The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, August 11, 1891, Image 7

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>DAT MORNING , AUGUST u, 1891 ALMOST A RIOT. greeting farmers. HON. BOB BERNER WHO WILL BB IN THEt CITY'NEXT WEDNESDAY. Mr. Atkinson regards it ms a great victory, as tb« committee were opposed to the mesa re nine to one. m a but ciacurr com. After "the special order bad been dis posed of new bills were introduced. One of the most important was that to establish a new circuit of the Supe riot Court in tbe^scate. The bill was introduced by Mr. Johnson,of Appling, and the new circuit is to consist of the counties of Appling, Coffee, TatnaU, Montgomery and Wayne. ~ A LIST OF DELEGATES AG1INST MONOPOLIES. HON. W. Y. ATKINSON *111 Be In Attendance Upon th mention—Those Who are Going Entertain Should Pick out the Delegatee They Wish and Notify the Committee. The Whipping Post Causes Son* Lively Discussions—Several New Bills introduced and the Volume of Business Increasing Rather Than Casreastng. national reputation, a student under Agassia. and an intimate associate of that great scientist’s son. Of bis wife’s actions and espousal of Tfedism, Mr. Mill* said: "It is a fever that must ran its coarse and win come aQ right in the end. Peo ple who cannot but see the absurdity of nhe doctrine taught by this man Teed. It fa apparent to me that be fa working the old confidence game of Starris, who so successfully doped the OHphaots out of thousands of dollars, and after thirty ; rears of proselyting has become a mil lionaire. It is evident to me that the teachings of Teed will eventually so "disgust the members of his society that they will leave it, and, as the only sur vivor, he will secure the property which the society may have acquired. ® Mr. Mills win take up his residence in (Joiner, Cal., and await the result of Atlanta, Ga., August 7.—[Special. —Mr. Berner introduced today one of the most important, and jostat this time the most interesting measures, now before the House. It provided for an extension of the power of tbe railroad commission so as to give them supervision over the sales, leases and contracts of tbe railroads in tbe State, and to authorize (hem to institute proceedings to annul! all such charters as shall be formed illegal ac cording to tbe laws and constitution of the State. This bill follows up the Senate reso lution for a joint commute to investi gate those railroad leases, and il any illegal leases are found, and this bill becomes a law, the commission will be given this power to have such leases annulled. By Williams of Richmond—A bill to amend section 33^4 of tbe State code relative to garnishments. By Meriwether of Wilkes—A resolu tion to proved that 310 copies of all general bills reported favorably be provided for the use of the House. Mr.,Wheeler, of Walker, introduced a resolution this morning in effect of which was to limit debates on all ques tions before the house to ten minutes, that is for each speech. Mr. Berner thought that such an iron rule should not be established as it might seriously interfere with debate on important public questions. He thought for the previous question was all that was necessary to stop long win ded discussions, and moved to refer tbe resolution to the committee on rules. Mr. Wheeler said be was opposed to spending the State’s money for these useless and lang-meter discussions, and wanted tbe resolution adopted. He was willing however to have tbe resolu tions committed. By Boifeuillet of Bibb—To amend section 1113 of the code, so as to fix the members of aides-de-camp. By Hand of Baker—To protect insane persons in their postal rights, and to prevent the confinement of sane per sons in msaue asylums. Special Order Next Thursday Tbe bill to amend the code so as to make daily weekly and monthly wages garnfahable introduced by Mr.Ethridge of Houston was made tbe special order for nex Thursday. It is an important general measure, and will no doubt bring out an interesting general discus- lion, Whiping Bosses. The house has passed the measure of Mr. Dunwoody of Glynn to institute whipping post at county and municip- u) ebaingangs. Mr. Dunwoody and Lectured Craw ford of McIntosh had a hot encounter in regard to tbe measure which tbe committee recommended should pass by substitute. Mr Dunwoody made a speech explan atory of the bill, stating its objects and why it should become a law. Lectured Crawford also made a speech stating why it should not become a law. It was legislation that" would be harm ful to the negro. Mr. Dunwoody answered bim in a few remarks why it should become a law, and the bill was passed by a good majority. GABBISHABLE VOX TAXIS. It now needs only the senate’s con currence and the