The Athens weekly banner. ([Athens, Ga.) 1879-1880, April 20, 1880, Image 1

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VOL 64 ATHENS Q-EQ^GIA TUESDAfc APRIL 20 1880. mmmw.mmmrn "■ -NO-25 ,..J . *JJ »#•»« Kin. O IVI I'AFA'JRAim egtptiak love sox*;. ritOM THE ARABIC*. tlwre, Egypt'’ Fri*co district, .Nevada, expects to j market 1 r>,00> urns of lead lid* Sum. I i, u .|- ^ J Th« nwxUof’ r- - j eye* ... . , . 1 No more hr the )uiik* of the* NiV I* ill- n hundred stamps ar«» in water* . - «k.» ||;|K Shall waken.‘motion* ton mrwt ta«ta»pi«e. sl< a*.\ ««p« I rttio Hi th« ISl.u k Hill* *j 0 mnra the harm* rimll in hide » o»urt iv. ; go—and heard Jack say louder nml towards me. I c night her bv j stronger than common. ‘Now, Kit- aj^htytellou her Wtioes. rr * fcv!» I saw Lighmirijfi rider, strike ck* retard *ud her I at his word #T fMT .TOTS* BRIDAL TOUR. bKIVVKR. n;KIlESTI\ATlUX. f BY ;^oa^tfK ■■■iMihCZfSiS, :cacj om :ti placi.l i •| j„. | 0 : Lexington liava gone ° r , V^w C t l . U1 * i,,, "'" rn flrom ,on, i" ,,u "* deciuli nn exciting onleul in gettin the County «»le from Crawford. The \ieiiit. ot Colonel Rufus E. L—ter, all over die State, are booming hit:, u)i niighl'y tor the next Governor ol Georgia. Larry Gantt is abusing the An. gu-:a. Canal fur cutting off his fi*h supply. Let the shad go and come in Athens, vou cun catch a sucker. The Lazy Man of the ^Chronicle. «u!il* a new I'iclure, his ;knife has got dull, lie - ents to lean to the picture ol the “lone fisherman. lately hv the *UvH, as wo don’t hear nnv nior-.* ct»mpl-unts abont the fore- iiihii hfing responsible tor the poetic •• I'ppin-s. The devil generally totes lair with the foreman. By the hank* of the Tog’ii* fair woman art* weepingr, I Iran-broken the nyinplha of the Caudal* quiver. Proud Albion's daughter* wad vigil* are k«i*p» juried my second wife ! go-pel pi etching, but a ho still kee|*8 , s.nj,,,,.< »,,, b», *» --5.-0*. w I.....I «; r”xaii" ”, tff sfjjj i sir. gzsn l sa' ~ iSftSstrtSSBf^S? 1 fr-•* *r■‘fl: 1 *'r? i tt* T Kitty,' aai*I .1 ,ek. as she |ias*ed where other shudder, ami Kitty was J. ad. N ««T t*go with her, but she v..d y. Me ting the colored man the I s,.^d with wut« and Idanke-. She “The tears, gentlemen, fl ,wed fast. I A* «$pgo.lone-when a woman l-.eaehcr said : came to me with her neck stretched l have never wept so freely siuee—l, tmvWUg, a man was un oiil-and- | ^ out, her pmting sides and swollen never cx|iect to again.. Kitty was ] ou £ , , | . veins. 1 *|mnged her lace and mouth ! dead—my friend — my lover. M and put on her blankets, and as she walked about with me -lie put her didn’t think ol_ them I Ha t lo,t my nose on niv shoulder .again. She companion. Her friends and mine , might as well Imre said, ‘How does I gathered around us with sul faces, a..d l’o vi nntar.iicrr's aster, end bouny Wh At- i that anil yon, Jim V I so unde'stood , the quiet that reigns fcl>oiit the dead Ocr iheir urji-ni eiucnwa my nieniory tin-I } )er . ' | body ot a human. Among them stood “ ‘Ja.k,’ said I, ‘were they only pressing her for liets?’ ‘He asked the tune, and when I had informed him lie said ‘Flyaway was up to his best time and was rurning to win.’ ‘Pressing her ?’ said Jack contempt nouslv. field.’' Date, if you don’t bring that sad- out humbug^ j die Inline I’ll nave you put in jail.’’ _ So I gate her sevontysfive co. t and ‘What saddle is ver Turreii for?’ ; l'os-es ii-ere" heavy— ruino7rsf Iiut*I' to!d **er M go on and have- a good j asked the negro, t her didn’t think of them 1 had lo,t my ,m,e - 1 '^ er ^ ru '.'S e ">‘‘» i y whv' o J ‘ 1 In: one y on stole f r .in me.’ • my Wife’s happiness ,s cumeriied. My | oFore the good U.d. lubber ,er could complain of not 8lole , er ’ -here, tor 1 m dreadful . Ywt vflu llM . i , ;lw when But from all »c»lu?tion* I For the kohl«tintod eye-li«U, tbc lieuna-dietl flllpTs And i»lati«Jf n* that poi*on tlie *ir w tl»e s v run, I would drain to the «irtpi the la-t tlnq* of the chaliee Lovt* HIIb to the briin iti the clime* of the nun. There the eluule of the cj’jTvit* t<» languor in duoea When pa**ion i* atarted and ecstaciea tire, And the fig and the ta uarind offer their juice* To iiioi*H’ii the lip* that are parched ]rith dc- the womau with the veiled face. I looked up, when she said, in musical tones and marked emphasis, ‘I’m sor-' | rv I didn’t mean my Revenge should kill Kitty Wells.’ I * 1 looked up—I saw, and knew her. Madame Descartes was Ki'.ty Wells, ‘She’s the best bottom on the i ami 1 thought of the words that “she ; uttcieil years before: ‘Volt’ll rue it. •The first heat had the »tf. ct ol I it I live.’ I>nt she was gone in an in sending up the field to par with the i stant I saw her enter Imr carriage favorite, and second choiic found few j and drive rapidly sway. Then I got Kitiy had astonished them, pnMS, The Iotas vet blooms in the ' Tile palm and the syeatnore Ih-ikI o'er tie That Mangle the venture of Ma'a. the fair. So, f.ft in 11iv -IliuUt 1 welcome the vi*i<yii Of hour!*, wh«*c benuticH *1! other* ontehine And I feci the w »nn flow of the transport* Kly That wnkeuetl my being to rupture divine I !s ii iK'i abi.nt lime to begin ’some itielf ,-:if in Liir county, relative to -h i be .. i next reprc-cjitatives jHo ire and'Senate ? Clarke ,n-- ■; !■ ,| to t be Si naioi next 1 My , a. ,1 vi >.bo-I all it be T I My .\gnin woul.l 1 lust** of the uwgii-al water* Thht filled n.e with hli**u*I blci»*ed the*n • lr.uik; t> ’. fair K*rypt! give, give me thy duttgh- Knch«iitin*iit still iTi*tii»g bra'll. i’i \ nlli lvli.4 \V «• Lit tl : .lrttit’e to lU‘* j t r ii> this ».m»u« i«oiM »*y that •v «:*• i» o onlv throbs ’ 1.1V 1-otll Ul'.v Mo>!t und ..finite .d oftJu iker and they hardly knew tiys MU* t(it the' 1 set nd there were two false starts again, and each time Jack rode Kitty up to me, and I patted nod talked to her. Then away th<*y darted again and at the first quarter Flyaway and Lightning were neck-and-neek and Kilty half a length behind. | finished the mate ’ said a m.-iii near | ; me,‘and its h-' ween themI watched d I them m At the semmd qmr-1 ter the people -lioniel, 'The nine! creeps ahead 'I hen 1 -a v h *r rose | just jieering pu-t the lanniiis. 1 '.ad ] no do'iht it w.'iiid tiiisinina» |o r ifshe ] cul l hear niv v.iiee and ka .w that I witue-sisl her pe>tornimee. T. t ihca a. And nine earn* die i ■-stretch. 1 c mill see I hat ni-t bis sours into die la- hid 1 first wile going ad fierce to g and alway say how Ii reo the ep_ no e id lo'lhe free lectures I let hvr ,' . v... o,„i f i . , , ic*, amt l it nave you sent to tho goto. Tlip neighbors used to-ay : | pfjs01I I } Well, so i< I, an’ now ketch do toll on a good time n.ysell, ; Wl „ ^ it off „ le fp0cc> \ M] 1 WaS ,i l'. 