The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, October 06, 1891, Image 1

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^ gfCiuio It print! Er»*t» I* the •**■ ^'yri 'isrr’ ) Athen* Banner, Bat. IbS yinto i ¥* ! wElL DONF. Cfc'NTLEMEN. hold and-is talking fiercely aggres- it£ 0 f the fact that there are give tariff talk to huge crowds in the * ^ Isrge daily newspapers in big Western Reserve. 1 fir , u g hot, shot of feigned re- | Another development in Candidate the Georgia House of Rep* I Campbell’s favor fs the incautious uiives for passing tne Smith publication by the Republican news! ;u te, wldcb in substance is the papers that his note Tor $3,000 went bill, vet the truth remains to protest last week. This eatab- , e people of Georgia are prais- lishes his poverty beyond question ^e House for this wise and da- and poverty is popular this year. It ictioD* likewise prominently identifies him &l uiatioos are in order, and with the large and influential debtor Je being showered upon the class. wll0 voted for this bill from Candidate Campbell is not yet a fjrm and every workshop in j safe bet, but he is coming. State. the aw ikU —bstitute * 8 a w * 8e I A new paper is peeping from the Us every purpose is to en- a?* 108 .of the Savannah Times. The leisure. 119 . , ~ . Georgia editor is able to fight fire here llie Constitution of Georgia and hereafter.—Constitution. „ h,.Qvs n non the rail- But no Georgia editor will fever have M "ears upon tne ran- | OCCRsion flcrht flpo hapaa , rnp . tbey - ifiv h° 1 ^ , ,, |Drt jpon the people of Geor- " raj Han nek has always urged ilnlfilinent of this duty that tue a!»ture owes the people of Geor- wd *e had confidence in the representatives to the extent > ■ Mi pif paring f° ourselves that they would occasion to fight fire hereafter; don’t go to,that sort of climate; for who ever heard of a wicked Georgia editor f —Americas Times-Recorder. No! oh no! Taught patience in a better school than Job; tortured to an early death by the everlasting frowns of a criticising public; chased around the town by creditors all (Jay and haun ted to agonizing dreams at a late hour borne from Atlanta without at n, 8 bt b y an unrelenting Devilcrying I fff Ah M a +U >11 V dl Copy!”—— oh no there’ll be no fire * . » • II I • wu uv bUUiC II UCUU JUIO i&rming such a duty. After all, I fl^hting hereafter. The hereafter will ^ b»ve only required the railroads | will be sweet by contrast, the Slate laws. The Atlanta jujujI bas very aptly put the ques- \ Thk bri # Lt P“ragrapher of the Atlan- |8 follOWS. active. Circolation cam*, prices went gaining any interest whatever, at the same down, trade diminished, debts accumaiat- time paying regular the interest on the ed, rexes increased »nd a wave of disast- r bonds deposited. It is here, where gov- swt pt over the country sir.-wing wrecks eminent bonds get in their be>t work everywhere and leaving agriculture pros- 3rd. By depnaitlng large amounts into trate. Tue people want mote money to the disbursing officers in banks where it bring back the condition of those prosper- can be used and upon which no interest i8 ooa days of years ago and' they believe by paid , restoring silver to the position it ott front 1793 to “ tie legitimate ^ reli- ve to some extent - the industrial 1 by another designated by the secretary of int- rests of tue country. v j the treasury. Another truth your correspondent states am, By having a Pnsrcfflce account the m bis letter, which is being severely real- necessity or f unction of which cannot be iE d today by Uts masses. It is this: Thai dearly defined. RON H W fiPir 017 JBB Jt all tbe gold and all tbe Stive* that could By these methods there was on the 28th. UUll* a. u, DullLl, Uf dur* be put mto Citculaiion, and all the treasuiy I day of February 1890 $203,821,814 in Is What the People Want and Will Have. ears ago ana mej; own-ve uy paid. er to the position it occupied 4 b. By manipulating the five per cent. 1873 will add something to I fund fortbe redemption of National banks tf monetary, circulation, and I nobs, so the position of one bank is held PERSON, RESPONDS - , V ro THE ARGUMENT OF HON. S. G. M’LENDON. FREE COINAGE AND THE NA TIONAL banking system DISCUSSED. AND THE SUB-TREASURY EX PLAINED AS TO ITS WORKINGS. no>es or green backs, and all the Natiou.d banks notes were added together it would not make up volume of currency sufficient t - meet the demands of trar constantly ex panding agriculture and commerce. H-- aski d what shall be done to increase the volnme without doing violence to all values and all national interest to the land. Says be: “The illmnce repl e?, give us the free coinage of silver and the sub- I treasury plan or something ' better, and abolish the National banks. I have alrt ady discussed tne silver question and the sub-treasury