The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, June 23, 1891, Image 5

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GREAT PROPOSITION — of Athens Banner, IN CONNECTION WITH OUTSIDE ATHENS, Parties redding outride the city can avail themselves offer by furnishing satisfactory reference of responsibilit monthly payments guaranteed by some responsible banker the lull amount is paid at once, in which case a deduction *2.00 on the Clow Binding, end $3.00 on the Sheep e . 'HENS BANNER : TUESDAY MORNING . JUNE 23,1891 ^ItlKER’S FRIGHT. !Th<"' Q^VEREt'X BLAKE TELLS HEP experiences. ;ht . t., Talk in Pnl>lle Sh. nbarraMMl uid Nearly bat l’r rZzZ'vAzT , 8tran S°« overpowering fS flST? ) hT ies8ionofme - E ™y SSJSr r 1 lud J no words and no 1 Beemed to be standing on a pnuaclein space; thousands of JLple iT!rL ! taPg UP / t me > stretching in endless rows to infinity. I gave a back- d fP air - Thepre- routent EodeaTor Bmufht siding ofiicer and the rh n j r where lay guf***** ,. ... , merican Pn*> Association.) m. a , , ”****? ou me assKsar=i^-f!i i- tl)l . ,. x j„.nse of liis audiences.** o**. : , ( . r u ,, n ]s were ever uttered. If V ” I ', or woman would become a *®y , m ‘ T i. f>r i r .t him or her constantly p, '“’ lK '^pnhlio speaking. A celebrated was once asked by a young rr’lnw' to achieve success. His sir,-— 1 !•:.,> ho aa element of impres- 1 in'the loud voice of soino “son wo have all been 1 i i,v,«ople who made such a uoise l * ire ! t * fly could not hear what they "'V'lmt i would nay rather to the jjdifnl inquirer. “Speak, speak. G’:; k ; u (i|t .,ii piissiblo occasions in sea- T.' l ,i out of season. At every ineet- *‘ n ‘,„v one will give you achance . — °— '■r D- ,"t be scornful of anyplace f ^°“ n ? ca, « e - ^ing me *I- Hk 1 whorever • w “ en ln the ful1 »wing of ft speech, and manuscript of my speech seemed to bennies away. All this while all thS lood in my body seemed to be r • my feet and thus leaving me, so that I almost looked to see if a crimson tide WMnotflowing over the edge of the I woTbeginning to grow numb and thought I should faint, when like a flash the thought darted into my mind what a theme this would be tor the reporters, and how the incident would be seized upon as a proof of the weakness of my sex With a mighty effort I rallied my forces, the blood flowed back to ray heart and 1 went on with my speech concluding amid much applause. No one in the least noticed my attack of stage fright, and all the emotions which to this day seem to have occupied a long space of time must have passed in half a second. Several times since I have had brief attacks of a similar tremor, coming on hjx'uk wherever people ! ln e , ® wln S of a speech, and " .kr who will listen to TStT* by a e2ort of e gaib.-r. .11 - ' u will, butlhave never had so severe a It j S absolutely the only way in «hkh to a-'-inin- facility of utterance. , r mv,-ar1v,bys«,f speaking I went to , v v qii'-er places simply because 1 U> l»,*«r.l. and often 1 have been 4,1 1 bv the a> r <mished faces of reporters p.,, ^claimed. "You here!” with elo- " vJ cwbrows. The places were al> ]«*ctable. of course, but they „ very unpretentious. Private practice will not take the place uunot bo eloquent way visitation as the first one. Probably the most absurd adventure I ever had in making a speech was fall • ,n K down on the stage. It was at Nunda . N. Y., in the rammer of *84, 1 think i Before I began my lecture, which was i delivered to a good audience in the Opera i house, I noticed that the carpet on the 1 stage had been drawn loosely over the hollow for footlights which contained no fixtures. 1 made a mental note to be **>*“* •* went on «*«**' hum have an audience. Nor , VuU |». t -.,me au orator by reading a ,'uvftilly pn-parcd paper or repeating a >:*-'>• \!1 cliKiiicnce that is worth being so raild is sp"!itaneoiis and comes hot fr , TU ti„. h,-.iri in the words that spring at the moment. I do not me;,ii tlat a speech should be uuconsid- t .,,l .\\, „iie has any more right to go l,.f. w an audience carelessly prepared in mind than carelessly dressed in body Every speech should be tboronghly di- ..ested. illii'trations culled and heads ar- mnfiid in enter, but the language in vthiih it'' delivered should be up to the imp '.us of the moment. Of course in i bate many of the utterances cannot be studied U-forehand. as tbs topics will naturally he suggested by what others '•Thinking on one’s legs,” as the En gU'k phrase is. and the power to put the thoughts into well chosen words, is a gift i only acquired by strenuous practice. Mativ would be lecturers think they can L-giii ait once by aiddressing a larg“ ao.lifiK-e an a handsome hall, and that anything el>e is beneath their notice. In i tliolirtt place no beginner can command > such .in opportunity except through the fetmlnt-s of'friends, and then will only exhibit any imperfections on a large sate There must be "a day of small things” moratory as in everything else, and all mtr great public speakers have realized this. Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Henry Clay and hosts of other celebrated men trypan talking to small •tuliences in country villages without Mupusation but by each effort building up the reputation that was to be fame. hi my own experience the revelation that 1 might be a speaker came to me ts t end: Utter l was married. I had al ways Wen a talker at home, being the t: rail -r of the family willed upon to en- trtbiin guests, but in the conservative c ribs of my retiring the thought of public speech in a woman was regarded with horror. N’n oi.e will ever know what the world bis lost by this prejudice. Edmund b'arkv haj a sister, Mrs. Fraser, who was famous tis a conversationalist and who, Ui opportunity been given, might have nuiled him tis an orator; for it is safe t. say that any man ot woman who talks ff rll will make at least a fair public speaker. In the summer of ’69 I became active ly interested in the woman suffrage movement and began attending the wee .fly meetings of the society held in .New York. They took place in a hand* s.tne private house on Twenty-third Hr.'. p and there was nothing about them tj 1 "Jfend the most fastidious. I was " ply interested in the discussions and erelong was moved to say a few words. > art. d to ray feet full of an idea, half Ul '*■ then saw every onelooking at me hurriedly sat down overwhelmed ; ‘‘" nt ll -sion. However, I gradually - cued a little courage, and, never miss- ‘ n ’ 8 In feting, liegan to take part in tv «7 debate. Bidoro long I was invit 'd to be the punnpaj speaker on a certain afternoon." • nend advised me to write oat my "marKson foolscap paper in large let- ’ 80 t,ut 1 could read with ease. I 88 , f suggested, but when the time . 1 found that 1 could not fix my • oni the paper; I wanted to look, at f audience. It seemed as if only so ' 1 * make them understand as I I srim’ anJ layin S my manuscript down w , ■ 1Usl ! ‘bout what I had written in 'bat came at the moment All Z J t ' er '’°usne«8 vanished; I was absorbed ™y subject, and spoke with ^earnestness with which I eonld have , |' began then to think that I might I tract; 60 " 10 !KJ ' ver a * » speaker and to , “ e uu ail possible occasions, donht- I** often at the expense of lAn^ DV “ tion was held at Newport in frum” 1 a f' d thero 1 made my first speech hly¥£fc For a long time p»- , • ; hat5 been much excited over the fully through my regular remarks After the close I took some papers from a table and began to explain to the audi ence what they were. In my earnestness 1 forgot the depression, made a forward step and fell. In a moment half the people in the house were on their feet, but 1 jumped up quickly, being entirely unhurt, saj - ing with a smile that 1 thought sonje man who was opposed to woman suffrage must have contrived that trap. Every one langhed and applauded, and I went on with my story. Liluk Dbvereux Blake. The Fashions of Paris. Jackets for the young and middle aged are oftener seen now in fee gay Paris streets than any other form of outdoor garment There are two styles: the ehort jacket, somewhat in the reefer style, with pretty little pockets Bet rakishly askew. The high Russian or Medici collar is indispensable in some sort of fur, or else of the material of the garment, covered with rich pas sementerie trimming in arabesque pat tern. In this case the sleeves are alec covered with this trimming. But fur is everywhere, on dresses, jackets, long wraps and hats and around the tops of children’s boots. Every kind of fur is seen, and ruffs of cock’s feathers as well as long boas and short ones are worn. A most beautiful reception dress was mado of old rose la dies’ cloth, gathered plainly in the back and with the front breadth slightly wrinkled. The very coarse tweeds and English homespun materials with rough and tuft ed surfaces for walking dresses are grow ing steadily in favor. Batin, after many seasons’ undeserved disuse, is now a fa vorite material for handsome dreesee. I PfWipfct, ii gdt8 “eel®**.” 1 / days I PfWaK Wy ener J?ies absorbed in the ^ r “bon of my addreeses. Tw T J tst t,!e fateful moment arrived. the or.i', 1 was shivering with terror of „ xnv 1 sfeech .1*1 an “ 0UI K»d; bat I made my «toe.^ :hieTed * measure of me with deiigfct. I toinral eVei ^ ng 1WM agai 11 to hAVe I 0l f first te8 ’ °° oixui.