1 IT , ° 1 ™ *•••• VO" arrested anyway.’ any time* 1 took her out to .,„ mk ,, enl :lr , „ ' B { Ut ine squirt, and then; was i „ - * ’ It do*4bcai all how the rSkinners do no!’ r-flt. lor Blitz was in Skunk- Wonderful eanaries, he a caniplimenury ticket. Itlmt ticket for toy wile, halt the money. 1 don’t un, and one of my friend* said . - . . . how. tleiuen, the truest- mare tf*t everf beat. ! pissed tintfer a line is dr a 1, and if to I w , * hippiffess. , bo kind and gentle, and to do her 1 <lu, 1 "‘ " ia ‘' 0l, S ,l J«° ^ whole dutv always are Christian vir-| m : ur,e,1 1 ““V 1 h « consider In lues, and if to know more than I *'*'•>_ happiness only second to folks, etitiihm lier to re>j>ei*t, we’l. l.’irv her respect fully.’ ‘‘The surest ion w:.s no sooner 'fhev’vc : thnn ha • xeculit^i was |>roceukL .ii m ar j ctl with l’ermiasfoo was granted t*» * 0:186 ■ •urv her in the* mi<M!e o: the course, on wl.ieli sin* Ii:t«K in:ule n»:.nv a sp'fii- ili.l score. Cl'* . f ; . - Huddle happens to be o-e ob do »°T y l mcut !° n lt i disnos. d saddle and l \mmKOM t thought.Of weilfkin I own. John Wise, a neighbor of mine, did tlei-lv, and when I got married 1 concluded to do like Wise. But the plan didn’t work in the of my eeeond wile. Ao, i i um an 1 are not like'v I lii . is too late. she did 1 fearful he ! he rider t ; • i-ii-t hi- si vi.rit"’s flacks, and s! Ills whip. Tlmn 1 lie ijnie! that pri ta-des t: taken a big dose of AN EVENT THATOCtlTtRED IN «'\NA!i\ ; ol so close a rave, e A FEW YEARS Atm. | tone "f entreaty, *N< lb r ears lnigge I her .1. tv. Shaw's Ww N..vr!, "S(.! I should sty not 1 broached the subject | kindly: ‘Matilda,’ I said, ‘1 suppose you aro i aware that 1 am now your lord and i master.’ 'ot much you ain’t.’ Tears arc not most frequently the' Mr*. Skinner,’ 1 replied,'you are suit it sorrow. We have theta of! fearfully demoralized; you need leors iger and'ion, as well as th"-e ! ganiz'ng at lure. You are cranky.’ •■rE.llls. im.K TEAKS." THE It ACE. wake 1 Tl., ilus-ian Geographical Society ».leni"latcs i-s dug, ih concert with and she brought linn the ground, as she spring- ami passed winner of the ly it an How the people die “My pet. Kilty Wells, was in daily training, and the jockeys told me con fidently, that she was sure i<> win ,• other .scientific societies of Russia, j money. ward her with water and hi lescriptive work mi *il«ria,iu view "I visited her at. her stahlq every , saw „ s wa> „ the approacliiag tercentenary of . was 1,lwa . vs gl ;ld t« s ™ ; forward to^nect me -ves, gent! of that eouI,try bv the I "'.'"I 1 li "-’ s '“". j to meet me. and while 1 ' ,11 ol lout country ny me i s ), e ] ie . tr ,l mv V()lcc . outside. | fI| „ ..... Wilt: .. J Jack, mi the i- finsii ».u!c* me ill*!ill in It* ..:*«■ w Kitty ! X'» \ !* m*rk, .In. U ' i.l, . v inrii-> • rer l»-r fin i ii.*?* r 11*«* • 1 r;u:c Iiv a im.-k til! I * ran to- ki't Site i a relief NV ht u ve IlD’i'tMC 6 grief. The > the over-tw ron^lil * u:. ?tji imo**v or o|.itldeii athe.*> in the eye. They arc *'»ie ape vul moti it A oil l hr-iM<li>lu’il in v new sixty- e | two-coni umbi'i U:t wiMiv :*ro in l her. e ; Sin* irok i lie iiiuhirlia away Iroui mo - ! anil _ locked n.e up in ihe eh>\h?*> •,u *» : l ;n.’i rin the eht The pv ru*ul ^satje protlu.'t* i*ut i xoes? of exaltyti t Hume cio*», I an ln’iu. Tense 1 Hint 14 in i»* r nn ilowti , was not a sucef* ijutc^loortA :ui mtercnee, inference I drew was that I k-, H’i«i jKissioiis ;•>«» .he]* 10, •ilieraiii'! oltcn nvntlows i. (• ars fhev at * Inc e>s. u :ii.H of line :rnu h'Oti a.Ill lohii.^ Wfiiian, fur i!•« I'ni-e*'. a:.* tin* l ii'lcrwt, tin* U<vin. are thenarin*;. With s -me ih *y :■ * the tokens of ilc. pt *l keliu^; will otln r* of the excitali-n of happinevs it is >i ranj'L* that w hi teoro feuul. oiu;:n. Aff* r tiiis i chanced my tac.i ie! he/ t»av« her oiv . wav. in p :ttt W'«: k'. ’l l a ctiai tir . I ,’s die i»e>l w: a wifi* that 1 know of. is h i wren you ami me. So when my wile said s!f 1, hound t.» «o off on a bridal ton pints « a I t»in Vrn to yer. Dar is jess so many saddles in dis world what is ter be stole, and dar’s jess so many men wliai is ter steal dose stoldlea. Dis is predesperuation. Now it yer saddle iiappens to be one oh de pres to bet hit? Dar was .ludas i»-i instance' He could 1 nt help (raying the Savi our, ease de Saviour said, ‘Judas, sop in dis di-h mid go and tray me.’ Hit was not Judas’ (suit, ciso lie was one oh de pr> disposed, so ’tended from de foundation oh do world ’ ‘I don’t want a religious discussion Dave. ]' isn’t the saddle now' that I care so much ahum. It is that you told ini'it lie iu saying that you didn’t steal it.’ •\\,|l. den, parsin', spose I jess take back de 1 e I t,d.- and keep de saddVy ‘A lie once told niwns stands. Yon have lied it and 1 .elcvc it i; yr.u mesled.’ •I’ar-oii, dars j 1 oh lies t. r lie tole in d »t I’s nue ol> de men what is predi- [lo-O'l !•' lei I line oh d.oe lies lots not nd 1 <an’c 1'elp hit.’ on now and get ilia: s d- i warrant !i,v BEACTtFUL SENTIMENTS. IQWUitimLittlil ' HITlIM I i tJAfer-iA.Het 1 v ^efijtirioreHfr One sometimes finds a gem among the castaways of tho forgotten years. The following congratulatory letter to u young lady ou the evu of marriage is venerable, hut is good. Tlio gcbtle heart that indited it, with the bride and her maidens, may have pursed away with the flowers that perfumed the past; but the “old, old story” is tab! as sweetly now as then, and the same stately ceremonies usher in the event which links the destinies ef two hearts: ‘I ain holding some pasteboard in my hands—three stately plucking* from the hush ot ceremony. I am gazing up< n a card, and upon a name —a name with which your gentle life began ; a name with which throbbing heart was lost. There is nothing strange about that curd. The maiden sign still looks up from it, calm and customary, ns it looks on many a friendly visit, as it lies in many a for mal basket. ‘I am gazing, too, upon a card where the nearer parent tells worf and is another card whose mingling there put a tongue of fire into its speechless pasteboard. It tells us that feeling is maturing into the tiny, and that these cards arc hut the pale heralds of the coming crisis when a hand that lias pressed friend’s hands and plucked flowers, shall close down on one to whom she will bn a friend and a flows er forever after. ‘I scud you a few flowers to adorn ! the dying moments of your single life. ) They are the gentlest type of a deli- I eate, durable friendship. They spring 1 up by our side when others have de serted it, and will lie foiiud watching me, vou scoundrel,. over our graves when those v.ho ■"> duty to have J „|iot:ld have forgotten us. ' ‘It seems meet that a past so calm — a certain amount and pure as yours, should expire with *orM. and | a kindred sweetness about it; that ’‘TIIE SCX IK> Jtlivn.” averse aEpx.mpp^jtyrrHat. ^fW»T»w> bee* Mshil- tfttWtw, la ■ inshinesnd inpliykv, Sm<^?r*t bcAMtiHIM.