The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 17, 1891, Image 4

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1 Long Jive the Deinostheninn society There are 74,000 Germans m London. issue we are Crime is very rare among the women of Scotland. Goto the Western Suburbs and mark how Athens grows. Okly one Englishman in twentr- Beven pays income tax. Atbbhs will have a good That's sure and certain. mayor. Th* old time Southern; gentleman is a rare type these days. Th> whiskey sold at the dispensary can stand analysis hot not the water works water. HON. H. H. CARLTON Elsewhere in this pleased to published an announce ment from Bon H. H. Carlton in which he states that he will make Athens his future home and will le gume practice of law here. This will be heard with much gratification by his many friends here. Captain Carlton has rendered faithful service to the Eighth Conn gressional district in the halls of the National Congress which service is appreciated by the people. Be i8 an able lawyer and will step right back into possession of the large clientage he had before going to congress. Editor Stovall will start the Sa vannah Times tomorrow. We trust it will always be good times with Editor Stovall. Herb's a pretty howdy-do: Ham ilton's Cross Boads Alliance, of McDuf- fl< ccnty, ha* adopted resolutions de claring thems dves independent of both the old partlfi. and pledging their sup port to the People’s Party* \ Thb Athens Banner asks: "What has become of the third party ripple that lashed the shores at obscurity last summer? It is still lashing the same shores.— Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Tes, and at ebb-tide, too. What a mean man is that who would refuse his wife $25, to buy a dainty lit tle bonnet when he confesses to spend ing $100 a year for whiskey, and tobac co. Shame on him. A lady residing in Port Angeles has a curiosity in the shape of a ohicken born with four legs. It is nothing cu rious to see a chicken born with four legs, but they Beldom live as this one has done—nearly five months. The lady has two legs tied up, so that the chicken is not embarrassed while walk ing. A Massachusetts farmer knows a good thi ng when be Bees it. The pupils of the high school at Tatham solicited the privilege of husking bis corn and furnishing the refreshments besides, and he granted both. The young people bad a good time and found enough red ears , to satisfy them. A plague of locust have been worry ing the farmers in the Argentine Re public this fall. Late reports state that the locust have completely destroyed the flax, wheat and potato crops in San Geronimo and Santo Tomas. The extent of plantations destroyed covers 60,000 kilometers. THE OLD TIME SOUTHERNER. Editor P. A. Stovall writing in the Augusta Chronicle paints a pret ty,though a practically accurate pic tiire of the old time Southerner. He says: The old southern gen tleman was a rare type. There were brain workers then; where there are bondholders now. Those men were leaders, modern men are experts. The old age tended to develop men of polish, the new era tarns ont the man of affairs. The father said in that "olden and golden time,” * son make haste to be a man,'* now they say, "My son make haste to get rich.” The old southern civilzation says the correspondent, tended make men sympathetic, cultured and generous; the strife of the present day tends to make them cold, narrow and selfish. We had statesmen! then, statecraft now. We had ' Toombs, Stephens and Hill. It too true, alas, "that Ulysses is away on his wandering and here is none left in Ithaca strong enough to bend bis bow.” .After all, it is the man who helps men, who is missed when he is gone To bnild a business is onejthing; to build a man is another. Men pinch and starve and press and drive to build a business, and when the bus! ness is built there is no man to foy it. Business first and the man afterward, is the motto now. Onr fathers said, "The man first, and his business wili;follow him upward.” GEORGIA’S NORMAL SCHOOL. It Is pretty generally known that Georgia has a Normal school now established by law, to be conducted in the building of the old Bock col lege here in Georgia. The plans all have been arranged by the members of the faculty of the State Universi ty These plans were submitted to the trustees and they in turn submitted them for endorsement to the gover nor. Governor Northern urged them