The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, December 13, 1895, Image 5

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7 - . ' • ' ■ : ■ ' ' ,' TRADE ISSUE-ATHENS DAILY AND WEEKLY BANNER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1895 Awarae* Highest Honors—World's Fair. Dll' CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free | from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS TUB STAWX*qPt THE FACTOrUT WHERE COTTON IS SPUN AND WOVE TO AN ADVANTAGE. FOR MISSIONS GOOD WORD [BEING DONE BY HOME AND FOREIGN SOCIETIES. LADIES KEPT BUSY Sending out Clothing and Educating Children— Work in Foreign Fields Also Kept up. TBE LOWELL OF THE SOUTH. The Most Improved Machin ery Used—Thousands of Operatives Employed —Good Wages. Athena might, and justly, be called the Lowell of the South from its near approach to Lowell, Mass., in the man ufacture of cotton and woolen cloth. The Athens Manufacturing Company his at its head as president of the com pany Mr, R. L. Bloomfield who has had charge of this large factory fora num ber of years. He is strictly a business man in every sense of the word and looks after the welfare of his operatives as well as the interest of the stock holders of the Athens Manufacturing Company. He is;a man of but few words but what few be says are to the point. He attends to every department of the upper and lower factory and sees that those who send in their orders for goods are shipped on the first train. The Athens Manufacturing Company is financially one of the strongest in this section of the country and no de lay is ever caused on aocount of no cot ton being on hand to supply the de mand. In this faotory which consists of the npper and lower factory one being hnilt and run above the bridge on Oconee river and the other, or main factory, be low the bridge on Oconee river. The water power is sufficient to turn many more spindles than ara at present used. None but the best operatives are em ployed and nothing but the best ma chinery used. The Athens Manufact uring Company will not turn out bad work of any kind, they malje good, olean goods and find ready Bale iu Europe as well as America for all they can make. The Georgia factory is situated only four miles from Athens on the Mtcon & Northern Railroad, and is under the management and control of Mr. John White who stands at the head of factory managers. The Georgia factory has a large number of operators and the very best machinery that oan be bought in Northern and Western markets. It was a few years ago burned down and built up in a short time.. Mr. White will have none bat experienced work men who know how to manage the mi chinery and make ae good doth and thread as oan be made in any of the northern cities. Everything about the Georgia Fac tory is managed. in a systematic man ner. It has all the many necessaries to run it successfully and propose to keep it up to the higher point heth winter and summer. The hands employed A TBIP TO ATLANTA ALLEN G. THURMAN DEAD. The missionary work of our eity is no small afiiir by any means, and the good done is immense. The reporter otlled on one of the ladies who belongs to the missionary society and informed her of his business, and she at once gave an iniight int? the amount of work done by both the Home and Foreign missionary sooietiei of the city. Every church in the city, said the lady, has asooiety for Home and Foreign missions, and I can only speak for the First Methodist churoh, and a look at what that churoh is doing will give you an insight in tojthe others. The horns mission of the First Meth odist chnrch from March 1894, to March 1895 distributed five hundred dollars. This year we nave not had so many calls as last year and did not ask for bo mnoh. Last year we clothed two chil dren at the orphans home. These chil dren have been sent back to their rela tives. This year the home mission had only one ohild to clothe at the orphans home. We have the city divided into four districts and two ladies in esch district to visit the sick and see after their wants. The cases are reported and investigated before they gat help, aid when found to be in need their wants are immedi ately attended to. The foreign missionary, society raised nearly five hundred dollars whioh was sent to the general foreign missionary society. They have regular members who pay so much a month and it all gots to support regular workers now in the field in foreign countries Last year we raised one hundred and twenty- four dollars to send out new missions This was all done by the ladies mission ary