bill perfectly,, I do not propose to discuss, but as. ro national | banks, I wish to submit some r mirks for pos- <-8sioo of i be National banks and being loaned to the people on a high rate ofimerest. meanwhile the banks were paying but one per cent interest per a»uum on only $127,401, 251 and receiving the entire interest on their bondf deposited in tue treasury. For this vast sum the banks pgy the. government $1.274,102.51. the people pay *he banks tor tb>- u«e of this sum of eight per pent. $16,225,745,- 12. a loss to the people and a gam to tbe banks of $14,961,642 61. W. H. English the Presioeat of a National bank in In dianapolis, in retiiing from the Presi dency of said bank says to the stock holders: "I congratulate the stock-holders A Full and fair Discussion of the Great | Problem. tbe consideration uf ti ougbtful and con-1 of our enterprise. The bank h»B been in 8t *y i , v ® m, ' n . .. „ . operation fourteen years under my control This sub-ueasury, like Banquo’s ghost, with a capital of $50 ,000. In th- niean- refusiog to down, and being today one of I time it has voluntairly reinrned $509,000 the uvest financial issues agitating the I „f c-pitalstotck hick to its stock holders Editor of the Banner-. , . lo tun. supplement accompanying the 01 hogs and national miixts of the American people, why is ii Ur Editor, that all wiiters on finanoe and p- liticri • ODomy who write ii^ihe interest ret use tu ts Journal says: “Even as tbe birds covered the ‘babes in the woods’ with 'Wbat individual or corporation I leaves in fairy times, so the artless rail- tl honest intentions can object to r °ad lobbyist showers the guileless leg- lo the law of the land ? islators with free passes in these Ber ner bill days.” Yes, but to a passing spectator it has come to pass that with all these passes the Berner bill, or “something better,” has passed with surpassing peace and passionless passivity. Pass! • anner of tbi- 6ih inst whs a communi- eation sigued by 4. Q. M. upon the finan cial situation, said by your pap> r to nave I been addressed to Detnocra'-Allianceinen and ail. This communication slitting out by depreciating the fact that abuse had beeu subsiituteit for argument, and railing and accusation bad usurped the function | of calm discussion. I began its peiusal lion, would not do more than I pfOTBIOg fuy raiiroad corporation in Geor- aeajoyiag advantages in viola- t ol the Constitution, those ad* puM should be taken away. If I ii got permitted tbe private citizen I bin It the law with impunity, that piifse should not be accorded to lijoid companies. The effect of the bill, should i htoneliw, will probably be to help )fi me railroads and the people, hi; remove ti e roads jrom politics puling ’.hem out of the category lilt-breakers continually strug- pg to escape punishment, and put- D^ihem on a business basis. It tlklptue people by giving them Ik lover height rates that naturally klorfroa competition. 'The Senate will do well if it foie It the example of the House and (tie the measure a law.' Editor Crawford, of tbe Athena Ban ner, is a good conservative Democrat, good newspaper man, and good writer. We judge this of him.—Jones boro News. And this is on« instance where “judge not that ye be not judged” has no ap plication. An admiring public has long since judged just such a judgment of Editor Wallis, of the Jonesboro News. Says tbe Macon Evening News: People can learn, if by no other way • ban experience. When Fassktt was made collector of the port of New York be said he knew potbing about the business, but could soon learn. De resigned when he was nominated Tor governor of his state. He will soon learn what running for governor meanB. p« ople, conclud ng wiib a suggestion as a plan (or increasing the currency in consistent with common sense and reason and utterly impracticable, This writer after admitting that tbe cry of bard times goes up from ihe nieicbanit- tbe fstm-rs, the manufacturers and .the laborers that our country is in a state ot distressing unrest, asserts that there are three measures of relief pioposed which be wishes to brietly discuss. The fust of tbe three is the tree coinage of saver, tbe popularity of ibis measure with the people in his humble judgment is the great overshadowing cause ol tbe present financial pralaysis which is embracing tbe whole commerce ot America. In this opinion your correspondent is eminently comet. A trick of tbe money manip ulators of Lmbard and Wall streets annum, and that ibis money H/loaned by made possible to a large extent by the I the banks to the people, not oniy at 8 per National bank system, which he attempts | cent.per annum, but any per *■ * ““ oon AYE. THERE’S THE RUB. Will is needed more to briufr tout* reco dilution of feeling be- •kb .ue Democratic party ndw ib »od earestricted diacussiona ot aituuies before the government here is too much pride, prejudice, id animosity prevalent for the good the Republic.