The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, December 16, 1879, Image 4

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    i -»4 •
: •
Tuesday December 16, 1879;
8 7 9
Ai(Ut«tSuii(iud Doings^ tn Georgia.
Ailairsville hasjstrcct lamps.
WSMilkslgeville hasn't a bank.ff
Waynesboro hasJJ bar-rooms.
itobell county owes about $2,000.
FloweryjBranch has’two churches.
Slacon will have free postal deli vs
cry soon.
anDccatur county’: debt is about
^'Darien’s liquor license for uexl year
will bo $250.
The new jail ofFranUin county cost
about $1,500.
Greenesborojwill soon have a good
The price of land in Burke county
has advanced.
A Presbyterian church has been or
ganized in CamUM.
Allred H Allriend, of Leesburg,
willjnove to Albany.
City and county property in Sumter
is on tho rise.
t'r-Comptroller Goldsmith will
nkc Decatur his home.
JVr Y Ashford, of West Point,
wip move to Gainesville.
T„J llarrisou has mov^d from Roy*
ston back to Carnesville.
On the 28th ultimo Mitchell county
had $12.92 in tbe“treasury.
M C Ulmer, of Lowndes county,
got his hand badly cut in a gin.
Geo C Stewart is the new captain
of the Grifliu Light Guatds.
Uncle Billy Clements, of Sumter
county, is hale and hearty at 87.
The railroad bridge at Milledgcville
is being substantially improved.
Augusta and ^Summerville have
eighty-odd telephone instruments.
The Methodist churches in Savan
nah are in a flourishing condition.
Mrs F M Green, ofSumtcr county,
has been sent to the insane asylum.
Rev D M Poer will move from
West Point hack to Harris county.
The County Court of Richmond has
adjudged Kobt. Ashford a lunatic.
lion J J Turnbull, of Banks coun
ty, has 8 children, 7 girls and a boy.
On tho 1st inst., there were many
peach blooms in southwest Geor
At the Milledgcville municipal elec
tion all tho old officers were reselect
Mr Thos P Heidi, of| Savannah,
was married in Philadelphia recent
Augusta 1ms received about 12,000
bales of cotton fewer this season limn
T< nnillo has received nearly 500
more bales of cotton this season than
Mr G J Stnppcy, of Lee county,
will move to Dougherty county next
Rev W L Kilpatrick will preach for
the Waynesboro Baptist churclt next
A young man named Mitchell had
his hand badly cut by a gin in Wilkes
Messrs Gip and Sim Prather have
returned to Wilkes county from
Texas. ^ , i
Mr C S S Home, of Sumter county,
has lost about 40 hogs from cholera
The Mi'.'tiell county grand jorv rocs
out mend 81,00 a day pay lot jtfiort
and bailing of the county.
Eatonton will have a masquerade
party the night of Dec. 12th, at the
residence of W M Dennis.
W T Barnett, formerly <$f Bains
bridge, is betrothed to Miss Rachel
Edelman, of Los Angelos, Califor
The Bainbridgc Democrat says
next year i- to be tho hardest ever
known in the history of Decatur coun«
In Savannah, Saturday, the 6:h
inst., MiltoiuB Lings killed Dennis
Shea with a pistol-shot, in self-de
A little sor. of Mr Fain, of Calh un
county, had to have his wrist ampu
tated alter it was crushed in a cane
The remains of Mrs Araory Dexter
have been conveyed from Boston to
Columbus, and buried in the latter
Mr. E. E. Davison, of Greene
county, is reported to have gathered
75 bushels of coi n from an acre of
land this season.
Two young ladies of Sandersville,
Misses Si aggie and Mamie Whiddon,
are going to open a confeationery
store in that town.
Samuel W Wynn, at administra
tor’s rale, In Wilkes county, bought
the estate of .Tno L Wynn—3,000
acres—for $4,101.
Iiev J J Hyman, of Washington
county, has resigned the pastorate of
Oliooj.e church and will give all his
time to the Riddlevillo churclt.
The father of Mr lv-till, of the Sas
rannah Eites, received serious bruises
and a severe nerve shock by a fall in
consequence of a misstep from a street
car in Savannah, more than two
weeks ago. Iking $0 years old, it
was liared lie could not iccover, hut
we are glad to learn that he is recov
Mr Philip
died in Auui
£8,000 for tl
the Sislt rs o
McCann, a c.
i.-ta recently.
ioper, who
left about
charge (of
£ ’yl t >
ity i
pons due Jau’y 1st, 1880, have been
More than 100 pupils attended tin
Milb dgeville High School during the
Iasi term.
Mr T D Chestney is the newly
eh- ted president of the Macon Public
.1 .1 Lancaster, took a hale of c->i-
t<-n io Gainesville that weighed 68$
Governor Colquitt preached in
Waynesboro the last Sunday in No
The colored Odd Fellows of Macon
a-e ooing to have the finest hall in
the State.
Mr and Mrs W W Lumpkin, ■ i
Union Point,lost three childreu with
in 8 days.
Prof R S Baker will teach at Spring
Hill Academy, in Washington comity,
next year.
Mr George Beall will keep hoard
ing house in B S Irvin’s residence in
S F WeMi, Esq, was elected Re
corder in Augusta, over a number of
| .The running of the “Di ch Train’’
on the Macon and Augusta road hss
been su-pended.
A drove of Texas prairie ponies was
in Albany lust week, selling at fro in
$ ’>U to $75 each.
A six year old son of James Lamb,
of Sumter county, broke liis leg by a
lull I rom a fence.
The Soutbtrn Bank of Savannah is
State depusitoiy for the various coun
ties in the 2d district.
Dr. Westbrook, of Sumter county,
corree’s the rc| o.-i that he is going to
move from that county.
Mr John Neely, of Augusta, lias
been elected Superintendent of the
Americas graded schools.
Augusta bauks are paying gold on
cheeks instead of greenbacks, owing
to the scarcity of the latter.
To the 1st inst, Sandersville had
received 377 more bales of cotton
" than to tho same date last y< ar.
Religious excitement made James
Dillingham, of Rabun Gap, go crazy,
and be will be sent to the asylum.
I known in eas-
■ r; ilmns til
The Trinity Missionary Society
(Methodist) of Savannah was organ-I
izr i in ls .s, and inis contributed for
missiona. y purposes $-1,201.
The Albany Adcertiser reports that
a party of lour, with dogs and guns,
in southwest Georgia, killed 800 par-
tridcs in four days.
A pear tree, of the LcConte varie
ty, on the place of Col T W Fleming,
in Baker county, has borne its second
crop this year.
