The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, February 10, 1880, Image 2

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||c Hjjms $anntr. Febbuakt 10, 1880. ~Gracin' 1 * goodness! Is a whole winter geing to he crowded into Feb. ro*ry’ _ RfV Doctor Felton‘and Rev. Mr, Si.ninnna, who it would appear wear 2. livi-ry of Ileavi-n to serrt ihrir political ambition*, ai:d to slan- Jrr and abuse their people in. A man of TO married a woman o! 60 at Birmingham, Mich., and find himself sued for breach of promise by a woman of O'-*. The giddy young thing* are all in a tangle. Chiet of Police Benson, of Norfolk committed wicidu in bis private, room a tew mornings since by blowing out his brains with a pistol. The i-ame as* abberration of mind re. suiting from domestic troubles Tin' appearance of Mrs. Senate Conkling in Washington, and the appaitnt lesturation of cordial illa tions between her and her husband rise to the au-pieion that he i- ; v king Ills wife’s favor now ilM ! I.e thinks that Iter brother ia IU 1* the next President. Horatio Seymour ia her brother. sow ivruRESTiMi nr.rnn LANDS OX THE .MK-UVK. A con rp indent of the X. « Y-rk Hilt Arp says, * ot course as soon ns | . . I Dr. Felton found out that bis friend , ....... of Rev. T. J. Bhnmnna had Written a rllt V‘ Vc r ) lfiter ii) tilA PrPMilsIlt tloimiinnin.. ( . ’ " " For tjo purpose* 8un had an interview rweenlh in iiljmigrjuion to the section of country j letter to the PresiJeul ileiiouncia;; the Chicago w ith Mr. Robert P. IVilefj,' i through which the Air-Line road people'of htt own Sta»«* aa “comipf the well-known statistician, who linn ] rims, tlie manaigers of that road have 1 *®*®*®to® traitors” that he, the Doc* >an r< "is. j t0 . r ’ •'"St'-nf l.*o lhe IVc-ileet and In Gwinrett co, Harmon Davis. In Lumpkin, Mrs Mary E Wood- been appointed by Ccustis Superin-. ed Dr.J. W. Moonuan eso-i -.j., ,, . . .. , . —.. —— tendent Walker to have charge of, the | trar o^landsi The object is to record j j^v. ^ ** ie ** ! ■and then straightway T ■ ' ieral Gurd.m iZ K.,... «> MllscOS In Valdosta, Airs B'ligsle'mer. In Cairo, Mrs M G'A llayes. She native of Jhdmmt co, and [{awls. collection of statiatica of the debt, ail lands adjacent, to the line ot the limned upitjuneral Gordon Or Saui In Musi ivai e co, in wealth and taxation ol the Ifnilcd , roaiijt that may be jdl'circd tor Rile, and, j ® nin b winch evef it was. and thanked. an ^^ Slates. Mr. Porter is now engaged by means of advtrti-irg anil forcing ! | , V* , .^‘* r ®W®ainsp to light the infiimous^ In Gw innett c -,'4n< on an exhaustive work upon the re- r«m. «it.6r I e er **f tl.—still more it sources of the West, and lias been making studies for it on the ground, In giving a comparative view ot the growth of the three sections nl the country he presented the following figures: In I860 the iiopulntiiin of the Eas- tern States (including New York And Pennsylvania) was 10,594.300; the emigrant agents, induce front other : ’ - »-«•'< m "™. i>,m ' °Klberton, aged 28. i . „ non..." Ot course Millism knows as sections direct settlements on said ■ lie lives in Felton’s district, lands. To accomplish this the Com-, _ son ol Mr . V Duncan. I any proposes to become a parly to . Dr. Felton evidently considers! it, in order to give confidence and j Kev.-T. .1. Simmons chietest qualified-' concentration to the movement, and j l ' ml f or supervisor of the 1st Census C Wilkie, lor compensation for advertising and J J?««- j I», Decatur, Mrs John Bryce. me per i an( ] ,j, e friends of Hon. Emory lu-W^riMB co. Hon T J Bark if no bale, Speer” Well, really this would .seem . tn Cobbvca \ed Co wen. Bud the i a ralhef vain.hope or expecta'ionof „ . ’ , man who is so very uiger.erous to-1 8nd,LT - ‘ In Dawson co, J/oses Brooks. In Cave Spring, Mrs Rosa Stan- noii. registering will cent, if sales arc nothing will be only made; demanded by nine Western S ates (excluding Ohio) Company. Tue idea of the C nipauy 6,752,868; and the thirteen Southern Stales was 10,259,016. By a careful eiliniatc I find that at the close of j fieiuln* aud passenger fares resulting ' 1879 the population of <he Rustem from the added population that they State*bad reached 14 303,000; that. expect enmpi iishrion There is much in a name, love-sick Juliet to the contrary, notwith standing. Some verses called “Helen 0 f Tyre’’are going the rounds of the j*l>eni. The only reason we can see for their doing* is in tl|e tact that (sfaction of his wants, an8 which le^ds if the Southern S ales was 14,295,- 0)0. aid that nl the Western 14,655.000. Thus, while tie population .if the Si-nth probably increased 4,''25,981, i.