The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, March 09, 1880, Image 1

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KAPPA ASMVERSaOr, , Tlmma- s. Si ll, of Attorns in tha , TL... , Jtouday, FrFy SM, 1*80. * I V |,|KS ASH tiKNTLKMEJt:—Tile .,irv celebration of the l J hi ' Sotieiy occurs iqion a <iay thnl ‘ 1 , ,,.,1 t.. Urn heart of every n citizen, whether ihat heart .;hin i Northern or Southern .1 day that risen tip like :t z|w L . landmark along the path of, a iv that stands forth from I i , i (it history as an everlasting ml In the Mine of a erent and j, , her i. a trim and noble man. , i i nin i oil and forty-eight years , n -u nlay, was bora one destined mi exertion* to place himself • i, vi ry in ad of earth’s heroes: a ,i o-c pruiaes have been sung by neiy eliine; whose name has , iln d by the finger ot love ,, the In irts of sixty millkms'of his .-country men; the reeital of ,!,*>,!> has infused fresh courn: h,.:ms lies,,airing patriots;, tltiv- memory inspires admiration | . tinies of nations, whence he wisdom; ask the men, whose are written bighi si upon the wall* ... Fame’s great temple, how they, at- tained to »o lofty an eminence, and [the on<f eaustant,'invariable answer will ho by a life of toTT'and conflict. Cienius finale may grcrieljh the dust, but genius -made will mount to the skies The great and good im-h who stand like bright l sto^spoiing lfobu. •long fhe pafha hi-tury a*.:- »vit- j leases Ilf this tnitji; .they «qind: there a* eyeriastihg jfctiders hit employs went. ~ • Whatever *lifi*iidit i for- particular pursuits Nature may -donate to her fevontc children, she conducts none butltie laborious and stmlious io di-- linetion. * Every niau.ha* in him sill the seminal principle* ot great excel* lenoa, and to develop it needs only to try. Goa never yet created a map without at the 4nie time creating WIint Is Paid for Funeral Lunches Trans- portal Ion and Cloves Ont «r the Treas ury. . . i i — Wjahington Csirrmpondenne of tlio New ^ ork ^v* 'lUacs. Tiic Member ol the senate or l.ouse of representatives who dies in office is sure of a luneral befitting his pusi- tic.ij, Tin- arrangement* I n- a proper yepreseiiialien of his Icllmv-meniiiers at fin- laft services are made with little regard to expense; Ilia virtues aic de clared >n long and eloquent eulogies in congress, ami eleg»nily printed,vol umes of tin sc.tributes are disiril>uted by lire iliousand. By the annual re* port of ihe cierk of the house of repre sentatives Juno 30, 1«79, it appears that Ulu funerals ol members w ho died ill that 'year cost the government §13,306,97. The funeral of the Hon. L *“nve Schleicher, oi Texas, cost le.rth of such an one; one who , eiidsidiinent.ol every virtue, . ol all that is great, noble mid in,a. 1 have concluded that [ net choose a more appropriate : than ' True J/ro/Aiioi/.' It is which all Southerners are ild lie justly proud, that with- whole la ige of history no eoun I that has in the sai it. 7- li a— r7 h* vtasiave nclileicner, ot lex: v. TWb, <3- which 8319,50 was ge * nd ,“ > TCl' v^^‘ 0n expemled for gloves amt silk to, SM *7 scarfs;;«t §9 each:for the delegates. ' Some ,,m«U by the The ernt ot the funeral of the Hon. of the of the Hon. I£us!i Clark, 82,634 45 ; of the lion. B. B. Dougins, $1,041.03; of the brave,” j the lion. Julian Hartridge, ot Geor- ped her by the j gia. §2,083.22. Tha itemized account of the expenses m Mr. Hartridge’* luneral shows the manner in which funeral (bloguliou* spend the govern- While Col. Bangs, editor of the Art/os, was sitting in: his office one day, a man whose brow was clothed with thunder entered. Fiercely seiz ing a chair, be slammed his baton the table, hurled his umbrella on the floor,” and-sahiiluwn. . -a i.e 4 A re you the editor V’ he asked. ‘Yes., 'Can you read writing-’ -Ot course.’ ... i ‘Head that, then,’ he said, thrust* ing at the Colonel an envelope with an inscription on it. 11 ‘B said tiie Colonel, trying to spell it. ‘That’s not a B; it’s an S,’ said the man. SWEET WUHAN'S WILES. How tke EnglLvh Liberals Conducted' Their v-til it: ' Canvas* atLiverpooL ' 1 fid I bno ' ' PLAIN GIRLS, -i’Siv ■ t -i-mp.ii; ^m-Sri'K t. it. ; licin&'ohGlcbc, Jontudyiii ’* WhtfoVfercal 1 ! them uglypthat! would b’p,disgrap€^u}.—almost criipiiiak! Be sides, wp-make bold todoubt whether such an epithet is ever reajly and truly i correct. A creature upon whom, the lyeshnes*atf youth lingers hardly, fail, to.iibc rescued, * thereby, ; from n chargoof downrjght ugliness. No sign, . „ j uqt heard of the Duchess of Devons Well the ^we and ^he butcher whom she di^. tie libe’rS ilt I —or did not, for the fact js disputed—; ■Si? Oh! yes, I see words look a little little like ‘Salt Dinner,! or ‘Souls oi Sinners,’ ’ said the Colonel. in- in. ui'irv inspires admiration I f. , e ’Wiws - SpIlievrneW 'by the The cost of the funeral of the vc w lien-t er patriotism is chcr* 1 U,ro » , ‘ Hnd nt ! ver »«*• 8° •«» «'mttlmg A. S. Williams was 81.448 60; ,.r viriiie finds a home. Since bold until they are in'their graves j Hon. T. J. Quinn, 8452.15 ; i ,iv pi ivilege to address you in j tod she has trampled the earth •atimi of a dav made famous I them. It this be to it is lliei up.m , own fault. “Fortum- and had they iir-t forelock she never ttnuhl have got ' of tlr them by the throhtj but Would havt ' been a laitlilul gmdc WltfhJ the p;.ll: to honor. leu are made and not e up and doing; let us file of indolence, v 111 lime produced so many men failure; let ns start upon -Ii iiihuit ahilitv, and luliy fi;- «4th • hr.-ive hearts and a- has o iroivn 'Sunnv South' j aill.'T.r. Wlial ii the lutjir si 1" ■at 1 Is ii!" civilization, have proven lo the, ', s.-It-sai l dicing pa'.i i 1 does exist, even in Oii ism and in iterial- nhl to call the nis eis heroes win. bate .use; ihe hist..: II- i'liu-e • raves III W tshillgloit, .l.ihiis...,. Cold., and a ruggei Indore lie- I'll pre pill , have a-, and ii dark a .1 I’m K in I' HI I od i,. ihe I, -l.m o| ,..„ns bad .fill, pitesdng n r Soiitliern land, 'I’hi sw'dixt Ttdls --^l'V.* 1 Ul s * u di dead, still live; live not I f ,,,in :l slragule ih n • tbu auiialsi.l nali.. the baitleticld I- l. I- ry, but ill poe- page* ol lii't v ia,'id' 1 " ' ' anil 1 lie bloisl of her l -nnn ..films have stain her ganiienl-s. 1 Old si above their once the ho:,si ol In biliiy, learning and child: vn .nmj^. lh ; incut's inoncN Hie railroad tickets Ik* t uc that cost §709.50, in. 30 were added for orn, let us a -p eeiul car. •J ’lie bill for carriages corn to live was $183. >ciorc hlartinj' mi the i 11: i li ■ii and Uip apparen lly a* elaborate iumh liie* s journey was lu'ovii.ed and tiler ward a din- del -riMined 1M1. •i'ilH •ilUlIC o.