—Athkns Banner Ntiere is the trouble in Demrcrat- twks. Tue party—that is, what Jkftof it—u as solid as it ever was. Ill true Democrats are standing to Nkr shoulder to shoulder, and ifreis no cause for a reconciliation ' J n ebauce lor one.—Jonesboro mi "'ll!, there is trouble even in the ^aocratic ranks. Tbe people need ^ wd unrestricted discussion of ^ party’s principles. A campaign Education is needed. When tbe hice, an organization founded Democratic principles, and es 6l itlly Detnocra’ic to the core, be- ta « divided upon Democratic mean * tt4 ’ ' s at once clear that Demo- truths have not been as clearly ss forcibly expounded as they l *5 be. Aye, there’s the rub. ^e AlliaDCb out West has bolted ^ Democratic party and formed o hlrd P art >- Why ? Because they 101 ful1 )' realize that the Demo- #ll ' c P arl y's the only party for tb' e it this country. Why get the Democratic parly to, ask i^t what that party demands? 1 Democrats now go to work j. ex pisin these things. Let as ^ s campaign ot education. And all, let the Democratic press ^ U9 « aDd argue Democratic doc- .J tS unl) esitatingly but with pa- in the language of plainness, *° )e rness and of truth. ' ^DEMOCRATIC prospects- tiie Ohio campaign the eyes of . tm °cracy «.{ this country Redj U8tnow The Greenville, U -Newr- Thr statue of Jkffbkson Davis, which has been lying in the depot at Jackson, Miss., for several months, was unpacked and found to be unsatisfac lory. The committee has declined to receive it. The Memphis Appeal-Ava- launch thinks that if another isto t be made the work should be intrusted to an American sculptor. If our esteemed contemporary, the a ngusta Chronicle, wishes to appear ecadstent and ^straightforward in its defense of the consolidation of rail roads, it ought to destroy its files. The Bannkr has two or three old copies that will have to be burned. An adder was recently killed near Dablonega. Ga., which had two dis tinct and perfect heads and four eyes When interrupted its two tongues would dart out simultaneously and its four eyes glitter. In the resin belt of the San Joaquin Valley, California, the growers are obliged to employ Chinese laborers ex clusively. The heat is so intense that even the negroes are unable to bear it Owing to the immense numberef re cruita wanted in the Frenoh army the standard of height baa constantly been reduced. It is at present little more than five feet. Thk largest dog in the world is in the St. Bern ard Lord Bute, now at the Menthon kenn -Is at Phocenixyille,* Pa He was bought from Tbomss Shiloock of Birmingham, Enland, for $3,650 I hf.rf. is still a lingering impression in Georgia that the railroads were made for the people and not tbe people for the railroads.—Atlanta Journal. “For tb s relief much thanks.” “Don’t lun down your town,” says Stanton’s Billville Banner. “It is a heap better to blow it up with dynamite.” Spkaking of thi “Gold Cure” for drunkenness, an exchange very peitly suggests that it is “$I0 aud post.” Judge Crisp, is most cer sin to be S - «kcr ot the next Congresa. says: a oK look brighter L ' than «>ey did two week; »tid Campbell has salleo liij t ' a wonderful fight. hr i he# ln ° ne d * y was his re iljo #8t Tuesday. He is carryi- into the enemy's atropg- besiies paying them in dividends $1,496, 250 part of which wav in gold and now turn it over to you with a capit-il un mpaired, amt $32 ,000 of tbe undivid ed earningson banJ. To t*ds might be added tbe premiums of' United States bonds at present, atuouu mg to $30,000. A profit of $2,383,350 accumulated in fourteen years fiom an original capital of a half million dollars, or $ 70,232.15 per year., A.l ibis paid by the people for tbe use of tbeir own mon<-y. Cannot a cheap er medium be found through which to ocean steameis to < mr shores from foreign I emit money from tbe government to tbe countries laden with gold to bby the far-1 people? The areal masses of tbe people ■tiers grain and cotton has dispelled the I 8r e beginning to think there is, and the lark cl'-nda of business »$agnatk>u and I industrial classes are organizing to get n athwart our buSinesa jky gleams of j themselves in shape to find it. lu tbe business | tosperity, why will not these I blazing light of all these facts, your cor- a.-ricul ur.l products properly placed iu I respondent says instead of keepinu up the .overnment warehouses afford as safe a I war upon Natioual basks, which has ni-tb- ba-is for a portion of our circulating I jog t«» feed upon exc.