governor’s legislation to make money garaishable for taxes, Tbe bill,was introduced by Mr. Baxter, of Bibb, and empowers tbe tax collec tors of the state to issue process of gar- i nishment for taxes. At Mils Mr. Matthews picked up a rock and threw U at tbs negro and then J Carutbera fired a pistol at Matthew, jOSt him. The hall struck a valuable mole ia $ tbe neck. Matthew and Me friends SB then fired on the negro, one of the balls striking bim a few Inches to the right * of the spinal column. Tbe negro tamed and nu» down the fm main street, followed by a crowded - about two hundred people. He was caught after a short chase. It was with tbe greatest difficulty that Sheriff Col lier and Marshal Williamson prevented tbe negro from being lynched and that tbe on spot, ae a hundred pistols were flashing all around and over them. The negro was finally lodged safely - 1 in jail. The ball waa cat from him, it being a vary severe wound, but not necessarily a dangerous one. All hap pened at the dinner hour and all joined u tbe chase. Ex-dheriff McEUiannon had a severe Tbe measure has been contemplated for some time, and was recommended in the Governor’s message. The bill provides for tbe establish ment sad maintenance of the school, and makes *an appropriation of $6,000 per year to pay all expenses. There is to be a special board of Trustees, and the school is also to be supervised by the Chancellor and trustees of the State University. Iu object is to prepare teachers for teaching in tbe common schools of Georgia, and after a coarse at tbe school they will be required to serve as teach ers in tbe Georgia schools for a period of five years. UN DEE THE RAILROAD COMMI-SION. It is probable that tbe telegraph, express and sleeping car companies will hereafter be controlled as to their char ges by tbe Railroad Commission of the state. At least that is what the house decided this morning after about three boors discussion and consideration of the measure. The bill was introduced sometime ago by Mr. Atkinson, of Coweta, and was tbe special order for tbe morning’s ses sion. Mr. Atkinson nude a powerful argu ment infavor of the bill. He was satis fied that tbe measure was in the interest of the people. Tbeinteliect-of the state opposed it before Railroad committees, but their private oninion in the matter was in favor of it. Tbe people were oppressed by tbe unjust charges of these monopolies, and demanded the relief which the bill proposed to .give He made a strong appeal for its passage, and asked the members not to be over awed by tbe general judiciary com mittee or great lawyers or railroad mag nates When he took his seat Mr. Hogan, of ^ Lincoln, offered an amendment which | has the manufacturer’s name on it and is caused much laughter on the part of the i house It was to put lawyers under the Railroad Commission, giving I the commission power to pre scribe the fees which lawyers should de mand for their several kinds of servi ces. He stated that it served to be tbe fashion to pot everybody under tbe con trol of somebody else and he wanted he people protected from this unjust and i. iquitous monopoly of lawyers. Tbe amendment created some talk bnt was finally withdrawn. Mr. Everett, of btewart, made a tel ling speech in favor of the bill. Mr. Smith, of Decatur, thought all business of tne convenoon, mmi as nignt the citizens of Athens will entertain tbe ,]. legates at the prayer hall on the" dingus. Al ter the en ertainment, tbe citizen* will take them in baud and carry them to their several homes and to the different hotels where ample Accommodations win be provided. The next day will be devoted to tbe business of the society, among which will be the selection of tbe place of meeting for the next session. u ith tnis issue of the Banbkr is sent out a supplement of the delegates who have been appointed fr> m the different counties, most of whom will be in at tendance upon the convention. It is urged by the committee on en- tertaininent that each and every citizen who can possibly entertain one or more of the delegates to the convention of the society will please call at the store of McDowell <& Son today and leave the names of delegate or delegates they may select. The time is short and the citizens of Athens must see to it that tbe delegates receive that royal hospitality for which Athens is noted. The Udies of the ciiy are urged to co operate with tbe committee of ladies appointed to assist in getting up tbe entertainment for Wednesday night. proof that tbe Savior had worn the gar ment jnst before crucifixion. The first mention of the coat was in the fourth century. It appears in the "Gesta Treviorom. * For centuries after that it waa exhibited regularly. It fa expected that there will be a