Business has been hotter than usual
at Oconee this season. The same
may be said of War'.hen. Both
these points at e in Washington coun
The gin house of Mr J AJNelson,
in Bibb county, with an engine, a hale
of cotton and 250 bushels of cotton
seed, was luuned recently. No ins
The young men of Sandctsville arc
preparing to give a dramatic enters
tniument New Year’s night for the
benefit o! the a: more for Howell’s Ar
The dwelling of £ G Simmons, in
Amcvieus, was burned the night of
the 5th inst. Most of the furniture
was saved, 1 lit in a damaged condi
The cotton hales received at Amers
icus this season arc heavier than
old warehouse-men have ever known
them to he, and the average staple
much better,
Mau Walker shot and killed
George Mansfield at a negro |iolitical
meeting in Jonesboro Wednesday
night, 3d inst. They were opjiosiiig
candidates for the mayor’s office.
John and Lucius Tuggle, of De-
Kalb county, have made this year,
with one ions*. 12 heavy bags of cot
ton, 31)0 hii-hela of corn, and other
crops in prop' rtion.
In Doug! • rly county, the 27th ult,
the Wetter gin house, with from 25
to 30 bales I f cotton stored for gin
ning, was burned, probably from lie-
groes smoking in or near it.
A cancerous tumor was taken from
the side (it fi/r- linguley, of West
Point, a few days since. This is the
second opi ration she has under
The dwelling of Sir J T Toy, in
West Point, n as burned the night ol
the 2'.>th N-»v< mb'-r, with a necklace,
SIS in money, stove, etc. Incendi
arism suspected.
Oglethorpe Echo: Nobody ever
heir! ol anegro cabin catching on fire
frun the chimney, although they nf-
ten d . m i ■ half wav up the
As Mr and Mrs Allen Turpin, of
Rabun county, were going in a wagon
to Toccos, their mule became fright
ened and run away, breaking up the
wagon, and breaking the arm of Mrs
Turpin, and otherwise seriously in
juring her. The extent of Mr Tur
pin’s injuries is not stated.
Mr J M Brooks, who was killed re
cently in Texas, was a brother of
Thomas C Brooks, and son-in-law of
John D Simmons, of Hall county.
His family want Mr Simmons to help
them back to Georgia.
Oscai Ricks, the young man whose
body was found in the river near
Bainhridge recently, was known to
have had two or three hundred dol
lars when last seen. He carried liis
money in the inside breast pocket of
his coat. A gold ring and a fine gold
watch wore found on his person—and
$2.50 in silver—but his coat was gone,
and the money that he carried in it.
Tho rest of his clothes were on the
Two new candidates for the Jones
boro mayoralty will bo selected.
Walker, the survivor of the former
candidates, was so badly wounded
about the head in the fatal fight with
his antagonist that ho lias not been
able to attend a preliminary trial, and
it is thought he will not bo for some
dsy B yet. He has been delirious and
regarded ns in a critical condition
since the homicide.
Mrs Sidney Smith, MrsII K Lamb,
Mrs Jasper Pittman, and a little girl,
were thrown from a vehicle in Colum
bus, in which they were returning from
a funeral, and Mrs Lamb's left shoul
der was dislocated, Mrs Smith badly
shocked by a severe contusion on the
head, and tho others were badly
bruised. Mrs. Lamb’s shoulder was
set, and she is doing well now.
The Grand jury of McIntosh county
reported that the hooks of Justice
Aiken are improperly kept, and that
functionary publishes a card in the
Darien Gazette, addressed to the grand
jurors, in which lie assures them that,
without implying any more disrespect
than the facts of the matter will war
rant, he really thinks they have all
perjured themselves.
Sir. James Stubbs, n citizen of
Jones county, was arrested in J/acon
the 4l!i in-t. for disorderly conduct,
and was rescued from the hands of
11 tho officer by a party in which, the
!. graph says, were several of the
althiest and first citizens of Jones
county. Being reinforced the officer
arrested -1/r. Culpepper, one of the
and f. c., most prominent ; n the
rescue, and shortly afterward Sir.
Stubbs gave himself up, and both
gave bond- to appear at the police
court, 'j'lie w. and f. c. of J. c. roust
be a high old set.
A traveling correspondent of the
Detroit Dree iVcss writes from Sa
vannah as follows: “In no city 1 have
visited is this long looked for ‘heller
times’ more strikingly visible than
here. As a cotton market, Savannah
stands next to New Orleans. The
receipts last year were 709,000 bales,
and il is believed the receipts of this
year will exceed those of last year
several thousand bales The high
prices readily paid, and ihe active de
mand for export, bring it in from a'l
parts of the country, and 'he streets
leading from the several large com
presses to the shipping remind one of
Broadway, New York.’’
Constitution: One of tl e oldest and
most prosperous families now in ex
istence in this section is that of Mr.
Jeremiah Wells and his estimable
lady, Mrs. Elizabeth Wells, wlioreside
in Clayton comity, about one mile
from Forest station. Mr. Wells is 79
years of age, and his wife has celebra
ted her 76th birthday. They have
raised ten children, all of them being
fully grown nud enjoying fine health.
This aged couple can at any time
gather around tl em 79 grandchildren
and 30 great-grandchildren. Mr.
Scrap Wells, ol tho police, who is
40 years of age, is know n as the baby
of the fam’lv, being the youngest of
the ten children. Mr. and Mrs. Wi lls
are both enjoying fine health, and it is
a rare occurrence for cither ol them
to he sick. They are both active, and
from their movements no one would
think that either of them had reached
fifty years of age.
Mrs Jane Montgomery, well known
in Georgia, died in Charleston the 8th
inst., and her remains have been in
terred in Bu-e Hill cemetei v, near
The grand juiv of Burk.
rt< .1 that they found gi:
The wife of GeO Fortson, an Elbert
county negro, fell he* fo} 0 *'
Heart disease. I" •’’>
Mr Ji A Mundajr. wiil, serve the
Baptist church at Bowmld next
year. , ...» :
Work is begun an the Hartwell de
pot. It will be 49 x 20 feet.
* . liri
Hon A G AXcCnrry, of Hartwell,
has fully recovered from liu long and
dangerous illness.
Trees in McDuffiie county are hav
ing second crops of apples.
The McDuffie Journal is evidently
prospering. We are glad to see it.
Jesse F Samples, of Texas, is visit
ing relatives and triends in Forsyth
Several Carroll county families are
selling out to go West
Douglasville will soon have a new
Dalilonega is building new houses
and brushing up old ones.