before the last session of the general assembly and the outcome was the passage of a bill providing for* the execution of the plan. The idea is to have a thorough and complete school where teachers might be taught how to teach. The plan is a most excellent one and has met general endorsement on all sides. It is to be hoped that this insti- tion will soon be pot into operation. The Bock college is one of the most attractive and nsefnl buildings in the state—the very place for the estab lishment of this school There is a faint glimmer of hope that Ex- President Hayes’ recent visit to Georgia in behalf of the educational fond he represents will result in *;ome help to this movement. Georgia needs a thorough Normal school today more than she needs any one thing We heartily agree with In Vtiginia there are 15,000,000 acres of arable land' lying antilied. The greater part of it is the property of large holders who get no income from It, and who do not possess the capital for its cultivation. The state authori ties have come to their aid and are striv ing to attract immigrants who will take it np and put it to service. Mr. McGriffin, of McGregor, Tex as, has been in a dazqd condition for about a week and wonders if some plan ooold not be contrived to keep his sala ry advancing at the same ratio as hiB family. About a year ago hte wife presented him with triplets. Last week she beat that record by giving birth to four children at a time. * Says the Americus-Ttaaos-Becorder Depravity seems to have reached the lowest ebb, when the names of refined onltared women like Mrs. Jefferson Da vis and her daughter should he signed to begging letters by miserable, cows ardly forgers, and sent to near friends all over the country. Such an insult is necessarily very mortifying to these high born, well bred women, and merits prompt and severs punishment, wbioh will doubtless be the culprit’s potion as soon as he is discovered. ■ The Demosthenians of the State University at Athens have decided to eivct a new ball upon the Kollege Kampua. They will first make a haul upon the Alumni for the funds. We ain’t in much dred, rs we didn’t gradu ate in the strait Kollege.—Hustler-of- Bome. Yon need feel no fear, brother. If these be your sentiments the hoys would not take a cent of yonr money. They do intend to build a hall, bnt not it they have to depend upon such senti meats at these. Never fear, brother. THE OEMOSTHENIAN SOCIETY. It is surely a commendable spirit on the part of the young men of the Demo8tkenian Society that prompts them to take steps towards securing a new hall. The old building is in a very di lapidated condition, and needs res moddelling The effort that is being made to bring about this important and much needed improvement should receive all the encouragement and success that it so richly de serves. The students in the Uni vereity who compose the active membership of this worthy old insti tution are not able themselves to subscribe all the money that is necessary to accomplish the end in view. ,Tbey wi'l, therefore, call upoD the alumni members of theii' society to aid them, and the Banner believes the money will surely come Let every Demosthenian come to the assistance of the old society of his college days, and let the institu tion live on. THE C0MWOWSCHOOLS. There is something very much at fault in onr common school Bystem Georgia, and most every other state in the South. There is, indeed, a more serious error somewhere in its workings of than any one wonld fancy from a first cursory glance over the system of education through which we are seeking to educate our children. Just how to arrive at the evil that exists is a vexations problem, and time alone can tell how it is to remedied; _bnt it is dear to every discerning man that the negroes Georgia are gaining more advantage from onr common School money to day than the whites. This is pitiable state of affairs bnt it is not exaggerated. Statistics and observation as well go to show that negro schools throughout the country are multiply* ing in number and in attendance much more rapidly than are the white schools. They are thas draining the fields and machine shops of laborers who were once fonnd in these young negro students. This has a double reaction. It makes it necessary for the white children to take hold the plow handles and the hoe npon their fathers farms,thus keeping them from school. Trace the workings of