tre mendous movement to Treves. It is said that 100,000 will go from America. rawraticn for her future life, when iJbnst the man will dwell on earth, and that Dr. Teed was tbe fiHaa of the Bible, who would announce tbe second coming of Christ. Teed will be dematerialixed and pass into the spirit world like Christ, for he knows the laws of life which render such a thing possible. She says she is contented, and as the ladv is sntdi a tal ented person and moved in such high A THIEF’S MURDEROUS ATTACK fall, and Mr John Ross aortalaed a painful wound in the bead by jumping off an embankment while in pursuit of tbe negro. jfi For a while, tbe greatest excitement prevailed and a riot seemed imminent. Late this evening, however, all waa quiet, and no farther tronbl waa an ticipated. other room with her two little children heard the attack and screamed to the burglar to take the money, but save her husband. All was then quiet and the husband called to his wife mid she came and found him bleeding from the HIS A LIBERAL EDUCATION. In Favor of the Cigarette. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 6.—[Special].— F r - me Jays state chemist Payue has beet, ou.-y analyzing cigarettes of all mikes. This was at the request of number* of the Legislature interested in anil cigarette legislation. The chem ise's report is rather a black eye to anti - cigarette men as he says tbe tobacco in tnem is as pure as the tobacco iu cigars, aid that there are no deleterious in gredients in rice paper used in wrap- For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS wounds he bad jnst received. She sat by his bedside until daybreak and then went to a neighbor’s and told what had occurred and asked for help. A physi cian was sent for and Mr. Kneeland’s bruises were bandaged. He is not fatally injured. Detectives have taken Washington to Harrison. FOUR ALUANOE CONGRESSMEN sale. Stencil instruments are those that do not have the name of tbe maker on them and we are tbe only house in this section that has refused to handle them. Beware of them, they are “no good” faire warning. Hope Hale’s Mosic House. THEY WERE NOT FROM ATHENS. The so Called Athens Base Ball Team. la- papers are talking about a base hall game having occurred between Atb ens and Atlanta, in which the Athens team was defeated by a score of 12 to 8 F .r tlie benefit of the reporters wh« write the articles, the Banker stat a tUt not a man on that team hails from Athens; that it is com- P'M'J of men who live oil side of Clarke county, and m.*re- over that Athens fa not used to being beaten when she enters on tbe dia- Buuunghah, Ala., Aug. 7.—Near Ma rion, Dr. G. B. Crowe shot and probably fatally wounded a negro named Frank. The latter had driven Dr. Wilkerscm to see a patient whom Dr. Crowe was at tending, and went to sleep in the hack at the gate. Dr. Crowe went oat to bring him in to supper. In waking up the negro he startled Urn so that he palled hie pistol and shot at Dr. Crowe, tbe latter responding in kind with the result stated. Dr. Crowe fa the mm who killed B. F. Glass at Brierfield a few weeks ago. The Bad Debt Man. Atlanta, Ga., Aag. 6.—[Special.]— Vickery, the bad debt man, is after a j ung man named Stanley Baldridge, Wtwill he took uo and gave work. One hundred dollars of Vickery’s money ha- gone with Baldridge. Its the worst <l iu Vickery has tackled, but he’s anx ious to collect it all the same. HERE’S A GOOD ONE. Tom Reed, the Banner’s Night-Hawk Walks Fourteen Miles to Make a Speech. The way of the speech maker is hard. Tull State Prohibition Ticket. Ei jura, N. Y.. Aug. 7.—Chairman F. B. Baldwin of the Prohibition state committee, says a foil state ticket will be nominated at the state convention to be bald at Albany Sept. 2. Wm. S. Ward well. W. Jennings Demurest of New York, andW. S. Powell, a wealthy farmer of Columbia county, an men tioned as possible candidates for gov ernor. Chairman Baldwin says the Pro man from Coweta. Labor bad its rights, and was necessary to the com munity, bat capital had rights also, and labor and capital were inter-dependent. Tbe corporations were now endeavor ing to build up the State, and they had done no injustice to tbe people. He was followed by Mr.. Clifton of Chatham, who also opposed tbe bill. He La Grippe again. During the epidemic of La Grippe - waa wuc .|;iua Barbecue and Sunday School dinner I i° * n there, and it also seems that Tom | r’*’ 1 “**1 been invited to make a speech , re the children who were to gather I ir-nn mil-s around. Tom lvoes to apeak as much as most I People love to eat, but he loves to eat than he loves to speak. I ut -he two together and you’ve got a wptatioa that is irresistible, to the I °* the Banner’s night-hawk. « -ie going to stay away from Rfah-1 °P-'-well hardly. ' friend proposed to take him down 1 1 , ln * buggy or some other kind of tk. C e ' but Tom waited in vain until wnnl°f y fi0e of the western sun had P>!ie down behind a bank of clooda ,ler ‘3ion »t Tom in his fret-1 mood of hopeless despair. o’clock Peech *° c® 01 ® •* ® to DtIt; mo! 