*t—435. bnt-rho y-f* frjTi.’ftdi Cf.*!, ofk.jjd U; - §140.90 ; §48:40 4Ud 4 k!uuu«; : ut iLis .4piir‘ ta? ll> dWd’-D :n rough :i(J If "11 which ct uta n s a bar, anil r- p: s-ed on 892 7)0 (xthTd i; >t ecnillv set down lint in ar."g un M n.Cfo’j m u 'q. or s:iloou which ,..pi- ? Le •lo. n**L turn >11 tiie i!-. lVr-i U8 enl il'lil ih-:.De JlioN eti on tin ti till a bu ll c ivened lire 1 lia: no,v ill- icic^ut i»r il . 1 i o . ,■«-• 'ii o com* lllfl iieiiing: |.!ai . **! 1 it*- < <11 •Illy ii v of Fil .a.SMM. - Ir-,1 ir ("ini j:«* > The c r p.n ter rc'irv d nIO l.l \v •en: in' til. (Mini id 810. (Hu •r si r- van ttPIV pi. is:t 11!,’ I'eUlel .bercl. -At : o p, l i ibe M-rv.iiil ui tl c ii lil in S vaimalt .oil i. I,a- .• jj. 11 inir £■>. A or "luiie XV ».M or* nu iviij. yet 1 , in>^; < o it) ‘ bvaidi f-t .»* ss;; "11 Kui jinjiunfici i, s in ;»«k riJhiHi i.d the l to,' iu!!e! in V us “> MM t:i! nic»<Mi-er ’’ nl a 'in-:: ot Nidi i\ til -s;*> u *tu> . The vs VPCUNC.N •Do lo her. L* i •n :i‘n#ve not the only expend lies'. on.- \'t --C.N atif.utii! llle -•! ! mural . Tlse i ci i lizalini, pul iic prime "il recently a ipcar'd II'VII pi..::.! «*el. re Ihe !n list C miuiillec n up- , pofsibly a tlew thing lor the papers to •VW , - , . : take note of the services performed by No rir ! replied the man, ’nothing wom A Liverpool journal tells J of the kind. 4hats my name—bain 1 ...... a. ‘ 1, „„ .c„ i my i H. Hruuner. I knew you couldn’t read. 1 called to sec you about that poem of mine you printed the other day, on tlrn ‘Surcease of Sorrow.” ‘I don’t remember it,’ said the Colonel. 11 1 ■ - • ■ ) *0. course you doii’l, be ause it went in tire paper under the infamous title ot ‘Sincarcase To-mor.-ow.’’ *A stupid blunder of the composi tor, I suppose.’ ‘Yes, sir, aiid that is what I want lo see you tor. The way that poem | ^1^7 Their was mutilated was scandalous. I havu’t slept a night since. It ex*, posed ine lo derision. Peo|>le think I am an ass. Let me show you.’ ‘Go ahead,’ said the Colonel. that the English as well as the Irisli electors have beeii charmed ! by the grace and beauty of Lady Ramsay. It is not enough to fuinounee that she is good looking. Her ancestors were good looking also, it that helps; i the lather is the Eurl of Tankersville, the head of the Benue iamily, and her mother is the daughter of that Duch ess ot Manchester, whose beamy was uious. I have over and over again asked ladies engaged upon this busi ness of soliciting votes whether they answers vary in ex plicitness, but on the whole I think W. Tills is Inn IIIllt-la- ■nan crazy!’ -It’* blit - I lift’ Coin •Bm lliy l» :ol Is'tiise i-t.i in thedm.’J linctly, in a plain, round band. Now, *fin,llhe greattst brule among them iski-'l for 4450,090 i ilm-s your com]M.sitor do? Does ‘thrills to cue touch.’’ „ar e- in abiliiy, learning and »U»V*Xt‘ASA*_;Ant^.the ,;pjtiiintOou nl' jiiv- propriations and ask,*l lor 4450,000 ilm-s your ci>m|sisitor do? Does ,, il.ev -land torih Cl models eigu palVjpt*. das ofamhlfhg ,iil ji yblCTlctieiencies in the i-ii. nates ! he catch I lie sebsy of that beautiful iniilaliiin 111 voutli ; and their ibe itu-l, and her sons ’itespairing ilf*1oiTne present fiscal year. He slated sentiiin ni? Does it sink into his soul? ve -bed a never failing lustre her future, are scattered to llin Tour that tin-printing of eulogies of de-j No, sii! He sets it up in this lash- i tin- American name. .!,• jurist* Imve nlmost always pre •d. corners of the earth, seeking their ceased member fortunes in distant countries and tin- OOi), and that I ,.n the Federal bench, and her der strange skies. Gentlemen, this li led the Presidential chair, dm— should » it he so. Hie grandest ja- iin 1 toriv, first ami best years of trio! is not lie who fall- bailing me , * niurv’s existence. In all that <-rlorn hope, or dies with the shouts tiii.ti s'linnmn goodness greatness victorious eountryineii ringing nobleness tlie South has stisnl in his Kirs, but he who elii '■■■ : ir without a peer among the I cost to date 820- were yet lo be ion Viirt Uty v 4 Wfo i*\ loyi 1 l:inr\\c s £ of , rage on a man’s teeliugs! . leave it lo vnu if it isn’t,’ * " It was night. Ami such a night. The wind mine m say ago ;Usts ; ■ ot tie ■ ai'th; truly our lore- i ll ii* a glorious hcri- li IVe should cherish and .male. ,t we may do ihis, il is mild determine w hat it. by tin mitli and li-u or fall lo r. What if Uie pi'i.-fessi.iii- crowded and the places of I uh Yes, the tit’s hard, that’s a fact,’ said the Colonel. ‘Anil then take the filth verse. In places yn Uio broad j tke^’riginal manuscript it said, plain ’xivsted aud fine, but it is sweet euuugfi u> cyoou “Bye baby bunting,’’ for the lit tle cars that listen ; tier lace A man with ou!y one eye, and a j "’ey U°l be “lovely” or “beautiful,’’ cataract over that, could Lave read' V even‘‘bright’’—but it is the radi- h ing. It (the words correctly. Hut voile mi-iin ! ant face ot an aiiL'ol to tbu slecpv little native hunt when her futuri vclopcd in gloom, aim devoius his* lurk , . life to her wellaro. We should -laud prairies that s. retched away to the as davllglit: . . vc.-twaid, and howled in mournlul i •"* y aticnce ilte of’ the «iyin; Q. iW Small®Lond^ Letter in the New York Tribune.-*- 1 . ,. U; ,,. . (J » Mr, Dana tell? us in ‘*Tw0| Years ®i4| Mm have 1th expressive phrase' tor ,the sivifljsailing of a home ward-jxio nil ship. They say tile" girls at boififi 1 have got lurid of the tow-rope. 'This I perhaps; can-be more conclusive to is what is happening in Liverpool. I show the „fruth of this Altai) tho fact I^dy Ramsay lias got hold of the tlmt scorcs ofgiris, about wIkho uien- tpw-rope- lt is no .new thing for. a ntVo tlm most, are condemned, by oth-, woman ,U> canvass for her huslfatid | cr. wpu)Ck un#timoiitily,iai.<J;,iij perfect in this country—or sometimee ituri good faitlrrmfoc they speak..with good other w oman’s husbands. Wbp has faith among thcniBelvesr—as “ perfect ^ ~ frights.’