-,j that of the R.s ern States 3.80s,- <00, W.-t.-rii Si le.- have in nineteen years g.uiml 7 902,032—an increase imiilv e pt .l in the aggre gate inert ase of the Eastern and Southern Stales in the same period. ’this unequal increase he alltaliuies to a law of nature which mulhtmiati- cians call “ the law of least i-lfot t,’ the law wl ioh man follows in the sat is to populate the country on the imc» *>»•!* * °~ Mate as ^ . 1 ., , lI> . 'V c them ‘Wrapt scsesston; ot the road, and It is in increa-ed traitors.”' ,i,( *’■ ’ H Bill 1 Arp‘be correct ot course V the villi moils newsjiajiers” have done* ‘ Dr. Fell. in inju-tice 1- •'•t.itiug . that he fell * , put f .5? . i’vneral Gurdoti for ..ji lt r. M ioiinau will eommenie the recKtrati n al Outiolle the IGtlt of tin- month, and will .jin- di In Talbot co, Jus F Simmons. In LaGi auge-, A t> Abraham, Sf7 ged near 73. in Savannah, Mrs Jane Pollard, age I 80. 1 • v..i, ,■..,! |« i lit lllln -o, Peter E littrtO", aged a nut 05. 1 1 '. district, in this county, got religion at a meeting n«t long since. (We would slate parenthetically that the old man lias for many y ears Ix-fn addicted to gelliug. on a protracted drunk.) The minister, ilot expecting to have a baj> tizing job, was not preptrtd vi It , clothiptr. and licing a very stout man ' ^borrowed a xiiit from a brother who is fond of his tods. Old Knix got drunk the first time he came to, and laid it all to the suit of clothes t e mini-dor baptiz -d him in. lb. it- Ik- ilu- it-: ml;- ! • e m t at ;lV ol ill.- bis I.-Ini. e notice tin- sfa- i^'-'I'V the lonfi-.miiii.n of Sinnm -> ii h.-el so sbmderi-d and aims d | ’ l|v lf?-t!’l«! of It - Sidle, as to style | *'.Y‘.V?* ,, ’ t IraitoiV” ; ill se •• v i!Iijii.ii-i« new -p ei-” -In,. J.i | •' =;*-• »* cm lal in t..imi- In Hartwell, man, age-; 64 In Warr. u the. Elizabeth A ISulL ■ "ia tiuaD i lari r aim ed van Is ■ 1 agents ' Ii. j.-n-- !*-:n mls-r the D.mi.y lt.vNNKi; NsuVj line, is to I.-i.nod o i|,. D IH Slur •'.! E. (I. |,,.ng ,t Wl iru- tin irienilsof the lt.VNM:,:. «i„l Iho-e 1 vvtf. di-ire in know ot e V ,-. e- ihino fl,.-it is trsiis-piritio , 1Mr c (v> will iiol forget the lne-itifni and pur- A lncd Knoi-h Arden case is excit- pose (if ihc Dan.v Baxsei: Xkvvs Box. AN EXOCH AltllEN CASK •‘Henry W. Longfellow’’ is the name signed to them. Certainly their poet- ic merit does not entitle them to sut-h general notice Like Commodore Vanderbilt, Mr. William H- Vanderbilt is a benefuc. tor of educational institutions. When Gen. Johnston represented to him that the University of Virginia needed funds to make available the splendid telesooim presented by Mr L. J. McCormick, tha railway king quietly wrote a check for $25,000 and ■ just completed, and which has Iony-neca-ca-d wile. him to where the means of supplyin: his wants are made case r. The mi gration caused by the influence of this natural law occasions, he says, no loss to the nation, but, in fact, benefits i*. It is only a transfer of jiojiiilatinn. Though the place left may suffer tein- • 7, * ... Nothin; jiornrily, and its population decrease, the whole population of the country increases, because the means ol sups mg the ri -id:-nts ol Windham, New York. FiW u number of years M). and Mrs. John I’daistlell have been counted among the leading residents of the town. Ale ut eighteen year- ago Mrs. J. --ce was nvirriid to John, believing it the time that In-r husband Hiram I.osce, was either dead or had dcserie-l her for good. seen or heard of him until last summer, when be unexpect edlv turned up at Aireenvillc, his for mer home, alter an absence of over handed it to him. We have had Spring weather dur j the Eastern States raised 90,829,000 ing the Winter season, and now that j bushels of corn, the Southern States the season called Spring approaches, - 843,613,000 bushels, and the Western Winter seems to be just setting in States 659,813,000. Now, in 1878, Things stem to be getting badly mix- ; the Eastern States produced 104,998,- w j jndticcd have already gotten so. i 200 bushels, an increase of about 14,- plying the wants of the tn.i-ses are twenty years. Ten days ago lie up- made easier. In illustration he gives p- ueil at the home of lhe Blai-dells, the summary of xi tabic he has i„ Mitchell Hollow, and claimed his After due de- public, liberation, Mis. Losee-B'nisuell deci- 1870 ,1,.,) to go witli her first husband, which she accordingly did, leaving Mr. Blaisdell to mourn bis untimely loss .STATE AKUK. The talc-1 Sayings and Doiags in tmrgixn Liniiflnton jail has one inmate. Liucolnton High School will be in charge ol »V L C Palmer this yea:. j The McDuffie.Journal thinks Lester ought to be allowed another chance at Felton. Juponkeis ate blooming pvoliiM-iv j all over Augusta. Hogs in Mille from cholera. »l .alibi ..f W S.ilid Mr - Dr A a: x\i lii Mue hi, l apt A F Ii- nnr.l. In .Siiiuiiiei v.lle, eeai Augusta, J t E i'll 'iirfts I i Stiyamiab, Jno H Frcil. , )q <)Xlbrd. G \Y II M>m-!l, aged 73. At, I K-onee B.irnys. In Paulding Lest er. Station, a!r- Joshua ■ hoi; x-o., suddenly, Henry MAUIUaCES. In' Og’lethorjK-, Robt K CoWx, of Amerieixs, to Alice M Griffin. county : re dying In S.