this school system on to the higher departments of learning. You will find the col ored Universities and high scho of Georgia filled with young negroes who are (itmust be admitted) receive ing a very clever education in the higher degrees of learning. When these negro graduates leave these Universities what do they go about? There are bnt two fieldB open to them preaching and teaching. They back to the rnral districts and organ izo a school of their own, getting large attendance and drawing their pay from the public funds that come by public taxation. Thus it is that negro schools are multiplying in untold proportions year after year, while the whites are increasing not near so rapidly When a white boy leaves college the expenses of his education has made it so that be cannot afford to teach school at the low salary that is paid. Other professions more lucrative are more inviting. Now who will apply the remedy? With these facts and they are facts in view who can say where drifting? Lt Religious Department. Children's Department. Dr. c. w. lane, editor. WELL DON a Georgia exchange in the following statement: "It requires as much training to make a teacher as it does to make lawyer or a doctor, and the men who teach onr children should not only be made competent by study, and teaching, and- experience, bnt they have selected their vocation for life. Too many Jof onr teachers impose nppn their patrons. "A young jman graduates and needs money before he can study a profession. Bec&ase he is a gradu ate he easily finds a place as a school teacher. Hs starts ont knowing nothing of teaching, and as his undertaking is only a temporary na ture, he does not try to fit himself bnt only bangs on to it for a year or two nntil he Jean save np enough money to fit himself lor some other profession. Daring this time-he has really robbed his patrons and done the children and the state a great wiong. The public schools of Geor gia call for not only educated men bnt educated teachers.” Every patriolio and loyal Georgian will echo the sentiment when we say "speed the day when the Georgia Normal school will be fairly realized in supplying a long felt need.” We find >hi*ae words in tl«e parable of the talents. Matt xxv. 14—80. His Lord bad put ii-to a servant’s hands a certain sum <>f money to he invested for him. That servant’s time belonged to his lord, as well •8 the money. It was his duty, as a s- r- vant, to do the best he could to increase the value of what was entrusted to him. If he had failed,as one or bis fellow servants did, be would have been pronounced wicked” as well us ‘slothful,” and wou'd have baen severely punished. He deserv ed no special reo gmtiou for his fidelity, as a man is not entitled to praise because he pays his hunt St debts, or to an elaborate eulogy with bis daily wages, when he has simply done a fair day’s work. Such at least is the general idea and habit of the world. We reserve our encomiums for those who do something that is notably disinterested aud benevolent. We expect every man to do his duty, and it is enough if he gets a foima) cicdit on our books, or the compensation agreed up m. If the turd in the parable had been an average business man, be would have counted the money carefully, rung every coin to be ante that it had not been “sweat ed,” and then said: ‘All right, you are credited with momy returned five talents, and money earned for me five talents more. Now go work in the vineyard until I want you to engage in trading again.” That would have been regarded as fair transac tion The books are balanced. The par ties are even. There is no need of any gush on either side. Bnt such was not our 8aviour’s idea. He knew tbat the servant had simply doue his duty, and yet be praised him. lie said ‘‘Well done thou good and faithful ser vant.” There is a heartiness about this commendation that no reader of the para ble can tail to see. Judicious praise is both right and useful. There are families in wh : ch it would do world of good. There are faithful wives wnose fidelity the>r husbands appreciate, but they ueglect to tell them so. There are children who, if not better, would be happier if their pare ts cheered them now and then with a hearty “well done.” Tuere are excellent ministers who would preach better and be better pastors If their people were more like the lord in the parable. Many of us may learn a lesson that we greatly need from the divine words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” THE GRAND ARMY. Executive Next Annuel Meeting—The Committee. Washington, Nov. 14.