The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, October 13, 1891, Image 1
IMPORTAST to ADVERTISERS. THE DAILY AND WEEKLY TtA-KHSTEB. Haw be largest circulation* of any ra Published In Northeast and Eastern Georgia In addition to tbe abov ton, Georgia and Athena 'he estimate, based upon the tent’s best information, is 76 7 'J^THE BANNER Lead*. jectuw it pri" 1 * « «* 1 £SHappwfi'g*- Ev *" ta " * 4.53-54 4.56 4 58 4 56-60 4.62 offered to increase its ill-gotten gains I The following advertisement recent-1 QUR COTTON MAJEtKET IN THE LEGISLATURE* aN unwise step. all the cod work done in the and to sap the life-blood of any com-1 ^ appeared in an English paper: “A Af " r; ' ..... te comes along and un- inanity it may chance to get in its cultured « earnP8t > K^ily youngman de- I TH e very best in the state I the house tl,fN ’ clutches. | sires a pastorate. Vivid preacher, mu-1 oc nmnniA. I Isical voice, brilliant organizer. Tall OF GEORGIA. HOLDS A MEMORIAL SESSION. Us looking to the-relief of the ,le on the railroad question and to The Northeastern Railroad of Gear-1 and of good appearance. Blameless | gia, now under the control of the life * "Very highest references. Belov- AN INTREESTING CIRCULAR. THEY ARE KILLING BILLS Enforcement of the constitution * (ttB d no further chance of becpm- Richmond and Danville system, and its relations to the city of Athens, ed by all. Salary, £200.” A railroad tunnel 4,000 feet long is affords a striking illustration of this I being drilled through a mountain peak Senate yesterday in assertion. The sction of the i ,he Smith substitute inde- near the village of Falera, Pa., which t. .... - . . „ , is 15,000 feet above the level of tbe sea, It was built for the most part by | and 600 feet aboye the ^ tval 8now C Will never be ^stifled ^ the Ldthe people of Georgia, people had about come they were to be rid of the money of the people of Athens; line. issued to the Farmers by Messrs. R. L- Moss & Co-—It Shows Conclu sively That Athens Is the Place for Them to Market Their Cotton. [ That Involve Appropriation lof Money —The Branch Colleges Get Nothing And the Technologlca ISohool No Domltory. The memorial exercises in honor of the late Senator O’Neal formed the the vast majority of its stock is now Prop. H. C. Whits and Prop. J. B. The cotton season is well opened, principal feature of today in the legis held by the citizens of this place ; Hunnicuty, of the University, are get- and the market in Athens is in a better lature. to the ting ready to commence the establish- I condition than it has ever been. At II o’clock in the Senate Senator Th; ment of farmer’s institutes throughout I Athens has always been a strong Terrell, for the committee, submitted they [(ODflosion B10 „ of the West Point Ter will not rat- of the Senate substitute ill the Georgia, at which lectures will be do-I cotton center, but this year she pre-1 following resolutions: (K oppres- ainal, &“ d the action killing the Smith er _ the deed is done and and it is peculiarly an Athens insti lution. Yet it is being used by the Rioh-1 livered each year. These lectures will | gents to the farmers incontrovertable | whereas, the Senate of Georgia has mond and Danville system in every 1)6 commenced at an early date, possible manner to injure tbe inter ests of tbe very men who boilt it. ; reasons why they should marklit their I h eard with unaffected grief ttie an- cotton here. nouncement of the death of Hon. Mas- Tint Berner bill will never pass in the I The addition of three new buying I ton O’Neal, of the Eighth District, — ~ ‘ iticia - m Senate. The keenest politician and fl rm s with plenty of capita! has | Resolved, That in the loss of our late g,ureM *»k pin a l t , 0U lU remind the Terminal however, that in exactly one The Richmond and Danville road | «*n ! increased the competition