Mr W V Allen lias moved from
Floyd county back to Alabama.
A little daughter of Mr. Stephen
Rice, of Lnmpkin county, had. her ear
severely bitten by a horse. >,,
A little daughter of Jno W Tbomp
son, of Atlanta, broke her wrist in
jumping lroiu a trunk, , ' •
Wm II Moore, of the Augusta
Evening A r «ic», is off on is trip to tho
western cities.
The Columbus and Rome railroad
will be at the top ol Piue Mountain
in a few days. . . , •
Columbus will have a telephone ex
The Baptist church in Savannah
has had a refreshing season. Many
new members have been added to it
The Baptist Convention will meet
in Savannah in April.
The store of Mr Douglass, at Cross
Keys, near Macon, was burglarized
the night of the 8th inst.
P- of W B Fambrough has been
re-elected principal of the Thomson
High School.
Burglars broke into a car at Lees
burg the ti ght of the 5th inst., and
stole 3 hales of cotton.
W II Scovil, of EUavillc, is consid
ered almost liojielessly ill, from a ti e
nior in bis siomacb.
Tho Bank of Amcricus received
$10,000 in gold the 4th inst.
The Sparta Presbyterians think of
using tin* cornet in their church
Very poor crops are reported in
Jasper county.
Conyers has had the gipseys of
IiY MHcdri, Joh- Taylor to Clara
(8)WWl-a„ . >i’.o
In Bartow co., 20th ult., C Ford
Price to Susie Land.
In Troup co.', 20th ult., R D
Phelps to Tommie Sturdivant.
In Bibb co., 30th nit., Bud Horn
to Redie Tharpe, --a runaway marri
In Henrd co., 20th ult„ Ebb Lane
to Miss Lipford.
In Franklin, 23d ult., Thomas
Loovorn, of Lamar, Ala., to Mattie
At Harrisonville, Troup co., 20th
ult, J H Ringer to Nannie Gray.
In Raytown, W B Ivey to Anna M
In Oglethorpe co , 29th ult, Robert
Escoe to Lizzie Hawks.
: 1
In Augusts, Love Fuller to Miss
Jones; Wm Vail to Mrs Norria.
Et ■W.S J A’X".®:JSK^C?3<r , S; ,'2KOE,TnE, FALL
he.- <t..i<>i#,iq ly.-lnfi Mil -"UV II
ALSO riifc\n kj* jk ^nimr-kHn ) *
OF ‘ onii uuyjd rot *•> /imfo.l
into t*'ff
**t i'ift < s
•srt'fcu <
—- " | 1 iV" 1 J ri'ri V
We are now prepared to do all kinds of work in pw
SUCH AS s,:i ■’ t- (.foimuip
Building, Manufacturing'
In McDuffie co n Dr Harrison to
FaDnie Hamilton, of Ilamilton
In Pike co, Isaac Askin, of Mon
roe oo./ to fiiinna Hightower.
In Spalding co.,,W C Hatton, of
Ilaruesville, to Mary Crawley.
In Thoumston, HC Farley, of Har
ris co, to Carrie Ida Rogers.
In DeKalb co., John T Frazier to
Malinda Cash; L L Wiggins to
Maggie Pattlllo; II H Jones to Mars
garet Nash; T L Bankston to Mars
tha McCone ; T A Ros ior to Miss E
G Lynch ; T S Tuggle to Miss L L
Norman, J W Wilson to Emma Dar
by, J D Pnden to Nancy McKenzie.
Ot the last named couple the a room
is 10, and the bride about the same
age. •
In Cave Spring, 2d, James Harris,
of Cedartown, to Ellen Simmons
In Macon, 7th, Mrs Plunkett, an
employe in the cotton factory, of pa
In Montezuma, 7th,’James K Max
well, aged about 35.
In Milledgcville, 5ih, William T
In Franklin co., Gtli, Mr Gntmin,
an inmate of ti.e paupers’ home.
In Ailautn, 5th, Kobt Gillespie, of
paralysis, aged about 53.
In Atlanta, Major B F White, aged
79 ’ i n- • .
In Giriiiu, 4llt, General E I’ Daniel,
aged 79. -'m-
In Randolph co., 7th, Rev Jacob
In Berrien co., John W Baker,
suddenlv of apoplexy. Aged about
===T===P===?===S==SSpe^SJjSp» J iM S"l<
We are now prepared to do all kind* of work in pw fine,, 11 ;,'
SUCH AShc n i fo tninuup
;.'4 .»)> u*
AND p i I'd iwvd
Of all kinds. We keep constantly on hand aUJuodftof > • > A <■
Especial attention given to ,,, j , ,
, « i ... “ '• io wwinn|j^ fo *U. im*fb l»fm r*
All work entrusted to tt* will receive (iro.aptJaUeiitieit t» Ostr ,^ r
Reasonable and to/«w m ot f i
Give us a call, at Pld>taud of Lowranae A Madden, ih rear-of the Stor
of J. H. Huggins. >if no aaisttuaf J, .(J -)«ii ”7*
R..W;S4m&: : S0!t5$A
d. c. ii uut; e t
Clothing, Notions, Hosiery, & c .
v l1: nh V' 1 1 ' '* ' ,
1 i?rn ^ r " ‘ '
19 HMnol Mill n ■' ' ’ ■' ; .*!.«*. .if- . •
r>n>m/. to> ft ; •
ii asmt*ti if >
- idT .t»f
JtiT. fo (!n
anenm t
There is to be a Good Templars’
entertainment in Elberton this (Fri
day) evening, 12th inst.
Larkin D Yearwood and family
have moved from Jackson county to
The Griffin amateurs will .soon pre
sent the drama—“Zarelta.”
Corner Clayton St.
. _ ftilltfl .A
, and Colloso Avenue, i
MU t lit 1-
The Most Reliable and Cheapest Place in Athens’to have
. rl-u- (III li l-.Jjiig '7*' B,t - v ‘
Made and Repiired. My . i.„, ; m •• 4i**"ti
d-'itni [,t.l L
I ahead of all competition in qu dilv and pi
’perrence in the *
1 . , .izi-f ..i- vi
I3ast Shops or i li an d'
and the liberal patronage the people have given me since I opened this place
make me confident that I will please all who in fature favors me with their
patronage. '' ■■■...nos n-J ^
Use the Best Material emohy the rriost Skillful Wotk men and
Guarantee the Lowest Prices.
