The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, March 16, 1880, Image 1

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THE ATHENS VOL. 04. ATHEISTS, GEORGIA Kill KIRI \L NOTES. Out nl' SOS Republican pipers 89 nr-- for Grant anil 216 for HI line. It i- thought at Washington that f 'niipre«s will adjourn about the mid dle o! May. fliii-igo has this season received SI ,000.000 has! els of wheat, and 64,- 000,00(1 uf null. High .1. Jewell, I‘resident oftlie K i" Railway foni|i»ny, is being Ins>med lor the presidency. The Railroad Commissioners lure o unpleie.1 their schedule of passenger and freight tariffs, which will be published iu ■ few daya. ViodoUky. the Nihiliit who at» tempted to arSMBumte Genera! MeUkoff on last Wednesday, was exe cuted on Friday, the 5ib inst. The winter, mild as it has been, has not been without some terrible storms, and their fearful results at sea almost equal the disasters of a severe season. Representative Kelly, of Pennsyl vania, says he does not believe any pending hill will pass during the pres ent session of Congress. >ir. ,1. H. Jones, having failed to pvrfccl the purchase oftlie interest of Mr A. W. Kc-se in the Mar-on Tele— f/ro/i/i, nmr uncis that hu lias so pro- p.iitary i gins in that paper. Th Supreme Court of Oiiio has Inal it is illegal to dun a n a postal caid, ns such is li to iinpaio the credit or '■n of tin- debtor. i g is in w chninpioning Grant, y v. it It the ho|* that should a am iu the nominating conven- third term candidate will ex- - generalship In his behalf. a utivr parody. One dsy lost week, while sad end drearr, Aa we wended, weak and weary, Acrmis the unrwejit finer; W e heard, at first, a gentle tapping. Then it became an earnest ruppiug, At our sanctum door, “Come ini*' we aaid; while yet he pondered. And in ailenee we etill wandered tVliat for os could be in store ; Then, tlie door-bolt gently lumintr. In he walked. Our cheek wu burning 1 Tliou*iito of crimaon gore. “Are yon the man who doee the writing!” (What wool will rheme with tin. but .fixiuinxl Quickly thought we, oYrand o’er). “Sir, we are,” wo f rut tv told him, Noddiug la th* bora to hold him. If he tried to beat u. sore. “Then yon’II please give me a credit Opposite tint little debit, Pur twu d. liar. more. I like your paper, and will take it Aa knif aa yon will atriva to make it Aa food aa it hu bun before.’' We jumped 1 Be dodged I Thus wo missed Or wa enrely would hare ktaead him. No matter il the boya did roar; So seldom treated in Una manner, Wa felt inclined to ainy hosannah ! Only this and nothlny more, - JULIES CsESAR. And whan ha wished to please her, He grabbed her np In both hie arms, And shrieked, “See Julius seise her!” —Steubenville Herald And when her mother hovered near And saw how he did ..jueeae her; She dried the quickly flowing tears, And yelled, “Oh, J olios, mm her!” —Syracuse Times. The old man also bent hia pride And begged him to release her— “Oh, no,” the ardent youth replied; “She’s such a jewel, you see, eir!” —Buffalo Sunday Times. “Your racket stop,” the maiden said, “Per me ’ti. just the cheese, sir; While 1 it is thst is being squeezed, Never shall Julius erase, sir.” —Keokuk Gut* City. And than they entwiited again, And when he tried to cease, si-, bo mixed were they, the old men said: “Why look, now—Julio-, he’s her!” Kokomo Tribune. Altleii it Bro. are having a lively time w ith Dr Pratt, analytical chemist, of Atlanta, over their vinegar. The Young Men’s Library Associ ation ot Atlanta are preparing to put up a’fine library builtling. Miss Nel ie Everett, the Clairvoy ant, was presented with a gold lecket by 'he E M P I Club of Savannah. The spring poets are rij»i*iiiivy fast under 'he influence of the pleasant weather Georgia Medical College, at Augus ta, tn>ned loose on thu w orld 2G doc tor* last week. Mao-el has had a twoWr-e raffle. The h'-r-es were won hv Mr A. li. Freeman, who threw 45. Capt Boynton the swimmer, is at Savannah. He generally gets around the 1st of April. Dr. Tucker will preach the hacca- lanrate sermon at the University of Alabama. Savannah is going to have a teles phone between the Exchange and the quarantine station. . , The Madisonian says that the barn of Mr. Troup Campbell, of Morgan cotinty, was burned. Tlie Washington Gazette a-ks the people to pay the preacher and prin ter in flour and sorghum. The Young America B. B. C. has challenged the Wilkes county chib for a male') game ot baseball. The Washington Gazette ehroni- icles the death of Peter Adams, col ored, who had reached 102 years. The Ishmaelite says Haucock has no candidate for Governor, which is the nexs best thing to being out of debt. A negro woman in -Burke eqwntv has giVfin birth to three ehildroit A't l4tf rail At it’ll the Nt w York Mail lias 'C’m.ik lipt 11 the Augusta Chrun V -;m ! 'mg il “ipie.” Our esteemed i di-tu guishtil contemporary must ml hi- p's ami his q’smore care- eially his q’s. “If women are really angels, why '1'>n't they fly over a fence instead ot making such a fearfully awkward job of climbing." Why? because they are always “tied hack” so tight they can’t fly. Dispatches from Bismark, Dakota Teiritory, report the Indians again on the w-r-patli. Sitting Bull is on that side oftlie line, massacre’s have been numerous, and a general uprising of the savages is daily expected. Spain giv. s a minister plcuijioleus tint) $11,000 i-er year, while a favor* ito hull fighter Vtceivre $30,000, btt tin n we\l lather picnipotensh for that country lor a dollar a day and board than fight hulls at any price. The National Blaine Club is flood ing the country with its circulars, among which is Bob Ingera ll’s fa. nmus speeeli when he nominated !! nine ns "tin plumed knight” in the Republican convention in '76. They have n free-and-easy way of • ■ -unliiigdelegates among the Repub licans of North Carolina. Those ohel<d for Sherman are counted for Giant, and, in laet, the trirnds of both candid ile* claim a delegate as soon as he is elected. A* the National Democratic Exec utive Committee has met and dis- chargi d ils duties, looking to the apt preaching political campaigns, would, it tml now lie in order and well for the State Executive Committees to do likewise? ’flu- House of Representatives went to work i n la-t Monday under its new rules As every experienced legislator favored the change, it is now confidently expected that the business ol Congress will he transact* e.i mine rapidly and quite a* judic- ioii-'v. Namec! J. Tililin the victim of 1*71, hits most emphatically an ti milled t! nt lie will be a candidate f>r ilu mniiiiialion before the Cincin nati Convention. Now we may contidi nlly ex|«-cl his “ boom" lo be snpported by his | olitieal sagacity and his barrels. ’ Th” Lot In-Mower* have at la-l rai-ed the breeze in San Francia- CO. The ( hinese are th eing from the wrath (-> come and the government is massing troops iu the city. This Sum I-lot business ia not only proving; a serious trouble in California, blit is likely to bring tiouhle upon the gen eral government. “If evil communications corrupt good manner* the oyster must be a had ti-li fm he’s brought up with a rake.” The man who manufactured the above, is now lecturing upon the emnotional insanity and deruorilixa»| tion consequent iq*oti eating sbel fish. The balance ol trade after bi ing in our favor for some time ha* turned against us. No sooner was the pros pect of lletter time* firmly grounded than tlie orders for foreign goods went abroad as fast a* tlie steamers could carry them. As a result of this our import* during the month of January exceeded the exjiort* by ten million of dollars _ _ There is a most significant silence among the Republicans throughout the South, relative to Blaine m a presidential candidate. What this exactly means cannot now lie fully determined. But when it la roraem- liered that the moat commendable act <>l Blaine’s political life, the defeat ot wluit was kuowu as the “Force BiH,’’ ha* not, and never will.-be forgiven by the majority of tlie Radicals of tbe South, it may be eel down aa a sale conclusion, that among the Sunt hero Republican* tno fight will be between Grant and Sherman, with tbe chances apparently much in favor of pmw{- 8TATE NEWS, The Latest Sayings ftml Doings in Georgia. Rome will have a convent. Brunswick wants a poor-house. Klberton wants stone pavements. Columbus is wanring a City Park. Macon is re-nimiberin > her houses. Quitman raises bananas in the open air. Savannah is jubilant over a grand skating carnival. The lather of Susan Eherhart is dead. A Leap Year party by the colored girl* of Columbus. Daniel Bright)- will he hung Thomasville uext Friday. Mr. D. H. Davis shot and killed Mr. Martin in Worth county.' Albany will get 40,000 bales of cotton this season. Cuthbert is shipping strawberries to Miohigan. Macon is moving to have a new opera House. I. H. Adams has been elected Cap tain of the Putnam Rifles, of Macon. MadisoD county still has Grange meetings. The farmers of Stewart county aie planting corn. Corn is worth one dollar per bushel in Stewart county. Alapaha desire* to become a first- class wool market Mr P T Harfill, of Stewart county, fre*h in Covington. Dr Thos Bird, an old citizen of Newton county, is dead. The Georgia Railroad are having a large lot of new freight cars made. Madison and Eatonton are stircd up on the railroad question. Central R. R.- Stock is steady at 102 holder* asking 103 and 104. Macon is moving up in the matter of having the Slate Fair for 1880. Tlie Savannah Irish Relief Fund has reaction the sum of $3,720.21. Carrollton has shipped 0,500 bah v of cotton. Gen Decker, the little man is at Savannah. Washington is a favorite place for the drummers. The Madisonian• got up a snake story in the winter time. A boy wa* kilh-d on the Central Rond near Griswoldville. W W Gordon has been elected cap tain ol the Georgia Hussars. Bishop Beckwith confirmed 21 per sons in the Episcopal faith in Macon. Small boys in Quitman amuso themselves by catching 15 pound trout. Mr Crine, of Albany, had Ids sale robbed of four or five hundred dol lar*. Thu Tallulah Fire Company of At lanta, have gone on a visit to New Orleans. A negro boy was killed cn the Co lumbus and Rome Railroad by an Al abama sling Labor is reported scarce in Musco gee county. Farmers not half supplied with hands. Atlanta manifest her usual enthu siasm over the advent ot a John Chinaman in her midst. Saturday night last James Browu, colored, ol Savannah, was shot m the head by another negro. The Macon it Augusta Rail road was sold at public sale, in Augusta, on Tuesday, the 2nd inst. The Brunswick Advertiser claim* that Brunswick is the best port in lit - world tor shipping lumber. Some of Macon's good boys have been gambling, one of them lost S300. Macon is making preparations for a grand Sunday School celebration on the 1st of May. Dr 8 D Ram bo, of Blakeley, ia at home from Rio tie Janeiro, where ho is eugngi-d in business. Joe. Brown will build a short Rail road out to the coal bed* from Rogers Station. Much attention ia being paid to tbe opening of gold mines in Dawson county. Tbe Dublin Gazette says the Hon. Chas C Kibbeu would make an excel lent Governor. The Stonewall Fire Company ot Griffin is happy over their uew steamer. Judge Claiborne Snead has been acting as oue of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Colored laborers are going to the turpentine farms on the M. <fc B. Railroad. A party ot three men in Americus went bunting and bagged one