-pt prejudice and ig- imd um as gold, silver or even the govern-1 norance, he would suggest as something meut credit. If they posagps ths inherent better than the sub-treasury that these power to command foreign gold and raise! ba ks be perpetuated, and the law under ’be clouds of business gloom in their owu | which they exist and operate be amended the following respects: discuss it. If it is a delusio: a full and fair discus-ion anything else to disclose it? Is not the reason because they itfe kfi aid that such h discussion would prove this muen abused measure to bo a simple aolulioa of the monetary trouble 'In this country In a manner as fair snd just to tbe mnaaca ot r tbe people as to the national banks and with hopes Uiuyant of falfing upon a clear, 1 a 0,J bu ks. If the recent approach of calm, tair and logical argument upon tbe | ocean att-atneis to <iur shores (rom foreign great question whieh will overshadow every other qu* -tioo in the future, American finance ” revealing in its con clusion a happy soluiion of this vexed question Alter reading and re-ieading, disappointment L found it to be Only a feeble and bkeptical attack upon tbe tree coinage of silver, a weak and very thin defense of na-ional banks, an announce- m- ut of a fact known and felt by the larger class of our people, that tb<- amount ot money ot every kind in existence, is. ... .... , wholly insufficient tor the needs of tbe I * a, *d could they not uphold a cutrency tor l and cb&ni tb>- people? Passing «n to bis defease of National banks you “correspondent says: “It is a common belief that the government of the United dates lends money to tbe National 1. I would have tbe law so changed as thatAhese banks could loan money on real estate. 2. I would require all National bank- to issue National bank notes up to tbe full amount of their capital stock, se- tmaks at one p- r cent per annum and that I cured, of course, by a deposit of govern- th se banka 1- nda this money to tbe people at 8 per Cent per annum, and that tbe laod owner is shut out because be cannot borr. w on real estate. If' this is really Hue why should there not , be, and as a matter of tact would there not be a hun dred National backs where we have one. Tbe belief here spoken of is more true than'common. Ii is a notorious fact that 'be government of the United Stales does issue Nation-1 banks bills and furnish them t-» tbe National banks for a circula tion at a cbai geo t only one per cent per the cent to defend, tie asset ts nnoiher truth wlieu 1 banks can extoit out of tbe borrower, be savs that the rights of capital and the rights of the masses are entitled to equal I prohibited tiom loaning money on real respect and no man is,eitber statesmau or I estate and tbe reason why there ate not a patriot who refu-es to recognize eiiber, I hundred Natioual banks where we have [,ui forgets tbe rights of the masses m bis one is simply because of the sc .rcity and arguments. dearnt ss of the government bonds requit- His argument against tbe free coinage I ed to be d<-poei£ed by the banks to secure of silver is very scrptii at the main and | 'he redemption «»l tbe bills and for the ad meut bonds. The details of such require ment shall be just to tbe banks, of course, and this is the p au to increase the circula tion and supply the people with plenty of money. T o this first proposition our great Ametican financier aDd ex-Comp<roller of the Currency, Mr. Trenboltn, takes issue. He says national banks constitute a body of bankers exclusively devoted to the collect ing. tbe safe keeping and the employment in temporary loans of tbe floa'ing capital of tbe country, that tbe banka that serve the farmers best are those that move their _ 3 with least delay, and a bank in an agricultural section that gets its funds tied only objection being a fear of its depre ciation and tbe demand of the gold-bugs paper payable in gold from tin- poor la>r- lower—reams of to<> arap have been used to convince tbe people that their govern ment could not make m<mey out of paper unless it was based upon gold, and the banks and bond holders bad the gold or the control of it, and this generation has a combination of men who hold all the up in long loans to farmers mistakes its office and vocation, and is as great an ob it is just as true that National banks are I slruction to local prosperity as a railroad v,. . „ . , — . i wou j^ b e ,j, al ghcjjd txire all its freight cats out during tbe dull season for an em ployment that k-eps them out of its reach and control beyond tbe season during which tbe community depends upon it to take away tbe produce of its y< are labor, and to bring back the comuiodities essen tial to its winter benefit aud maintenance. The secoud proposition to increase tbe cur rency by requiring the banks to issue their notes to tbe full ramount of their capital of gov- lUbtful practi- An Engine Goes Through a- Freight box—A Negro Brakeman Badly Wounded, but not Fatally. A bad collision occurred yesterday morning about half past three o’clock just where the