and raised associate we deplore an able and earn est counsellor, whose services in this BOLD JAIL BIRDS. THREE DARKIES MAKE THEIR ES CAPE FRON OUR JAIL. AND ALL THE REST Make an unsuccessful Attempt to do the Same Thing—They Tear up the Jail Pretty Badly. AN OUTRAGED PEOPLE WILL NOT SOON FORGET THE AC TION OP THE SENATE IN KILLING THE BERNER BILL. Yesterday just after the dinner hour, three darkies confined in Clarke coun ty jail made their escape and are now breatbing the free airot liberty. &Their names are Sam Gregory, {John Sheats, aau Will Yerkin. Gregory was charged with obtaining goods un der false pretenses; and Sheats and Yerkin were in there for robbery The Monopolists Triumph, but, Like •Truth Crushed to Barth,” the Berner BIU Win Rise Again —Details of the Day In the Senate. of hoar it. . , 7” ™ tonholding the Senators to win them increawu ww r T Til fixes the freight rates over the North over to the opposition. And he’ll catch'j the prices paid for the fleecy staple. eastern, and Mr. Sol Haas, the Tiaf* | tokU1 the Wll.-Tribune- Faith! And sure, it looks very much I t jj a ^ here ig the market that affords him 1 seemed to him the best interests of fic Manager of that road is tbe of ficial at the head of the freight de- I that way. partment. The rates afforded If the fanner will only look at the body were given with energy, intelli- facts in the case, he will see at once gence, sagacity and courage to do what the greatest advantages Georgia, and a i p rem e and For yean Augusta was regarded as undaunted devotion to duty and his un- “Thr idle brain is the devil’s work the best inland market in the 8tate, but swerving loyalty to his convictions, we (roll) Ho comber another general Athens are th' poorest imaginably him many l«£rire in this £ ^Tst now give pi^e to Athens They are so inferior to thoae given | land of onrs.—Madisonian. | nnHU , n t indications. At! But not among newspaper men. (gaiWy me' t-; that so far as in our Atlanta and other points that they lies we will urge that this ques- j are means of taking a vast desire to testify our unaffected condo- From present indications, Athens I lence with his family, his constituents d that from now I territory of Athens and carrying it t° ship it in, so it is said. |j»el I p03 be Lmiru campaign; IssultheConstitution of Georgia is ea- L will not give up the conflict, L, f ju pour hot shot into the ranks of Ljopoly until ue last rampart shall lliir bt-en stormed and the last cannon IgikeJ. So much molasses is produced in Lou- the I volume of trnde ont of the legitimate I isiana that it doesn’t pay to buy barrels 1 will roll her receipts far above one | hundred thousand bales this year. and hiB state. Resolved, further, that in the death Messrs. R. L. Moss & Co., one of our I 0 f Q U r able colleague his state loses a enterprising cotton firms, have issued I needed senator, his constituents afaith- a circular on the cotton question which I ful servant, his acquaintances a true to other places. Ex Speaker Rued has been studious- In the question of cotton rates, iy left alone since bis departure from there is a violent and unwarranted I the National House of Representatives- and valued friend and his family a de- I voted husband and father. Resolved, further, that the secretary THE DEMOCRATIC OUTLOOK- Sn one can ueny that ihe Domo- Ipiic outlook lor 1S92 is bright. Ife party is growing stronger every 1 hr,for tt.e great nation is growing 1 sore anil more Democratic at heart Ur.... by. Tt» (H. srirmtrs’ Alliance has strength- | ^ * A . iwi the Democracy. This was Iteiisira-eii in no uncertain way llaispring when the tidal wave of nan-racy swept with such telling Ife'ver the State elections in the Ifelkaiui West. Jl; is veriest nonsense to argue Ik the Alliance lias injured the Ihr-cratic party in the South The [hthern