‘fiMitinitstrjM . Iu inu’.icy we plajixL f/. 1 Biitwl'dhft**dwell* within A cJoud it* ut» thy broc : •j- ’save b^t n tv?-- !• ,icr— S:mll a ifjjlit » ; xfi, u* W'Vfl Wwiinvc-W. ti si? t"CTther; ,AVluv.t audited ut little jeet-; For tho fount of hope w.u* fftisihinp, | ) Wunawid jnyno* m <»nr brearti*. Fiit Ittnchter now lmth fled tljy lij», • And inlleo fflborftt* ?hj brnV; We have been frieti't* together— f K!i iM a light word part iu now f Wc have been fad together— We tuive wept with bitter tears, 0‘or the crass-j-rown gritvcji where slum bered The ho|>o* pf early jean, The voice* which nre *ileut there Would bid thee dear thy brow ; We luvo b”en *ad cojrethtf—• Oh I wh:it nliall [.art Ut» now f ALL SORTS. A tide's tongnh'ia about one-lonrlli is a man of sixty-eight years, large I”! un ‘“cb '' 1 length. Its stinger is and powerfully built, black as ehonv I a ” oul a ml ‘ u l°"f?' « aud wears silver-rimmed spectacles, j The French 'hinhassador to the which give him a veaerable appear- j Vatican lias lean instructed (0 pres ance. Comincucing in an almost in- j pare the Pope lor the revision of the articulate voice, lie makes sumo in-! ,.nnb„-,i.t ’ ■anrkaMi' Cu<onsI Preacher. Csmapondenco nt'tap ..imyr-Joumab : Richmond, Y'a., April 5.—Your correspondent, noticing the revived t terest attending the announcement ih at the Rev. John Jasper would, for ilie last time, preach his famous see ■non on “Relation of the Situ,’’ wended his way tliit.her yesterday The day was oppressively warm—-the church more so. Ho was fortunate enough to secure a scat in a w indow, to the windward of tlu> dusky congre gation. However, on this, occasion there were a great many white pets .) sous present whom the church treats very civily, reserving for them the best scats. Tho choir is a represent- 1 ative negro choir—no instrument, hut j keeping the perfection ol time. Without unnecessary delay, Mr.! Jasper commenced hi* sermon. 'He' ire the nearer parent teds Ute articulate voice, he makes some til— J contordat,' hl shq..until Hon.e’oaenlhy; trwductbiy renuritrataunr W* sUrinim’,'* ' V that is nothing new. But there anioDg wliicli was one to the effect ; ®)’ command ol i-ejc irfC^ueeii Victoria, a that when he said in the course of Ids 8t “ ile cross has been erected on the sermon “dat de sun tlo move.” he ! where the Prince Imperial lost wanted the congregation to know 1 ^ l *’* ‘*f‘‘ ' n ^uzulund. M lat ho meant “do eun i/o's move.” j T| le Honaparlisls are filling their That lie “Wasn’t much on grammar, i wa y to propaganili-in in Paris by only liaving enough education to tell j convening uieettiios in artisan quar- sinners de liebben, un’ keep 1 ( ers ’em Iroui going to hell.” He started out with a general history of the di ! e Mobile and Ohio line is ars world lrom Abraham—his voice be- ra "^. : "K au exclusion from St. Lmds coming more full and his articulation *° ‘lavana, Cnlia, to start about more distinct. Hi* desert tive poiv- -April oth ers are line, and he had ricited the ■ Tho Agence Russia claims autliori. attention of the audieuce before |iru- ty for totally denying the report that seeding live minutes. He remarked Prince Gortscluikofl is iilxiiit to re- ■ t miiiagiug Of c -or-c tins niv i: u. ‘You die v.r I'll vour arrest. ■I’ll do . dar. je-s : R ise m.c .lie! 1 Iu- iei >i!e iiaiigi:.’ sundown di- I- rie-t I d iii di th. occupation of liiut country by tbe I vvliC11 s)ie lie ., nl lnv ’ V( , icc . ollt8 jj e ’. j ,j! ( |’,' u n ‘my^chei-K’ :Ul ' i l,e honorable,_ should he cordially consented. Rjis-iaii*. Gentlemen, you can i.ardly conceive ! c; n( . e 1 |, lVt . hceu i mm I never re *he snhicoi ot sl.aine and ridicule. A '(to, Matilda,’ said I, and stay : ! how great an affection 1 had tor her. | ' niemIier shedding' , hem hut t a ice, "T'n !‘ rT "‘T* th " Wur!l ‘‘ '‘V'' 1 ’ I "* V" ‘I'rt’ y °. U ' What does the Atlanta Vonttilu- \ To love and he loved, will soften, I n „.i ,l,is<ci* th,. first on-ision Wl„. a "o all delight in the companionship I as though you would like to stay t;..u mean l.y triing to excuse Mr. i measurably, the hardest nature,! glll . )lH< | i,, |10 „,, M l a „d Ida,ik'.-te 1, s . v " l* Ul!K! ? wuh mooiL. An little longer, stay, my dear, slat.’ v .mild the Geor- I th ?“8 h >“*'«• only s,.„.' wimt recover, d her ^ ... '’4'! L. i^'.' , ‘a o b "f. V± itEt.if or coi.t .uni's. that some ineu sav that .Moses went sign, to hell. “Now, breddreu, 1’it give you de doctrine on dc sub p et. In tie transfiguration on de M run’, tic Bible tells u- that Moses and K-in-npp aie-i to de deeiph s. Aud uoiv, lio.v iu de ■lowers and music, kind friends and i name of Hod, could Mo-es lime coine earnest wnnb should conseciate the from hell out ofde clouds;-'” hour, when a senliiiient is pa.-sing into Anyone w ho says that John Jas- a saeraineiit. | per can’t reason, is very much mista-' severe weather roaches nearly k’0,000 ‘The three great stages of our I ken—though, perhaps, unc'-n-eiou/ly, being are birth, the bridal and the iie arranged his seron a on the ba-is mi, hut lim' d. To the first we bring only | of a logic.u syilogi-m. U * mnjoi •I. Stoh-1 uckne-s. tbr the last we hav. noth- I ptemises wac “'I’n.uti v,-r « e learn 'vorid. in-g hut ou-t. lint here :* tile altai : from tile Biblr, a« Christia’ s, we are ' 1 ’ life joins life, the pair come| bound to bilieve it.’ minor i'iie lid.le teac* cs us that move, and then-lore, ers ot tl:e Bible, wo must b- - iu ve in the rotation of (h i sun.' haps be mixed l:is pritni-rs slightly aud reached his coueliislou a littla too soon, but none the less correctly did be Ibllow the rules ot llaiuiUou and mean New eonib’s failur gi ;l Western Kiilroail? Can it be po-sibl- tlial the gentry around the ('••n.<tihi>iiu, office are interested in 11„. stork m ii ki t Tiiis am-ther Gem puzzle. build the Geor- i ll, ?"S h lhu c * of ,h:11 lov *’ l,e onl I an-1 had “ horstx 1 breath, sbe “Uear! li»*ar. ei*?»«! the I re«s«lent, ht*ai ! liear!’ 1 "I l»**lieve v sliouMrr mat * vl.r\Kt In r m>sc over mv niul I iai'l imv cb'H ks ai;atii«t her*. I *tamlimr thus are correct—I !»e- ! when a KenUa kv vernier a<ked my irmaned Mr. S.|iiiz- |ir j Ci . f 0 r her. I answered. ‘Tin* Sia’e : of Kentucky * . lie had won for n •». . «yarrived, .‘fhewa-en eight tliotrand. >\x iiundred, and tie : " i te fVV a K :llll! ‘ t riiDDing Ht*.ck sta k e: *.’ The penth man sindinulv re Sun ]l'»\le ‘r >.11,000 hehind with ; of Kentnckx, and ! a new candi- | f 1. J d-dn’f w nt t*> sell \rrv the State .ml Fulton eoi-uty. Sam da, ; f L i f«> r i: ,, ”U“ r8 . »ith«nt a reeof'i- ! L l, and, after examining her ita:tk« ot teei tainly ! |*" ve >'' m ar ”’’ “The . oppoied thn.-e things that lie ought not to hnvu isiiqiend an .-n th. ,< be mieht " 11,1 ncr "ght. iniiscuhir jockey Mack said to Jack. ‘Diddied.i ii witm ut . , K . m Hue and white, upon her hack, I L. mr y. .j „ n | v „,ar thee for ma il played thought she looked grand, while, with I M|s „ | 1( .„ ] ,jdos her,’ replied the thing- that lie ought not keen eye, she watched The naste-1 tions. She knew ver played open. the prepnra- I jockev, and. windinu my a'in. paste- «*»"’•• ol,B anew very well that it |, er head, 1 said to Kilt\: 1 was ii(>r prMt dav of trial r.nd wlu-n *.t. i 1:1 ... ... . .1 ’ . ...l.m !.... Mat f pa till- tin founts with t* ihe alt* mi’*n o! tiie i AtU'.U U 'i 10 hu lio-sf troisi hi’* i i^hh*r th been cr \ in^. II > v 1 olisi rv* ii ia our the u 1 Ixt iiie. a vivid ianoy, hi:ht »»r urivf', i* j atniicncv Hi arcs thete i-" a neuh t i and and tin* it cnu'lios-, A , alternately, to heiffhis Site told me to stop talking and the ipii Hide of reason;. up -•’ta i's and get her red tiauuol uij:ht- ilevatiiiff opLMis the cap ami that f*ag of j»«*!ii.y»ro«'ai h»r W hen «•; . V , . Ik tine ver nad-; ihrohhing up to tho holy man, , , . _. ... rd h n *.* hunt 1 perini; the deep promise that arm* , the sun • j ouch with the other’s heart to help on | I in **hc life struggle of cure ami duty.* ‘ ‘The beautiful will bo there, bor« rowing new beauty from the scene— tha gay and tl e frivolous will look sob iuu for once, and youth will come to gaze on nil that its sacred thoughts pant fo.—an l ago will totter 14 Xatur.i d tiiev answer dru'o-ss r -tiirns 'lener is at once i s, to conceal ir Aunt Abigail. My wife is a very smart worna.i She win a ILxter, ai"l the Baxter.’* wit u very Muart family, i tide oil, lli*t ••t that he ha* mother, win* is « «pi* nt'y this IS *s, w hen a rich 1 fruited to tin iV t t-» appluni i l‘ 'turoundirg art. brimful o tiL its mai-turo to th ccionaUi fry III! le slapjacks now than h.iit tin ti pi !ii»j‘. d-i:;» city girls who rattle on the piano, or ib* waik tlio btreels witii their lurbelow-o'.nd fixings, pivtendn.g to get mad it a youth looks at Un in prcity bard, \»ut gelling mad in i»— :?-*t if you don’t m»ti» c: Un in at nil. Ah ! girls ain’t what they used to be men 1 was voung, n.ul tiie f How The Monitor ot Martinique print* an interesting story niamt the finding of au an dim* 'M’io.iging to tho ship upon winch (.'hr stopher Columbus siiiml oil hi* third voyage of discov ery to the N w World. On tho night ol August 1, 1498,savsthc Monifcitr. . . ,, ... .» n a , 1 ; . \ uivt ti the ctairtu. borne will ween tho >111tie©- hao coon* to an anchor; , 1 • , HI tl,es...,U.w.--tetl, ex'remitvuf tliel'Tl d " e u ' , ", (!!!,burs » Is.aml.tTii.iwIa.i, to which the nav- w' 11 lal, g'‘.« . lit were a joke; but guage, chapter amiI verse .with won ,r ■ ...I ......... 1!.,. A. I two must stand by it, tor it is Jate, not i ilertul accuracy. \\ lien lie readied \Va«liin-.'i'„i Irving ‘relates i.""’ Il ‘ is tverlaal,I, S locking of their j tins passage he suddenly dropped his t i:u Columbus, win. was a v. rv poor -leejier, s'lil.ltulv iieanI a triglittul enough, his sermon near the old words repeated over j binged un his minor! Hi. most r/.n- agaiu, that to their own iives have elusive argument was, nt course, the standing stiil td the sun i.n.t moon. liv 1 Thu San Francisco hoard of super visors has passed an order increaa ng the police lorce, over the mayor’s 1 veto. li is estimated that the loss of stnek on tin- winter ranges in Idaho mid 1 eastern Oregon hv reason of the lute wen ' head. An iri-h convention will lie held at Philadelphia, June -1, to take iiun-- iiros in stir up the Irish peiqdo throughout the woild in behah of the 1 liherrtion of Ireland from Briti-li ml •. Littlefield, w’l-o mis ni'niii.ated f-r Per- governor ol lthode i .an ' bv tbe Re publicans Inst week, is ci.uig •! *v the Providi'iiee Star with paving c 000 for the imnor, to tne iiia. tin.i_ managers. Be patient. Wait. Don’t fret over last summer’* ne hi 1. Scientists tell n- tftal in IT 000,000 years ice sixteen feel thick will envelop this planet, and tlu-'.i the ice iuji.’s ex tortion will end. Au auctioneer, while engaged in his vocation, thus exalted the merits noise, apparently coming from the south. Rushing oii'ih ek. lie saw roll- ing toward him a wave as huge as a mountain, which threatened to sub- me-ge . tie fleet. Ali bauds thought their ia-t hour had come, but. the only I narrntjve style, and the unquestioned 1 o> a car|>ei: “Gentlemen ami ltidii s, ‘And now can you, who have queen- j natural eloquence of the man blazed ’ at/ne ldiks sell carpels fot Brussels, ed it over so many bended forms, cau I forth. With wonderlul intensity of fcht I can most, positively assure you you come down at last to the frugal ! voice, swinging hi* arms aloft iu the that this elegant anie'e was made by diet of a single heart ? 1 passion of the moment, he repealed: Mr. Brussels himself.'* •Hitherto you have been a clock j “.Sun stand thou still upon Uibeon, T1 , e m: , mi f ac ture of sporting i.„- g.ving your time to ail tne world. | and thou moon the valley ot t <m accolll t ot Vhe «aiui„g Now yon are n watch buried m one i A|alon,” and passing on rapidly to ; lop; ,: dritv ul <iut .,| oor f „ ort s i, be- HIIS. I if> >• V • '/> 111 1. 111 j’T tin* ilvto Iv lii.'Z lia 1 ‘ • *. « •- . Zululand k-eu a heavy burden to her re ly, as slit- van never hope to put anv use again. . I , - - against her I have seen on i VV as voung—not more than tw- ntv- tt nas prooa | ll||g yer course, but I reckon she’ll (bur, ami superintended, personally, w,n '’ all the arrangcnienls regarding her “ ‘And what makes you think so ?’' animal. She went heavily into the I asked. | pix.'s, l*v her agent, against t sweet-si Words in sdv.-iy tone-. They tw are the messengers ofgiicl, ei-ntris e- tioli, of bapp'ii' ss aid love. If there were wanting any argium lit tliut man rtal we w.