Newspaper Page Text
s Latest Sayings and Doings In Georgia.
weak. ’ g - ’ ■ m «■ ]
mill west Georgia lands' nre on the
; to circulate
G II Carroll is the new Mayor ot
Dr Ham has moved his iamily to
The Ve rains raised the Savannah
river at Aiign.-ta higher tha«' •• h|is
teen ft any other time since 1870.
over his competitor, A M Foote.
The State and county taxes- ’of
Wilkes county for tl is year amount
to between $15,000 and $16,000.
Rockdale county is without a treas
urer, the gentleman who filled tha
office having moved to Covington. _
Rev M H Lane, of Washington will
probably take a general agency for
the Georgia Baptist Female College.
At this year’s session of the South
Georgia Conference no charge was
preferred against any of its members.
A J Lyndon has been elected may
of taf Newuan,
Calhoun county farmers are sowing
largely of oats.
The LaGrange Baptist chnrcq
needs a steeple.
back from
Vorida to Dawson.
liquor license in Darien next
Mr Hardawaj’s store at Mcscna was
was broken into lately and a lot of
shoes and clothing stolen from
Little Horace Tucker, who was run
over by a wagon in Carrollton, is up
d about again, and getting on fine-
r J;
urch will
Barrett, of Angusta, has
Waynesboro Meto.
handsomo silver sers
m asnanoeCEX Persons and Ora Guthrie
ns has moved from Cal- wero recently baptised in Gaines*
) ville. /
Fcuh to Flqyd county. ( , j r
caVmoricus is one of the most thriv.
xg towns in the State.
W B Townsend has been elected
m^iqLpf Dablonega.
James Kelly was elected mayor of
Dahlonega the 6th inst,
B F Edwards, ot Walton county, has
been admitted to the bar.
II G Lamar moves from Baker
county to Terrell county.
Prof Self has a writing-class at Coal
Mountain, Forsyth county.
J T Middlebrooks has moved from
Jones county to Arkansas.
'fhc young men of Warrenton have
organised a dramatic club.
It is repotted that the Cleveland
Echo will soon change hands.
Columbus has rrdcred 50 tele:
phones, with 25 miles of wire.
The Times says there is a great
demand lot houses in Carrollton.
Drew, the temperance worker, is
expected in Savauuali this week.
It has been a prospero U3 year with
he Colnmbns and Rome railroad.
Talbot county’s cotton crop this
year will reach about 10,000 bales.
Isaac G Jordan, of Brooks county,
is suffering from a paralytic stroke.
A row of new brick store houses
has lately been built in Montezuma.
Judge E O Bostick is thinking of
having a newspaper at Wriglitsville.
Simon S Thomas, of Washington
county, "ill soon move to Louisiana.
Willie Sharpe has left West
Point to seek a tho West.
John \Y Phillips is going to move
from Forsyth co tnty to Milton coun
James Sewell ol Carroll county
has had his hand mangled in a
l)r W B Young has moved
from Albany to Orange county, Flor
Nearly 5,000 bsles of cotton have
been si
from Carrollton this sea-
made in Calhoun county this
Messrs feam Long and
have moved from Carroll county to
Texas. • vo"**'
rs rorvM- in jn
of _
W E Palmer will teanh school at
Whitesville, Harris county next
J A Itosborough is to be the teach
er at Gibson, Glasscock county, next
year. < / . | ' " < ]
Col J M Beall has been appointed
Judge of the county court of Troup
A J Yoemans has come hack
from Florida to live again in Sumter
Mr M F Green has been sent
from Sumter county to tho lunatic
Rev A A Andrews was ordained
Forty people left Bartow county
for Arkansas recently. They were
chiefly from the vicinity of Case
John Rose, of Floyd county, made
on Coosa river land this year 21 bales
of cotton and 200 bushels of corn with
one mule.
Mr W L Adamson, of Bo .vden, had
his arm so badly mangled in his pin
that it had to he amputated just above
the elbow.
Jonathan Norcross, of Atlanta, late
candidate for the office of Governor
of the State, is spending the winter in
W T Jo ics made this } car on a
pan, o{ his plantation in Brooks
county an average of 321 hu. hels of
corn per acre.
Wm Frank, book-keeper for John
B Vaughan, of Augusta, has diss
appeared with money belonging to
his employer.
Every business house in Columbus
has been occupied this season,—the
first season since the wnr that this has
been tha case.
The grand jury report shows that
some of the officials of Putnam coun*
ty have failed to conduct their offices
according to law.
Rev I J Peeler is going to move his
family from Emannel county to Rid •
dlevillc, in Washington county, where
ho has opened a store.
The Knights ot Honor have paid
$2,000 to Mrs G M Netherlaud, of
Toccoa, her husband having been a
member of the order.
ATHEMB W E E K L iY 4 A « » B/C ErMlB |E/R 23, 1 8 7 9,.
3 jin Sumter county a negro assaulted
•i ’A.-Oulver with a knifa and would
have killed him had he not
rescued by C C Clay and depus
Sheriff Cobb. Culver’s coat
hands were cut. The negro is in
Mr. John Miller, of Slone Moun
tain, hits raised this year on two acres
of land eighty bushels of wheat, and
then after cutting off the wheat, on the
same two ac -ea eighty-three bushels of
corn, four ears of this corn weighing
six pounds,
Joe Voppcr died in Atlanta the
16th inst, from the effects of a blow
on the- head with a piece of iron in
the hands of Bowling Duncan tho
day before. They were white boys,
about 15 years of age, employed at
Lewis’s cracker factory.
The gin house of Mr A Callaway,
in Wilkes county, was burned recent
ly, with three or four bales of cotton,
besides seed cotton enough for 8 or 10
more bales, two good gins and one old
one. A young negro girl on bis place
is suspected of having fired it.
A young man named Augustus
Blackburn was found lying drunk on
the pavement in Angusta, with the
rain pouring on him the other night.