hun dred and uinety-iwo partridges in two days. An old man in Lee county h- s been bailiff for the grand jury 43 years. He should l>e pensioned. An attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Geo. Brittenham, section mastar on the M. & B. Railroad. Albany lias a chicken with four lega and four wings. They ough to enter it for a walking or flying match. Hie Albany Aavertiser wants the Paddle wheel at their fair. “Let ’er roll” will make you sick if you fool with it. A while girl by the name of El’a Jane Smith was fatally burned near Lexington, one day last week. She died the next day. ~ lebv and A. F. irincipals in tbe at Sand Bar last aoconnt the return# iverq i The C- ’vie it ton boys and the stu dents of Emory College are to t-ave a match game of base " ball on 8th of March. Prize $50. Thn Wire^Grass iriitckman makes its advent into the joiiniali-lie. world. 1 lie first copy ha* just reached ns, it is a newsy paper. A negro in Stewart ronntv kicked a hush and a cockle hnrr seltled in his windpipe. After much difficulty il was extracted. Oats arc repotted a- having a vi-rv yellowish and blighted appearance in Stewart county. ^opposed in he caused by I lie fly Dr Casey, ot LuGrange, has hocn appointed Fish Commissioiicrof Geor gia. He will soon he prepared to furnish ponds and creeks with fish. The (-tables, carriage-house, barn, and several other buildings on the farm of Mr I* J Blackmans, near Au gusta, were totally destroyed by fire on last Saturday. It is stated that Georgia has 137 counties, in which 193 papers are published. Of these 12 are daily, 4 tri-weekly, 3 semi-weekly, 154 week ly, 2 semi monthly, and 18 monthly. On Saturday night last, Charlie White, son of the proprietor of the National Hotel, had a difficulty with Frank Kelly, a shoe store clerk, cut ting Kelly seven times in the head with a knife. The wounds are |iainful but not serious. On last Saturday morning a mar ried fadyiu Sava nah attempted to drown herself in.tbo canal, but w prevented by a T1IE RAILWAY COIXISSION. Work Upon Regulating the Passenger Fare and Freight Tariff. The prime results ot thu lalmrs of the Railway Commission are an nounced, from which we make the following synopsis: Passen ger Tariff. For passengers with baggage, not weighing over 100 pounds, the rite per mile shall not exceed the follow mg, viz: Pas-engsrs and over, with tickets, mile; without tickets, 4i cents; un dcr 12 and over 5 years, 2 cent*; without tickets, 24 ceLts. No moreAtpfit the lowest rate spec ified shall be charged when the ticket office shall not have been open for a" reasonable time before the departure of the train from a station. Tickets on sale at any office in a city must he kept on sale at the depot ticket office at the same prices. JSvery passenger paying fare must be furnished, with a s«a. The fare for’be'rthrBtrslefcjfiiig^ cars shall not exceed the rate of one* cent per mile for each berth. Freight Tariff. Less than car loads and per one hundred pounds, first class freight— 30 cents for 50 miles ; 45 cents lor 100 miles; 60 cents for 150 miles; 70 cents for 200 miles; 75 cents for 250, miles; 80 cents for 300 miles; 85 cents fur 350 miles. Second class freight—27 cents for 50 miles; 40 cents for 100 miles ; 60 cents for 150 miles, 60 cents for. 200 miles; 70 ceuts for 250 miles 73 cents for 300 miles; 75 cents for 350 miles. Third class freight— 25 cents for 50 miles ; 35 cents for 100 miles ; 45 cents lor 150 miles; 50 cents for 200 mile-; 55 cents for 250 miles; 58 cents lor 300 miles; 60 cents lor 350 miles. ‘ 1 J ' Fourth class freight—22 cent* for 50 miles ; 30 cools for 100 mi'es ; .35 its for 150 miles40 cents for 200 aneloqcent;,' Tlie patriotic, ujife^nijes'jii man, in the conclusion' ^Sthpw ter the at fit cloud., hours al ^ are the wa • 4 ceiitsMpar » peace, be sfili."“ f^t strife ia pvtjr v ar Lipf that, inffiijS has been again joini ■ti-rfi ana*wot -tar* ' jfri uo via nvJJMM Sly ; i -moo mil ml find, oil t.OoijlMVfeu-j MW- Wtn. Odx.n* tifllg.od " . vvd vuiijo u>| oo* it firmJ.ahf >dl.»4sw» raitIu.'ibUAIWlflMtiHWWBiHypE. 1 tnvfl «iil no- mii«iJ5W)o veltnuif .jf A *W«L‘Ji 'di If*■ nSWPIW AiPqSPBr, ' TWulhV wit, if* tWP.Wrtaitlfcg 1 tp’l "kfl cWfNevPUMppe*.: ) , .faavje a'ahooime sti'dz"ly)pg ■ acrdssalongViw, wVflf our iiidnograin’ tai s»,fj ot -* r, ,|p •tA.d'iitiaiMbfiiirrtitfffitVi’iktd “Hflduiphp, J A • ‘ L J npprbpriatai epitapb.lcMdedvdnMlie, ifVWfl-1 Aw.ltxtffaqt BiWit Qari,Sfilu)r#V 8xptti>ft l t; ’ i Ybdfs,>’!flAtec'TtkArt?.' , ■ I iP-6.—Semi’meal thighbonv'otfhe fell## «hkf inliM f^nfr^ P t r, ng? Tlie oM Iiovntzer unefT on Uie* ‘ ‘ BW'bdfWUHM! 1 *'' - ■ wnp joint. RADISO.V COU.Y1Y. j''ihafftriffl ot '• Awwalpapun th«h*u rficeijtlym rtefnqct JtbJisUment-.iniSaq.Foin- Ijng the^sHiff ; on a big 38? D /u 8 ^^S^ yle conntrv to’ ‘i Jffeva* thFIF* 1 fflff flhe. ’ Tflfiji J fed. a their type just ns it atoodlin thtjfertji*,, J; _. . tied up tltBTtrmffiW Wlllt stout cords ’ - 1 ' '< by a prtuMife»*dlpknb*autt» priiiieiv,' •lid jjaqkibg th.’iu closely in boxes, /ftwfed tb Mftdflifill Kbdwspdpad iome- - ■whorii which mrodkl it bo iiUCt) landing. irciimstj Imrjiws ., f..l. j . » 11 ^ ^ "nifyhw 'diiaumiai the “gainer fcine-i nilgh -. .<1 j {Jans' itf place’ iflklWdViit" aWPIWAf it),’ dfar** in^ffvWy, _ , :r Which'-dheyli'edn-. coiijtiiig-liousejhuiqucse is laid aatde ' •t^iftewAfatroaing Avnuld l)ftvB;.