-ul.l look foi eo.d M V-HINKTOX MITES. ‘“Well, first, I know how to rule I i le( whom {"hacked strongly, of < 8 >‘ o: mortal we wmild look fot u u. her,’he remarked with pardonable ' course. During most ollii-time she t, \° cu "V ,il ‘J'« • ol the breast tone! a these e. the O'Vi.t 1,100 ih tive form. Sviiur Acostino it while making some excavations iu his John H. Craig, know n as the‘Hen- vanity; fot lie did ride well. ‘Then w;ls ou Uie field in a close carriage, ——- I she’s go’, good hoi torn, and last, I nn ,l j„ st Ufore the race l*gan, drove After the army bill the navy appro- ; which is the biggest card, she’ll kecji! ,| uun t() u, e track and beckoned to p: i ithm bill vv ill ooin« np, and will I cool. Why, she’s knowed this thing i h, r rider, who brought Revenge m. to I, , ve c,, idcralion during two even- » as ” omin ’ ‘»r seme time; but after j where she stood. Her back was to- ... | you’d come and see her every evenin’, | Will j me, as I watehcl her through mgs m xt we. k. j she’d rest jist as easy—only dreamin’. nl y J,; as ,. I 8art - her mare throw her S.. lav, less than (ifiv sjieeial act a little, and sleep as sound as it she head up and down, and Jack told me turn-ion c-t-e- have been disposed of by j wa * winterin’ over. l)o vou see that afterwards, that Madame had said : \ ; horse yonder? That’s Lightning— \-You will win this race, won’t yn tlo- ll"U-e till- sc. sion. I e one of the fastest. He II be the favor-; Kevenge?’ and tiie animal had md- ahoiit 2,(100 more aw viting action, j |„ lt he’s nervous. If you go up t ded at a wave of her hand. Then I Night s- -sioiis will liegin soon tor the ; and examine, you’ll find the veins ; s,,,.- ; )er ta ke the animal's n"se in h r of this class of busi- 01,1 M ie . raUi ^ ,t ’ i 1 twitching, and ! delicate palms, and lav her veiled ; the ears jumping back and tiirward all ! P h,. e k against it-face. ’Then wlm. Ihe time. He didn’’. sleep a wink ,|iu bell rang, she patted its neck and i dis- la-t night. Kitty isn’t troublin’ her- 1 W t-nt ofl'qmetiv to its place. Tiie iligniiy of the House was tin h.d on Tuesday hy a “You lie, you sell—wish you’d just stand by her j “There was a seml-offthe first trial, .... i 5u . m<wl ol ,lu ' li,u< b l^re the In fi rings and at the lir-i quarter, Kilty wa» vilhan,” im-ulent. But. were _ rallk | U(I H ,-ld Bet y» .r boi- : | ea di„g bv half a length, with Re- made, the /.<r«r,l “corrected, to t ot „ dollar on the fi Id.’ _ : venge'pressing her hard. Away rolled slum that one member never said “The |H) iqiened. 1 didn’t have niadanie’s carriage to a point midway w l,.„ he did sav. and everything was much money ; but for every five with in the last quarter. She got out and which I hacked the field, there were ' ,,,uxl on tin edge ot the track. I again. forty for Ligh.mng uml Flyaway, could see Kiltv about a neck ahead, The Senate lias spent the week in first and second choice. as they pass <l' the last quarter pole, ul Secre-, “Mv ft lends told me t" go in | )U j j 118l wnen tht-v w.-re <>p' heavy, and they would see me m adaiiie, Jack said 'she slioi.ted' 'Re- - . . . : , , through. Well the poals close.! tor; ven ge’ The aiiimal strained every vere!v erllleised, and will undergo j tlie fir<t | lt . at) t |, c bell rang, and the j i„„"|e at her voice, and there was th won lust ni-Mit? in.l it will j*ive ;i ilown t»» tUmtvr \ beau?* left over front v»*>torelay.* Well, well, I they enjoy theiiH- Ives, aii'l it ain't for iis ul l lolk*, when tie tollma ns ot f*e!iiu; are ri'iiiir :iml when tea s are pushing tort’ii i- < h y^tal streams. O, sj»e:tk not hnr-vbW •••*' the mlieken olie — we«-jiino in Silencr! Lieak n.»t the ^leumity by lauvht-r «.* in.uiV.vt: Let the voice of euu lolrnct* be *tille«l ( lor it is not netateil. De- my hair as \i «litl thirty years ago. spi e not true womauV fears—th -vare As 1 «ai»l before, toy wife is a very **hut tuak her an H’-^el —seotl* nut if! sm u t woman, but she couM eoi he tlio stern heart of icauaootl is some- anything else ami be a Baxter. Sue times rnelte 1 to tears of sympathy— u-ol to give lecture* on Women’- they are weal hvip l.» elevate him Rights, amt iu one place w tie re she a ho vo tilt* brute. Tear* of atlbction left ureil a hi;* college cotifVrreil the to gmar i his weak points, are |>ain!ul tokens, blit stiil most holy, title **f L. L. 1)., on her. Bui die cent trial in court ihe If there were none on earth to nheil a woulun’t lake it. tear for ti*, we shmiM be loth to liv**,, ‘No ircntiemen,’ she sai 1, ‘give it ami if n<» one uii^lii \ve«‘j» over our to the poor.’ vr ives w e e.»ul«l never die in peace. 6he was :.lways ju-t so charitable. All wim '.' nil them m«-t apj reemie She give my b»»ya |>erinis-h>n to «.o the beai.ty oj the iinc-: bar« ioo all winter, and in.-istel upon •*Tcnr*i-i«l c n*.ru! I know u»t wtmt v«*- tiit-ku. 1 it *o inusn ii. her kind way that they r j,J u” 1 itl'a J u!!'iiT r , ,ur divi,,e *‘ r i couldn’t ret i>«». \v1 i.i,'.triu/.‘.Vih?hu'.py'l.unurn. fteWs «>'« fi*»riv doles iv children, and And dri-a.iiim oftlie mat are i.o inure.’, I’Ve SeCIl lie!' many It time go til llu-ir truwser’s I lockets and take .,ut tin'ir been found alter all nies by S-'tior Agostino, t Arena-’1’nint. It weighs IntTr-tlug and is of decidedly prnni- V Hie u.sKiru which SO powerfully afl'ects the negro. »ity to those who have acquired the ' ' 1 Folding his arms, lie sways his body habit, cigar* may be sold on Sunday. ketch of a Man Weighing TJO | to and fro, keeping time with Ins The court hold*! tha- “whatsoever is I'l'oml-. " | words. He breaks out iuto a song, necessary and proper to do r.n Sun- “isaiali went to hehben iu a chariot ; ,a .v to supply this constant daily need of lire,” and then suddenly resuming is a work ot necessity within tbe lair . meaning oftlie statute.” HE ItEMEMREItEH EXACTLY. A lying witness wiil nfien tell : cry glib story, but lie generally tail At plaee in attemptin alibi: Aitoi tit-y .S —Yoi plowed for The Tihyrojih (t«</ .VwM«iijrr re lates this anecdote.ot a Griffin judge: “A certain judge went up from Griffin to Atlanta the other day, and meeting a friend on the streets asked, at the Centennial Exposition, and ^nVi^'firsl>’ All This in perfect ‘‘'V>>at the world arc yon tloing in while there was presented with a fine ■ ,h vt h n i, catching his breath with badge costing 8125 by the Knights ot | elH ] , r , ls . Pythias, ot which h« is n member. In I The neg the inscription the loilges of Red Men, j ,|f )al „ „t ’the church—powerfully ; Knights of Pythias, and Independent j wrolI ., ht uji—eyeballs distended and a, ,. r .. °. r '. lt T °. f Odd Fellows all credit him j .listening. “Glory to God,” “Amen” A,u * k ! Wllh being the largest member of tl.ose | are |, eara f r0I „ different parts ot the „ | order* in the Uuttevl Slates. Mr. Craig ] cLurtrlt. The ]>rcauher continuing iu • • u “ | i* six ted four inches in height, weighs I this 8ll !1 i n , indulges their feeling^ for TflOpounds, measures84inches around i 8ome villlu .,„d thvn doses rather ab- the chest; around the waist 78 inches; i rU |, t jy „„ “Oh, I am here at work; trying to Hie scene is thrill- raa ke an honest living.” es use to tlu-ir feel m “Then,’’ said the judge moving off, “you are sure to succeed—there is no competition.” AH WIM. BAPTIZE’.). that KUis nlowe.lfiw yon ell.Uy.Millie ofj nii „ u . tls j ... , “ , , NovemWi ? i orf * s J As .1 Miccnneii 01 11.D0111, Mi*. Augusta Carto leil & yom«*4 Witl ess, referring to his note - s lr V,',‘ w vated eloquence, Ins prenching is utis Chin a m; , u into the Sabbath school of i,,,.,!; y„» tccm.ider.ible trouble sometimes in surpassed, luc excitement ot the! o. e Trinity- Baptist Church sixteen 0 . .... . . ... . | measuring 111m tor a *mt ot clothes. .,„ r . .).,. all-absorbimr'' C .. ' V > zieen S.