! , 'JHierc is so muchtoamau’s mind in,expression that it will often, if,pot generally, override all percep tion of mere prettincss of feature. Neither,can these femiuiue critic* ap preciate in one case o.up of n hundred the indescribable grace which a well bred and well nurtured girl will dis play In the simplest movement of her head or the play of features. We say nothing'of the charm of figure and action, 1 for that has strictly nothing to do with ; cither a plain or a pretty face ; but! it is seldom 'found that the health ami: gentleness which impart ft charm to the' step or the touch have not their reflex somewhere in the face or muscles Which make up liaif l he character of tine countenance. Thus it is that many men, even iD lhis_nnroinantic nud perhaps uu- cbivalrous age, are sceptical as to the existence of' such a monster as an ugly girl;' and stoutly maintain that, though the opprobrious adjective may perhaps fie applied to'some women, the worst that can be said of a girl is that she is “plaid/’ For some reason or other a large section of our female population have become im bued with the somewhat oriental no tion that the great merit ot a woman is to lie found in her face. Every girl does not, of course, think so, and the morn sensible the girl is, the less shu is likely to lull into so egregtou.- ati error, r tiil the proportion of the sox, aged-lit weed sixteen and twen ty-one. which is misled in that way is very large indeed, as.any one will testify who ha* had exiicfii-ucu of the conversation and thoughts nl school girts and debutantes. Nor is this idea by any means confined to this cla-s ot gossips. Nothing is in "It: common than to hear expre.-siouk ol wonder why’Miss Laura is so long in marrying—“u pretty girl like that;’’ who ought obviously, simply on ac count ot her prettincss, to bavo had offers innumerable, and one, at least, which could not be refused. The as tonishment' is almost natural, and it is even shared by many men' who ought by -this time, if les sons! in .love and matrimony were not forever new, to have fonnd out how little the god llyhien anil tne gdildess jViho gener ally. care for mere outward show. So true is this,' indeed, that if a list were made out on a sort of competition prin ciple, and it ,were possible to observe by the aid of it the relative ag • at which pfaiu anil pretty girls marry, it may be asserted almost with certain ty that the palm in the race would be they do. What a woman cares, for says a cynic, is conquest, and many a man promises his vote to a pretty 'woman for *' no' bet- The first fine, when I wrote it, j ter rearon than that she is a read in this manner: j pretty woman. I heard a story the “Lvii.e Ly a wco|>iiig willow uuiliTiii'sth » other day ol a lady widely known for u.ut o * jpc. ■ her phihuilhropio efforts, and when T I hat is he.iiitiliil. JKietlc, affecting, -ay philanthroniu I ineun no joke, but Now, how did your vile sheet pre- n-e the word in its scientific sense, -cm it to ilia public?. Ibcre it is. She goes about amoug the rougher Liuik nt lii.ii. Made it read this elasiies, navies, coal lieaVers, agricul- n:l . v : turnl laborers and the like. Shelias, " ! -io * to in.luce lu r to among other aLlraulions, remarkably bcaiiiiful liauds. „ When she sets out upon a ini-siou in her rongb clients cie nigh she lakes care ‘ that her hands shall be in the most perfect order; soq/z/res ' ■ to the tips of lici nails. No men, slit* . , , , , , di dares, are more sensible to iciui- , . :l ' ,,UPB at (oilrill I t| j |ie refinelnhuts than those whose leiM-, sal" the ;*« I; that s wor-e yet. | ,, w „ habit- arc the coarsest. What 1 -aid was: f , ia l«l IOlK‘ *\V luhi convert to ihnke, he mav : turn a dent ear to all 1 cun say ; bui HOCKING THE ilAIIV TO SLEEP. It’s the sweetest hour in all the klweiity-four, when the.tired mother tliu sunri.-c. . Now. i-n’Tthat'a cold blooded out- witJ, ‘ ,Br ,uul ,r V lt ^ d oU her ’ sits down to rock the baby to sleep ; when the hollow oi her arm is loll ol tang/ed threads ol" gold, and the snuws of her white bosom ar ; e not move fair than the peaceful little iocs lying against it. liter, voice mu, not be eul- "Oli.yi OJilmi HowJXrs. John boob Astor Shim's In tVa-h- i . ■ Un:i' Ington SocfMT. i iyii. aid ■ — i; Tli* Society season hi Washington City ended the other evunieg with tw'o erand entertainments, one at the Mexican Legation and the other at the White House; . Both weie of the most mungnifieent description, and utdnmnH cculd be filled with a loll ;ic count, but a paragraph will serve to show the readers of tho Banner,how wealthy anal a in the Capital show ofl. ■The. conspicuous feature of both nreuidga was the presence of ilr*. John Jacob Astor, of New York, loaded with diamonds. So many were never seen before, except in Tif fany's windows, and we doubt if Tif fany’s stock exceeds in vaiue the amount that Mr*. Astor’s diamonds are worth. Mr. Evarts, who is inti mate with the Astor family, says the jewels cost eight hundred thousand dollars. Tim two stones which ■ hung tronr Mr*. Aetor’s ears cost $50,000 each. Her necklace was made ot five hundred stones that cost §1,960 each, and there you have $000,000 worth. Then she was covered with rosettes, butterflies, bracelets, etc., with stands of pearls, all of which are estimated at $200,000 more, it was a bewitch ing sight, but we do not thiuk the display slit wed a very refined taste. Sim might as well have worn a dress made of government bonds. Truth compels us to assert that Mrs. Astor is not very handsome. There were girls at the White House that eve ning io. muslin who looked a thous and times more beautiful lo the eye, yet ouc of the jewels Mrs. Astor wore would have purchased all ot their wardrobes. Mrs. Astor reminded us ol a magnificent old ruiu. -She may have been handsome once, but ihe powder cannot hide irtxises in her lace any more than range can bright en her complexion. Wherever Mrs. Astor went that night the eye nt the detect ive was upon her. lie moved through the crowd— a Well dressed man—with iiotliiug to •ay to anybody, and wa* probably the ouly person at the reception who was reallv paid Ibr going. When Mrs. Astor got ready lo go Ik r carriage was called, and a Couple of |Kilicemen appeared with it.. Assiie went through the broad porch, leaning on her hns- buuil’s arm, a policeman walked on either side. One got into the carriage; tiie other sal on the box with the dri ver. It was a singular spectacle and furnished a good text tor a sermon it We were di-posed to preach it. Starv ing Ireland— or to come nearer home —hungry children within sound of the trumpets of tile marine baud that p'nyed in the While House veslibnle and a woman with so many jewels that it required two policemen to pro tect her tram robliers! All this under tliu same small patch of sky. When Mrs. As'or got home—or rather when she got to the residence of Mr. Ban croft Davis, where she is a guest—she stripped herself of her diamonds, and they were locked in a safe which was constantly guarded by two policemen. When she goes home that safe will be sent by express. .lAl “b.iys is mug since been exploded: "uiig Amcrie.uiis:ii exists boys longer ooys. they arc men ; :ru.y Iml one sli p tri m tliu .. .uanini.'d, that -ti p is taken e v.mtli i- eliea-ed in hi- first ,V -.