenedliTth.w^»-oo year ditics. a.-old etimnlants and use —rn _ ~ RSTEES®!! Ifyoaaroa maa of letter*, tofltog over your inidolgh* IT TOTare jroun^ tind tattering from anyindfecretfoa BUmulktiiigr, without P S -TRODUCED, I £66. TOiPID LIVER m frnl: :-r iNRirco of man r. vit amoug whicl flCX-HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS, - L . C.LI0U3 FEVER, AGUE AND FEVER, -! RdEUNATISB, KIDNEY COM- M :7, Cf'HC, Etc. SYfsfPfOMS OF A (ft? LIVER. •■or -vi Kaiim, thobowels rouwm bo eutftfjoa “’“•sfflssafMMSStas •*», It laay save ysw 1UW. It has totot AWilll. KaMtCnlillnnila^ahlallia. AAcUUna.1 Xk.HapIWIforStanwk,Llw. nywW to AI .•am. CmbTUimntka. ItUpmtel. Aikdroa^iti. • Ik L C. to—^ Mn^si mM u..-i..,^i^ h ill mi ii mmti BBBK9 ©riunj, toharco OT B-arcotW. ■■■■ SboTiloia *r iTv^gistM.}lcp BiUcrs Mfg., Co., RocltMUr, N.Y« ll*WIWVWIWIWTWVWV>^IW!Wf. sopU18.1y. nee alternate with > U --'-d, accompanied > the back pert,Para ,;:itai-.lo sud under the ahouidar- ' -' -iva* r a-e. ating, with~a~dlatn^ . • fV-prUon nf body ormind, Irrt- o. t-mpur, I.-nv apiritaf Tioea of ,it n-fotliugpf having neglected *y, OiirrJ ivearinoss; Diianeaa, g at tee Heart. Dots bofore ik. 'o v B'vin, Headache generally i. lit rye, R«atle«aneaa~at night t ii droaius. highly colored Urine. .• v:: e2 v.'a.?.nxko3 are unheeded, iiiiOUS diseases WIU SOON BE DEVELOPED TiiTPS PILLS tra especially adapted to suoh jasos. single dose effects mch a change of feeling as to ■ >nish the sufTeror. TUTFS PILLS ice compounded from .ntmtaaces that ore frrofroM any propertle. that can lalnro Ike Mmx Aelleitte organisation. They ■Search, (lenaar, Parlfy, and laylaenua the ra. ire System. n/relleylliu/Ti- I earned l.lvrr, they clean.o the blood | Irt-mooUeamia humen, mad (has Import I, "Ulfh nmd vitality to the body, Cauda, tee barrel, to aet naturally, without Which ao one can feel well. A Noted Divine says: Dr.TtnTt-DmrSir: Fwttn janl hat. bwn . an i,k-i cwimwlect, 1 ! i 11 *, »<-n-. «iid I har. if,l»m1fo.-l,poin LroUrffl., Kj. TUTT’S PILLS, Their S~t i-fiket ta to Increaae the Appetite, sad rail -1- mu body lo Take ou Flesh, tbos the ti Jh-ur -i uoarUhed, atsl hr (heir Towle Am :.“re^S:“ TO 6r "“> DR, J. F, HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYSt- .^i’ease, like thieves, attack the weak. “ 9kw dim-»« .rUt that usaot be r >'o-inc th. 1-ltw to iu swiod f tto* narrma no rwudr h...rwl«. bur h pnranaffect..T(JTT*3 Pi. SOLO EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS, omce 33 31 array street, New York, r y~ Dr. TUTT’S MAN PAL of Valnable Infor- tify yonr organiw.tion with the Bitter*, and i l , W II re-lst and 1 aflle alike the virut of eniden.- rr. a l^n™?tm,* rfalKeeei *'* '’’ wmb « ni HI t d/rM ms and ti.e change* of teioDrratnro which dis- ' 0 P| i ‘ jl ° 1 '- u» ana u.e errau>t«N of ttram rataro which dis- * order tho m»%' \ n»lom» of the feeble. There is I vita lly,to It; H b » pure vegetable stimulant.' a rare alterative and anU-bihau. medicine, and 1 h»» JJ- 01 “ huinfiil element among its many iu- TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Umber 1879. ASA J|, JACKSON. Ordinkr/. sept s*.—I8d. * ™ U T* - crcdients. ‘ “ H»m oa Wniuni«d to a Glout For sale bv Drug**, and ratable Sh dealers generally, I Mat bj exyichA t-n rocoipt o( $L Office, 35 Murrav st., New York, t. mark Walter MARBLE • WORK Broad St-. Near Lower Market, Monuments, Tombstones and Marble Worl GENERALLY, MADE TO OIIDEK. A !S.r v 0 i l 8;s , ' f ' M :,I "’ : ' y8 0,1 ha " d ’ ,c:,d y lettering and deiivi a Cull T3 o . 4 m . . :.i, (* ■ Vi -. - 2c 4 m ■ ifer-.ri'.-;n liS WITH m op wn jCMKE l/£T. fcb.4.iy. Athens Foundry aud Machine Wo* (EsUbli-hed 1850,, Athens, Gaorgia. (Chnrtercd 1851.) GENEIUL FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Pattern Work Bmitliaffg and Impairing! manuf ctorer Ikon aki* Skass Castengs, Miiase - and AND 'Xy CIRCULAR SAW MILLS! gg^BSsssaftss^^iakt's^ssa Also &C. a,,,— P<, 5 e "’ M olving Cotton rrerf» R noretore Vi^pl^ Stem Engines, Tu bine Water W>:eeH, L*ns and Pulna t OomMaad TUrcahcra and Sop-rat rs. Ac. i>B DxaciuiTrv* Ct»r c uh l 1 Amk&b - l:. MCkKKSd.n - . -lotiT, . Atln ns, CtorS 1 * - -*’■ j