^tpn|/ofi.VhfcBjntf Bf)<1, iFbfj g^u;o, - pfa fMf^Sttfcl .VIIJUI . , > There’ war a farfrtU ettendsnee than 'u*tt*F«i'the Spring term, 1880, of Madison,Superior Court. Both th* taYISf pRteruiinmeut were fwsj-n»4 single'room—and thst not j > irswrprisiitgly , Urgeoue—filled with «W>«a Wftoraptwi- een ipm pelted to occupy .. not My to sleep) lor two fn^htk <k-it1r>Mc*»t the frateniitv, then voabavr rt«..knowivot»*of life : s most ilfJV'g ffifj iKXltalisHpg, experiences. prerervo your mental ‘jrrfu At»ri«rs^fcl6«’kJ’ TVtice^the advice of loqo who.has. suffered and non’ ofavood or |i«st»boshd ififceeni oth the hrfd llalljt creased m “the' ghdy'bl tb& lattei*. be greater fhan the former place ISW1I teit'd petftft-,’’ —i _ and pea&flaeffjr!?' fti'llftlh tbis mile 45 cents for 250 miles : foreveH the section As the'Thblil w ho liap- hixil anil Capt. A. C. O’Brien war* rite two . recent misteriou* duel ferry. Jeff Patrick and George Thompson colored, of Walton county, had a difficulty in which Patrick was killed, Thompson has been arrested rad lodged in jail. dl-covered her ptirjjus--. ‘ ’Supposed lo be depression of spirits caused by her sister destroying herself a few years since. _ An engineer in Co'umhus started his engine suddenly while a colored man was under it and cut olf a sec tion of one of hi9 digits. Ye local of l he C• and C. say* ‘‘fan cy skating and solid tun at the rink to-night. We suppose he meuiis bv • solid fim" the solid falls. Pleas Stovall terms strawlierries ■‘spring blushes horn the hillsides.” We advise our young Irieml to use *oda cocktails without spring bejghe*. An old and highly lespeeted gentle man ot Meriwether county, about eighty-five years of age. quarreled and separated from his wile a fe*. days since. A joinig man named David Neel, accidentally shot himself in the face a day or two s nee, near Deal ing The load earried away his upper lip and lodged und. r his eye. Chronicle and Constitutionalist: AVe learn that Sunday evening, near Washington, Ga., the body of a while man named T uruer was found in a gully. As he had been mis-ing since Tuesday, it was supposed he had lieen dead several days. Some time since he had a difficplty with a man named Cox well, iu Wilkes county, by whom Turner was severely shot. He was recovering from his wounds when he was killed. We have not heard of suspicions or arrests. Wiregrass Watchman: The tur pentine business in this |K>rtion of the country has grown to an enor mous extent within tlie past few year*, and gives no little work to a large number of laborers, tit very re munerative price*. It is, therefore, utterly out of place for this erv ol the laboring classes of this portion of the country, that there is no work for them to do. Why, rit.-ht here in Ilazelhiirst, there is work for quite a number of men nod boys that will work. Iiesides all along the line of the Macon and Brunswick ro id marriages. Col W Y Atkinson, of NewnAn Ga. to Miss Su-ie C Melton, of Mariano, Florida. Jes-e P. Hodge, of Augusta, Ga., to Miss Gussie Wheeler, of Hopkinsville, Ky. DEATHS. On the 25lh tilt., Miss Lula, daugh ter ofDr A R Welborn. of At'anta. Mr A L Tarvin near Rome Ga. Mrs M B Marion in Rome Ga. Mi* Rebecca L . daughter of Rev R W and Mrs S E llaiiibric in Co weta county, on 20th nit. In Washington co,‘Fannin, child of J Leaptrot, aged 8. In Madison co, Rev James M Adams, aged 68. lu F'loyd co, Mrs Martha A Om> berg. In Harris co, JssL Cash, aged 71. In Sumter co, Mrs Enuice Price. In Webster co, suddenly, Mrs H Hobbs. % In Americu-, Mrs N J Joiner, aged 34. In Suniier co, Joseph, son of Rice Bans. In Columbia co, Mrs Polly Dorsey, aged 68. In Haliei8h:im co, Mr* Nancy Bowlin. In Burke M; Henrv A. Viilette. In Newton to., uu Thos. Boyd. In Vineville. 14th irist,,’ 'George Logan, aged 23 years and 6 month*. In Lee co, Nora, child of Henry L Long, aged 10. In Rome, Miss Sarah Hinton, aged about 71. I» Johnson co, Minnie, child of Rev J M Wood, aeed 4 years. Ia Atlanta, Mrs W M Lowry. ' In Early co, Peter D Howard, aged 40. ’ T” ** •* In Miller co, Burrell Roberts, aged about 72. In Jefferwui an, John Clark, Mrs Alltbrd, Mr* Whitehead, life Susie Browp. j 1( ,, . „ In Carroll co, uncle Jimmie Bryce, Mrs Nanoy Long, Sqajre John Earn est, child of Mrs Robert Parr. cuius uu 3oil mile* ; 50 cents for 350 lIlilONj Fifth ci»K- freight—18 cents for 50 mile*; 23 items lor 100 mile ; 28 cents for 150 mile*; 32 cents tor 200 miles? 35 cent* for 250 mile*; 38 cvnta lor 300 mili-a; 40 rent* for 350 miles. Sixth class freight—13 cents for 50 mile*; 18 cents for 100 miles; 23 cents 1 -r 150 mites; 27 cents for 200 mile*; 30 cen!s liir 25o miles; 33 cent* lor 3 0 miles; 35 centsfor 350 miles. Class C—F'lour—10 cunts fur 50 miles; 15 cent* lor 100 miles; 20 cents lor 150 miles; 23 cents for 200 miles; 25 cents 250 miles, 26 cents for 300 miles; 28 cents for 350 mile*. Class D—Grain, hay, etc.—9 cents for 50 miles; 14 cents tor 100 miles; 18 cents for 150 miles; 20 cents tor 200 miles; 23 cents lor 250 miles; 24 cents for 300 miles. , Class J—Colton—20 cents for 50 miles; 25 cents for 100 miles; 30 cents for 150 miles ; 35 cents for 200 miles ; 40 cents for 250 miles; 43 cents tor 300 mile*; 46 cents for 350- miles. - : , t Class K—F’ertifixers—6 cents for 50 miles; 8 cents for !00 miles ; 10 cents f .r 150 miles ; 12 cents t& JlOQ, miles; 13 cents for 250 miles; 15 cents lor 300 miles; 1(5 cents for 350 miles. Car Loads. ' / t C Ij 1 »* Is—Cealpwol^i. gofr , pe¥ ton—90 cents for 50 miles; $1 20 Itfr 100 miles ; $1 50 lor 150 miles, and thence 10 cents per mile <>ifH|ll dis- laiices. ' ,i ^ ’ i- Class M—Iron, per ton—$1 20 for 30 mile*; $1 70 for. IDO miles; $3 20 lor 150 ; $2 40 for 200 miles ; *2 50 250 miles; $2 60 lor 300 miles; $2 70 tor 350 miles. Class N — Livestock, per cir load— $20 for 50 miles; $3o for 100 miles; $40 for 150 mile-; 845 tor 200 mile*; $50 for 250 miles; $55 for 300 miles; SCO for 350 miles. Cla-a O—Salt, lime, cement, eta, per car load $13 (or 50 miles; *17 lor 100 miles ; $20 for 150 miles; $22 for 200 miles; $24 for 250 miles; $20 for 300 mile-; #27 for 350 mites. Class P—Ores, sand, elav, rough si one, brick, etc., jjper car load—$10 tor 50 miles; $14 for 100 miles; $17 lor 150 miles; $20 lor 200 miles;' 8i_ for 250 utiles *24 lor 300 miles; $25 for 350 miles. WHO WILL NOT AmtECIATE TUtS! Harper’s. There was much gumption evinced liy that particular darkey whose mas ter was a surgeon, who had |>erfonned on another darkey an operation rt> quiring a high degree of skill. This latter darkey was well-to-do, and the surgem charged him twenty-five dol inrs for the operation. Meeting th' doctor’s servant afterward, this dia logue occurrred: ‘Dat was a mighty steep charge ol the doctor’s for cutting on me (.udder day.” ‘How much did de lloss charge ?’ ‘Well, Julius, he charge me twen ty-five dollars.’ ‘C o ’long, niggah, dat’ ain’t much charge.’ ‘Well, he wasn’t mure dan three qr fair minutes doin'il mid I link fivft dollars was all he onghter took.’ •Luok-a-heah, Sam; you don't nii’stan’ ’boot dat lint’. You see de Ikiss have to -pend a great many year lamin’ howto use dal kuile, an’ it co-t him nea|is o’ tuoney. Now de fact am dal lie ouly charge you five dollars for il - (qieration ; de tuddef twei-ty lie charge for de know how.' That’s il—the time aud money to learu the know how. 48’ tliii ’LticAlncmonians-'deStriijtedi the «M*M peilfSei-I'Wi'’yb(r'<ary IoHtwtitf | ‘Ly‘Chd appeifrilii4b!W tFNt tmirndUnek" : of tMO’-pakt; 'hat^lJe^uTlifcff;. impressed the 1 (fasrifin-J ™ l »be#.yflH'k IfiJAke oftheir dtfTtgfeE- All W,dlsil$W«Bja*llm anb8tlftcA\iiiin'ftk»ln'ri n ?VirtM!’>ffi«ha- ^b'Wi' ! ft , the’’t*iteFitltr^WJ»alWn%„* |fft«ciu1' dejidsiC'OcfcaaiOned' 1 b/.afasfi fifabt’s ratn.’"Thd* r«MStfffid(» jolfity. kbd inlrfh agfaitf mwrnSl'sftVitFniajbuti, , as tlifi SwiHlewfifflrig (Sirs■p.lssed'itlie •seNA>i*itl t aiMfelek. elAie ebsevueM -pl-i-‘ eeivNAl-h'slibhtltltsf{4lidn‘6n<''Sbfe sin- 1 »*“'■rtfitlalrttnit.’*^ 1 A ,, litd^agw’Gf ttetr minutes'tvfis inadd sd- tts'-tV'nllww q phdfogKintrrif tlie 'train 1 ,’’with' its liv- —.. ....... „ BpoktJi uvBT'jiiyi rvmainH ,) t<J ^MKHJiiligla ^huuiau florins dust, earth to earth,nsliesiiDr'twiips,'’ ' ' ' ' ‘ will I Ire false to the.menipty .utpthi^' . . - - , “ oecttfnn^'-tto 1 'ruihtaU) against 1 felie pleasure of tlie voyage: : "‘A sttmptu- ‘Wtls luneh wots sjrrelid ‘fit 1 the. station' „ imJ'IfKl* tinnl 'speiit there by tlf#«dtt(mhy iw-feaeting fandi %p<4cb-tfiaWfilg;4»'The*rettirt»“j<&rtiey W ak silbseftnently tnadfiwfth as much wifely arrd- ; satisfi5cti<m- as the! first fcreMalng." ,»**oU o8ta«T *J; u » s-h i « i(s‘t is br-M-raoevOi. ill'll# ,|| lu ,. t bee v-IWff j t»i • Li »4 hraiien'Wottuiiieiit tlievdind Maced in honor of tlii ii AriniVrph.^’riRRUnwftvi (leiice ot slrifotfiiduhvvefllail#belween Greek and Gmek,’’ so wooldil to-day destroy all evidences “of intetiiCcine' strugoles that deluged our>Mrifand iff I'btOii. -Noinhatei would feiiget the past; ot lief wremdmeiiioviee., ineifei never; ueveri.trlttle'. memory is,,true to her a’tributes: nevgfiijtibjMi'lhir heart irtjbs with life; neaer untll it Coufetlerato dead , Trqfttraa3»jll not' ceusuru-Tibrave pren applaud ibis sen timent. For one 1 honor the. North for their ceaseless care of thq' 0 f [at Longoei their death And,iilitty ' J bqarers^* , ““' , “ - '' it L could calli fivttt a>U»eir battle inode graves,those whb;jv<rre the blue and the gray,Jkntl i.oeuld muster them in ; pnei. grwiil pnn y, here lotday—aye, jfi ,X i could eum- mana the restless living. J'rom .thc North aud South; aa iWitfeBsaithat ui uster—math ink a- they woold/ see in that mighty throng the iHenius o( Liberty,^ sandaled, with.forgettiiluesi girdkd with charity and EoruVoo with tjierey, as abe pointed them witi oug,Jiapfl, to.,the. bloytly«ga*5,.(qve'r ters, and with the other to, fha^apin^ trv of promise that stretches out be- 4 . ronnse.l Canaab be lore tsrai I. Yes. hijr lelarer*, 'i country and lay country, that yoti 1 hake unfuVleil id thVUireeze to dayls yottr flag “and mine Fan'll and though the-Confederate banner. ■! . ..In. ,Ji, 0 Broken is iu -tuff, sad stirthred,”: yet this Iiosom was wrung with agon^' wlien Destiny ordeiwik ■•o.u..*’ : “Furl that banner—full it simrls-uilj FurUt puitlj—lurljt holy,. » r«Lb#* >U ' eral’R.^N.'Hdbif' Wd 'ihWd rb'atPhemrM^ Bid 1tW‘7thblv4.'iriu’ft; fcbm^ffi' it tt* life ttiid.‘"'He1tT36 w haS CblBROlG. SOUTHERN SECfianES. Nurthrrn Investors Looking TUI* Way, anil Especially to GrorgUu AagosU Evening News. \ letter from New York city to at gentleman in this city, says that South ern securities are not considered tbe thing iu financial circles of the metrop olis. Investors are looking this way, and Wall street is wild over Squtbein stocks and bond*. Georgiw securities,' particularly, are leading in interest— buyers taking every opportunity to catch a good investueut. Suck sign* as these are very encouragibg, and show that the promise of prosjH'rily and advance in values now upon (Jie South are real aud are appreciated in New York and the great iiuuiev cym tree ■ ..... ' GUARD AGAINST CONSUMPTION, " That life destroying scourge, bv piomptly subduing with the aid of Parker’s Ginger Tonic every aftack oif Congh, Cold, or Sore Throat. There is nothing like it. Aeting powerfully "poo the blood and skin, and the mu cous surfaces of tlie threat and lungs, it speedily overcomes these dfiri£enMtt disorder*, prevent* the development of the dreaded Consumption, rad re- mates all pain and soreness from tbe lungs. It is wonderfully efficacious in Dyspeptic afflictions, and give* the moat comforting relief from Headache, Distress in tlie Stomach, Nervousness, Low Spirits, Wakefulness, Palpitation of the Ueart, Heartburn, etc. It re- gnlates the Bowel*, corrects both un natural looseness and constipation and stimulates the Liver to healthy hetioo. Buy a 66 cent or $1.00 bottle amt try it. Sold by R. T. Brumby Aj Cu. The New York World publishes rumor, which Itattys prevails in uewi- (taper circles, that Mr. Tildeni$ nego tiating for the purchase of a large in terest in thoNew York Sun, «itli the js>et priest, , ' 1 * 8 ** it j. Touoli it not, anfufl I j , bere *oJ.M»ryyiilei 4<’MV4i fared MtMiiRMMrendMem I ip , idit il drop UieiLYinried _2or*ver.v * Y«*>, «irdy true mea NortUr* --.