The weekly banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1891-1921, June 03, 1904, Image 1

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weekly banner. i ESTABLISHED 1832. THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 19CH. $1.00 PER YEAR. !\ Remedy That No One Is Afraid To Take, Hi. Dr. Tliaclier's Liver, ami Blood Syrup u ? been used in thousands of homes for Inv-iwo years with perfect confidence rud the most remarkable results. The great success of tilts remedy is due > the fact tfiat its formula (which con- ists of Buelm, Hydrangea, Mandrake, I'ellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, u ntian. Senna and Iodide of Potassium) us been freely published. Doctors ami Druggists everywhere do lot hesitate to recommend a preparation rluYIi they know contains the best- noun remedies for correcting all irreg- l.irities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, ml the diseases caused by the failure of functions to perform their proper Thousands of sick ones to whom life Jus been n burden have written grateful letters that others might profit by their experience. vk, Tf* , Nov. IS. 1902. ■ribly with imfi*r»tion arift druggist for I had Ik KefteraI . I had .. I was Milfcritlg t« kidiio^ trouble ^nml *eh As ho sent me a package of Dr. Thacher'* I hit and Mood Syrup I concluded to try It, ..nd now I am deeply grateful to mydruggiat ns ns f» votl. '■ rrr from these thing* and a < • million for ten years, ived temporary relief front mt after using not quite two .iver ami Mood Syrup I feel as I ever did in mv life, and I nut entirely cured. 1 feel I n> v. i had ntn- tt medy give me auch quick Ini pertuamtil irficfi «nd lean not nut a cor- t. t estimate on the value your medicine haa I. » rii to imp. I would not take any amount of in'.in v for it. Very gratefully your* J.C. BROWN. If unit iie.d n mcdleln* writs to-day for n frrm siintylr h,,ttlr and “Ur. Thacher* s II, aW. Hank." tlirr miiiiiliimi for a,trier. Hr ui m of a auk yon to try It at our ex it. „*r. MV know what It trill do. For rale hu all Uruyylsts—two tizrs—BO cents and 91.00. Tii tuunn mEnterxi: co. t STATE NORMAL SCHOOL COMMISSION MEETING DMK OFF ran ■BJFFILWS U. S. Warship is Getting Ready to Bombard Tangier. Today ami tomorrow will decide the question tlmt has been agitating the friends of the Normal School for several weeks, whether or not Pres ident Branson or Miss Pftrrlsh arc to he relieved of their duties in tile fac ulty of that Institution on account of irreconcilable differences. As told in The Banner during the Investigation some lime since the probability Is that one of tho two will be dropped at the meeting of the com mission. Chancellor Hill and Supt. Bond went er to Atlanta yesterday afternoon to he present at the meeting of the commission which will bo called to order by Chairman Merritt at tho state eapitol this morning at ten .'clock. It Is likely that tho session of tho lonitnisslon will cover two days, dtir lag which time tho whole matter will he carefully discussed and the decis ion of the commission made up. The people of Athens and of the en tire state are deeply Interested in the outcome of this matter, and will be gratified if it should lie settled In manner that will Inure to the benefit to the State Normal School, the Inter- (s of which cannot ho sacrificed without serious Injury to the people of the state in an educational way. The Banner I relieves that each mem her of the comission Is Imbued with desire to do the very best possible under the circumstances for the good of the school, and awaits with inter est the announcement of tho decision of the commission. At this scslon of the commission the entire faculty of tho State Normal School will ho elected for the ensuing year, and other matters of lmiiortancc will he passed upon. I OF BLACK FOR HIGH BRIDGE Some Perilous Work On Trestle Ninety-Six Feet High. Tangier, Juno 1.—Tho United status erulHor Olympia, flyiiiK tho Hag of Rear Admiral Jewell, in com mand of the European squadron anti i be cruisers Baltimore and Cleveland arrived here during the afternoon. There are no further developments eoitternliig tho kidnapping of Perdi- rails and Varley, but a report Is cur- rent that eight days havo been allow ed the sultan in which to produce the prisoners, beyond which timo Tangier will ho bombarded. This report Is not confirmed. SHOTS ABE FIBEO IN STUMS SCRAP At Trinity College a Fight Occurred Between Fresh* man and Juniors. Raliegh, N. C., Juno 2.