-hley sie Allen. In Griffin, bins lie < iiissaivav. ■o, Shade Tatum to Gns- X Drewry to Wil- Iii Lee co. II II Savage, of Baker 1t -o, to .Miss S E Jones: J A Lararaoro Morgan brown's steam mill, mar to .Mi-s O Beat tv. BENSOMANA. (from the Iturtircll San.) It is a well-known fact that Buw- ersvifle is a total abstinence town and has do bar-room, but a short dis tance outside of the corporate limits on ibtf H#rtwe|hR;dlroaxi, is a dram shops ^.W., who fs dowm on u ltisky, rex-eflav nipt Ids brother B., who was full though, and passed Inin without sjie.-ifsng. 'B. filled to : “Vou’ix- all right W., I know your prieclples and (liic) admire ’em. This grocery down here is a curse to this country and should be put a (hie) stop to. Now, if you say so. I’ll go down ami , AX.ELEIi A.NT PREl’Alt ATIO Designed to meet the p xbli - wa t t' ii ,h»rii)le-- l air xbe- ing 1 Mr*' J di L M* . “ , 1,1 ' -.tin L m i THE MONARCHSFALLSTOVES! Park- id ’* 1 i. Bd. lit: .In; ’ ... il. txt ‘••■nix* v Falling bair i- inline i i •• c’.ieike>l by iis n-., -o .1 i p--> - a growth o ia-au-ii-'l ypmig b:r . S' • I - glossy and luxu-iai I, that snip every one. These proj erli— add d to its exquisite pertunm and jm-iiy j Composition, nmb r ii the j row, 1:5 favorite,«F the toilet taljle every alien- ! Sold in large Imttles, at only - >l ’e. and ; 51.00 by II. T. Brn tlby vt 'C.i < • lei-.30.8m. SILKS AND HOUSES. \% S. HOLMAX keeps constants I ly ou band from twenty to sixty bead j ot flue',broke mules ami bor*es, of all i sizes. Jan I3:f J. C. WILKINS, Athens, Ga LEGAL ADVERTI8EMEX t’S. | r &3Ui L i be Cl.vfiC j not yet been made j which shows that in IF NOT III.ACK. I.AMAIL Aa TiLani* said to Oberon: “We tee The tiler ; hotry-hc«*l*d L«»»u Yuli iu the fresh 1»|> of the crtmuou n*e; litd ob ol J llyeBo* chin, end icy crown, An odorou* A'bBpIet of ewetl suiBiurr bu«ls fa, M in mockery aef. Th# «i>rinf, lhe Sumnier, TNe *hildlug Autumn, «n*ry W inter,t h»n*« Their wonted liverie*; and the ’uihied world. By their lD*rea*e, now known not which ia which.' The Albany Advertiser, (an ex cellent pajH-r, by the way) announces the dejmrture of “Mr. If it isn’t Jere Black who is 000,000 bushels; the Southern States j„„ t „ ,_,, VP us tl>e epistolary Coiuuibi- producetl 314,729,600,a decrease of 1 yearly 30,000,000 bushels; wbi e the Western Slates produced 908,490,- 950, an increase ot 4 more than 800,- 000,000 bushels. In wheat the Eas tern States have gone in the eight years from 34,000,000 bushels to 47,- 000,000; the Southern Slates from Colquitt, Miller county, was burned recently. 1 Tlie city authorities of Tiioniasvi!!e are planting oak trees iu the town. The Methodist church at Ocean I'ond, 111 Lowndes county, is without a pastor. Charles E Willis, a young colored man in Savannah, killed himself with hindanum. In G.-Cl; Dahlonega, Jno G Shed to ia -N Duiiei. Sen in Sana ( ll xppeanuy to !:>« eoilrt tbut tlie ant, titirali. SinitU, ooe-.-i in--, resijii v countv of Clarke, and it fart Iter :»j »| •<.*. said r>i-!ctuiaiit does not reside witliih Ot Georgia. It in orUercd l»y tlm Cot mtfliuti of couusd, that su id l>cfetuiui 9ioith, ;uul unswcr, at t,u» iu v the Mid e.»nrt. «ise that said cause be bd in default, uud the i’iuiutitf, allowc eeted. And it ia further or-It reel that be jiublisltcd in the Athens Uaxxek uperior Court, ; —Til Iv in Lumpkin co, Francis Mincy to Mamlv Denny. In B iker co, F 11 May, of Quincy, j ‘ uur “umiha. ^ hilotb, Ju.lee - Flu, to Lula Perry. j -Ia-. R. Lrir, Ati’y tin- Hlv’lf. • . A Own AX.raol from tlie muintes of llic 1 In Thomas on, It 51 Cave to Sudie This null day of is -1/cKinnoii. Iu Augn-ta, AYm. Brown, of Chars and his bride for • trip to Florida,’» and just uuder tho announcement jirints the following lines, which seem like a warning note for the bride- ! teJlor 0 j ij le j r w:1 y j n ti, c production groom: of oats, the West has gone from 139,- 000 000 bushels in 1870 to 263,000,- 000 in 1878. Ufion the subject of tlie develojv ad foretold by til'- Augu-ta Chroui- c , .e'ss'..'tlVcom-spomb-n!, then it must even be Albert Lamar. Lamar, you will ri-ni'-mbe'-, is liie mm who, by a single timely letter in lSiV, brought tl.e meuib rs ol the Georgia Ci nstitu- tioual Convention suflieienlly to their reared in Talbot count senses to cause them to frame a Con- While M V Wils.'n, of Talhot S3,000,000 to 40,000,000; the Wests stittit ion that the people could be in- county, was topping a j iue he fell and ern Stales from 168,000,000 to 332,, duced to adopt. Hence, he may be was severely crippled. ' 000,000. While the Southern and called the Father ol the present Cou- Easteni States have kej>t on the oven stiiution. Frank II Butler has loi Bronson, Fla. Mrs Ellen O’lteiilv. if Savannah, has cell declared non < mu, mentis by i lie Court of Ordiua' y. 1-rank 5l Carter ilii ] recently in Marianna, t- ia. He w as born and Savannah" lertw "-'to Lula M Brodie. 5Ir lig Thompson, i f Taylor coun ty. recently lost 870 tear Geneva, that had just been jia d linn |’,.r cot in Marietta, T A Congo to Victo ria Appling. In Cobb county, William L. Jlorris of 1> uglas i-ountv, to Alice Taj>p. Ia C -lmiibus, Jas L Dennis, editor of ihe Hamilton Jnnrnul. to Willie Newman. I-- Hart county, B F Goodson, of lb; stun, to Sallie Ilucker. Ha Columbus, to Ella Perry. John 1. IirEciNs, ( GKOKGIA—Ocouce County—Wlieriu-w 1 >. vid I*. Kioliardsoit applies to me f r Ictteisc admiuLtration the estate of iTc^U-y Gtrr ncr, la-oof Mid county—defused. Tlte^t* rii thercloioto s*how cause at my office « n "t’ r fi*rt* the first’Mohniiy in Mnrch next, uliy *<:i letter* *houkl not be grunted. -: Given under mv hand at my office this 2'U day of January, 1880. ^ c J Jan, JAMES R. LYLE, On In Ttkr h»r up Undtrly, r whiotivd so slenderly, Yoong snd so fsir, Htndle b*r csrefollv, T»Utto ber pteyfoilv— nhe'e oraw see brsr. The Covington St nr hoi-cs that Father Ryan’s jtoinis. which have apjieared in book form, wifi find a ready sale nil over the South. They . I’.VrY, \Vli,r.-a» __ .ihnatliaii Hanip'on, Executor of Tuoupua j Crawford, tieceascd. applies to me for leave to sell tho nudived half interest of said dccettscil ' in and to all the lands held by suid Jonathan Ilamptou'and Mid dveesised. Ivinjf within i;»e - _ T - __ , j incorporate limit* of the city of Atheu**. ami Uiltv, O K Taylor, of j knoB'uasthu Thomas land, ucar tlie Nortti- eastern Kni!rc*ad depot, containing seventy- i thnie acres, more or less, These are, there- ! Milledgeville, Baker Stewart, of j l ’ K ,ocit<! “ uJ al! P*” 1 "" 4 >-" | "' | o'“ 31 n * _ _ ^ ! n 1111w euiisA at mv nm.T! on nr Ix*t<>re the nr-t ! i leave tdiould . Miss Pojm Mi-I.auy li'l becomes assistant teacher in the L.o.-ietto High School. I ment of manufacturing interests iho wifi hardly do it at 82.50 a volume. “ Now when by the blessing of! most prominent facts made known by Providence and in spite of legislation, j -Mr. Porter are that in 1873 the State the farmers of the country have drawn large sums of money in oj>en market from foreign nations in return for food, they are at once told they have too much money; that it muit be destroyed; that they will over- A litt'o sou of Jeff Brooks, War ren county, was severely burue l re* eently. , llis clothing caught from a Mi-s Caroline Wifis, da lighter of brush Ju-ap. of Illinois alone made as inauv rails Rev. Dr.Davd Wills, wa- married in , , ,, ,, , , sliuw cau-e at mv olti - Stew art county, lo Mrs Mary V . Stew* I Mim-toy in M .rrii next why art. ! not tic gninted. *- , 1 Given nridvr iny lmud at Iu Greene county-, \\ Banks to Jiy of January ts-a. ASA M. Jackson Emma Engli-h, Geo. W Tajipsn to Claude L. Moore. <iiti.,. this tlie nth At Indian Spring, J W Terrell, o Covington, to Mamie Fears. 4s, O I.aRLK COUNTY SHEKUTS SAI.K-: Will b** *old before the Court Ilonso «loor <n Clarke county Georgia iu the city of Atlieu*, on the first Tuesilay iu March next between the Le- j ful hour-* of Atle to the’highest bidder 4 - - 1 - DAILY AND WEEKLY. as the whole United States did in 1860, and that the lour States of Illi nois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Kansa- produced in 1978,2G6.783 tons of Washington City recently to Mr. J. M. Field, of the Signal Corps. Near Covington, James Porter, of ! tin- followin' land, oitast*. lying and bfiny in Marvvrlle. Ten*., to Telia Holder, j ^ rke 0 ~;“’/' Sudf’of' . . • , Arnoiig the bridal presents was a thou- Stephen- Jones, the.lnninei \ ui teach m lhe female colleg-.t at gaud dollars from the bride's uncle, ! Ocon«MitlTract,and Jennin* Esmard Tno, Milledgeville. Mr. Jas Dc Lap, of Danville, Va. j S&gtXttViSZ W,: Miss Birdie Little, of Tallmt on, The Ii*lie baby o: Jo-day "ill be ■jieculatc and break themselves; that J rails produced iu that year in the the bankers alone can bo trusted to j United States. He has prepared an regulate how much money they shall j approximate exhibit from which he be allowed to have and wliat shall be il* character.’’