—rs-r— - priciate the a^rtioo UvU.• a« J ***dt'iMtlsMto'+lkbfariimo a < **** ■w 1, devite out far u> principle and to truth humuL people, td the Bmth to tht-jr.Aitg-J their cause, so G-li-lity to oUfigatious trtM Unimj and ti^ liietr auues aiul respou sibilipe* as i itixeus ui goyeramsdf in which they live. ’ . , / * r,'. tii ( r «i mode „j I. f dr.tbe honor ol that gauntry, fpj. •fa,., gro*B>, and devjslopm’vpL loj. its happiness and : pqac<e,, ^off; ••weaftereJej. opr, PW.e^, agy, eend to-dpy. i? . ,o«r »«%. col Israel you have seqij your country riven by teiutiesl and shaken hv’ the e.iHliqna[fe,’ yoU "see' It'"fabw 1 " basking id the suiishlne of |dfic< ‘ " ’ | Vi4ry'fca$sfe*4.b‘#iWs*tei«nJfc»df'tlte iihe p#»*e*t esntpaigo,’’ , Blne KUlgecRofid are vcfvf hxre-Tii<««ly’abWMiiet» OeWsfatioti im «rathv<faw.fof:ib:»wri.5$di l n5reta .«»wfconbffnw bhbf,- *«<to spt*k Wiilihvtiiftinektten yRiM Hnrditfcims l *“'1"V«em# Bipes» songpMy ftlouataifr of a half iteiiuifjf'WilFbd realiiteil, and Ivno^illA wnl'haYe drre/t emfimuiffl' ? ’'Guodifo# three. IndwnfcrfSockyr cation with'GhttrlestoW’’ail'd ’Augnslil? br/<* !*f'°*<WiB LbiiireflMttnd NaahviHd Cofa- -redd i pany tllve afci of thHr credit r __, ... be Ufa 1 for’‘tint* tbtaMishfeftiitiuoflvi roii pd.lco. caliu ns the, eUtning bfjrour days, its lovely'as the sunset of yoiir eHSteuCe. '’Yfoing men, tlirsis jybUr cbafrtry^-lit IF tf,e legaov your fathers gave • VreB Pre serve it. perjietuate it—it'm agtam couniry;*»- • i $»<- i.. * '■ ‘-“I * »>'• 1“ It •il.l -.fir Jt*m Mot'uera, daiiUMi-rs,' here aM the sepulchres-of yrssr lathers, ami lu re your kindred I dwell*—among those sepulchres and around those hearth stones eet? the example 1 of patriotic devotion; and fiooj sbpolchre and al- tar let your prams 1 asoeiul. a--iq jj. „ To the allsrs of your sires pnd the temple,ol yo*r fathers, 1 we|coqtfeyou all tu-duy. : Conte oiie;, outMr alJ.j Come ye, true men of tbu.Nofak aqd, ye pattiot* of the Souilt. piffl *1 thft solemn seal to the covengut /i£ yoqjt patriotism and yorir # ')u(jplty,, Moi thinks ,1 see you coming, Mpthiiikj 1 ‘'IV bpeum” I hfatr* their harper’s ‘*'flB*beuiu« song' and with In^lWcfcl’ uui son aS -they are wafted along the lines, the ahfhcnis''halMdjalifi’«f the assembling ' worship*nt. 4 MelSfliks’ 1 see on the mountain heights Af N&V 1 England ’-«• > rejoicing i mulfttudb' signaling- ■ their * joy . and • dtii-diV to ■ tire moving throng. w.| Me-' thinks ‘ I see tbo Union’s em|nre ' state—dier bim< lieart awdlingtwifh unutterable emotions of pleasure; fibr hands, extended its.she* invokes tfii' bleasings of peace aud uiifon aipoti ‘he thousands cdngregaling faiount the common Altar of a reunited eodn uyi Methiuks I see the yonlig4Ye'U p oud of her prestige -aud gtorefyitfg in her strength bringing as wvialtar offering; the first,fruits, sf heg. harvew fields, sapid the swelling poupuff thff reapep’a sutw,, JM # th»sk* 1 4.( W ^ooth Carolina, whpaevsrod the, fip«,,fherd thatboupd.the 8tate». togi rijCft, and firpd the first gup «fti»? gevplmiofl*— hanging, to the templa .ber„(f*tbelt „ bqilt her werificjpl offcpng^f,^>r«l» Sri prejudicesandipiist miiinoptiw- Ms* ihmk* I see G ?4 rgia„ W apk^be O* thirteen, entering the wtial*,,’ ' •n her bauds goidm.vtareU ffi| rtchest tacemw tgr the tempi* •raAIethtukiil.aspBtupHNott the mother of tire first,dopfaq independence, «i Meckleubu ‘e-ing.ttm 2hobr Mt holies.’’ c before her tbeorlc of the covenant,. following iu her steps , is her daughMrep 'pr^Wauraredey- bringing for Hfifo loyrity and pearl* from* her ! pat riatistui 1 ‘Solemfa «Membfafai$ kraiM'/duU-Mklfowsa "oere<bouita.t descend »to -du¥» aiid kiudletbe sacrificikffiMtlomid the ^a‘v7sibfe'”ddi#ri^uifW _ tha ' All dmi’noiis cracking, ».Voit! appairtoih’ior* 1 v«e/ Ddn tliohf^it”rtftl piirohssp Ofithre *.--' fill#ry’find military supplies! was at reckless piece of, egpsvug,>uee, tyidk \> hen wo start our paper (ve mint fire a silute. A UfiwApajier feif ' 0ce. 'vjt[7:irt jHery'haa a liultte on the 1 busiiu-sH ’’ No’Vfell r'difttlfited oftce in OaKlft'mia should be : wilhnut zsr. Alfa-man oomes in fiqr a, retiar-^ ** on 'fvfigii hleiw.hjpt-iptp the. next qpunty. The,howitzer goVs” r This Siipriifed nrgiini rli," ai!d"'(hi- ndkt'nAt- Hi# two joiirtuiliMs'tonle Alu;, l#o#rtiwJtl»tlnir,^j niitJA ^tar- •W'lffo'- / f ,.•••; , , . . > ' j ^Juyiext uigla 0*e>' campfcT i» •*' mountain rVvine ‘iitfoii’ thfTcii’frt)iii Sfmlisii^a, ahtT "• building* Hiie usna! CTtmp fire; fell a^lreji. .About eleven . ,tW, hd^Q^.^ya^uiied p.miciiiH .*uid ti p twfj 1 journalists were; led to the eohefuMOil' that A j»^rr*tf of [ruTi ihs- Were? mnlriier, tiiTafi«>efneats lor a nightj.ujUntU. In T ]' >qwgs_ • 1j|m i * Johnson; of Lt*xint»lnii; Jud Wl anf,M»j^^Sp n bOgihs. Uy,moviRR the pipcetujrBunditaibrBi; Willi be lound eusy.enuuizu iu unuj bfit thl^alt^hd’ int^sUWn?Ti« bring“F3j 14 nillllO 'fute wtQr’' puzzlo >which' is' fucking.! every jono’s .bl»i«s.’, l |,Soiiiavi(ttev.4WcpJuRfa unanotmrmgTT2 Kagff'rMM* •{*«iri«4dvHflfMS"^ w:>W»Hyftnd ifaiuvityw m-u'j dii„ |»v Quita fe/ijifober of. eftm.Wen, dis- «P 8 «i?fitJ 0 A he l Jh« deepest ..interest and 1 eonsumed tlie most tiiho mtid g 10,000 daUrtgUfi for nllfeged slander, <in which H oko,¥ ' WilUama, was plsintiff and queift. 