Alliance is necessarily an l&snce of Democrats. It could * be ot'ueiwise, and sufficient evi** |ke has already been given to trim the assertion that should Athens is the best cotton market in I market. the section through which the road runs. A merchant in any of the I Georgia. Unquestionably so. towns along tbe line very naturally is interesting reading. M ^ unusurtactivity inthe wtton market, of the senate be directed to present this Mkxico’8 new tariff will make our I A strong demand existing for all j public expression of the sorrow felt by grades of the present crop. Prices have I thia body,in its loss,to the family of the ruled high in our markets, and we wish to call attention to the superior advan-1 deceased tage afforded by Athena aa a cotton The escape was the work several days and was gone at very sys tematically. The prisoners daring the day time are allowed the use of the hallway and they seized upon this opportunity to make their escape. Armed with a big spike they began to dig away at the floor near one corner, carefully removing the chips and cov ering up tbe place when Sheriff Wier was around. After they had succeeded in digging through the floor, it was easy work to go through the rest of the woodwork which was rotten. They then tore out the bricks in the wall and succeed ed in getting a hole through it large enough for a man to crawl through. They then threw several old planks up against the outside wall discrimination against onr city. * _ Atlantis and Athens are the come I beer cost 75 cents a pint in that ooun-1 grades of the peting points for the cotton trade of I tj T- prominent firms are in ! Touching speeches were made by a number of tbe Senators. The grief of the death of Maston It is a Crisp breeze that turns the will send his cotton to that point 1 rind-Uuxs these autumn days. The following prominent th M“j k H.Rucker!own”r of the Geor-1 O’Neal' is genuine. He was a splendid where the freight rates are the lowest. Take the giandlroad oomprei, with branch of-I true fellow, who had won during his flee at Cologne, Germany, in the hands J gtay here ma ny friends. His untimely Athens dirt grows dearer every day. THE MARKETS. cotton merchant of I It stands to reason I that under ordinary circumstances I Banner Office, Athens, Oct. loth,’91. th, | d„th h„ create great a arrow wher. - R.&D. R. beWdaendbi. cotton to *|■JjS'Sn'gSjgSillEStSX*I t %S‘%L£iiRi> £,].‘iiTr^.' gTwioti.«dTMr. Atkin; cheaper than he could to Atlanta, upf Trader, hale little JSSSFVZSSiSi 1 R. Compress, with Mr. | ei he was known. KrUz,*of Germany, in charge of their Dr . Hand, who is opposed to the pay foreign department. . . „ I ment of the McDowell-Perkins bonds, Mr. J.S.Cow’es, representing S. M endeavored to h ave the action of the Inman & Co., of AUanta. House in referring the matter to the Mr. J. F. McGowan, J* Attorney General for an opinion recon- Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9.—[Special.]— The Berner Bill is dead. The Senate has said that in its opinion there is no demand and no need for each legislation and they have chid it in a way that shows they mean it. There will be no Berner bill this year, nor vrHl there be anything like it. : The committee’s substitute, the mi nority report upon that, and the bill it self came up as special order in the Sen ate this morning. There was a much larger attendance than usual. Foronoe the Senate was a center of interest and attraction. Members of the House were there, prominent railroad men were there,and many people filled the galler- When the the report of the committee was read, Senator Calloway made a strong argument for the Senate substi tute. He spoke at length, and made a and tied blankets together by I strong presentation of his side of the which they pulled each other to the I ca ge. top. and thus escaped. Just