—Extraet from tht SfrteK of Stnator Seek. rails, more than 30 jier cent, of all tlie forty years old liefore there will be an other February with five Sundays. Hartwell had its first suow o 'lhe season on the ground Monday. t | lc ' lUnd-nm' Chun* tdlSer Thr Work of » 2nd inst. le i ,W J imrrally Onulanlr. A C«»*»'« SKNSATIOA. Iii his last letter to the Augusta Chronicle, the staff correspondent of that pajier says : “ It is an open se* eret here that a gentleman of long ex perience in public life is quietly pre paring a letter on Washington af* fairs that will create, I think, a tre mendous sensation. This gentleman ha- nut often apjieared in print, of late years, but bis occasional np|iari- tion was like that of Jupiter in a Gre. k Tragedy, and so I look with intense interest for his promised con tribution. I am acquainted with no man who wields so caust io and so |mn- gem a j>en. Dry bones will be made to rattle here and elsewhere, aud some men who shine like demi gods afar will be uncovered as idols with fronts of brass, hearts of mud and feet of clay.” We know of no “ gen tleman of long experience in public life” whoso complexion thi* dcscriji- tion suits better then it docs the Hon Jeremiah Black ; therefore Black il must lie Let the sensai ion curou We feel that we ore jirejwired f--r it. It will bo known as Gentle .lamia* Professor Ned South Georgia farmer* are forming We take from the Savannah JWir*’ dura tor the jnirclia-o ol guano at j of the 31st ultimo the following de scription of the new Episcopal church whole-ale. finds that the manufacturing popnla- ry. tion of the nine Western State* in* creased from 58,947 in 1850 to 991, TIIE NEW south. 512 in 1880; in the Eastern States ,, - r , ... ... v „„. . -a....... lo The htriToi: op 1 iik bus—Sir. from 696,661 in ISoU to 1.<84,86.4 in , /r j !oUell ]*. I>, llU r omits tl.e rarat 1880, aiid io the So .fhrrn States from important cio ; » ’ ’ ,,e ^‘Hh in hi-i 109,880 to 258,089. l*i*» iron, lie comparative estimate of the actual sajs, can he proiluced most cheaply in ;l,u ^ ^ l,,ure u •igln fiml survey, Bnd haviujjf tliereuu three te inunt housis. About 40 acr*» open land and bal- atice QCifjiul growth pine, and well v^atered r»v4 cboMt three miles* from Athens, and levied ou as the laud ot Jefferson Jeuniitff under n li. fa. iMued from Clarke Superior Court, 80;h Au gust, 1ST*, under » judgment oV>tniu< 1 in t hi.'ke Superior Court nt the Aujfnst Term ls77 in »«• j of Johuuthau Haiupton an<i RoU rt M. ! .ltd J n- | •letter- l Jcnuimr as principal debtor and lien uiti# as security for purchie 1 Jerk’s mul itiiure uealth «*! the ilillVreut ret— eiHcrtal upon its 4th volume, ami ilex . 0 , rn . .* , . tions of the luion. He siiows that eljres its aim to lie lo do ami retail thehouth. The rost of producing, thw !IK . ve;;se j„ populnt’uu iu the *;ou<l it can ami make an honest pig iron in the United States varies I Southern an.) Ea-iern Mates in the living. A good aim, truly, according to location and quality ol past nineteen tears has I wen relative- We have received volume 1 mun product from 815 to 825 jier ‘ 1 '' ‘ 1 " ‘ the South labor and raw mn lo-ver in jirice. There are furnaces in tho South, 39 roll: and steel works, and 48 liirges and have produced an increase ot 14.900,* , i . * ,j i«* » w* U0U hr-sheln of corn, while tiiu JSuuilh Lloomarics. In • he \\ c8tt*rn u " , , . , ern btati« sh *\v a decrease ol .*0 f UUU,^ there are 182 blast furnaces, S9 rc.N 000 bushal* m the amm* lime, hut h*. ing mills anil steel works, and ouly 24 does not jay that ti is «h*« reuse is lar •i/^uL>n.v nt at Summerville, m»ar Augusta. It is ‘ Smith nn exeeuton «rchmna» j. woo,! wa7bur»e:i an in- » f ><™ 1 >*y reason of,he tal- j «* K. cmwa*!, teh eendiarv. ’ J euted young architect being a gradu- j ate -if tlw State University, and well J*u3, mm-kvlitoimuJ udeeOi tliis a; m -;c • , i . i* i* i a bv Johtmthun Hampton as oxwulor «>1 utort—ttiu known in Athens, wnere he livcnl tor ( f £> M> SM1Jth c^exveutor btf»n« dc*.) to .letlVr- some time and where his parents still 1 souJeuitiu^ in piiwunmcc of Unul f,>^ titles of re-idi-. The X,.essays: “Thero has , £3^,^j/STO been completed at Mmmiervillc (gen- ! ofltce «r Carkv SniKiGr Conn twfo erally known as the Sand Hills), hear ■j“- 1 Augusta, a very handsome church ed- \ iv|„' u . ifice, designed by Mr. John J. Xevitl, | — a well known architect of thi* city. I C HEKIFTS sale.