The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, November 24, 1891, Image 8

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OCCASIONS GREAT GRIEF TO HIS HAPPENS TO A YOUNG NEGRO MOTHER. BOY. MAJOR W. S. CROSBY, OF CAR TERSVIL.LE, TELLS OF NOBLE FAMILIES! IN RUSSIA IPLUNGED INTO PRISON. HE DISAPPEARED YESTERDAY THROWN FROM A HORSE A BIC VEIN OF SILVER THE STRICTEST CENSORSHIP Aad Has Not Been Seen Since—His J Name Unknown--Strangers Who Have Just Moved Here. A lost boy and a grief stricken moth- And Dragged For Over a Hundred I That is on Some Land In North Geor- j Yards Through the Streets—His gia-It May Not be a Hundred Skull Fraotured And He May Miles From Athens -Dr. White Die. I To Analyze the Ores. Sunday morning a small negro boy That was the news brought to the I happened to a serious aocident on Bannxb office last night about eleven Clayton street, which may result j o’clock. I fatally. A rich vein of silver. And it is somewhere in North Geore | gia, and only one man knows its where- It seems that a few days since a wid-1 John Howard is a small boy living ™ at \ maa „ ia Major w * 8 ow with two children moved to Athens I in this place on the northern end of b 0 * Cartersville. and settled out in the suburbs near the Lumpkin street. I - MaJor Cr08b y was in Athens yester- interseotion of Lumpkin street and He was riding a horse along near the Milledge avenue. I Methodist church Sunday morning They came without friends or he- [ when the animal became frightened Tho Alleged Conspiracy Much Wi der In Extent than First Supposed Hundreds of People In Custody —Almost Impossible to Get Facts—The Situation Is Grave anq Excite ment Prevails. London, Nov. 16.—Since the arrest at Moscow Thursday List of about one day and called at the Banneh office. He I hundred members of noble families, came to Athens to have Dr. White to c * w, ’B e d with being concerned in a analyze some ores that he had taken off') “^fiiueot looking to the creation of a “ d -———i - ^ ■■■ •*«— *— kw srsst Christian Association building, and | The ore contained silver, and he says Tmd,3r th * eari T czara - their names. of age, came to the Ledger threw the boy off. The boy’s foot hnng It ^ _ earpp Atha ° *rT n than at first supposed, and. it is said. a job aa a carrier for the paper. f ° r L^o "Trying 6 “ d development of ttm | He was given a place and sent out rough street. “ in ® . be 01 S 161 * yesterday afternoon to carry In front of Lampkin’s store the bov ^T ®/*^. one of the rounds. I w» thrown vtotoil, 4L5? «£? ™ -»*?**■**» '*>*“« «” «>- . .under the awning and his foot j a a f1 „_, / .f rn Ge ° rRia there named Bates. became disengaged at the u t?*® 1 ’* l£ has bwn Last night he had not retamed home same time. developed to a slight extent, but there as late as 11 o’clock and his mother was | He was unconscious and medical aid **-- - M -* rea£ aeaI m°royet. crazed with grief. j was summoned. It was fonnd that hia I She didn’t know what to think of his skull had been fractured on the left not returning and had some neighbors side and that he had little ohnnrrei of out hunting for him. I living. Major Crosby states that the veins of into custody in addition to those men- | tionod. The United Press correspondent at j 8t. Petersburg wired last night as fol- | lows: Ti e strictest censorship of press dis- | patches is observed. The government I is contemplating severe measures wh ich bespeaks is nine miles in length again8t newspaper correspondents. It and practically inexhaustible. 