The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, February 17, 1880, Image 2

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ft Athens ! the -nrtwiar cucrr.T.T.* i::r. R co,.vun«» rnmcT OF TRR' ”• ■ ri.r .:;o rsy j nomniaconos. ATtn*’**- ,IR«P. While itt •• *1 oil lint ili-|i'itf I liin Vl;priiK _ ATii»:s.1 | : ,,,r m. .-Mi- I*. ... 0^,’horpe ' w wj ,|, w aI'*i«I»i! «m» mU iiir 'h* «-x • u..i • among oar public men than D*ttY Bv>' slu: '> jwiw lw lie* »•• ’• » i- i-.sikn $ ipr con that which now obtains with aomo of Ni i w lieloru p»rh:i [i- in the hi*t«»rjr of <wtr GtiVTiimetii •liJ there exist a morn oiwfmlna^l.—sml v« aro t< nqi’ul to .ay di-graceful, itatc of ' Everybody ha* •l<«<btfa'e btarj of *>• ttoDjte Taphan. ! tin •>:«< 8.0.0 - 1)M you ever ace Ui, the bright naljr 1 * ~ . •, ./l^p Year tbe girt, should •V ll oMLc inline sending. :!:;;;;Xti- «»>■* ■? > TV. 10 h “ ve :,n ^. te^n tbv 1 ... | tt< - tic to. i Ailstt-i •ra.".* r and E“”'l" Imre (*1*\ b»Hy . , * i lhe Orautb^tt t h " rr^u-t *' f “* e uniie f >u.r Tbil result of -bo Pcnnsyl* ’ „.i.,n ha* not change.! ■ ur * ii * , ’« t,,en h - . ,1..... 1h- our next presi» ^ — —r— [ htr* c‘» be no d ubt iu the mind ol political observer, that the in- ."Ldenuat Waahington who are ^inganeha lively over the appointment are arm i> Sn.-thejM^^L Til , , affeoT^r^enl of the AU. nrosucUdyr*nota.-em to be * , ;i ..r.Hif.i by the leada bang tas Wa.ay.Vomh,. letter*, and tbeu |,.i, e placed » ,h « uaMie °* ,he f*‘ p..r,1nrtead of inaide, aa they naed to be- _ We are r^Arritiugfor the revelation from Wuhiogton h.nted at lT the ataff comapondent of the Vcrmta OirrutU,-ibt forlh.-o.mng letter be a no-lorn Juniu. that t. to alion to the people in their true a»« pect certain aUteanten (»ave the mark !' «hc have long ehone « Ilka demi'god. afar.’ The aooner the ma.k i* *tfip|*d from these Itupe,.,;»i» humbtiga the c for tar people. I,.i ihe levelation come! A locg-mffering, Humbug ridden public WaTCBSH, an» waits : i arjlIOB HILL OX IHE SIHHOXS ISSUE. Senator Hill made the astounding inner! ion that the opposition to Sim mons and his rejection by the Senate, tro tld prove destructive to the Demo- r: »tic party, or at least its success. Wo Ail to tee w herein opposition to Imomietency for so important an of fice. one involving not only the inter- e«t of the Sonth but of the whole country, to say nothing of the dis co dit which attaches to the character ol the applicant, can affect injurious ly the Democracy But on the con trary we can most readily conceive how strict regard for competency, respectability and trustworthiness in public positions would be a safe mot- ?! ,1,'o.nintion of c.Ttain mills I ary ( because lie thinks them offensive Jo “the religions sentiment of the country.” we would, still, res pect fnlly-huggi-it that his bran band bill doesn’t go far enough in the direc tion aimed at. There are certain oth er practices by the military which we are led to believe ore more offensive t.» lhe religions sentime l ot the cuiur.iv than tin* making cf music by the band - !,n IS-udays. On Mondays, for iuatance, the Marino band plays for the Germans that are given by the army and navy officers at Wash ington. -The German is a fashionable modern dance, pi oununced by leading exponents of the religious sentiment of the country to be demoralising in its tendencies, and therefore offensive to that sentiment. Yet the Marine band is made, by its presence and its mu-ic’a voluptuous swell, to conlribs ute >o and encourage indulgence in thi- demoralising dissipation. Regu larly, once a week, do its bewitching »i rains, with resistless wile, lore the young officers of our army and navy and the yonng women at our coun try’s capital into the vortex of that giddy duDcc, than which there is hardly anything more repugnant to the genuine religious sentiment of the country. Now, what right have those officers to make that band in strumental in so demoralizing a pro- e ing ? Plainly, nope v anc^ the iousscnmncnf of the country de mand- i hat tiie pra*-tice be stopped. This is an evil that the bran band bill does not reach. And there is General Sherman, the general of the armies. He is as much under the authority ol Congress os the private in the ranks or the most insignificant brass horn looter. His exalted position does not lessen, but increases his responsibility. He should set an example of propriety and so berncss to the younger officers, and to all the youth of the land. But be docs no such thing. On the contrary be disports and distorts himself in the mazy dance with ns delirious an abandon as any fresh young congr,- man who is enjoying his first season’s our Georgia representatives at Wash ington. Certainly the people of Geor cannot bold these honorable repre sentatives blameloss for such a condi tion of affairs, aa can do no possible good, and from which much evil must he the ioevitablo consequence. Why should the irmrlintteU of our (South ern section be aacritieed. and Ihe use fulness of our Congressmen he de stroyed by to insignificant and con temptible an issue, and all too jost to gratify their personal and political prejudices and ambitions f Will the people and the press ot Georgia look on at this