- oi this di-ea-vs ore as a- they are various and a- a- iliev are -lrange. It Iran*- ie Lai from a protection for ihe in an ornament iect toy ether the scattcn sd t i'; t _rmciits Tor in. ore than an boor he pa. cod the ot thill temple erected by ’ our lather*, aiG.rtni it-nl, lies - r mice *1 t liking a trot. rebuild its columns ami ard .es, and This .* •ho'Ved that lie was a liatu ral again r: sisc its proud «l«.i ne t> »\xc .ill *4 pao r. In lii- right Inn >d he heiti a to llle ? •kies, as a fitting mem orial of liny p paper, w liich tluilered our o\vi it pu>i ioti.>iii and an ci .during in the bi ts Zc crealeo i jy the clip he m->11:1111 eiil to ti eir virtm •> ; i. t U> .v c wa.N *ii;«r. T ‘ pi ce oi pa per was to it th at coining ^eiic: ration s shall from 1 Vue! ope McGuiiv , a pro ud *tnd have : is -sent cause J rss our linn—li. tv bean :y, ihe < ■lily <1. (tighter mciiior r as xxe have t o hit •>s liie of a man Nvii o-e ( denn vine w as one ept ■ ,i I that rooked her baby to sleep last j a great advantage in the competition, verf! iwr ’ - h ° week, that sat io the darkening room Thi-advantage is most aptly as well . ' u " ", land rocked the wee night gowned as mosl easily described by saving iih tlu* toxins ot tiie it Uravife*.' It is a lovely line, too; but imagine iglif gowned figure;, that sang “Bye baby bunt- > ing” with her heart full ot mother an as mosl easily described by saying that she has “the best start ” In a ball room, or at any place where the mv horror and the fur the 1,-n l meoiory of those who Imvi: liytyl be- .ol the roust exppu-ive cn f’eaebtr fore 111- ibe hair in the middle; in* youth smoke numberless c* and sutler unutterable tor- o euii-equenue thereol; and W’vtuty let us prove our ,.rlb J ’ liis much I ii ! u .-p, cled h.lher a-the‘old lire •bo—■ or tl e ‘govi nor.’ ■e the instinct of ‘soil-pneser ya r vi nt* my declaring tnatthiMD i ilie i liaraclerislies by which :- known, yet 1 hope that no Am rieaii will take offence if I | -p llL . IuaSl . s ;, v , Src lout ibis is not the ol a Slille- during 'the past el refers to. amounled to 8353,01s,‘25 ..... »> ’ i ii i ‘ • h .i »•* men nr n.o iuo inr. i iniiiH 1 i . . 4 . ^ to 1.0 the countrymen ot M a-mngt n 1 ernop--he Imd ben g'ung the , lave a c.nstif-tiunal right to murder j ?° ,tl }i ,,,d her “Bye baby bunt- 1 ist-e, :m«l meim ers ol young man tiie mt-rze m wtucli j t h :i t cmnuwiUir dou’t you?’ u»g/knelt by the Iitlle.tonu, while note ri»itti ie«l. j ^ i . y J ' J Ke out and told them to bring a 15ut, apparently, she \ 1 tlnak \ou nave. j coffin tor tbeir d:»r|iu". — Catharine Nu, ms the mi>>ive him ot with Lumpkin, Cobb, uinl Stephriifi; ami above ail things, Kt i-» 8trive to make South*, r-a inttuh iinl, in the tin lire, as I:ir-lam«*d ami i;!mL oils a> .Stuithem womanhood ;d»\ay> Las Is^i-ii. / I . ; , 4 ' rf 1 / /,' I LUSSKS IIV FlKi:. her it j •«i y in love, and how hia imajjfe was never aiisent livm her maiden /lu'.vvi s Ijiff iook^J it you cojjI.I •Hit oh the j:irl; but wno van l* 11 the Woi k n_,H ol a woman’s heart ? This is whai lioihcred the yotint; hr l nited :in ,i had >et him to pacing, lie live ye ars j Kl4 | U ooed tiie maid with ali ihe ar» In 1675 ( j cnl uaiureol his'^ou!—and innumcr* hi 1 refer to that ^‘mewbat l|ltf | 0f ^ H «78,10VJ65, in -1670 i . , * ndivi.luil whose luniUmod i» <^,030,000, in 1877 05,265,»00, in lh 'v koxe.- "1 i:« 1 by the length ol his coni j 18 7 8 and in 1879 §77,- eight nt his collar; whose sole 703 ;ou. The losses to insurance : seems In be to ornament pub eoiupan es last year Were 111 t Xucss ol the losses ot liny of the fo' r previ ous years. These losses amounled in 1875 to §39,325,400, in 1870 ,0 434 anguish of mv i * ai!dl and ,ler vt ’*‘‘ e bn,ve =* nd alro "g s’.rnggfe is cummcuced, she is the :ai vour irauerand I thr<JU !? 11 umtlier love: that racked j first to Caleb the eve of the iimu who d into ■ , her baby softly, and softer still, and | fis disposed towards malriuiouy. She user* till th v'm I /'Oftfij'i "hep the old, well used chair | attract* attention more surely and " t ' u J that had “rocked baby to sleep” so , ijuiekly, just as a diamond does That is a little too much! q’| lat j'>>a»y |>‘>ie9 was settled Irani its gen- j wiicp competed with a pearl; and seems 10 me like carrying the thing | ‘! e utoLon, she laid him down 011 the j it she cap make the most ol an inch nr too too far. I think I ,ln ? rutiled^ pillow, and, still sniging tigs lit-t impies-ion she need not ‘ ' tear lieino caught and outslripcd in the end. The ouly'question is whether she can make the must of these Javuis of tortuiic, ov whether -he will prt rather even use them to a disadvantage. Beauties are more 1 vain and—shall we adapt it?--often more inane than their less brilliant sistyrs; and a few minutes’ conversa tion, or at,least a few days converse, will often exhibit the latter in the light of tyrannous bores. A plain girl, ou tlie other hand, lias little or at least less vanity. She is also much more conscious that she should have ‘Let me read you one more verse. Cult in‘iVei* Ortouu Times. I wrote: ■ »•:•»! ” I j. ‘■‘I -will tliu ^llviug echoes a* they roam * TWO PICTfRES, or decorate the 1I1 and who ue o Sfinrt, . frii. \Va- tin"- saccharine lnii’giu to he ! swept away by a sudden decline of! her love for him ? Not if be knew il “’Twa- but ye.-ter 1’en,” be said, j •‘that 1 saw her boarding a earns the | locks weic striking 8, and vet the ■sini 1 ii- 1 uiy-oul swsksn to the coitscy Hutjiiijo; Tint U‘lr rs Uli. Now" what do you I-uptrose you.u",’‘“ Si I’. t ^ peopleio![this country are miserable outcast turned that into ? Do1 * ,i ‘ wle>s « lh ** hav . e \V 11 v, into this: " t “‘ en r’Trii-eutod ; they do not merit •• *1 -(null the frjiuc shoes « they mast .long f' 1 * 1 "P*" 0 " 4 ** ***** **$* the ball-, ! is to do their future great iiijnry. And l pt-t-l uty ^ole mistaken In the ertary that \ l*riucpaHy employ vil ill agricultural winrlri ^ ^ r•L a,, ^ pursuits* lar lemoTetl j some ability to talk ami think. Be* rifth, hi; nwtul tjibberinli. I / froiia the temptutioiw ami vices of ing on,her mettle. takes an must >i;iy that man. >V here ly tic(large cities, they are an honest, viitu^ *lle Ls out junI mow,* sanl tlm Col-j oUjJ p^pie. Tney pursue the even 0,1 . Come in to-morr. w.* ; ^ enor theif way in vheir quiet homes •1 will,* >anl tl*e poi*t, i Wl " | on the slopes of the great Blue Kidge, Hriiitsal ! and itlbWn the fertile valleys of the THE AUS1RAHLE CRICHTON. ■rv tight.' the part of oeciqiant* , w l„ re -he cm, b- ccndiarism are ll.c principle causes ol . s , ” wil)l n)e "0 *n!!' "en'-oii, York leads ill the figure*. hrn.L" ' her loss w-as §14,000,<>00; 1 in 1877, ‘Father ol his Conn- 1 U.45U.401); ill 1878; §9,3147,000; a-U 1 rs not to be first in war or I >” IS’t). 