Having had long ex- 14 Broad Street, Athens, G;
The Cheapest Furniture
D. C. HURLEY, Corner CUy.tpiSt. and College Avenue,.
Opposite Tiitmadge, Hodgsoui &Co-
“ U .
li qu ll(
In Lowndes eo., 4'.h, Sarah Strick.
In Miller co„ 3d, Henry J
In Decatur co., Henry 0 Hitrdon,
aged about 12.
In Early eo., 2d, Yrs Howard.
In Sumter co , 2d, Mrs Mary Bass,
Oops in North-west Georgia were I a g°'l 83.
unusually good this year. j Ll A^sla, Reginald, infant son of
Dr Bojrjis has commenced his mins j ^°ht C Eve; Agnes, liule tlauL r h*
istry in the Central Presbyterian j ter J^uies A Gray,
church in Atlanta. • In Columbus, .Airs S S Bardwell,
The Hartwell gout comes between ! nge-1 09.
and the nobility of the J I u J„ IK .ghoro, 1st, Mrs Mary A
And Low
• ' i 'J « 1 :• Hi tt •} i fW
- i-n • ! .1. »J -*,i i • T)«
The undersigned lieu* iinst returned from the Eastcni -market with a Large Stock of Goad§,
which he has purchased direct from manufacturer* and importers, chca^ or cash, and now offers
thcgsame to tho people of Athens and Xorth»E.tst Ocorgin, as u; ► vjt«
Cheap s can be bought in any city in the State of Ge bgia.
rmined trOjseJl for CASII r ’and,jCA3H:0SLY, hit price* will be as LOW
id lower it possible.
Quick sales and short profits shall be my motto.
iflVe, Sti‘/:ir, Soda, Mo- kcfcl, Knils, Rice Cheese, Lard, Bacon,
Fancy 1 My Goods, Keadv Made Clothing, 5'> doieh Gent*’
Have just received a full line of
Chamber-Suits, Bedsteads. Mattresses, Cottage and /, :
Chairs, Spring-Beds, &c.
Iiis’stocK consists in part of Coff
Flour,! Wheat Bran, Staple an
Laundried Ucadv Made Sliirts,
Bridles, Buggy llarness, l'lotr ilaine
Ihurging and Ties, Kcrosine Oil, and
a large, fire-proof
, and
tsses, Boots and Shu» y ilatg Umbrellas, paddle*,
Trieo Chains, Tab! mnl Pocket Cutlery, Hollow wares,
uvhu other articles too tedious to mention, lie also lift*
* ' ,#i f
storjlupm asg >ol toms a s any<t’4ar
the wind
Hartwell editor with a frequency and
an emphasis utterly disgusting to the
afore ailed.
Rev J W Ellington, of Thomson,
has been elected principal of Mercer
High School, at Penfield, and will soon
move to that place.
“Ten Nii’bfs in a Bar Room” will
he acted in Elhertmi the night of the
18ih inst., by dramatic amateurs of
that town, for the benefit of the Press
by ter inn church.
The storcdiouse of J C Shaddox,
in Conyers, w i*h all its contents, was
burned lately. The goods were in
sured for $1,500.
The Conyers Examiner repoits a
quid fare-slapping in Conyers,
niiiucs nor othe
1" ....
lariiies and (they believed) violations
of law on the part of the officers of
the county charged with the collec-
lmt gi-
Everything is ready to ommence
the nm-onry work of the Gainesville
and Dalilonega railroad bridge across
the Chattahoochee.
Alexander, aged 59.
In Atlanta, 3d, G C Rogers, aged
In Og.ethorpe eo., Mrs Nancy Col
lins, aged 80.
In Oglethorpe co., 2d, Robert Mor
gan, aged 71. n
In Oglethorpe co., Mrs Crnw’ford
In Greene co., 20tli ult., Johnny
In Wilkrs co., 1st, Henry Sprat-
ling, aged 04.
In DeDalb co., John Thompson,
aged over 00.
In Wilkes co., Andrew Wolfe, a
veteran ot 1812.
Albany, James Brown, aged
i hand a laryuuly or* hi:
Aiumomatcil Guanos and Dobbs’ Chemicals
for cotn|*ostimr, to sell to planters who b i
perieuce, he defies o»moet:tion.
•ami pay 4 for fertilizers. With twenty ycart’Jex
S. C. DOBBS, Athens, Gn.
if the C
Mr .1 1> zicr lv.-rt succeed- Mr
Ne lv as principal of the Sibley Grnin-
ina> Scl.od in A iiju-i i. Mr. N.-ely
ones toAmciicns ns -iipcriuteudeiit o:
t'icg’aded school- there.
In Decatur county, tl.o 28th ult.
John \V lli'jdon, agel 17, was killed
bv he accidental discharge of a e
t : 1 .1 ii:.. i ...1 I.
ti.>ii oi tuxes. Ol
IC (•
ih s' was
lnct tint i
ie Rent
iv* i
in :i innnli
cr of
ca-e-, pul
fiis ,!ii>o !
it J:i
figure twi
:iii-l til
•« e 1
iiiulreil jit 1 .
1. isrfi«r lire
ii that
a! u
1 icli they
civen in.
*r \
a- tl.nt tin
M !-
lector, ins
toad of
i to
ry tlie
es In- (-.,! (
turiud th
I \n I.L.-ov
o ity.
Ii! Rome, Oaniel Buckley, aged
about 20.
In Marion co,, S T Barker, atted
Sam Iilalock has ' bought Frank i 83; Jolm Carter and his child,
pope’s new dsrllina hou-e in Carroll
ton. Mr. Pope thinks of moving to
SCRIattied recently
Aliss Lula
tern’ Georgia,
to Mr Henry Cobb, in Alabama
In Marshallville, the night of the
3d inst-, the etoro of Messrs. Sperry,
Niles and Martin wae burglarized.
Mr Henry Gourdin. of tlio firm
Gnurdins, Yonng A Frost, ot Savan^l
f « *h, died in Charleston reoontly, aged
W S Whitford has been appointed
deputy revenue collector for the
second district, vice Putney, resign
Mr R N Berrien has left Waynes
boro to open a store in Millcn, under
*ho firm name pf.-Wilkins, Berrien &
*Co. ‘
One of the editors of the Americus
Jiccordcr is a dentist. The Jlecord-
rr. by t,ho way, is a good nowspa'
per. .