disgraceful and ruinous cond.iion of again at the National Capitol and bosUent? We believe not The Banner of yesterday contain ed a long communication from Mr. Stephens to the Augusta Evening Xtici, relative to the affair between himself and 8enator Gordon. In to day’s paper we publish a letter from Senator Gordon to the Chronicle and Cotiitiluluiuiiliit ref-ling some of the charges made against him by Mr. Stephens in a former letter to that paper, aa s,e'.l as certain insinuation* of its Washington corrc-iHiudeut. We suppose '6enat«ir Gordon will, ol course, reply t» Mr. Stephens’ last coramutjiv-alion, which in jnsiiue to him willeppearln our columns. As to who is to blame for the beginning m e T Avajor Joint W1 Pruitt, of Banka county, liaa owned one for a number of yean, which is now-' in pos session of Ida aon, W. H Truitt, oi this city. The atone was presented to Ma jor Praitt when • member ot the Georgia legislature acme years'ago, by a fellow repreaentative from one of the lower conoties of the State. Siuca he baa owned it, several eases of make bite have been: cured by it. Among the numbei i* Mr. John Lord now living at Cen ter on tbe jNorthrartirn Railroad Mr. Lord was bitten hv a rattle- Washington. U V., Feb. 7,1880. Mr. Win. Jl. Moores Evening New, Augutta, (is.: I)ej.r Sib : My attention was called this morning, by a friend, to tbe fol* lowing dispatch from this city to the Baltimore Son, which appears in lls issue of to-day. I wish you would do me the favor to publish it entire, with the com ments I shall make upon it. The snlMtance of tbit dispatch, I under stand, has been telegraphed al 1 over iho country, by whom, or through «I <*-e iii-trnmeiitaliiy, I do not know, smike, tha stone wu. at onee applied | L _ ;, aVc ; t lu u , e lu ,ercnce of an im lo the bi.e anu tbe pul-on miuii ex- — traded, ha setting over it, without any troubla whatever. Tbe atone ia a peculiar looking, atony substance, and as a done, n remarkably live one, aa a Geologist or one versed in such matters would my. It was taken from tbe gall-bladder of a deer, where these atones alone are. said to be found. It weighs 583 and a 1-2 grains, and is evidently of a lithio acid formation. It ia said that arben the stone is applied lo a |ioiaonous bite, it immediately attaches itself, or ■ticks to tlie place, and there remains until all the poi-on ia extracted, when it falls off. If then washed in water, the water will become perfectly green, show-tug that the stone had absorbed the poison, and after a tew washings is again ready for use and aa gaod aa ever. We have never seen the “Mad Stone” used, but are acquainted with those who hat e and whose testimony in the mallei ia perfectly reliable. Tbe*e p- rsons hate implicit confi dence in ita poweta ot extracting poison, and say that it will do all that is claimed lor it. If' these tacts be true, it certainly is not only a peculiar, but a very wluable formation The stone is here at this office on exhibition and of all Ibis trouble, we cannot say, taud nothing tliat is likely to lieje«ni^»"y qne de-iring *u nee it,-can* do 'odor to come Of h", could induce «sr]«V wiling on Mr. W. B.: Pruitt. , . . . ; Mr. Pruitt, ha* often been to take a paitial or partisan view rf h . qowle j mU , (ie , lonH so disreputable h quarrel. But as re- ! being offered goodly sums of mouey gards the particular issue be- tor it, but aa yet prefers to keep it in tween Aleiara Gordon and Ste- j hia own possession, plicns, as seen from our impartial i standpoint, candor and justice compel us to say that we tbmk Mr. Stephens laid tbe foundation for the quarrel when hp went so far out of bis way as to assail Senator Guidon in his recent U tter to tbe Chronicle charging him with neglect of duty in tbe matter of appropriation for a survey of the Sa vannah river. Be this as it may, the only accounts wo have had so tar, have been from Mr. Stephens himself and those who are decidedly |*wlial to him and bis ride of Ihe Iquestion. bcllrship. This ccur-e of General 1 Is it not strange that Mr. Stephens, Sherman is not only repugnant to the j notwithstanding his feeble and unc<-r- rcligiou* sentiment, generally, of the . tain condition of health, seems to find country, but is i ndertlood lo be par- | it incompatible with his |iolitical hip- X (jROWING EVIL. Under this besd the Sandertville Herald makes some remarks which can be applied aa well to Athens as to Satidenville. It (ays: < Tbe steady increase of drunkenness among the colored people ia a subject tliat gives' serious concern and appre hension to those that have at heart the future prosperity and welfare of the couutry. On Saturdays and public days they constitute the bulk of tl>e crowds at the bar room, and mass in such numbers about the doors, aa to obstruct the side walks, and to a great extent to drive ladirs from the streets. With habits of intemperance fully tunned, a love for stronj; drink firmly estab lished, it requires no prophetic ken to don. Il’ntiy per on whatever wa- look ing Ibi a “lively session” i. was nut aunreof it. 1 certainly had never to-at it ot any attempt on Ho- j--irt ot Gen. Goidou lotlMpiove any Malt - meut recently made in i elation to the failure at tlie last Congress of the ap propriation for the Savannah river above Augusta. This dispatch con tains tbe find ihtlrtiatlOd tfiitl I have received that Gen. Gordon intended to get Cf bring, forward any such proof. I was, therefore, not nt all ruffled in temper on thi- nco nut. - s implied in the dispute . When 1 we such proof you may hear f'rt-ui me again. I was rehloin in a inure p'ue’d ■•nod of mind limn I was on entering he room, in compliance with the re quest of the committee, to give them my views of the merits of the contro versy ou the confirmation of Mr. Sim mons. Tbit I intended to do, and did dot withont any personal ieeling on the subject. 