Newspaper Page Text
JUNE 23,^1891
t(3^iN carries
; ve ; d R who have passed
cR0 . pL y through COM.
, the Classic City and
Wh ° Sre They are Colng-The Stu-
Whe n T S all Cone-Athens In Her
' summer Garments.
There Never was a time In the His
tory of Athens When as Much
Building Went on as There Is
now—Elegant Houses and
• Humble Cabins.
h sweet sorrow was
separated perhaps
of the closest of
(if 1
for y eari
,ri !n were sorry to Bee the end of the
' - festivities although the
< calculated in the long
:B1U I' ••• •
tun to break one down,
n-huoastweek has been for every
present. one of the
ami Happiest in the history o
l-livei'iiy- With nineteen of the
,W !'u,iies 'from tim Institute, who
T "“ , he t) ,ast of tl.o -lay, and the many
• and tour is
tore i
Athens was surely
Asrinine vMlo«,
, hniiilav earl) which she has been
in lu-r «
rtlui-tant to lay aside,
lint ili- lime had come and all must
Manv left on the early morning
s others in the afternoon, while
‘7 tt ,a iiiiiiiher have waited until this
morning reluctant to leave the scenes
•round which h:is centered so much
Cy' fame on business as
as pleasure, the hf
of til- I'niver Itv requiring their
Tlic trustees have linisheit
The boaid
itteutioD- .
tlVir work and departed
The saw and hammer.
What sweet music they are making in
this city for those citizens who love the
city and have an abiding confidence in
her future.
Athens is prospering now in every
line of business, and her citizens are
laying up their money io good, commo
dious, and comfortable homes.
Stores are being built and the busi
ness portion of the city is bein~ dotfc d
with imposing structures.
It seems that during the last five or
six years the city has taken on new life,
and she is forging to the front to-day
more rapidly than ever.
The city assessors making their re
turns for the last year report one hun
dred and etgbty-one new houses as
having been constructed or
as being In process
of construction m Athens for the year
ending April 1st 1891. These houses
are scattered in every section of the
city and are owned by all clashes of cit
The East Athens people are building
as much as any other clas- o citizens.
The hills across the river are being dot
ted here and there with nice, comfort
able homes owned by the workingmen.
The tolling bre id-winner has learned
that be can best promote the interests
of his family and bi3 city by investing
in real estate and building thereon nice
little homes.
Mr. ike Swift’s new buildings on
Foundry street are taking shape. The
solid - foundations have been laid, and
A Meeting of Citizens to be Called—
Merchants In Favor of the Al
liance—Who the Speakers Will
be—What Mayor Brown
Railroad Magnates Inspecting Ter
minal Facilities—The Railroads
Interested .In the Improvement
cf the Savannah Harbor.
The Editor of the Alliance Farmer
Believes that Unless Democrats
Concede Certain Things to the
Farmers, a new Party will be
There will be a big Alliance Bally in
Athens on July 16th.
There will also be a grand mid-sum
mer festival and trades dispiay on the
same day.
Together these will make one of the
biggest days Athens has ever had, and
The bridge on the G. C. & N. is now
being put up over bouth Broad riyer.
I here is jnst four large bridges on this
division which is seventy miles in
length. Two have been completed
The Athens bridge will be completed
by August 1st, and the one over Sonth
Broad river will soon be done and
the road will be pushed rapidly to Ath-
the city will have to throw open every
^rii i-. Urge commissioners
<% e „ s ) S again. She has lain
jijjf [in, holiday dress and the dally
of visitor- ami il><* Legislature commit-
w tarried Rut a V*" I the sui«ratrncture will be of best mate"
' rial and workmanship. These buildings
will be splendid stores for the commis
sion business.
The Athens Savings Bank is getting
1 ,.r II... iTmvZnrito I ita ,ot ready for its new building.
The > en,or „ l forever Ncar, y a11 of the old house between
umd on yesterday, J*™*^,*”*™*' the National Bank and the University
Kadi hi* " ,Uo ' 8r ° :h i“' Bank has been tom down, and soon this
wrH;l »liile. or i el Imps take up im , |andgome _ three . at 3r ick will be
■eliately h's ' ot - 1 * ,n -*i. | completed and ready for occupancy
Mr. Bloomfield’s building on Cfayton
street is being rapidly finished. It adds
much to the appearance of the street
and will be one of the handsomest bus-
iiotablv return next jear to take th.
course. The lawyers also shook
kiwis as they parted to go their sepa-
nV w’ys and choose
!ww sequestered spot where to prac t j ne83 houses in the city.