815,.93.200. em.sylvaurn j , f . , |le | oIri !,/j^, „ lij>;ve . peace, but Ins -hallow soul is ] comes next with a tola h.s- m Ue ; '.. Nul , |l>u ,. aI , !a llle (or ., M1 ovcrtlowii.g with the comic- '“ ar fears of 828,12..,oOO. 1 hety- I ^ Ia ,. Wt( -', 11 . U1 ' ti* yon wile t he i- Ib-l in the healt* „f three agricultural lii.plemei.i .aetorie- . aIluUl , T were burned last year, 10 a11;*.-lion un numlicr ol year broader, higher, nobler mean - tin-ideal otAraeiuanbo^I Ii| " d -.-ribe him id a word, I W . lllXIII n.'i:, acknowledging no guide hut I'liae |i.e; he must lie a man ■: • "..le— integrity and lolly inde- !- ii'leii.v. One who -W,..|M not tlutier Nuptiiiio for hi* trident, '»: .iuve 1 ,r l,i* jiesrcr to thllllder.” 1 n '|"ires more to make a man !. lo mired and fifty pounds nffle-h ' " bo .• and a cranium full of brains. T-.e • indy aid brain must know how lo ttel a :u,m's _ '■I."Ughjj-, do a niai’i'^i'or iili- iiflS'iilkjf * njtrjeh: tore they < oaslitul bing- are born and grow, unai are made; made, not by chance "r Uie force ot external circumstance*, iml 1 ade hy their own habitual thought and action. The Turks say tiuii ‘‘the devil tempts everybody '«H the idle mau, aud he tempts the devil,” aud l’yiliagorfc declares that “in tiiis theatre ot man’s il i* reserved only lur God aud the angels lo be lookers on." Man was originally oreilMil'ftanon bin (ntoswtamllendowisd sritjf 1 ss^esj, nor pow«f fo,fulfil! lltflsmifHrpjriri' piWeut; ■ exfUiriii* 'Ask 1 :een. But j Editors Ewthuj Neier. The on- . - . v -lie nine «.vi. ...e .... longer; I dersigned is ;i cliuryh-gotr, and liaa bits. Among 1 ie seveia 4 ^ijp’royfi I •tUisO'lMI Jlvr profloVotlfunfe”—and lie , been for yta s; mingles freely, kvith -opted ipuife j tat pa inlaid ebony writ- * that class, not only in the E]>i.-copal ing (losk. ! Church, but in all the Brote-taut The next (jay's mail bene to Bene- * chnrdies, and frequently hears, ‘Why i do clergytm 11 preach *uch lone ser- sneker. j in oil*?’ It imnister* could only hear 011 the remarks that arc made respecting I these long exhortations they would Geouck.” j studiously avoid them: People don’t uea- I ob.tvt 10 long religious discourse* if’ they lire troin men of ‘marked abili ty,’ lor siieli divines coiniiiaud the at tention ot their hearers no matter wlial IciigLli their sermon's nip* be, but those not gifted with 1 tins' bless ing should cut their disconiaes down to fifieen or twenty minutes, and then their worshippers would be pleased and interested With tbeir spiritual advisers, even though they: may be Of average ability/ 1 u After tiie fifteen minutes are up la dies commence to finger tbeir fans aud wba’ ever of jewelry fhey may have; the sterner sex commence to pull out their watches, touch ’ tlirir, chains and open lliei • apertures for long yawns. This, I tbirk, will be eclioed by a large uumlicr ol frequen ters of God’s house. The writer or this is no seolTerof feligiou, but a firm but it lias a 1 ooltou mills, 13 cotton warehouses, 13 .blur mean- j court-house-, 17 distillciios. ‘223 drug ; [ 8I0108, 20 <lr\ing lioii'us, 1-* ■ houses*, ! I70‘‘ m flouring j \OTS4» HEAITIFIT*. What inanner of mar. is it then; el, B lnt . , — I would to-dav, present to von | 'mils, 83 luriiituro factories, loo cot- exll L . me .” Tims d • ■ ' ' ’ • | ton gin houses, {>0 gram elevators, 34 | correspondent of rii: York Sya. The speelkclc was beautiful in the a Washington . Jay Gould’s>|ift suf.i of the iiifjiressioiis . h'plonhit". c ing house.,, 12 is.wder mills,_51 print- j t(uv arm „ aill ing offices, 38 public lialls, 67 railroad j -purled their gayes lepots. 28 railroad repair shops, 218 -aw mills, 39 shingle mills, 109 ret* t;.nr.mis, 58 school houses, 29 slaugh ter houses, 40 shoe taetories, 10 sugar refineries, 40 tanneries, 15 steam boats, 22 tobacco factories, 27 tob.c- co barns. These, ol course, w ere bat a small part ot the total number of tires, but llux^me* gjvj-a^ i'Jca of the extent o!ViQalesiT'|clifn I navy officers st uniforms, tiie diamonds of the ladies Hashed and glittered ; altogether it was a brave show. But wlui and what was the central figure? The only American who ver owed to suecesslul fraud tiie privilege of playing bust in the White llou-c. • No, it was nut a b'.mutiful gpcctn. Ie. Fraud is sf |i jly ji' *tlel| Vhat he richest and. Mst ETcL y Selling pilot beautify jilc j >i. tram fabled vale of sweet Nacoocliee.” —EL fyreer, in t/ie Ifottse of lie pre- sentatices, 'Wushlmjton, l>. C. ( ( Afid Tbrn Un This. “We arc satisfied that, wickedness and lawlessness are on the increase in bur county—such as 1 dealing in' spir ituous liquors, riots, und in general disregard lo'a lawand mors lily; and we tqqieal to every law-abiding good cirixett .of the county to unite wi;b thtl Grand, Jtuy aud liie peace offieerB of the ctiuuty in bringing all violations of, law *ini gooti order to justice. Jyq fprth'erutore insist upon thg hlag- isuates nnd Notaries Public to issue warrants agaipsl^all,peddling wagons who jiasa through bur county dealing out vpfriluuus Hqtiors, to the iniuoy- ance of the peaceable citizens 1 and to the injury of the youth of Otir coun ty and against all dealers in'si irituous ItqtiirStud violators of law aiid peace; ami that due punishment l>e r inflicted 11 pqu;cacti according tu thutnagtiitude Ofdle cxime. Jiw’i Fellow cilizeus: Let ps quite to spye our conntry from trout, Justice demands it; our religion demands it; a country dqtnamis it; our" wives cbiltlren deStisnd it; and oar main 1 demands GtwUS Jury, of< Forsyth County, in thi' ( l 'onri * •hips svri foaafl'itoWSky WSj'tirtlsdSe’t'M^ ^Brikil he gained his wealth; ask the states- swan, who holds in his hands tliu ties IFnsn tlic Cincuinsti Enquirer. “James, my boy,” called Mr. Til- den to his private secrelaiy ; “James, my boy, isn’t it about time the an nouncement was made in all the news- papers that I am about to lead to the altar a bcau.itu) and accomplished young female ol Kalamazoo or some other seaport ? Aud see here, James,” called Mr. Tilden after the retreating secretary, “suppose you udd.this time, by Kvay• df 'Va/inyjltltal siioihwes t ihe ifur:in(rsttU«loarind’jriij- viij bn a . I., i tbiii m ■vrrTifT/rM] ‘l Within the last few months the newspapers have been printing the statement that a man in Baris oilers $4,000 to anyone who will draw the' annexed figure with a pen without lifting the pen front the paper: Inniiaiiil tii vljimk . 1 : ArAvMKdUri.ot' ^Vyfklo:i l0 MfV rt saw dafl Jed «Wto"I>4MiP ..