2. During the u I olo im eiing, which lamed over two hours, I wit nessed no excitement or ill ti-m|ier on the part of any one, except Gor don. After stating wry clearly and briefly my view- upon the ohjt ctimi- to the confirmation of Mr Simmon -, Gen. Gordon replied in a manner and tone which exhibited quite as much ill temper as bad manner*. In my reply to bim, which was not : t all in the tone and manner exhibited by him. and without the lea.-t pe.sonal feeling, he interrupted me in tin- cour.-e ol my remarks by *ome mat ten which led tutho alienation sta ted in the dispatch. This, as set forth in the dispaicli, is not eortert. In one of bis iulciruplion-* he said, in a hlii-teiing manner, that h- had luard that I had said something about him, which I deem it i ni ece— *ary here to repeat. 1 rep'ied, in the most courteous and good-humoi- ed manner: " General, I hare heard that you were lav< ring the nomination o| Maj. Smyth.” i Thi- was only inlendsd os ini off-, t to what h" said he had heard. It was then he arose with a good dial of excitement and demanded the name of my informant. 1 replied that ’ this is not the telligent public, when I state that as I understood it, the meeting to which I was invited of the Democratic mem ber*,of the^enate Committee on Cen sus, was to be strictly private, and wben I further state that no iieraor.a were present except four members of tbe committee, with Senators Gordon and Ilii 1 , and Mr. Hammond and myself of the House. I had not myself men tioned azy thing that ooeurred in the tuiiimitte* to anybody outride ot tho ciiule of those who were present, and had no idea tliat any of thn parties present would set differently under the circumstances. You may well, therefore, imagine my surprise u|mn reading ‘the dhqiatch referred to, whic i is as fol low* • jK-cial 1)1,patch to ,j,t Baht nor* Sun.] Washington, F-.-b. 6.—To-day the ih-niocialic members of the Senate committee on the census had a meet ing to consider the ease of Rev, Thomas J. Simmons, recently nomi nated as census supervisor for the first district of Georgia. Senator Hill and Alex. H. Stephens appeared in favor ot Simmons, and Senator Gordon anil Representative Hammond ap. peared sgringt him. Representative jF’ IW*, wJP’prfctre^ the nomination, wa- not present. In consequence ot tbe differences of opinion which have prevailed for some time between Gen. Gordon un cn» side and Senator Hill and Representative Stephens on the ! I replied that ‘ lias is not the occa- ! other as to State politics and other I sion or time to answer that question ; matters, the conferees had tea on to we can talk over these matt' is clse- auticipate rather a lively session, > where.’’ J.C. WILKINS, AthensG t ami such turned out to bo the case. Oi ly a few days since Mr. Stephens, in a letter printed in one of tlie Geor gia papers over his own signature, charged that a Georgia harbor and river appropriation had tailed entire ly 'hrongh the negligence of Gen. Gordon. Geu. Gordon has brought tbe testimony of other Georgia rep resentatives to disprove this assertion, which as may be imagined, has not tended to improve! the good feeling between the two gentlemen. To-day Senator Goidon and Representative Hammond; opposed Simmons’s con firmation, on the. grounds tliat he is illiterate and wholly incompetent to discharge the duties of the office prop erly, and that by bis free use of the epithets •' corrupt secession traitors,’’ etc., he has made himself a common ticularly obnoxious to Mrs. GeneralI pines, and existence to Kv. in pesos farming evils that will " ,ass o{ the bherinan, who is a strict member of and harmony with his polmcal breth- dirtnrb anJ di ,tress the country. If u b, i -, .c- i .i « ». .. . i i._. - i:..i- _..ui j .e:. lion. Alexander II. Stephens said the largest religious denomiuatiou | ren? It lias not been but a little in the country. Bui General Slier- \ while siuce his particular friend, Mr. man docs not slop there. It is l he l Randall claims to have borne the aa;q>ortiog such flagrant incompe- teucy lor office, and the claims of those who as-nmet the role of a slan derers of thier own people, then, by all ae hold dear in good and honest gov ernment, let it go, “ though charged with thunder let it burst.’’ BV WHAT AVTHOiUTT f argument of tlie church against the dance that it leads to other and more reprehensible dissipation, and Gener al Sherman’s case shows tho force of the argument, lor, as we have rein- rk- to to enscribe upon cur Democratic his divergence from religious per don. tanner. We would respectfully sug. pend.cmanty doesn’t cease at tri,H g.