as the last one had escaped, Mrs. Wier, having been notified of the at-. fair, appeared with pistol in hand, and substitute be indefinitely postponed, When he concluded Mr. Zaehry moved that the original bill and Its stopped the fourth one, who was just I and called for the previous question on making the attempt. Sheriff Wier, who was attending city I that motion. It was evident that the spectators court, was notified, and hurried at I . . . , . — to the jail. Being detained at I were not to be kept in suspense long. court be put the matter in the hands of I The oall for the previous question was officers Goodrum and McKie, with In- j sustained by 18 to 11. structions to hunt the darkies down. I question being . on These officers at once set out on the ^ inde flnite postponement, search, and made manful efforts to ap- I .. . .. ’ • - - i Senator Johnson yielded the twenty prehend the escaped culprits, but with out success. since Athens is only twenty-six | curiosity for the publication of the bn- J Mn reau miles from Maysville and Atlanta is ^ ernment eighty miles distant. *»« h»““ of Norfolk, Va Prlnce- to re-consider. s me rrmw i The bill to appropriate $3,000 annnal- factories and ly to Dahlonega college was killed by a column- lot of amendments making appropna- tions to other branch colleges and high their capture and return to jail. I per cent., wnicn is o per cent. wwui»u i aaa to.i es 0 f cotton. I tions outer unw-u , , . j m St m a . o io Rt vear’s estimate at this time. Upon tion of 10,000 to 12,«w oi wvwj The bill was defeated 73 to 22. Is that the true status of a fla,r8? J|J L b , ica uon today futures jumped The result i8 the nuotiaioM Tffie bill creating a pension depart- eight points in New York. The sigmd | well in advance oftoequoUttona | ^ ^ * ^oeive a constitutional By no means. Here are the rates given to Athens and Atlanta from Maysville: Rate to Atlanta, distance 80 eight points in New York, ine signal h.,** on Exchange which I ment raiiea w. ---- - .... service continues to note bad weather, I of the A the figures, 1 majority and was lost; so was the bill I frost followed by indications of rain in is ^1*^™*!*$* for the 1>ast fo^J to make tax collectors salaries equal to ner, Sheriff Wier found that several of the other prisoners had tried to es cape and had torn things up generally. They had torn out an entire bunk I ute of Senator Terrell s time, aud then and secured an iron bar with which 1 frost followed Dy inaicauons oi ram *«• » vi nV so Id for the past few to maxe wax the cotton growing States, and not- 5^??r«S nriS given below in the that of tax reefivera the cotton growing o»i»i th , ^rice given withstanding the I ^rati^eS ft price. more importance seems miles, ten cents per hundred pounds j efs^^New'^rk^opened way Tone, ATHENS. Firm and Steady. 8 1-* 8 3-8 8 1-4 ' poli'k-a) leaders in the Southern | ^ ret ^ P° UD< ^ 8 Sissce seek to lead the Alliance- pa in s body I'rom the folds ot the paocralic party they will burst , 1 , , '\ , L .. the inequality in distance? . ftinder the ties that bind the Al-| •. Rate to Athene, distance twenty- I down, but just before the close recov-1. „, d . I prpd ™ii the lost ground, and closed at I Si Mid. six miles, fourteen cents per hun- J ye8terday >g figures on a steady market. I M id. - • j Liverpool opened below yesterday and st. LowMid. 