18 811111081 Impossible to get or send fucta There is a story connected with the I regardi,1 S the arrest of nobles and It is believed that the little fellow is I However, last night he was still alive uJSf* UP ° n ^ °* 0f ® “I ation of a parliament elected bv the lost, being an utter stranger here, and I a “ d improving. The old fallow i. „ I people. It ie reported that extensive doubtless ere this isread he wiU be at • “ 0 ” 1 '.*® ys ^ >nia ^** carefuI what the land wasput i^jail torsom^c^S I ^ ^ ^ here ’“ WeU “ ahorse theygeton. edness in trying to borrow money on home. Or again it may be that he had strayed off and neglected to return home. Athens is a big enough city to get > ala auq irr «. lost in. The THAT’S WHAT IT IS. THANKSGIVING DAY. by Gov- _ money on the property. - While in jiil he grew desperate and in a moment of despair committed sui cide. Sinoe then it has been discovered that Moscow andiother cities. All informa tion is refused. The police advise yonr correspondent not to comment on the arrests, The situation is very grave. The wildest rumors are circulating." ATLANTA POLITICS. Are Decidedly Lively Just Now. Proclamation Made emor Northern , °ne week from tomorrow the people I a large portion of this silver v0nhi**1o! Editor Murphey Gets off a Joke at His of the United States will celebrate Uated on this property. Poverty. Thanksgiving day. Major Crosby will not speak of its I Atlanta. Ga., Nov. !6 -[Special 1- HfreI? r fSlri I v ai ?i® y oM th f e T^ QgU ?. ta thfif d8ar ? lytI,er ®. 1 ! aa bW>n maoh *n whereabouts, but says it laoo® of the Local politics are red hot now Tnd the £y?S\s f offffiouSwiSg: ?orTh?ch ZZ£ £? 1***1'%* G ®° rgU ’ that the | W* promises to be one of the liveliest The poet Tennyson can tab* « I "f™ Io f *> be thankful. j publio wUl hear from it soon. In accordance with the custom, Gov- FONSECA’S OPPONENTS HAVE GATHERED^ 40.000 MEN. AN INTERESTING QUESTION TO BE SETTLED IN GEORGIA ARMED AND ENTHUSIASTIC; f JT WOMAN SUFFRAGE. i poet Tennyson oan take a worth- , less piece of paper and by writings poem on it make it worth a small for- I ernor Northen has issued bis precis That’s genius. . mation to the people of Georgia. settimr A GUN BXPLODB8. | campaigns Atlanta bas known in its record of lively municipal fights. The . J ticket put out by the committee of one Vanderbuiltcan write a few worts on I i^rt thTsHht °* < J®° rgia ’ ® PalnfuUy injures Uttle Walter handled is an exce.lent one-one that a sheetof paper and make i! wortfcfive °' Novemb er, •* a day, to Williams. will, or ought to, appeal to the best “ Th« n TT d U 1 ? hat ’ 8 “P 11 ® 1 - b T^tr ed | in t S ank f giving and prai «». Yesterday morning the explosion of a elements in all puts ortbe city. Capt. ? nd a quarter of gold^and stamp°upoa Proclamation bythe^vernor: The S" i £j?® baDd ® of 4 liti,e b°J oa M*. t ^° yd ’ th ® “ ndidato for a,denn ‘ n ^>m it the physiognomy of liberty and make I many blessings enjoyed by the people Wln 8treet was *be source of quite a se- Nort “ Side, is one of the strongest it worth twenty dollars. That’s of th,fl commonwealth, during the rioas “eident. men in Atlanta. Mr. Jim Stephens worth live dollars and make it into a I £°°d* Ik* * ^ am8 » was bis father’s I ^ e ^S I aph Company, is the nominee lor watoh worth one hnndred dollare. Therefore, I, W. J. Northern, I u° me °n Baldwin street and was pUy- * ld erman from the South Side. The •That s skill. I erdor of said state, do issue this, my I lng wlt b a small gun. I first ward nominee for council is Cant botnet^ofthrel'rfnf^o* T 7 P rett y I dwSm N g apart. Thurs- He went down to the pasture carry- °- R,, ea“. one of the best known and cents but prefers one thafeosts^fiftoen f° ^ observed as a day^T thanksgiv-1 W |. th hln “‘ oldest inductors on the Central. Mr. dollars. That’s foolishness. ing and praise. 