-st to the honorable Senator that if j*' D S l * ie _ fantastic toe. We ihe sucei-ss ol the Democratic party hate to write it, but it is a matter of liepi-nil- upon tolerating, yea, even common gossip about Wa-hiugton, * thet the general of our armies not in frequently avails him-eifof the inter vals between the acts at the theatre by going behind the curtain and be guiling tbe time by kissing tiie pretty soubrettes. Now, we submit tl at ll is is a flagrant selling at defiance and an utter subversion of tho relig ions sentiment o£tbe country which our representative’s bill does not touch, and until such practices as we have herein mentioned arc inconti nently squelched by a virtuous and Ur what authority, wc' would like to tsk, doe* Messrs. Hill and Stephens •Hums to become the interpreters of U*r. T. 4. Simmons’ epithet of “cor- rapt su-iasion traitors.” which he placed upon bis own people in his let- - Ur to the President T They say lie , re!.g.o«s Congress, Mr. h,*e,’s brass oolr meant to apply it to “those j hand bill just as well-pcrhap. vilm who have gone to the length ! hetur-no' he passed. We shall, f invading hi* domestic sanctuary, i •• “"’'‘•re, i'» passage unless it olive branch of peace between him and Senator Hill. Now this same or some other peacemaker may fee) called upon to perform a similar of fice between him and Senator Goi- Why. several of Senator Gordou’a political competitors sliuuld show such constapt and unceasing vindief ivenesa toward* him we do not know. But one thing we do know for a cer tainly, that phey will never succeed in over-throwing General Gordon in the affections of the the Southern people, and especially tlie people of hia own State; and furthermore, that the mass of the pefple of Georgia will sustain him iu Us opposition to the mau who riaadera'them lly styling them ‘Cor rupt * ecus *ioa‘ traitors.” Wa are frank to, - aay< xiaX wa tbiak Senator Gordon did wrong in losing hia tem per in ’ tha committee room, lie aud attempted to violato it with a is so amended a* to reach the ovils Wc dander that smirched the fair lame ..I | h * ve bar . el >' ,nore hinU ' Uat . lbe frmrie innocence.” To use n *l:ing phrase, this i* “too thin,” and we ut terly fail to see what connection a vio lation of domestic rights, and tho "imiichii.g of the fair fame ol female innoevnee," if such violation did ob- iri", bits with the great question of ►ewsion or so called treason to the |«ioi«l guvi rnicent. Did the letter suppression of which ihe religious sen timent of the country earnestly calls for. The Chronicle's “ Laxy Alan” and its Atlanta correspondent, “ Stat,” seem to hold difl'ering opinions as to Athens’ disposition to keep up with the procession. “ Slat” says “ it inay be philosophical, but it is not abreast «f lh* 1 i*t. Simmons contain a post j of lhe of towtoy for Athens to sitipt explanatory ot the language | wail quit . tly for llle ^ urmlI ^ houl to Ly him ? K not, by wlmt nu- |, e forL . c j on her.” Now, surely, , would like to ask, do these w hcn Siat was penning those word nothing is done to arrest this vice, we Mr si , umons ,P h ■ may wxpect to see their value a* !»' i st3n ai D g, and in hi-' helief, ck borers consuntiy decreasing while ' w|||c)| (f ’j bfe „ A drunken brawl., wrengles and d,s- ^ ^ .Me e x5dur r ESSJm by lhe loud oath, ot irnTflaUift l o ^ ral » t,00 5 ^ »» »‘>W d f/eedmenon Saturday a* they ®** m, ‘7 and sated their beastly ai'PetiJea In j JSMrf tJS2£ ^ - ••• is.i*. ? vra&’ttstRjys: ing that i bidding Its sale and so large afiumber [. . .. . m of towni tru imu>lau tuch eiiormou* * > ' PO<U s won. IIo said the laxre with the hot* of modilvinC’ If Dei,locrau jost as taxes with the hope or wodtying it gooJ , nJ j llstMlnoch l0 u oS those who called themselvee regnlqyw, ' oot abating so dirt a nui mnin qcktuinx.' CoasMerta by aa OM Atkralaa. To ThK EotTOR OF THIS , DAILY Banner—Sir: I have watched with much iutereet and con cern, tbe almost o nstant devotion pj Gin. Gordon replied': “No; it is I best to settle it right here where the j statemi ut is made.” I sai l, ‘.This is nut tho place f*»r | — settling any inattcrH of il i- son. I You waid that you had heard of something I said about yon iu this i matter, and I replied by stating what I had heard about you.” I consider- ed this barely as an offset to what he , had said, without intending : nything : discourteous either in tone or mao-: uer. Gen. Gordon then said, under grea’., excitement. “Then I pronoun^ \ j an iufamous, infernal falselu^ ys ul „ , whoever it tnay come, f t% ti $ shall ! hold you personally Yt^oT^iple.tpr. ; To this i replied -l tho wan ner and tone I observed through I thoMWfte discussion* “General, 1 In.ld * mvspy rcspoqsijble to you for tho tru' /, of wbqj r ha\o asserted—that is, wliat i 1| l)ttX? bean! of your position in this i matter, but this is no limeo - .- plan- in 1 bandy words about it. W e .-an sett le I this elsewhere.” I ther. wt .„t ou witl>. my addins* to the wrjmiiuee with, .t further iiuerruptic.n, and conclivhnl' in urging that tbe objectionable w-rds In Mr. Simraons’ letter of applica tion about ''corrupt secession, vraitor-” was uot intended by hi.-s* u> apply. • to aetessiouists gener.