»« unmolested their chosen profes- Mr. Gantt’s house,is being repaired
TU young Indies «ee.» reliant. tJ an ^ addad to and will make a roomy
love such recent scenes o. p.u«u«:,, Mr>c j o’Farrell’s new house on
Hancock avenue is nearini
Likewise Mr. George Booth’s new
residence across the street. The work
on Mr. Booth’s store is also being
Miss Evie Harden’s home on
Dougherty street has just been finished
and is a handsome residence.
Mr. George Booth’s two booses on
W. Jury cillcd them homeward one by
of,,.. Mis lioylston. Calloway, Hol-
li,, V.-rdcrv, Kaine, Born,
Rev and l.m rows, left for their homes
wi’ yestcrds.y morning. Ma
lt friends accompanied the
toung people to the station to bid them
a last far. well.
Lthr in the day Misses Sapp, Ver-
iliry ll .rn. s \\ ilkins, Hill, Willcox the 8amc street add to the appearance or
uni 1 iiimzy left the city. 1 hose who 8Urround j D g 8 . ^
into go tins morning are M isses Fon- Mr . c w Ba i dw in’s neat little cot-
uun'. 1 ope, w imberly, Wells, Brad- l6j . w on t j, e Boulevard, will be quite an
" r, R*''. v ’ bcarden, Alexander, u( j t |jti on t o that popular avenue.
Bu-bmoml, Burr and the Misses Hoi-
. (11 , , , Mr. W.S. Holman’s handsome resi-
ombf. Others will linger a da 7* I d 6nce on the Mitchell’s Bridge road is
ig-r, and in a few .-hort days all the I finished and is one of the most
u-iiors will have gone lor good, or un- | beautiful buildings in the county.
Mr. Billups Phinizy’s palatial resi-
, ... .dence out on Milledge avenue is re-
I'” K" lln:1 1- ou T oungblood will re- I ce j v j n g its finishing touches, and when
8,1 l,ie .'"K l0r J* " e £ k a T 8th< ‘ g T 8t completed thoroughly will be one of
'I her friend, Md* Blanche Lipscombe. tbe very h^dgomeat buildings in the
.'hs-rs. l ark ilowell and Charley | oitv>
And on and on the reporter might
Xi>M will r- main over until Safurda;
Joe t 'ampbell, F. M.Bt
b'lighty. ilnmmoiid and others
7»*“•1 write concerning the building now go-
.iP 1 in* on in Athens.
Augusta eft y, sterdiiy afternoon on the | 1 „.i tllo
lio-rgia train
K'cry one knows who the college
And yet the city'cannot accommodate
those who seek to become citizens.
nr ...... , „ i Th'ere is but one conclusion to reach,
■ ". l ‘ n > 1 ' ,ave “H jt° ne hut I anc ) that j 8 that Athens is growing rapi-
i r two w ho will linger a day or so [ d j y anf j that ber citizens are kept on a
Migt-r uf the Seniors and law classes | v«»n mom with th»
will return hut those of the Sen
ior class who expect to take the law
^ntre. The other classes will be well ,
^presented and many new I THE EUROPEAN PARTY.
Nni-rs from all parts of
jportal in order to admit the large
crowds who will come here at that
There are to be four large alliance
rallies in the State during July, and
they are to be held at Columbus, At
lanta, Americns and Athens. Athen’s
day is the 16th. On that day every
farmer, and everybody else interested in
the affairs of the Alliance within a ra
dius of a hundred miles of Athens will
be here to join in the festivities of the
All the prominent allianceman in the
State will be here as well as some offi
cers of the National Alliance.
Addresses are to be made on this oc
casion by President Polk of the Nation-
‘ Alliance, Sockle3s Jerry, who is now
member of Congress, Mrs. Leech, a
female alliance lecturer, who ie said
to have done more to de
feat Ingalls than any other
who opposed him, Hon. L. F. Living
ston, Mr. Gantt and others.
The occasion will be a most interest
ing one, and people will be here from
ten counties around. There will be
ire p<H>ple here than ever before.
In regard to this gathering Mayor
Brown said on yesteraay:
My idea is that tbe city and citizens
should do everything in
their power for tbe
meeting of these farmers, and extend
them every courtesy in their power.
“They ought to obtain some conven
ient and comfortable place for tbe meet
ing, say. the park, and erect a speakers
stand, and arrauge seats for the audi
ence, for there will be a large one.
-The city should charter the
street railroad and electric
cars for _ that day Oi
make arrangements with Mr Voss by
whictr the farmers could be hauled
free, and the whole town sh >wn them.
“The farmers and their friends will
in all probability have a basket dinner,
but I think it would be the proper
thing for the citizens to have a grand
barbecne on the occasion, and show the
farmers every attention possible.”
