The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, September 22, 1891, Image 2

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ATHENS fcAMrfcfi ; ttESDAY MOltMSd, 8EPT£M6£fi « 1891 THE BERNER BILL AND THE GOODWIN tSUBSTITUTE. The practical difference between the bill to regnlate railroads, which was reported by the Committee and of which Mr. Berner is the author, and the substitute offered by Mr. Goodwin is, that the Berner bill pro*. Tides that an illegal and void con tract shall be set aside by the courts, while the Goodwin substitute leaves it standing and imposes a fine on the company if it discriminates. In other words the Berner bill carries out the Constitution and the Good win bill does not. No doubt the Goodwin bill is well intended by its author, but fuller reflection will sat isfy him that it is an unwise mea sure. The railroad companies under his bill will simply pay the fines and then take it out of the shippers. If anybody doubts how this bill will operate, let him ask any official of the Terminal Co. which of these two bills are best for the State, the an swer will be, the Goodwin substitute. All the Terminal asks is, “Do not set aside my lease.” It will pay the fines cheerfully, for it will get it all back out of the people. Just so the lease is left standing, you may im pose fines ad libitum.” No greater mistake can be made than to commit the State Govern ment to the proposition that an ille gal contract between two corpora tions will be allowed to stand if the corporations will pay enough money- That doctrine may prevail tempora rily and it may cause the defeat of the Berner bill, but it is an unsound and dangerous doctrine and the heal thy public sentiment of this State will rise up and repudiate it. No amount of money paid as fines by the railroads will entitle them to a license to make illegal contracts. As said above the fines will net come out of them, the people will have to pay them. But the ability to pay fines ought not to confer a right to violate law. It would be a hideous spectacle in Georgia for laws to be made excusing corporations for vio lating the law if they will pay heavy fines and at the same time dealing out punishment to all who are not able to pay. Tho Berner bill is a conservative, moderate and useful measure. It will put an end to this conflict between the people and the Terminal combination. It will set tle the dispute. It will be found in practical operation beneficial to rail roads and people. It does no more and no less than the Constitution says “shall” be done, simply to set Aside the illegal contracts. The Terminal Company had better Accept tfie Berner bill now and be thankful. If they continue to oppose it and should succeed in defeating it the day will never come again when they will be able to settle upon such liberal terms. They had belter let it alone. This is not Pennsylvania and they are not the Pennsylvania Co. The people control Georgia, not the Richmond Terminal. They may defeat this bill, but they will be damming up the waters of retribu tion if they do. QUEER TELEGRAMS- Some weeks ago when the break in the market of Terminal stock oc curred the Atlanta Constitution was flooded with a column full of what purported to be a special telegram from New York, stating that it was an attack of Northern men upon the Terminal, and that the South ought to come to the rescue. It was as sorted that Northern capital was ar rayed against the Terminal because it was a Southern institution. This thin and transparent device was not trusted and it deceived no well-in formed person. It was known that the Terminal itself was controlled by Northern men and that fourteen out of seventeen of its directors lived in New York. So we heard no more of that. Now comes the same paper and publishes another batch of special telegrams from New York asserting that the break down in prices is caused by an attack upon the Ter minal here in the South. Surely the Terminal must be “between the Devil and the deep sea.’' One week it has made itself obnoxious in the North and the next it has turned the South against it. It begins to look as if it had lost its hold upon the M SECOND JOSEPH! TO NONE Again I repeat, second to