—At Trinity college, Durham, a*number of Juniors inwidtd a room In which there were several freshmen, whom they Bel/.ed ami undertook to blacken their faces. The freshmen put up a fierce fight, In which pistols were drawn and shots were tired, three students being wound ed,, one, a freshman, seriously, below • bo Knee. One Junior was slightly wounded. The faculty employed a de tective, and upon his report has ex- I"died thirteen of the juniors. The affair occurred in one of the eollegu dormitories, and created great sensation, though an effort was made keep the matter quiet. Trinity col lege is owned and conducted by the Methodist Episcopal curch of North Carolina, and Its president is Rev. Dr. John (!. Kilgore, who has been at the conference of the northern Methodist church at law Angeles, Cal., as frater nal messenger from the southern Metbodfat church. There has of late years been very htMo hazing iu any North Carolina college*. It Is stated. CITY LEAGUE ISHEBTAINTY Organization to be Effected After Commencement Season. ' Mlsa Minnie Edwards leaves 111 a few days for Texas to spend the sum mer. The olty league Is a go. It has bet'll decided that the Univer sity grounds can he used by thnt league under certain cundltolns which will he mainly a quctlon of order kept during tho games. Tho prudctlal committee of the University has agreed to put tho mat ter In tho hands of two prominent business men of (he city, they to add another to tho enmmitteo and he re sponsible for tho order to bo kept there during the games. • The contention made this year by those having charge of tho grounds was that some disorder was allowed last year. In some Instances profani ty was tolerated and allowed to go unpunished because of the fact that there was no very strict management of the grounds. The formation of a committee hav ing the grounds under strict surveil ance tills year will obliterate all such features and good order at all times will be maintained. On account of the games to he play 'd next week and tho University com mencement the following week, noth ing will he done towards tho perma nent organization of tho lcaguo until after the commencement hut ns soon as that is over the league will be or ganized and tho games will begin. A corps of expert bridge painters uro now'at work putting a coat of paint on the high trestle of the Sea board Air l.ine which crosses the Oconee river In this city. The trestlo which Is one of the highest la the south Is lielug painted a jet black, now the standard color on all railroads and tho outlines of the magnificent trestle can he seen for miles. The men at work on the high bridge arc among the most expert ill the country and many pcoplo arc being attracted there to watch them In the! perilous work. SHERIFF GO TO MANASSAS A Problem for The United States Government to Solve. In no man In tho city do thu tires of patriotism hum more fiercely than la the person of Clarke's genial officer, Sheriff John W. Wlcr. For tho past few days lie has been reading a great deal in tho press about tho encampment of the militia to take placo in September at Manassas, Va„ and yesterday lie made up his mind that he would enlist, go Jo thu front witli tho hoys and light again on the Helds of the historic battlefield. Accordingly ho went to Captain Cnpps of tho Athens Guards and ask ed for an application blank, but receiv ed a great shock when ho was inform ed that In the government tailor shops there wus no uniform mndc that would likely grace Ills magnificent form and that it would lie absolutely impossible to ever get n proper alignment of a company on him. But tho sheriff is made of sterner stuff and Is now actively engaged In the formation of another military com pany of a distinct class where ho will he at home and says that he Is going to Manassas anyhow. Factory Dam Will Have to be Closed at Once by Order of Mayor. Tlie drawing off of the poml at the Athens factory has caused consider able comment by people living in that section of the city. The gates at the dam being opened the water lias run off and the rivt banks have been left exposed for se ral feet cm each side of the stream The people living in that section of the city commented ou the fact and