-\\ m l he do on the :10th ? u',.;i.. i nt 8 roe '’ tht . ,n,t " Re ’ a ." al)sor , "?g ! months ago. On the next Sunday Ccrrninny as Perrornnsl C|nhi Mr-. t'nrtiA Young (,'hlnfse Convert. tv itxr ititim;t.s .across the jokii.v. W.— We S —< III tl W—Tha dli'l'pi d e 31*1? wood. ci.i-iderii.g the agreement . l:., v s.-hiirz. The document is se* vial modifications. With charac- horses gatherid. They listic disregard of the proprieties, dcrfully excited—mile stood quiver- : 1 .1. ci.ui. ing, with eves full of fieiv, iiupa- eeietniv Sehurz minted the Cliiefs , _..i ._..i novel sight Between Lake Tili.-rins and the De:ul Sea there is, at present, but one bridge over the Jordan, and that is t two thorough-lireds Jler Mojainicli. almut siv miles south pennies, alter they’d got to sice|>, and went squirrel linnti put them in the bureau drawer for tear they might hue them during the uiglit. iiiUiiv, -tii.1 oftlie >'i-a ot Galilee, dust below this lakc.are the ruins of once fine Ro ut .11 bridge of feu arehe-s, which was. I starte I tc fell youalsiut my wife's! t-oir but the f. ct is I never could find out nmeli aln'Ut it myself. uod time. She I" the 33d? 1 and he shaved loultt, on the main route from Ti-' ! Iwlievn she had it _ erias and Tarieli. a to Gadara and j *= ame l,ac,i '«>l»»ved in lie ) th, ar.d I he ea-teru cities and plains. On the 1 f0,111,1 ”" 1 ,,u, ‘T e 1 > a,, b(, « n ' 11 ' the ea-lern cutes aim p._ , Mei.adli'rvli, or ancient Ilieromax. or ' house tueutv-lWur hours, that slied Then, while the Yarmik (tor the stream is known liy H a '"«i '» Mrengtli also. I don’t say gro Jill walked her alsmt a circuit, all these nan es), n hicli >.,tlie first ti il'e \ l,oar J f” UIKl 11 °" 1 — 1 ‘ 1 ''M‘ 1 y *W J droi>|>e<l t .ami they gal* , ma«latnr phi in her carriage, and each niary «.f the Jordan on iheeas?. below ! ^ uu,u * In conclusion, l would - — - • r .. .» i*wi • • • * •• '•*-*" '•***!»».* >ia r ry your p «x»t o . ... r ..... have t. ar.d only other row the money to do it. VAl.l'E OF A SINGLE LET 1 Eft. file Alwnre ef nn • S —What dM he do on the 32. W.—'lie thrashed wheat ou that .'.ay, S. What did he W.-%It was raiuiu out s*> :.e handies. S,—What did lie do on the 34? W.—lie chopped wood. S.—\V hat did he do on the — ? Bat before the question could he finished tin; witne s’ wile seized him by the collar and whisked him out side oftlie uilniss hox, yelling in his affrighted ear: coming in on the home stretch witli- I out whip or spur. Thtir uoses brake tience. Six of them gatliereil for the the line so nearly at the same instant, away fr.:n Washington as soon as ! 8l art. I could set Jack patting Kit- | that the judge pronounced it a tie. they had signed tho agreement, as-' ty on the neck and talking soothingly Away went mndaiu's carriage down -urn ■» them that Congress'voul'l up- to- her. ‘Now, quiet, Kitty, , t h s track, and 1 could see her groom . , ..." „i, „ L h«J done *»«>••’ Hue ear was hut back toeatch 1 a |„,„gi„o ami blanketing, whit I’ " “ " ' his tones, and the other lorward on ; caressed the animal * the track. ALLIttATIHts HtTt'HEI) BY A HEX. , “The lla = - „ — , .. ,, I loped forward to the send-off. Hornet, i llme the animal came around, it the ol Tiberias, there is a bridge of| to atl yming m m : .Harry . \ l iilv re-iditc at Cow Island, in j Kitty,’ I beard Jack sav, as lie reined , hrilst ; s in at the open t’oor for five arches, -it iate l only a few miles i l " ,iu iirsl » a ”’| keep mil o. debt are only tb'rtv-.uie days m tbe month 1 , oi-i I and wTsldng W art a hen, I her up. There were several lagging, | w , lile ha „ds to rub its face. j f.»u. »be point where the two rivers hy all means, even .t you have to Ik,.'- «f November!”- .1 intn’tiio field adp.i.iin''lier resi- ! while one of tbe favorites anxious tor j “This horse made me fe.1 uneasy. . unite. 'I tie next, ar.d only other rj " ll, e money to do it. ; i .vt..i..s...neofiierohiek*usliad the lead, dashe.1 away lot a hundred | It’s disposition was too like Kitty’s, bridge ot which there is, at present, ■ Yesterday s.t the matinee along, ’ » - » e.L Ixulora k<> OAtilil liA olinflfnil tinvl i ■ i > 1 . „ j tV .. l.-J ». t ! •*•»*• 11 m o ia ran* n<iw tti miiu «|* ^||g | VALUE OF A S|\(iLE LETTER* j gft’IDt llldl%*i<lll!tl f Wltll fls thill RS hiffi I — •— | whittled matches, came into the thca- She-! Ah-rare of an jj*" Jn a Wor.1 Involving tro st-o.1 in front «f suite gen- This * . L ’ lleiuen, shutting out their view of the work, ] Ftmu the CkvtlsnJ llenlil. stage. O.le of the party said: “It tensive A siugle letter is at the bottom of ' you gue— wbat that is betore us, I’ll • east the litigation iu the Case e-Lile. The 1 put a talid on i:.” While being me umred for a coat y es terdav by a tailor the latter had to measure part ot the u av round him, . aud then ei.alk it and take a fresh start. Twenty-one yards ot c'oth are required lor a suit. His hand is very small, only a No. 8 glove being used, l and a No 9 shoe covers his feet. His j hat measures 7 3-8 inches, lie cau not sleep iu au ordinary bed, and rc- ! quires two chairs for a scat. His * muscles are hard and he possesses immense strength While traveling over the Alleghany Mountains, dur ing a recent trip, he sometimes stalled Lite horses while climbing up the steep sides. Mr. Craig is very jovial, wealthy, and takes thing* easy, is , , kind-hearted and noted for his benev- “ i on o'.i 'o..1 .l.,u’t y.'U Miow tl erc , 0 , ellee „ is w . jfe u very large, weighing 307 pounds, is only five feet two inches in height, aud only meas ures ninety-eight inches around the raist. — Cincinnati Times. A HU E LADY. We are beginning to value thingssc- ...rdiug to tlieir worth; bring stripped ot its Aim .. .l tradition* are |ias*ing away. i We have le imed that a milliner can ; I... a lady and wmk at her ladv-like I.ale, forieilin^ftAppP nfir mov ing down one inch esluoalKm ».t -fusible timpW We have lenrmsl, too, that the wo man win, works in some honorable wav to maintain herself, loses none of the dignity ncr refinement ol true wo» manhood , mid is just a* much, even m .re, nn ornament'o her sex than tbe woman whose days are passs-d in indulgence. ,'laeed them under the h(n. ! " lien they reached the second And wiiatis more strange, the young quarter there w:ts a wide gap. be- ; follow tbe mother hen j tween three in trout and three be- ^ i .»h lmnnv me 1 saw through ray glass rjSWCCCSS«S!Ea !