—wiU bo , , . i - i . ,, ,- OTuemliivni Shtreli next. \ 1 lie chuiell Is luluili'ed hv all who 11,3., r . of sale, tbe t'olloniog pro] have seen it, and is jironoin.-a-il ui be I »ae 1ml ' one of the most beautilju! m me Stale. The licenses ol the bir-room* iu Thomson having exjiired, tbe City Council will not grant new uni s, so '1 homson is withoatn bar-room. The Walton County Vnhtte lias DAILY BANN ER, One Year, $0.00 “ “ Six Months, 3.00 “ “ Two Months 1.00 “ “ One Month, * (Including postage.) WEEKLY BANNER, One Year, (including postage.) 50 1.50 J. N. lUtOWNl.- ing null* anil steel works, ana only g-J doe* not sav that tl is .1--. rea-e is lar ■ . ... ...„ I j forges and bloonmries. Those branches more than made good by the inoense readtheUs "issue of the Athf^b!"'- i arisla*?»• hicl/u' of manufacture into which wood and -old we. You know, mm enter he say* the Hot has with flee J;l bor larger crops u,, n were bow it w ill I*, wmcume'4, brother, pusheil to their fullest extent, and that produced with slave labor liehne the Augu-ta Evening AYk*: “Mein Indiana sends wagons vi 1 England to spile of the l:u-.t that prope.-.y Ivrsoftho “ring,” who are it chi. g to the amount of thousand- ofilollara ami 1 hirst in was swept away by til.-, \va . While “h elahoratelv deaoribiug the niiueral South Africa ; Michigan lurnilure i- sent to Great Britiui and sold 25 jn Bon C I{ St 1 other, of Lineolmon, P"™. 1 *; ‘^towiHB descrijitiot. will ha* been a|>jMiinted U S Deputy Mar- be ol interr-'t. sled for the Southern Distrie . and , » "e church ,s cruci.Orn. m plan, 85 will move to Savannah. f< et long a ml 00 feet across the tran sept*. Al lhe intersection ot the north i a massive tower surmounted with a spire, _4hiishud with a bcaulifn wrought iron crown and cross richly , gilded. The walls are built wit’i An gusta jin sse-1 brick laid in black inor . , ” T .i' 1',—.*? tar, with string course*, window C ^‘ UlAk ‘t 3 I 1, heads, guides and porches, relieved .'re beginning thetr bu-nniaH wUUiW ;, c; . alld buffafld moulded brick ml vawp; but the peoole of tho Sth Vis- 1 ■ ' a " U , V^i ulue ^ , V rlcK of trict fully understand these wails ot \ >« oruameuial patterua. The wmdous „ . .. jat the connoriuits.’* and door* are deeply reci-sse.I,aud_ in ricultural implements Illinois' and its PS? int'anv o'hw3 Tt,e *e*ton exhumed the The'fh'w ‘^relies“add much", tTtfie tSam'.lo s .w,l , l.« XX...AA IV 111 l l»U'O* ’ U VII l IlUll 111 »11 > OhOBrpttrL 1 W ,J,. T(* .. ..... 1.7 . .... 1. . . .A I.- cent, cheajier than it can 1-e produced wealth ami manufacturing j> ogress there; and in the manufacture of og- th-- West, he is ibrerel to admit that IHnUVG. January was a kaleidoscopic month, sntl a humbug. It gave us more un- cxjucted combinations of absurd weather than was ever see a before in tho same length ol time. Instead of going right along with its honest work of affording a cold aud bracing atmnsphere, in which hard work could be elieer.’iiily done, and sausages buckwheat cakes nr.d mince pi.-s could be readily assimilated into fat and muscle, it dawdled and drizdod along, one day s’.ealiug tbe moat di pressing of March moisture, and tbe neat tan talising and tempting us with a de ceptive imitation of May, only to re lapse into a temjioraiy and feeble im itation of Winter. Perhaps Febrn- vy will imjiart the electric energy, the keen sense of enjoyment, the om nivorous appetites and the recupera tive activities that ought to be afford ed by any (esj>.'ctable, well-conducted and efficient month of January, To ita other distinctions it may add that for tbe Spartan virtues which Janna- ry shamelessly discarded. It cannot bo a more disgraceful fraud than its predecessor. reXXSYLYAJfU TOR GRANT. * The Pennsylvania Republican State Convention met at Harriaburg *aat Wednesday, the 4th inst, and adopted a resolution that the dele gatee elected to the Repnblicah No tional Convention be Instructed to support Grant for the Presidency. The vote was—yeas 133, nays 113. immediate vicinity excel the world, 0 , and mile* tural any As section* South now owes 8100,900,0110 mor than the East, ami the East 842,000, but he fait- to »av lM, dy «f a young w hite woman recent-. beauty m the ei ut;ch. and their floor* 000 more than the M es’, but that iu c . ( ,( [ot , m jj, s jp i),e East or in Europe lost inijiurlant of all—viz., the self to‘ sell Georgia railroad share*, 1 " t:rwl ' filature of cotton—aud had he *"M them tor $1 <400 and sloted. , hamtut-r K-.uu ci so he