Georgia, Carolina anff Northern crosses the track of the Ma con and Northern road. TheG., C. A N., freight was just pulling out for Monroe, and was about half way across the track of the M. & N„ when a freight train on the latter road came dashing through the cut at a rather high rate of speed. And then came a crash, a splitting of timbers and an agonizing cry from a human being. The engine of the M. & N. freight had plunged eutirely through a freight box of tbe G. C. & N. train and had precipitated a negro down a high em bankment to tbe grouad belo w. The negro man was first looked af ter. His name is Joe Polk and he was a brakeman on the Georgia, Carolina A Northern and was on the car which was Btruck. The force of the collision hurled him from his position and threw him down the embankment. He fell upon his head, striking a large rook. As his head struck tbe rock, the blood fleto fully fifteen feet. It was thought at first that he had been killed. Medical aid was summoned and bis wounds dressed. It was found that the whole forehead had been laid bare down to the eyebrow^, but that no fracture of the skull had resulted. Thus while it was quite a painful wound, the negro will recover in all probability. Tbe car was torn all to pieces and bales of cotton scattered in every direc tion. The engine was badly demolish ed also. After getting all the wreck out of the way the two freight trains went on to their destinations. The blame of tbe affair is hard to find. The G. C. & N. train was running schedule time, while the M. & N. was behind. Tbe engineer of the M. & N. freight, when he saw how near his train was to the other, reversed his engine and put on the brakes. They .did not work, and he and his fireman jump.ed to save their lives. This accident teaches one lesson very clearly. There should be a watchman kept constantly at this point. dilinnHl and better reason that the govern ment is and has been loaning these banka in the nature of deposits all the money they wls. e l without any interest. 1 After giving several illustrations of the I stock to be secured by th< modern operation of the organization of I ernment bonds isof very “There are millions in it” said druggist when asked about Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. For sometime past I’ve been a rbeu matic. I recently tried Salvation oil which gave me almost instant relief. I sincerely recommend it as it has entire ly cured me. JAMES GORDON, Balto. Md. cability as a measure to increase tbe circu lation. Tbe United States government bonds being already is.- ued, and in the bands of the boldere. without any constitu tional or Btaiute power to compel the bol- dersof these bonds to bank open down price or sell them to be banked open, how will it be possible for the banks to obtain National banks which clearly contradicts b ta position or rat her intimation that tbe government does not so loan money to National banks, your correspondent fur- indebtinessDf tbe aocalled civilized na-1 ther says: “Tuat b.* finds Horn the reports ions of the earth which represents tbe I«« ‘be comptroller ot the currency 1890 entire value of these nations, a d they that there are several National banks tb tbe cell* cl usury from the whole thing. This chy of New York whose aggtegaie capital . condition culd not exist without having I amount to $14 700,000 w o could if they them, and should they be able to obtain the money based upon gold and silver. A j bad bonds deposit' d under the law have every government bond in existence to is- comn'odity wholly inadequate and incou-1 issued them by tbe government $13,230,- sue currency upon, where is any law that venient for the use of the people but just 1National bank notes and yet tbev have I could compel them to loan it over their tbe thing for the usurers. They can dodge I outstanding Oct. 1890 only $107,850 of I counters if tbey did not choose to do so, tbe tax on it, contract - it, move it, hide it, I their own bills. Teat in a list ot fine I an d what would prevent them from still and steal it, and will continue to do so aa Nations! banks in Georgia whose combin-1 contracting the circulation by stacking long as tbey can m ke the common bead I ed capital is $1 500,000 upon depositing I their notes in their vaults and refusing to believe that money must be redeemable iu I over nut- ni bonds they could have Issued j loan or-discount paper, just as they have any kind of money which they call good I $1.350;000 circulation and yet they refus- done tbe past spring and summer. It money, and which they claim to he kept I ed to do this aud only had issued $198,260.1 would be a useless expenditure of time and to redeem tb« money tbe people use, and I Tb** °n March 1st 1890 there were in I means for the government to increase the so lot g as they don’t know the difference I New