—At a meeting of the executive committee of the coun cil of administration of the Grand Army of the Republic here, General Palmer, the commander-in-chief, pre sided. September 20, 1892, was the date fixed for the next annual meeting in Washington of the grand encamp ment. A report of the local committee oa hotel and boarding-home accommoda tions was received and declared unani- In mously to be highly satisfactory, no case was the rate in excess qf the regular rates prevailing at the respec tive houses. Lists of these hotels and boarding houses, wifh the capacity and rates of each, will he sent to every post in the country by the local committe — soon as they can be pijppared. The executive committee consists of John Palmer, of New York, commander- in-chief; Fred Pbysfisterer, of New York, adjutant-gtohersl; John Taylor, of Tennessee, quartermaster-general and the foUowing members of the conn cil of administration: William McClel land, of* Pennsylvania; EL C. Luther, of Rhode Island; R. P. Kpapp, of New York, L. B. Say won d, of Iowa; WiUihm Olio, of Mms.ytchirsettk: Br. A. J. Hun- toon, of the District of 'Columbia, and J. R. Miller, of Mississippi. LITTLE ENEMIES. Nothing impure or unholy can ent-r the heavenly home of the saints. The saints are free from little sins, as well as target ones They are clmsed from all sin, and freed from any love of evil. Sin eats, as doth a canker, with the re salt that the sinner is usually umymmetri cal in character. Deficiencies mark the course of siD in him. Christina purity does not at once remove these defects aud replace them with the proper graces, but divine grace begins at a work of re. construction which in time accomplishes wonderful r* suits. Little errors iu judgment often sadly hinder the successful issue of good pu poses. But“iIauyof you lack wisdom, let him ask of God; who givelli to all men liberally, and upbraideth not." The ma ture Christian doesuot become wise, and with bis growth in grace becomes freer from little errors in judgment. Little sins, little defects in character, little etrora in judgment, little things done and said aud ^bought, little things omitted —these are tbelilile enemies. Little foxes spoil the vineyard. Dead flies spoil, the ointment. How great a matter a little fire kindleth! These enemies may be conquered, cannot be done in an hour, or a day, or year. This is a campaign that will Inst longer tbau "all summer.” But it is worth the lifelong struggle it will cost; tor by the grace of God we may tiureby become worthy of our crown and palm, and at the same time will have been uest able to help others on in the goo I way. How shall these ent u.i s be discovered and cot quered? Often they lie concealed or openly pass as fronds' "By Uuir fiuit* ye shall know them.” "My grace is sat ticient fo: lh>-e.” Let there be a heart fell desiie and purpose to br rid of these ene mies, and the soldier wi.l be cm ered from time to time by conscious victory. Rev E G. Sanderson. ‘bAVED." “I wish my son to be et ucated;” "I want his character developed;’* “i desire him to be trained;” “I am striving for bis reform “I want to keep him Irom bad ways;” am aiming at the right molding of my daughter’s life;” “I wish my chiluren right ly started in life”—such inspirations we often hear, uttered more or less articulate!) by patents and friends concerning others, or by the aspirants themselves. They are all laudable; but they are all included as l« their essence word not so often em ployed. That word is ‘‘saved’ - —in the Bi ble sense, not merely from ignorance, bn habits, failure in life, and the like, but “saved” body and spirit, for limt and eter- fiy- / To be saved is to be fretd fr< m an ac- u siDg conscience, the dominion of sin, i<* ill constquence and the fear of them; to be content, at peace, even full of hope us l< tbe great unknown futnre. lt is to have the day ol judgmeut div. sted of tertoe, is' to have positive gain and piece oi con science, freedom irom the masteiy. of the world, an abiding, eh vating, pu Dying motive toward well-uoing, which acts- within, and is not dependent on human observation, and a hope which ofiVet* preseniB limitations like grie>, poveity aud pain, and actually conveits them inti, benefits. It is to have a hope, realized in time, of all that is involved—and bo» much that i3 eternilv alone can disclos.