society of the First Methodist ohnrch of Athens. They also support a young lady at one of the sohools in China. They have a large library of bock3 on the sobject of foreign missions. There is also a juvenile missionary so* ciety composed of the little ohildren of ohnroh and these children send one hundred dollars for the support of Miss Alice Hunter, who is attending the day school in Shanghai, China. The ladies of the home mission made 88 visits to the siok in Athens this year. All of the churches have societies who do missionary work and eaeh and every churoh is doing a great deal of work for the siok and needy. There are also quite a number of la dies in our-city who do not belong to the misiionary societies, hut who do a great deal of good in helping the poor of our city. They have their meetings at different residences in the oity and no one who is in |need of something to eat or wear will be turned away. They are at present preparing Christmas tree for.the little young ones, During the Exposition everybody will go to Atlanta, and the question of expense is a necessary subject for con sideration. While there are many ways of economizing so as to leave an offset for yonr traveling expenses, there is no method of doing this more surely than by going to J. P. Stevens & Bro., the well-known jewelers, 47 Whitehall St., where watohes, diamonds, silver, eto. will beofieredyou at such a low price that you will save yonr traveling ex penses simply by the difference in their prices and what is demanded for the same things at other places. Another point—what yon get from J. P. Stevens & Bro. yon can rest assured is pare. They havs a great reputation for fair dealing and pnre goods. Tee Old Roman Passes Away at His Home In Ohio—A Great Shock. Columbus, O., Dec. 12.—Allen G. Thurman died at 1:15 p. m. The death Mr. Thurman was a painful thock to the general public here. The latest reports from him before his death were to the effect that he was PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. * * Mi. Arthur McElhannon Is in the oity. * * Mr. Croft Little, one of che conviot leases of Franklin oojunty, is in the oity. * * Rev. W. E. Epps, of Clarkes- ville, the father of Mr. Will Epps, has bBen very sick, but is now improving. * * Mr. W. H. Mann the father of Mrs. H. C, Conway of the Telepnone exchange, will visit Athens tomorrow. * * Judge S. M. Herriogtoo, the ordinary of Clarke county, will keep the court house grounds in good con dition. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. CITY SCHOOL NOTICE. An examination of applicants for po sition in the city sohools will be held in the Washington Street Building, begin ning at 8:20 o’clock Saturday morning, Dec.21st. Subjects: Arithmetic, Geog raphy,'English Grammar, U. S. His tory. A. L. Hull, Ch’r. Com. on Teachers. and a good time is in store for the little 1 oce3 on Christmas day. All the ladies who are at work in this laudable enterprise will give notioe of the place where the little ones can oome and get a nice present for Christmas Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. A FAIR PROPOSITION. No matter what coal you that all seem satisfied for *hey have good are us i„cr & \\ we ag fc j 8 houses to live in and receive their wages , , . on Saturdty night. you try a ton of Red Ash and Princeton faotory baa had a rather | see the difference, tough oareer for several years past, but PILLSBURY BANQUETTED. The American Chess Champion Royally Received In Russia. St. Petersburg, Dec. 12.—At the Chess club banquet held last Sunday in honor of Harry Nelson Pillsbury, the young Brooklyn chess player who took first prize in the international chess tournament recently held at Hastin England, and of Steinitz, who won fifth prize in the same tournament, Presi dent Sabourow of the Russian Chess club, in welcoming the guests said that Russia had the warmest friendship for America. Mr. Pillsbury, in responding, thanked the club for the honor conferred upon him and fellow players in inviting them to participate in a tourney in which the best chess players in the world axe to compete. Covey to “Expose” Crisp. Massillon, O., Dec. 12.