8 1-8 . , . , closed at a decline of four sixty-fourths I ^ Mid ’ Is there any justice In placing up- I f rom yesterday. The effe ct of the bu- I Athens a rate four times as high | reau w^ y not 1)6 fe,t 111 Liver “ I ATLANTA. Quiet and Easy, g 3-8-7-16 8 1-4-6-16 8 1-8—318 8C-1-16 7 7-8—16-16 as that given Atlanta, considering ATHENS MARKET. Me and thus kill the goose that N Ihe golden egg. |The truth is just this: The Alli es Democratic t«j the core; its pdples are based on Democratic its purpose is to relieve the i to protect with wholesome •to* poor against the rioh; and this is Democratic. |hdthere is but little to fearfrom ( feeble eilort in the West to form l^ird Pan v Good middling There is not one gram of justice I Strict middling . I MtuClllDg in it. It is simply a systematic 1 strict low middling robbery on the part ot the Richmond ^middling ^ ^ 702 and Danville road; an unjust dis- g.Receipts to date, 10538 stock, 69o7 AUGUSTA, fcteady. Oood Mid. 8 7-16—1-2 W 8 WJ--W Mid. * 1-16—1-8 St. Low Mid. 7 7-8 Low Mid. Y °-8 MACON. Firm. 8 1-4 8« 7 8-4 The resolution of Dr. Phillips, of Habersham appropriating $2,500 for renting dormitories for tne benefit of students at the Technological School came up several strong speeches were made for it, but the resolution failed to get a m TheWU making appropriations for various and small matterspnadvi rtently neglected in the regular appropriation bill passed the House. ' The Senate Committee to attend the Savannah river Conference at Augusta has been appointed. It consist* of Senators Smith of the 28th Terrell, _Ir- they attempted to wrench the door. 1 Failing in this, they went to one of The above shows the Athens m^ket I Hill,Calloway, Ellington,Cabaniss to he 1-16 to l-4c higher than any of her Mnlli and Warren n «.a~ which added to | __ crimination, made for the sole pur pose of-increasing the earnings of the R. A D. road, and building up the trade of certain houses in the city of Atlanta. The Railroad Commission of Geor- I ggg gia was organized for the protection Nov. of the people of the State against I j an . Tone, firm. NEW YORK MARKET Middling, 8^. Tone, quiet he“ present’ facilities for handling, low freight rates, and warehouse expenses- prompt returns and easjT money, makes ! F ^AAm »ha hpaf. and most Four Bodies Found. Pottsville. Pa., Oct After four Athens by all odds the best and most ^ aad nights of anC easing labor, the j attractive interior cotton market in tne l of four of the unfortunate miners Fnturesf’opening tone, steady at the J St ^* the trade8 we wish to “7__ tb8t | imprisoned by the running pUlart^lask decline. closing tone, steady. Opening. with the addition of our railroad ware-1 Saturday at Richardson colliery, Glen Closing. house we are better prepared thanever carbon> have been found. There was Sept. ihe b t Everything consid- ol fcue p| _ v e b. , I inst such unjust and unfair discrim I „ :iatie party is moving P 08 * 1 • -u.od sue party is moving y ^ ^ for the who l e Xpr. totheconflict of ’92 in full array, 1Dat10 ,; ThAV can May. v ictory is almost assured. affair lies in their bands. They can Jun ‘ | 8 ay to the Richmond and Danville j July 8.40-45 8.60 g .75 92 9.7 9.18 9.27-28 9.37 .J 9.46-48 9 55 9 65 8.48 50 8.64-65 8.82 83 9c-9-l 9.14-15 9.25-26 9.35-36 9.45-46 9.54-66 9.62-63 9.70-72 I to handle your consignments, large or great ri to the it rejoicing when the news was sent 1 minutes allowed the chairman of the Sheriff Wier has offered a reward for I committee to Senator Terrell. Senator Terrell made a strong speech Upon returning to the jail after din- J {or tbe g ena te substitute, and against the motion to indefinitely postpone. Senator Ellington was allowed a min- came tbe vote. Those voting for indefinite postpone- the windows and had almost succeeded I ment were—Messrs. Beard, Cabaniss, in cutting their way through the wall, handler, Culpepper, Flint, Gill, Glenn, when discovered by Sheriff Wier. i .. tr ftr i_ n Ham Hodees. John- All of the culprits were put in their 1 Golden, Harlan, uarp, n g , . . .ston, Lamb, Mulles, Patton, E. B. arilo^'ir 0, Vlooe.1. W.^. WlUi^n. .nd Zaehry—20. Those against indefinite postpone ment were: Messrs. Beck, Boyd, Cal- cells and locked in securely- So along this line soou lie Got* Some Let ter*. New York, Oct. 10.