— in ‘‘eternal life.”—Ex. THE BAREFOOT BQY, Blessings <>n the-,-little man, boy,-with cln ek ot tan! With thy turned up pantaloons, And tby merry whis'led tunes; With tby red lips, redder stil'; ST Kissed by strawberries ou the bill, With the sunshine ou thv flee, Through thy torn brim’s jauuty grace; From my heart 1 give th. ^joy,— 1 was once a barefoot b>>y! JohxG. Whittier. TOMMY’S RESOLUTIONS Iriend To Young Mothers ADMINISTRATOR'S 8ALE. ■ By virtue of an order of the ". of Clai ke county, will >.. q „?j rt ,° , 0rd io«- court house'door ja said cmintv 'l the erv to the highest h , 0u '* bourn of ule on the first Tut it nr*;- .V 1 ® is;a the following property to *tt Uec *®ber . Ail that tract or parcel ot land 1D g and beiog in said conntv end *^ #t *d lj. p.rtofthe,old Thorn* aT 00 « h*" 0 * 0 « hounded on the west, south lands ofJohoK.Whiti,Md £ “ 0rth h j lauds ot Mrs. Kittle, containing* ft** 3 acres mpre or leas. * sixteen ( Sold as the property of John n r. ceeed for dietnbntioa “ R ‘ Cr *“ e de- A boy of our acquaintance b.came very good tin New Year’s Day. He withdrew to his room, and appeared after an hour or two with a sheet M foolscap paperjh. Id up before bitn. At the top of the sheet whs written: “Good Resolutions for 1891 ” Then came the following somewhat amus ing tin-amble and resolves: “I, Tommy Dean, knowing that I am not as good as I ought to lie, and believ ing that I should try to do better on ac count of my friend*), do agree to keep the following resolutions for one year at the ■ry last: “I will gel up when called once, instead of afta-r having been called four times. “I will keep the hack part of my hair combed as slick as tbe fronL I will shovel snbw out of tbe paths, and not grumble about it. “I will run on errands, even if Idon’t get any nickels f>T it. "I will surprise my teacher at school by studying bard most all of tbe .time, and not whisper as muen as I did last year. “I will 'brush my clothes i-very day to save ma from scolding, fur it is wicked to scold. “I will never be late to tbe table, so save my pa from saying things that hurt my feelings. I will not chew any gum, I will not be sn6»y, and I wont quarrel with any of the boys. “If I break any of these resolutions, I will draw a blue mark er it, and be sorry.’, f v OhiSd Birth Easy. 1 shortens Labor, S Lessens Pain, | En ioiTsJ by the leading Physicians. J I oh to “Mothers 1 ’mailed FREE. • BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. | i ATLANTA, GA. « * SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • This it, therefore to notify ,u the.r objections it any they have * rnt;( *^ 0 file the first Monday in drnu ,” ^ for * will then be granted to mM-S ®' 8e lel ‘«r a plied for. V __ Ordinary. PERMISSION TO GO HOME. B.-S8 went to church one sultry day, She kept awake I’m glad to say. Till "fourthly” started on its way. Then tbe moments into hours grew Oh, dearloh, deail what should she Unseen she glided from the pew. do? And up the aisle d« mutely went. On some important mission bent, Her ey.* filled with a look into’ f 8he stopped and said in plaintive tone, With hand uplifted toward the dome, "Please, preacher-man, can I go home's 1 ” Tbe trouble voice bell-like in sound, Disturbed a sermon most profound; A titter swelled as it went round. A smile the pastor’s face o’rspread, He paused and bent his Stately head. “Yes, little dear,” he gently said. „A chemical success and medical tri umpb,” so speaks an eminent physician in reference to Ayer’s Cherry Pictoral; and tbe eulogy was none too strong. No other medicines so safe and effl cocious in all diseases of the throat and lungs. Thb Atlanta Constitution is evidently coming back into the Democratic fold and we shall make its return as easy as possible under tbe circumstances. It has reached the point of thinking tbat •‘the platform of the New York Demo crats would do very well with such ad ditions or modifications as would make it national,” it says: ‘‘If the Democrat® think tbat a great and popular issue, such as free coinage, should be made ’•he subject of compromise, the New York platform is ready made to their bands.” This statement of our con temporary may be accepted as "a spec imen of progress.” The silver plank in the New York platform is sound enough for tbe oponents of free, unlimited and independent coinage of silver, and if it