He was earned to the guard room and
laid before the fire, where, a few
hours afterward, he died in an insen
sible state.
The body of a dead negro named
Jack Mays was found near a public
road in Paulding county the 7th inst.
His throat was cut, and investigation
lias seemed to show that it was done
by a negro named George Jackson,
who is now in jail and will be tried
for murder.
R F Maddox and W L Calhoun,
of Atlanta, have become the purchas
ers of the road-bed of the Georgia
Western road (the projected line
from Atlanta to North Alabama),
and announce themselves ready to
start the building of the ro.d inside
ol U0 days if $100,000 be subscribed.
One night recently in Clayton coun
ty shout S“.0U was stolen from the
dwelling of Charles L Whaley. He
heard the thief in the house and rose
from bed to look !or him, when he
was suddenly struck by gome one,
and bjfoi e he recovered the thief was
In Atlanta, the first Tuesday in
January, will be sold at administra
tor’s sale one hundred and fortystwo,
and eight thousand five hundred, and
seventy-two ten-thousandths (142 85
72-10,000) shares of the capital stock
of Georgia Penitentiary Company,
No. 3, located in Greene county,
property of the estate of the late
Thomas Alexander.
Rev W P Pledger, a well-known
Methodist preacher in Georgia, com
mitted suicide by cutting his throat
with a pooket-knife in his room at the
Markham House in Atlanta Saturday
evening, tho 13th in9t. He had ar
rived at the hotel only the night be
fore. Nothing was lbnnd about
, . , him to give anv clue to the cause of
Fro n an acre ol land given her lor j (act _
pin money a Wilkes county wife got
a bale and a half of cotton and alar
quantity of vegetables.
Wilson Paul was found guilty of
W m Ilsrralson, a young man who
| kept a st- re at McBean, 15 miles be
low Augusta, on the Central railway,
was murdered in his store the night
In McIntosh co., 8t), Lewi- 8 Winn
to Hattie G Clark.
In Carroll co., Wm H Benifield to
Josephine O Roberts.
In Hall co., Sd, John E Whelchtl
to Mary M Ebcrhart.
In Darien, 7tb, Dr Jno H Living
ston to Sophie Prindie.
In Hall co., AW Harris, of Jack-
son co., to Lizzie Turn*.
Near Albany, lltb, W R Taylor, of
Barnesville, to Sallie Long.
In Newton co, 9th, E A Heard, o.
Griffin, to Jennie Gaither.
In McDuffie co., 4th, Jackson B
Miles to Ella E Uuchingson.
In Coweta co.. Prof A S Jones, of
Senoia, to Miss Moses, of Turin.
Near Hamilton, 3d, J E Miller, of
West Point, to Sallie F O’Neal.
In Walton co., 11th, H W Camp,
of Newton co., to Mary E Prince.
In Dahlonega, 7th, A J Smith, of
Hall co., to Lula McClure, ot Dawson
In Angnsta, 10th, Charles
Wharton, of Virginia, to Estelle Step-
In Milton co., 7th, Marcus Ben
nett, of Suwannee, to Mary E Hem
At Beaufort, S. C., James B
Kingham of Angusta, to Nellie Em-
In Brooks co., 11th, A T McIntyre,
Jr., of Thbraasville, to Frazier M Liv
In Colmnbus, lltb, James Gilbert
to Sallie Ellis, James E Matthews to
Ellen Bulger.
In Atlanta, Thomas M Wcods to
Emma Watts; J H Harris, of Green
ville, to JuuiaUillam.
In Walton co., Samuel Hiley, of
DeKalb co., to Alice Hill; Jno D
Allen to Susie Mitchell.
In Greene co., 4th, Mr Ham, of
Bairdstown, to Enin a Leslie; Rufus
Rainwater to Ella Underwood.
In Chattooga c:>., Wm H Holland,
of Jaeksbn co., to Sallie McLeod.
Both groom and bride ere mutes.
In Troup co.,7th, John B Ilolle, of
LaGrange, to Miss A B Hearn ; 4th,
Warren Ridley, of Heard co., to
Claudia Winn.
lu Ilart co, 7tli, Joseph Parker to
Eliza J. Gibson, of Fayetteville;;
Robert Maret, aged 17, to Matilda
Bailey, aged 15.
In Washington, 8th, J B Wright
to Victoria lioskins—both of Missis
sippi. This was a sort of slip-up affair
on the old folks at home, way out in
In Harris co., 3d, J C Simms, of
Ilogansville, to Cordelia Thornton;
Richard Greene to Ella Watson, 0th,
A G Ware, of Meriwether co., to
Jo-ic Lynch; L D Davis to Lou
V Duke; 10th, Lewis Lambert, of
Alabama, to Matilda Davis; 11th, J ; _f' ! ’
H Conway, of Columbus, to Geor- | , .
ia Dixon ; Geo M Hadley, of Whites- ' ( 1
murder at the last term of Mncon ol ' tlie i 5l |, inst an(1 ' ;l i ar „ e sun 7 c f
county Superior Court and sentenced
to imprisonment for life.
Clayton Holbrook, of For-yth coun-
ty, has gathered 34 two-!.orse loads- of : , r w ; t |, one , U ule 17 bags of
AA*n Anri fiHmiT n 000 BOUIlflS l)t SliL’U ' . • e/t/1 1t_ t * m a
corn and about 5,000 P 1
cotton made.with one In
ouiufs of seed
oung man named Rufus IIous*
been arrested in Augusta,
money taken lrom bis person.
The Newnan Herald says: Mr M
S Johnson of this county made this
KJg £ j I | J too aa* been arrested in Augusta,
at .be Baptist church in Brunswick con'ty recently,
• 1 of bis wounds, llanccck is still at
igliing 500 lbs. each; 210 bushels
of corn, 106 gallons of syrup, 47
1 ushels wheat, 114 bushels of oats, 07
bushels potatoes. Besides cotton seed
and fodder.