none as Bargain-Giver in Athens. I know whereof I speak. How do I know ? By the excl n r my numerous customers, who crowd my store: How is it that you can sell cheaper than other stores ? I must, simply becaus °* I AM THE ONLY BARGAIN DISTRIBUTOR IN ATHENS and to continue the luxurious trade, I will and must SACRIFICE PROFITS. I say to the people of Athens and vicinitv P Compare! Wake up and investigate. Study your own interest. Judge for yourselves. Don’t be lured into the star™ ° l ] lpare ! who, in the past, made it a practice to scream FIRE! FliiE! to the top of their voices when even the slightest* smok "* tl,0se visible. Their cry of bargains is of such valne as a counterfeit dollar in a broken National Bank. You will be down ti,;* 6 " as MAX JOSEPH’S, and enjoy this GRAND SPECIAL BARGAIN week. ’ S Week « at l invite you to a little Grocery and Dry Goods Picnic, when in honor of the week, I will offer about 5 0 0 dollars worth of GROCERIES. And about 800 dollars worth of DRY GOODS. And about 600 dollars worth of at a glorious slaughter just to have a little fun all around. These 1900 dollars worth of goods are especially put up for a tremendous driv«, to have that little bit of fun, that make customers and My So-Celled Competitors A PICNIC. While my entire Sixty Thou sand Dollar stock will be thrown to you this week at a great bargain, yet this little bit of Nineteen Hnndred Dol- lors worth of extraordinary fun-making Bargains, will be the Picnic of the week. This will save you money, The Store opens at six o’clock. An extra force of sales men will be put on my Grocery Department, and an additional force on the Dry Goods and Shoe departments. Be on hand bright and ear ly and secu’e the pic^ of these Nineteen Hundred Dollars worth, as mentioned below f r this Peek’s specials, such as you have never heard of before, and likely never will again. 12 boxes Matches for 5 cents; 21 lbs Ex’ra C. best White Sugar fori 00. 5 lbs best pure golden Rio Coffee for 1 00; 5 b’xes fine sardines for 25c; 5c. a box 6 bars full weight Horse Shoe Soap for 25c; 5 lbs best Soda for 25 cents. Of the above Groceries, not more than 1 00 w»rth of each article will be sold to any one customer. The prices being so fabulously low, I don’t want one customer to get all, and some none; therefore the limit of 1 00 worth to each customer, which will make it a judicious distribution One Great Bargain IN MEN’S UNDERWEAR ! 66 2-3 per cent off from last winter prices. One lot of heavy Undershirts at I8c. for a 65c Undershirt; Two Lots Blankets, two colors, va rious colored borders; 38c for a 1 25 White Blanket; 42c for a 1 50 light gray Blanket; THREE LOTS JERSEYS,in Blacks with fancy trimmings: Lot 1: 38c for a 1 00 Jersey; Lot 2: 58c for a 1 35 Jersey; Lot 3: 78c for a 2 00 Jersey; DOMES l’ICS and BLEACHINGS. 4£c for a lot of heaviest Plaids; 4£ cests for extra heavy unbleached Shirting; 4 cents for good quality Checks; 2J- cents a yard for one lot good length remnants Bleachings; 5 cents a yard for one lot Remnants all wool double width Cashmeres; I2£ cents a yard lor one lot of good heavy 25 cent Jeans; 12^ cents a yard for one lot scarlet all wool Flanne', 20c quality; I2^c. for one ot crimson twilled Flan nel, 25c. quality; 6c a yard for one lot Canton Flannel; 25c for one lot various colors Opera Flannel, 65c goods; 25c for one lot fringed Ladies Scarfs, original price was 75c; 1 80 for one lot Beaver Shawls, last winter price $5 00; 2|c a yard for one lot Pol adot Cali coes, 6c quality; 5 cents a yard for one lot Ticking; 8^c. a yard for 3 lots twilled doub ; e width Dress Goods 20c. grade. The great Bargain Day SHOES. Not more than one pair of one sii each customer. One lot Ladies Royal Kid B u Shoes, fair s,itched, extensio Q for fa 1 of the year, in »1 ^ 2 25, at the small sum of 75 Cents a Pair. All fresh goods and warranted. One lot Ladies Extra Quality gola Kid Button Shoes, Kid Cloth Tops, Patent Leather Tii very stylish, the newest out, worth 2 50 and 3 00, for this wee Only $1 25a Pair! Come and look at them. See Shoe Department. Yours, Respectfully, confidence of the public both Noitu and South. It reminds one of a sto ry told by one of the speakers dur ] ing the late