^iy, but u»- tbuse wbo had- denouMcd and cursiih : liim for giving Hj^ts and Whiten* tickets to colo^sil voter* at tha ItaA election, and, thpt no such insult ton ihe Souihgsfl people gcuexatlA waavo- \ tended. has been aigw-'di bx Ge . Gcrdcyi. —tui:- ifSi sr :.b aii n u r.i s Hi 1 DAILY weekly; . Upon all other mattes pmrtte fio Ute dwoasswn.raferNd t» I * (orbl . ar “DAILY BANNER, One Year «« “ Six Months, ** ** Two Months, “ “ One Muntli,. (Including postage.) WEEKLY BANNER, One Year, (including pn dnge.) i‘1.00 :i.oo 1.00 50 1 10 Gen. Gordon e.„phatically“re?u. | «yh diate«l the suggestion of IJill as Rnwaqttalfv/ to the effect ot wreg&fl, declaring ^IA^ndkrH » that no }M)i tion of V^je Northern peo* 1 ^ pie would desw^ tW ipfii'ctionof such a man qpon qny, Southern i S . Un called attention Ip a) Simmon*, in his . Stephens. your oolomua to those eptvjpripe^l ter" ot appljeatioq Vh f^e*^re5deqt which look to tha pr*s«tt Md fujius | fpr the ktptgd, Utak ha prosperity and wall-tft-dpcf Atijans. I Qsiiprao^y,' waqfijg. ip bp causa it . ... -. , . I noticed u tew wcvVa. »ioqq" ag^aj waqhl gtytj bill? ^ V.CWsy over the should have remi-mberad that ha was, manifestation of your gbagrln ami: ’’cofrupt 5pa*saioq traitor*,” and he oortificattuo f&tive Ukiho wapt (^ c “-. Vorwo) believed he could proper aud pyqUiworthy interest ii> stand, Lo, Boston beftwe an audience theap pqMjuj gutter* on tbe part of o( the most enlightened Republicans 0.UT people, iu f hat may Le termed , of that city, and, in response to a rep tinii f- vnnn sunaiifal nnlnivina WKili, 1 rPSrilt t qlltill fti’ tUta nninS cpmmwnLADVERT. ISEMENTS. ‘ ' dOHItSlsmi t "jbel For - Divorwt a United St,(tca Senator, and weigh ed well and wisely the offensive re mark, the circumstance* under which it was made, and it* probable l'H r * yrtjur; monumental column*. While mentation of this pomt receive pose, mapifestatiou* *re not alway s “"anlinou* reply that no man h A* to Mr. 8tepben*. wc would r beat, *°d your correspondent ooHld j would base his application fr , pot tiltsgether amlnrio that which; upon snob a ground ought * might be weridcrcd In aotuo degree polled. p " oeniorioctnesa, yet I can itadb Representativo Har . . ly : magin* tbe feoling that mull j earnestly against Sim at tiir— posses* those wboso | tierson to bo put ir • <n , ’ ** .J*. unn » spirit of euterpriao and enlhuiiasm is rer.pousftnlity an j 1 a l’ 0 " 1011 oI *ns, in making a very hworaM* gentlemen assume to be r ' IB ' r tkr iiilrrpreter* of Simmon*’ •Vie.- i, .q-ithets T ttuxr. txursTRV. “ not abreast of the spirit of to-day”— t he had forgotten tho Moore building, the Rock College, tbe Lucy Cobb In' stitutc, the Northeaetero rai'iond, and _ tbe beautiful monument no Colloge We oJlea through the column* of I Avenue whore summit is fanned by P»T*r ramuiecd and entreat our * thc bret,ze * froni lbe ,n '»y "loiinlain- MJetaiatronre and sustain home , t01>s Veri, T’ ,b « " Laay Man’’ ' must apply hi- knife to the- film which seems to have come over the mind’* eye of his co-c-uitribiitoi', and prevent* him from keeping in view these noble evidences oi the spirit ol Athens. <Vnd very surely, when “ Stat” penned those word* he was not aware of the atl ator, fM- we *nll hold i* the *"! bwt policy for our |hh|i|i-. '.“'^r that the piiiple may do ''' 11 u S'-araary, ahsolutely m-mnsa r . v ttat our public carriers, as well as * “"^“tarera should not only aid ihe ‘ ln | public in so-doing but even * 10 the advantage ol P* 0 !’ 1 * to lustxiii h ut ne industry a reciprocal[benefit i* brought “b wlvautaginj, both producers couumers. I. this the case with “ r isi read corporations, which are out , " 1 ' ^ clur * '* ,b * Industrie* of ^rougli the advan- HUttb 'I 1 * 6 * 1 ”“ r bon ' e enterprises «. A P ^ ho J >etor «•««-? \Ve WepeBsd to ssj that such' h wise *17 m «« ■wny of •"A tioLGoTTr ^ lefirepj, f 4e,tB » anJ bettw um? * ‘ “ ,nu, ‘ “nsToidably drive lion, . * uppurl 10 home iustitu- *°\ D, ° n yttUrdtr ' •vraiv-TaT n '*tehants, a bill jost Bun- o Brothers, in Wt. UU f uv \ Fonnder *’ for • ns lor wb ‘ cb their charge UiLt ^ * r ' freight on the <J emu. ijr? ‘° AU,cd * was fif ' th * V * ,ue of the AT 1 ^ Per pound freight. frei 8 ht charges as the h*a tlie buri- them, and V^^solZ® manula-tories ^ ttairta^ * P« centage - '“hetrs^i wiU ineY >‘ablc *’** waritit ° W '“““try to for. kindly remark that he Is getting top old, and is too ripe a candidate for tha tetiicrial council uhamberalo be marring hi* latter day usefulness In quarrels and contention* wltb bln brother representatives Tbe fact of the business is, tlie physical disparity between Mr. Stephens and a full grown man b too great fur him to be quarrelsome, and therefore be should always bo “in a plncid ntood ofutlud,’’ indeed, more angelic in Id* nature. tew.,*. ) Cl-rk Sun-rior Court, ! * November Term, 1*7* i' , 77 .ne court tb-t tbe Defend- , SSiterfm- doe* not midc within tbe i 2Et iLSJte *n<t it further appeariux tlmt i ,jl r d»nt i'.o,, not reeide within the Sute i It is ordered bytheCour, coni S**!.. . uf COOTjd. th-t said Defendant, *a»h 1 77“ a, -ppes*. end -n-wvr, -t tlie next term ol i , said cour t, else that said esuse be cons.der- ’ * d in deisu* t, and tbe I*l-intiff, uilewci to pro- I ccfrd. An. it i» further ordered that tbi- rule 1 be publish* * in tlie Anus* IU-XIK, a • a(ie r published in Athens Us., onee a mouth t<> ' four mop Ji,. lilO. lllLLTXR, Jud“C -. C. . Jab. H.1.TLC, Att’y for i'lt'ff. A true exirset from the minute, of tlie Court, This l»lh day of 187*. Joan I. llcutxs, Clerk S. r. of tha Bamnkh, and which no doubt earnest nr fa’)* of -r »per appreciation and reci- j worse r -peal for Simmons, in prooity on the part of too many af our beeu • people. Again, while I traleoLlrain-1 ^ 3. I«H . om a spirit of dictatfon, but!