Near Jackson’s cross-roads in Wilkes
county, the 6th inst- J W Turne- was
shot and cut by J D Coxwcli, and left
in a critical condition from his wounds.
The cause of the difficulty is of a char*
acter that forbids its publication, and
it is simply stated that Coxwell was
deierdmg a member of his family
from violence. Coxwell has not been
The pressure on the Atlanta banks
last week for cotton money was
greater than they could respond to.
They had little money they could
loan and in some instances all efforts
to obtain cash proved ineffectual.
One cotton buyer had to keep his
man waiting over night while another
had to give up several loads of ti e
staple which lie bad bought and coitbl
not get the money to pay for it, even
on gilt edge security.
On the lGthJinst. Andrew Tuck
er, a workman on toe new iron bridge
, over tlic Chattahoochee river above
Nathan Isom, who had the dtfficnl- ] Atlanta, fell from the bridge into the
ty with Robert Hancock in TalLot j rivoi-—75 feet—and was instantly
He W C Williams and hie fam-
Somter county, were at sapper,
a'tnmk with money and valuable pa*
pers was stolen from his house.
. . .. if Captain Gamage, formerly of Taj*
bottom is prospecting for a home in
* ww South Georgia, and has rented
one for the present in Thomasville.
Miss Sallie Bailey has resigned the
position of librarian of the Thomas*
ville Library Association and it has
been tendered Miss Nellie Mebane.
In Cherokee county Calvin Roach
was badly cut with a knife by one
Teasley alter Roach had failed
in an attempt to shoot him. Teasley
A young man in Atlanta named
Salter, lrom Conyers, ‘attempted
suicide with morphine, after having
been foiled in an effort to shoot him
has since died
An hour should never pass without
our lookiug up to God for forgiveness
aiM peace. f
If rich, he not too joyful in having,
too solicitous in keeping, too sorrow
ful in losing.
Two dollars a day will bo the pay
of Burke county jurors and bailiffs
nex W ft j j 1
Ure'RepoherKay* liquor fs wining
many of the boys and yonng men of
LaGrange.., ^
Within one week two children of
Jareep A. Dray of Augusta have died
ot dlplhbria.
Prof W T Freeman, of Forsyth
county, is going to Gordon county lo
teach school. * ' 1
Tl.e Burke county grand jury re-
coiJtaunded the abolishing ol the
county court.
Otif and Mrs A S Cutts, of Ameri
cas, will have their silver wedding
tho 17lh inst.
Ror-jilf Uafd«o ban been called by
thtaTbotinkuBlo Baptist church for
another year.
There is not a vacant dwelling or
■tore in Albauy, but new buildings
are going up.
The young ladies of Albany are go
ing to give a Leap Year Reception
January 1st.
ty lourt
of forty—men, woman and
i—left Meriwether county re-
oe%s:,t>r,ita«*n< > ay:a ' * < s I
Cfept'John W AWderaon, of Savan
nah, naa resigned the Deputy Uhiled
States Marshelship.
Rev E B Carroll will not be pastor
of Uie Valdosta Baptist church next
year. He has accepted a call to
Quitman and Hi-kory Head
Wm Hall, charged with the mur
der of a negro hack-driver near Col
umbus in 1876, was acquitted in Mus
cogee Superior Court last week, by
proving an alibi
All the prisoners in Walton county
jail-7 in number—escaped some nights
ago. All bnt one were mgroes. They
bored through the wall and swung
down by blankets.
Mr J M Few, a Madi.-on merchant,
failed recently, bnt ho.iestly made a
clean breast of everything and pros
posed to give up all hu had in liqui
dation of bis debts.
F.oui S,000 to 10,000 bales of cot
ton and probably half a millon dollars
worth of goods are sold annually in
Waynesboro. Eight years ago not a
bale was sold there.
At Stony Bluff, in Screven county,
a negro bully named Bill Verdery was
killed by a pistol-shot from a party of
negroes at whom he bad fired the
contents of a shot-gun.
Mr Ah Martin, of Forsyth county,
bad both bones of his leg broken just
above the ankle by tbo overturning ot
a wagon in which be was carrying cot
ton to Flowery Branch.
iSLWnltpn county, 7th . in*, the
and a fine new gin, was burned, aa ia
thought, by an incendiary.
Jhekaon Parker, of Sninter county,
baas'pon^that he has aside M crape
with. The animal is 27 years old, ia
used every day, work* freely, and
ahowa but little sign of decay.
A manners* itossn,-1 that I IOU W«ioned
A win ‘floSM M'mA ilt'fciOe 1 ;
Yet precious •oriJs’krS ^otwSilticetfcjltfrleav-
en ■ (•<•*!.<-•’
Bj low and tender words tlmt earth has given.
If we may do some litt!e £ood b-iow
By little word# wlicuu worth wb do noi kudw,
How glvl- our heurt* ,wiUib& at fa ft. tofcfcy »<
We alway i s^oko rdluiljJkVwty*
IrsE , 1 *" '"'j
A ’.' rlter, ’ jrf a .n '.t J is:hg' 1 y6iilV tj»
abandon s!an^ r.nd "cdture ihd h.ibit
of writing awl .-pi di'fig’g'opd English,
aya’ 1 ‘ 1,1
Tho longer they !lV'-' thfe'h:we diffi
cult the acqm-rfifh gcoSl lAttjf.tage
will l>e; and 'if" the golden hge # of
youth, rite proper lime foF thiVacqui
sition < f language, be passed icinbuse,
the unfortunate victim of neglected
education is very* probably to
talk slang far a life. Money is hot
necessary to proctire this 1 fcdnca(tbn.
Every person has it in his" 'poWcr.