prohibition campaign about a widower who bud married a widow. The widower had some chil dren by bis first wife and the widow nad some by her first husband, then they turned in and had a lot them selves. One morning the unhappy father of the family heard his wife calling him loudly and excitedly from the back yard: “John, John, come ont here quick ; my children and your children are fighting our children.” SOME EXCELLENT ADVICE- Says the Charleston News and Courier: The Hon. James M. Smith, of Oglethorpe County, Ga., is a farmer who employs three hundred hands, and runs a well-equipped railroad of his own within his farm limits for the purpose of hauling his supplies und products economically. He is, therefore, 1 ‘'considerable of a farmer,” and is a recognized authority on ag ricultural matters. Mr. Smith has just published in the Atlanta Con? stitution a letter of advice to the farmers of Georgia, of which the Constitution says: “This letter is timely for two reasons: First the time to sow oats is at hand, and this letter is on that subject Second,the coming year will be one of high prices for cereals, and farmers who have to buy corn will find it bard to make ends meet If they have not made enough this year to last until next fall, the best thing they can do is to plant a large crop of]oats to sup plement their corn supply. This is a matter of immense importance, for the fall oat crop ripene before sum mer, and it will be a small corn crop that will not hold out till then. If next summer the farmer has his barn full of oats, he will not have much high-priced corn to buy.” All this appies to farmers in South Carolina as well as to their neighbors beyond the Savannah River It is pretty certain that the prices of corn, wheat, oats and bacon will all be higher next year than they have been this year. The provident farmer in South Carolina will make his plans accord ingly, and the planting of a fall crop of oats is the first matter that re quires bis attention. A few days since, and a new cotton firm settled in Athens and commenced business. It was the branch office of Messrs. S. very simple process, Inman & Co., of i bv thorn end whi«h V tW and under the THE GOODWIN SUBSTITUTE- The impression is gaining that the substitute offered bv Mr. Good win, of Fulton, ia just what the Ter minal combination wants. The Ter minal owners are taking care of their speculation in stocks in Wall Street. To set aside the lease of the Central will interfere with their speculation, imposing fines will not The adops tionofthe Goodwin substitute will be a great victory for the Richmond Terminal. They will be perfectly satisfied with that bill, for if they have to pay any fines, they can gel it back by a well understood by them, and which makes the people pay it at last JEJie Goodwin bill leaves all their^ contracts in full force nirtLth&t all is the main point jCjArtthem! No doubt the inflt&Myff Mr’ .Liv ingston upon the legipjkti^e has con tributed largely to aid the Terminal in this contest. He has been very active and he is very influential and very adroit. He will ebaum bis opin ions, however, on this rauroad queso tion. The people g^Hfy are stand ing right where theifflliance con vention stood whem^Kbt in Atlanta and called for le°®ation enforcing the Constitution, Jgt may be possi ble for Mr. Livingston and the other Terminal speakers to control the leg islature on this qqgstion, but^jt will not 8top there. They caJjpdtcontrol the people. MAX JOSEPH. ANOTHER AGENCY. ESTABLISHED IN ATHENS TO BUY AND SELL COTTON. IIEATII COTTON COMPANY Of Charlotte, N.C. to do Business In Our Midst—The Growing Impor- . tance of Athens as a Ctoton Market If the Berner billis defea&d ii : *3 .in lu. v... i .'u management of Mr. J. S. Cowles. - iSfpw comes the establishment of an- big cotton agency in Athens, and ^ne that pr oposea to do a big business. Mefesre. John Van Landingham and B. E. Humphries, of Charlotte, N. C., re presenting the Heath Cotton.Company, have been in the city a couple of days looking around for a suitable office at which to locate their business. The Heath Cotton Company has heard very much of the advantages of Athens as a cotton market, and has determined to establish a branch