«f4t »W4MJ 1 6iWfi ‘<~ » in--* *.i ii” vt util a ****** vt/N/uy, *#• uie a vb/i believer in God’s bus s, ana no person | House atJCummtny, (la., ! near tl* re-pec:sbis Cieator more than he It is not only bore that God’s children: are p bne to this tault, but* almost everywhere. .v ’.1' Theffe are Wiany-divbies/ wbbj^joil their sermons down, bill tbera are clergymen who say they san’t gel all they wuuld like to say m such a tiiue'. 1 The scribe thinks that by so doing the ministers will have more follqwb ers and less scoficrs by tljejr {^cach ing within-the fifteen or twenty mins uie*. 1 •*" * ' The -Uev. Dr. South, Q'leeq Anne’s olia|>lain,' -on,- : ono occasion preached ,a sermuu' at 'wblcbji^g M*J. esty was present, ami. alter., tt ' Was oyer'she Sent Mf bir^JUi^ tofWj ’kbe had oiily: one lanltw/tb It,, to' j^hith he replied: < "ml /m ■ 1 ,111,. ,. ‘\yngt is lfi:U, yourWajSsty’?’ 1 She answered him by- saying it sflU too short — ‘I k tmdvjq; fS ,'fclM 'ttbbfl »a birOMntoi Sristtod by ! him thu (Icuientuil tcamsterihlutisbceu died in I8HUH1 wilTba atllnhdflririifc cbnfipadlt hidthet KurismldaHiobunt; ~ monument, costing about §30,000. asylum, Is it 'd y Jfledf‘tll«Ali5'le£rf4V? irthb^VOeik- d:fft'iuM-obbtfla bertiSd.t*U Eri'jht Wuteri oftkt 'ChalWhoJi/tee 1 ui/. Irrmrert )( „l I! t>UATTHE 1 tify.DLE8,q,AY., 0 dstogto lUaii tfcntxrtfc a*S VoliUnbus Lnuls ,i:l/. ,"S v i'ni:.townrtri- .•••*. i —"Tt et > 1/. .... The, |lU|iiher N of y>iiidlys ip tl» Southern Stales are reported as. bd- lows: ‘ tu r.H.t.varl il». .IM- Iill/. 1.: Spimlle*.* jslttsui ilioHUK % ‘ Keutwsky r ..Uk.....i„^^l^** Stu^nijiUUcI .iiitvVf-'li[.'ll. till TojSS f’llWI I • 4- )4t!4 -e 1 v »* ■* -• -1 mrl H4S’Uttjbi< Smooth CiWliWii.U;t4«wui/..<>>.ltMt 0*,OUO f n.iriato .i'Qdiwtqti-H'o-.iolj aws to.*** Grand totsHS". 637, 1 Thbn it mil be noted Gtorigia is kheadbf aViy btliQr bf ber sinters; a ’ I37;000>!ipiitdl«p>'»«b*'4hii fifj,-, yotir ilajesty, I shoWS lwwJwW i4*fi0*tic-tlnrd are upeeitfil tto<Wut^ 7] aaS^EJ UlMty.of bur pulpi^Jpi b ard for ‘their too amount of trouble 10 make herself agreeable t bat can never be expected from a lielle; and being less used to flattery aud professions of love at fii -t she is. much more likely to weigh fairly the real merits of any mau wjio tries to please her. For ’.he same reason she is more disposed to sympathize with the feelings and aspirations of others besides h r.-elf, aud thus 1 tu enchain the affec tions: of - men who think . a good deal of themselves Men are as otten vaqt women, and much more often egotist iicil, and they not uulre qiiontly consider it thefebief duty of a wife tu listen and agree. ML Shandy was inclined tu milluur because Mrs. Shandy would never say ‘fNq" wlieti he said Yes,’’ Util he would "have jiven much iiiore discomfited and tuis- ernblc if the lady had. disputed every point with,bint, or turned a .deaf .and apathetic ear to bis moralizing*. Add to thia tliat thb shaft of jovty when it is inspired by, thy plain ujrU comet with redoubled lbrce, because. ,the wounded mutt is often quite uiisuspi- cious of hi* danger. In talking to aii acknowledged beauty bo, fevt*—con ceited WRUtch tbat .fie is—tfiat be,..has bis lil'e tn his hand, whereas in bis in- lerviewf with.thr Ju** attractive dam- acl fie,is geueially ofl his guard. It, /*)• thqs tlml in matrimony, as in Pfhei races,, t)ic.,,tortpisu often beafs the here, and another illustration is af- foided of the trite maxim . that “ all' whipltglittereis not gqld-? ,1, j, ‘ HOW A BEALTIFTL HYMN WAS HKJTTE.V /**ti t; \i if'i 'lih.i.;.' . ’ nu ■ ;•> 1 1 There' is sir interesting - incident lui'ntlfifl^d'fn the liie of Charles AVes- iy-ri-ilI flip Ti, I I,... ley. and wlucli led to thu Wrjjypg of £pe of his yerjr sweetest hyiiiiiif, . „ wa«* sitting by an open wintloijr, lookipgojt ovyr the beautiful fields in summer timet' Pres ently a liitle bjrd flittrog about in the sunshine, attracted, hi^utten t'lon., J ust then a hawk came sweeping down to* ward the little bird f The poor 1 thing very much frjgbteufd, was parting herejaud there. Hying fo find' some place of refuge.', l:i jibe bright, suuh'y yeting uie open nitjdoty, and the i Somebody in England is preparing, say* a London letter, an elaborate Work to prove that James Crichton, hotter known us the Admirable Crich ton, never had existucce; that he is aAuire myth from beginning to end. While the mo.-t extraordinary stories, evidently gro-s exaggerations, have been told of the youth culled Crich ton, there seems to be good reason to believe that there was, during the sixteenth century, an actual person of that name Aldus Minutius was ins • lisputably a witness of the Scotch man’s intellectual perthrmnnccs at Venice and Padua, and his “Patadoxa Ciceroni-” have been the base of the lives of the wonderful genius after ward written. But that Crichton had mastered, before lie bad reached sev enteen, the entire circles of sciences; that he could speak and write fluent ly and elegantly twelve languages ; that he eould draw, paint, siug, ride, fence, datu-e, play on all musical in struments to perfi ction, and that he possessed marvellous strength, grace, courage and beauty, as has been recorded, is too severe a tax upon the mosl credulous mind His biographies read like fairy tales, aud it is not strange, therefore, that many persons have come to believe him a pure invention He tv:is probably a ery clever u a 1, noted lor versatility; but that he should have accomplished more than any bundled men of liis time could have done, and have died at tweuty two, stimulates scepticism necessarily. His miraculous disputa tions and tiltings in Paris are, in all likelihood, purely fictitious, as are, in deed, most ot his more than mortal achievements A tueory of the En glish author menlioiiuj is that Crich ton was » mere name to which all the great expl* its of the century were ascribed, and that what fie is declared to have done was really done by a great many men.—Uoston Tran script. LUCK AT CAltUS. liigh toned—Church bells. Grange culture is increasing around Mobile, Ala. Acids and pickle* are unusually the' contents of the iamily jar. ! The fences of the United States have eo»t 'about §2,000,000,000. The ope man to whom, practice is, dearer than theory, is the lawyer. 