*■«twMw i ..tor.Kio uoiu i ■ ' and Flyaway was about a — j nrck behind the latter. Jack was ' leaning forward in the saddle; lie | didn’t touch the seal; he used neither "hip l,or M P“ r , but just palled heron ’ * . . the neck now and then, and I knew ” ’ he was •urging her only w;itii the words, ‘Now, Kitty!’ “Gentlemen, ]ierhaps none of yon have ever known what it is U> be in love with a burse, and can hardly a|>- preciate my feelings when I aaw her on the lead at the third quarter, un touched by whip or *pur. I felt that the knew who was waitiug to cares* and leel proud bf her when she came iu. 1 was compelled to gulp down my emotion and shade my eyes as 1 hastened from the *land and went beyoud il to greet her. I beard the people uDkiug and caught the expres aims, ‘Good mare!’ ’Best ride on tbe course!’ ’Who owns her?’ What’s iter name!’ Then a knowing fellow said, ‘Ah, Lightning and F ly away are just knocking the bottom out of her, while they put her up iu the pools for the greens to lose ou.’ Then I saw them straining on the homestretch. The excited crowd* were hushed iu silence—the race was so dose. . , ••J saw Kitty with a yard the ad vantage, her neck stretched out and her nostrils aflame—twenty yards ( flat ; hence lowed in Mudaroe’s clear, ringing j it w aa necessary to build a causeway, tones, with‘Now, for Revenge!’ There . which u s- d- ne at creat expense. I was something familiar in Madame’s t need 450 leel of tlii- causeway, or lone*. 1 hard v knew why I thought «t «*>»» uppioach, to the 'n idge, which of bar for whom she was named, Kit- was supported on arches, nine of which ty Wells. It was only tor au instant, remain. The original length ol this The race was absorbing—Kittio was | causeway was probably 100 or more beaten by a head. I fell that the race I feet greater than that indicated by was lost. Kitty would be discour- the figures which 1 have just given, aged. Poor Kitty ! Gentlemen I lelt The foundation of the abutments at more for her, at that moment, than the eastern i nd are still pertect. Tbe lor my anticipated loss of money—the j bridge ii*elt, over the river, must prospect of financial ruin. ’ * , have beeni not fat*’ from 100 feel in I had liet more heavily U|s»n her Three masked robliers entered the house of latum Heldomridge, a Hunk* .aid farmer, near N«w Holland, Pa., i„ uni h'ts aged sister and made him give up all bis money. They then snipped the house of silverware and other valuables, and as they left, eX- el.iiuied: “Godil-bye, old fraud; next time we call see that you have more money about you.” The rob ber* lie long to tlm Welch mountam gang, who liave been terrorizing East Pennsylvania. the litigation in the Cnse e-tile. The 1 put late Leonard Casezlying without a! “it's a plumb line somebody has will, and leaving no wife or children, j dropped down from tho Ihniily' cir- brothers or sisters, nephews or nieces, j cle,’’ remarked another, mid the thin io inherit, the heirship go;* backward. | man gan to move luble.' Here arose the puzz'e. The statutes I “Next to hoarding-house soup it’s say in one place, - “ancestors,” j the thinnest thing I’ve seen,” said a and in another “ancestor,” when de- j third party, and the slim man got un- fining the line of inheritance iu such I easy and *’>t down.—Houston Post. case*. It the riugular form expresses length. Formerly there were ruined than before. Again the veiled woman l , ' e . r ? in the stream, and my Arab and mvaeirstood bv tbe homestretch h’utdeslaaid they have bten washed Tho horse* came sweeping past neck !! °" “ h>' a "‘.* are ”<> h'"ger «*• by neek. ‘Now, Kiltie! Now!’ 11 .j . Tiie foundations on the western slionwd once more. One ear went »•«!« have likewise disapweired. Ro- back at my voice. ‘Once more for, ma " c,v,l, ”'' on , ''O’uamled the oon- Revenge!’ ahoule.1 Madame, and fol-' v ‘ " , 1 en “ *"•* .'"« ur . v «' substantial lowed it wit!, a clear, ringing laugh. ; r, .’ a .•. , .’• a,,d hndge*, and when some The voice so familiar again, but the I ” lv, ! ,ied l’ ow 1 cr *??"' « e, » ”°" trol of lace was hidden. ‘A verv close race ^ *. vr ' a and ll ‘° Ho| y Uod . »e may Madame,’ I rema.k.d, with as much ! cx I a;cl unnyetwnoea lor travel comiiosure ai I could assume, while I a ‘ ,d CHmaKr !° «** ared ' 1 At watch ed the horses <iear the line. l,le <’■««“ at Da.mel.aad also at Jericho, there are ferry-boats run •A strong rrpes, which are stretched across the river. Once in the Bible, when David returner] from Maha nniin, a ferry-boat is mentioned for ea rying across tne household and goods of the King (2 tram, xiv., 19). —Ex. ^^ • • Mel.e.ln, the pill-man, baa invented two or three wonderfully improved cannon, which are soon to have a pub lic test. “Yes, sir,” she replied, as she stepped iuto her carriage, *hut Re venge has won ’ “Yes, she had, by a head, and my pet was beaten. Before I reached where site stood. I caught a glimpse of Madame with her arms almut her mare's neck, and the bystand ers said she kissed her in the fai e. But floor Kitty. She stood fur a moment, very still, and then as I .approached shuddered and staggered tbe iiuauiug oi the trainers ot the statute, the properly is to bo divided anting the brothers und sister* ol Leonard Case’s lather and tlieir heirs. It the plural form, the relatives of the mother are included in the distrihu tion. The suits was brought by one of the mother’s relatives in order to have the question definitely and ami cably settled. Judge Joues held, on Saturday, that in accordance with old oustom and equitable principles the succession was ill the lather’s side only, and tiie doubtful word should be constructed in the sigular. The jsiiut is' an iuqiortaiit one, as estab lishing a precedent in tbe sett lenient of estates, and it is understood that tbe decision of Judge Jouis was not meant to be final, but merely as the first step toward bringing the .nutter before the Supreme Court at the ears liest practicable day. Thus a bit' of careless penmanship or bad proof reading, in iuserliug an unnecessary or Emitting that iitt’e letter when it should be used, is the cau-e of all this litigation, delay and ex- pense. Daring tbe past yean the daily re ceipt of dead-letters at Washington was-13,000. t 1 e lively click of the billiard ball* may iK-i-alied -‘tiie mu-ic of the rplier.”—tomford Ailc*s-ate. H ho gave veil that cue?—.Yeti' YorkEties. Some"fellow who didn’t mnim much about it liim-elf, pioltlb.y. — Keokuk dote, City. Not by a 'ong shot; it was the fellow with the bridge of siz . — Yonkers tlnz. tte. We’ll p 'ck- et this before it goes any further.