1 fie genefyl epinl;niali0ii ai«*J Jplm li. Gunnels.qpd ,hU, wife- Jody ~ lefendants. The 6nsof the piar- tfas;-“ihh relationship existing between 'quei/t. me general cUiii1>ni TiYiA at is this i* ‘ ’dl IsnJ | Ol • mq ' 2J 31 -qix.U ntun m” »(i5i-ifls-7 AsniifJ fill' ' iuf .1.> Trti .* il yiM’ illj »,l-,***lYi.ui*lfK>-hlDcjJ* lu. he.Suii.fav relflipn.of li.y 7,«ic» * a *'-til(tin 1 was puUlnined, hilPa-'ih^ ,c 'Timts i5 iflffiltu# dipfirfi Jflh'dlettbr^ upon the-subji ct rite solution Inhere riqii iiited:,. 1,, wyiv gttolw a.xnidct i lb din 1 If itb^Oen Htf from l (d'.hW' 1 AWi^t'4ad, At ’'ihjrtWiii to arts-C&rMina ffccrelnyf rtlte problein.Vf'fibuipfayer iu* VtASL'd iW.jUiuAbe purpyse, uf ,ar- , PW'fA 1 ,pYl/flj]igJ'tsiii-d about half a I mile jivray, al the toot oT thfc"W«m# TnA’ id/'a “uP 1-ncdnnti rintt 'hiifaurtt never elnered ihe lieuds of the suo iforUiue-sevkeri, aiul- they had, , no ' «rviq, ;t ^uddpjjjy Twain hrigliteiied up,, remarking: ' ”‘ 1 ” ' ' 11 ' '‘*rlie ‘tioWizbr!** 1 •* “ <• *-i q 1. ’'“WeNc got nothing but, powder,’’ said Ban. m, u . u .. u/ 1 I “JYk!|, powdc’ll scare ’em; and fff&W •*« ifp’ r ’ ■ : The piece t*as immediately loaded with a g'OOll big'charge; and liux.two rnte'n foil quite certain -tliat jtbe. ilnti "ft 11* 4.14 4.0 ($» elai !“ipiti 1 men leu ijuiie ceriain inm , mei u br ; the' ‘•lians, - hearing the iroor of the . i*W| Wt8h’ v Ate W!iJ’UtittTlffseiftre’flift Wenth fJF4he'eiitflpmrf 1 8f,1Wrtf BAY,-'and 1ie : is safiduiiie flM'flie ’dfne , 4 dnot lar distant when it will be ffdAftr^ra- o4i: ;ss\& 4» At net ion oMMrtwte tsfottsKli wmare. ttMStaebfUusiWthnth^'onV fa* savages, 1 with I'ramio cries oft pain; 1 ‘every ■■ other one -iof itte 'next ! six reeled dowii thu ravine in wild. ciiufir- ■•fW-w-.di ti, „ ,,, wi ... i. cMrtrtl 11 tif-knlM 1 nuirpereifatl’d loalfaftOOyOlWrJ®^ iL’F, of tli»7ted , skiu^ ,came , charging up foenfAi hrifigiiYg'lfof bAAftf Br'lliW^po-' the ravine. ' " »' Atirion’yiniribereil 8. add tbeuy iwHIiree •q'itfjiimlwsinrirewed hfipid ,ffypi the , , „ wri^ag aboiu to layit o* . 11), ““Itpu^-boie, when raofe: ol«f ofi^’drlih'raitimodsotrething : '' <t ' 8 '" 1 p.ou^ 4. into the’montli of th© pieoe. and ' re marked: i,i.i* •> . Jl(| .,i , vifTarq rJotree-!”. ■ (1 ran -The.roar oi the howitzer echoed through the lonfely foi«sti and > the .fiWUyf.Jwd^r cironm- enooura g e ' fciMon^Ureed.Srmldshre^nvittireek.-j^i^i,,^.,^^ , affords no field, foxiiVti re 'lings, five J 1'-' fulfil ia ' ' 4 1 j.t 1 4/.M1U it j 5 12 3 | 5 1-23 | f»l«i isu u.’i] isi t»riv Jou li » ,5 1 2 I 9 5 1 2 1 ’4s ! a-'7 P 1* t lUVn-i,^ u ti lilirew 1 9,” 1 IW'JSvff ■2 Following ‘are tifa' positions after - ».4.4U 18. ie 4»: tin, U 6 7 2 3»i liF ’WBm ,rau. ol l.ojh.w, - K l ,, |jj * ijaass.Mu tiwvi ,»| I’optrjJ^id the business Dan, • "" e of your gflologlcat' Articles yPffle“ l nFkt“’ehaiG|4'Inud I jng primer.” '1'Hi’ll phrhiyrethAnt:’’ ” i m’Frank Pixley on the C< Fixley 011 the ConstiuuioR.’ came eharg l Hn *’'1'!ro,V'tUj riTe r .»d red ■Dnn puHeif the type rtut of tb« IrexssvaUfifttiffedcpluiBnaUeT.qohiiqg, Hb A 00 thm Jim, saypges m. AnotherTourid 'tlWtefftkWaWlled’ * t»v#r eAAb-otber like hotilderb' Iwepl, . iawtry tiamquqiaitv.isilnfaWrersi., saiiAff W'lW yftifOifiim nulled 1-4.4 an Amwican uug out ol ‘fedffrt.Miuv nl 'ded 11 iolfBe tail-tfoi fd df'the'frawjt me a tl'lodsantf sto&i>'ThlMM« w^‘ •rfis'kbe'rit'to taskd If tytaefa, Art oW'ht/di'ai.dTnppAkea t^’BW' ex- hgurm,.ofi,,tlie, 1 foqq, ffaaffllfia htffij *e r e wre nior« w^ , l.*feovi.ig ; ^, the « t!.ilfff AW!?- i-iofa - -, J.,,.!, ,„!, .Mr. FldbtW’fctort'A Ih (‘bhA’aWV’kMT'ftidflfl wMihrWpRRt'-r W'CdrisbBrtjtWMi wlfl'he’Vfth !'V^«Mlui , "" iddff.’ -ftWhW’r ^'WAh'efSf'irifk ii ad^fctCtud’miffJ h'AhstAd: WitYtMv drift# rids fill, A shafer" *\yhetf I ke f^Mi’dAi'fi'.Hham3 pfiAmh IwcX CM -'••rer* l««fo r <» .‘tLaw «.*!* Grder,” .y^u.^iaitufaeturiggiTiCorafany rfeA’js'fltAie'W.f’AVn'A.’ffltf! tHc tom-“ 1 Fred .Bosttjp Aen^figw^ Jirter til'fiW 'Jifli, and said ‘Flood, , ** ‘“’** oliIK -‘ r i J** a * u &i ] n foe fourth column (Rnpo 13. 15, If, — ei . ,,ViiFmuk.Gross’ atersea on “ Thu R-!b*I< lfahffot‘W^ed‘'w1thow thmiiigtlie Ifoardpi anff dflhrit ' llftfi *a*'g«iii>>H«‘ gwtaststrireretre, lli afidreJ c,eauuaui ' n ' 8,1< ’ wim ' tha —u c for a rula that wilkwirmonnf Uie dif ficulty. Tfte 77wp» svadafti vtuiypuzi' thfem. - .Id, ol --.taj-Ai, foWui “"f .IT dcftuoausp, showing the cnemioAl sliari^’wWehs wwdlth«oq#**ilieop of „ .. — mutieys bui DdlAv tAriittfadfitai ha* some versus »y sung to me several limes.fa4lMpuriA‘ 5aS£Jfi5SSaSKSS.S:re —u—lStujl—mtn—f14—t-i t o,. -^|u.Wiliid-o7»lI| P 'wi.' l i. 1 rlril; ‘'ii’ a secret,tfiiftathraSKU tiietHuighbtiriii'' ~' beffl* bfiakn rest a seeret.drjit«thro#gU ilio,Reighbori SlUU e |i|« L TOW..| , -"QS® *wfelh’t* 'ttnf- ’fosfead ’'‘iff " «tafti„o ogtil4a arraiige tlioai in 1 horizontal 'Ki‘b,fo»,firptfi*iVw»4igt- n J corqer. 1 -xou pan thus obtain men IdrtWinj corqer.- I op,pan thus obtain <thW*pjsHftHi a f *»bi toll Js.iudm “li odd oil r4.0roj2 .Itl-nj uj utiiini! A w - ilt-dd '*. 1 ! bit- ( itsiosJ ,-^piS-itjlQiu J5i! ,,-ln IT.'.'-fSt® 0 *"*^ b§a . .^oij^n*, ,-iio - ?. h JW W5*h4i fob hret jiosition_ in the above series, as ri|ILre«ik. jq« ]«M duttnraliMtkfp. i v ("llAbo 1 Fd'A tBe 'foil'd and ! ’liiA Rmf tlie ''*■* 'fftilWMI' 1ioriitxer ; Uelched ' Its lyiw-. lofi. graphical homplifauiiis tu.the adfiano ffittfo •••«“«» Jh% IliWqHjjritRl ffiiyi riffffl-ire soorobf I, j” 1 savage tli7«Ks, "aiiT £HeA ' tlie lowi ;hfor gfoahfi’dfiNtf tlyfore flaferif u» lifi«,i *aviuaon.jhe.gqnil8;wind4-,iTimi two 863, men walked over thu field of srifightpr, De- and counted fill*mix aboriginitTsTviiiH. 