—Count Logo- _ thetti, whose reported romantic engage- J. ay culver, Eason, Ellington, Hill, . wit t a _ Ptnnin. I » 1 ’ ment to Miss Fleischmann, of Cincin- natti, recently gave him notoriety, has obtained from Acting Consul Eberhard. of the Austrian coa-«ulate, a letter ex plaining that he arrived in this country Irvine, Johnson. McRae, Nunnally Terrell, Todd, Warren and Witcher- 15. So the bill was killed. Senator Cabaniss moved that action th ~ 5 ~S,Trld»& to SS. 0< pSSS 1.1 Senato to Immediatel, ttoatoiltoia to hS( C identity! ThtTHungarian Almanac | the House. This motion prevailed by 21 of Nobility for 1863 also gives a fuU de-1 14 and „ far as this legislature is con scription of his family «md their posses- I d ^ va s buriedi sioiw- His birth is chronicled under | cerneu rue u»»* the date of 1861, and his name is given as Eugene Diorned. TO CLEAR the court. The senate passed the bill anthoriz- Hls lOOth Birthday. ing judges to clear the court room of — „ . , surface that the imprisoned nersonal attention to every detail ot taerg bad teen reached, hnt it was onr business, make liberal advances on I goon tnrned to sadness and grief when cotton in store, and prompt returns for j bocume known that the men were dead business entrusted to us. Very truly I d that tbe bodies of only four of the R. L. Moss A Co. I t-i o* Yonrul which were badly PICKED HIS POCKET. OUH ALLIANCE TALKS- road, ‘*remove the diecriminavion, I sales, 98,000 witli this issue of the 1 and forthwith it will be done. T ,5 ii: we will each week give our We would lay the whole matter Alliance friends and sub-1 before the Railroad Commission, and t whether that body will allow any 1 Sep. Oct an Alliance department. 1 8ee wnetuer w j i jj ot ^ such actions to stand. Here are the)- Liverpool. Tonefsteady, demand fair. I in this city. The amount of which he I d Jndge p a ul presiding, JaokMul- Sales 10,000. American receipts 8^W. I ^ lo6cr ^ over |200. Mr. Norton came llng of B uc hanan county, convicted of np to meet some obligations here. He I intimidating voters at the precinct in Bow a Bustlo Merchant and Joetlee ol the Fence Fared in n City. Thomasvillb, Ga., Oct. 9.—Mr. Norton, a merchant and also a Justice six bad been found, which were badly mutilated bnt yet unrecognizable, as Thomas John Purcell, John Lawler, Joseph Shields and James Salmon. The rescuing party is working with renewed vigor. FrrzwiLUAM, N. HT, Oct. 10.-The any or all spectators in divorce or se- Hon. A A. Parker has celebrated his | duction cases. 100th birthday. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1815, and IN THE HOUSE. Mr. Fleming’s resolutions for night is said to be the oldest living college j ggggiong passed the House. graduate in America. Ho practiced Rainey’s resolution withdrawing law for years, was intimate with Dan-1 the $25000 from the military came upon iel Webster, and has served in the leg-1 ane ff or t to suspend the rules and get it Convicted of Intimidating Voter*. , i Lynchburg, Va, Oct. 9. —In the of the peace of Cairo, has been ro bea i ^j ndted gt a tes district court at Abing- llie Banker’i purpose and de-> 10 furiiish some interesting facts: Nov. Deo. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. A city and her people bnild a road Feb ‘ Mar this department, and we I nd Bubseqae ntly turn it over to JJJJ* £pj. !uil y invite the consideration I anot fi er railroad corporation, only to I May June dUianceman into whose flnd oat t hat that corporation uses it j"“® shall become a 1 a9 ft weapon with which to inflict eye-1 at 1891 * i I ry possible wound. Not content with snout the night with Mr. J. W. Lee, a Buchanan at the last presidential elec- . . , t us. He went to his room i tion, was sentenced to tix months fan- friend of hU. tie wan , | pr isonment in jail and to pay a fine of ftbout 10 o'clock, but did not woo 8i©op i •*«« * *_ ai— d—a aa««iah<hi This is the first conviction in Vir- nntil midnight, so the burglary took *£2" nnder the federal laws for the place between that time and daylight, protection of the election franchise. «>e Ba P7* to these columns. 