— Keokuk Gate City. What’s all this chalk about, imyiiou? - Salem Suit- beam. Why, only a tew scratches, but they count. The total value ol Hie merchandise imported by the United States dur ing the seven mouths ending Janua ry 31st, 1880, was *341,789,320, against *252,145,147 for the reven months ending Januar.. 31,18TQ. Tbe value of our domestic exports during tbe seven mouths enfitog January 31st. 188(1, was *483,397.(192, and during the seven months ending Jan uary 31st, 1879, *421,40(5,447. ax OIHOIS COMPARISON. It was a calm, still night, a soil air played caressingly with the tresses of a lovely girl, and the moon shed its rays over the raidant brow of her lover. Her small brother, meanwhile, just home lor the holiday*, was acci dently wandering iu quest of a but in the neighborhood, when he heard tbe voice of his si-ter and lietrolbed.— Prompted b\ the natural curiosity ol youth he lingered to listen. After a few inarticulate muimurs, he became conscious of the sounds of osculation, and enjoyed his position exceedingly. Later in the evening he met tbe pair at tea. •I heard you kiss F’red,’ Ite abruptly remarked to bis sister. ‘What do you mean you rude boy? 1 cried the sweet girl, turning scarlet. •Oh, it’s no use denying,’ replied the brother; ’you can’t gammon me. 1 know the sound, you know. Ii was just like a cow pulling tier foot out ot a mud hole.’ Ih s is no instance of a comparison which was odious. ago. earnestness of ll.e preacher, aud tile ti u . young Celesliai brought, two of d.u'k weird surroundings, all combine his countrymen. The class has grown to make a picture so singularly fasci- until there are now about thirty names listing that oticc sou it wi.l never lie upon its roll. All of them do not at- forgotten. | tend every Sunday, as several live _ vTviiTixr ^^r" | •"><• o' town. However, ono who l ‘ ' “ j lives in Belleville, N. J./is there reg- U.d vou ever hear two married wo- ula,1 T’ a " d - ano,her , W - ho hi -'* removed The Du lies- of Marlborough, wri ting to the Lord Mnvor ol London, says the distre.* ill Ii eland continues to be great, aud in sumo parts i-Jin- orcasiug. A pair of honeymoon travelers ar. rived at Cambridge, Ohio, and at tracted the admirin ' attention of the people at the hotel by their loving de meanortoward each other. The bride war a gentle young creature, mid oh- viously devoted to her husband, while he looked after her with the teuderast solicitude. One morning at . the breakfast table the other guests were astonished aud indignant at seeing a stalwart womau stride into the room, seize tbe delicate bride by her golden hair, yank her off the chair, and scratch her face; but they were less sympathetic on learning that the chas tiser was tbe tuau’s with, and that he had eloped with tbe chastised. men take leave of each oilier at tiie “ate ol a summer evening? This is the way they do it: ‘Good-bye!’ ‘Good-bye ! Come down and see us right soon.’ ‘1 will. Good-bye!’ ‘Good-bye! Don’t forget to come soon.’ ‘No, I won't. Don’t you forget to come up.’ •I won’t. 15c sure and bring 8ally Jane with you next time.’ ‘I will. I d have brought lier up this time, hut she wasn’t very well, sj'-.e wanted to oome awful bad.’ ‘Did she, now ! That was too bad. Be sure and her next time.’ I will. I forgot to tell you lie’s cm another tooth.’ Yoil don’t say! llovv many has he got udtv ?’ •F'ive. It makes him awful cross.’ ‘I guess- it docs, this hot went her. Well, good-bye! Don’t you forget to come down.’ No, I won’t. Don’t you forget to come up. Good-bye!’ And they separate. HAPPY THOYGUr. , I’lir.. ('.per. We commend to aufimur actors, troubled with bad memories, the hap py idea ot our friend C. Though still a young man, lie was to play the tilth- er, and the daughter chanced to be a very handsome woman. So when he forgot his part, he could think ol nothing better thau while holding his ‘child’ to say: ‘Kiss your father.’ And each time.when lie felt that his memory was about to fail, ho would save himself by crying out: •Cotuc to my arms, my uhilel.’ The husband of tbe daughter was heard to say that he thought, ‘the author repeated himself very often.* to Hartford since he joined the class, makes frequent join net's to this city that be may continue to get the teaching of Mrs. Cano and those who have, become associated wLh her in the work- These facts were related by tbe Rev. Dr. Janies B. Simmons in a sermon ou the “Chinese Problem.” At the close of the discourse lie bap tized Ah Wing, a convert. While a hymn was being sung sev eral of tbe Church officers assisted the sexton in removing the desk and other furnitures to tbe ends of the platform, and jn uncovering the basin lienealh it. A young girl und a mid dle-aged woman were Immersed first.. Then tho pastor descended into the basin with Ah Wing. In compliance with a reqmet made by the convert through his pastor, tbe congregation sang the first verse of the hymn be ginning: Saviour more tlnn life to mr, I am clinjrimr, diu^ing, iwoni* to thee; Let Thy preefoa* IhikmI applied, Jvovp me ever, ever by Thy eitle. Halting in the centre of the basin, the pastor asked the usual question as to the .convert's faith, and said: “Ah Wing, «j)on this, your profes sion Of faith iu Jesus Christ, I baptize you in tiie name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.” Alter • moment’s pause he laid the young man back into the water, then lifted him up, and the singing of his favor ite hymn was continued. Ai: Wing, who is said to be the first Chinaman convert iu this city t«> pub licly profess a change of religious faith, is 24 years old, und has been in this country eight years. His father is a man of letters in his native land, being professor io v collate, and the son is said to l>e unusually intelligent. He is om ployed an a decorator of cyrs by the John Stephenson Car Corapnuy. ’ Ilo received hi* training for that work in tbe Cooper Institute ArtSohool. rin, V-.ri *: Diplomacy is the lougtMl road be tween two given points. ‘Revolutionists,’ sa d Dutuav ‘art good deal like the aMeot-spi inklcis- - they can make it nimbly in sunshire, but they can’t make sunshine when il is muddy. Young lady to Scientific Teuton— But I thought yon were also a phy sician, Dr. Klibelscliueiizcr.’ Scien* tifij Teuton—‘Ahl yaw! I am a mods cine, hut I do no^ operate,’ Making annououeinenU from tbe pulpit has tpycome aq integral part of the morning iiud evening service in many churdie*. TtTs a convenient method hreothm nihating a fact to himilreda!h*:people; hut a preacher in Sharon said : lie did not propose to tarn his pulpit into a bulletin board, as there were three newspapers in tlio town, and in accordance with that declaration refused to give out the him tj(*pt handed to him by the sexten, • _ Til