There have been 43 additions by
baptism to the Mount Pleasant Bap-
list church (colored) in Greeno coun
ty this year. ” *»*,
Miss Willie P Jones, of Virginia,
sister of Airs R T Hanks, will take
charge sot Miss Sallie Long’s school in
AlbidBtoAfiss Long retiring.
in hisown hand. His paten's lad Inst
a younger 'son only three w-cks be
fore. *
In Butler, theJSlh inst., a fno dess
troved the store of D B IV aters,
Mumford’s cotton lmn-t* with about
10 hales of cotton in i’, 1» longing
princinaliy io cotton hovers, and part
of the" platform of ihe Central load.
Incciidiari-m and robbery suspected.
One hundred and seventy-five dol
lars in currency was recently stolen
from the liou-r "of L K Burruss, in
Carnesville. Tho supposed thief—a
negro limited Geo Henry—is in jail
The money ha- not liven recovered.
In uncoupling some box cars at the
freight depot of the South-western
load at Macon, Mr Fmtnne Farmer
was caught between the beam lim
bers and seriously injured, though no
bones u ere broken.
In Dougherty county the top crop
is larger than iu ninny years The
weather of the 1 nl few weeks has
hriped it wonderfully, and the fields
arc even now heavy and white with
the staple, says the Albany JYctrs.
Oglethorpe Echo: A darkey’s ex
cuse for marrying was, “I thought as
how winter was coming, _ .
she’d got one blanket and IM got
t’other, vve might as well make ’em a
pair, and be more comtbrlable like.”
Tho Georgia Railroad hank, at
Augusta, has been apjiointed the
stale depository for the counties of
Richmond, Lincoln, Wilkes, McDuffie,
Taliaferro. Warren, Glascock, J<
son anil Bmke.
Waynesboro Expositor, 4th: We
understand that a large steam-mill
firm suspended work (in the southern
portion ot the county) on Satardsy
last and that thirty or forty 1 laborers
will probably never get pay for the
past few months work.
A colored preacher iu Coffee oonnty
named Joseph Bell has been caught
stoalin *, but was allowed to go free on
condition that lie left the connty nevir
to return. He stoic a watch from an
old colored man at whose bouse he
was spending the night.
The Americus Recorder of tho 5th
inst, says ot the Colored Conference:
This august body now in session in
our eitv, numbers over seventy dele
gate, all of whom present a dignity of
appearance and polish of manner
which speaks well for their calling.
W \ Width s, who !- .1 nc r.h.i
The jury urged lb I !• gul -t< [is he
t ikcntn make those i Ific r< comply
with their doth s.
Americus llecordir ; Wc know a
man, now a large fanm r and livin.j
near Americus, whose record ivmls
like romance. He began life sine-' ihe
war a poor young man as a farm
hand, working for wng«—. He has in-
heriled nothing, mid has hcii engngi d
in no business excel t farming, lie this
year, will miike ninety hales ufcotlun,
has not brought a -ingle hale to mar
ket, docs i ni propo-e to -ell a bale
heliin* spring, and lie i- able to hold
it. lie owns one of tin liest pl inta-
t'lins in southwest Genrgia. and il is
liis twins! that he luivs nothing u: on
which to teed m in or beast, except
sugar and coffee, hut upon the con
trary, has something to sell of nlmosi
any product of southern soil. Last
year lie made sixteen hundred gallons
I syrup, and this year ha- sold over
wo hundred pounds of but cr. In the
face of such facts how can it lie said
that farming can’t he made to pay?
Another murder. Ti i- time in
Gordon county. Three vonng fellows
—A-lier and Drcwry Hull, and one
Michael—were traveling in a buggy
from Bartow county to the upper part
In Carrollton, 1st in-t., Horace, a
little son of Mrs S W Tucker, was run
over by a « agon and seriously hurt,
but was d ling well at last accounts.
Air. John Pride, it Wick mason at
work at the Eagle & l’hcnix factory
iu ( oluml.u-, was thrown from a wall
that gave way while lie was laying
brick, and seriously injured {internal-
In Lumpkin county a runaway mule
threw Col R II Baker front his buggy
and dislocated his shoulder ami badly
sprained two fingers on his left hand.
Cummins Clark m (Forsyth cotm-
tyl: The cotton ginning season is fast
closing out for 1879. Last year our
county rai-cd 402t> bales, averaging
454 [Moulds per bale, and brought less
than 8 cents per pound. It is likely
that the crop of 1876 will exceed that
of 1878 by about 500 bales, while the
price will in'c 24 cents per pound bet
ter than la-t year. It this ca'i n'ation
is right, our crop this year will bring
us alwui one hundred and 6ixtv thr.n
-and dollars, or sixteen dollars tier
enpi'a for each inhahiranl of the coud
In F.ilxir
about 70.
In Jctfeison co., FI ., Maggie E
Davis, formerly of Thomnsville.
In Augusta, Philip McCann, need
In Columbus, Mr Jas Williams.
In Washington co , Wm Wutkirs,
aged 27.
TI.I0A Mafj ‘ js Xejjniq eg ‘eoujo
JOXq pjog ‘«tw>Dudinin(ai(HR
•I poo ’Xiwooonawrr *j30'jofoo o»m«]
•toll to* 1° PoStolOHi 1*°!* »
mkh?) « 03 pojKmq» raniiBAV ho or
If TOO oro A oon of tnuinrss, weakened by the otralooC
■ yoor duties, avoid rtimulant* aud use m
If TOO are ft man of letter*, tolling orer yocr nildDigha
work to rMtor» brain nerre and wMte.QJO
Yisre waws
.If yooarojroanff »nd «ufferlnff from any Indiacretton
or diadpiuloa i It yoa arc euwtied or ucfrle. ol«1 cr
f Tomnm. ■"frarinw from poor health or l*u£uiah< wm
on aW of Wknese, nly on U
V !
an order of the Court iof
CLtrke CounU hill Wb aoUl, Wore, T T w
house door of Ocoueo County Georgia, during
the lepil hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
November next: one tract of lend lying in said
county of Oconee containing .about 318 acres,
ab mt two mill 4 * irO'ii'WatKiasvulc on ^6 rogu
■rom that ninoe to Ili^h Shoals, briiiifir tlie place
whereon Mil ley Khuts Widow of Jacob Juuitr
deceased, resided at ti e time of her death* .’Jfl
be sold as the property of...Miid Jacob K!ntt*»
deceased for tlie benefit of hi* legatee*. Terms
Cash. * , ',i». , .< -, .,
De B-mia Non vrith the will annexed of Jacob
Khitt* deceueed. <!.' To ''in 1 > i
?pt.l6,asd.—1‘riuter* fee • ‘ 5
We arc the sole agents iu Athens tor the
National Wire Mattress Compaij
The best Wire Mattress made. Call and exa Modi
prices before purchasing.