be satisfactory to the free silver people, there is no reason whv tbe two wings of the party should not flap together. In the meantime, we beg tbat the Macon Telegraph. Augusta Chronicle and the Savannah News will not shoot at the organist, as he is doing the best he can —Charleston News and Courier. That is all very nice. Of course everybody wants a sound and safe cur rency, brother McKinley, but they want more of it. What of that? The newspaper tbat doesn’t take the part of tbe people just at this trying period in their demands for an expanded cur rency, is not a people’s paper. That' certain. CLAKE SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold before tbe Court house we are door in the city of Athens, between the legal hours of sale, on the 25th day of November 1891, the following property to-wic: 1. Gray Horse about four years old. 2 Black Mare Mules 5 to 7 years old. 5 Head of Cattle. 3 Head of Hogs. 1 Two Horse Wagon and Harness. 1 Buggy and Harne s s. 3 Bales of Cotton more or less. 1 Lot of Fodder, 75. bushels of Corn more or less. 1 Lot of Shucks. 3 Sets of Plow gear. 1 Lot of Plow Stocks and Plows. 1 Lot of Weeding hoes. Levied on as tbe property of Wiley T. Nash, by virtue of a distress warrant iu favor of John I. Huggins vs. W. T. Nash. This 22th day of November 1891. J. W. Wier, Sheriff. S'Nday-School Teacher: Miss Fanny, what are we to learn from tbe parable of tbe wise and foolish virgins? Miss Fanny (aged 10): Tbat we are al ways to be on tbe lookout for tbe com ing of the bridegroom—New Fork Herald. Both air and water abound in mi crobes, or germs of disease, reaady to infect tbe debilitated system. To im part the strength and vigor necessary to resist tbe effect of these pernicious atoms, no tonic blood-purifier equals Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. “How do I strike you?” said the ar tificial liuip to its mate. "You’re a cor ker,” wa# the reply.—Washington Star. “Come to mj arms,” he said “Can’t,” says she, I’ve rheumatis ” “Get Salvation Oil.'* She went immediately and bought a bottle. 25 c* nts. Many a home has been robbed of sun shine and happiness by the loss of some child, when Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup would have saved it. Chinese doctors make a reduction in theircharges when tbe patient is old. It dosu’t take so much medicine to kill. —Texas Siftings. HV»n ovai'Krs._, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, nee BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. All dealers keep it, ft per bottle. Genuine hu trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper CONSUMPTION In its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. * Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN’S IRON BITTERS State and County TAXES TVTOW AKK DDE, .nd should be attended to JLY without delay. The Books will be closed, as required by law, on Dec. 20th next, and ail who may be at that time in arrears, will be liable to the additional expense of the coats of execution. I how! 3UY SPECIAL SUMMER SALE! tore to notify all concerned to Me ihSil* H lere- tioua if any they have on or hid,, ^ "fij'-c- Mon .ay in W?,*? next “ . h ,® «"* 500 FINE OR«ANS at Way Down Prices—tocJoaa Ecuy 3!mn*-43 to|5 monthly -or 810 Cash, balance in] fM. No Interest- GREAT BARGAINS! Mnstbesold. Can’t hold. Write for Barsain Sheet. HIDDEN & BATES SAVAN I AH have removed my odice to Wo. 4ll Oconee Street. Come early and escape the rush of the cluaing few wee.a. H. H. LINTON, T. C. Oot. 24—tne.fri.ann.Awtdec.20. “I’m sorry you don’t like the new nurse,” she said to be;- husband. ‘She is so good about singing to the baby and keeping him quiet.” "Yes,” was the A. 6. McCllITy, Athens, Ga. MONEY! MONE*! On JB'arm Security, At 6 Per Cent. ai isju .”-W tbe baby cry.”—Washington bt»x. j Office Clayton Street, over WimsorSboe t tor# Nor. 17—<17WwJlW. FOR COTTON GINS, ENGINES AND REPAIRS, —AT— bottom Prices, WRITE TO G. Lombard & Co Foun. , Machine, Holler and Gin Supply House, Ausipsta, FO R THE LQWBSTRATrS ON Rail Road TICKETS WBf & NORTHWEST Vrite to, or when you come AD IN .STRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order of the toun of Ordi ?^LT CI “ rk ? Co « n ‘y. « ui be sold i efore "the Courthouse door in said County of cK nnbUc outcry to the highest bidder the legal hours of sale ou the first Tu^d^l! December im. the following ptonem to JS All that tract or parcel of land siliiv.