He ha* to use the language which he
readtf instead of the slang'which he
hearsr to form taste' from the best
speakers and poets of the country; to
treasure np "choice " phrases’ in his
memory and habituate ’himself to
their use, Voiding "at " the some time
that pedantic" and bombast which
show rather the weafcfiess’pf^aip am
bition than the pbltsh oF an educated
mind. • r, :‘
rans nmpt-qii Curort.
An old physician., retired from
practice, having hud' planed, in .his
hands hy'mi ‘jEjjt lunhi^iiiifsiopary
the Forme'a of a siriiple,’ ypgetabla
remedy fqr the s’ evjy and pqauiancup
cute ihr C.-C-umpnom I.bouchitis,
Catatyb, .Vstlje-.-'c, aiiiy-.V!. Jhtioat and
Lung AS '' ' " - — A
ALSO ' •
l 1 CAlTT7FACT , lf;?JE:?.f^ and SlEPAJ&EStS
mg Affection,., a' -" a.p' stb vij. aud
lies! cti.e fi r N-'hViji-S i.' bjlijyy.nd
Nernc' C.omp'.f.uJ#, after having
curative powers
, i: ;s it. it. liis
v.u ;q”his suit
by this motive
.■■■ tin wan suffers
of charge to all
recioe, With lull
riuj in German,
::t by mail by
•n>!y "-"."g this
.:au, f4p buv. ers’
We ore now prepared to do ail kinds of work in our lice,
Building Manufacturing,
^-p-au. a. xit ind-' ^’-cr-'a.TsriT'crx-tsi
Of a'd kind-. We keep constantly on hand all kinds of
• Especial attention given to
All work entrusted to us will rceeiye prompt attention. Our cbargn are
Reasonable and Suited to tiie Times.
Give us a call, at old stand of Lotvrnnee & Madden, in rear of tha Store
of J. H. Huggins.
1!. W SAYE & SON’S.
D. C.
Corner Clayton St., and Colleso Avenue,
The Most Reliable and Chdajiost Place in Athens to have
eAjStlACSiS, BtTCC.’-^S, & WAGONS,
in thou.-a
duty lo ii
and a d:
ing, r V. ii
who d.
French, <
add re sin
paper, V
Block, Tl
* Whvrv.hs, Asbnrv !!. tlonc^oti a^iuinw-
trator of Robert; I*. 'uiecwiMnl, petition*
iu torir.t of the lic.v Jor u iroui
llieso tre thi*relirre to chc* tititl adftwnl^h all
conceriuvl u* pbow at my oihco on (<■ ’oo~
wjny .fiiiid.
. . iifcj - sa<l
I ahead of ail
! s t S It O p
tore the fir>t Mou l.;v iu Juuuiu
Oisclianje rtir-nW hot Ye £r?hi*
Give- —**"•
iw my !.cud '$A'cf3co llifatith day
tember lbt’J. . ,
VSA M. .JACKSON, Ojdina^’.
ol* S
Bept.lG m .Sin
GEOIltliA, Cl.AliKi; yotJ^XY.—Til. pab-
lie are liOliaetl that I. .;ia the wife of KicPard
C. Water-*, of t-ai i county, :t*tt*r thc pubRc-.itlbti
of this notice, for « uo .aiontli, . will booOtne
a free iruta-r. Til; Lb: \ out ut most., LSI*.
r. waters.
v«j UiV* < ’ tout lay wife,
•r*. »h;.M a f.vo *tnitifcr t
1 U
ville, to Permelia Itobinson.
Iu Burke co., Cth, J B Duke,
lu Burke co., Mrs Wm Tabb.
Iu Rome, 8th, Kenneth Word.
In Albany, 6th, John Andrews.
In Wilkes co., Mrs Jabe Gar
In Walton co., 9th, Mrs. Win El
j bclv. .
Iu^ Columbus, 4th, Sarah
Lumpkin co., Rachel Whel-
H A UK.—
■;y j.i-xt,
1 K. liurdun, on the boutlx bv
, v-n Uie west by; Tahiti
jtinuig two aen-s more or lets,
oininjf streets,) ?ud now ocou-
Matti.ews, ami levied ou as
to sat
subr: urged. Of course his compan
ions conld not tell whether he 1 t liis
life by tbe fall or from drowning.
They couldn’t tell then, hut they can
now, for he so n c:\mc to the surface,
head foremost and spitting water
from his mouth, and struck steadily
for the shore, which lie reached safely.
In falling he came in contact with tbe
timbers of the bridge, which tore bis
ear some and twisted a band out of
The Sandersville Herald of the 11th
says that Mrs Mary Hall, an old lady
about 80 years ot age, wandered off
on Wednesday evening of last week in
search of some sliotes, when she missed
her way, became bewildered and re
mained out all night. The alarm be-
ing given, tbe country around was
scoured on Thursday morning, and
she was found in a field only al»out a
half mile from her home, but perfect
ly ignorant of her whereabouts. Mile
had spent the night in the field catlier-
up some cornstalks tor tlie best
protection she could find from tbe
rain and cold. She seems not to have
sustained any injury by her exposure
to the weather.
G K ''
tn Columbus lb
L T Edwards,.of -Talbot county,
has bought a farm in Bamter county,
where he will live.
liis cotjyu season.
The editor ol
has had a sli,
the,8th of December.
lien was admitted to the
bar at the last term of tho Superior
p^unty. HLk J
ulberson of Atlanta was
admitted to the bar in Fnlton Superior
Cot^^ days since.
At Vienna, in Dooly county, re-
dhtij , Cobb Melton shot and killed
Jaiftsa ffjprdpu aeli-deuoe.
-tallest men in Troop
vo ,, lv , 1.1-0 Newton Davis, Milton
lVrilwe, and Edward Parker.
has been elected cap-
^ irokee Artillery, ol
■ell, resigned.
12th were 1609 bales, the largest for
any da? Since the war. The receipts
there mat week were 6,726 bales,
greatly in excess of any on record.