Yolk City forty-five Nation banks circulation, without some method of in- tt is just as well as though they bad it, for | doing business on a combined capital of I jecting it directly into the arteries of trade they never have tbe necessity to exchange I $48,850,000. These banks could have in I and commerce. To create a currency to a legs! lender money for this so called good I eitcutation thetr own notes amounting to I be locked up in the vaults of National money and they never will. As much as 144,000,000 but as a matter of fact they only I banks will aff rd no relief. Banka based has been said about paper money and,gold I bad In circulation $3,!06,000. The Na- J upon Don-taxable interest beating govern- and silver money there is no such thing I t'°nal banks id the live years ending Oct. I me nt bonds are based upon the National legally as gold and silver money and paper 131,1890 increased 839 in numbers and j debt. If our National debt was paid tbe money. Money as the measure of price or I dutiug tbe Bame period the National bank j National banking system would go down, value save ait eminent and able American I circulation decreased $151,345,453 or at I \y e have already paid our debt twice, and ... — T " 1 are paying it again. Shall we keep on paying tbe debt over and over again to taking and retaining the impress of I DaoKs bavin* a o.mbinea capital $8.-1 foster a monied aristocracy, which is worse that authority. It is tbe recognize11 776,000 upon which could have issued $3,-1 thau u blooded aristocracy. Social prob- pie ence of tovereiguty in tbe market and 1398,400, in National bank notes, these I i e ms are assuming great proportions in in tbe couits an a medium of exchange or.I batik* had out standing that day only I America to-day. Tbe relation between a means to tin end, it has no value but tbe I $827 530 of such notes,” , I capital and tabor are daily b* coming more sovereign will recorded upon its face its I Now Mr. Editor, in addition .to these I strained. The stream of misery grows value being fixed by tbe will of the govern-1 statistics let me add in this line that the I broader, aa ooloesal fortunes rise skyward ment and not by tbe intrinsic quality of I ntire capital of tbe National banka in the I the poverty in all our great centers of civ that upon which it is impressed legally it I Uuited States government iu Oct. 1888 was I ilization as well as throughout the landlord cannot yary. A silver dollar being made $432,242,216 while tbe circulation was I and mortgaged cursed communities is year . .. * ‘ "*■ “ * ‘ * * more terrible and general by tbe nuiboriiy of be government a legal I only $157,702,809 and has been constantly I by year growing tender in the payment of all debts,> tender | deer, asiug since as shown by the reportsol I “He who lets bis country die dies himself if it will compare its acceptance by the I the comptroller of the currency. Some of I ignobly, lets all things die, and all things creditor, be be goMbug or laborer. Give | the banks bave not taken out or put in I dying curse him.” Isay, too, let us have tbe American merchant, farmer, manufac-1 circulation one dollar of National bank j open, free discussions of the truth by tbe tute and laborer a silver dollar made a J bills which they were prtviliged £to do, best brained and broadest statesmanship Wiiile others were surrounded tbeir entire I and soundest patriotism of tbe age. The circulation in the face of r all these facts I coming statesmen of th>s a:e who expect collated arranged and presented by your I to lead the people mu-t be able to grapple able . statesman, ta there a man I with the intricate problems of political in all this broad land will say I economy and finance, and bold enough to that he has not proven beyond I siaud by tbe interests of tbe great masses a shadow of a doubt that tbe National | in all -its adjustments. H. W. Bull ’Rah for oursenuot- That New City Hall—Tbe City aw are putting tbeir heads togetli- Cltv hall question, andj^are seeing what can be done towards rais ing enough money to go akead and build a hand«ome building on their naw lot. They have alroauy purohased the lot of Judge Herrington, and pro pose to erect a handsome structure thereon. D is said that the new build ing will be finished inside a year. It will he quite an addition to the city. legal tender in the payment of nil debts and taxes and that will purchase every thing they desire. I ark what more conld a gold dollar aff.rd them, so there is not ihe least danger that the free coinage ol silver will drive gold into tbe hoarding vaults and send it to a premium. Free coinage will do no such thing. We bad I banks of this government ar» willfully and free coinage of silver in tbe country and filouiously gmliy of cent'acting the ent- gold never went to a premium as a cans. - ren -y