2 Loora Ea*>t of S. C. Dobbs, Broad Street, Atbtu,
ie si a
Our Entire Machinery consisting oj a
No. 1, 13 Horse Engii|
rf.sU “?i! : £ fc 2 | 4 L” A f lm ' ncr ( °“« l“t» ir ?“ * ,ided moulding m«liine, two twtuing t
«rcf* mW benclie- and saw,, one Teunon Muhin, and Sew wmhineU, ou. Sh.p „ •« u
Monldiiii: U,chine, cue Smell l’oiiy Pliuner, om Urge Clamp .nd • lot of H.11U t'biniS
witfi all the tjiauipf jiBd Bcituig all in good ordtr. Addrcw
Ordinary’- Offlee, Nov. 7tJi ISM.—Sumfiel
Ilenry (colored) has applied for ex*iriptinii’6t
pcrsonolty, and I will pn** npontho samo at 10
o’oiock a* m. on the 1st dav nr' December 1879.
ASA M. MCKSOX, Ordinary’*
novll.2t. '
are. wheroTor yon;
it irate tn needs cle&r.t infftorAn»* or m
_ istfny, irithout i*toxuntin<j, take M
If yonora rimply wrakMdlowsptTltjd.tir It! Buy It
^ InsUtuponit. Yottrdrnjrsh’tki'e^it
Il |w*y save jour life* D *n> eaved hoJrcdo.
Hop Court CoielathaawaaUttT«*^* *Aik
J^IIoplV! for Stoma. K Liver and Ki.lncr.,l.awrerlar U»U
cthtra. Cure*kvaha.r?tU«. ltlajicrfecl. AnAmefrSa,
—Toa.l wnom it nifty .Concern, notice is
hereby given that the office of the Comity I’onrt
of Oconee County wi!! .bc kept at the .Court'
House iutaid county, nml tl.e Tonus pf fsaid
C'*nrtwi!T beheld its follows,: 'Hie monthly
Srssioiw will be held on the nurd Mondays in
e*ch month, buginuin^r on. tho third Sloudav in
J maary next, the Quarterly Session* 'will be
h- Id on the third Monday* m January. April,
ulv, utid October. November 2?d 1879.** 1
, , R. M. JACKSON,
County Judge, Oconee Countv.
nov.2S.w4t. , |.!„ . /
Cr Ock er y,
Cut Glass,
Tu in ble rs,
S p d on s.'J
Decanters, All
Dorir Mats, ' IXew
Iron Pots, Designs
Br u s h e s,
B room s,
Br be k e ts,
M IrT o rs,
H'ouse Furnishing Gods
Broad Street, Athens, Georgia.
t act 28.!y
Ilavilnnd Chinn and I
Ware Tin and Poreeluin 'fuktl
Sets, While Granite JfcC. C'.Wjh|
Tin ware,
Buck uts,
Chini neys,
Silver Plated Spoons,
Silver Plated Forks, i
Silver Plated Knives,
Sci ssors,
K ni v e s ,
Hand Bells,
ThaH’p P»
ettirs. C
D. I. C. iaqaabso!
of Gordon, Passing the house of
Mr. Arnold about 8 p. m , ami seeing
n young man standing in trout of it
(a bright light shone from the house)
thought as it occurred to our trio that i hey would
ami 1 "Betsy have a little sport. Why shouldn't
1 ' J they I They hid been traveling all
da?, were tired, and needed a little
recreation, and here was the chance
for it. They had pistols iu their pock
ets and an unarmed, unsuspecting
youth in reach—all the iiigredjeni*
reqni-ite for some first-class, high,
totted fun—, so they hailed the lad and
asked him if there was any fighting
stock around there, to which he re
plied that- there was nothing el-e but
fighting stock, and, taking it to be a
party of the neighbor boys indulging
in jesting, went np to them, when one
of them took bold of him and said,
“damn you. I’ll shoot yon,” at the
same time displaying a pistol This
naturally alarmed the youtli and he
tried to catch hold of tho pistol-tutor
who, just then seeing another person
coming from the house (who proved
to he John Arnold, an eighteen yesr
old liov) shouted to him—“if yon come
any further I will shoot you." Young
Arnold stoppl’d, but had scarcely done
so when the pistol was fired, and h e
fell to the ground, pierced with the
ball. The shooting partv then left
with his comrades, but not before he
had considerately advised that a phy
sician he sent for, and generously
agreed to pay tho expense. Yonn
_ _ rpensi ■
Bisifon Hidrey, of Augusta, is the Arnold died tlie next day.' Only one
presiding officer. We attended their qftbe murderous trior-Drewry Hall-
services on Wednesday evening and lias been captured at this writing. It
! listened to a moat excellent discourse is not known which did the shoot-
i from Bishop Lane. ^ fog.
Iii Oi'unil us, 4lb, J A Lindsay to
Mattie J Cush.
In Harris eo., 31, J E Miller, of
West Point, to Sallie Fannie O’Neal.
In Furt Gaines, 4th, W R Graham
to Hanimic I’trry.
'A' Blnfftoii, 23d ult, II V Kiile*
brew, of Newton, Ala., to 5(aroie
Lef ’ .....
In Lowndes co. ,.Lawi euce Manning
to Miss Zeigler. , *m "thus ,-t
In Calhoun 3Q.tlji ult., Edgar
Plowden, of South Carolina, to Mrs
James Dickey. ( t (
In Brunswick, 4th, H H Dickson
of Atlanta, to Annie May Nelson.
In Atlanta, 3d, Jno L MeH to Mol?
He Strickland. . •'
Iu Uaeni. &^'Bjrd Coleman,
ot Hawkinsville, to Mary Leyy. ' ;
In Savannah, 6th, Gabriel J Gaho-'
nil tu Claudia C Howell.
At Rabun Gab, 23(1 nit, W H
York to Safali Dickerson. ,i«
In Floyd co., 27tb ult., Neil Cun
ningham, of Bartow co., W Mis
Hickey. 1 . 1 ’'
Iu Batiks co., 30th ulUf H M
Strickland to Belle Young.
Iu Harris eo’, Wm Kilpatrick to
Fannie Robe its.
In Harris co., T J Grapbtrryto
Clara Kilpatrick.
At Troup Eacfory, 26tir nlt^Geo
Carter to Lizzie May, '•"■wA
In Sandersville, 2d, \V C Giles, of
the L uisville Courier, to •Luello
Park. . . . t ^ -fanm!