Provision , prices in Bowden are as
, ..Bows: I Wheat, f«ni pad oats, tl.r
•tlanta 25, 65 and 40 cents a bushel respect-
• -ively; eggs 10 cents a dozen, cnick-
.-/».7 ens 10 cents a pieoe, butter 15 oenta a
pound.’ , . » -
The gin house of Judge Biggers, of
Harria oounty, was burned rcoeutly,
with 15 bales of cotton, a new gin,
and a large quantity of wheat and
pats- Loss about $2,500. No in
John Mnlligan, of Wilkes county,
while carrying a turn of lightwood on
his shoulder and ah axe ou his arm,
stumbled and fell «o as to cause tbe
mBiclion ofa severe wound in his arm
with the axe.' ' ; ) ’
A rencontre in Lowndes county
between Jasper Guldens aud Calvin
Hightower resulted in the severe cut
ting of Giddens and the shooting and
killing ot Hightower, and Gidden’s
j flight
C W Winktield, colored, of Greene
county, is reported in the Greensboro
Herald to have inn Je this year on thir
teen acres of lard, with one horse,
nine tales of cotton weighing 500
pounds each, 125 bushels of corn, 30
bushels of wheat, 25 bushels of oats,
beside- fodder, shucks, cotton seed, etc.
lie commenced tunning on rented
land four or five yea’s ago, six hun
dred dollars iu debt, with a large
family, and during that time lost by
dea’b six members of his family, near
ly all grown. He incurred heavy ex
penses in doctor’s hills, burying the
dead, etc, etc. He is out of debt ndw,
and in a abort time will own a planta
tion of his own, aaheia already maks
lug preparations to purchase.
In Forsyth co., E Holland toRiney
I0 Augusta, Chas T Smith to Alice
G Philpot
In’Pbrsyth co., JohnJIvey to Sarah
In Grantville, 11th, Charles Cotton
to Mias, White.
In Washington co., C E Daniel to
Mollie Smith.
In Greene co.. 10th, -J A Simpson
toEUic Rhodes.
In Warren co., Addison Lazenby
to Mamie Palmer.
Iu Harris cc., Geo M Holland to
Gertrude Toler.
In Floyd co., 7th, O L Byars to
In Atlanta, 7th, John Holland to
Lizzie Atchison.
In Savannah, 11th, Wm Harden to
Mary Daveupo t.
In Carroll oo., Sd, E B Martin to
Mollie A Bonner.
In Lincoln co., 7th, Wm Conner Lessio Eubanks.
In Stewart oo., 1st, Mrs Asa Shack
In Atlanta, 8th, Col Jas A Stewart,
aged 67.
In Webster co., 6th, Wm Snelling,
aged 45.
In Warren co., 8th, Sterling Ivey,
aged 89.
In Bauks co., 4th, John Mize, aged
about 50.
In Savannah, 8th, Thos J Hey
ward, aged 71.
In McDuffie co., 1st, Wm Stein,
aged about 52.
In Richmond co , 9th, Mrs. Emily
Hayne, aged 74.
In Carroll co., Harris A Ashmore,
Jr, aged about 20.
In Thomas co., 9th, Dr II Perry;
10th, Elijah Barrett.
In McDuffie co., 7th, Mrs Harriet ’ hereby
Wilson, aged about 65.
Near Albany, little Helen, daugh
ter of Rev 14 T llauks.
In Lumpkin co., Carrie S Lcadford;
infant boy of Henry Duckett.
In Brunswick, 7th, Henry Taylor,
infant son of Col Wm J Williams;
1st, W A Cornell, aged 45.
In Walton co., Mrs Patsey Jones,
from mortification ensuing upon the
slight burning cf her arm. She was
75 years old.
In Washington co., 2d, Wm M
Watkins, aged' 27; 3d. Russell Bai
ley ; 9th, Mrs Thomas Brantley ; 6th,
Mrs Elbert Tanner, aged about 36.
Cincinnati s “Society for the Pro
motion of Marriage,’’ under the aus
pices of which several persons were
married at a picnic last summer, is a
failure. August Myers, one of the
victims, tells a story about his rela
tions with the society. He says that,
instead of getting $75 to begin mar
ried life with, he got but $25, and
that recently, his wife having been
sic 1 ', he sent * doctor’s bill to the
treasurer ol the society, who informed
him that t lie association had dissolved
and the $2,000 made oil" the great
picnic and anniversary, which was at
tended by many thousands of Cincin
natians, had disappeared. The man
agement of the affair fell largely into
the hands ot a party of low politicians
and the result has been disastrous.
The gold rings presented the brides,
he says, have been analyzed and found
to be mostly «f the material with
pied by Le ,
the property of Leroy <\ Matthews, to satisfy
two judirniciitH fnm Clarke Superior Court,
one obtained May Term, ld7«, in favor of Janies
White, and one Kovoittoer 'Jbcitu, 1879, iulavor
of Naticnid Bank of Athene, Georgia, mid all
«£*iiist Leroy C. Ma thews, and 1L lit. issued
un ier firs: ju.ltfuicnt May 12^167^ and second
fi. ft. itoued November Sth, jS79, and levies
made ot* both fl. fits, this December Sth* 1879,
and a deed imule ior the purpose of making
these levies by James White to Leroy C.Math
ews. December 8th, 1879, and'filed and're
corded in the Clerk’* office of Cfarke Superior
Court, December 8th, WSt, iii,pursuance of
sections 1SK9, 1970 and 19«1 of the Code of
Georgia of 1»«8. Lejral notice jdVeti to 4 ’Leroy
C. Matthews, teuaat in |>os^(«8ir,n, Decenibcr
8th, 1879. , J. A. ilROWMXGJTi
decS Shdriff Clarke County,'Ua.