^j ssxn %isssr\ Hickoiy on back aide ..f church ( ,t, ffraS niuglt. 3», B. 1» chains to a hickory, Jl- L, -O.e0 claim® to white oak thence N 75 E. 18 chan s to white oak on river tlu-n -e down meanders of liver to a maple, thence 8 60 W. 4ti, chains to a stake in said river r a.1 thence tip said road to comer of church mi ij chains, thence along church lot Hue h 39 k 7 7 ehe.ins to a stake, thence along church lot l'ne7.7 chains to beginning corner. Coaialnlng bv-C-B., handler surveyor 1.-81 one handled VI ork and ^ twentj a. res more or le^a, and known in aid -urvey as lot No. 1. sold. the propery of John R. Crane dcceaS’d for distribution. R. K, REAVES Adra’r. 6 t. Grit to lanta, sail on C IAS. B. WALKER, Ticket Agent, W. & A. R. R. U‘ i‘iil PASSENGER DEPOT, ATLANTA, GA. Oct-87—wist. IfVou Are Going West ANl . ANT LOW RATES To Arkansas Texi Missouri. Colorado and Califor nia, r any point WEST or NORTH WEST— m . IT WILL PAY YOU To write to me. FREIi, I>. BliNH. 24 Wall St., Atlanta, Ga* 1 4 N * B ‘ Cot. 27—W2i3t. THE ELEC 1R0P0ISE APPLICABLE, TO TREATMXN T 07 *T.r. Chronic Diseases, When the Indications are not strict 1 Surgical. Nervous Affections, Such as Neuralgia, Insomnia, Partia Paralysis, Nervous Prostration, Ana-- mic conditions that do not respond t< ordinary tonics, Torpid Liver, Spleer. or Kidneys, Pelvic troubles of women Functional troubles of heart, Dropsy, Milkleg. Impoverished Blood, Chronic Hemorrhages all yield to its tonic influ ences and persistent use. By the skilled use of Electropoise, Acute Rheumatism aud Malarial lever are rendered harm less or aborted. All the weak points in the system ars helped—even incipient cons imp ion has been cured. The pow* “ f Hf-u at ohol over the systt n are d en snMued by tbe re ctor- v ' nf uence of this instrument. Not-- e; unpleasant sensation oi any i ret- jived in its proper use. is a- aable-ti> be abused or to get out •if ot ‘ f-SjD: good effects are man ifest ou petiemjs in longer or shorte* time **/*cordi:ag to chronicity of the cav and. .eptiMlity of the individual. The “Pocket” poise can be used s' home by purchaser. Price $25. The larger or “Wall” poise is better adaD’eri co office practice. Price $50. A book if instructions with each instrument. TY. S. Whatry, M. D.. 'Ww A vent. Athens. Ga B. K. REAVES. Administrate. BORGIA CLARKE COUSTv ~ IBY’S OFFICE OCTOBER 24th aa7 0 “P ,SA - Noblu administrator on tbe H, - **• Pounds colored deceased has armif.m ? f ’ eit 7 to sell the laud of suiddecSie^ P ‘fe , *, 01 : «»ve fore to notify all concerneot?.<n« t, . le re- be granted SMd a^Tlc .nVis'amut* ?or W th ® 8. M. HEHBUK.TOX, "rdlnary. G eorgia claicke county -1777— RV 8 OFFICE OCIOBBU 21th guardian of Ca.rie P. Bolkiman' H ; Leila HoTleymau hue am> led r7.i i ... " “'"I the land of said m£onk notify all roccerne l to file .heir obS',^ ft y have on or before tbe fir.-t CZ in ISG Isave Will tlian J December next, else leave will then iwl 0 bald applicant as applied for/ n granted S. M. HERRINGTON * Ordinary. /“'EOKGIa, Clarke Countv, Ordluar >s V-*office, November 2nd, — QTATE OK GEORGIA, COLNTV OF LLa O—To whom It may concern: \V. CLAltKL SHKRIFF SALE. Will be sold before the com (muse do r in Tie city of Athens, said county, <>n the first Fuetmayln December next wiiiiiu the ie;al U urs 01 bale, the follow ii* lot or (mi cel of land vitua'e and being in raid state a.m county, in cue city of Athens, ou Mllkdge avenue, fr. nt- .ngeast on said avenue a tils tnco of e glitj -tve ;»6) feet, along Meigs rtreet, wesieri) to turner ol lot of T. II. Dozier, thence aio»n 1 o- <1 r s lino eighty-five (8) icet to corner w.tb Longa, thence easterly mong line ol Long- to he beginning corner on > iliengea enue,con- cuinbiK one-eighth (1-8) of nu acre, more or e s. Levied on as the property cf tar. line 8. t{ ticker to satis y a 11 la issued fi-om the city mart of said ««univ ‘n favor o. Margaret Win ter, executrix, against said C. S. Kucker. A deed to the above described property having beeu made and delivered the said aigaret Winter, executrix, by tbe said Caroline 8. Rucker, to secuie thedibt evidenced b) wo II. fa, said deed being of record in tleika ffice, said county, In hook—f lie—.nd a Iiolo r titles to recouvey having h en given, a ueea •f reconvey ance of said prupert belore low icvy having be n made by tuc Vendee to the Vendor in accordance with the i-tat to ana died on record in tne Clerk’s oflb e, said county, iu deed book, J. J. folio 401- Notice of tue levy given tenant n possesion, r.bls vov,8rd, 1891 Johs W .TBORGIA CLARKE < lOUNTY.