Mayor Brown is right, and the idea
to have the trades’ display in this con
nection is one of the best which has been
advanced in a longtime for the welfare
of Athens. Tbe largest of crowds will
come to the city for both the rally and
festival, and there is no bigger adver
tisement or help to the progress
of a - town than to draw within
her gates the crowds for miles around
on au occasion like this.
It is the geneial wish of the people
to have the festival as an advertisement,
and in honoi of the completion uf the
G. C. & N. toad to Athens. They
think it is a good thing and no more
oppotune time could be found for the
occasion than tbe day uamed.
The impression that the merchants
>sed to the
The location of the depot has been
decided. It will be «ituated on College
Avenue just below where the road turn s
Atlanta, Ga., June 20. [Special.]—
Editor T. L. Gantt, of the bouthem A l-
liance Farmer in an interview yesterday
gave his views on the third party ques
His views, aside from the fact that be
one of the two editors of tbe official
organ of the state alliance, will bere&d
ith interest everywhere.
“I think the third party inevitable,”
said he yesterday, ^‘unless the demo
crats make reasonable concessions to
the alliance and adopt the Ocala plat
I have recently conversed with
off to go to the NorttiSSSt depot, and it "prominent members of our organization
will be just opposite the ice house.
and people of Athens are oppos
FarmeiV Alliance is altogether an erro-
lively move to keep peace with the
I growth of their city.
[the Mate w ill o tor next year, and be-I Arrive Safely at Queenstown, Ireland.
T h * Miss Butherford’s European party
C K ,,f l tb f 1 n,ve ™*y du j; l . D g has reached the shores of the Emerald
> W year and tlie reputation which Vrf
K;:* ll ^ 1,draw a ,ar « er The trip across the blue Atlantic
tilien ! before. was one of great pleasure and enjoy-
t f " ow "* her summer gaub mentj aQ(] thc members of the party all
h-Jii h !" wn H * lhe dull season were spared any sickness during the
‘ 1 *»uii) But in truth we are looking |
, , A cablegram was received in Athens
I'-en shown of late in the progres- yesterday from Miss i* ul j b f a “l
if movement of the Athens citizens nouucing the arrival of the party at
1 Queenstown, Ireland.
It read: Safe,well, happy.”
That seems to be enough to carry the
impression that tbe party, is having a
royal time
They will ttavel over the countries
help the club.
fhelr Work was for the County and ]
Should be Appreciated.
Tl>« I armers’ Club of Clarke county I of Europe, view the gnud scenery of
P stl1 ' in debt. the Old World, gather knowledge from
, And the good citizens of Clarke conn- thou^nd sources and return fully re-
v are a.u.t i . . . paid for their trip,
n , . hel P tbem 8 et ouU Their friends in Athens wish them a
f exhibit, made at the State fair | happy and joyful time,
,. 1 ’ . ma,Je iu the interest of the county,
[Oil it was an ixhibitof which any
["'tj might have been proud.
. 1<m tllcir °wn responsibility the of- {
l| er> ,lf tllis c 'ul* went forward and by
ut ef perseverance and hard work i
» the exhibit.
People Living Near the Carlson Cot
tage Scared bv the Alleged Spectre.
CmcAbo.June 18.—People who live
It wag hiirhi.7 « i- .j , I near the uarlson cottage, where Dr. P.
lid-. • J complimented on aU H Cron in was murdered, are excited
. nd m a measure contributed to- I and more or less frightened by the al-
* 8 Dringing the agricultural con-1 leged ghost uf the muMered man.
fi'tiou to a 11>—no * •. . >il A dozen residents declare that they
iug u ,t 1 lts next res 81011 in are willing to swear that they hav,-,
while passing tbe Carlson cottage at
tbe SDiritual form of tbe
club i
in debt and wants to re- I night, seen the spiritual form
«itself of that burden in order to doctor, clad in white
ready to^H ■
garments and dis-
• uittt ouraenin order to - -
J entertain the delegates in Jgjjd gr^n^ b while wandering
" hen they come in August. I through the rooms of the cottage. ^
r about three hundred and I The residents of the neighborf
r-xnainm a D,Ce margin ,or an they cannotfe induced to walk v,
>Pentoi , meQt ‘ T,,e subscription lists J sight of the cottage after dark,
log n l by the B«nkr have the fojlow- Joseph &pecht, a spiritualist
names: , florist, of 3ifa. 1,198 Lincoln av
£. b. x
uuusii. ««. — a venue,
♦moo . near the scece of the murder, hasvol-
110.00.1 1 ,uttered to sleep In the rooin where
$10.00. Croninjyas ldUed if Carlson wiU allow
v -umpkin, $10.00.1 him. . ’ , „
-’'*w by a i|,., , , , I ■ The owner of the C#r’o3on college has
Putins sn lib ! ral 0,1 the P art of not bwn able to find a tenant or a
ktU(, uot. enn , <18p08ed ’ the necessary I purchaser for the place and the only
iu., be raised. 1 revenue derived from it has been by
LID8en Crawford,
p 'K.j,
. revenue derived
our subscriptions to Th« | turning Jt into a sort of musewn.