1 Two hundred and eighty-one mem bers df Congress are lawyers. A stinging rebuke—The one n young mail gets lorvitting down un a! wasp. . A lady’s train at a muddy crossing aud a wash day dinner are generally picked up. Tne first gold mine in the United States was discovered in South Caro lina in 1790. New York contain* more tir-t-clas* restaurants than either Paris or Lon don. T!.e library ot tho Supreme Court at Washington is the most complete law library in the world. The cotton trade of Charleston, S. C., amounts to §20,000,000 a year, and thu rice trade to §2,000,000. A mail refused to bo tresied by a physician the oilier day. But supdose it luid been a saloouist? This world without woman—lovely woman—woulk be like a bland sheet of paper—i.ot even ruled. The total production of anthracite coal in the United States, for theycai 4 1879, was 20,142,689 tons. During the past year the German army has successfully employed the electric light in operations under wa ter. Youth will never live to age un less they keep themselves in hrealli with exercise and in health with joy- fulaess. Japan has iron coins worth about 100th of one cent. They are alleged to lie chiefly u-etl for alms and a* ot- terings to gods. Upward of 2,000,000 acres of land have been taken by settlers in Mani toba, America, daring the past two year-. An exchange calls ihe a sort of hiukc which a wi-e Providence puts 011 a mail's legs when lit) is lit ing loo fust. Virginia lias 675 colored -clmols taught by 415 colored teachers. Tin malt teacher's -a ary averages *30 a month, the temale’s 824. There are ulioiit 125 acres of straw berries planted in Florida this season t«r market. A yield ot 725,000 quarts is counted on. An exchange says a French duel consists in a challenge, a ride tosomc retired spot, two pistol shots in the air and a wine supper. A physiognomist says that large ears deuo’.e generosity, which probably ihe reason why a mule squanders his hind legs. “Embroidered crash is much used for piano covers,” says a fashion ex change. Tha' makes a terrible same ness about the instrument. Thomas Jefferson said: Let the titruiur lbrevermorc be honored in his calling, lor they who labor in the eurlli are the^ehu-en people ot God. A poet in one of our exchanges be* wails the loss of a kiss. The short- liraiiied driveler, it seems, docs not know enough to go and get another. King Humbert lias been able to take » sleigh ride at home for the first time in nine years, there having been no snow in Italy before since 1871. This simple medical advice for cur ing a pimple is given hy the Rock- laud Courier: First, hold the pimple over a slow tire until it comes to a boil; then “bust’’ it. bus,-and-all put iu since 1866. _ q ■ .fisin o itiO-Hri nT- ' 1 worth) ...Tha Irish stow missionaries in:, ' ' " nBwtfbderfM ^BWfcr'-in iK iit the East Eud of warssfei" i The average wife can lay her hands j 111 tb' s ?>tate. The Lata! Sayings anil Doings in Georgl" Not a prisoner in Craw ford ville jail. The Sharon Institute bag nearly 76; pupils. The mule trade in Macon this sea son was larger than usual. Mr John D Wright has moved to ■ Augusta frOtn Warren ton. Rev W A Gander wilfsonn issue a “History of Sunday Schools.” An effort it-making to build a brass band in T.awrenceville. _ There hits been a great deal of sickriess in Gwinnett county recently. This is court week in Madison coun- ty. 4 Forsyth county court bouse needs general repairing. There is only one pauper in the Forsyth county Poor House. The LiGrange Reporter has drop* ped the patent outside. Hamilton is to have a new -Metho dist church, to cost §1000. Jro R Smith, of Muscogee eounty, wifi lie sent lo the lunatic asylum. .• *• J. II. Parnell, of West Point, has 80,000 peach trees in his orchard. LaGrange is to be made‘a money order office. John P Cartwright has left Greene county for Selma, Ala. Hog cholera is raging in Worth county. During the past season Albany re ceived 21,229 bales ot cotton. Jim Roe, colored, escaped from Ctitnining jail a few days since. Gen. \\ 111. Phillips made a temper ance speech in G'anlim last week. Rev Mr Springer lias accepted the til of the Marietta Baptist church. Thu Canton Methodist Sunday School tin* a new' organ. The legal advertisements of Madi son county will hereafter Lo published tu liie Yeoman. The clerk of the Superior Court ot Madison county is the happy father of a new ten pound liny. Major Frank M Ctinhy,of Clutrli ss mu, formerly of Columbus, was mar ried recently in tbe former city. There have been several accessions to the La-Grange Baptist church lately. The smoke bouse ol Jno C Brew er, in Troup county, was burglarized recently. Mr and drs.IJ Dale, of Savan nah, had their silver wedding recent- Gus L Brack is in Albany jail for stabbing G W Bruudey atTy-Ty, on the B it All R, recently. Miss Alliu McPherson, ot Decatur, had her shoulder almost dislocated by a fall from a buggy. M T Gorham and Geo W Farmer, nt Crawfurdvillo, have taken positions in the posloffieo iu Atlauta, CUivncu Stephens, postmaster at Crr ordville, wifi resign lhat jiOdilion for .; postal route agency. The residence ot Jno If Strange, in Baker county, was burned recently, with nearly everything iu it. Benjamin Garner, of Washington county, bad liis arm broken by bciug thrown from a wagon. In Lumpkin county a dispute about a debt between Joe Neisler and Bob Duff ended in the stabbing and pain fully wounding of Neisler by Duff. Col W W White, formerly of Ma rietta, died in Raleigh, N. C., re cently. He was Colonel of the 7lh Ga. ileg’t. in the iate war. Mrs Maggie A Allen died in Palo Pinto county, Texas, the 11th of Feb ruary. She was the daughter of Maj. J M Burts ot Cherokee county. l.omtun Society. Ope word as to luck. Whether we believe iu it or not, there is such a tiling as luck. We ace one man for ft season persistently holding bad caifis, losipg rubber after rubber, and ipvariably being found by bis partner with nothing iu bis bands. Nor is suuli misfortuiieduu to bad play. As lung as honors count tor what tney do IU the lubber, a first-class player,*it is calculated, lias only tbe adv:iutage of one point in the game over ail indiffer ent player. Still, in spite of men grumbling about their luck, aud as suring everybody that they invariably lose* take a cycle of three years, and it will be louud that luck it very even iu its operations. I have seen men who have lost steadily throughout a whole year, yet iu the next year they have more than recovered their losses. I have seen a man lose thirteen rubbers running; yet, shortly after ward, I saw him win every night dur ing U whole week. No man who has made legitimate whist .the occupation of /lira life has ever come 10 much grief. The men who have been ‘‘broke” are those who play for points: they cannot afford, and who have not the thuds to stand a heavy run of bad. lock; or those who, not ROntfUl.wilh the points, het largely, backing tbeir luck when they win. aiid' plunging deeper and deeper to regain their leases when unfortunate. ’But legitimate