-iun 1 had FURNITURE Slavin the Winner of the Mill at Hoboken. A Hard Fight Which Lasted for Nine Rounds. The Hosing Match Between Slavln and Kilrain at the Granite Club— Kllrain 9*1* the Befit iu the First Two itoands. Bat Slavin Finishes With a Walk- Over. Huboku.n, N. J., June 17. —Slavin and Kilrain met at the rooms of the Gran ite Club. The understanding was that the men were to box ten rounds, Mar quis of Queensbnry rales, for a $10,000 parse, put up by tlm Granite associa tion, and that of tin; sum the winner was to get $7,500 and the loser $2,500. Slavin won the match in the ninth round. The men entered the ring at 11 s42 o’clock and began hard hitting at one*. The first round ended in Kil- rain’s favor, although hi sribs received a terrible hammering. We are the best known Furniture House in Athens. In market our Cash gets the bed rock price and at home our long experience gives the people confidence in our goods. We have too the best selection in plain, fancy and artistie furniture? Our im mense Ware-Rooms are full to overflowing. We invite an inspection of the stoek at prices that cannot be met by those having no experience in the business. We also have a full line of Coffins, Caskets, ete. v J3. S. EDGE FURNITURE CO., Furniture! and Undertaking, 321, 322 and 323 Broad St., next to S. C. D^hts. ® cFeb 18—d<kw4m. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! . ■A. SET OF TTT*F! • ELEGANT WRAPS and nothing, except velvet, gives such a regal effect. Shot satin, with dots repre seating jewels of different color, is much seen, amethyst, emerald, sapphire and ruby being the colors most worn. Peau de soie brocaded in tiny flowers through the middle and with a wider border at > edges is very handsome, and along those places that require trimming beads representing jewels of the prevailing color are thickly sewed. For instance, turquoise beads for blue forget-me-not brocade on black. Long wraps of black, dark chocolate brown and blue in its darkest shades, are lavishly trimmed with rich passe menterie and chenille beaded fringe and fur. They are lined with quilted and quite warm enough for fee coldest days, .and while jackets are aeat and stylish the long wraps are elegant McElree’s Wine of Carilui for weakNo Officers are searching for Jack Stock- well, wanted at Teegarden, O., who is charged with asssalting two little girls named Matthews and Mehan, each under 10 years of age, and communicating to them a loathsome disease. At Sherman park,Quincy, His., on the Missouri side, Annie Goodwin, 10 years of age, while throwing stones into the river, lost her balance and toil into the swift current, drowning m full view of her companions and mother. May 9 In Twelve Large Volumes, Which we Offer with a Tear’s Subscription to this Paper for a Trifle More than Our Regular Subscription Price. DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, NICHOLAS NICKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS, JAKJE KILRA1C. In the second round Slavin directed his blows at Kilrain’s ribs directly under the heart, and he landed too many of them to please Kilrain’s friends. Not withstanding this, Kilrain again had the best of the round. He nearly knocked Slavin over tlie ropes by a blow, on the neck, and hammered SI ivin’s head and face unmercifully. In the third round Kilrain again pounded Slavin to the ropes, but this seemed to exhaust his strength. Slavin struck Kilrain under the left ear and knocked him flat. He got up, rallied and clinched, but in the break away was again knocked down. The gong saved him from defeat in this round. He was in great distress. His seconds braced him up, and he managed to respond to the call of "time,” but Slavin hit him os he pleased. Kilrain was knocked down four times, and he was bleeding in stream? from a broken nose. Kilrain’s only hope was in clinching tactics, but eacii time he tried it he received terrible punishment in his ribs. FRANK ». SLAVIN. In the fifth round, Kllrain was again knocked down and nearly knocked out, but ho rallied. In the sixth round he was little more than a chopping block for Slavin. He got in several blows, but they had no force. In the sixth and seventh rounds only the friendly gong saved Kilrain from defeat. In the eighth round it was only a ques tion of endurance on Kilrain’s part. He was heljplees to defend himself or mischief. In the ninth round, Kilrain started in pretty good shape, and managed to get m a couple of blows on STavin’s head, but they had no force. Slavin, on the other hand, was hitting as fearlessly as ever. Finally Slavin hit Jake a tembli left-hander on the neck, and Jake went down as if shot; but, still game, Jake slowly and painfully rose and reeled, and as the gong sounded, had to be car ried to his corner, and Referee Jere Don gave