^iveii I!aNNKR where they will be
its columns. I
» A iign ifl ‘ p TH * Uwivbbsitt.—It 1 Appear-
ooty it wa!
0 ftiv,; aiver8,t y &nd examine in
were all favorable to it
Grading on the Atlanta division has
been going on for some time, and it will
be poshed through rapidly. When
completed Athens will have a bee line
to Atlanta but 60 miles in length, and
the best terminal facilities to be found
in the Southern States.
rrom every section of Georgia, and they
report alliancemen as being a unit in
favor of a new party, unless the demo
cracy meets their
A party of railroad magnates passed
through Atlanta on Thursday, inspect-
>ral an
ing the railroad systems in general and
terminal facilites in particular. Bep
resentatlves of many great systems
were presant, and especial attention
was given the Central Bailroad and the
terminal facilities of Atlanta. Th;
stops in Atlanta was made for tbe pur
pose of considering a location for a new
Union Passenger depot. Atlanta
needs one, and it is only a matter of
few months before she will have it.
When the high officeials of the Rich
mo. d and Danville road were in Ma
con, day before yesterday, they gav,-
assurances that efficient and faithful
local officers would not be removed
As long as they gave satisfaction all
would be well. They said the man-
agment was o pposed to the policy of
removing offi cials jnst for the sake of
demands. 1 very
much doubt if this feeling can be coun
teracted, as the sentiment is growing
Ark my prediction. If the people’s
party is endorsed by the alliance con
vention of Georgia, or at the convention
to be held in February next, this Btate
will give it at least 50,000 majority.
“Cleveland’s administration, the poli
ticians and the . partisan press are re
sponsible for this disaffection in the
ranks of Georgia democrats. We have
elected only one democratic president
since the war, and he vetoed the silver
bill, thus playing into the hands of
the Wall street money tyrants. Again,
the nomination thein seventh district
agaiust the alliance nominee of the
party; the Douglasville convention
that endorsed a republican candidate
over Colonel Livingston; and the can
didacy of Haskell in South Carolina
against Tillman, proved to the farmeis
that the oldjpolitical rulers were not
their friends, and would imperil the
McKinley Nominated Amid Cheers
and Enthusiasm.
Columbus, O., June 18.—Tbe first
dav of the Republican state convention
of Ohio opened bright and clear.
The proceedings of the day were
oj ened by prayer, after which the re
port of the committee on credentials was
was presented and adopted.
The coinminittee on permanent organ
ization reported, amid applause, the
name of Gen. Asa S. Bnshnell, of dark
county, for permanent chairman of the
convention, and E. J. Kessinger, of
Athens, for permanent secretary. Chair
man BnshneU’s address was brief.
Nominations were declared in order
and ex-Govemor Foraker arose to pre
sent the nameof McKinley for governor.
At the tdghtof the familiar figure of the
ex-governor and sturdy campaigner the
convention fairly went mad with en
thusiasm. For over a minute the ap
plause and cheers reverberated through
the Immense building, while Foraker
bowed smilingly to the compliment.
He placed considerable force upon the
issues of the campaign and spoke at
length of the many things the party had
at stake. A United States senator was
to be elected, and it was to be decided
whether or not the Ohio Republicans
would furnish a name at the head of the
ticket in the coming national contest.
His reference to Mr. McKinley was
greeted with rounds of applause, and
closing he stated:
I move you, Mr. Chairman, that the
rules of this convention be suspended,
and that, by acclamation, we nominate
to be our candidate for governor, that
brilliant statesman and soldier and
orator, Y.’illium McKinley. [Prolonged^
cheers.] .
Col. Robert Harlan, the colored orator
of Cincinnati, seconded Maj. McKinley’s
nomination, "on behalf of 80,000 colored
voters of Ohio. ”
With one wild, hilarious cheer of
affirmation the convention declared
Maj. McKinley"nominated for governor
by acclamation, and a committee was
appointed to apprise him of his nomina
tion and escort him to the hall. _
His appearance was the signal for an
other outburst of enthusiasm.
” I now have the pi Asure, ” said the
One of Walt Street’s Boldest Speculators
In an Asylum.
New York, June 19.—It was an
nounced that H. Victor Newcomb, one
of Wall street’s boldest speculators, luyj
been placed in a private insane asylum.