office here. This company does an immense business in buying and exporting cot ton, and has branch offices at Norfolk, Va.,|West Point, Va , and Monroe, N. C., Charlotte being the Central office. To this list of branch offices is now added Athens, Ga. ‘ The gentlemen representing the com pany were delighted with the city and finely impressed with the prospects of its business future. They, have not ss CAPT. J. F. WILSON’S FUNERAL Held at the First Methodist Church. The funeral services of Capt. James F. Wilson at the First Methodist church were conducted by Rev. C. W. Lane at 4 p. m. who delivered a grand tribute to the character of Capt. Wilson as a Christian gentleman, as a gallant sol dier, and as a good citizen. The Confederate Veterans were pres ent, both at the church and at the cem- etary and at the close of the ceremo nies at the grave paid a tender tribute to the memory of each of their deceas ed comrades, James F. Wil- «°n and A. G. Tnrner, (the latter being buried the evening before) by decorating their respective graves with flower*; with the following words from the Secretary of the Survivors’ Association; “these rosebuds are the emblems of immortality, not only the immortality beyond the grave, but in this life, for as long as the sun contin- 11OQ I TO /hi t*n lilt n n l . • <■ _ . . Headquarters School Supplies. Wd imriro oil a _ n * *■ will be by this Goodwi It is better for the I Substitute. d t * nothing at all tbau to pass. thqGpod- win substitute. If they arb not willing to pass a law which sets aside unlawful contracts let them adjourn without any action at all and leave the whole question open for a new legislature to deal with. Unletft the state of public opinion greatly a new legislature wifi* chosen who will enforce the Conejk lor as long as tbe sun contin- ues its circuit, as long as tie tidesofold Ocean shall ever ebb and flow, and a> tong as the river by whose banks our veterans are laid to rest runs to the sea, and wherever the English lan guage is spoken or written, through- out ail the coming ages, the name ami fame of the Confederate soldier will ever be remembered.” We invite all students to - make us a call and see what we thera ' have 011 Hand a full supply ol lJliAi BOOIvi>, new and second-hand. I® 3 0ur Line of STATIONERY is complete and we Sndj ra, nte6 satisfaction. You will save money by trading riiE j^ycksoint & burke co. STORE. IT IS A LIBERAL EDUCATION. The Blest Wonderful Publication Ever Issued.—Prat and Public, A Complete History of oar Govoramant by Administrations. Political Parties aad Congresses from Washington to Harrison. NEELY’S REVERSIBLE ujut ej fc for thejr jbtfice, hut (do a few days, ” tution. Van .Landingham has • returned tb’Charlotto. * The office here will be in oharge of Mr. Humphrip? " -Athens is grbwing id -importance as a cotton market. ‘The lar^e receipts and excellent gradb^f'cotton call for more agenciesam# coming. The establishment of branch offices here by Messrs, s. M. Inman & Co. and th^peyath Cotron Company means ^Weatideal to Athens. t simply means more money with ich to buy the cotton that rolls Into Athens every falL THE SENIOR CLASS. Meets and Elects Its Officers for This Term The Senior class held a meeting yes terday morning on the campus at which a full set of officers for the ensuing term were selected. The newly elected officers are as follows: E W. Frey, President; H. H. Smith, Vice Presi dent; S. fi. Sibley, Prophet; J. Fred Lewis, Historian, J. E. Welche, ora tor; W. G. Park, Poet; R. De T. Law rence, Treasurer; J. S. Horsley, Sec retary and J. C. Blasingame, Chaplain. This is a strong set of officers of an able class of students. The class of ’92 is made up of some of the brainiest men in college, and is an honor to the institution. Tbe Married Women Leave Home. Poplab Bluff, Mo., Sept, ia—A queer case occurred here. Three wo men arrived from Hoxie. Ark., and stopped at hotel Freeman. Only one of them registering and she tinder an alias. In the morning three anxions husbands came from Hoxie looking for their ran- , wiv y 8 ’ found traces bat did not get sight or their spouses. La ter they learned that the women had taken a morning train for the south, again having their baggage checked for Hoxie. Two of the hnsnands declared they would themselves take a trip to Texas, but the third remarked that "If & me i4 would be all right with him. * Tho ’woin«/were all young. There was no e any scandal. Hurled for Four llonra. Looanspout, Ind., Sept. 18 —While James Miller, of Ohio county, was dig ging a deep ditch o i his farm the hanks closed over him. When he was covered Miller’s arm was thrown upward, and his hand protruded through the dirt His loug absence from the farm honse created alarm, aud a boy was sent to of«?o I?