called the attention of Sanitary In speetor Center to the necessity oi remedying tho state of affairs from a health standixdnt. Sanitary Inspector Center reported tlie mater to the board of health and that body held a meeting yesterday afternoon. At the meeting it was found that an ordinance of the city ode covered the matter thoroughly and the mayor was asked to see that the gates at the dam were at once closed. Mayor Rhodes will have this matter attended to at once. It seems that President Vincent knew nothing of the water having been lowered at the dam, and it must have been done by someone who was desirous of catching fish easily. POSTAL RECEIPTS STILL GROWING Athens Postoffice Shows a Gratifying increase During May. TWO LARGE STILLS WEREJESTROYEO Deputy Marshall Brown Captures Two Big Out fits This Week. PICKNICERS ENJOY DAYJ park The members of the Boulevard Sun day School enjoyed a picnic at the park yesterday. About forty children went out to the park ind spent the day In tho woods and in romping about the grounds. A delightful basket dinner was enjoyed. Deputy U. S. Marshal 1 F. S. Brown returned yesterday from u trip tlirough Lincoln and Wilkes counties and captured two very largo stills there. Alioiit two miles north of Lincoln ton ho captured a large outfit con taining 200 gallons of beer ami seven fermenters and arrested the owner, Adam Hcmsbcrger, and carried him to Augusta. In Wilkes county he captured a much larger distillery containing 1,000 gallons of beer, fifteen ferment ers and thirty gallons of low wine. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that at the next session of the state legislature the same to convene the 22ml day of June, 1904, that a hill will be Intro duced entitled An Act to Incorporate the Town of Win ter vf lie, the same ly ing in the counties of Clarke and Ogle thorpe, and to define its limits and provide for the government of the same and for other purposes. The Athens postofllcc continues to show a steady increase in receipts and in that respect is a fair index to the prosperity of the city. For the month of May tho receipts L*re $2,139.GC as agaiust $1,788.87 for May of 1903. Tills shows an Increase of 20 per cent. The money order payments for May were $C,902.8C as against $5,189.21 for the May of last year, showing an In crease of 33 per cent. ATHENS GIRLS TAKE IN ALL LUCY COBB PRIZES CHECK SENT TO mm COBB Hon. George Foster Peabody, of New York the Gen erous Donor. One of tho most heartily appro elated gifts received for tho Lucy Cobb building fund was a check of $100.00 sent to Mrs. W. J. Peeples, of this city, by Hon. George Foster Pea body. Some time ago Mrs. Peeples sent him a i>ersonal letter explaining tho work to he done at the Institute and asking if he would like to contribute something towards it. In reply Mrs. pies received a most cordial re sponse, enclosing the above named :k, which was turned over to tho Alumnae society Tuesday morning. Mr. Peabody bus shown his abiding interest in every institution in tho city 1 has been very generous not only to these institutions in Athens hut to many others in his nativo state that he lias endeared himself to them in no uncertain manner. PARTY WILL GO TO ashevillejeeting Miss Mildred Rutherford to Champerone Party of Young Ladies. ABBOTT SLATED F( He May Succeed Jere Pound to Old Place. M Macon, Gn., June 2.—I). Q. Abbott, who was for twelve years superin tendent of Bibb schools, may succeed J. M. Pound, who has resigned. Mr. Abbott is well known in tho ed ucation circles of the state. After leaving tho Macon schools he became connected with the State Normal School. The public board of education will probably take up the matter of elect ing a successor to Superintendent Pound at regular meeting on June 13. It is supposed that a com mit too will he named for the purpose of deciding who shall fill the vacancy as there will doubtless bo a number of applicants for the position. During his term of office as super intendent Professor Pound hs fulfilled every duty which was placed upon him by the board, and his placo will bo hard to fill. Send us your job work. Wo have everything new and up-to- date In our Job Department Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony In great quantity Is instantly coming in, declaring Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs ami Colds to be unequal ed. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentonvllle, Va., serves as example. He writes: *T had Bronchi tis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then began taking Dr. King’s New Dis covery, and a few bottles wholly cured me.” Equally effective in curing all ting and Throat troubles. Consump tion, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by \V. J. Smith £ Bro., ind H. R. Pal mer & Sons, Druggist*. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 5(), and $1.00. Miss Mildred Rutherford is getting p u party of about fifteen young la dles to attend the convention Volun teer Movement of the Young Womens’ Christian association which will meet in Asheville on June 10. The party will be composed of Lucy Cobb girls and will also visit other phices In the mountain country uround Asheville beforo their return. TOE SENIOR CLASS TO MEET TODAY Athens is always proud of her daugh ters who accomplish splendid results In life, nnd this year it is special pleas ure to tho people of Athens to uoto the remarkahlo results achieved by Athens girls at Lucy Cobb Insti tute. Two of tho first honor girls at the institute this yoar wero Athens girls. Tho record they made during their stay at the institute was of tho most brilliant nature, as evidenced by tho high stand they took In their classes. These two young ladles arc Miss Sarah Hunter Gerdine, daughter of Laurie Mell, daughter of Mr. George A. Mell. When It came to the delivery of for the different contests at the Institute, tho Athens girls simply swept tho field. Every prize fell to tho fair young daughters of tho Clas sic City. Misses Martha and Susie Fort, tho accomplished daughters of Col. and Sirs. John I*. Fort, won two of these prizes, Miss Martha Fort winning tho prize for Improvement In art, and Miss Susan Fort winning tho Ladles’ Homo Journal prizo fur the best original cov er design for that periodical. Miss Saltfe Hull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hull was awarded the prizo for Improvement In piano and Miss Jessie McGregor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McGregor, won the prizo for Improvement In harmony. Miss Annlo Laurie Mell was the winner of two of tho most sought fur prizes nt the Institute. Sho won tho prizo for tho host and most comprehen' slve noto book on the lecture course, and also for the best essay. If that isn't a record of which Athond ought to feel proud, then Tho Bnnncr does not know what would constitute such a record. LAWYERS TO MEET AT President Meldrim Calls Convention to Order on June 30. Will Choose a Valedictorian at The Meeting This Afternoon. This afternoon at three o’clock in the lecture room of Col. C. M. Hnell- ing, on the campus, will be hehl important meeting of the senior class of tho University of Georgia. At this meeting a valedictorian will ho elected to represent the class on commencement day. Four seniors uro in the race, Messrs. Meldrim, Reynolds, Ozlcr and Michael. TO TAKE CHARGE OF CLIFF r. S. T. I'll 11 iH>t, proprietor of tho .'uiimicrclal Hotel, has leased tFio Cliff House, at Tallulah Falls, and will be gin preparations at once to fit up that popular hotel. Mr. I’hilpot is a hotel man of long experience and the visi tors to Tallulah will find him a most genial host. Mr, l*hil|iot has been for several ars proprietor of tho Commercial hotel In tills city and his guests al ways praise Ills management In the highest terms. Ho will devote a great leal of attention to tho management of the Cliff house tills season and vis Itors to Tallulah Falls havo a royal treat in store. Send u* your Job Printing- New Type. New Presses. Prompt delivery. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of Sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money hack if not cured. Sold by W. J. Smith £ Bro., and If. II. Palmer t Sons, Druggists, Atlanta, Ga., June 2.