He is not violently insane, but is suffer
ing from softening of the brain, and on
the advice of his physicians his family
has placed him in a retreat
Mr. Newcomb’s malady is said to be
hereditary. His mother, who had been
a sufferer from kleptomania, one day be
came violent). insane and attempted to
kill her five children. She succeeded in
throwing three of the youngest of her
children oat of a third-story window of
her house in Louis villa. They struck
an iron railing below and were instantly
killed. Mrs. Newcomb tried to Bn
Victor and his brother, but the child
ren’s nurse had arrived in time to throw
a mattress on the ground below the win
dow, so that the hoys were not killed by
the faU. The unfortunate woman was
committed to McLean insane asytnm at
Somerville, Masa., where she was main-
tainedsby her husband for thirty-five
years. The Kentucky law did not re
cognize insanity as a ground for divorce
bat after his wife had been oodfined in
the asylum twenty-five years, Newcomb
procured a change in the statue, which
enabled him to obtain a divorce.
They Deny the Change.
Nalhville, Tenn., June 19.—At
torneys. for John B. Stetson, the cele
brated hatmaker, filed an important
bill in the United States circuit court
against Handley Bros. Ss Co., wholesale
merchants of this city. In the bill it is
alleged that Handley Bros. & Co., have
been selling an inserior quality of goods,
stamped with Stetson s name and trade
mark, but manufactured by another
man. An injunction is asked to stop
this practice, and it is also sought to re
cover all profits that have accrued from
the alleged deception. Members of the
firm deny that they have been guilty of
any snen practice.
success of that party and the supremacy _ ________
of the white race to overthrow them.. chairman, "of introducing to you the
again, the vindictive spirit distinguished soldier and statesman,
Said Mr. Pat Calhoun yesterday:
is will take an
“Of course the railroads
active interest in the improvement of
the Savanoah harbor. And I believe
that Savannah has an opportunity now
that, if she will actively seize, will se
cure this deep water.
“If you will glance at this map,” he
aid, pointing to a large railroad maps
of the United States that hung close by,
‘you will see that the Terminal system,
in connection with the Missouri Pa
cific, gives a through line from Port
land, Ore., on tbe Columbia river, to
‘If you could unite all interests in
Georgia in an active movement to se
cure deep water for this port,” Mr.
Calhoun added, “I entertain no doubt
that the result aimed at would be at
tained. I am sure that the railroads
will do all in their power to accom-
ilish this, and will use their best ef-
rts to attain that end.”
Then again, the vindictive
manifested by certain leading so-called
democratic papers in Georgia against
the alliance has added to the estrange
ment of the farmers from the party
with which they have so long affiliated.
The residents of our towuB and cities
of the state do not know the deep un
dercurrent that is setting in throughout
the country against the old parties. -
‘Only last Monday while in Athens,
met representatives from a number
of counties in Northeast Georgia, and
without a single exception they report
ed their, people as being generally in
favor of a new party. The Georgia al-
liancemcn have beeu the backbone of
the democracy in our state. Thoy feel
that they have been unjustly discrimi
nated against in the administration of
our national affairs, and from this day
on their motto will be, ‘Measures be
fore men, principles above all things.’
“The alliance leaders in our state are
doing their very best to reconcile the
differences between their members and
the democratic party.
“The politicians aud partisan press
demand that alliancemen repudiate
their principles and this I know they
will not do. They will demand their
Georgia needs just such terminal fa
cilities as this project will afford, and
it is hoped that it will be pushed to
“The man who ridicules the demands
or doubts the strength ef the Georgia
in the
neous one, and no better way of reviv
ing it can possibly be found* than the
oue suggested. The Alliancemen have
passed a resolution to act in harmony
with the city in making tbe occasion a
grand success, and the union of tbe two
will make such a gala day as Athens
has not seen for a long, long time. This
will show the farmers too that the peo
ple of Athens are in thorough sympathy
with their efforts.
By all means let’s have the feetival.
It is the desire of the people, of the
merchants, and of everybody. Euter-
; >rise shows up a town and does more
: or it than anything on tbe face of the
earth, and Athens surely has the right
sort of it. _
Many of the merchants and buiness men
have expressed themselves as heartily
in favor of it, and have urged Mayor
Biown to call a public meeting of the
citizens to arrange for a perfection of
the plan, and means of putting it into
execution. The meeting will be held
at an early date, and all interested
should take measures at onoe to prepare
themselves for the occasion.
Let’s make tbe festival a success.
Making Active Preparations for the
Camp at Chlckamauga.
The rifles are getting ready for.tfaeen-
campment. Capt. Owens has them iu
charge and is doing some good work in
drilling them up to the proper stan
Many of the regular men will be una
ble to go on account of business engage
ments, so others have enlisted to go
with the company and remain through
tbe encampment. These are now"drill
ing every night or two in order to be
in good trim by Hie time when they
The company will leave Athens on
the 29th and will spend a week in camp.