* K Foil ?. win R the course of the ditch the boy discovered the un covered hand, aud Miller was rescued and resuscitated. When restored to consciousness Miller said that while he was buried he was for a long time con- scions, but unable to move. Air must have reached him through an aperture caused by his protruding arm. He will recover. Political and U. S. Map. Ifttest Edition. Corrected to Date. Printed in Eleren Color** 6ft. 6 in. by 8 ft. 10 In. (largest eter printed.) Lamar Knocked Him Ont. Roanoke, Va., Sept. 18.—L. Q. c. Lamar, Jr., son of Associate Justice Lamar of the United States supreme court, who came here in the interest of the Hamilton-Brown Shoe company of St, Louis as attorney in the assignment of Green burg & Morris, engaged in an encounter with the latter me.ulier of k“ mar desired an audience when Morns assaulted him. At the ho ?" e Lamar again made the re- Morns used insulting lan- ! former dealt the latter two heavy blows, Ituocking him down, then X- —* Lamar was ar- , stood trial aud was dismissed. of Davidson to 8neceed Senator Call. Tai.lahasse, Fla., Sept. 10. —Gov- ernor /leming has appointed ex-Oon- gressman Robert H. M. Davidson of Quincy, to be United States Florida, to fill the vacn“y^X bj the failure of the legislature to elect % successor to Hon. Wilkinson CML Colonel Davidson is a native of Florida! 5® was congressman from the first Honda district for fourteen consecn W« ye ^!i ba !l^. bee " elected hr surprise Governor'. Plowing Match. ,.ftt TUIORK ’. Sept ’ 10 —Brown, the Democrats candidate for governor f£^? h r*^ b ' be “ r ' h “w«“'S: 4 he has. touched a plow for ten THIS DOUBLE MAP CONTAINS ON ONE BIDKi • ton* O. S, Stop, showing all Counties, Bsllrosdi, Tow** and Post Offices. Price alone 8&.00. •AND ON THE OTHER SIDE: kSWo)._a ££ IT ALSO GIVES IN BRIEF: TheghtoiToftteP-.aGQTwngwntbyOongTeaea, TbeHWoryoftheU.S.brAtaJnWrttWfc RECOMMENDATIONS. diagrams »eey this le high eulogy.*- ~ SMC the progress of u, me nation, rrc Us present period of maturity. ®fiS8r68M~ WHAT AGENTS ARE DOING. “HecsJredtbs 10 maps this sfumooo: Y before supper.” . ^ Kni , oa » T before supper.” , “Sold It mspe:yMterdsj; i large order next Saturday." “ Have canvassed for rears; for jfears; nerer W ^Sendtirenty-flTS maps at ooca; *“> ^ ^arSsLHdooeb-fdsf;^- Ispldffimaps in lour days; expedtoKS next weak.'' 100 next wppjr •» “ Took Sorters from the circular.” h*^i d iQ Co- ’ s latest U. S. Map, printed In colors, covers them** bade and is universally conceded to be the best published. It tl«n* sells for (printed on both P sides) to S ft 10 in. by 5 «•«»“; SStaAiOM t S , ,^i bo , tton i tape on sides. These two mips sell W arateiyior 910.00. Publisher’s price, 85.00. By Express, $5.75. v«ri« ap sll0u ^, l be ta every library, office and whnni, and to well worthjW price, 85.00, as yon will seeby the above statements of agents and ncommendatio 01 ’ tees aaLfff. 11118 Great LfceMe Map by Express Prepaid and to theU. & It auiMmailedbut is much °y express. Name your nearest express office, , Mo i!' lE ,? ,0SEY ^ IEL B E ftEFUHDED to any one not perfectly satis Bed sflf UNDERSTAND FULLY that no mattorwhlch offer you»^ osfoa'j OUR OPFER W *U. senda Mi *p FRBE ta“VOMaa*“H^ send a mapandou r J>“ bBC nber 8 for one year stfl.00 each. For* teDdamiti,ni< nn.. subscribers for one year at *1.00 each. * or v.wtli they want^or *1 00 each r w [?iT «? ne yeur - 0Id and new subscribers can g«* •**£&!»■ foralinniVd Am. b * tl ‘° samu guarantee as above. We »U1 only furouL »" for « bmjted tone as our supply will soon l 6 gone. You shouid therefore onUr at ooo* auufCBfl, “ - —-— Tli© iBaimei? [Business Office Atheu», Ga. 'tii.