In Washington co, 20th iilt., E W
Tompkins to Annie Cox; 26th ult., B
A Hooks to Lame E Kelly ; 30th
ult., Henry, Sheppard to Dinkie
On.' V.
*S3H«I SIHda. _ _
siiid SiUU
Sllld CiJLXfU.
rfm.iTaran hjik jumj.
siisd S(AJ.n±
fi.iw gnt ntiAsiJ aima
•—•-ikiMAix-oo anna _
Sllld SiAJLnX
■riNjiidsia na/ia
snid Stxxnx
•n ’IHAH aiJKOJ. 3H1M _
snid Stxxnx
*A "N ‘l 3 941S Acjjnw fig ‘oogjo
•njfcp PU3A38 nnuo)3»dxg
aqi t«a •moj'itu.Ca asoqi jo tunyu w in.tAaJtl ox
uaggam puiijivna u; iu|Aom tqixnoq aqi pan
-l({vojt^ jCmpj ! SapiJOM »3ntn 5*nol *Inoo
•fiaiaiom Q! <in paw d^api lanaaaid
w moi Ijnj norm \\isa no A. *g!TT«I 20 <>**
wpn*iaa| gqi <n ofunto » Q»H ( !
HKMl.-vl JUoff oa n| •utS.tpHl otfl oeyu <n *<|
pool fn-H noX a t imx |Qtoaop a 9
Ittw jmm ^
yt W «i aafApy jw ji p— ai*»
. »p»oqw *|riaq atn ?o noffej aqi aaqi ptw
opM Araqn V ; l tump »aiH oo fa^attoo y>
« »t»q BSX oq fm»*Kl POT (|1|W •»Zgc't«n
not.^n tmZ»tild»qian»JOI»t»t»
w!i ibmai»«»raawi»—<iira*»
AS’K'. -xwiuOmr. XKW. -rpmg
m™" tot pataaia* •ftlto to Ttoto
•woufW 4baoat«<qtmm|mp«>Mi*t1toi *3*a«u
•83XIMM ’and M3dVdSM3N V
' XI Tl ‘aooiilrB smktwV^r
JMf «
' ■ aOTapw? 1 ®:—
It swrepm Zn*nn>l»» •vox 10
•sstAAoa isoNVSioag
SB!fSUwa«“3tifKta»5»S-'iS.*^ c; 7
W ititiifi, Arliui)' 11. llodg!'* it bit ii Jilin.,
trutor uf Uubert D JloUgsou tlccva^ fl, I»c«iti©n4
ia term* of tha law lor u tiiaciiai^ru liumituiJ
admini^trfttioii. . • , ...
Theae are thereto*-* to cite autl n<!monish nil
ooneerue.i to show cause at roy oil;
tore liu* tir-t Momluy in Jauuary hi
Uisehargc aliouhl not be grant
Given nder my 1 "
of Soj toiulicr 1879.
sopt.16 i
ivhy said
Uand ht 1'lUv.v liiis l111* v’rty
$ w m»oa i >cr d *y at i ,o,,tv
D TO npo-U w‘*rth *5 tree
Million it t.o., 1 oitrtland, Maiuc. i
, A dure, a
J AMES COOK (col’d))
%«. > Libel for utvt.rcc in
ELLACOUK (col’d.)) Oconee S. C.
It api*caring to tin* Court from tno return ol
the Sheriff that Elia Cook the dcfeiahutl ii*. the
above ataiedc^e doos not reside within suid
eountv ot Ueouev, ami that stie <ioci* not reside
within tlie limits of said State, ami H further
appearing that James C«*ok the plaintill tu said
casedoee reside in said county, it Is ti.eiomre
ordered tJ ar. str ice be periectcu uj*«>n ntbd
defendant by publication once a moult, for upir
tnou'.hs, before tlie next term of tm« Couif, iu
tho Soutiicrn iittiiues a newspaper pnbtisncft
iu Athens, Georgia.
Ju tgo Sup’r. Courts. V Alton.
W. C. Ga. ) lunt.
A true extract from the uiiuutes ut said Court,
ihia September 18th, 1879.
jolijt W. itJUNSliN. Clerk.
On tb« Fuat Tucffiday in Jartnary twit,
(1880,) will be sold before tlie Court Uouto
door of Clarke County, in Athens G
.. t ., ... m _eoru|a,
between tbe usual and* legal houre of siile, ro
iha highest bidder, the tollowiug real estate
and iiuprovetiientu tliereon, to wit: Ooe
tbe city of Athens, Clarke county, GeorAk,
being the late resiie ce of Mrs/ Mari- 1 n ®, r iin *tn^h thnfu
Adame, bout .ded on the north by Dougherty n V2PF' - 1
street, on tbe east by the residence of fjm jiaju
Mrs. Mary Ann K. Harden, on the sodrh T>y
Hauooek at*ect, and ou the west by Putoski
street, nnd ooutainiiij* two acres more or lew,
(less half of ndjoiuiug streets,) and t ow «>ceu-
piedby L>«rpy C. Matthew-*, and leviqsl ou ar.l
the pn»i*ertw of Leroy C. Matthew*, fu sattsfV
two jadgiiuiita fruit Clarko t»ii^i«ur Co art
one obudited ilav Term. 1»79. iu tUv- r of James
White, and one November Tctm, 1S79, iu favor
of NttUeutti itfoliW of Athcn , Georgia, ault
4goiu»t Lt-roy C. Mu thews, and ti. fu.
uu ler firs jud^utuut May ig, 1879, a id
A. f . issticu November 8th, l8«'J, and lev
mode of botii fi. tas. this Dcceiutser 8lo, l»T9i,
la deed made tor the purpose of m.kiiig
these levies by James White to 1/Mf C. nil*
llams, Deeeini'.-er Silt, 1879, ami ii<vd ami re-
oorded in the tderk’» office of Clarke SupeGyi
Court, December 8th, 1879, in pursuum’e of
sections IU 9, 1970. and 1971 ot ine C do n:
Georgia of 187$. Legal notice given to Letoy
0. Matthews, tenant in |*»*.•** *n DcOMUue:
8th, 1879. J. A. BROWNING,
deed 8horiff Clarke Cou.t.y, yji, ;
He arc uatiik-d that I, :<*• ti e wad of Hic ,
C. Watern, o« said ceu*»ty, nft**r the nublicatbu
of this notice, f *r one moatli, wji become
, tra. w-r. Tu-WU^
I hereby give my comteut tlist wife, 2?
eetirC. W4l»r». »U»11 Ii.cornea tVcc iraJcr.