1889 r !hi11 be thankful to receive putting the road ia such a conditton retribution from the various I aa to render it stock, the majority 46,235 53,244 Total receipts for lday: 1891 1890 46,235 52,244 Total port receipts to Oct. 9. 1891 1890 His pants were found in the yard. Near by lay the purse opeu and empty, me manner ip which the burglary wa* exe cuted was plain. An insecure blind gave access to the room, and a Ion; with a hook did the rest. As Mr. Adopted thi Ocala Platform. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 9.—The state Farmers’ Alliance adopted the follow resolutions without a dissenting Resolved. That the Farmers’ wun s uim i voice: Kesoiveo, xnai, mu nuu*■-*= 1 ton made no display or told imy one I ^ n<imRa ^ industrial Union of the I -Wvnt bavins the money with him, w m l Michigan heartily indorse the the burglars spotted stare ^ to There is a gang of ucaia America that from the various as to - - V 1Baoe8 county Alliances of which is owned in » ^ *tctioa from wee^ to week absolutely worthless, it persists in _ :^Bak neu . ' violently discriminating against her 1S90> 439,957 L ^EKisnow, and ever has | v 3 . | Groceries and Provisions. & Co. report about having the money •he bi There local crooks working in tne I are unvialdiugly in favor of the In- l«SWS2fiBh , !8k*^aS&i a mystery now him for a victim. There to a gangjji I oMressed ’toilers*T>f America that local crooks working in *he ^ty.^and j in favor of the in- Stocks 1 &9 1.12M94 _ SirrASafe visit. This is three ^^ci=^nforeu^ s at ail U. S.ports 1891 729,883 \ burglaries sofaAm. week. | . ., *V;g5Tw» r it * Alliauceman’s friend/ Our intere8t - r*&« ■ A Monument to Sherman. Chicago, Oct. 9.—The Society of the , , &re °P en at all times to voice L j! ms of our oppressed and P la g farmers. It ig our pleas- 1 e ' 68 our duty to move in all ery interest. I xrpasrs J. S. King A Co. report I lhicaw,wv. ».—' Gentlemen of the Commission, s^ ar _Standard Granulated Bbl Army of the Tennessee, of which the wn ' B I late General W. T. Sherman was so why is this? We would appreciate an answer. ExC ^1/ g I long president, met here. In calling I a- a^ Pnlnnol .TfllRM A. uukjr «*» uiuve iu mi ■ , B ,Uv for the people sincere desire to do Lf Savannah to believe - > railroad will be_eo openrted^y ,J lbe - S5 _ j part a part of tktj ir tmde f S e Savannah I Corn The trade — c , worse blow than when I their city ; asa5ate=2sasis The COMMISSION, j ^Qj^svloik sharpers.-fi#a?B this? r oint Terminal Company EL Y^tosted in making ill.e- Borgia, but it always malite. Correct. It is a pitty that Savannah Correct ^ truth of their newspapers don tsee tne t city’s situation, or selling it dont.speak rightful indignation and cor every opportunit out in Flour, Family Straight Best Patent Coftee Hama best Mc&t BestLeaf—basis white Mixed , Hay No. 1 .Timothy per ton Bran per lOOlbs Oats Feed Oats Rust Proof j Best Texas Rust Proof Bbl $5 islatore more terms than any | the House. The House voted the Sto r ;»lfto‘Sl' 1 »«~S’l7^.‘-U» u »»5 dow “ rtHHH toton to » eral LaFayette. Mr. Parker still retains I indication that the military is all right possession of his faculties. so far as this House is concerned. A bill was passed providing that the military advisory board select a promt* nent place for encampment. Mr. Huff’s hill to pay the McDonald" she won Mt. Sterling, Ky., Oct. 10.—The I now celebrated case of Mrs. Sarah Ham-1 _ _ lit on against George Hamilton, in I j flT|Vina bonds, amounting to $20,500 which she seeks to recover $28,000,060 cam0 up to.fiay. Huff made a speech ™^r U £.