It appsrtrii.j* *. * ;( •
the Siu-: if in it i'.i ..» »r. t>
above tteted c - i • - ■- -
eouiity « !(’.• •. r <. C.
within tho bn. lab. st i
il^l ;or iLvyrof in
fr<r.i thc'retuLi of
ii URjua.A ;n the
. i\ au within Mild
0 h >:• Vs D.»t re-ide
S*at*, i.rtd it f.irther
"i-ty. 1J :a therefore
i r r , a tir oj sr'd
i :c » l mrita'tor t >rr
ami the liber
make me eon
Use the l e,
‘i 1 a-- ; '
e. Having had long ex
it. n d S o t li
: me since I opened this place
i future favors me with their
713 '( Skillful
,v a st Prices.
Workmen and
i). (’. m;
i St. a i l Ci’Iege Avonne,
■ Talrnadge, Hodgson &Co.
The underpinned has ju-t retur •< -\
which he has purchased d' r »-et ire :
the same to the people of Aii ci:.. mA
deeps can be tough
And as he Yuia det* ’ t * * f
auy o*h - house, *.A 1 v.r f
Quick cals: and s:
Flour. Win,i
Launtl *e l R-
Bridles, Ihufi.
liuti-iiur and
,’liome. 1L-aho ki-
for oompoatine, to s
perieuce, ho defies c
rith a T. i^e Stoclv of Good?,
cheap for cash, aud now offers
n any oily in tbs State oj Us orgia.
’ ‘ - . \ C.‘ - II ONLY, his prices > r . b; a4 LOW
i profits shall be my motto
-. s.- : hue], N-./Is, Ti : ee. Cheese, Lard,‘Bacon,
i r • C>< : i;. .i t-, .'.' id - Clot i\ f„) d«zt 3 Cents’
. . . .IS!. <-s iiats/ cm brcl>HS t Sadd’cs,
• i’ - . . Teh- Mid I’.ikct Cutlerv, Hollow wares,
7- ; '±J iiit ^
Clothing, Notions, Hosiery, &c.
14 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia,
Tlie Cheapest E urn it ure House
Have lust tvccivctl :t full line of
Chamber Suits,
os 'seas.
Mattresses, Cottage and Rocking
Spring-Beds, &c.
in Athens lor the
National *Wii
The best Wir;:
prices before pur
Cull and txaniinc our stock and
s. c
tl Dobbs’iCheniicals
tv dbr fertilizers. Witlntwentv years’^
. DOBBS, Athens, Ga.
rd 31*.
, t» - k-u •- * :v* SY-MS W’li bo
iiulMoDit:i.» in Jiu.uftry, Anril, 1
>L ■ r. .N oveirb -r i'rd 1 -S7.>.
onn'y Jndge, Oconee County.
Expector ant I
It* propertiea aro Demulcent. Hotrl-
tlvo Balatunlc, Soot hi hk and,'HtPftliEMg.
OombinLigad tbeaoqtiWlftig^ jtfa tnS
moat eflbcttve LUNG B AT
offerod to pufferqra from poLrooiMtfT
of New York, voluntarily iudoreca it.
Dr. TOTT : New York KoDt.. 19.1871
Dear Mr—Dnrii
cases of lunj{ d e«
city tho c*s*.-i were of a t-tf ooveru
there my ntteuiiou Was caliudtoTutt
and I ooxdusi try ourpri ■' at its wondfrl
4iJ.EOR.GIA, Clarke County.—
Ordinary’s Office, Nov. 7th 1879.—Samuel
Ilenry (colored) has applied for exemption ot
personalty, and I will pass upon tlie same at 10
i-' C k a,*in. on the 1st dav of December 1879
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
^ V tin order of tha Court of Ordinary of
c .*rkd. County will be sold before tha Court
!i >.• door A Oouneo CoiuUy Gtxmda, during
;• ' 1 hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
:N*»va:nb*»r next: one tract of hind lying in aaid
•«. of t^coueu containing about Si8 acres,
two miles from Watkiusvillo on the road
■ i thi’.t [ih’.ce tc* Iligh Shoal*, being the ulaee
kvlu-r-juu Jdiiloy iviutts Widow of Jtvcob Kiutta
• o *-•*!, resided a: tlie time of her dc^tli. To
V - sold t’ o oroperty of said Jacob Klntt>
•’ li.o oont:i: of his legate os. Terms
Aon with
x- deooftsed. *
Tird.—i’i inters too ^5.
IE &UN FOR 1880.
al wi.h tho events of tlie vear
^UioL, now | re tty well undcr-
d.v. i'rom January 1st until
will be coudi'.ctcd as a news-
i the iiuglisb huiguagc, ami
;r, Ttie Sun believes in getting
he world promptly, anil j>re»-
tnost 'atelligi'du sliuj'-o—tlie
..;.!>le its renders to keep well
e with tho least unproductive
i:uo. The greatest interest to
•her—that i.-, the law control-
kc-np. It now Bra u circulation
rtiKJi that of any other Amori-
iua enjoys an income which to
opured to sp -nd liberally
ctit of ns rcuilcw. ‘People of all - con-
f Me and all ways of thinking buv and
J ’Sun; and they all derive mtbfaetiou
sort from its columns, for they keen
ng aud reading it.
i its cornmei ‘
ives that Iht
37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KYq
A edocateJ *wt legally ftualllkM • b -‘ : »n • •
»aataire.w«M. an hln will ' ’
and fapjotency^
4 prai»-»ng mm3 a I the trl ''
. iaal f'.ni'.«*i»tj r . Dimmed
try. nrr «le»l Decay, ri.
Klimtli-i. Coafu*' *
re acrlwftoJtrrtt
- w*nlt ol tha
"ty j
tro«. it was
id trial pofrer.
I hnvi
Boas. Si-cii.»al Eni
.toarTtiga Hrpraper or . •
: --v'
OKRHF.A. -jW-J;, .