Several Georgia boys have enlisted to go
with the company who live outside of
Athens. Among them are Messrs Eu
gene Black and John Boston.
The company will be greatly benefit-
ted by this weeks instruction, and will
return in excellent trim.
Col. and Mrs. Charles M. Snelllng
Leave for a Bridal Tour.
Col. and Mrs. Charles M. Snclling
left yesterday for Virginia where they
will spend some time before returning
to Athens.
The wedding which occured Thurs
day afternoon was a quiet one, only
the relatives of the bride being in atten
Dr. Lane performed the ceremony in
an impressive manner. The groom is
one of the most efficient professors in
the University, while the bride carries
with her the best wishes of a large circle
of admiring friends.
How the Welsh Treated an Attempt
to Play “God Bless the Prince of
London, June 18.—The popular
crusade against tbe Prince of Wi
shows no signs of abating in strength
or bitterness. After the lecture deliv
ered last night at Carnavon, Wales, b;
alliancemen, is certainly groping
At the next election they will sweep
our state like a cyclone and carry every
county with not more than a dozen ex
ceptions. You bad as well try and stay
the raging waters until their force is
spent as to stop or retard the onward
march of the alliance until their ends
are achieved.
“The nomination of Mr. Cleveland
would meau the formation and triumph
of a new party in Georgia. It would
destroy every bridge between the farm
ers and the democratic party. I see
that Mr. Cleveland says he will not
make the race if the masses of the south
ern people are against him. I will
make this proposition: He caD send to
Georgia any representative he wants,
and I will take him through the state
aad.i3t him question 1,000 of the first al-
liancemen that we meet—I mean genu
ine wool-hat alliancemen, and not of the
plug-hat. caucus brand—and if weeau
Hud of that numbar five men who will
say they will support him if nomi
nated, I will agree to acknowledge my
“How will The Southern Alliance
Farmer stand in the event that a third
party is endorsed by your members in
“Our paper is the organ of the State
Alliance—a non.political organization.
We stand square and flat-footed upon
tbe Ocala platform, and will battle for
its success. We are with tbe people,
and will stand by the people to the end.
We will do everything in our power to
reconcile the differences between the
Georgia alliancemen and democratic
party with which they have so long af
filiated. But if the issue is overdrawn,
your nominee for governor, and your
next governor, William McKinley, Jr."
Again the enthusiasm of admirers of
tbe distinguished Ohioan burst forth,
and 1,000 frantic, cheering, straggling
Republicans waved their hats and fans,
i xrtinded with their canes and re-echoed
ihe name of " McKinley 1 McKinley I"
The hero of the day received his
honors mohcstly. Simply bowing his
acknowledgements, he made a brief
eech upon lines of his address before
>e muss meeting.
In his speech accepting the nomina
tion, Mr. McKinley referred to the com
ing senatorial and national elections, to
the Republican party in Ohio, to "Presi
dent Harrison’s wise administration,”
and to the "McKinley tariff measure”
in a characteristic Republican argu
The committee on resolutions report
ed a platform which was enthusiasti
cally adopted. The platform is built on
the usual Republican lines. It endorses
high tariff and McKinley as the "ablest
exponent of that principle;” says some
thing* about the protection of laborers,
and devotes a special plank to wool pro
tection; endorses the amended coinage
act,-"by which the entire product of
American silver mines is added to the
currency of the people;” has the usual
"free ballot and fair count” pland; de
mands the enforcement of rigid laws
against the influx of vicious and crimi
nal Masses of foreigners; favors restora
tion to the public domain of unearned
railroad grants; wants more pensions;
endors s Harrison’s administration, and
especially the policy of reciprocity;
"commends” the patriotic services of
John Sherman and his colleagues; says
a good word for Secretary of the Treas
ury Foster, and then condemns Camp
bell's administration and everything else
The ticket' was then completed aa fol
Lieutenant Governor Andrew L. Har
ris of Preble county, was nominated on
first ballot. He is a member of the
Farmers’ Alliance.
Auditor of State E. W. Poe, the pres
ent auditor, was renominated by accla
Supreme Judge Marshall J. Williams
of Fayette county, nominated by accla
Attorney General J. K. Richards of
Lawrence county, nominated on first
State Treasurer W. T. Cope of Cleve
land, nominated on the first ballot.
Charles E. Groce, member of the
Sensational Arrests Expected.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 19.—Coroner
Manker. has received a report from
Chemist Lotz regarding the contents of
Mrs. Nancy Wright’B'vtomach, the old
lady dying some two weeks ago under
very suspicions circumstances. Mrs.