“^n Utowln*ttotlto tona, were lontott. was decided in common pleas court ■ — , . . rithnr here, Judgment being rendered her for issued, and should be paid. Other thn amount. members wanted to know more about them, so the matter was finally referred to the Attorney-General, who is asked About Sonnet* »t Sea. A Philadelphia correspondent confirms J to render a final decision to the next the statement about distant sounds fo cused by ship sails. He states that many legislature. Two other matters were considered years ago the late Admiral Goldsborough I ^ ^ even j[ n g session. Mr. Holtzclaw’s told him that when he was a subordinate I oermittine the running of vegeta- officer he heard the late <£mmodore on Su “ day , Sled who ex^ti^ oB^rol to. | " Jorit? , United States ship , tell his captain the meeting to order Colonel James A. “ $5.501 Sexton, vice president of the society, f 8 - 25 *®* 5 ^ referred feelingly to the death of the 13 to 13^e old hero. Subsequently, on motion of MJ. BiZc 1 General Granville M. Dodge, of New York, who is generally spoken of as General Sherman’s successor, the ioi- lowing committee was appointed to so licit subscriptions for a monument to the memory of their late distinguished comrade: General G. M. Dodge, Colo nel J. F. Howe, Colonel N. D. Leggett, General G. B. Rimm and General A. 80 86 $20 $1.05 60 60 65 Meal Bageir.fir 21b Full Weight « SVlb “ “ Tic* 86 to A SAD AWAKENING. “When in the dark, on thy soft hand hung And heard the tempting syren of thy tongue— What flames—what darts—what an- guisu I eudured, But when the candle entered—I was cured!” Such complexions aa so many of our young ladies possess—dull, pimply, and covered with sores and blackheads, is enough to cool the ardor of the warm est lover. To such young ladies we would say, that you can never have a soft, fair, smooth, a.traetive, kissable complexion, unless your blood is pure, for the condition of the blood de cides the complexion. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will purify I to receive a one Sunday morning that he waa'sure lowing to the presence of barely a quo- they were off Rio Janeiro, because he I r um. heard the sounds of the Church bells, j Mr. Branch’s bill providing for rail- As they must have been nearly 100 miles roads> railways and canals constructed from the harbor, the captain sarcastical ly asked Levy whether he conld not “see the rosebushes in front of the houses? to which Levy quickly responded. “1 cannot see the roses, sir. but 1 can feel their thorns.”—Detroit Free Press. to develop mineral properties being made public highways, was voted down. The Fate of War. The Due d’Auuiale once went to the j Jg officially announced this evening Wynn’s Shortage Settled. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9.—[Special.]— tent of the dashing Marbot during an African campaign, in which he had re ceived his thirteenth wound. The old thatWynn’8 shortage with the Alli ance Exchange has been settled. baron was found grumbling after this Wynn pays to the Exchange money and fashion: “To be a lieutenant general, a I real estate to cover the shortage dollar baron of the empire, a peer of France, I f 0 r dollar. —I ., 7*? « oxand officer of the Legion of Honor, The exact amount in dollars is not Hickenlooper. The P la ceat whichthe your have 80,000 francs a year, and be hit by i n but Colonel Broughton states 7c monument ^ to^beerected rs left open. I you suffer the ball of a filthy Kabyle who has not * 1% Anmlni thamwoinrial^ ^ periodically, aad give you a compit-x- four sous in his pocketl —baa Francisco $1.45. j toward tosiawuon** ion a lily or rohe-leaf might envy. Argonaut. that the settlement has been reached, and tbe money will be paidatoiMife i. VOL. 59 NO. 42 ATHENS. GA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1891.-8 PAGES.