1 The folks in the house soon afterwart I John Colvin, from the second ^?® ™®^! 1 . 4,1 £_® an . take . an ._ arHcle J loving kindness and I beard the report of the gun, followed I * 8 .^b® popular bageage agent at worth one ^ and ^ 11 ,or mth e « r t a. er ° y wf ! lm . ighty God ' let us by the cries of the boy. dollar : That’s business. °? that da y abstain from secular etn y the A Demonstration to be Made Again- the Capitol of Rio Grande do Sul- Then to March on to Rio Janeiro. New York. Nov. 16.—The Herald prints the following cable dispatch: Bueno3 Ayres. Argentine, via Ga 1 veston, Tex., Nov. 16.—Telegrams r ceived here from Paso de Los Libre- confirm tiie stories of revolt in the st& ' - of Bio Grande do Sal, Brazil, and ad. 1 to the seriousness of the state of affairs The Sixth regiment, it is reported, ha. joined the ranks of the insnrgents i* the town of Urn^nayaua, on th*- Uruguny river, in the sonthwester part of Rio Grande do Sul. Its coin mander, Colonel Salgado, also has goi over to the Revolutionists. Their do. section of the dictator was enthusiast cully greeted by the inhabitants o. Urnguayaaa, who appc<ar to be unani mous in their opposition to Fonseca. Besides Uruguayana, the towns r Pedrito, Alegrito, Rojario and Itag'-’ have, it is soi.l, declered in favor of tl insnrgents. The forces of the ne Brazilian junta, which is composed > Dr. Casol Itibeiro, Dr. Assiz Brazil and General Os orio, are said to number no- 40,000 men. They are reported to b well armed, and filled with enthusiast Their leaders are said to be planning au immediate attack upon Porto Alegr the capitol of Rio Gmude do Sul, whit still remuius loyal to the dictator. Tl garrison atCasapava is reported to ha v e gone over to the rebels. This mnkei the fourth garrison that has deserted Fonseca. At the towns of Santa Ana and Livramonto the troops of the junta ar-- said to be preparing to march upon Rio Janeiro. Cbniidenoe in tho triumph or the revolution seems very strong umou these troopti, and they ,-xpress e.ngeruess i for a battle with Fo.isei-a’B soldiers, d uloring that they have uo doubt of th* t latter’s overthrow. A conflict between the govemme and its<-s seems imminent. Th 1 government fleet at Itugui, consistin'/ of two monitors and threegauboats, b-. been delivered up to the junta. Thi- -•«- own of Demorest Will Have a F-!” Ilcket Composed Lady as- ■ ranee to Municipal office— The Election In January. Will they « st heir votes? Well, that is ;ue question to be decided 1 st*' • in Georgia. r the question of woman »nf has not played a part in the po- ^eorgis, and the people of the I o>a. arr very prounced in their views r *-he sabj.-ct ill be brought to a test at an I oj. *• dale, and the decision of the ques n be watched with interest all . • u-.orgTa. ... y of D.