and a stupendous fraud es banks of queue?. On the conltaiy the free use of issue and government nx dium for dis- ailver will make less demand for gold. If | trittulm* ue currency among the people, there was a prospect that gold was going I The reason these hanks have nut availed to be a premium in ibis country, the gold themselves of tpeir privilege tu issue notes which is being held in reserve in Eniope I of circulation ta very obvious to those in would immediately set k a profitable mar-1 Natioual banks, legislature: and the Com- ket here. Gold will become lesa valuable pettioo of currency repot ts. as mom y when silver becomes m re val- There are five different methods by uable. As it becomes less valuable it will I which tbe government loans money to the be h.-a deu-lets . - - —- I banks, but neitherone ta called a loan by But tb'- mass* s of the people are not ip-1 either the banks or government, in «acu ten s < d in tbe cold product. What they gome outer term ta used for tbe purpose of desire and med And are going to make an deceiving the penpl- as to tbe real falls, effort for is a {fee circulation of money I The meth ids referred to, arts First N ta ciicukttion issued by the go vert - jihe deposit of 4100,000 in government mtnt and {fivrn to tbe people but a citcn-1 bonds in the treasuiy, the depositor is latlon frea from manipulation «nd con- loaned $90,000 on wbich -ta paid by the Uncurb t< r the purposes of peculation by bank*of one half per '*“* ^ the th< ney sharks of Wail street. The p* ogle bet an business either on the*, farm, in tjS. w orkshop or behind the coulter at | ment bonds in the treasury tbu go/ern- t hefcloee of the war wl tb a plet boricscircu THE LASH AND PILLORY. A Return to Punishment of Olden Days In New Jersey. New Castle, Del.. October 3—This morning Sheriff Simmons whipped five criminals, three negroes and two whites as follows: Lorenzo Walters, Colored, age 15,who banks, but neither onetacailed. a loan by j jjgo 8tood one hour in tiie pillory. ; John Jackson and Daniel Sordon both colored, each five lashes. John Mnrpby and William Moore, both white, each ten lasbes. Andrew Price, colored, about 70 cent, every six I years of age, who stole chickens, stood mouths or one per cent m-r annum. one hour in the pillory. wULMoundgumyo. met. twill deposit with ruck b<.uks $l-j forgery, also stood one hour in the pil- Friceg wue hub anti tru’lp was 000,000 In lawtul money without re- lory, and will spend one year in jail A Baby Is Born to the Ex-President and Mrs. Cleveland-The News Spreads Rapidly and Everybody ts Sharing Grover’s joy—Many Congratulations Received. New York. Oct. 3.—The happiest man in New York is ex-Prcsident Grover Cleveland. His office on William street has not recently seen his smiling, round countenance. This has been accounted for us there has been a night of excite ment in the Cleveland household on Fifth avenue. Ever and anon Grover paced the floor, sending messages and questioning each person as they silent ly and cautiously tread the halls and stairways of his home. Thiis continued until 12 o’clock, when a lady feiend rushed to the ex-president and whispered something in his ear. A twenty-by-thirty smile went from ear to ear and the happiest man in the United States was the ex-president, when lie found there w:ts a female ad dition to his family. The news whs quickly communicated to friends of the ex-president down town, and since the arrival of the new comer in the Cleveland household tele grams have been pouring in by the hun dreds of a congratulatory nature. In some parts of the city even cannon have been brought into play and the grertest enthusiasm has been manifest ed all over the metropolis. ■M THE ATHENS DISPENSARY Passpa Its First Saturday Evening. It was quite a lively day yesterday at the dispensary. Tbe sales went away up in the hun dreds and a large number bought in enough for Sunday. A8the hour drew near for closing up yesterday evening the animation mid stir around the dispensary increased. The people cast a look at the setting sun and then made a dive for their liq uor. Some of them came down Broad street in a fast trot and rushed into the dispensary all covered with perspira tion. And inside were about fifty, all cry' ing to get the stuff at once. They knew all couldn’t be waited on by sundown, and it was a scramble to see which should get it first. Aud then came the closing hour when ths manager motioned to about twenty-five to get out, and they got. But they didn’t carry their whiskey with them. The sales of liquors for the three days amounted to about eight or nine hundred dollars. Every day at twelve o’clock Manager Johnson turns over his proceeds to Clerk: Mitchell and takes 'the Clerk’s receipt. From Thursday morning at 7 o’clock to Thursday at noon the sales amounted to $115 From Thursday at noon until Friday at noon tbe sales were $275. From Friday at noon until yesterday at noon, the sales ran up to $262. The average sales are between two and three hundred dollars per day. At t)ris rate the sain for a year would reach $75,000, but in a few weeks they will run down to one hundred dollars day or leas. A LITTLE FA THERLY ADVICE .