the fight to Slavin, who forth with stepped over to his dazed oppo nent’s corner and shook hands with nun. The audience hissed the referee’s de cision, bat that did not affect Dunn in the least. He felt sure that Jake was beaten, and so ruled in spite of all pro- excitement^ver the' disclosure thattwo 'uv heart toting tosuffoc* 'tax collectors are defaulters. Their eath nearlv whan mv names arc John Doughtery and Georg® nearl 7 8°“®. wh *® m 7 w. ’M’qTTqq. The farmers is over $100,- DOO, and McKee is $10,000 short. Norman Parks, a leading member of the Young Men’s Christian association at TTnnnihal, Mo., shot himself through the brain with suicidal intent. He is still alive, but cannot recover. It is^ ru mored that a love affair led to the rash act. experience of stage fright. ‘“t^dneed, received with ap- Bome confidence of the previous five minute* l pU tw , ‘“woauced, re began Yrife I muj^ of mv my For Try BLACKjDRAUGHJ tea ior Dy*pcp«I* Children Cry for Pitcher 9 * ©aotorio* j ToYisrr Jamaica.—Dr. J. P Cam, bell, of the University of Oeoigia wi visit Jamaica during the summer. He leaves this morning for Baltimore to spend several days at his home. Wishing to largely increase the circulation of this paper during the next six months, we have made arrangements with a New York publishing house whereby we are enabled to offer as a premium to our eubeoribers a Set of the Works of Charles Dick ens, in Twelve Large and Handsome Volumes, with a year’s subscription to this paper, ior a trifle more than our regular sub scription price. Onr great offer to eubeoribers eclipses any ever heretofore made. Charles Dickens was the greatest novelist who ever lived. No author before or since his time has won the fame that he achieved, and his works are even more popular to-day than during his lifetime. They abound m wit. humor, pathos, masterly delineation of character, vivid descriptions ol places and incidents, thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting. No home should be without a set of these great and remark able works. Not to have read them is to be far behind the age in which we live. The dickens. ^ 0 f Dickens’ works which we offer as a K imium to our subscribers is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, with new type. e twelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of which is pub lished complete, unchanged, and absolutdy unabridged : BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRI8TMA8 STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER. A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. TBie above are without question the most famous novels that were ever written. For a v Amy have been celebrated in every nook and corner of the civilized world. Yet mere are thousands of homes in America not yet supplied with a set of Dickens, the usual high cost of the books preventing people in moderate circumstances from enjoying this luxury. But now, owing to the use of modem improved printing, folding and'stitching machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, and the great competition in the book trade, we are enabled to offer to our subscribers and readers a set of Dickens’ works at a prioe which all can afford to pay. Every home in the land may now be supplied with a set of the great author’s works. Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the Weekly Banner. 11We will send the Entire Set of Dickens’ Works, iB Twelve Volumes, as above described, all postage prepaid by ourselves, also The Weekly Banner for One Year, upon receipt of $1.60, which is only 60 cents more than the regular subscription price of this paper. Our readers, therefore, practically get a set ol Dickens' works in twelve volumes for only 60 cents. This is the grandest premium ever ottered Dp to this time a set of Dickens’ worts has usually been $t0.uo or more Tell all your friends that they can get a set of Dickena’ works, in twelve volumes, with a tear’s subscription to The Weekly Banner, for only $1.60 Subscribe now and ^et thisgreat premium. If your subscription bus iiot yet exoiied, it Will make no difference, or it will be extended one year from date of expiration. We will also give a set oi Dickens, as above, free and post-paid, to any one sending us a club of. 4 yearly new subscribers. Andress, -AUiens ]Pu.l) Co,, .A-tliens, Gra. A REVOLUTION IN JOURNALISM AND LITERATURE. - - - - .... THE GREATEST LITERARY OFFER EVER CONCEIVED. ... A PLAN TO PLACE IN EVERY HOME Til most Complete Reference Library and Work of General Beading in the World. A final Monumental Work of Scholarship and BosoaroL THE ONLY ENCYCLOPEDIA COMPLETE UP TO DATE. This great compendium of history, biography, geography, science, art and ratore