-morest will be the mo . d’m this question Ms ,v i' ivii-g little place, situated •S • P Hmbng the peaks of the Blue ifo, is inhabited mainly by citizens •: 'UPC to Georgia from the far I au uhwest, 1 Th • iia\ e seen the woman suffrage -t v he question tested and believ- 1 »hat< -at svstem works well. They in- --•e many cases in Kansas, Nebra-kii, l • ! • h-r western suites, where th .jineut of cities has been put in I the co icrol of w< men, and that sncces- vays attended upon such cases. spl are economical in the iui . •onuf governmental affairs, ve, as a rule, no axes to be ai- 1 grindstone. * a wi ile such a movement e. :i .u j.! ogress in D. morest. *- .-o !fr. H S West, now a ciiiz n «.| *' t , as representative from th- ‘V of Habersham, he introduced a -•.ting a charter to the city < i ' a 11 in the charter was a provision, <i< finiug who should be elec -bis section occurred the - ' 'hi.:*- c, female.” ■'•idii’t tickle the fane. *■ *•- icgislators and they "-•cs out. the word, “female,” tbu. she ! ng clearly that they did not ap' r -JVC id the female suffrage. L..r the las: legislature passed another ■barter for Demurest, and under tin provisions cl the charter, it is believed by mauy that the woimu c.n von ega.lj .-■0 sections bearing upon the qm-s Te as follows: o-ci’io'J iv. All persons who hav at u*e age of tweniy-one years r z.-' S of the United Statec, ^ . ^c- ?.vt; been bona fide nsidcust '-ad tiiy, for six months n*xt pre ’■h** election at which they . If. sick headache a "1 ah dlsord ’ SS5-5: safest, surest ®”Sni08t Popular »necllcine for femily use. Dr - * O. Aye r & * Lowell, Maas. “■ T - 6 - athen?, ga * Corner ayton and MANUFACTURERS op Harness, Saddles, Bridles,^ ALSO, DKALKR argue that women are spi- ndi-t Buggies, Carriages and Carts. There is a vast T- G Hadaway FOR G oods C?li Aug 18—wly eap. wru ueiivereu up to ine junta. Th^ \.7 z v# “ r * . h _ a8 _ caus ? a Ujeat rejoicing among the C“’*t *, ,S®*i!^w insurgents. The Uuiicd States sioami Hisex exrKsc;ctl to go to tne town of Ki Grande uo Sal, on Putos Buy, was uua ble to do so owing to the shoals at tl entrance of the bay. union depot; Mr, John Me Waters, the gger works ten hours a P lo y m «ot and in houses of worship or I h - Th y ”'^ d that 8 ° m ® accident had ^. lrd ’ 8 a ra,lroad en K lneer ; Mr. Will ils three or four tons of abound-family altars lift up hearts in happenod and rushed out to where he Hl1 ot the * ourtl1 is a lawyer, a neph - filar*. That’s kw I thankfulness to our Heavenl” r.ii... I was. lew of Ben Hill Vr,»m «r*i.«. at *uob elections, and shall b | uaJed t<- vote at any nnd all electioi held by he authority of said city, r vTIon vi. Any p* rson W io is | <•»;*? n or thi United,B, shall „ Mail adviix-s via Coutz state that the * to a °J office in the city of Deni Revolutionists iu Rio Grande do Sui r ’° r ’ provided such person is twenty L ■ * ■ ^ one >. ars of air , and ha- resided iu said city six months Dext previous to elic lion. Provided that no person und* thirty years of age -halt be elesu- —TTor view taken by the persons in fa suffrage is that the use •>: have surrounded the a.seuul at Iiagui. It was defended by 3ia) governmeut troops. The Insurgents demanded its surrender. The carninunder refused t - deliver it up. The town is iu a grei State of alaria.and the panic-stricken i . habitants are fleeing from it. day and shovels three or four di 2.f° r £*© dollars. That’s labor. The editor of this pai a check for i wouldn’t be ------- —. - . —,wjy Father I was * I ew of Ben Hill. From the fifth there is i Vjg&JSl-Hig* I ■■Kfeasgky I. .