Wnght was tbe third member of the
ly who had died, and it was charged
that she had been poisoned, she saying
to a member of the family just before
death: "That last dose of medicine is
killing me. ” The chemist found large
quantities of copper in the stomach, and
it is now certain death did not result
from natural causes. Sensational ar
rests are expected.
„ i William M. Slaton. Prof. Slaton is a
£ graduate of the University in the cas
of ’73 and well merits the A. M. degree
To Confer With Secretary Noble-
Prof. H. C. White and Pres. -P. W
Meldrim of the Board of commissioners
of ihe negro college left the city Thurs
day uight for Washington, D. C.
The object of their visit to the capitol
is to confer with Secretary Noble and
secure a settlement of the appiopria
tions for the State college.
The difficulty seems to
that the Secretary desires, that the
appropriation be equally divided be
tween the white and colored colleges.
The legislature saw fit to devote 40 per
cent of tbe funds to the negro college,
and the‘ecretary did nut approve of
Prof. White and Mr. Meldrim will
endeavor to secure a settlement of the
difficulty which will be satisfactory *
all concerned..
»i*Z'^andadvancement in every of "f
It is thought that their I conferred on him.
.'mm,.,, mougnt that their
'ill (to d . bous for the appropriations
with the effect desired. For . F *w Davs.-Mr. Frank Hight bwi condition They are doing a big
1 Jve3 today'for Anislon, Ala. He will business which keeps up durmg the
avestouay iu en’ire year. The power for running
The Athens Factories.—The re
ports from the factories in'.ind around
Ailvens shows them to be in the very
They are doing a big
returned home | return fo a fowday- * enMreyear. The power
^ilaloiL fneuils at Millcdgeville 1
Mr. Henry M. Stanley the band
“God Bless the Prince of Wales.” The
Welshmen, however, no sooner heard
the first strains of the familiar air than
they raised a storm of hisses which al
most drowned the noise of the band.
At seven religious meetings held in
various parts of the country yesterday
the Prince of Wales was roundly de
nounced for tbe share he took in the
baccarat scandal. At the Methodist
Conference now being held at Leeds the
visit to Tranby Crolt was classed as a
“gambler’s orgie.”
In a letter published to-day in the
Pall Mall Gazette the writer asks why
a captain in a household regiment, who
is wanted by the police in connection
with the Cleveland street scandal, and
who is now residing in Tunis, should
have been allowed to resign when Sir
William Gordon Cumming was dismiss
ed from the army for his share in the
Tranby Croft scandal.
As an evidence of tbe attitude of the
press and the public ou the
question of royal preroga
tives, a letter which is published in to
day issue of tbe Standard, which is r
sturdy conservative organ,may be cited
The writer of this letter calls attention
to the fact that during the course of the
royal picuic at Virginia Water on Sun
day last some members of the party, in.
eluding some members of tbe family of
tbe Prince of Wales, violated the law
relative to the “close season” of fishing
by fishing in the waters. _ The writer
calls upon the local authorities to prose
cute tbe lawbreakers under.the statute
and not to exempt from pnnishnment
those members of the royal family who
may be shown to have violated the law
The fact that this letter is published by
the Standard goes far to show the feel
ings that has been aroused by the ac-
tion of the Prince of Wales
hf’ecf y° u may set us down on the side of the
»> iTho
board of public works, of PickawaJ
county, was nominated on the first ballot.
For state school commissioner, O. T.
Carson of Guernsey, was nominated on
the first ballot.
For state dairy and food inspector, H.
B. McNeil of Miami, was nominated on
the first ballot.
In with the recently en
acted ballot reform law, the convention
adopted a device to be printed at the
head of the Republican ticket, this de
vice to be an American eagle.
The convention then adjourned.
Important General News Dispatches la
Condensed Form.
The Georgia editor excursionists have
arrived in Chicago.
George Washington, tbe negro to be
hanged soon in Atlanta, refuses to talk.
The German Emperor has written to
ueen Victoria criticising th© Prince of
alee for his connection with the bac
carat game.
Stephen Thomas, a colored man, waa
snnstrack while working near Selma, O.
He went into convulsions, and has had
them regular ever since. He is not ex
pected to live. —
The condition of ex-Chief Justice
Sherwood, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; is such
that a petition has been filed in tbe pro
bate court for the appointment of a
guardian for him.
At Buffalo, N. Y. f Samuel E. Wey-
man was sentenced to hang August 8.
He is probably the last man who will he
sentenced to death by hanging in tho
state of New York.
A special dispatch from Guatemala
says apian has been discovered to annex
Guatemala to the United States. Some
of the most prominent officials of the
country and principal coffee planters
are interested.
Bernard Glandi. convicted some days
jo of having attempted to bribe Tales
furor Henry B. Atwood, in the Hennes
sey case at New Orleans, was sentenced
by Judge Marr to one year at hard labor
in tbe penitentiary.