—J. S, Coxey, expects to “expose Congressman Crisp’; inconsistency on the silver question,’ in the south next week. He proposes to show that while Crisp advocates free silver now when he has no power to ac complish anything, he prevented favor able legislation in 1893, by constituting the house coinage committee of enemies of the white metal. Mr. Coxey will speak in Nashville, Tenn., Saturday night. Thence he goes to Atlanta for two days and on the return trip Will stop at Chattanooga and Knoxville. That tired, all gone let ling, less of appetite, caused by improper dieting, oan he easily eradicated by using John son’s Emulsion of Cc d Liver Oil. P.eaa ant to the tts’e. Piet bottle, $100. Palmer & Kinnebrew druggists, 105 Clayton street, Athens, Ga. ALLEN G. THURMAN, doing finely. The Thurman residence about a mile from the center of the town, and details were eagerly awaited. Absolutely no information came with the announcement of the death of the aged statesman save that it occurred at 15 p. m. The French say <( it ia the impossible that happens.” This has proved to be the esse with the Mount Lebanon Shakers. The whole scientific world as been laboring to care dyspepsia, but every effort seemed to meet with de feat. The suffering from stomach trou bles has become almost universal. Mul titudes have no desire for food and that which they do eat causes them pain and distress. Sleepless nights are the rule and net the exception, and thousands of sufferers have become disoouraged ■ The Shakers of Mount Lebanon re cently otme to the front with their new Digestive Cordial, which contains not only a food already digested, but is digester of food. It promptly relieves nearly all forms of indigestion. Ask yonr druggist for one of their books. Laxol, the new Castor Oil, is being used in hospitals. It is sweet as honey. To the Public, It is ordered by the authorities that no fishing, hunting or strolling by boys will be allowed in the Cemetery, only those who are sent with flowers or come with grown people, there has been misohief done in the Cemetery and the only way is to stop the esute that produced the effeot. W, A. England, Sexton, as one of the operatives said a few days ago *«it is now in good hands who know how to run a factory and have the money to back it.” The Prinoeton Factory is looated about two miles from Athens and is owned by Capt. James White, of the National Bank and under the manage ment of Mr. John White Morton. Mr. White has the money necessary to ran the|fsotory and will keep plenty of cotton on hand all through the year to keep the operators at work. Mr. John White Morton the manager is a young man and not afraid of work. He attends to all the departments of this large concern. We predict for him to be one of the leading factory men of our oonntry. There are other factories near Athens hut these three that have brea written about are our immediate neighbors and we take a pride in giving them the first showing. Other factories where cotton and woollen goods are made are spoken of as a possibility, but the Athens M’i’g Co., The Georgia Factsry and Princeton Faotory are looated in the vioinity of Athens. F. B. LUCAS, Manager. A Bold Bobbery. A lady living on Hancock avenne had a nice j ir of ohiyaantbemams on her front porch. A thief who must have loved flowers better than liberty came in and stole all of the blooms. A MODERN MOTHER Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant laxative, Syrup of Figs, when in need of the lax ative cff.ct of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it is more accepta ble to them. Children enjjy it and it benefits them. The true remedy,Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. When so many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood’s Sarsapa- I rilla, why don’t you try it youralf ? It | is highly recommended. MENACES Qbiclily, Thoroughly, Forever Cured. Four out of five who suffer nervousness, i mental worry, attacks I of “the blues,” are but paying the penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don’t despair. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL GO., Buffalo, N. Y. AYER’S THE ONLY Sarsaparilla ADMITTED SU32 liXl giTHra m READ RULE XV. 0 “Articles § that are ing any way dan- o i gerous or of- § fensive, also ® patent medi-o cines, nos-® trums, and® empirical preparations, whose o ingredients are concealed, willo not be admitted to the Expo- ° sition.” o o "Why was Ayer’s Sarsaparilla admit- o ted? Because it is not a patent medicine, O not a nostrum, nor a secret preparation, not dangerous, not an experiment, and o because it Is aO that a family medicine o should be. £ O o o o o o o o o o o At the WORLD’S FAIR 1 Chicago, 1893. Why not get the Best? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE ANNUAL MEETING. W The National Civil Service Reform League In Session at Washington. Washington, Dec. 12.