-Oy '°-«l the m e „ tow »•*»■«., probably the „« 1 worth a cent. That’s h—1 lor ourselves a continuance of the * ,leedin * pr0,n3elyaild upon examina- P^P^ar y°ung fellow in Atlanta. The | 1 divine favor let ns not forget the poor I “oo found that the gnn bad exploded I 8ixth ward ha soneof the best men in the afflicted, and unfortunate around I a°d thathe was pretty badly hurt. th ® ,ot > T - D Meador , the Alabama Done at the capitol this 16th of No- L- 11 *®' ,0 J the exp,oaion *ot I J*?®? grooeryman. As a whole the vember, A. D. 1891. "o-1 known, but when he went to fire the I Uoket is ^fieht, &nd is sure to be J- Northen, Governor. I Sfon it recoiled upbn him and flew to I electedi Of course it will be celebated in Aths pieces. The only other ticket in the Add is . . ■ 8Jld ln ^® r^^ht kind of way. | The little boy’s face was badly barn-1 tke tlcket wlll oh contains one or two It wm bardi5 iD 5 8ti ° k ; x* Th® re be divine services at sever- ed by the powder; several wretches good name8 » but »W«h as a whole can fatwli,? 0 J° wn ^ him by his al of the churches in the city, and the were made upon hia faoe, and the i e f t not 1x5 cIa8 *ed with this conservative father who was an honored and esteemed I^Ple will return thanks for the many I ® yo wa8 badly injured. I ticket. Whether any others will be C, The D stiek^r!!r5 t G ®° rg i a ‘ • , “®? le88h ® wn tb9m by a loving Father He b" not been ableto open his eye pufc * 8 a matter of conjecture, but 1 be stick is made op of the spinal I m the past. I since the accident. I it is not likely. column of a snake, the different verte-1 Thanks for good health; thanks for The phyaioian who waseaUed in ex- brae being strung upon a steel rod. | tbe preservation of life and happiness; | fn^ned the child ai.d pronounced the | STMP ^" oal .. Pne81 itching Plies! ■ WINE OK ewuui « Tonio tar 1 TO BUY A ROAD. .,“per»ou” without thequality I -».g .. oid “male” is sufficient to allow females to vote and hold office. quently the next election f< A CURIOUS RELIC. A Walking Stick no n the Posses sion of Mr H. West. Mr. Henry S. West, o this city has in his possion a curious relic in the 1 en8 » and in the right kind of way. again the subject on which popular rumor and meaning, though In definite, remarks in railroad circles are based. It is said that an English syndicate represented by a New York railroad man, and experts are in the field as purchasers of the road or system. The officials of the road are non-com mittal, but allow that the books, offices, _ _ _ plant and road have been Insp :cted by Th® stick was presented to Mr. West’s | ^“7 *>r the privilege of liviag'Tn I “■J urle8 to be very"pamfurbuti^Tnw- I w^h. i ^fi’. g x- 8Dd I ‘ hiS gentlemin ’ a Mr ‘ Tramm II, who is s for oount j e88ar y ot & serious nature. I / v l ?" r ? > *° continue tumors form which ou ? OW lD Florida with Qonerel Manager q ,a .. pm:..ei|»ai office m Demorest will be uu Said the Atlanta and Florida Wu., luteresting o>ie iu the extreme. be Sold. v-».mcn will come to the front Macon, Ga., Nov. 16.—[Special].—I ' !l “ - -“** ticket of candidates for may The Georgia Southern and Florid ' "ifft ot **’ ^ tb ® D t,,B fun railroad is again the subLct on whir*: 1 Of o -n se the opponents of the step oiii -t once i-nj.iin tbe election and in to the courts it will go. It will not take it long to get to the Supreme court and the bignest tribu nal in the S'&te will have a voice in the matter. Will they vote? father by an old gentleman living in thi s Christian land; thanks WUUfc in Habersham county, who was said to le88 blessings‘showered upon them dur- he the first white man who ever | tb e last year, upon the glories of Tollulab Falls. This curious relic is prized ve y highly by its owner. “ -rv..wu«uoi,mv3. I Li , J . lurm WUiCu o|- I x The injury to the eye is the worst, Swa^E o.