—The members of tho stato bar association are get ting ready for the annual convention which lakes placo on June 30 and July 1 mill 2 at Warm Springs. Hcubon II. Arnold, chairman of the executive committee, is preparing tho program und Ims it nearly completed. Tho convention will be called to or der by President P. W. Meldrim, of Savannah. It. Is expected thut ut least two hundred lawyers wilt ho In attendance. United States Senator Bailey, of Texas, has been Invited to make an address to the members of tho asso- iatlon, add he has-accepted the In vitation. Judge J. II. Lumpkin, of Atlanta, will make an address and a number of Important papers relating to legal mat ters will bo read by prominent mem bers of tho Georgia bar. Among tho palters will be one on the necessity of an Intermediate court of appeals to relievo the work of the supreme court. This paper, it Is said, will be discuss ed and final action taken before the association adjourns. Among those who are on the pro gram to read papers are : Judge W. It. Hammond, of Atlanta, and T. M. Cunningham, of Savannah. Hon. Washington Dessau, of Macon, will read a report on the Torrens Land System. There arc numbers of standing com mlttees to make reports and the of ficers of the association will read their annual reports. 50,000 Free Samples You Can Ge( One. * BLACK WEED, th* great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous snocsss be- oanss it has made some noteworthy euros of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of ths Atlanta. Firs Dept., writes: “ Por months I suffered with »T M- neys. I made overy effort to get relief, but failed until I accidentally came la possession of a bottle of Black Weed. The relief obtained from its mae waa se meat before half ths first bottle had been need, that I pat aside all ether medicines and am now sound and well, having been cored completely by Blaok Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catarrh ef ths head and throat. Block Weed haa completely oared this, and my head la now as dear as a bell.” BLACK WEED is sold by all drag, gists at |1.00 a bottle, or we will send prepaid upon receipt of pries. Send Your Name a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to* gether with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co., Atlanta, Ca. For Calc by The Orr Drug Co. FINED FOR HIS Moultrie Citizen Pays For Contempt of Board - of Health. Moultrie, Ga., Juno 2.—Tho city of ficials have encountered no little dif ficulty Iu the campaign of vaccination that has been carried on recently to prevent tho reappearance of small- pox. Several havo rebelled against vaccination and oven defied the police who have gono on tours with the phy sicians. One of these defiant citizens was tried In the mayor's court yester day morning and fiiied |I0. There arc somo others to bo tried on similar charges, hut tlicy will bo given anoth er chanco to acquiesce and it is bo- Iteved that tho one example will have tho effect of making the city pbyBl- Ians’ work more easy. There Is no smallpox here now, hut it has broken out here frequently this winter and vaccination Is being enforced at the suggestion of the state board of health. AT LAST Driven to Desperation. 'Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family Is often driven to desperation in caso of accident, resulting In Bums, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply of Bucklen’s Arnica salve. It's tho best on earth. 25c, at W. J. Smith & Bro., and II. IL Palmer A Sons Drug Stores. Send us your Job Printing. Aged 80 Years, She Takes a Husband And is Happy. New York, June 2.—Great surprise has been caused iu Vlucland, N. J, by thu wedding announcement of Miss Susan P. Fowler, one of tho original dress reformers of the country. 8he Is now over SO years old. Miss Fowler has conducted a farm ar Vineland more than forty years, aiul never would have a man about the place until (act fall, when she conclud ed her farming days wero over, and advertised for help. George E. Fowler, of LeMollle, Minn., applied for tho job, and then proposed marriage. After a long cor respondence, he was accepted, and the wedding was set for the latter part of this mouth. Miss Fowler taught school in her native town, Amesbury, Mass., until she was 28 years old. She espoused tho cause of dress reform when It was original in the Oneida community. New York, aud has worn tho bloomer garb more than half a century. S2.H. Athena to Atlanta and return, Juna 4. On account of tho Southern Whole sale Grocers’ association the Seaboard Air Lino railway will sell tickets on June 4, 5, and 6. from all points to At ,anta, Ga., and return at rate of One Fare, plus 25 cents, for tho round trip. Tickets limited to ten days from data of sale, in which to return: J. A. Von Dohlen, Traveling Passenger Agent Atlanta, Ga.