would,have tumid that no ,, . , W yefiow pme, ot local dclits.the Eastern Stales show- sad pre eminence. After study of the subject for over a can sluiw such dividiud-s as those do- Wliile Rev. kl M. Pilgrim ami his 1 family, of Kor-sili county, were at. 1 p' -yciSuicetiug a trunk' containing from a careful blared by thu mills in Georgia in tl.e I TO trank w “«' during which time lie lias collected nil j an( j from lb-: seed the cotton is con- the figures in re'ation to local ‘ tainnblc, lie approximati-s debt of the Untied States Eastern 8tates, 3540,000.01 ern States, $140,000,000; States, $183,000,600 borne in mind tlml the East 33J per cent, more property ."c lbe SouU| owftt g 100,000,000 more very j.robably nerfonn it in Col West, but for all that the lofttl debts: sbaa-tha-Kost, hut .fail* to set lotth • bns(-■■ ■’f-t.s.n ,■ , of some of the Eastern Stales lorm the hcai debts ot the Eastern 8t:tte* yokes under which whole eomniuni- 1,1 aa collective a manner; that would 1 .. , j 1 1 - in-obal-ly lave turned the scale the 1 ties are bowed down, and ... many { (Uier ^ #v Tho lSt;llc Georgia Stewart co, aged 24, bankruptcy and ruin stares practically has no debt, for tho prop-. arty of tbe Slate, if *old at auction I to-morrow, would more than repay all valid claims against her iincrmi\ tlie tine open roqf- construction, finished oiled ami shellacked, is the leading feature, e.-|-«ially the chancel roof, which is richly panelled, moulded, a d stopped chamfer' d. All the windows are ot -taiued gla-s, ninl most ot them arc memorials. One of the handsomest is to the memory ot r>F,ATn*. T11 Americu*. It T ' - ■ ! Jackson, of eloquent sermon tp a crowded ebbgre gnliou, mid confirming several candi dates.” "■ them in the face. In connection with the foregoing statements and estimates of Mr. Por ter we call the attention ot out read- Witli a balance of trade lass year el -1/r E C Elder. In Kllavllle, Walter Strange, child aged four. In Barneaville, infant daughter of , at least 8100,000,000 in her favor, the j era to the communication from the j Boutli, cou-cious that, with less than t Jl/i^aehuartts Hon. Francis Fontaine to the editcr Itweoty.ptr cent, of tbe jiojndatiou of 1 v Iu’ Albany, Geo W H Bartlett, of J/rs . 7 , r , „- , T ■ .. - ,,1 South in Mr. Porter’s statements- - H .ton alone “the ten ,j)josj>erous Suites’ 7 1 J" iForsytli co Poor hllouse, Jno nro credited with 3162,304.250, he-1 -McGinnis. , • " -..l* ' '* " “ " ‘ W ’ * ' 4« ■»/* 1. ^r.- /j;-rt.* I11 Stewart c6, John Harper, aged about 70^ ^‘Sia II YVuiren, aled is a little remarkable that the learned statistician should have omitted the important crop of thu South aud tho details of the most important of all manufactures, to-wit: tho manufac ture of ootton, and Mr. Fontaine conics io very oppoitunely on bead with figures quite recently jislied in the Sun itself. Don't be too generous with ypt'c temper. Keep it, \ ’• ^ domestic cxporis'ot the United State -for the year endiuj* June 80, ,1879, wa* but 8717,093,777- It “ scarce ly neccssaiy to eay that .tlie figures about 05; Sira given above are taken from the Sun of about CO. .Waa. 1879. _ y. «r 1, aged Jro M Cain, aged l'UA.SCIS FOSTAISE, . Commissioner of Immigration for S ^! ,; bu : U >' mHSt r N- Youtte 01 ,it0 ' 8Ul - In Macon, Mrs .Daniel M Gu-ci: Mrs WlShinholser. In Monroe coj Mrs Daniel Ponder: infant son of J W Miuter. ill—oiutiuu «T Cuiurtnrr>lil|i. 'The copartnership in-rctofiire exist-; ing between J1.0 C. Pitncr, and B,,F. II. Jackson, wasdi-ovojived oi», the, 1*1 day of Junnary, 1870,, by muliial con sent. Said.T110. C Pitm-r a-siunus all liabilities of former business prior to dissolution of copartnership Mr. B.. F' H. Jaekson lias been in my pmploy, only as cle»k since thu 1st. of January r 1876, up to date. „ - Athens, Jan. 1st, 1889, . .. ..■. Feb 17-wtf. ■ - :——-WT- rT-. XqIIw. u ,j | election nro .entitled - to vote, ,1/aria- gers: J. \V„ Collins, L. C. Briuni, and Win. -Creighton. , By:or<ter ot' Cfity L'-nlOcil. -G. U. Tai.ji.wkik,. J/ij'ir, Aiheis, Jan. 23 1 ifitiu. 'Hi "-t _ tl’.M 1 .■ > il' ■.'ni' *" ii i- iit I-.- ■ t ->1* Ailitnw. Iviittr o:; the lino * aJjoiuinjf W. Ilad^iiift niul Gccr^e a niul 2 do; i»au£(;rs t ■» to tedioi Deri l«»t wikkI !i!e.», u’bii chest#, <>nc* ch<*j» u.\ uwri* Mini othwr to« b!«*o a io/ol'lim.bjr tor \v;ijjohr. Al to* tlie property of Anthony Dericoiit a •‘ti-fu’ from the *.*!nrk ^upvror t v<*r of Jtobl. Dean. J A DROWN I N< FeT>-3i<t--Prin erii* Fee f-5 7.*», . R.u bi:-* EE< IRC IA—1 ’li* r ko Countv-oniiiarvV Il Offiec Jun., avtU IS”*'. •John Pott* lin* appliwl for t>\vm;t:ioti of 'mr- nouulh.T* and itfttiu/ apart aud v.iluatio i ol homt-jO^-id, and w !