^r^^TXbZ 30 ^ I ^ and the physician says that he will b,eedin «» heals nlceration, and in umm I Hereb y hangs another rumor and sur- And they will not forget the Harvest recover I«wn that in a few days. * Home festival on the night before —- - •■» Thanksgiving. | „. Ho , w to Curq All Skin Dl: the TRIAL IN PROGRESS. Il wil1 be a day of prayer and praise, intamal 7 HARMU.NY GROVE DOTS. Bright Items Picked Up by an Alert Correspondent. Harmony Gr vk, Ga., Nov. 17.— [aptciai J—Mr Jim Rodger’s baud' some nev. coitage near the JS E. rail road depot is now about ready for oc- mpa cy. sr«ss 1 7 -'«, eSffwTfsSfi; irsasr 1 purchase iu view wish to obtain posses- | * he many friends of Mr, (J. 8. Bates sion of the small road connecting with ■ U0ts Sal,ie Gorton, are the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West l “ That is the q section DOWN IT GOES. McElrg«’« WINE OF CAHDUl t A NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. The CrawfordvUIe Democrat Will be Tho Man who Killed Ed. Burpee on Trial. triuio^urs: 0 ' “• B ”f“ « The trial began yesterday at Midway, S. C., the scene of the murder and will probably last until tomorrow. The evidence seems to he di strong against the defendant and the, _ a opinion is that he will either hang or State » can be bought at be sent to tbe penitentiarv for life I r ® a * ona blo sum, either e “SvATK*’B Ointment.” ff 0 5e!^wring®S?^kh?®? 0,8 faoa,haad^w% I T* 10 Pr,co of Cotton Has Fallen Sev-1 at Green Uove Springs, on the St eral Points - powers are poa- nAMArl k. are pog- SSVLSSoiSS: Sold Soon. Tb® following notice will with interest; The C the best A LIVELY FIGHT be read | Between Messrs. R. l* Reaves and Sam Harris. i penitentiary for ijfo. AFTER A THIEF Who has Been Stealing Horses in Jackson County. sore^wMl,*^ 0 ® am ® J tnt0 Athens several white men armed with Win. Chester rifles ,and it was seen that they meant business. y ** not known what they were up ^.and many surmises were made iu to what had brought them here, armed W Th^“PPi 1 . 8 ° fbelli fi erent warfare, were reasonable sum, either all oSh or on In V , Uarrts aecl,ne bas been steady. There’s ° 1 r,ett '? 8 steamboat lines as well as th stallment to good parties. °The nronri fx ^ d , y mornI ng about 4 o’clock on no telling how much lower it will m no ad T anta K° of good phosphate, orangt. etor has offersthat he mast a e cclJ? P 5; th « hotel1 cornet. | the receipt* are eteawfZZZS.? >. as j and vegetable country, with a shorte 1 w a good chance fortba k*ht ySn.-^ 1 ” are I the reoeipts are steadily increasing I bates^ 8 e8timated receipts are 83,000 1M~r4;‘c"r.itor°d' 11“,'“^ .“15“? | I l0Oked *» i * S “ ' now wishing them a long and prosper ous voyage upon the matrimouial sea . - — — ou which they haye just embarked. Johns river, some distance above Pa- f b«s popular couple were united in iatka. inarrlaRC at the residence of Mr G W Atlanta. Nov. 17.-It seems that I A glance at a railroad map shows | eS *’ nt7^«wx x at w® rla ?? ^£rZ dt ° tb ° faU “‘ hap n®e Green Core Springs P f St ***$% . There was a drop of six Petersburg and the gulf coast through ' 81 " ouko their future home in points more up to noon. The price at 0cal a comparatively free from rail f noon of January cotton was 7.78 cents | roada.and the Georgia boutheru migh’ ‘ ‘”vdau ^oE^rmol! fremtoe’ 16tu versj, at tbe Presby- uui ch here last Sunday moru- Aiter services the m mbeis of the ‘ 0‘ed Messrs Willie Burns and „ „ te BS u *ders, and Me-srs and straighter run than the Jackson- 1 • • Jewell Bird as dea- ville, Tallahassee and Key West I - ul ° (-nurch. The outcome of the negotiations isi IM1 „r,i y ii r - ? awJ ' 8 ’ . 