E—lLr. Lril dc -lie.'.- ■■ .
nr--■' Vv ' -
8L±5iftSi. , a.EV*k.* J -«d':.
kaowiTa uiudlohtti to aA «•- p*rtri|>iiy, and with^aeh
happy ell'-ctv ii iastontb aubdued die mc.*tviolent
**- -*- i * *--vii>ili!y t-nred lh« diMuvi m
loitnKi hi
modichic X
which the city’s Kectu< kv neighbors
kill Superior Court Jndgea
The Athens Banner, one the moil
highly prized papers among oar ex
changes, comes to os this week aa
bright aa a new dollar, greatly en
larged and much improved in ap
pearance. It now stands unrivalled
by any rural weekly in the State. We
congratulate it upon its evident pros
[Camming Clarion]
Telegrams from Washington say
that Senator Gordon recommends the
shut-month policy with reference to
any abuse that may hereafier be
heaped upon the South, or Southern
men, by tho Republicans, It'it not
astonishing that sueh men as Gordon
did not not see and advise this coarse
twelve years ago? This ia what we
have advocated ever since tho close of
the war. It was contrary to the
teaohings of history and of human na
ture that a defeated party, in a great
war, could secure favors, by contin
ued opposition.
ery mai
The |
self. The price we challenge lor our
selves is given us. There does not
live on earth a man, be his stntii n
what it may, that I despise myself
Man ia made little or great by liis own
will.—SchiUer. 1
tuo best 10»C
OtSce’, F.votutu Siovn, Angusta, Go.
Dr.TUTT: D«vtc Sir—'Ay liUtn non. vr*. otUtfiRHl
.l&stV-ii ttlUvitWti^^mcSh'iinca,
for th*i cux- of winch l am iadolitoa toyoar valuta
Kxpoctorant. I h»d trictl nmtt orery thinjr «oom-
mcxidsd, but noi
Had terrlbTo MIGHT SWEATS.
■ Fob., 11,19TL.’
hr. TUTT: Sir—I have
Exp<*otnrsr.t. I Ittd tried moet every thin* rec^m-
Tn rnr
T iukc Uvis roclhoJ of rctumiiu: tluiuka to my
1 nVaicroua ctintomera for their Ijber.J patrn
ifilm New-
ong proprietorship
(on Hoomr In Athens.
' On December 81st, my proprietorship of Uk*
Newton House will ccuse, at which time 1 will
open, for the accommodation ol the public, tha
iltfi! it . OLINARD HOUSE,
pleasantly located on Clay bn Street, one 1 of the
•*— 1 business atrceM in A the tut, wlttiru 1
ly former patro.m andjtiie
rally to plop when v.^itiiig'
_ _ mynclf to do all If.
nowerfox tlieir oouiD.'t, I remain thd pvb^ole
* tafafit; A. D. CLiN'J&d).
n and a*Tuir^, The Sun
oniy guide of uolicy should be
| c v.imou senAe, inepired by genuine American
pi .ueipies juul backed by Luueety ot purpose.
i” ri!ns rcHHcyu it is, and will coutiuue to bo,
' aLAdu elv independent of party, das*, clique,
c piGiz itlon, or interest, it is*for nil, bnt of
! u- m*. It will coutiune to pruiao wlmt in good
■ x'lirt reprobate whai is evil, taking care that itu
• it n^niufe is to the point «nd plain, beyond the
V d*ibility of being miantideratood. l£i* aoin-
i :: (.need ly motho> tint uo uol uppoar ou tlie
' Mfrf.idc; it has no op.nious to fell, save this-:
• wim- i u ay he had by any j*urclmser with two
| wills. U hates ihju.-iiett *ud rascality even
- rv tibsaH uni.eceaa*iry woffd*. * U ab-
: vi'.- fntu-8. pities looU, and deplores niacom-
i jk <'ps v, every . species. It wiU continue
I tttii*iig!;vut the year 1880 lo chastise tho first
j uiotnu-t. the xiad disoougicua cc
. • thir... A.i iiu-ii, with honest couvinc-
I t ahH, whether sound or mistaken, uro its
I ii' vinis.. Amt Thu bun makes no bones ofteli-
j . ine futh Ig ’.u ir.ehds u:ul abjui its trieud*
: v, ■ r,.: ce*-a-:o.. arises tor piam speaking
I i i*osu a o me t rliieipds upon winch 'fue Sun
| w,i. - c .it.uoud during the year to come.
! . ’ ' > - ir 1 0 w; i l»c one iu wliich no patrio-
'■ Jos» van .-fiord to dose libs eyes to pub-
. . c .dh.:: -. ;t is im- os.'ih.e to exaggerate tbe
“*"• *• < * i .c polhieai cvetts waich it has
: • *’»• the hioeL. ity of uaoiute vigilance
1 t he j - r: > <: * v, rv c.liKt-u who desires to pre-
• '■ : w • mowruiiu nt ibid tiuj foamier* gate
a. . . *lehates aud act* of Congress, the ut~
j Krnncv.v of the pr*-», the exciting contests ot
the .".epuhhcttu uud Democratic parties, now
nearly equal iu streuuth throu hout tbe
country, the varXItig drill of public seutimeut,
will all bear dir. cUy aui etfectively upon the
uveuty-lourth i'rosidciuial election, to be hehl
in November. Four years ago next November
ike will of tbe nation, as fexpres»eci at tl^e polls,
■was thwertod by an abomiliuUq conspiracy, the
promoters aud qeneficuirie* of which still hold
the offices they stole. Will the crime of 1878
be 'VJpeite# m 18801 The past decade of ye^
% and imoi-
beable to raise ttw~|>hl«iylt-In m boor repeat
the Expectorautr pUoo abottroa'toel&fect.Uka
ohnndL ,
a of this Dtz. It ior
a Natural Color, seta In^UnUaenoalr, wad to
■^S»K2pSaH»& n, ?* ,, W
Office, 35 Mwrsy St., New Yoffcs
ojieiu*i will, a wirrnpt,
un* in.