«' ^“ b ’^ thc ' of Gc0> advantage ol l* ro P° ! ' i,io “ U X A liens aod the ° guarantee* she ha* offered which called *rom Dr. Orr the . tribute to her oromptiie— ami lilierality that we publisli el-ewhrro in the Banner. “ Stat” should not let the hubbub aijd bn*t:e of a great metropolis.blind bin: to. the ,olid i ,l )? ,i 8 l i 1 *sr r Xv».9i oitr smaller city. If the baif dfseii etpjj^ «w(e«men whom tiie" city o? t \ugu«ta has tbe honor of clawing aa her own, and all of whom avo desirous of illustrating tlie eighth district in congress,—if tbeae half dozen eminent statesmen, we say, know their own in’eiest they will endeavor to induce tiie Chronicle and Constitutionalist lo suppress the display of its chronio spleen against tbe gentleman wbo now represents that district, for we can assure them that just so long as it is kept up just so long will be prevented the retire ment of tbe insuperable obstacle la their way to Congress. We give this hint for tho good of all concerned. Bnt tbe Augusta statesmen are not noted for political wisdom, aod wa ho'uld be surprised to eee them profit by our mjvioc. hi* loaded C^vado!?’*” '* wmt off. {Sy WystnCry tb *t it will Aire Grisham AX AFHOGT OnUD OF A nuHT. Since writing tbv above editorial and just bs wo go to press, our eye has fallen npon the follo\.iog from tbe New York Sun. This action of Senator Gordon in thc matter be tween himself and Mr. Stcphins Is certainly manly in the highest degree. Coiraciuu* of error, General Gordon is simply too chivalrous and too^ friendship to commend to you as the best and safest mottoes, ne quids . mis, nil admirari, and nil despr *" dam, yet it may, nevertheless. ’ that occasionally such fo •<?*? ' ,l,e mmuers ol delinquency . ro * nos, are uot without ’ . for good. Such at ’ feet of those forril lbo . who now wr‘ v ^Li!?° n l!! m ti<m upon ™ . i and present prospects as a ciivf ” ■* tho evidences before un vo or may wc not his remarks said ba had for Georgia, fer j€ position. At this point Gen. Gordon started up from his scat and demanded the name of the author of such a state ment. Mr. Stephens replied that they could talk about this outside. Gen. Gordon said. “No, it ia beat tu. tattle it right here, where the THE tv Jd A BANNER GEORGIA—Oconct County—Where** Ifu- j tmI U. Kick*rd»on applies to me tor ltttyr* * t adminbtration n the estate of l'ronlt y tb ur - i ncr, Ute of said county—deceased. 'I l.v* * are. therefore to show cause at my ofhee >*c- fcre the int Monday in March next, -vhy said - letters should not be granted. Given under my baud at my oftktw;tb.U 23rd • day of January, 1880. - JAMES R. LYIaT, Ordinary. Jan. 25-4-U . *, G eorgia, clarkeccxnti, ^htuu-j« . f-idieitmi civtv von; vvaijs. mul h;i> louse been Johnathan Hampton- 'Executor of Ttietua^l UCCll established blA. I 1 I LILI ’ . .. . Crawford, deceased, anpUia to inc iur Wave u p* GEORGIA, and is llOW the l:inre>t SllUt,> iK'VOHtl all tplCsliOll, sell the nndived half \nWeat of iui«\ d .-i»ta*td I in aud to all the l'aikde held by said JvD.ttlutn l fyini* vi'diib the “ Hamptou aud *a ; .<l d^ccuacd. ly ing vi'dtii. the incorporate limlta of the city uf AUku* ? mid known aa the, T £bomax land, neux the North - eastern Kriilrvad depot, tontaiiang seveut* - three acrMore or lens, Tbwte, a*e, the ,e- fore to *,Att and notify all persona concerned to •haw cause at mv olUco oa er before ihe dr>t I MoLiUy in March next why said leuvo V uonld ag ?’ in 10 Bi A e “’aJr.rSdiniy hand .t o«c ...» . -niW 1— n——a J.nuuy 1SS0. ASA M.JACf.SON. THU BEST J{ E WSP A PER IN SOUTH HAST Ob tui. -lw, hi* autbsr, when"Gen. Gordon said, “Then I pronounce it an infamous, internal ' falsehood, from whoever fa may come.’’. Tbfa episode created conridanbln <a “ k " wuu>: t>f n sensation, and after it badqa&tad for bir a bright nni^ dwvn the gentlemcu proceeded, with . ... . . .W$fp«rou» futureT These are vitali their arguments. / , much a gentleman ever to. fail Vo important questions for tin- teui- Senator Hill said the- aonfirtnatien make tlie amende honorable. WWa we still cmiilemn the whole VMAVtt, as one greatly to be regrey^ util had wu seen the follo^u^ ^ifore writing, our editorifj, w«krks would have been shiytj, o)5 nlbafever of un S needed, qtyvftl t.njnxt criticism , yUm**™*. Feb. 8.