0D .® ot Jackson JbL?^,nK ine Democ ««. one of There w« a or 1 jL Per pound. The day before it was 7.84. iu thls way « et ver y good connectioi »terean q bI P N^o*ht U ^ try papera in tbe b re was a Uvely scrimmage between The cloainj? prfoe was 7.81. with the Havana, Jamaica and New 1 Reaves and Sam Harris The decline has been stead*. TiiAwa** I Orleans steamboat lines as well m t.h n *»* Ss the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world, «s Columbus, Ga., March Z. 1889. ^ C ‘ * c0EBL ~ MANUTACTURED bt WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO., Columbus, Ga. FOIL SALE BY ALL QRUGGISTS THE CELEBRATLiJ Smith & Wesson Revolvers , Oarinteec 'TOErVALEDFOl ACCURACY, DURABIUTY, WORKMANSHIP, SAFETY CONVENIENCE In UMDUHl Beware of cheap iron imitatmu f or rjVl! rate<! Catalogue and Price list t» HMITU Sc WESSON. SprinsGeld. Stain If You Are Going West AND WANT LOW RATES To Arkausn, Texas, Missouri. OloraiioatilCnlifor- "is, or any point WEST or N0RII- WESr— „ . IT WILL PAY YuJ To write to me. I'UKD, l». lU.Nll. „. D P A., L ft K. ». L 24 W»ll St., Atlanta, (ii. Cot. 37—W26t. FOR THIS LOWEST RATS ON Rail Road TICKETS WEST & NORTHWEST, Write to, or when you come to Atlanta, call on CHA.S. B. WALKEft, Ticket Agent, W. & A. R. R- UNION PASSENGER DEPOT, ATLANTA, GA. Oot 37—wist. S-fSST 4 ^' qJ 1 ^Iy-°” Uas always been one of In a fuss and Harris sent for "I beltero that 1^0 °°* ’ Par ago ‘ aUBPBBINQ TESTfMONY. ^ “to oT* ^ 1 ^ to .’rapo^? 2SSSS S’il,*5^8?,-“j Many physicians who have examined Mr * L y la staying at the ^2 I «£» Jf d n^® m to . plant more I SltW « 8 r f t , h _ e .. luod r 1 .. ,0 . r Bartholdi*, UOt r geurtraUy known to the e,ladded biterest through the death in France of Mme. Bartholdi mother of the well-known scnlnw -.,4 ereoi^^^^ereth^They fate tBefiSSrt 8 ^ B A little faL rf?*? f th ® hotel com and rye. They ought to be pTanZ I & atl !5 °w f "liberty Enl^ht^ingthe thM- ® da . z ®? 8 °f Jackson .County and I Blood Balm), have been • L ^ ater their attention wascalled, I rye right now. It is tv, a c .._ * I World, which now occupies such a bo^ thief 100 WaB **** ®apture of a I with testimony which they deemed sur- J hr*‘hir UOt J^ r . Where <^p.»o°d°Mn I i‘’ s ^ XT York.’”*” 01 ’ U»‘"£rC‘of They were separated at once. Reavea this uric* w v-a.- -nr.-.y, v ^ te ot «»tenc fever, was allayed bv the nr,. oouur; ’- best, farmers, is in the Grove ay on business. i, VV } ley ’, Es .fi ’ a Prominent cit- ot JeweltviUe, Banks county, was in town yesterday. Mr. Bob Hardman and family, of our town, leave today lor Atlanta, where they will mak» their future home. Mr. f*artraan s i iluence in the future up- b a i‘dmgofour town will be greatly missed, aud it is with much regret that City hr ° n,Cl ® hiS removal to the Gate jl«®T?^ ny •. fr L end8 of th « widow, u 1 be p “ ined to learn that she lost her home and its contents bv ThVxf* Sunda y evening about 6 o’clock. av»*d fi f be barn was tilled with coin and fod- yed by tlie an- der, and the loss falls quite heavily upon a most excellent lady. No one seems to know how the fire originated. IF Yd WA BARG [Buy tne trail. -«««, they lost I three-months old baby clear from anv I vu ‘ tItJ * ^ yi ® W1W a kn 'fe- 1 ■ pound, and t mnght I was doing well, recoVor y' Ahd they had come to A »h« ♦ scrofulous taint.’’ y Tteaves 8a T 8 be was not doing this but JJ Provisions were proportionately whether he had mZwrt thren2h*x Sfie Lrrff* H : ^lorris, Pine Bluff, Ark. I th at a railroad man did it. I cheap. Tb 0 farmers will learn a lesson They did not know whether °tiie thhrf torsffiled^ t f. Spring8 a » d 8everal d ®<^ lhe cau8 « P f th « fight on the corner aU<1 Pr ° fit by this experience - kn“wtha g tTf 0 f b aWhfte x“ an ’ & fteyMSn^lc^onryS B r| ra, < r r ^- K a8a^eneWa, 0, the diffl ®“^ the sera * toUHSfl h ® w <>uld I a wonderfully qmck^iH^iftor h ® te1 ’ Harris olaimingthst Reaves era. thing else had failed.” everj ed him. serve a few years in the pen. him. 6y Wi “ keep a 8harp l00k oat for WONDERFUL STATISTICS. > Companion makes an | tod - claiming that Reaves curs- | The affair is generally to be regret- TERRIBLE FIRE IN ST. LOUIS. thereof—ifh«aT® r * nd H P0D tbe banks l oreoi—snail errow all trees—rhp jtor^fgon be for mott Sa So w b.«l,w' J,c „r ,? bfch S !»J1 l» tortbj Cberofee iLmedv J*’ 10 ” coughs, cold* audAxmsnmption. fgSB 1 the beautiful painting, iteHn^ 01 Roses.” to each of toefiJSftim Wh ° ^bscriKoWw “ d THEDFORD'S BUCK-DRAUGHT are igLz * UM “ 0,ri ^ “ wb “ te fib®®® While the edition lasts A Million DoUars’ Worth of Property Already Cone. St.Loni8. November 17.—fSpecial ]— I Specimen Cases, . Clifford. New Cassel, Wis. was t[ H °m ble hi W o th Neura) gia and Rheuma- tism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was effected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he wll ternbiy reduced in flesh and strength 3 1 to-ee bottles of Electric Bitters cured JIOW ISUMMER^ALE , 500 Ifine organsm UJY I Dawn Frlees-* 0610 *?. I Ibjy Jfer7/«j~|S to |5 m oDtWJ IGREAT BARGAINS iMostbesold. CBnlboW. IWriwfbr BarcalB ILUDOEN £ BATES, - i GA- SAVANNAH^ -FOE- Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill., McElree 8 tfvins of Cardul I Th e famous dry goods, clothing, boot : , a ^ un uingsore on his leg of^eiglu and shoe house and S,.nonenfeld’s mu-: lleSteS®'Blttfi Ynd d seven" bores' 8 of COTTON GINS, ENGINES AND REPAIRS, —AT- Boltom Prices, WRITE TO T . ... G. R. Lombard & Co. snrely W do yoa 3 ^ 0 !! U ‘ g “i? wl11 Foundry, Machine, Boiler .ndGin Wo*- 1 if y° u bay® B, supply Hoiwe, Cough, Cold, or any trouble with New Secretary Elected. Atlanta, Ga Nov. 17.—J Special.] — The State Committee of tbe Y. M. C A., has selected C. K. Ober, of tho In ternational B anch, to set an State Sec- re r \ in the nl -ce of J< aner, who went wrong, u til February when the anuual election will take place. Now Try This, take this bright- ^ YND °N, Athens, Ga. x Sr%? WLKH > nea r Athens, i S, " AKDY . “®at Athens. ? JL Co*, AtbDDIi Threat, « or LunV Dr °King’s i Augusts, -Now Discovery for Consumption! j vs and Colds is guaranteed to give or^ money will be paid back. ; A.G-. MoCuert,. . _ Aew chinery house, on North Broadway be~ j Suc^nVArni’ca Sah-e^Ind SSf tween Franklin avenue and Morgan j 80 «® d K and well. John Speaker £ st^wereburnedatfour o’clock ^ ^URRY 4 PROFFITT ITie lore will foot up over one million box Buckteu’s Anricald^cu’Sd ‘ U ,h- learu . fo ^your- ATTOKNJliYS AT g?,pST&l 8013 by J * C «^rd & lot Trial ATiiBMS, GA. j Athens, Ga. G». nd at our expense and learn foryour- ©dj^ ^t wr gort a thing it is. Trial atiusnb, w»- ■’b.;,9S :