• parn* upon lIn- ’•amt; at lo o'cJoulra. m. on tlie 14th (lay of Fcbrtury at ifiv offiut:. Asa M. Jack*m>.v, .,4E*rb3--t Dr in rv. Devil - ! r ’ladlsoii SlicrifTs Sale. WILL BE SOLD b fore tl.o c II door ini the town of Danielsv son county ou the lir.-»t ‘aUesday itct^Vvcn thu le-'a! hours <>t traet of laud ui sabl county on tlu Bine Sumo Crack, adjoining lands o others, and eontaininjr 215 acres nit** , o or l >s. Said land is productive forest land, convenient to churches, inilb. Arc. Sold as the property of John Scott • s-di fy two “fi-ta’s ’ i»su>il from t»*e Mutlhi-n St»j»e- rior court, one iu favor of D. R Mosey, 11 re nt her iu favyr of J. K. Crane, botli aT.vhi.< said John Scott. Notice irven to the defendant, jnhn Scolt. i,s ilio law «lirects. Thif Jan. 2S, lS.s*». F, B. SC.vtnojtocu, i>*pt*» Shr*if. Fcb3y4t» 7 : > O CONEi: COl'TV - APPOINT A NT T< > Clerkship of County Court. Under, and by vi-tnenf an Act m' the late Iacps'-atiire. Joim W, Johnson, e'erk of the Sm>erior Court of Oeoni*c County, his been sip pointed clerk of the Count* 1 Court of-said County, for and duriujr mv term nfotlice. K M. Jacks jx, /u’jjo C’ty C t. O. C. Fe\»,7,-^H. n KOKGlAr-OCONEE C.'UN fV—BV UX virtue of ilie authority in me vested, by the Sixteenth Section of tho County Court Act, Ttie Georgi i llafiy Bond* wifi Imy. Nenralgine, Ni-nralgihe will curt- Neuralgia and lleftdachc. Neuralgia and Headache lend to diseas —dis. a-e to death. Moral: Gotoyiiur Drug gists and get a biltle of Neur.dgiue, and be rC 'u-vcd. Sold by E. C. Long & Co., and H. T. Brainbv & Co A Wcyk. $2a day at home e,x-i.v-i dp 4 J* Unblc. Cosily ou fit free. Add re rru M Co., Augusta, Mainnov.18 wly. CHEAP! CHEAPER! MSN ;*|;LEWIS, >-Faaii!; 6roaery Sio>eand ConfecHonery. •--I . : 1* .„ road street. AUI.CV, ; . ( | ,, „ An Eleotina will 1« held *pL-*llc»: Citv Hall on Fabuary 10th, <for -Al- tlcrnuui io tho Third. Ward, to ^Utlio, ^»t.^rai» A i^ 0 Sm,ftw mt dm io A, S. DORSEY ,A_tlrons. Greorgia, veeps on I I (JijDacs- Too best end Fresluet Leiuuiin, THE WEEKLY BANNER Has been established SIXTY FOUR YEARS, nml has long been recognized as a LEADING 1‘Al’ER IN GEORGIA, and is now tlie largest and, beyond all question, THE BEST NEWSPAPER IS SOUTHEAST GEORGIA. Its Miscellaneous Reading Matter is selected w itli care that there shall lie nothing in its columns wliic cannot be read with interestand profit—nothing nhi. h the most scrupulous, parent would object to Ini ng any member of his family read. Special atu ntion is given and will continue to he given to The State News Department Of the BANNER, which will be the most comph te and condensed record of sayings aud doings of inter est throughout the entile State, to he found in The columns ot any paper. Recognizing t he tact that peo- jile now-a-days want the latest news given to them stripped of unnecessary verbiage, the 'AN-' ER has adopted for its motto, TIIE MOST HEWS IN THE LEAST SPACE Ami confidently call* attention to its columns as proof of the rigid observance of the motto- A LITERARY DEPARTMENT c a special feature of the paper, in which will he found each tweek a Stlory inter™tmg m attractive in style and Poetry of superior excellence. In short it is intended to rank li«SniljStC ,»p.r Lrtta.t Ueorgin l». «r W. l~» cnablcs^cvpry family to secure a weekly visit trom it from year - Will soon be made a sjiceial feature of the pajie plot and pure and the BANNER the at which it is put ( THE DAILY BANNER Is tho Weekly in niinaturo, and though but little tMoPc than two months oId, is geueMlb wn ' o thobest paper Athens over ha- 1 — 1 ;.rhtlin*t one ot its age tu the btate. ns spee.u. _ is to srlve to create, mid foster I had/tuHluie sprightlicst one ot its age in r that public spirit iu Athens which is so much ., -j. th refore al- place has suffered and is suffering more than her people seem to be conscious of, aud .... . Api'ii»T,,I-V«.>nt?, i bmi t'ora waya bo found.ready to encourage any effort that tends to increase tbe prosperity ana auu io • - i:«[irnii!v. Also kecj.t' iianu r Athens. It will contain all tliolotail new? of the day mid full end correct reports of tbe local mantel, •S-tSSSH? «a2?SSOP*».~ftjrUi»a the rest of its space will bo devoted to 'the general nows, first, of tho State, aud then of the country nt largo, fresh and interesting reading matter, ami brief and pertinent editorial comments In a word, will continue to to the model little diiily of the Sluto. ■■■■■ ■: V . -. • : -' J . elc., I lie Cheapest rmti iv urn Coutcciionury lu th • ehy. Give -i.* ./ « V ti imt