—The minor a personal enooautar between faanator Gordon and Alexander H. Stephens was likvH to occur hetnuue of a dispute between them last Satur day before the Democratic members of the Oomnilttee ou Census, is as ab- •urd as Impossible. Mr. Stephens badgered Gen. Gordon about tbe let ter's preferences for a candidate to lfll tbe position ol Supervisor* of Census i n Con gressman Felton’s district. Gtn, Gordon opnojad the confirmation. ..f. tbe Kev. T. J. Simmons, whom La-al leged to bo aa ignorant and bwotad Republican. Mr. Stephens saidUnt be had been told th«tUnGoidee flavored tbe nominating «f ex-Marshal Sinytlie. Gen. Gordon denied Ufa- and asked Mr, Sfapbeua uix.u whcee responaibiUtv the statement wS ra *de. Mr. Stephen declined to give bia luforaiaut’a n.m. y r Gordon thereupon said that the statement was a malicious fal— hood, and Le shoold bold Mr. s!^ phons responsible for it. Yerteriay Gen. Gordon wrote a fatter to Mr. Stephens, apologising for tbe angry words, and explaining the provoca tions under which be labored when udarauon of every Athenian, „£■<.! of Simmons -wonlA trad to bring wauy just at this titan. Thev / tilpnM I together the IL^tuoretjo- mjHv of bo considered aoWty upo'AVte evi-' Georgia. denreMdfactajnrtMthsa^ifatand ~ with that cal meres, clos^^iod care- fulnna wldnfa are ex^ emdbtial in makiog wp vu imvqrtJW.t .verdict. In ordnr to get «yf*i|ily at (be tecta !“ tkw vnannex- ’ ' ' the year !i» which the StR^rteiverM-, te hav v S»d its first nobble.c*|tecc<v rrnni -Irene .... e — mow Gen. Gonla».>aid> yea, tint wee so, if the way to. build, up.tbe Democrat ic party is, tho- So ebb was to select eied.jmt uo.plnoes.ot trwrt and patron age incompetent and malicious peo ple, whp shuidsr tbe South and rest Ordinary, S LaKLK COUNTY SHERIFFS SAI.K.— Will b - sold before the Court. Buc.v door ot xke couuty Georgia in the cily «if AtheuK, on tbe lint Tu=iJ*y in March next bet* Ttt*n the le- Its Miscellaneous Reading Matter is selected with «are. tlial cannot lie read with interest und jirotit—ndthiug whim the m ug any member of his family read. Special attention i» g iven :nn hero sludl be nothing in us eni.inins « t t setii|iulous parent would object to hu will continue to ho given to The State News Department jfal boars uf sale to the bigheil bid iIt i, frr c tab, i the faUowin^ hu»»l,, anu Wmr lu \ w te2 U of! P»« now-,,-days want the latest news Lamtf Cobb, birphui. Join*- tbv Jjuninx ! adopted for its motto, Oooom Mill Tract, and jMstag lbua nt Tract, andoonttiniiijl (1*9) rate hur.ured *r.. ji-u-ntj-1 eight icru*. more o^lsss, ae.-onlisc tu Kutlu-r- tbrd survay, u*l hsvir.g threw* three n-iio- mrnt house*. A’jout 40 sere* Of*a LjhI suit Iwl- ) Of the BANNER, which will he thc most complete ami record of sayhxgstiml doings «« «»ter- e»t throughout the entire State, to he found iu the columns ot any paper. Recognizing the tact tlrntj Tern stripped ot unnecessary verlna iiven t. tne BANNER has . . --v »t •=». pm, wnp sianusx job oonin anu resi 7*™ “••Jt-tflo foondr.tiao ofogg their daitna for office on that ground tovm, and fcdpv bar development mr He <lidk not think there WS* a true- U tbe preu^t drte. Abcut 17Sk] hrertvdl miS. North or South, Re- pub'Jimn. or Democrat, who would Inot my that such a man was total! y -— j "u u wstby of any office, mere rrun'^t time up tA 1833, «, period) petfaHy an office which, to carry o«t ot •W#. os- 80 yv atL, titera-iba true object of the law, ahou jd be •«g?*ly any ' pwiagtibla VO tbe tow xx, 'She .V then known aa Ttanklin , - was the chief watt almost faabi tMarat of pritni tiza- Athens temStherewaaSTtfa, nfaaa only toiea three or floor anaR wooden year the first brick I .cutting Was erec ted in tbe wise* by Dr.Ttatiey, which T** *o»» l®»t aa it was com- |>lc-taiLfl Ad\-aacit * from that year up to 1845, a par fad af some twelve The most interesting and reliable newspaper correspondent at Washing ton City is the ataff correspondent ol the Augusts Chronicle. If tbe distingRishcd brass band bill bn ft just summarily and silently sat down npon in the House, we took for some uproariously rick speaking on if wben it comes beforp that body. ■ of courso Mr. Stc- pliena understood that be meant merely to say that he would look up on him aa the author of the charge that be flavored tbe appointment of ex-Gilfactor braytho until b« gave bim hia informant’s name. Still La deeply regretted the words, add reared a to a man of Mr. Stephaaaft land d» iring which there I * pedal improvement or darelopamci .f, wa find Athens baa a population o f about 3,000 inhabit- ante, with fore - churches, one Pireby- tenao, om I detbodut, one Baptist and uoaKpfa Mod, srhioh fatter were |y? »• *t marked evidences of ■MUtt 1C iBtOVtUMOL ted th* i saaawar fa which I pro- jiomlo trerxt the questions propound! W i*r® nU *red. Gao. Gordon says Wnri* »va Jo too great "length for m bis letter that of eoorao Mr. 8te- ontanwanfaatlo n.r 1 will elore, and furnishyi m with a .tootinugnoe in a an Wea of waters. Sxnex. Branswick Appe al, 4th : “A si-ri osm nmcoua-tsr oee sirred between two popofar vooi ig geo tiemen, Thursday •veiling last, on tb. a Bay. A subse- I qaeat fatal j meeting ■ was apprehended, fiBod by a competent man nod a now partisan. •' It was also developed that Mr. Sim mons recently telegraphed Dr. Felton to cause hi* nomination,to ; be with drawn, bat that Felton insisted npon ita remaining before tbe Senate, sadi that the straggle in regard to it ban now aseumodthe pliaseof a fierce coo lest between tho regular' Democratic! organization' of Georgia and that triendsot the “indepmsdenta.’’ Ms. Stephens, in tbe course of tho discus sion today, Mated that tbe President denied e win hazing act* the antegrarib applicatifanqlSinimanswbfoh the offenwx* matter complained of; and Senator Quite replied (tea be did nut believe Ufa President would have ever sent in tbe nomination bad be seen the language referred to. A goo-( many exaggerated rumors are afloat to-mght as to the scene in the committee loom to^-day, but the above is believed to be, as far; as could be gathered, an impartial account of what actually took place. The Geor gia politicians aro mock exercised over it and assert .that the war which'baa for some time been brewing between Senators Gordon and HiU, and . be tween tho former and Mr. Stephens^ will now. break ont fas dead earnest Oa tliis I make two comments: L There was no excite men t that I w»s aware ot at tba meetings of the committee with the parlies referred to, on the port of nay on* Vilt Gsit^or- sneesceoudgr jwth pin*,and w«U miervd tint •boot thro** Alto drum Atfare*. sn.1 tevkd on u tke land ot Jeffenun Jresiw un.lir n ft. fa. issued fro. a Ctarke Supariar tuurl, Snth Au- enst, 1ST /. under s ladytotosbuine.l in Clarke Snperio / Coart st the Aagtot Tmdi 1*77 in is- vor of 'Johnathan Usiu{Xon sad Hubert It. Sralt’ executors ofTW as* CVsw.esd sad Jn- Its /. C»wlord, both StorsMi. *(r*«*t Jeffer- •O' d j trr Ts*g M prlniftf«U«M*r au*l Heurv Jwt- r m Moority 6* yorchaae wovev of attid now lcviwl on aud a deed this day made to. Johnathan Hampton a# axecutor cf ttfon^uid (K. VL Smith eo'exrcutor being demo y to JbJTer- •on Jennluc In puraurance of bond lor title* of Iwtilnr for the porpoac of makiug tho levy •im) da*J made, tiled and recorded in Ckrr* o«M or CUrkc Superior Conn before levy wae —a- and levy msde to ulisijr said ft. te. Tins Sre-ItsTlSa*- J- A. BROWNING SheriSL FrinUrs fto IT.SS- wlm. IN THE MOST :(EWS Anti confidcntlv calls attention to its columns as proof THE LEAST SPACE of the ri«i»i observance of the motto. A LITERARY DEPART MEET Will soon be made a special feature of tbe \ „ Tlt clir . r , plot and pure and attractive in style, and Poetry ot superior excellence, the BANNER tho best Family itnd News paper Northeast Gcorgta hasever 1ind, n aL which it is put enables every family to secure a weekly visit lroin it liom tear in which will ho found each week « Story i " tcr ®* tl “e In short it is intended to make and the very low price end to year's -”d. OHUnUlb—Will b* sold on tin, tint OToaodsT to March next, within th* IcksI hour* of sale, tbe following piuyertv, to-wil: One half Interest in a one sere tut in tlie city of Athens. Iving un th* tin, of tbs Koek Sp-iu* adjoining W. Hadftns and Georg' Echols, Bar otoDvricosXiw postotoloas stsosta^ssw*, one lot wood alto, * htsew and S down bit*. 3 tool ehesta, oos atop sxe, Ssngsn, t sngnw, * lisnij ■tore and ether tools to Udions tc 100111100; also a to* af lumber tor wagons. AU levied on to th* proparty of Anlboev DarWo. t, to wi!i,fy a •**-£»• from tha Clark Superior tonrt info-1 Yir of Hobt. Dean. J A BROWNING, Sheriff. ' Feb-X-tt—FrinUr 1 * Tea $3 U f S RBDRG1A—»3»rka Coonty-OrdinaiyV;i Office Jon, aotll 1880. I! in Pott* has applied for sumption of per-1 1 sonalRy, nod setting apart and valuation of I: hoineatoad, and w L V*m upon1 the-*anw at IS ' o'clock a. m. on the lithday of February 1880, •t mv office. Asx M. Jxczeox, Feb Mt Uplm-rr. THE DAILY BANNER rVCONKR COUTT—APPOINTMENT TO U CUrkship of County Court. Under, and by virtu* of an Act of the lute Iaagtafatar*, John W, Johnson, clerk of the Superior Coart of Deere- County, has been ate pointed clerk of tha Countv Court of said County, #w and daring my term or office. K. h. Jicxsow, Jn’ge Cty Cft O. a Feb. 7,-wli. G eorgia—ocoNRR — — - COUNTY—BY „ virtue of tbe authority in me vested, by the Sixteenth Sectioo of th* County Court Art, approved October Kth lift, it t» ordered that John W, Johnson, clerk of th- Superior Court •of arid County be and la hereby appointed ■dark of tha County Court of said County, and Ht Is tnrthar ordered that th* aupoiotuieot to ipablished once in the Alton* Banner. Till* Jth doj ol February 1880. ^ R. M, Jscxaox, Jd’gs Cy Ct O.C. I h-raby eertify tost tba sbovo la a true IX- traet from th* mbntaa of the County Court of Ot tones County. - Thi* 4th day of February 1RW. R. M. Jecxaov, dodge * Ex Officio d’k C.C.O.a "Is tho \Y cckly in mi nature, and thou"li hut little more than _two n: n State. ° It* special mission e-thebest j,aper Athens ever hutl, and the sprightliQst one .ot its a B c . nee ded and for which-the is to srivo to creato and foster that public spirit in Athens which 1 . f d j t w il( tb. refore al- pdaco has suffered aud is suffering more thauhor people seem to.he^nscious oi.nn ^ ^ ^ ^ ||f •ways bo Jound ready to encourage nny ollort that tends to increase the j -1. - , | oca i market, Athens. It will contain all tho local .news of the day mid full and correct i p country and the, rest of its space will bo devotod to the gendrnl nows, lirst, ot the State, and then ot rf> at lari 'e, fresh aud interesting reading matter, mid brief and pertinent editorial comments- in will « jontinue to bo the model little claily of tho Slate.