'o»ng- The dinner waa **/jed promptly at/-oh well tbe . -try thought of it settled the question m£^> nt ^ wk ' 8 mind > *o deter-1 carLi k* tbetr in good time. Tom out a foot having been assured tfth.' was oaly six or seven miles oat •itohin^- He left Athen ® ®* . hing hour of twilight. dete - !* cl «* »-m. he landed at his way-worn, be dewed with dust. He But T. fourteen miles, i W, ‘““mart* his speech if be didn’t G r V? 1 ? c °Uar, and earned his din- Wfwhh^y ^ covered him C? * °7 in both efforts. Sot mu,h if'i 0WI1 * newspaper man last season Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, proved to be the best remedy. Reports from tbe many who used it confirm this statement, They were not only quick- Mr, Clifton’s bill to pay the jurors in city courts in the state the same as u paid to jurors in the superior courts was passed. Three general bills introduced by Mr. Martin, of Fulton, were passed this morning. One repeals the act requir ing clerks of Superior eonrta to keep a record books of Superior court char ters. Another amends the code in relation to the granting of charters so as to es tablish a “Record of Superior Court Charters,” and the last ratifies all char ters previous to the passage of this act h«it never heard of any complaint from I the people of his section against these I corporations, for he believed they bad I none to make. Neither tbe express j companies nor tbe telegraph companies were charging exorbitant rates and there waa no necessity for tbe measure. Mr Sibleyi of Cobb, made a few re marks In favor of the bill, and then Mr.-1 Clifton called for the ayes and nayes on the motion to disagree to tbe report of I I the committee. The report I of the committee was not sna- tained. Mr. Davis, of Burke, wanted to I | amend by striking out sleeping car com- I and made a few remarks in sup port of his amendment. Mr. Fleming opposed the amendment there waa more reason why I sleeping ear companies should come in the bill than there was for any other- I He waa oppoeed to the bill, hut there had been a request from the people for such a law about *lesph>gc*r companies ir~,the amendment should bo voted OUR OFFER. dum between Commercial hotel and Princeton Factory with name of E H. Mathews on tbe inside. Tbe finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at Commercial hotel, dlt. wit Jefferson, Ga., Aug. 6.—[Special.] —Court fa progressing rapidly in the transaction of business, and the ever able and efficient presiding Judge, Hod. N. L. Hutchins, fa winning golden opinions from all our people. Among tbe new arrivals at Court who were not here the first of the week, we note Cote. B H. Noble, H. C Tuck and [ S J. Tribbl**. of Athena, and W. W. Stark, of Harmony Grove, Ga. Oar entire community was greatly ■borhnrt yesterday morning to learn* of tbedeathof Mre Welburn Webb, of this place- Mrs. Webb has been^ridk Mnessaerious until quite recently .Mrs, To Move a College. Atlanta, Ga., Aug 7.—[Special ]— The announcement is made here today on authority that the Southern Female College, since Lagrange, is to be moved to Atlanta to New Duluth. It will be called Manchester, where Geor gia Military institute will be. Change will probably be made within a coapfar of yeais. Invite the public generally to call and inspect theii well selected stock ot Stationery and Fancy Goods. W( are Headquarters for “FINE GOODS,” and make a spe cialty of Fine Stationery. It will pay yon to call and see for ycnrselyes. THE J-AXJKSOTST & BURKE COwS the new book store. 107 BEGAD STREET.—. tA* meat. This amendment was also i It was evidently-tL-e intention of majority of the House to pass the bi :t stood. The bill was then put on its aa-e and the result was in i'avor of the bill to ^Representatives of these corporal in Georgia were on the floor of.theh *nd in the gallery .watching "huco ville, and had only been married a little ■ over a year. Her remains were interr ed m Woodbine cemetery yesterday af ternoon Rev. A. J. Kelley offimi e', The afflicted husband has our deepest RICH WITHOUT A NICKLE. A man fa rich without a dime of his own in his pocket or elsewhere who has a good disposition, who is naturally kind, cheerful, oat of debt and has a pair of Sk fl the Jeweler’s Diamoi d Spectacles. Beaut.ful new styles Gold Chains, come and admire them if yon don't buy them at Skiff the Jeweler. Prices are low, goods first class. lands, to correspond with McKee & George, Camilla, Ga.