—The National Civil Service Reform league ’ began its armnni meeting at the Cosmos club here with an unusually large attendance of delegates. President Carl Schurz of the league delivered the annual address. At the morning session President John Joy Edson of the local civil service reform association briefly welcomed the league to Washington, and so did one of the District commissioners on behalf of thj city. At the meeting at Metzerott hall at night, Mr. Edson made a more extended speech in intro ducing President Schurz to the audi ence. After the morning session of the league, the delegates were entertained at luncheon by the Rev. Dr. Mackay Smith, first vice president of the local civil service reform association, and Friday, between the morning and after noon sessions, Colonel William G. Rice of the civil service commission, has in vited the members of the league to meet the members of the civil service commission at luncheon at his resi dence. On Friday evening the local association will entertain the league and other invited guests at a reception at the Arlington. A DEPUTY sIToT. He Was Trying to Arrest an Escaped Con vict—Other Notes. Raleigh, Dec. 12. — In Henderson county a deputy and posse surrounded the house where was Lyda, an escaped convict, in order to arrest him. Lyda shot Deputy Perry, seriously wounding him. Lyda was arrested. W. P. Bachelor won the sniff in Ken tucky against Spnrr Bros, for a half in terest in Pamlico. He sold it for $10,- 000 and has $7,700 still due him. Spurr Bros, appealed. The state paid the expenses of the troops in the James City riot at New- beme two years ago and wanted Craven county to refund the money. The decis ion of the court is in favor of Craven county. Judge T. Fuller, of Raleigh, N. C., has been renominated for private lands claim court by* President Cleveland. Don’t Tobacco Spit or SmokelYour , Life: A way Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac,the hrir^less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that bra ces up niootinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. Yon ran WAITING ON GROVER. Salisbury's Answer Will Not Be Made Pub lie Until the President’s Return. Washington, Dec. 12.—Lord Salis bury’s answer to Secretary Olney on the Venezuelan question will not he made public until the return of Presi dent Cleveland. It appears that Mr. Cleveland was aware of the nature of the answer before he left, and it is be lieved he had the entiro text by cable from Ambassador Bayard. This, how ever, was a private communication and was not the formal submission of Great Britain’s answer. The latter formality occurred after Mr. Cleveland’s departure, so that it is felt to be a courtesy due the president to await his return, and possibly his ex amination of the original manuscript before giving it to the public. There is no disinclination in London, it is stated, to making the answer public as soon as due proprieties have been observed. MARVELOT73 RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J Gun derma j, Diamondale, Miob., we E smutted to makt this extract* ave no hesitation in recommending Dr King’s New Discovery, as the result,’ were almost marvelous in the cage of ■»» wife. While I was pastor of the haS Churoh at Rives Junction the wa, brought down with Pneumonia succeed log Ea Grippe. Terrible paroxysm, 0 f coughing would last hour, with Hun interruption and it seemed as if evl could not survive them- A friend re. commended Dr. King's New Disco very * it was in its work and highly satisf/c’ tory in result*.” Trial bottle free at Palmer & Kinnebrews and John Craw fo*d & Or AFTER BODY SNATCHERS Bodies of Prominent Persons I'ouml I nt) Dissecting Room of a Medical <' ( >Ue Sc * Topeka, Dec. 12.—All three of th bodies of the deceased citizens found it the Kansas Medical college were wunu-a •who had died of consumption, anti th Pte was thns an apparent demand for sn j ( jects to pursue the study of that dise — by dissection. ' There were no indications of any vie lent or unlawful actions in connexion with the discovery of the bodies of We n known deceased citizens at the K -usa. Medical college. There is a determine tion, however, to bring the body snatch errs to light and see that tne penalty i, enforced. y Charged With Having Four Wives Anamosa, la-., Dec. 12.—The case of the state of Iowa versus R. X. Curtis editor of the Anamosa Daily Call, who is charged to be the husband of f (lUr women, and who has been held in i; ii here six months, is now on trial. Our- tis’ last wife, Miss Arnold, is present as a witness. j Declared a Dividend. 1 New York, Dec. 12.—The MinneapJ lis and St. Louis Railroad company, has declared a semiannual dividend of 2% per cent, on the first preferred and a semiannual dividend of 1% per cent on the second preferred stocks!” Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. A FAIR PROPOSITION. No matter what coal you no physical or financial risk, as No-To-1 8**® UsiDg all W0 a,8k 18 that Bao is sold by druggists everywhere you try a ton of Red Ash and see the difference. F. B. LUCAS, Manager. under a guarantee to cure or money re funded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chiosgo. For sale by Palmer & Kinnebrew, drug gists, Clavton street. Athena Ga. A big supply Jellico and Mingo Mountain Coal on hand, [quality unsurpassed. Quick sales and short profits and prompt delivery. W-. P, YONDERAU, Telephone No. 41 • Famous Remedy cores quickly and permanently jll nervous diseases such as Memory, Lose of Brain Power, che,Wakefulness,Loat Vitality. nightly einlsslons,evllctreanis,lmpotency and wast ing diseases caused by yonthfkil errors or ex cesses. Contains no opl ates. Is a nerve tonle and blood builder. Makes the pale and puny strong and plump. Easily carried In vest pocket. St per box; • for 05. By mall prepaid with a written guar antee to core or money ref nnded. Write us forfree medical book, sent sealed In plain wrapper, which contains testimonials and financial references. No charge for consultations. Beware of imitations, Sold by onr advertised agents, or address NEBVS ■xxri GO.. Masonlo Temple, Chicago III. ■Sold in Athene, Ga., by PaUper & Kin nebrew and by E. S. Lyndon, Druggists. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow’s hoothiko Syrup has been need for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLION*of MOTHERS for their OHILDREN while TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It BOOTHE8 the CHILD, SOFTENS tbe GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CUBES WIND COLIC, and is tbe best remedy for DIAKRCM CKA Sold by Druggists in every part of the wor’d. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” snd take no other kind. Twenty-five eats a bottle FINE PAPER We have just added to our already well-assorted stock, a complete line oi Fine Commercial Stationery, which in many respects excels any thing in this line every offered to the trade in Northeast Georgia, Of course we are ALWAYS glad to have onr friends call and examine our stock and samples of work. If yon need anything in the way of stationery, see onr paper, get onr prices, and we guarantee satis* faction as to work. This is some thing that interests you, as good stationery is always IN DEMAND. E D. STONE, Printer, 15 N. Jackson street. % any Naturally Sweet Chewing Tobacco That require 60 Per Cent less added sweetning than ^ other which we market so as to reach cbewers at 50 Cents Per Pound- This Tobacco is preferred by many chewers who have been accustomed to using the most expensive brands of North Carolina and Virginia Chewing Tobacco We were recently awardedjthe highest premium TC i^i^ C ?f?ti e oi:, tered for competition at the Cotton States and International Expo Atlanta, Ga. . By calling nt our unique exhibit, Agricultural Building, ® ec * ( ! 0 fl 0 4 chewers can get a free cut of our B* J.R., and will be surprised ^ that dealers can supply them with such an excellent chew in d COTS at the rate of 50 CENTS A POUND. Manufactured only oy Which have you an eye to, quantity or quality, when you buy something to make washing easy? If it’s quality, you want Pearline. *j| In effectiveness, in economy, and above all in its absolute harmless ness, no matter how or where you \ v use it, there’s nothing to com- * pare with this, the first and only washing-compound. W hat differertce does the quantity make, after all ? ff yo u spend five cents or ten cents or a dollar for an aid to washing, don’t you want the thing that will give you the most work, the best work, and the most certain safety for that amount ot money? That thing is Pearline. Qon/1 Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers "will tell you “ this is as good as OG11U or “ the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, h TV _ and if your grocer sends vou something in place of Pearline, > BaCK honest—it back, ' 483 /AME3 PYLE, New Yoft STATIONERY AND PRINTING. Augusta, Ga. Deo. lO.b, 1S95. Bids are wanted for furnishing sta tionery and printing for Georgia R R Parties desiring to make bids will please apply to the undersigned for details and specifisations. CARLTON HILLYER, Auditor Georgia R. R , Augusta, (ji. WE FEEL THAT WE SHOULD make known the fact that we are manufacturing under our R. J-R. TRADE MARK TAG WINSTON, IV O.