8hfa' ’la nefii siuThciqdM werevhiorribly [eotafa UneufatediiKitfa .iNOpferefo, bt«gidif, •'‘pPV , Ri?eU,.dft^et i ,ftiql 1 UfWr>rt8d H»rtbrA l tb’t l ' , « 1 ry iaATA'r’ tol.eir^ih^ gwiaj, caw lnarK, poinrffig'tfi fr say tf .urneiuimeni. Hie 1 Rga-haufiRgrOvre ritHifab4offa!«b«Kfr.‘ 'WritiVdui^MHy a t&hUtid tfa ‘ - ; —- tw m 1*1*1, and ness for him,” rejoined Dan. ilh'tfvSdafBAnrifflblWM'tUit slie rareltSly'*irWlildiaif, u, Afi I Hfertryairis-fiwt^ -, Rkfawb' *» 1 'ri‘f*»'!pan-ui9 wu'gbawwJtheiU 1 the, Pqribe. “MaMtdfidSr^BfiHtMtd - ._ 'white “Nota i*niud." , HtWW#flrt« jAtrea feratfe reitetaritVUgWltad^g fi, ( dli'MoiiBiaflfoMiii,fci»iRRiiiiwdai I uDoA&tPfUftHliafeJLjrtaf > titf; 11 “■ *JiM ” - lSrOit* 14 6' 15 l*U V I,. 14 me player may no\v begin ‘to see his tvayout,. ’Thfe ttfext eightlfflfoves gives the following resultsa Jrurei ' •-lift I • «| '/lll*5, rij tj! . ,.;2S: is -a a 1 _ 4m ** ii«B.i«i4 3 iU4».MoS the Il into it* place, and the 12 into its Iffa* 1 ; ittd'iiftr prWH’Aih 1 5s' sofvfiif v»4l Rjjjreyji’jh.jiu/ita-rt ,*iilT i.®*. io!»-u .«vlj4 yt(fjf[il5 JU| 7 f «t-'ai 4J sIUTjO i * -niJ L>tm eiaff*t IliuW 1 of tUr'Ioeal them (Mtr. Gunq-L beiag tfte niece qf Williams), (he. nature .of the ca-e /'Oil (the age ot yip plaintiff made this case one ot'ihe causes ceUbre of Madi- 8 n cduiltyt >!Th<>’ fittorileys for the plaintiff irerrii ritripU^^i Thnrwond .imd-Rarwfa,jpd >r delctnl- iftRl*$j#?*]h Henry, Estes and Lump- Km. It consuAied' twd days in the days in the trial 'and three "earnest and able speeches were made on each side, Mresrs Btrick!»n4 ,.T| WW0 iid t a»d Barrow, sm-afiiiig tor the prosecution, and Nash,'Lumpkin ahiLEstcs for tbe llefense. The care was given to Abo juuy law iitj tbe evening and, contra- better coort-houso.’. The present one is t00 small ,*»td jifliy., Ul-aixjptged, /Let %j .WfoffQfd agitate, through the columns of the Yeoman » ™.,i o *v' foe'ysorasny of the county de- 13 1814 12 j wmfne to put up eleoart 'hotNeirii'it they , utn look at wttll pride and ail in Kab.ran£fffaiM'n - 0 I i* A 7S iJ I » 1 » r 'Uai'L • l . •; , ' 7 i Afj.blf 4 1 9 .6 7 3 , Xnfe citizens are coming genei iiil 5 SSu - V’NMilii 1 to'tlie slipport ofI theff nSri ct JAL2 .uliu>154408 Si ^k^^ ' TMs is as E ahonld be. Stafford ift pohliahioga pspef that is a .flrresby inaujr wd, AnjBbool foqqre, besides effort, houso and jail—that’s Daniel*- jme._ Tfie ehurcli fa without a pa»- for n6w. ’' Thfe Schobrhotree is presis ded over by : AIr. White, a competent and an excellent; jronng //map,,, well known ill Athenun. riy-nfly oo0 0 | Gray’s most popular salesmen. 1 THridgll tbd tllne for electing coun* officers is *0 far off candidates are al- ready 6onlHig!du^>*FMrt tbe Ordina- ryfaJoffioo Fleam, there-.will be two biFSmif fooum- are Neal and \V. pleasure of faceting Mr. Chandler, but It .mat U "“beenbre fo^he BAtfsKR fo* thirty yeat-s. This? faot alone sufficiently at tests hii fltness for thu office. Mr. R. J. Sorrels rad Mr,,Brown, a. teacher JR tbe ioRrw^d qr riieremptr, will run for Receiver, p— AkJtLuifiS •»_ JAtrjes’White and* '“"i. 111 toe at>ove senes, etth Ifo kecil by.tnriilAg'tilie boarJ u on itasiile, amitlw same: nioVefi wL bfWtt.Uw ^Wiqjbttr* into horizoncaf * order. Much time has been spent oil J this puzzle,.aud-it-ia said that already tl\ero A>'g-*qv vw l appUreliotw; for lu natic asylums tm aceouut of it T|i.'-' or Collector, Mr. ., Jones Simmons ’• will be'Cindldntes. Mr. Simmons lost wfo^wid Mr.WhUelfada thigh bro- ken in the Tate w*jv Mr. O'Kelly will tiefi ot which he so ably performs. scidb B T^d < ^ name ^ ll of J 5 i^ ub ' ^rif’^orrAn' MadisoD. ,The foe flttj mail is esfablidled Co Dan- ielsville, tmdother expected route* and pfifotafoyf pnt in operation. TOLCAW 'SUDDEHLT ARISES FROJI A ,H-/.t..O til-1 SvMHfo..',fo;,, V , i: ,e ex ^raordinaryhews from ’ San ador of the battihg forth ofs vol- fcafio on t of-the bosom b£ tire fake of U«>an 8 o, on Draamber 81, retails the Wkiraore wnn^erfui phanomejion of •>JS sudfJen elevation of the yofeanoot oruflo, in ’fob province Of Michus. tin, Mexico, in the night time between- -September !2&radi29,1769, The spot i8^W4l'i* fiery qqpqfUun, larger and dafs agu lilotal'Fraoois k" iVolff, ol Tippah, made ,! :K®l5 ta 474S®& SM, Wfilmdis iffii ST'SuS l ‘l’l u b“ "* a J U ' ••»4< 1*1M1 JioiiuEkantie 'A.wWoh C-l viiuiil 1 a; Drab Fnraifadfcjfafiru! * ' H®* Ki zv4ut net oniyi pleased ‘reWfa 1 sppcnlt. bttwJ OORC4II) wisli yo ted to bekfrpfatalwy rtAHt siszyi the time being, and among thost head .wl'omji farftcgvpttsd.jjBut, .nne WIWM BTfasita'afaMiUtsyfenitllenfifort’ • and m fs*^' 1 isndriMoiounanMiKt wtttMvfiUajnkbd 'ftktopfoiMp had. ,V| ^1 Satfoi t«Ai alksdiroq yobr' _ im <fod mountain - which, belched forth rods- rfiee,iashta, mud, hot* aroao jauunmera^e t —hornitijs,' little' ovcu,. M hill them Similar phenOu tb'have wken plufce w the Sen Salva. eruptiQn.jJbflidUpatch front Pans *siSs «*•>* : *m by itt igrfatep height wndititi- u Jlii* ceqtrrt 1 psak.ifefimed ae*e »tc teasing m size faster than the _ others, and from, its summit fbrt out in wvt.stture,,,while | n«Aih*,e , Rfa , M»» the fake, was iq« state of ivWewt ycommotion and jcemingly beqingnii^he further detaiTs, ,qf fofo waodsrfnl phepomtnoA,will excjle the grustestinterert,.,(Humboldt lut* re* iqorfari tlie fact that-whan .foe, aartb- which had been in eruption, was ob- ;served to Kcomo suddeuly quiet. It is not unlikely ■ that similar • evidence Mm ■' ml,**nnocUon,mll bo ipupd,, between I SET S‘ syntax one of the crowd the narrow re ■ _ Americas and ’.wonderful vtifoauio ipbenpmeua mountain 'oAt ~6f flowery or a'ftiliet lakd,' a rev- iihfa just been witness- t fegfon,*’Whoso ' fondvrs po- tponed the coup ifttat lo t. dfi Ltefabjie a ehauM to sse . e-Meifauld &eet dq* htafafl. wtehn |U>; *di er -u .Art, ■ -vy;■»,jg-- ■ !; Freight (reins on the Cmc nnstj Southern are running regufafly.