.87". >{;«.:!«
HeetirC. — ^
r *iis lUth "i.v ofSeoi., 187".
eeiit. So. lS79.5t.
Jli .. A week iu yoor own toirn.' Teimst
ifuOD 113 o unit free. Addruee IL Uu let
JP-r till, .Halil). iuv.18.wly
! : O —rr
i'll'* Sun will dt-t» witli the events of the yci
1^0 hi i's own fa^Tiior.. iiow i rctt.y trcjl uudci
s’ootl hy eYt rvhodV; ’ Frvrrt Juv.piirjr lsuiubt
D. evmbar .Tlst it will he c**nd» ot^d^As a nttvh
paj’er, written ia ; the English huij'ua^o, and
printed for fhe people. 7 ? rif.ofli
*■ ——« Sun belittvetifo't’ettiiig
Itircndt-rs to keep will
.■ J!" h *“ nu^T'-lueUvc ,
cxpciulitujc of time* Tho greatest interest to, *
tlie greatest nnmbcr—thiit is", tlie •UNt* iWiltrdf-
i t, ..(■■in Broad St-. Near
Monuments, Tombstones
Lower Market,
and Marble Wd
A lnrgof selection uhvuys on bund, teady for lettering andtW)
fiw Wiy.81 .lf.l ^8.115“
lii.jr its tlML* uinkiMip. It now he*4«ci:paidffi)n
very lunch larger tlfmi that of any <
can newspaper, ai^d eni
is ht all times prt pnfed
the benefit uf its readers, reople
ditions of lito and till ways-of thinking buv and
read Tne huu: and they all derive atisfaction
of some sort from ite^olnrtns, fox they keep -
buying and rending it. . )
In its comments on. men uml atlitirs, The Snn
believes that the only guide ct poli^t should be
common sense, ineoinid by gemum* Ahterieth
principua and backed bi" houcstvot pvr]K«* .
For tills reason it Is, aim will continue to be,
fibsuhttely 1 independent of t>any, class, cliqnc,
orpniiaatiou. or iiKercat. Jt is for of
none. I’ will continue topruiso what is pood
fobatc What fa'cVll, tri^ln^ care that its
aiupiaiAi ia tivthe poldt and'plain, beyond the
KHsibihtv of Uin^ luisimJete^^od. li ia tdun-
tiienc^d bv motives that'do mil tPRCff,<V1
‘urPnee; it hits Tibwpibmim tovell^ save ^liose
which may be had by any purdiasor with tad
coots. ltUeUft ;a^d rasaality tvdu
than it hates <thneces*arV v’tirds. It id)-.
k» fo«ils^'4hil defiloiVa ’nlneJm^
tlie first.,
, • . J
ms, wliellier sound <>t mistaken are its
ends. And The Sun makes no botfefc of teU-
, - . . m -'-A ’: 1 : 1 - gearing a cener^^
Jm m muusi
hors frauds, pities 1’o4ls (
(riomK Amt Tbe Sun iliakcu no boti
iug tins triitti t" IU frlcml* uud ulcuit its friends ,y *
wljfutver owasio.i .rises tor plain jmesking
Tiiesc are (lie priiietyVu upon u liiob Xliefion
will tiexnidnyiedduring tlie}c»rti>«n,e. r , .
fUaytar JO. on- iu widen no patrio-
:io American (am afford to close hi* eyes to pub-
iiMW'fl ... .
oniiieport nf trerp riti»' |i wt» dmirt- topre-
rersnees of tb» preJo, tM««atlkg iJmtcit* of
. .. ... ■ • "* ^»)*.
.- I! , ' v . , | - . -A ■ '
•'* ”• r m
ri r >!],• » ii' . • >5. vr-j-i
lit IK .,«,*«/ --th-'U 1 fi‘3
; - A.JiA^ :, rLs T r r-
So'vcnil^r. Emir vearf ngrf'iSt Mraabor
■wiH*T(itl» listion, «. ex[.r(-ssed at)k*»»U|,|
was thwarted nv an abominable omspmiev. the
and) bcncficyirifcjv 9f;wliich still hold
o* tjiev sto’e. Will the .crime of 1876
b4 'Jnfaibi| 'TMLiKa»dW>»tiifi|
hxtWT;*tnnt. and insol-
|Klwcr. Tlie same men
o theif leader and them*
rto'peoplo. "wif'tl'ie?
f.yesr wall,bring tLe an-
1-xViHittUm elearlj
tenrieasly in their relation*.
^riios^ w*tli a lmbit of (.....v.
humor'III Idokiiijr at ihe minor
W the Counttytion agnitv-V stl. sffimsu
Sun is prepared to Wfitu a tmtldul, inatrm
ttw Mint 'One wtawlWHi^ Uatory 01
^ __
or including
sheet of fiRy-
a month, o
Ullid-kepiireeryat |LSifa’ t *V; poa^piT'
*vm pridW-olthe ^ cekly Sim, cicthl
'*htcolumns, i* $1 a >eur. posta.iv
clubs ol, tcu sending i se:u2‘, ( fin ux-ra
copv free. ‘ _
Address I. W. BXGLAUD.
Publisher ot the Tn* Sun, Mow York City.^iPdd cuhtemens fond tbe. public genendlv, who went le&ab? **** *
, r p jfVenilitew, the well known brands of 8hpexpbospliai«s*3 i#
{ m,/. TI-I, . PHOSPHATE ‘ J "
>iin*BlS;«0 per cent, of Ar.dli.ble; Phosp!iori;|A<r.d, tandl 3 5i j
‘ , Potash. Al.-o,3
'((«»(,H U 1 Hi BtndPHtTKIC AOBD
- attio tsed .'tiftniti »(‘ Jtn. ’I - ■-■yn‘-> y*-' ' __
‘rfora^jeir -CUoniW, nllower fignrea tlian lt| Can be laid down UlWW
r avorable terms and prices to dealeis and consumers of large order# of our
of tho Compauy, located in Angnstn, Ga. are open to the Inspection of the JBjf |»5
n»\d adjoining Stines ( aud our Superintendent and CUcmi s, Mr. C. !>■ *• ^
plot sure in exhibiting thc-^Works and--its Products. 7 * rfi-ionJ l ^i!
‘ to tjie Agents of tho Company, to be found ia the principal
M. A.- STOVAl^
.'Hhi; «d (iUMNKSS MANAGER,^ u0
fid South Cartlhift, or to
A. s. DORSEY Agent, Athein, Uft; d .