At Milwaukee, Wis., Rev. Isaao
Nicholson of Philadelphia, was elected
bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Mil
waukee on the eleventh ballot about
midnight. His election is regarded as a
victory for the High church men.
Over 100 corpses have been recovered
at Basla The unidentified bodies are
>erved in the hospital. Stakes have
3 driven into the river bed to pre
vent unrecovered bodies from washing
away. The number of the dead has
sached 150.
A libel action has been brought 1
Mr. Parnell’s secretary, Mr. Campb
inst The Cork Herald for stating t
]e other members of parliament
were attending to their duties, Mr.
Campbell was hiring houses for immoral
purposes for Mr. Parnell in Dublin.
At Gan Francisco, the revenue cutter
Corwin, took cool mid sailed for Priby-
loff islands. Capt. Hooper, it is stated,
carries copies of the president's procla
mation ordering a closed season, which
he will distribute to all vessels concerned
which may be found in Behring sea. *.
Vetoes the Beer License for Reasons
Here Given.
A Significant Utterance by Dr.
Atlanta, June 10.—[Special.]—May
or Hemphill has created a big sensation
by vetoeing ti e beer license. Atlanta
issues two kinds of licences, one to sa-
loonists handling whiskey and wines as
well as beer. This is one thousand dol
lars pel annum. The other is for beer
saloons alone, at two hundred and fifty
dollars per annum. The former are
kept in the business parts of the city,
wi'biu certain prescribed limits, while
tbe beer saloons are on the outskirts
Nashville, Tenn.. June 18.—[Spe
cial.]—The Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, t>.
D.. passed through Nashville yesterday,
on his way to Sewanee, Teenetsee, from
Louisville, where he bad been to form
an alumni association of the university,
He was interviewed at every point as
to the possibility of his re-election to
the bishopric, and the probability of
his acceptance in case of such a thing.
To each and every one he gave an
evasive reply as to what he would do if
offered the bishopric again.
To some friends here, however, when
asked about his intention if he should
An Ocala special to The Florida Times-
Union say»: James A. Harris and Al
bertos Vogt have sold to a syndicate
4,900 acres of phosphate land in Marion,
Levy, Citrus, Hernando and Polk conn-
ties jor $570,000 cash;.they retaining in
‘ be same fifty-one one-hundredths into-
it in order to control it.
Kflbourne J. Brown was arrested ai
his home in Malden, Mass., charged
with smuggling while in the employ of
the Owuuiian Pacific railroad as conduc
tor of a Pullman car between Boston
and Montreal. He was held in $5,000
bail for examination. This Is consid
ered a very important arrest.
and in some instances in resident por
TheMayor’s reasons for refusing;his aeeuond he ^ pub _
approval to beer saloons is that there \
has been to all intents and purposes
“blind tigers” and their existence is
unfair to tbe prohibition element and to
saloon men who pajr the higher license.
The announcement has created a great
deal of discussion, some favorable to the
Mayor, and some decidedly the oppo-
* Tooio let We
factories around Athens is as good as is
to be found anywhere in tho state.
In the last Drawing of the Louisiana
Atlanta, Ga., Juns 18. [Special.]—
“I would not dare to refuse a second
call from the diocese of Georgia. I do
not believe, however, that they will
elect me. The; understood my motives
too well to again tempt me to leave Se
Dr. Gailor believes that in refusing i
second call to Georgia he would be plac
ing himself in opposition to clerical
work for a secular calling.
Will Remain In Athens —Mr.
P. Tribble who graduated this year
with the Law class will make Athens
Don’t »
“ Monkey”
with your
breed. oorrupUon: and
into lncnable obronlo dla-
is a safe, speedy an*
sure euro tor all
11 _ it u„contagious blootl
^ * pol£OnL3& uSnE'
ed Scrofula, Sid a Eruptions,
and has cured thousands of
cases of Cancer.
It la a powerful tonic for deU-
cate persons, yet is harinlesi
and incapable of injuring the
most sensitive system.
Madison Pate, a young car greaser at j bis home- He was admited to the bar
the R. & D. shops won fifteen thousand j day before yesterday, and will practice
'law in Athens Mr. Tribble has
dollars in the Louisiana State Lottery at i
promise of being one of tbe prominent
t e last drawing. There is no doubt of lawyers of the future and he is in good
MeEirjVjWiMEOFCARDUiiw JsBulsdiMSMk the gcnuinesucss of iL hands in the office of Mr. E. T. Brown
A treatlae on Blood and 8M*
Disease, mailed nuts on appli
Druggists Sell It. |
Drawer 3s Atlanta, Ga,
j fcsubtcribe to .the Athena
. Banner.