is especially designed to bring beiore American readers, in accessible Bhape, all the valuable information contained in the great publication upon which it ia based—the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopedia Briiannica. for Infants and Children. “Castor! a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. I., Ul So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N Y. Castnria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. Th* Crimea Coxfaxt, 77 Murray Street, V. Y. Buy From the Man With the c. Best Reputation. F 1 . KOHLRUSS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, COPINGS, STATUES, ETC. The statues of Dr. Irvine, Mrs, McCoy, Mrs. Carwiie and Miss Tlmberlake are works of my own, and are sufficient evidence of good work, at as reasonable prices as can be had. Cor. Washington and Ellis Sts=., Augusta, Q-a arch s—wiy. ~ Next door to a corset—the Ball waist. Shaped like it, but made for the women who object to a corset. Nothing to prevent it’s going in the wash—nothing to prevent perfect free dom of movement. Straps for the shoulders, and buttons that won’t come off, to support the skirts. If you don’t like it, after two or three weeks wear, you can return it and get your money. MICHAEL BROS. Teat of the Law. Yankton, S. D., June 17.—It is given oat that the South Dakota Bankers’ as- sodation has token hold of the matter ■ of making'a test of the law which pro- I scribes that private bank most incorpor ate under state or national laws. Captain J. H. Adams, E&tonton, Ga._ says: During summer of 1883 he Buf* fered with continued attacks of neural- g a, he thinks from Indigestion. Dr. _ ou’s Dyspeptic EUxir was the ouly are Headquarters for “FINE GOODS,” and make aspe remedy that would relieve him. For . / ~ ... 1 ,, ~ sale by aii druggist. cialty of Bine Stationery. It will pay you to call anc see lor yourselves. THIS JACKSON & BURKS CO. Invite the public generally to call and inspect their well selected stock of Stationery and Fancy Goods, We THE JjACKSOIsr «& BTfEKE CO. THE NEW BOOK STORE. 107 BBOAD ST RES i ATHENS, flA. topics not to s importance IT TREATS EVERY SUBJECT, Large or small, mentioned in the original, and ol several thousand be found in that work. It tells, at length commensurate with the of each, of everything which the scholar, the stndent, the professional and busi ness man can wish to know about. With infinite labor the rich store-house o! the original has been overhauled, its treasures of fact conserved, it* wealth of material utilized. . The Americanized Encyclopaedia Briiannica Is valuable because it is accurate, because it is modem, because it has rejected the worthless and preserved the necessary, because it brings the history of science, literature, commerce, geography and discovery, ana the mental and moral development of the race down to the year 189(k ACCOUNTS OF NEW and LIVE SUBJECTS And adequate notices of recent inventions, the developments of States and cities, the history of the world as it is making day by day has been added, together with 4 Ann special biographical sketches or noted personages, living and dead, i U U If brought down to date. A literary treasure beyond prioe. It is Bound in Ten Large, Handsome Volumes, Printed on extra 1 for this in the uctra fine paper, in good, clear, new type, made expressly 1 work, and has NINETY-SIX COLORED MAPS, snowing every country world, with a separate map for every State in the Union, corrected and i up to date. The work is fully illustrated and contains nearly 14,000 columns of reading matter, and 10,000,000 words. THE REGULAR PRICE OF THIS YORK IS $35, $40 and $45, - j^UT The Athens Banner, Rq*H«ing the great benefits to he derived from the possession of so grand a work of reference, and anxious to see the happy homee of the South blessed with this greatest of literary treasures, HAS SECURED ITS EXCLUSIVE CONTROL, And, ia order that its readers may have the opportunity of reaping tbs foil advantage of this unique scheme, makes the following UNPARALLELED OFFER. OUR PROPOSITION: We effbr s year's subscription of THE DAILY BANNER, delivered «t your address, and a complete set of the AMERICANIZED ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, In Cloth Binding, for $80.00, payable in monthly installment* of $2.50 each. The complete set of Encyclopaedia delivered oa payment of $5.00, balance payable $2.50 a month. Encyclopedia, in fine Library or Sheep Binding, and Tks Daily Banna one year, $36.00, payable $6.00 on delivery ol the complete set of Encyclopaedia, and $3.00 a month for ten months. Encyclopedia, in Half Morocco Binding, and Taa Daily Bannxb com W payable $6.r “ ‘ Important to Remember. •Daily except Sunday. tv;.-