wjiist—that i», whist at points that a man can afford to lose, and no pew—is the cheapest pleasure that can be indulged in.' It offers one an' agreeable rest, after the day’t la- bor, healthy form of excitemeut, snd iutelloctual exercise without fatigue; on about 1,000 receipts for cookery, and the average family clings to the same dishes known tor three genera tions past. What is the difference between the meal, flour, etc., thi* country im ports and a hungry bov alone at the dinner table? Aus. One is is food- -tuffcil and the other stuffs food from the uea.. The average housewife will take more pains to cat ry a sickly fifteeu- cent plant through four months ot winter than she will to keep hotter on the ice during three months ot hot weather. M. Taine, the great French author, being asked for some biographical reminiscences, replied: “I have worked, I have married, and I have had children. That is the history of everybody.” Tbe men engaged in grain eleva tor* are found to succumb very quick ly to pulmonary diseases. The life of a “scooper” is variously estimated at an avenge of three to live years. A movement is now 011 fool to amend the conditions under which tbu work ii carried on. A tramp asked for a meal at a res idence in Columbus, O. Tile head of the family said, “Get along, or I’ll set the dog 011 you.” Then the trnnip bet that within five minutes he would be invited to eat the best that the' house afforded. He won, too, because he proved that he was a wan dering son returned. An Italian has invented a movable tower, called i!ie“Morctta Elevator/,’ whicli he claims will prove invaluably in resetting people from burning build ings. It can also be employed as an observatory to watch the movement- ot an enemy in time of war, as a scaf folding for workmen, and for many simitar purpose*. An Iowa man, whose well had caved in, contrived to make thu au thorities suspect that he had murder ed a man and put bis body at tbe bottom of that well, and he took thing* easy at the jail while they dug his well out for him, and furthermore talks of suing thu town tor false im prisonment. '^Htog'by? * thk tiirti tlew iu its ter- My advice, to all, js that of Talley- raud, 4 * PUy whist and yon will fry now THE CENSUS WILL BE TAKEN. The penalty tor obstructing the census takers, who begin tbeir labors on the first Monday in June, are se vere. The law scys: All persons above the age of, twenty one yearn who shall refuse to furnish the infor* nut' ion required hy the Supervisor or Enumerator shall forfeit and pay a sum uot exceeding 3100, to be recov ered in an action of debt. Presidents, directors or other officials of private corporations who refuse to lurnish in formation requited of them are made liable to a penalty not to exceed §1,000. Only two weeks are allow ed for thu completion, of the census. The comi>eiipalion tn’tlie Enumerators is as follows? TWo cents Ibr each liv ing inhabitant; two cents ior each death reported; tap pem*. jor ,ea«li tePbirddid, ihAvneslled’ko safe fit fils • “ *»*• ■' ■■ j- tatiiil qoH “5 .gwiS;' Jpry,. a j .Baltimore, ■T- *»": , , Ot; iM?wi}tr,.wa» fmarned eightewi years ,,! .* 'iv. flgfrWpfltt ?pj?y wj&rt# While the.vstfatpf trouble roll, While the tempi at still Is fpso." lather ot eighteen babies. On bis nineteenth child was born. Dabtouega had a disgraceful row on the night of.Saturday the 21st of February, between drunken negroes ind students of the college, iu which one negro was shot in the head. \ piece of iron belonging to the ma chinery of a chai- factory in Marietta was jerked from it* place and struck Mr Ab Sanges between tbe [eyes wounding him terribly and fracturing his skull. In a difficulty with a you'-g man from Union county Peter Ellington, of Forsyth county, was painfully wounded hy a pistol shot in the head, and Mows from stones. We welcome the Madi*on Yeoman to our table, and congratulate the good people ot Danielsville and Mad ison comity on haviug a pnp"r of their own at. last, aud so creditable a one as the Yeoman. Crawfordville Democrat: The Shar on hoy- broke tip an anticipated mar riage between a while man and a col ored girl, which was to take place near Sandy Cross, in this county, the other day. The circumstances of the above affair as follows: Mr. Ed. Itby, aged about twem y-tour, better known, per haps, as the “rag man," by some means - took a great fancy to Della Pope, a colored girl, and il seems he determined to marry her. Tbe time for. the marriage was Saturday night last. Rev. Green Johnson (col.) was the one selected to perform the cere mony. When the lime came for the performance the brother of the would- be Vivide -ent to this place for assist ance to prevent tiie marriage. _ The iinalgamating lover heard of this and decamped at once minus his dear idol; for parts to us unknown. MAiatlAGES. .. . In Taliaferro co, L F Jackson, of Greene cq, to Lizzie Sharp. In Greene co, Edward 11 Wilson to Mary S Mnrchmau. At Penfield, Charlie Merritt to Willie Boswell- , In Lee co, 8 B Corley to Miss M L Ragan. "I In'.Washington co, Moses Rober son to Nora A Bynum, e- In Marietta, Dr. H. V. Reynolds .to Mary C. Myers. In Savannah, E. M. Green, Esq., to Mary Hartridge, daughter bf tbe late Julian Hartridge. In Gainesville, Daniel Allen to Martha Sears. . ,,, In Cobb county. W T McCutcheon to Mollie Winn. Ih Gwinnett county; George Mau- ghon to Josie Hill. 1 ) In Do Soto, Malcolm T. Word, of Home, to Laura Bill,, pf Macon. , vi .:i ■ HEATHS. ,: Ip Marion county, W. A. Bartlett. In Taliaferro county, Mr?. Davis. Iu Atlapta, Lula Wellborn. . 1 Ir. Gwinnett county, William Bran don. • ’ Near Stone Mountain, suddenly, of beart ili*eaae, Mrs. T, P. Wells, in Hull county,, Mrs. Frances C. nDecawr. Robert Hollingsworth, arid no inilea^j or traveling ox** jjense*. >1 |C»<*- •• r r 1 '■a*®* duiouuib Mi.iiuo iukct . i . 1 ,, v; . ■ •, . . J - . it/sound as thpugli tKeV wife' 41 A'writer in Uie Opelika, Ala., 3 j when the , pyramid* j wert# TiniA, lamehts liiat the graVhtof W, •” !"q .rail fo. J Yah<jey; oneof tho chiefproiiiofer/ - , . tom °* hbe grvat, rebellion,, hay no. menu- ,iuunt to mark liis resting-plnce. The grave,is at Montgomery, and it is cov ered by a marblu slab, but no words# 'hot even Yaiicey’s name, arc engraved tbercon. iannfiltee^ cents tor each , manulao.' l4Jba'k«kbi’7i : torv. whichis to be full for air eer- °i (l Lincoln CO, Benjamin Samuels, aged.7'L[ In Elberton, Eddie, child qf/E B Tale, aged 14 months. Decatur co, Wm McCorke. aged Wi" .'■ *' • In Augusta, E 'M Miller. t.'lflv’LaGrange, Geo ,W .Haseltine, iged alvvjt 66. In Madison co, ; Henry Williford. In Danielsville, the little boy of Mr and Mrs Holme.