“If ever you marry,” said an old gentleman to his son, ‘'let it be a wo man who has judgment enough to su perintend tbe getting of a meal, taste enough to dress hersi’f, * pride enough to wash her face, am ., ense enough t< use Dr. Pierce’s Fav rite Prescription whenever she needi it. ” The expreri ence of the aged has shown the “Favor ite Prescription” to be the best for the cure of all female weaknesses and de rangemente. Good sense is shown by getting tbe remedy from your druggist and using it whenever you feel weak and debilitated. It will invigorate and cannot possibly do harm. Miss Marie Bruce, of tbe Home School has been called home on account of the illness of her grandmother. 1 • - ’ ■ 4 .;X) h .^A FREE PASSES Are “In It” With the Housp Committee Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 3.—[Special.]— It seems that the members of the leg islature are loth to givetup the pleasure of riding on free passes. Yesterday the committee to whom was referred the bill of Mr. Whatley prohibiting judges and members of tbe legislature from accepting courtesies (?) in the shape of free passes, reported the bill b*ck to the house with the re commendation that the “bill do not pass ” Mr. Whatley said: “I was not in the house when the report was made, but there will be a minority report, and will urge its adoption. I am in dead earnest in this matter, aud will urge the passage of my bill.” Mr. Whitfield’s insurance bill that created so much interest in the early part of the session, is soon to come to tbe front again. Today Mr. Whitfield had it m^de the special order for Wed nesday morning, at which time he will press its passage, It is a good bill in the interest of the people,” said Mr. Whittled, “and it ought to become a law. 1 have waited until the members had time to look into it and see what great good it will ac complish, and I am bow ready to urge that it become a law.” Governor Northen to-day granted two pardbufi, on the recommendation of the judges and solicitors who tried the cases. Charles Hamilton, who ta serv ing a life sentence for murder and has been iu the penitentiary for seven years, from Meriwether couuty is one of the fortunate parties, and the other is David Davis, who shot a man in Dooly county but did not kill him. ' One of tbe most important bills which has passed the legislature this session is the one which passed tbe senate this morning. It had already passed the house, having been beeu introduced by Mr. Boifeuielet. The bill is to regulate state banks. It provides that no bank , shall lend any of its officers any part of the funds of the bank unless the loan is secured by good collaterals; that tbey shall not by loans reduce their depos-, its lower than 25 per cent, of their de-, maud deposits; shall not loan to any ' one man more than 10 per cent, of the capital and surplus; and that the banks shall be inspected at least once a year, and gives the treasurer a $1,200 clerk to assist him in this matter. i ii Moore Retire* From Office. .. ashington, Oct. 3 —Third Assist- - t.nt Secretary John Moore has retired from office iu the department of state to undertake the duties'of professor of j international law at Columbia college, i New York. Mr. Moore has filled the position of third assistant secretary I since Mr. Bayard’s accession to the of-' fice of secretary of state. He has taken a prominent part .in the Behring sea ne gotiations, and ta the author of some standard w orka on international Uw. He was the. literary executor of the late ; Dr. Francis Wharton, who held the po- ’ sition of solicitor of the state depart- i ment, and completed the valuable edj- tion of that Writer’s 'legal work. Thai chair.that Mr. Moore is about to fijl has j been newly established, and he will be ' its first occupant. - . A Husband'* Vengeance. x ARLS, Oct. 8.—A sensational murder committed in a wine shop at Cour- bevoi, where a large number of persons were drinking. Without any notifica tion whatever a ' dentist of' Courbevoi named Morchede rushed into the tavern auu, casting a rapid glance around the room, suddenly drew a revolver. He then aimed the weapon at Army bur geon Mantin, who was present, u;ld fired two shots: Man tin fell dead upoi. the floor. Marchede, who suspecteu his victim with undue intimacy with his wife, escaped iu the confusion. Back From Wesleyan. -Miss Eunii e Thornton has returned from Macot , where she went to enter her sister, Mns Lula, at Wesleyan Female College. / liu^la,