Ti.V StiffUld- ,om«tt5E __
Kanxuna bremkihg it* pw. Tbe Mermen
pro luUiguuig to neure their lesdtf end them-
" "tMfesrsc tiftssL '****'"
yeurwail ^
qa^tithB^Jfhe bnu
by ilie raSi^na^bn of t
?ueocod t The coming
..ri: dcvti lte j, 'httcl th’Uxmbitthett clearK - .11^1
rolatiunsto esfedHoqt aod
' iMit, V’tli a habit'hr plinouipiiical
Kworiui »t Iho jiiinot-Wfaini ofJith,
thiqa* sKtc«lla»t.purpo,e toinsia.
d.iu ifirrdibrciito wnte a truthlni, fautractl>*C,
,itwtoiy of
GhrridcH of* subfccriptroh rumaid nfichnaged.
For iheT>wlyi>u«,» lour-tisgpsheet of tweuty-
-liTijt eolums, tha price by mail, post-paid, fa
•}•» bents n tnoiith 1 ,or 5^8.80 uVear: or inclfidiug
, .-iunJn, pi;«r, 1 A* etyhfr%e|JfMot of flny-
; iXj^.. w , l ^hft tiM jp B U«i —-
4. - * e a v cur, pc uhigo paid,
thohimtla, dUHidiiOf ’X
I i»!.e4 »c[arutql» at$l.SQ a year,. ,
• -li -firicoot tho Woetty Spa, eight nueS.
awaume, is 81 a year, postage paid. For
oi too Xoaililig 910 wh wUlEeud on extra
Copy free. «
Address I. W. ENGLAND.
i’aUUshor ot tho Tux Sra.'Kow Vork City.
r .1-1,1
... oaita ouaualh,or
'aifulFoi The son is also
QUARblAX’S SALE.—On ‘ the
■in November next, will bo,
su.d at tho Court Honsa door in the City of At-'
ion'ii XultoaCoouty, Georgia, within the ttw-
siruot to the hast, coutmnihg twenty-civht (23)
ibatrom,, auiruouing beckataeiy. (io) > :
p jSJj
>f Iv ratio ttw
a n-iuor, by me, e» her Guardiao, uiider and by
virtue of an order of tho Coutt of Ordinary ol
Mid eonoty of 1’ubon for tho booedt of uid
minor. Terms Cash, This 2d Sept. 1S7S.
, „ S. ii. HOYT, Guardian,
aept.2G.2Sd. Printers fee 45.
and KOQWH ia sorvey/ef
o£ AttgtistoR S. Clayton,' do
Lumpkin, Conoty hi
six. Hold as Ike pr,
’. Dobbs, Hroud Street, Aliens, Ga.
GL13 EE.
sm j»
Our Entire Machinery, consisting oj a
No. 1, 12 Horse Engine,
One large 24 inch plainer,
circle saw benches and ssnv
p e iron ,*l sided moulding machine, two turning lath., tvi
- ,, - rs, urn; Tennon Machine and Saw combined, one Shapin - or Irreitnlu
Moulding Machine, one Small Pony Plainer, one Urge Clamp and a lot of Haim Ciauu* tceetM
wltb xiffhchharting and Ecit'iig a.i in good order. Address
Julj.g.Om. ' 10WRAKCE & J500NE, Athena, Ga.
Ct ock er y,'
Cut Glass,
G ob le t s,
Tu m b!e rs,
Spoons, J
Decanters, A'11
Door Mats, ’New
Iron Pots, J?csh;r
Br ac k e ts,
Car trid ge-',
II o tl se Fiiniishing G'
Broad Street, Athens, Georgia.
HaviJand China au<l Majolica
Ware Tin and Porcelain Toilet
Sets,White Granite ctC, C.Ware.
Tin ware,
Buck ets,
L a :i. j. s
AV i c k s .
Chirn neys,
Silver Plated Spoons,
Silver Piated Forks,
Silver Plated Knives,
S oi ss ors,
K n i v e s ,
Straps, w
Hand Uells, L *'
Bread Si . Nc
Lower Market,
Monuments, Tombstones and Marble Works,
A largo selection always on baud, leadv for lettering and delivery. ‘ c . *
■■'h t: fV : . •'
Mh'p -
mm-- ■ up" "■ ■—
Mpqv'c'' ■
■ ‘''‘--L GEARING
or m
IV: i+ims wish
-1ING &■
mmM’&TME l/st. $ ;r »
iniaUJCMyg»aw«!g.>J» X>3&mXBS*^unr r-t■--rae-..-yy; - v ^ xmxnDnBRaBBHal
■<3r K O 11 Gr 1 A.
•i.11 jStleuV. -htn*
■ti t
Mei ririft.t. d \ - ;-t-: \ r
'• V*- *#440**» v*/*-»'•* f -- fi
■' - • •' A-oo £
. djpcV-'X"' : a'p
. ..HA' ny!p ■
.t. • iupSsw-a. f t VIff ■ .;
A Aj73»*.
t L fc '*"-.*C3- e?~.{ ^
Augusta, Georgia,
A^aib offer MJlfceli 1 old customers ’^na public genor-lly, whi wunt rcliah!e and • mf<**
, x i t * I y«td!lxer«, tlvo wo!l knowu bnmds of tiuperpiuMpUr.te*,:
For oomposthlg, mtftaingtJlIUJC per cent, of Avriiltbio Phocphoric-Acid,' nnd 2 53 per cent**
’’ . ir ,u.i iih PMssh. Alsc,j ’ • -i .
, . ‘ st3-±.2»e3:tts.xc acid ,
From their Acid Ctnunbor, nt lnwci'A-urc. tliank enn be bid dnwn if bought out of the SUM-
Favorable terms and prices to dealers end concumcro of iurge ordcaaof car rocd». Tbcjvo^
f» StaCompanyi located in Angusta, G*.. aro open to tlie inspection ‘ ■
Georgia nnd South Caroimn, or to
I)0llS L x Agent, Athens, Gu.