-OrdinarT.] Uofflce November 2d Ia9l B. H- 'JL ad.i.luistratorof the estate of a. l. B-o*™ deceased ha* applied for leave t sei i h «,,‘rfS f said deceased Thl. is .heren re to no if) concerned to file ti.elr object o s if any have on or betore th.- flr.-t Monday in Deceinw ext, e se .eave will be gianted s.i.d applies 11 vs applied lor 8. BL HERRINGTON. ordinary. A. G. iloCURBT, Athens, Ga. P. P. Pbotfitt, Elberton, Ga. McCORRY & PROFFITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ATHENS, GA. OiEee over Windsor April 12—dAwtf General law practice. Shoe s ore FOR SALS. c- The l>e3t shock farm in Georgia a $S 00 per acre, containing 5S2 acres, situated on at •nth. rivet, eighteen miles from Athens, one mile from Comer on G. C. & N. B. lt. It is well watered with springs aud br inches. 200 acres of bottom land; 50 acres -Well timbered pine and original forest ; 150 acres well set in Betmuda ^rass; 100 acres in good strteof cultivation. O ie-thir.1 cash, one-third twelve months, and oi e-third two years with note dr twine 8 per cent. Apply to A. J. tf. COMER, )mer, Ga., or COMER, aysviile, Ga., ,iou-c door In Athens, Georgia Tuesday ■ours * me lot ..f land In me said city ul .“r: i oto f ,illlupa^rtrca,bounded_on the i;onh b)' Ing unc-iiuar e. (K) o\ au acrr> “m^uns'le- soidas the pioptrty o. lAHio W«J‘ i p.optrty — —— _ eased, fur dl tiibntlon, Sc. J 1 ’- 1 ™!,. t’hla Nor. 2nd, lwt A-Um’r of Lizz 6 WatKiu* 1 V OTiCE.—All pertons h0 *, ln f i\w. a. GS1 eland deceased ^property pro ent the same to toe ec«*}* proven, and all pcrtuns e.i are ’required to mak. the uud rsirned. MINSKVv Ot^* Admlnst:ati1xof W. A*. G1L1NLA iOR SALE REGISTERED AND UNREGISTBB*® JERSEY CATTLE. 28. On Saturday, N° v : 1891, I will sell on^ the p ises o; the Jate -W ; • . • lei and at Holsey Hill of Jellerson road, a | ft rseY cows consisting of *> e ‘ S milch cows, heifers a “ ^<j tine stock bull,allmsplencu condition. » eD $ J. iu. Fbanklin, Ag 1 .... ItSl Muiy A. lugbeu, a'lmiwKttatrix ot John H. Hughes, de- ceaseil, represent* that she lias iully discharged he duties of her said tru-l and pi <s 101 letters ol dismisrion. This U therefore to notifv all persons to show cause, ii any they can, oner oeforo the first Monday in February ne.u why said administratrix should not be dis barred from haul trust. S. M. Hkbkixo on, Ordinary. Th mas, of said State, having ap lieu to uie for ■"Hereof adiui istrat on dt- boms non wi:h the -ill annexed, on the estate <,1 l-.obu. T.,o„ as, ate ol iraitl county, this i- to cite o'l and piuku- Ur the ciedliois aim ue.vt oi kin of sa.o Boliert Thomas to beano appear at tbe Hecember ieim ud*l at 'Jit Court of Ordinary of said county ..nd rliow cause, if any they can, »by letters ot administration de bonis non with tbe wiian- •exed, should not he grunted 10 -a.d W W. thomas on Robert Thomas’ estate. Witness my ofiiclal'Bignature this ind oa) of November eel. a. M. Ueubixoton, Ordinary. G K' iRGIA, Clarke County —The Commis* s‘ Isiouers appuiuteu by me lor tne purpose of • ppraislogand setting apart to Mrs'. Afiugar-t Lowry, w idow of Lir. W. «. Lo • ry, late or said county, deceased, and tlieir three minor etiil dreu, a twelvemonths support om of the estate of said decerned, having made their return to ■ue In terms of the law, which is now u ill., iu inyoffict. This is thereto e lo notily all par- lea interested to show cause atmv ufticc o tbe i t day of DeccnrUr next, why puch lelum should not be allowed. Given under my hand ■md official signature this both uay of October, l 91. b. AI Heki inoion, _ Ordinary Clarke Co. Sheriff. ADMIN1STR vTOR’S SALE. ' By virtue of ai- older of I lit first door in Athens, oeorgi.. “■• • |eea - ay in Decemiier next , n . w ,t ; of saie the lollowiug p:ope_ty io it -f tand In the said city of Ath‘ "»^ v OTiCE.—'Willbe letb-fo.othe Lourt^"* » door In be * tty ol A he »■ Clarke c ^ Georgia, at 1#o*cU ca A. <> ■( 0r re- tuthday of Liecember, l*81, the wntfactjo n wing the Interior of Clar ®. „ n file in cording t-j the plans and i,we*» my office, said contract to he let *o _ vl yg responsis.e bidder, the uudereigj'eA w 8 * 1 '- the ri ctauj and all bids. also. jp At the same time and place, “SLjlCF'* 1 same conditions, will be , « t h t j?,J*of r ^ove. •'« saw Jail by *£am. Oofioary- J